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Full text of "Neuman and Baretti's dictionary of the Spanish and English languages : wherein the words are correctly explained, agreeably to their different meanings, and a great variety of terms, relating to the arts, sciences, manufactures, merchandise, navigation, and trade, elucidated .."

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VOL.  I. 






DICTIONARIES  have  certainly  not  received  those  improvements,  either  in 
plan  or  execution,  which  their  increased  utility  has  rendered  essentially  neces- 
sary. The  difficulty  of  their  execution  sufficiently  accounts  for  this  tardiness 
in  their  advancement ;  and  the  most  ignorant  reader  may  often  discover  an 
error  in  what  relates  to  his  own  particular  branch  of  knowledge,  although  he 
may  be  very  unequal  to  appreciate  the  merits  of  any  other  subject.  But  the 
study,  or  rather  the  mode  of  acquiring  a  knowledge  of  languages,  has  made  as 
little  progress  as  the  compilation  of  dictionaries.  Grammarians  have  multiplied 
divisions,  and  involved  themselves  in  the  subordinate  details  of  grammar, 
without  considering  the  general  and  necessary  principles  of  speech,  the  depend- 
ence of  oral  language  on  the  organs  of  the  voice,  or  the  analogies  between  the 
modes  of  thinking,  the  sentiment,  and  the  language  of  a  particular  people. 
Hence  it  is,  that  persons  often  labour  for  years  to  become  familiar  with  the  sub- 
divisions and  classifications  of  words,  when  a  knowledge  of  what  may  be  truly 
called  the  spirit  of  a  language,  might  be  acquired  in  a  few  hours,  and  all  other 
knowledge  respecting  it  would  follow  as  a  consequence  of  imbibing  its  spirit. 
Whoever  considers  words  as  the  efforts  of  the  mind  to  communicate  its  ideas 
and  feelings,  will  soon  discover  the  universal  principles  of  language,  and  the 
great  similarity  of  all  tongues.  With  a  knowledge  of  these  general  elements, 
it  is  easy  to  recognise,  and  even  to  feel,  the  spirit  of  any  particular  language  or 
dialect ;  and  hence,  the  study  of  different  languages  becomes  not  only  simple 
and  easy,  but  really  instructive,  as  it  presents  incomparably  the  most  faithful 
pictures  of  all  mental  operations,  of  ideas  and  passions,  as  influenced  by  reli- 
gion, laws,  and  civil  polity,  or  climate.  Some  linguists,  indeed,  are  contented 
with  knowing  the  grammatical  distinctions  and  the  names  of  a  coat  or  a  book 
in  several  languages,  without  any  regard  to  the  extension  of  useful  knowledge, 
and  forgetting  that  a  mere  vocabulary  may  be  acquired  by  a  mechanical  effort 
of  the  memory,  independent  of  judgment.  Such  vocabularists  make  no  dis- 
coveries in  the  arts  or  sciences ;  they  never  extend  the  actual  boundaries  of 
our  knowledge,  still  less  do  they  meliorate  their  own  minds,  give  to  their  rea- 
son an  absolute  ascendency  over  their  passions,  or  expand  their  benevolent,  at 
the  expense  of  their  selfish  feelings.  To  obviate  such  pedantry  and  lettered 
uselessness.  has  been  one  of  the  chief  objects  of  the  present  edition  of  this  Spa- 
nish and  English  Dictionary,  which,  it  is  hoped,  contains  not  only  many  thou- 
sand more  words  than  are  to  be  found  in  the  most  copious  vocabularies,  but 
also  much  practical  and  useful  information,  correct  data  from  which  the  nature 


and  operations  of  the  human  mind  in  Spain  and  in  England  may  be  deduced ; 
more  facts,  principles  and  terms,  now  used  in  the  sciences,  arts,  manufactures, 
and  commerce,  than  in  any  similar  dictionary  hitherto  published,  and  likewise 
more  of  the  modern  words  in  the  polite  or  jfamiliar  conversation  of  both  coun- 

When  it  is  remembered  that  words  are  the  representatives  of  ideas,  and 
that  the  language  of  any  people  is  nearly  a  perfect  picture  of  what  passes  or 
exists  in  their  minds,  it  will  be  evident  that  a  complete  dictionary  must  be  a 
faithful  epitome  of  their  intellectual  labours ;   their  idiomatic  phrases  being  but 
abridged  metaphors,  or  modes  of  saying  one  thing  and  meaning  another,  the 
polite  metaphors  of  the  first  age  become  the  vulgarisms  of  the  second,  the  ob- 
solete language  of  the  third,  and  the  nervous  expression  of  the  fourth.     In  this 
manner,  taste,  fashion,  or  the  progress  of  civilization,  and  the  effect  of  external 
circumstances,  modulate  all  living  languages ;    and  every  generation  has  its 
circle  of  what  is  esteemed  polite  phraseology,  in  defiance  of  all  critical  dogmas, 
or  the  more  serious  denunciations  of  censors  and  moralists.     This  continued 
succession  of  popular  phrases  (for  the  words  of  conversation  in  one  age  gene- 
rally form  but  a  very  small  part  of  any  cultivated  language),  contributes  to  aug- 
ment the  interest  of  well-digested  dictionaries,  which  thereby  enable  the  writer 
of  taste  and  reflection  to  select  the  best,  the  most  harmonious,  the  purest,  and 
most  moral  phraseology  that  the  language  of  successive  ages  affords.     To  the. 
divine,  the  moralist,  and  the  metaphysician,  it  is  no  less  important ;  as,  words 
being  the  offspring  of  ideas  and  things,  the  existence  of  the  former  is  the  most 
unequivocal  demonstration  of  that  of  the  latter.     For  instance,  the  French  have 
very  justly  and  naturally  a  term  signifying  a  man  or  a  woman  with  a  bad 
breath,  (Pimais  and  Punaise  ;)  the  Spanish  and  English,  being  generally  devoid 
of  this  quality,  have  no  corresponding  term,   and  are  without  any  such  word. 
This,  however,  is  not  the  only  difference  between  the  languages  and  people  of 
those  countries.     With  every  French  thought  and  word  something  of  colour 
and  stage  effect  is  associated ;    it  is  the  spirit  of  the  people  and  of  their  lan- 
guage, while  that  of  Spain  and  England  is  metaphysical,  or  mere  abstract  truth 
and  reason.     On  the  other  hand,  it  must  be  admitted,  that  the  philanthropic 
observer  of  men  and  manners  will  view,  with  profound  regret,  the  super- 
abundance of  Spanish  epithets  injurious  to  women,  and  feel  perhaps  disposed 
to  consider  the  virtue  of  females  as  the  fairest  criterion  of  national  morality. 
However  this  may  be,  there  is  evidently  more  wisdom  in  raising  than  depre- 
ciating the  moral  qualities  of  those  who  necessarily  teach  the  first  rudiments 
of  knowledge,  and  certainly  modulate  the  character  of  all  mankind.     Contrary 
also  to  the  vulgar  and  even  traditional  opinion  in  Britain,  there  is,  in  fact,  no 
radical  and  appropriate  Spanish  term,  which  exclusively  and  forcibly  conveys 
the  same  idea  as  the  English  word  jealousy.     Nevertheless  the  Spaniards  have  , 
evinced  great  wisdom  in  carefully  guarding  their  language  and  sentiments  from 
the  deteriorating  influence  'of  French  corruption.     In  this  respect,  their  con- 
duct presents  a  noble  example  to  the  modern  English,  who  really  seem  to  be 
almost  ashamed  of  their  mother  tongue,  and  to  have  nearly  forgotten  that  their 
radical  langflage  is  as  old,  and  incomparably  better  than  that  of  France.     The 
ashicnable  and  vulgar  foplings  of  the  day  have  expelled  the  s  and  t  final 
almost  entirely  from  their  jargon,   and  given  an  Anglo-Gallic  pronunciation  to 
plain  English  words,  that  is  more  analogous  to  the  hideous  accents  of  unfortu- 
nate maniacs  than  the  tones  of  rational  beings.     Happily  this  practice  is  still 
confined  to  the  ignorant  and  comparatively  illiterate  ;    but,  however  pity  may 
>e  extended  to  the  prude  and  the  coquette,  whose  imbecile  affectation  may 
abandon  the  definite  and  modest  term  shift,  for  the  silly,  vague,  and  not  very 
delicate  one  chemise   (camis   from  xajx/rtov  would  be  genuine  English) ;  it  i; 


impossible  to  have  any  other  fee-ling  than  that  of  ineffable  contempt  for  the 
breeched  animal,  who  in  the  British  metropolis  has  lost  his  hat  to  find  a  cha- 
peau.     Such  things  require  the  admirable  pen  of  Cadalso,  in  his  Eruditos  a  la 
Violeta.     This  absurdity  is,  indeed,  become  so  enormous  and  offensive,  as  to 
astonish  and  perplex  strangers,  while  it  excites  the  liveliest  regret  in  the  minds 
of  reflecting  natives.     It  has  been  attempted  to  palliate  this  disgrace,  by  alleg- 
ing that  the  English  language  is  chiefly  derived  from  the  French.     Some  ety- 
mologists, it  is  true,  have  read  English  through  French  spectacles,  and  indulg- 
ed their  indolence,  or  masked  their  ignorance,  by  producing  parallel  words 
from  the  French.     As  to  Home  Tooke,  the  most  visionary  and  illogical  of  all 
etymologists,  whatever  is  correct  or  good  in  his  work,  all  his  pretended  disco- 
veries of  the  E-TTsa  •TrrsgosvTa,  may  be  traced  to  what  Spanish  writers  (Aldrete, 
Mayans,  &c.)  have  related  of  the  manner  in  which  the  Goths  corrupted  the 
Latin  in  Spain ;  his  ribaldry  and  blasphemy  are  his  own ;  but  his  errors  have 
been  exposed  with  equal  truth  and  eloquence  by  Professor  Dugald  Stewart. 
There  is,  however,  no  notion  more  erroneous  or  unfounded,  than  that  of  the 
English  tongue  being  derived  from  the  French,  to  which  it,  correctly  speaking, 
owes  nothing  whatever.     The  most  cursory  investigation  must  satisfy  every 
inquirer,  that  the  grand  basis  of  the   English  is  the  Anglo-Saxon,  mixed  with 
Latin  and  Greek,  which  were  popular  languages  in  England  at  two  different 
periods  of  the  dark  ages.     Some  barbarous  law  terms,  and  a  few,  but  very  few, 
other  words,  have  been  borrowed  from  the  French,   while  the  genius  and  spirit 
of  the  language  still  bear  the  noble  features  of  their  Saxon  and  classic  origin. 
This   was   universally  admitted,    till  Bolingbroke,  and  his  follower  Pope,  in- 
troduced the  French  style  into  prose  and  rhyme  ;    the  former  moralized  to  ob- 
literate the  remembrance  of  his  treason,  and  the  latter  rhymed  solely  in  imita- 
tion of  Boileau.     Their  example  has  been  adopted  by  Gibbon,  who  aped  Vol- 
taire ;  but  it  is  the  elephant  imitating  the  monkey;    his  infidelity  and  occa- 
sional obscenity  betray  his  extreme  want  of  morality  and  judgment,  and  suit 
the  Gallic  tinsel  of  his  monotonous  jargon.     In  the  voluminous   writings  of 
Gibbon,  it  is  perhaps  impossible  to  find  one  sentence  of  pure  English  ;  and  the 
foreigner,  who  wishes  to  have  a  correct  knowledge  of  the  language,  will,  it  is 
hoped,  never  read  a  page  either  of  Bolingbroke  or  Gibbon  in  their  English 
form.     Between  the  Spanish  and  English  there  is  much  more  similarity  than 
between  the  French  and  English;  and  this  Dictionary  will  furnish  satisfactory 
evidence,  that  both  nations  adopted  the  same  Latin  words,  with  the  same  sig- 
nifications, into  their  vernacular  dialects.     Several  of  those  words  are  marked 
disused  in  both  countries,  some  others  are  printed  in  capitals,  while  whole 
families  of  words  are  still  used,   as  indagar*  from  indagare,  to  indagate.     The 
judicious  traveller,  who  has  studied  anatomy  and  physiognomy,  and  visited  the 
inhabitants  in  the  valleys  of  Aragon  and  other  northern  provinces  of  Spain,  and 
who  has  also  observed  the  natives  of  the  Isle  of  Wight,  and  the  inhabitants  in 
the  valleys  of  the  South  Downs,  will  be  at  no  loss  to  discover  the  most  unequi- 
vocal evidence  of  indentity  of  origin,  and  instantly  conclude,  that  a  branch  of 
the  same  race  of  Saxons  (the  Getae),  who  invaded  the  south-west  of  England, 
must  also  have  extended  themselves  to  Spain.     The  physical  traits  of  similarity 
are  as  striking  as  those  of  the  ancient  Greeks,  whose  descendants  still  appear 
in  the  valleys  of  Granada.     The  inquisitive  reader  may  perhaps  feel  disposed 
to  pursue  this  subject  much  farther  than  it  is  here  expedient.     A  writer  in  the 
Archaeologia,  .published  by  the  Society  of  Antiquaries  of  London,  has  traced 
the  first  inhabitants  of  Britain  to  the  Iberians ;    but  it  is  easier  to  frame  in- 
genious theories  than  to  collect  facts  and  make  correct  observations.     The 
Saxon  race  is  much  less  equivocal. 

In  order  to  facilitate  the  acquisition  of  English,  it  may  here  be  proper  to 


notice  its  significant  terminations,  which  somewhat  exceed  a  hundred.  The 
terminations  or  affixes  an,  in,  ine,  and  ana,  have  a  possessive  import,  and  signify 
belonging  to,  as  partizan  is  belonging  to  a  party ;  ee  annexed  to  a  verb  mark 
its  personal  object,  patient,  or  result ;  er  to  adjectives  signifies  before  or  supe- 
rior ;  but  when  cr,  or,  and  our,  are  added  to  words  signifying  action,  they 
denote  the  person  who  acts ;  as  from  love,  lover  :  they  also  become  abstract 
nouns  or  general  names  of  things,  as  from  the  Saxon  mojifc,  death,  we  have 
murther  or  murder,  and  we  was  formerly  written  our,  as  plesour,  now  pleasure, 
from  the  Latin  placco,  and  not  the  French  plaisir.  Ess  and  ix  are  the  only 
feminine  terminations,  as  ster  is  used  to  both  sexes ;  the  Saxon  ric  or  rick 
marks  possession  or  dominion  ;  en  was  the  Saxon  plural,  still  used  in  children, 
&c. ;  it  also  signifies  made  or  consisting  of,  as  golden  ;  and  finished,  as  proven, 
proved;  to  shorten,  i.  e.  to  make  shorter:  the  difference  between  ed  of  the  past 
tense,  and  en  of  the  participle,  is,  that  in  the  former  the  action  is  considered,  in 
the  latter  its  effects  on  the  object ;  gkt  is  the  same  as  ed,  finished,  and  the 
latter  in  adjectives  often  becomes  id ;  the  adjective  affixes  ant,  ent,  and  sub- 
stantive ones  ance,  ence,  and  end,  denote  being  or  state,  as  abundant  is  the 
quality  of  being  or  existing  in  abundance ;  and  friend  from  pjieonbe,  loving ; 
hence  the  cause  of  its  being  still  pronounced  frend  ;  ing  and  ion  simply  indicate 
the  existence  of  quality  or  action,  and  ment  or  mony  is  of  the  like  import ;  i/e, 
al,  and  ar,  are  adjective  terminations  expressing  quality  or  disposition  ;  when 
al  is  added  to  a  verb,  it  is  the  same  as  ing  or  ion  ;  able  and  ible  signify  having 
or  possessing  any  quality  or  power ;  ic,  ick,  ique,  usque,  imply  kind,  division,  or 
similarity ;  ical  is  al  and  ic  ;  ch  and  ish  have  the  same  meaning,  but  the  latter 
is  generally  a  diminutive  ;  ide,  ulous,  incle,  and  et,  are  also  diminutives  ;  oon  is 
an  augmentative ;  y  is  derived  from  the  Saxon  3,  and  corresponds  to  the  Latin 
ia ;  Itj,  like,  and  ably,  indicate  similarity ;  ary,  cry,  and  ory,  express  sort  or 
kind  ;  kin,  kind,  ling,  and  let,  denote  family  or  relation,  but  the  two  latter  are 
also  diminutives ;  ous,  eous,  wise,  and  ways,  express  kind,  or  manner  of  the 
word  to  which  they  are  affixed  ;  on  makes  a  personal  substantive  of  similarity, 
as  patron  from  pater,  father ;  full  or  ful  are  self-evident ;  less  means  want  or 
dismissal ;  age  and  ish  imply  act,  effect,  or  result,  but  age  also  signifies  space 
of  time  and  price  ;  ise  or  ize  are  verbal  terminations ;  ism  denotes  collection  of 
effects  or  classes  of  action ;  ist  and  ite,  personal  agent ;  we,  if,  mean  causing  or 
producing ;  ate,  ated,  ating,  ation,  ator,  atory,  and  ace,  all  imply  action  or  agent ; 
el  or  le,  annexed  to  verbs,  make  them  frequentatives,  as  to  prate,  to  prattle,  £c. 
ad  or  ade  means  mass  or  heap  ;  cide  and  cidal  are  to  kill ;  ard  denotes  nature, 
species,  kind,  or  manner;  ward  means  looking  to,  or  in  the  direction  of; 
hearted  is  applied  to  the  feelings  or  passions,  headed  to  the  mind  and  judg- 
ment ;  stead  and  step  indicate  place ;  dom,  condition  of  existence ;  head,  hood, 
and  chief,  mean  principal  and  state  ;  ship,  skip,  or  scape,  also  denote  head  or 
chief;  ce,  cy,  ity,  tude,  and  th,  are  affixes  to  nouns  of  generality;  fy  is  to  make, 
faction,  the  act  of  making,  and  sometimes  the  thing  made,  as  petrifaction  ;  ign 
expresses  quality ;  ow  is  of  the  kind  ;  some  and  sum  mean  quantity  ;  and  the  s, 
so  much  abused  by  Gallic  affectation,  is  properly  an  adverbial  affix,  as  back- 
ward is  the  quality  of  an  action,  backwards  the  manner  of  it ;  stall  and  still  are 
to  place ;  tide  and  time  are  synonymous  ;  w  is  interchangeable  with  g,  as  guile 
and  wile.  As  to  the  prefixes,  they  are  chiefly  Latin  or  Greek  prepositions, 
and  have  nothing  peculiar.  Un  is  of  Saxon  origin,  and  is  not  merely  a  nega- 
tive, but  means  to  reverse  the  action  of  the  verb  to  which  it  is  prefixed.  En 
in  composition  becomes  em,  in,  ig,  il,  im,  or  ir,  according  to  the  letter  which 
immediately  follows  it.  Many  writers  confound  the  prefixes  en  and  in,  although 
the  latter  properly  signifies  situation  or  place,  and  is  also  a  negative  ;  thus,  to 
inquire,  means  to  seek  in  or  search  the  place,  and  to  enquire  only  signifies  to 

PREFACE.  vii 

make  search.  Farther  explanations  on  this  head  may  be  found  in  the  gram- 
mars of  Lovvth,  Grant,  and  Allen,  and  the  Analytical  Introduction  of  Booth. 

The  Spanish  terminations  are  easily  acquired.  It  was  observed  by  Mayans, 
that  many  Spanish  substantives  and  adjectives  are  Latin  ablative  cases  singular, 
or  accusatives  plural,  as  ars,  arte,  artes ;  prudens,  prudeute,  prudentes.  The 
d,  /,  «,  r,  s,  xy  and  z,  are  the  only  consonants,  which  can  terminate  a  word, 
although  b,  c,  d,  <JT,  I,  w,  n,  p,  r,  s,  t,  x,  and  z,  may  end  a  syllable;  c,  /,  n,  r,  in 
a  few  words  admit  of  being  doubled,  and  also  the  vowels  a,  e,  i,  and  o,  but 
more  rarely.  The  organs  of  speech  render  6,  p,  w,  and  /,  and,  c,  #,  j  and  q  in- 
terchangeable in  both  languages  ;  in  English  s  and  z  are  commutable  in  verbal 
terminations.  The  Latin  t  is  almost  always  changed  in  Spanish  for  c  or  2,  as 
gratia,  gracia,  ratio,  razon ;  the  Latin  mutes  are  likewise  omitted,  as  scicntia, 
ciencia ;  in  other  cases  an  e  is  prefixed  for  the  sake  of  euphony,  as  species 
makes  especie.  The  Latin  adjectives  in  bilis  obey  the  same  law  in  Spanish 
and  English,  and  make  ble  ;  au  is  changed  to  o,  as  aurum,  oro  ;  i  to  e,  as  infir- 
mus,  enfermo ;  u  to  o,  as  musca,  mosca ;  ovum,  huevo ;  /  is  converted  into  h,  as 
facere,  hacer ;  m  into  n,  as  lympha,  linfa ;  Latin  infinitives  become  Spanish  by 
dropping  the  final  e,  as  ponere,  poner,  dormire,  dormir,  stare,  estar ;  some  words 
are  also  augmented,  by  that  spirit  of  magnanimity  which  animates  every  Spa- 
niard, and  which  was  judiciously  observed  by  Smith  in  his  Theory  of  Moral 
Sentiments ;  as  from  spes  comes  esperanza,  cor,  corazon ;  and,  as  a  proof  of 
their  delicacy  and  temperance,  comedere  is  reduced  to  comer.  These  literal 
mutations  will  be  evident  to  the  classical  reader,  and  to  others  any  further 
notice  of  them  would  be  useless. 

It  remains  to  say  something  of  the  great  and  numerous  additions  to  the 
volumes  now  submitted  to  the  public.  Above  ten  whole  sheets  have  been  added 
to  the  recent  editions  of  this  Dictionary,  which,  with  the  additional  matter 
gained  by  compressing  the  definitions  so  as  to  have  few  short  lines,  and  a 
greater  length  of  page,  as  well  as  other  alterations  in  the  mode  of  printing,  aug- 
ment the  contents  to  nearly  twenty  sheets  more  than  the  preceding  editions. 
In  the  Spanish-English,  there  are  above  3000  entirely  new  articles  introduced  ; 
in  the  English-Spanish  above  12,000.  Besides  these  additions,  in  both  parts, 
it  will  be  found  that  very  few  of  the  old  definitions  have  been  allowed  to  pass, 
without  either  correction  or  the  addition  of  many  new  and  appropriate 
synonyms,  several  thousand  of  which  are  not  to  be  found  in  any  Spanish  or 
English  dictionary  yet  published,  or  indeed  in  any  dictionary  of  two  languages, 
which  has  fallen  under  the  observation  of  the  writer.  The  corrections  have 
been  made  after  carefully  consulting  the  writings  of  father  Isla,  Capmany, 
Jovellanos,  &c.  and  some  Spanish  living  authors  of  established  reputation.  In 
some  words  the  reader  will  observe  definitions  in  both  parts  diametrically 
opposite  to  what  are  given  in  almost  all  other  dictionaries ;  he  is  not  therefore 
to  conclude  that  they  are  wrong,  but  to  examine  facts,  when  he  may  perhaps 
discover  their  general  accuracy,  and  that  they  are  derived  from  diligent 
research.  It  rarely  happens,  as  in  the  present  case,  that  compilers  of  dictiona- 
ries are  equally  well  acquainted  with  words  and  with  things  :  it  is  the  want  of 
the  latter,  and  more  arduous  kind  of  knowledge,  which  occasions  the  defective- 
ness  of  all  dictionaries.  In  this  edition,  it  is  believed,  more  terms  of  science, 
arts,  manufactures,  and  commerce,  have  been  introduced  than  were  ever  before 
attempted  in  a  dictionary  of  two  languages,  and  even  more  than  exist  in  any 
English  dictionary  extant. 

Important  political  circumstances  have  recently  happily  combined  to  promote 
an  extended  intercourse  between  England  and  Spain — both  European  and 
American.  The  prejudices  of  religion,  which  had  hitherto  interdicted  the  dis- 
semination of  our  literature,  are  rapidly  vanishing  before  the  edicts  of  a  more 

viii  PREFACE. 

liberal  government  in  the  old  country,  whilst  the  separation  of  Spanish  America 
from  its  parent  state  cannot  but  infuse  new  life  into  our  commercial  enterprise, 
and  bring  us  more  immediately  in  contact  with  a  country,  the  natural  resources 
of  which  are  boundless  ;  and  with  a  people,  who  have  manifested  the  strongest 
desire  to  cultivate  the  friendship,  and  to  repose  the  fullest  confidence  in  the 
known  integrity  and  honour,  of  the  British  nation.  That  this  copious  Diction- 
ary of  the  languages  of  these  countries  may  be  the  medium  of  facilitating  the 
communication,  and  of  promoting  the  best  interests  of  each,  is  not  only  the 
earnest  desire,  but  is  also  the  certain  anticipation,  of  the  Editors. 

Lastly,  the  Editors  regret,  from  particular  circumstances,  they  are  not  per- 
mitted to  return  publicly  their  thanks  to  many  Spanish  and  other  gentlemen, 
who  have  generously  assisted  their  researches,  either  by  the  loan  of  books,  or 
by  written  communications.  To  James  Edwards,  Esq.  of  Binstead,  Isle  of 
Wight,  they  are  however  happy  in  having  this  opportunity  of  making  their 
grateful  acknowledgments  for  the  very  handsome  manner  in  which  he  favoured 
them  with  some  valuable  books  from  his  well-chosen  library,  and  which  they 
believe  to  be  only  a  small  testimony  of  his  friendship  to  literature,  and  of  his 
zeal  for  the  diffusion  of  useful  knowledge. 


The  sm.  sf.  mean  substantives  masculine  and 'feminine ;  5.  implies  that  the  word  is  of  both  genders ;  va. 
vn.  IT.  verbs  active,  neuter,  and  reflective  or  reciprocal ;  a.  adjective  :  ad.  adverb  ;  pron.  pronoun ;  pa.  par- 
ticiple active.  The  contractions  in  parentheses  are  the  first  syllables  of  terms  of  science  and  arts,  or  names 
of  provinces  where  the  word  is  most  used,  as  (Anat.)  Anatomy,  (And.)  Andalusia,  (Ant.)  Antiquated,  (Ar.) 
or  (Arasr.)  Aragon,  (Arq.)  Architecture,  (Art.)  Artillery,  (Aum.)  Augmentative,  (Bot.)  Botany,  (Met.)  Meta- 
phor or  Metaphorical ;  and  so  of  the  others.  Verbs  active,  neuter,  or  reciprocal  are  not  repeated,  but  marked 
thus,  AFIRMAR,  va. — m. — vr.  When  a  word  is  substantive,  adjective,  and  adverb,  it  is  marked  thus,  MAL, 
sm. — a. — ad.  The  masculine  and  feminine  terminations  0,  and  A,  and  diminutives  ico,  ICA  ;  ILLO,  ILLA  ; 
ITO,  ITA  ;  UELO,  UELA,  cannot  be  misunderstood.  The  words  printed  in  capitals,  like  ADULTERATED, 
are  such  as  have  been  derived  from  the  .Spanish,  but  which  have  hitherto  either  eluded  the  researches  of  English 
etymologists,  or  been  erroneously  ascribed  to  another  source  :  the  number  might  have  been  increased  had 
it  been  more  essential.  In  the  Second  Volume  the  English  words  are  accented  so  as  to  convey  some  idea 
of  their  pronunciation.  Thus,  when  a  vowel  is  doubled  and  pronounced  short,  the  accent  is  placed  on  the 
first,  as  in  brfaclies,  pronounced  breches ;  when  pronounced  long,  the  accent  is  on  the  latter  vowel,  as  in 
breeding ;  bearLike,  pro.  barelike ;  teast&ie,  pro.  beestlike ;  blood,  pro.  blud ;  bloom,  pro.  blume,  &c. 


DE    LAS 


Espanol  e  Ingles — Spanish  and  English. 

In  the  Spanish  language,  has  but  one 
sound,  and  is  pronounced  as  the  open 
English  a  in  master. 

A'. prep,  which  signifies,  to,  in,  at,  according  to, 
on,  by,  for,  and  of;  as  voy  d  Madrid,  I  am 
going  to  Madrid  ;  d  la  Inglcsa,  in  the  En- 
glish fashion  ;  d  oriente,  in  the  east :  jugar  d 
los  miypes,  to  play  at  cards  :  d  las  ocho,  at 
eight  o'clock  :  d  pnieba,  de  bombas,  bomb- 
proof: d  ley  de  Castilla,  according  to  the  law 
of  Castile  :  el  vino  d  pie,  he  came  on  foot ; 
quie,n  d  hierro  mata,  d  hierro  muere,  he  who 
kills  by  the  sword,  dies  by  the  sword  ;  das  d 
dos,  two  by  two  :  d  como  vale  tafancga  ?  d 
trcinla  realcs,  for  how  much  a  bushel  ?  for 
thirty  reals  ;  estc  libra  va  d  Pedro,  this  book 
is  for  Peter  :  este  vaso  hnele  d  vino,  this  glass 
smells  of  wine  :  real  de  d  ocho,  piece  of  eight, 
V.  Real. 

A1  coalesces  with  the  masculine  article  el,  and 
instead  of  d  cl,  as  anciently  used,  al  is  now 
written,  as  al  rey,  to  the  king  ;  al  papa,  to 
the  pope.  This  prepositive  article  is  also  used 
before  the  infinitive  mode  of  verbs,  as  al  ama- 
nccer,  at  the  break  of  day  ;  al  parecer,  ap- 
parently. A1  is  equivalent  to  the  limit  or  end 
of  any  place  or  time,  d  la  cosccha  pagard,  I 
shall  pay  at  harvest-time  ;  desde  aqui  d  S. 
Juan,  from  this  to  St.  John's  day  ;  me  llegaba 
el  agua  d  la  garganta.  the  water  was  up  to 
my  throat.  Occasionally  it  implies  towards 
or  opposite,  as,  sefue  d  ellos,  volvid  la  cara 
d  tal  parte,  being  towards  or  opposite  them, 
he  turned  his  face  to  such  a  part. 

A1  sometimes  signifies  the  motive  or  principle, 
as,  d  instancid  de  la  villa,  at  the  request  of 
the  city  :  d  quc  proposito  ?  to  what  purpose  ? 
It  also  serves  to  express  distributive  numbers ; 
as,  d  perdiz  por  barba,  a  partridge  a-head.  It 
is  likewise  a  mere  explicative  in  some  phrases 
joined  to  a  pronoun,  as,  d  mi  me  consta,  la 
verdad,  I  know  the  truth,  or,  the  truth  is  evi- 
dent to  me  ;  yo  me  culpo  d  mi,  I  blame  my- 
self, or,  I  take  blame  to  myself;  tu  te  alabas 
d  ti,  thou  praisest  thyself;  vamos  d  pasear, 
let  us  take  a  walk.  Before  the  infinjtive 
mode,  and  at  the  beginning  of  a  sentence,  it 
has  sometimes  a  conditional  sense,  as,  d  dccir 
verdad,  if  I  must  speak  the  truth. 

A1.  This  preposition  governs  almost  all  parts  of 
speech,  whether  substantives,  adjectives,  pro- 


nouns,  or  verbs  ;  d  los  hombres,  to  men  :  de 
bueno  a  malo,  from  good  to  bad  :  d  mi,  d  ti, 
a,  vosotros,  to  me,  to  thee,  to  you  :  a  jugar, 
to  play.  It  sometimes  points  out  the  person 
in  whom  the  action  of  the  verb  terminates, 
and  is  placed  before  the  accusative  case,  as 
amo  d  Pedro,  I  love  Peter. 

A1  is  still  used  in  some  phrases  instead  of  par, 
en,  sin,  para  and  la  ;  and  in  obsolete  writings 
for  con  and  de.  In  composition  it  serves  to 
convert  substantives  and  adjectives  into  verbs, 
as  iibocar  from  boca,  ablandar  from  blando, 
&c.  Formerly  it  was  prefixed  to  many  words, 
as  abaxar,  amatar,  &c.  but  being  redundant 
these  words  are  now  written  baxar,  matar, 

A1  is  frequently  used  adverbially,  as,  d  deshora, 
unseasonably  ;  d  diferencia  de  csto,  contrary 
to  this  ;  d  proposito  de  eso,  in  consequence  of 
that ;  d  la  verdad,  truly  ;  d  lo  menos,  at  least ; 
d  sabiendas,  knowingly  ;  d  veccs,  sometimes ; 
d  vista  de  ojos,  evidently,  at  a  glance. 

AA.  Contraction  for  authors  ;  and  A.  for  high- 
ness, or  for  approval. 

AARON,  sm.  V.  Barba.  [yards. 

A'BA,  sf.  A  small  measure  for  lands  of  about  two 

ABABA,  sf.  Red  poppy,  corn-rose.  Papaver 
rhoeas  L.  V.  Amapola,. 

ABABOL,  sm.  (Ar.)  V.  Amapola. 

ABACERIA,  sf.  A  chandler's  shop,  where  oil, 
vinegar,  &c.  are  sold. 

ABACERO,  RA,  s.  A  retailer  of  provisions,  oil, 
vinegar,  &c. 

ABACISX,  a.  Belonging  to  an  abbot. 

A'BACO,  sm.  (Arq.)  Abacus,  highest  moulding 
on  the  capital  01  a  column. 

AB^D,  sm.  I.  An  abbot.  2.  A  curate.  Mad,  ben- 
dito,  abbot  having  almost  episcopal  jurisdic- 

ABADA,  sf.  The  female  rhinoceros. 

ABADEJO,  sm.  1.  Cod-fish  :  properly  Poor-jack. 
Cadus  pollachius  L.  2.  Yellow  wren.  Mota- 
cilla  trochilus  L.  3.  (Ant.)  Spanish  fly  ;  blis- 
ter beetle. 

ABADENGO,  GA,  a.  Belonging  to  an  abbot. 

ABADES,  sm.  pi.  Spanish  flies,  cantharides. 

ABADESA,  sf.  An  abbess. 

ABADIA,  sf.  1.  An  abbey.  2.  Abbacy.  3.  A  cu- 
rate's house. 

ABADIADO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Abbey-lands. 

ABALADO,  DA,  a.  Spongy,  tumid,  soft. 



ABAIANZADO,DA,  a.  1.  Balanced.  2.  Audacious. 

AB  ALANZAR,  va.  1.  To  balance,  to  counterpoise. 
2.  To  weigh,  to  compare.  3.  To  dart,  to  im- 
pel.— vr.  1.  To  rush  on  with  impetuosity.  2. 
To  venture. 

ABALDONAR,»«.I.  To  debase,  to  revile,  to  under- 
value, to  reproach.  2.  (Ant.)  To  abandon. 

ABALEAR,  va.  To  fan  or  winnow  corn ;  to  cleanse 
it  from  the  chaff. 

ABALLAR,  va.  (Ant.)  1.  To  strike  down.  2.  To 
carry  off.  3.  To  move.  4.  (Pint.)  V.  Rebaxar. 

ABALI.EJTAR,  ra.  (Naut.)  To  haul  a  cable. 

ABALORIOS,  sm.  pi.  Bugles,  glass  beads. 

ABANDERADO,  sm.  A  standard-bearer. 

ABANDERI/ADOR,  RA,  s.  A  factious  person  ;  a 

ABANDERIZAR,  va.  To  cabal ;  to  stir  up  distur- 

ABANDONADO,  DA,  a.  Abandoned,  profligate,  de- 

ABANDO.VAMIENTO  6  ABANDONO,  sm.  1.  The  act 
of  abandoning.  2.  Lewdness,  debauchery. 

AB  ANDONAR,  va.  To  abandon,  to  desert. — vr.  To 
despond,  to  despair  ;  to  give  one's  self  up  to. 

ABANICAR,  va.  To  fan. 

ABAMCAZO,  sm.  Stroke  with  a  fan. 

ABANICO,  sm.  I.  A  fan.  2.  A  sprit-sail.  En  aba- 
nico,  Fan-formed,  like  a  fan.  [fold. 

ABANILLO,  sm.  I.  Small  fan.  2.  A  ruff,  ruffle, 

ABANINO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Ruffle,  frill,  ruff. 

ABANIQUKRO,  sm.  A  fan-maker. 

ABA  NO,  sm.  A  large  fan. 

ABASTO,  sm.  A  bird  belonging  to  the  family  of 

ABARATAR,  va.  To  abate,  to  beat  down  the  price. 

ABARC  A,  sf.  A  piece  of  coarse  leather  tied  on  the 
soles  of  the  feet.and  worn  by  Spanish  peasants. 

ABARCADO,  DA,  a.  Having  the  feet  supported 
by  pieces  of  dry  skin.  [er. 

ABARC  ADOR,  KA,  s.  Embracer,  undertaker,clasp- 

ABARCADI^RA  6  ABARCAMIENTO,  s.  An  embrace. 

ABARC^R,  va.  1.  To  clasp,  to  embrace.  2.  To 
contain  ;  to  undertake.  3.  (Mont.)  To  go 
round  and  inspect.  JUnircar  el  vicnto,  To  go 
round  cattle,  game,  a  hill,  &c.  with  the  wind 
in  the  face. 

ABARCON,  sm.  An  iron  ring.  [wind. 

ABARLOAR,  vn.  (Naut.)  To  bear  up,  to  haul  the 

AaARquiLLAR,  va.  To  build  boats  and  gondolas 

ABARRACARSE,  vr.  To  withdraw  into  barracks 

ABARRADO,  DA,  a.  Striped,  clouded. 

ABARRAGANARSE.  vr.  To  live  in  concubinage. 

ABARRANCADERO,  sm.  1.  A  deep,  heavy  road.  2 
A  precipice.  3.  (Met.)  Difficult  business. 

AuAiMtANCAMiKNTo,  sm.  Act  of  making  or  fall- 
ing into  cavities  or  ruts  ;  embarrassment. 

ABARRANCAR,  va.  To  break  up  a  road  ;  to  dig 
holes. — vr.  To  fall  into  a  pit ;  to  become  em- 

ABARRA.R,  va.  V.  Acibarrar.  [jera 

ABAKRAZ,  sra.  (Bot.)  Louse-wort.  V.  Yerba.pio- 

ABARRENAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Barrenar. 

ABARRERA,  sf.  (Mure.)  V.  Regatona.  [ly 

ABARRISCO,  ad.  Indiscriminately,  promiscuous- 

ABARROTXR,  va.  1.  To  tie  down,  to  bind  with 
cords.  2.  (Naut..)  To  trim  the  hold,  to  stow 
the  cargo. 

ABARROTE,sm.  (Naut.)  A  small  package  for  fill- 
ing up  the  cavities  in  the  stowage  of  a  cargo. 

ABASTADAMENTE,  ad.  Abundantly,  copiously. 

ABASTANTE,  ad.  (Ant.)  V.  Bastante, 

ABASTAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Abastecer  and  Bastar. 

ABASTECEDOR,  RA,  s.  A  caterer,  purveyor  or 
provider.  [vey- 

ABASTECER,  va.  To  provide  necessaries,  to  pur- 

ABASTECIMIENTO,  sm.  1.  The  office  of  a  pur- 
veyor. 2.  Provisions. 

ABASTIONAR,  va.  To  construct  bastions,  to  fur- 
nish with  bastions. 

AB^STO,  sm.  I.  The  supply  of  a  town  with  pro- 
visions. 2.  (Met.)  Any  thing  abundant.  3, 
Small  embroideries. 

ABATANAR,  va.  To  beat  or  full  cloth. 

ABATE,  sm.  (An  Italian  term.)  An  abb6  wear- 
ing a  short  cloak. 

AB^TE,  inter j.  Take  care  !  Stand  out  of  the  way 

ABATIDAMENTE,  ad.  meanly,  basely. 

ABATIDO,  DA,  a.  mean,  base. 

ABATIMIENTO,  sm.  1.  Overthrow,  destruction.  2. 
Discouragement,  lowness  of  spirits.  3.  Hum- 
ble, obscure  condition.  Matimitnto  del  rum- 
ba, (Naut.)  The  leeway  of  a  ship. 

ABATfR,  va.  1.  To  throw  down,  to  overthrow. 
2.  To  humble,  to  debase. — vn.  To  descend,  to 
stoop. — vr.  1.  To  be  disheartened.  2.  (Naut.) 
To  have  leeway. 

ABAXADOR,  sm.  1.  Stable-boy  in  mines.  2.  An 
abater,  he  that  takes  down. 

ABAXAMJENTO,  sm.  Dejection,  humbling. 

ABAX^R,  vn.  (Ant.)  V.  Baxar. 

ABAXO,  ad.  Under,  underneath,  below.  Venirse 
abaxo,  To  fall,  to  tumble. 

ABCION,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Mcion. 

ABDICACION.  sf.  Abdication. 

ABDICAR,  va.  1.  To  abdicate.  2.  To  revoke,  to 
annul.  [ently. 

AUDIO  ATIVAMENTE,  ad.  Exclusively,  independ- 

ABDICATJVO,  VA,  a.  Exclusive,  independent. 

ABDOMEN,  sm.  Abdomen. 

ABECE,  sm.  The  alphabet ;  the  letters  or  ele- 
ments of  speech. 

ABECEDX.RIO,  sm.  1.  A  spelling  book.  2.  A  table 
of  contents. 

ABEDUL,  sm.  The  common  birch-tree. 

ABEJA,  sf.  A  bee.  M6ja  madstra  guia  6  madre, 
The  queen  or  queen-bee.  Abtja  machiega, 

ABEJ^R,  sm.  A  bee-hive.  V.  Colmenar. 

ABE  J^R,  a.  Uva  abejar,  A  grape  of  which  bees 
are  very  fond. 

ABEJARROK  6  ABEJORRO,  sm.  A  horse-fly. 

ABEJARUCO  6  ABEJERUCO,  sm.  1.  The  bee- 
eater,  a  bird.  Merops  apiaster  L.  2.  (Met.) 
A  mean,  despicable  fellow. 

ABE  j  ERA,  sf.  Balm-mint,  or  bee-worth.  Meliasa 
officinalis  L. 

ABEJERO,  sm.  1.  A  keeper  of  bee  hives.  2.  V. 

ABEJICA,  I.LA,  TA,  6  ABEJIJELA,  sf.  A  little  bee. 

ABEJON,  sm.  1.  A  bee  which  makes  no  honey  •, 
a  drone.  2.  A  rustic  play  of  buzzing  in  and 
striking  the  ear.  [drone. 

ABEJONCILLO,  sm.  A  small  wild  bee,  a  small 

ABELCACADO,  DA,  a.  Mean  spirited  ;  accustom- 
ed to  act  with  meanness. 

ABEM.ACARSE,  vr.  To  be  mean;  to  degrade 
one's  self. 

AsELLAr,  sm.  V.  Colmenar. 



ABEMOLAR,  va.  1.  (Mue.)  To  compose  inft-nat. 

2.  To  soften,  to  quiet. 

ABENtiz,  sm.  Eben  tree,  the  tree  which  yields 
ebony  wood. 

ABESOLA  6  ABESXJLA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Eye-lash. 

ABEKENGEN^DO,  DA,  a.  Having  the  colour  of 
the  egg-plant  or  mad-apple,  lilac. 

ABEUNUNCIO,  interj.  Far  be  it  from  me. 

ABEROZERA,  sf.  The  strawberry-tree.  Arbutus 
unedo  L. 

ABER.KUG.4no.  DA,  «.  Full  of  warts. 

ABERTERO,  RA,  a.  V.  Jlbrid&ro. 

ABERTI}RA,  sf.  1.  The  act  of  opening  ;  begin- 
ning, commencement.  2.  An  opening,  chink. 

3.  Openness  of  mind ;   plain  dealing.    4.  A 
leak.  5.  (Mus.)  Overture. 

ABETERXO  (6  ab  eterno,  Lat.)  From  all  eternity. 

ABETE,  sm.  1.  Hook  for  holding  cloth.  2.  V. 

ABETO,  sm.  The  silver-tree;  the  yew-leaved 
fir.  Pinus  picca  L. 

ABETUN.£DO,  DA,  a.  Resembling  bitumen. 

ABEURREA,  sf.  Mark  used  to  designate  proper- 
ty iu  land. 

ABEZANA,  sf.  Several  yokes  of  oxen  ploughing 

ABEZ.X.R,  va.  V.Jlvezar. 

ABEzdif,  sm.  Dill.  Anetum  graveolens  L. 

ABIERTAMENTE,  ad.  Frankly,  openly. 

ABIERTO,  TA,  a.  I.  Open,  free,  clear.  2.  Sincere, 

ABIGAKRADO,  DA,  a.  Variegated. 

ABIGARRA\R,  va.  To  cloud  or  paint  with  a  di- 
versity of  colours,  without  order  or  union. 

ABIGF.ATO,  sm.  (For.)  Theft  of  cattle. 

ABIGEO,  sm.  A  thief  or  stealer  of  cattle. 

ABIGOTA^DO,  DA,  a.  A  person  wearing  long  whis- 

ABIHARES,  5m.  1.  Narcissus  or  daffodil.  2.  A 
precious  stone  of  the  colour  of  the  daffodil. 

AEINICIO,  (6ab  initio,  Lat.)  From  the  beginning. 

ABINTKSTATO,  a.  (Lat.)  Intestate. — sm.  Process 
of  a  jud  we  in  cases  of  no  will.  [L. 

ABIOSA,  sf.  The  buffalo  snake.  Boa  constrictor 

ABISMAI.ES,  s.  Clasp  nails. 

ABISMAR,  va.  To  depress,  to  humble,  to  destroy. 

ABISMO,  sm.  1.  Abyss.  2.  That  which  is  im- 
mense, or  incomprehensible.  3.  Hell. 

ABISPON,  sm.  A  hornet.  [bits. 

AEITADURA,  sf.  A  turn  of  the  cable  around  the 

ABITA^UE,  sm.  A  rafter  or  joist,  the  fourth  part 

,   of  a  girder. 

ABIT^R,  va.  Mitar  el  cable,  To  bite  the  cable. 

ABITAS,  sm.  pi.  Bits.  Mitas  del  Molinete,  Car- 

A'BITO,  sm.  Habit,  dress.  V.  Habito. 

ABIT^ES,  sm.  pi.  Top-sail  sheet,  bits. 

ABIZCOCH!DO,  DA,  a.  In  the  form  of  a  biscuit ; 

ABJURACION,  sf.  Abjuration. 

ABJUR^R,  va.  To  abjure,  to  recant  upon  oath. 

ABLANDA\R,  va.  1.  To  soften.  2.  To  loosen.  3. 
To  assuage,  to  mitigate. — vn.  To  grow  mild 
or  temperate  :  applied  to  the  weather. 

ABLAVDATIVO,  VA,  a.  Of  a  softening  quality. 

ABLANO,  sm.  The  hazel-tree. 

ABLATIVO,  sm.  Ablative  ;  the  sixth  case  of  La- 
tin nouns. 

ABLCLIO.V,  sf.  1.  Ablution.  2.  The  water  with 

which  Roman  Catholic  priests  purify  the 
chalice  at  mass. 

ABNEGACION,  sf.  Abnegation,  self-denial. 
NEGAX  va.  To  renounce,  to  deny  one's  self 
any  thing. 

ABOBADO,  DA,  a.  Stultified,  simple,  silly. 

ABOBAMIENTO,  sm.  Stupefaction,  stupidity. 

ABOB^R,  va.  1.  To  stupify.  2.  V.  Embobar. — 
vr.  To  grow  stupid. 

ABOC^DO,  a.  Mild,  agreeable  ;  applied  to  wine. 

ABOCAMIENTO,  sm.  A  meeting,  an  interview. 

ABoc.4R,»a.  1.  To  take  or  catch  with  the  mouth. 
2.  Mocar  la  artilleria,  to  bring  the  guns  to 
bear.  3.  Mocar  un  estrtcho,  To  enter  the 
mouth  of  a  channel  or  strait. — vr.  To  meet 
by  agreement,  in  order  to  treat  upon,  or  set- 
tle an  affair. 

ABOCARD!DO,  DA,  a.  Wide-mouthed,  like  the 
wide  end  of  a  trumpet. 

ABOCHORNJ(.R,  va.  1.  To  swelter,  to  overheat.  2 
To  provoke  by  abusive  language. 
BOCINADO,  a.  Bent ;  applied  to  an  elliptic  arch, 
the  two  faces  of  which  are  nearly  the  same. 

ABOCIN^R,  vn.  (Vulg.)  To  fall  upon  the  face. 

ABOFETE  ADOR,  RA,  s.  Buffeter ,  one  who  insults. 

ABOFETE^R,  va.  1.  To  slap  one's  face.  2.  To 
insult.  [cate. 

ABOGAC! A,  sf.  Profession  of  a  lawyer  or  advo- 

ABOGADEAR,  vn.  To  play  the  advocate  ;  used 
in  contempt. 

ABOG^DO,  sm.  A  lawyer  ;  an  advocate. 

ABOG^DO,  DA,  s.  A  mediator  ;  a  mediatrix,  law- 
yer's wife. 

ABOGADOR,  sm.  V.  Munidor. 

ABOG!R,  vn.  I.  To  follow  the  profession  of  a 
lawyer,  to  plead.  2.  To  intercede  in  behalf 
of  another. 

ABOHET!DO,  DA,  a.  Inflated,  swollen. 

ABOLENGO,  sm.  1.  Ancestry.  2.  Inheritance 
coming  from  ancestors.  [ness. 

ABOLEN/A,  sf.  (Ant.)  Baseness,  meanness,  low- 

ABOLICION,  sf.  Abolition. 

ABOLIR,  va.  To  abolish,  to  annul,  to  revoke. 

ABOLLADO,  a.  y  s.  V.  Meckugado. 

ABOLLAD£RA,  sf.  1.  Inequality,  indent.  2.  Em- 
bossed work,  relievo. 

ABOI.LAJR,  va.  1.  To  emboss.  2.  To  annoy  with 
an  unpleasant  discourse.  3.  To  stun  and  con- 
found, [the  vine. 

ABOLLON,  sm.  A  bud  or  germ,  in  particular  of 

ABOLLON!R,  va.  To  emboss. — vn.  To  bud  ;  ap- 
plied in  particular  to  the  vine. 

ABOLO,  LA,  5.  (Ant.)  V.  Muelo. 

ABOLORIO,  sm.  V.  MoUngo. 

ABOLSADO,  DA,  a.  Puckered ;  folded  in  the  form 
of  a  purse. 

ABOMINABLE,  a.  Detestable,  abominable. 

ABOMINABLEMENTE,  ad.  Detestably. 

ABOMINACION,  sf.  Abomination,  detestation. 

ABOMINAR,  va.  To  detest,  to  abhor. 

ABONADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Creditable,  rich.  2.  Fit,  and 
disposed  for  any  thing  ;  commonly  under- 
stood in  an  ill  sense.  Testigo  abonado,  An 
irrefragable  witness. 

ABONADOR,  ORA,  s.  A  person  who  is  bail  or 
surety  for  another. 

ABONAMIENTO,  sm.  V.  Mono.  [weather. 

ABONANZX.R,  vn.  To  clear  up,  applied  to  the 

ABON^R,  va.  1.  To  bail,  to  insure.  2.  To  improve, 


or  meliorate.  3.  To  make  good  an  assertion. 
4.  To  manure  lands.  5.  To  give  one  credit.— 
m.  To  subscribe  to  any  work,  to  pay  in  ad- 
vance for  any  thing. — vn.  V.  Monanzar. 

ABONADORSW.  He  who  is  surety  for  another. 

ABONDX.NCIA,  sf.  V.  Mundancia. 

ABOND^R,  vn.  (Ant.)  To  be  sufficient  or  enough. 

ABONO,  sm.  1.  Security  given  for  a  person,  or 
the  performance  of  a  contract.  2.  Dung,  ma- 
nure. 3.  A  receipt  in  full  or  part. 

ABORDADOR,  sm.  1.  He  that  boards,  one  that 
approaches.  2.  An  intruder,  who  accosts  a 
person  with  an  air  of  impudence.  [ship. 

ABORDAGE.  sm.  (Naut.)  The  act  of  boarding  a 

ABORDAR,  va.  1.  To  board  a  ship.  2.  To  run  foul 
of  a  ship.  3.  To  put  into  a  port. 

A'BORDO,  ad.  On  board. 

ABORDO,  sm.  (Met.)  Address,  attack,  shock  or 
force  in  execution. 

ABORDONAR,  vn.  To  walk,  supported  by  a  staff. 

ABORRACHA\DO,  DA,  a.  1.  High  coloured.  2.  In- 
flamed, fiery. 

ABORRASCAR,  va.  To  raise  tempests. 

ABORRECEDOR,  RA,  s.  A  detester,  a  disliker. 

ABORRECER,  va.  1.  To  hate,  to  abhor.  2.  To  re- 
linquish, to  desert ;  in  the  last  sense  it  is 
chiefly  applied  to  birds,  which  desert  their 
eggs  or  young  ones.  3.  To  adventure  or  spend 

ABORRECIBLE,  a.  Hateful,  detestable,  [money. 

ABORRECIBI.KMENTE,  ad.  Hatefully,  detestably. 

ABORRECIMIENTO,  sm.  Abhorrence,  detestation, 
dislike.  [cer. 

ABORRESCER,  ABORRER,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Morre- 

ABORSO,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Morto. 

ABORTAMIENTO,  sm.  Abortion. 

ABOUTA\R,  va.  To  miscarry.  [abortion 

ABORTIVO,  VA,  a.    I.  Abortive.    2.  Producing 

ABORTO,  sm.  1.  A  miscarriage.  2.  A  monster. 

ABORTON,  sm.  1.  The  abortion  of  a  quadruped 
2.  The  skin  of  a  lamb  born  before  its  time. 

ABORUJX.RSE,  vr.  To  be  muffled  or  wrapped  up 

ABOTAGARSE,  vr.  To  be  swollen,  to  be  inflated 

ABOTINADO,  DA,  a.  Made  in  the  form  of  half- 
gaiters,  closing  at  the  instep. 

ABOTONADOR,  sm.  An  iron  instrument  used  for 
buttoning  gaiters  or  spatterdashes. 

ABOTONAR,  va.  To  button,  to  fasten  with  but- 
tons.— vn.  1.  To  bud,  to  germinate.  2.  To 
form  a  button  ;  applied  to  eggs  boiled  with 
the  white  obtruding. 

ABOVEDADO,  DA,  a.  Arched,  vaulted. 

ABOVEDAR,  va.  To  arch,  to  vault,  to  shape  as  a 

ABOYADO,  DA,  a.  A  term  applied  to  a  farm  rent- 
ed, with  the  necessary  stock  of  oxen  for 
ploughing  the  ground. 

ABOYAR,  va.  (Naut.)  To  lay  down  buoys. 

A'BRA,  .-?/.  1 .  A  bay  ;  a  cove  or  creek.  2.  A  dale 
or  valley.  3.  A  fissure  or  crack  in  mountains 

ABRACIJO,  sm.  An  embrace,  a  hug. 

ABRAHONAR,  va.  (Vulg.)  To  hold  one  fast  by 
the  garment. 

ABRASADAMENTE,  ad.  Ardently,  eagerly. 
VBRASADOR,  RA,  5.  1.  One  who  burns  or  con- 
sumes. 2.  One  who  inflames  by  the  heat  of 

ABRASAMIENTO,  sm.  I.  The  act  of  burning.  2 
The  state  cr  inflammation.  3.  The  excessive 
heat  of  passion. 



ABRASAR,  va.  1.  To  burn,  to  reduce  to  ashes  j  to 
parch  the  ground.  2.  To  dissipate,  to  squan- 
der. 3.  To  provoke. — vr.  To  be  agitated  by 
any  violent  passion.  Mrasarse  vivo,  To  be  in- 
flamed with  passion  ;  to  feel  extremely  hot. 
Mrasarse  las  paxarillas,  To  be  burning  hot. 

ABRASILADO,DA,  a.  Of  the  colour  of  Brazil  wood. 

ABRAZADERA,  sf.  1.  A  ring  put  around  a  thing 
to  prevent  its  cracking.  2.  A  cleat.  3.  A  piece 
of  timber  which  fastens  the  plough-tail  to  the 

ABKAZADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  One  that  embraces. 
(Cant.)  A  thief-taker.  2.  A  hook  which  serves 
to  keep  up  the  pole  of  a  draw-well.  3.  (Ant.) 
One  who  seduces  others  into  gambling- 

ABRAZAMIENTO,  sm.  Embracing.  [houses. 

ABRAZA^R,  va.  1.  To  embrace,  to  hug,  to  caress. 
2.  To  surround,  to  encircle.  3.  ,To  embrace 
the  opinion  of  another.  4.  To  take  to  one'a 
charge.  5.  To  comprise,  to  contain. 

ABRA\ZO,  sm.  A  hug,  an  embrace. 

A'BREGO,  sm.  A  south-west  wind. 

ABRENUNCIO,  int.  (Lat.)  A  word  used  to  show 
our  detestation  of  something. 

ABREVADERO,  sm.  A  watering-place  for  cattle. 

ABREVA^DO,  a.  Softened  in  water ;  applied  to 
skins.  [2.  Watering-place. 

ABRE  VADOR,5W.  1.  He  who  waters  cattle  or  land. 

ABREVAR,  va.  To  water  cattle  or  lands. 

ABREVIACION,  sf.  Abbreviation.  V.  Compendia. 

ABRE vi ADOR,RA,  s.  1.  An  abridger,  who  abridges 
or  contracts  writings.  2.  A  breviator  ;  an  offi- 
cer employed  in  expediting  the  Pope's  bulls. 

ABREVIAR,  va.  To  abridge,  to  contract. 

REViATtjRA,  sf.  Abbreviation.  En  abreviatu- 
ra,  Briefly,  expeditiously. 

ABREVIATURIA,  sf.  Office  of  a  breviator. 

ABRIBONA\RSE,  vr.  To  act  the  scoundrel ;  to 
stroll  about,  to  rove  idly. 

ABRIDERO,  sm.  A  sort  of  peach,  which,  when 
ripe,  opens  easily,  and  drops  the  stone. 

ABRIDERO,  RA,«.  Of  an  aperitive  nature  ;  easi- 
ly opened. 

ABRIDOR,  sm.  1.  (Bot.)  A  species  of  the  peach- 
tree.  2.  One  who  opens,  tfbridora,  she  who 
opens.  Mridor  de  Idminas,  An  engraver.  3. 
Iron  used  for  opening  ruffs  or  plaits. 

ABRIGADA,  sm.  Sheltered  place. 

ABRIGA^NO,  sm.  A  shelter  for  cattle. 

ABRIG^R,  va.  To  shelter,  to  protect ;  to  pa- 
tronise. Mrigucse  vm.  con  ello,  (Fam.)  De- 
fend or  protect  yourself  with  it. 

ABRIGO,  sm.  Shelter,  protection  ;  aid,  support. 

ABR!  L,  sm.  April ;  the  fourth  month  of  the  year. 
Estar  hecho  un  abril,  6  parecer  un  abril,  To 
be  gay,  florid,  handsome.  [shine. 

ABRILLANTAR,  vn.  To  sparkle  like  diamonds,  to 

ABRIMIENTO,  sm.  I.  The  act  of  opening.  2.  An 

ABRIR,  va.  1.  To  open  ;  to  unlock.  2.  To  re- 
move obstacles.  3.  To  engrave.  4.  To  expand 
as  flowers  ;  to  distend.  Mrir  a  chasco,  To 
jest,  to  mock.  Mrir  el  dia,  To  dawn.  Mrir 
el  ojo,  To  be  alert  or  watchful.  Mrir  la 
mano,  to  accept  bribes  or  gifts  ;  to-be  gene- 
rous. Mrir  los  ojos  a  uno,  To 'undeceive,  to 
disabuse. — vr.  l.Tobe  open,  to  tear,  applied 
to  clothes.  2.  To  extend  itself.  3.  (Met.)  To 
communicate,  to  disclose  a  secret. 



ABRocHADdn,  sm.  An  instrument  used  by  tai- 
lors to  button  on  clothes. 

of  lacing  or  buttoning  on. 

ABROCHAR,  va.  To  button  on,  to  fasten  with 
hooks  and  eyes,  to  clasp  or  button  on. 

ABROGACION,  sf.  Abrogation ;  the  act  of  re- 
pealing a  law.  [void. 

ABROGAR,  va.  To  abrogate,  to  annul,  to  make 

ABROJO,  sm.  1.  (Bot.)  Caltrops.  Tribulus  ter- 
restris  L.  2.  (Mil.)  A  caltrop  ;  a  crowfoot.  3. 
Caltrop  fixed  on  a  whip  and  used  by  the  fla- 
gellants to  flog  the  shoulders. — pi.  Hidden 
rocks  in  the  sea.  [Worm-eaten. 

ABROMADQ,   DA,  a.  1.  Dark,  hazy,  foggy.  2. 

ABROM.ARSE,  vr.  To  be  worm-eaten. 
BRoquELARSE,  vr.  1.  To  cover  one's  self  with 
a  shield  or  buckler.    2.  To  use  means  of  de- 
fence in  support  of  one's  character  or  opinion. 

ABROTANO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Southernwood.  Artemi- 
sia abrotanum  L. 

ABROTONAR,  vn.  (Naut.)  To  scucfa-hull. 

ABRUMADOR,  RA,  s.  A  teazer  ;  an  oppressor. 
BRUMAR,  va.  1.  To  crush,  to  overwhelm.  2. 
To  cause  great  pains  or  trouble. 
BRUTADO,  DA,  «.  Brutish,  ungovernable  in 
manners  and  habits. 

ABSESCIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Auscncia. 

ABSCESO,  sm.  An  abscess. 
BSCONDER,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Esconder. 

Assf  rmo,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Axenjo. 

ABSOLUCIOX,  sf.  The  act  of  pardoning  or  for- 
giving ;  absolution. 

ABSOLUTA,  sf.  Dogma,  universal  proposition. 

ABSOLUTAMENTE,  ad.  Absolutely  ;  without  li- 
mits or  restrictions. 

ABSOI.UTO,  TA,  a.  1.  Absolute,  independent.   2. 
Unconditional ;  without  restriction.    3.  Im- 
perious, domineering. 
BsoLurdRio,  sm.  An  absolutory  sentence. 
BSOLVEDERAS,  s.  The  facility  of  giving  absolu- 
BSOLVEDOR,  sm.  He  that  absolves.  [tion. 

BSOLVER,  va.  1.  To  absolve.  2.  To  acquit.  3. 
(Ant.)  to  fulfil. 

BSORTAR,  va.  To  strike  with  amazement,  to 
suspend  the  mind  with  wonder  and  admiration. 
BSORTO,  TA,  a.  Amazed,  absorbed  in  thought. 
BSORVEXCIA,  sf.  The  act  of  absorbing. 
BSORVEH,  va.  1.  To  absorb,  to  imbibe.  V.  Em- 
papar.  2.  To  hurry  along  by  the  violence  of 
BSTEMIO,  MIA,  a.  Abstemious.  [passion. 

BSTENERSE,  vr.  To  abstain,  to  forbear. 

gent, abstersive. 

ABSTERGER,  vc.  To  cleanse  ;  to  dispel  some  pu- 
rulent matter. 

ABSTERSIOK,  sf.  Abstersion. 

ABSTINENCIA,  sf.  Forbearance,  abstinence  ;  the 
act  of  refraining  from  certain  enjoyments. 
Dia  de  abatinencia,  A  day  of  abstinence  or 

ABSTINENTE,  a.  Abstinent.  [fasting. 

ABSTINENTEME\NTE,  ad.  Abstemiously. 

ABSTRACCION,  sf.  1.  Abstraction,  the  act  of  ab- 
stracting, and  state  of  being  abstracted.  2.  Re- 
tirement from  all  intercourse  with  the  world. 

ABSTRACTIVAMENTE,  ad.  Abstractively,  sepa- 

ABSTRACTIVO,  VA,  a.  Abstractive,  having  the 
power  or  quality  of  abstracting. 

ABSTRACTO,  TA,  a.  Abstracted ;  abstract. 

ABSTRAER,  va.  1.  To  abstract  or  form  ideas  of 
some  general  quality  simply  in  itself,  without 
regard  to  any  other  particular  attribute.  2. 
To  pass  over  in  silence.  3.  To  refrain  from. 
4.  To  differ  in  opinion. — vr.  To  withdraw  the 
intellect  from  material  or  sensible  objects,  in 
order  to  employ  it  in  the  contemplation  of 
those  of  the  mind.  [rated. 

ABSTRAIDO,  DA,  a.  Abstracted ;  retired,  sepa- 

ABSTRUSO,  SA,  a.  Abstruse,  difficult. 

ABSUELTO,  T\,pp.  irreg.  Absolved  ;  free. 

ABSURDIDAD,  ABSURDO,  s.  Absurdity  ;  an  ac- 
tion or  expression  contrary  to  the  dictates  of 
reason.  [dad. 

ABTORIDAD  Y  ABTORIDAT,*/*.  (Ant.)  \.Autori- 

ABTVAL,  a.  (Ant.)  V.  Actual. 

ABUBILLA,  sf.  (Orn.)  Hoop  or  hoopoop.  Upupa 
epops  L. 

ABUCHORNARSE,  vr.  To  be  muffled  or  wrapt  up. 

ABUELA,  LO,  s.  Grandmother,  grandfather,  an- 

ABUHADO  Y  ABUHETADO,  DA,  a.  (Ant.)  Pale, 
discoloured  and  swollen. 

ABULENSE,  a.  Native  or  belonging  to  Avila. 

ABULTADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Increased.  2.  Bulky,  large. 

ABULTAR,  va.  To  increase,  to  enlarge. — vn.  To 
be  bulky  or  large. 

ABUNDANCIA,  sf.  Abundance,  plenty. 

ABUNDANTE,  a.  Abundant,  plentiful. 

ABUNDANTEMENTE,«rf.  Abundantly,  plentifully. 

ABUNDAR,  vn.  To  abound,  to  have  plenty. 

ABUNUELAR,  va.  To  make  something  in  the 
shape  of  a  fritter. 

ABURAR,  va.  To  burn. 

ABURELADO,  DA,  a.  Of  a  greyish  colour. 

ABURRIMIENTO,  sm.  Uneasiness  of  mind  ;  de- 
spondency, dejection. 

ABURRIR,  va.  1.  To  vex,  to  perplex.  T$>  ven- 
ture, to  hazard.  Aburrir&  mil  libras  esterlinas 
en  estaflota,  I  will  hazard  a  thousand  pounds 
in  this  convoy.  2.  To  relinquish.  V.  Mortar. 

ABURUJADO,  DA,«.  1.  Pressed  together.  2.  Per- 
plexed, entangled  in  difficulties. 

ABURUJAR,  va.  To  press  or  heap  together. 

ABUSAR,  va.  To  abuse  or  misapply  a  thing,  to 
turn  it  to  a  bad  purpose.  [tion. 

ABUSION,  sf.  1.  Abuse.  2.  Divination,  supersti- 

ABUSIVAMENTE,  ad.  Abusively. 

ABUSIVC,  VA,  a.  Abusive. 

ABUSO,  sm.  The  abuse  or  ill  use  of  a  thing. 

ABYACENCIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Adjacency. 

ABYECTO,  TA,  a.  (Ant.)  Abject,  vile. 

ACA,  ad.  This  way,  this  side.  De  qudndo  acd  f 
Since  when  ?  Acd  no  sc  estila,  That's  not  the 
custom  here.  Ven  ac«,  Come  along.  J}cd 
y  alia,  Here  and  there.  Acd,  Hey,  used  in 

ACABABLE,  a.  What  may  be  finished. 

ACABADAMENTE,  ad.  (Ant.)  1.  Perfectly.  2. 
(Iron.)  Imperfectly,  badly. 

ACABADO,  DA,  a.  I.  Perfect,  consummate.  2. 
(Iron.)  Old,  ill  dressed,  dejected.  Es  acaba- 
da  cosa,  Low,  mean  thing. 

ACABADOR,  RA,  s.  Finisher,  completer. 

ACABAI.AR,  va.  To  complete,  to  finish. 

ACABALLADERO,  sm.  The  time  and  place  when 
horses  cover  mares,  [mare.  2.  Having  a  bubo. 

ACABALLADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Covered  ;  applied  to  a, 
.  13 



ACABALLA"  R,  va.  To  cover  a  mare. 

AcABAtLERADO,  DA,  a.  Gentlemanlike. 

ACABALLERA'R,  va.  1.  To  render  genteel.  2.  To 
act  or  behave  as  a  gentleman. 

ACABAMIENTO,  sm.  End,  completion  ;  death. 

ACABA"R,  va.  1.  To  finish,  to  conclude.  Acaba 
ya,  Determine,  resolve.  2.  To  harass.  3.  To 
obtain. — mi.  I.  To  terminate  in  any  thing,  as 
a  sword,  which  ends  in  a  point.  2.  To  die  ; 
to  extinguish. — vr.  To  grow  weak  or  feeble. 
Es  cosa,  de  nunca  acabarse,  It  is  an  endless 
affair.  Jicaba  de  llegar,  He  is  just  arrived. 

ACABDILLADAMENTE,  ad.  (Mil.)  Orderly. 

ACABDILLADOR,  sm.  (Ant.)  Commander,  gene- 
ral, [lour. 

ACABELL!DO,  DA,  a.  Of  a  bright  chesnut  co- 

ACABESTRILLA^R,  vn.  To  fowl  with  a  stalking- 
horse  or  ox,  that  approaches  the  game,  and 
shelters  the  fowler,  [an  end  of  the  matter. 

ACABOSITO,  ad.  (Joe.)  That's  enough  ;  there  is 

Ac  A  i;  RON  ADO,  DA,  a.  Bold,  unembarrassed. 

ACACHARSE,  m.  To  stoop  down,  to  crouch. 

ACACHETEA^R,  va.  To  tap,  to  pat,  to  strike. 

AcAciA,  sf.  1.  A  shrub  of  the  thorn  kind.  2. 
The  inspissated  juice  of  acacia. 

ACADEMIA,  sf.  1.  Academy,  university,  literary 
society.  2.  A  naked  figure  designed  from 

ACADEMICO,  sm.  An  academician,  a  member  of 
an  academy. 

ACADEMICO,  CA,  a.  Belonging  to  an  university 
or  literary  society,  academic  or  academical. 

ACAKCKDERO,  RA,  a.  Incidental. 

ACAECER,  en.  def.  To  happen,  to  come  to  pass. 

ACAECIMIENTO,  sm.  Event,  incident. 

ACA"L,  sm.  A  canoe. 

A i  \  i  i. AH,  va.  1.  To  quiet,  to  still,  to  silence-.  2. 
To  mitigate,  to  soften,  to  assuage. 

ACALONAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  accuse,  to  calumniate. 

ACALORAMIENTO,  sm.  Ardour,  heat ;  agitation. 

ACALORAR,  va.  1.  To  give  heat,  to  warm.  2.  To 
inflame,  to  overheat.  3.  To  urge  on.  4.  To 
forward,  to  promote. — or.  To  grow  warm  in 

ACALUMNIAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Calumniar. 

ACAMADO,  DA,  a.  Laid  flat.  Miescs  acamadas, 
Corn  laid  by  heavy  rains  or  storms. 

ACAMBRAYADO,  DA,  a.  Linens  or  muslins  which 
have  the  appearance  of  cambrick. 

ACAMF.LLADO,  DA,  «.  Camel-like  ;  any  thing 
which  bears  a  resemblance  to  the  camel. 

AcAMPAMENTo,sm.  (Mil.)  Encampment,  camp. 

ACAAIPAR,  va.  To  encamp. 

AcAiwpo,  sm.  Portion  of  common  given  to  gra- 
ziers or  herds  for  pasture. 

AOAMUZADO,  DA,  a.  Shamois-coloured.  V.  Aga- 

ACA"  NA,  sf.  A  hard  reddish  wood,  which  grows 
in  the  island  of  Cuba. 

Ac  VN  v!.Ano,DA,a.l.  What  passes  throughanar- 
row  passage  or  channel.  2.  Striated,  fluted. 

AcANALADoSjSm.p/.  The  ridge  of  a  horse's  back. 
VDOR,  sm.  An  instrument  used  to  cut 
grooves  in  timber. 

ACANALAR,  va.  1.  To  make  a  canal  or  channel. 
2.  To  flute,  to  groove. 

ACANDILADO,  DA,  a.  Sombrero  acandilado,  A 
hat  cocked  with  sharp  points,  such  as  is  worn 
in  several  poor-houses  in  Spain. 

ACANELADO,  DA,  a.  Of  a  cinnamon-colour. 

ACANELAR,  va.  V.  Acanolar. 

ACANGRENARSE,  vr.  To  become  gangrenous ; 
to  mortify. 

ACANILLADO,  DA,  o.  Applied  to  any  sort  of 
cloth,  which  forms  furrows  from  the  uneven- 
ness  of  its  threads. 

ACANTALEAR,  va.  (Vulg.)  To  hail  large  hail- 
stones, [four  gallon  vessels. 

ACANTARAR,  va.  To  measure  by  cantaras,  or 

ACANTILADO,  DA,  a.  Costa  acantilada,  A  clear 
coast,  free  from  rocks  and  shoals. 

ACANTO,  sm.  (Bot.)  1.  Prickly  thistle  ;  brank 
ursin.  2.  (Arq.)  Acanthus  leaf. 

ACANTONAMIENTO,  sm.  Cantonment. 

ACANTONAR,  va.  To  send  troops  into  canton- 
ments, [with  sharp-pointed  canes. 

AcANAVEREAR,»a.  To  prick  and  wound  the  flesh 

ACANONEAR,  va.  To  cannonade. 

ACAPARRARSE,  vr.  To  take  refuge  under  an- 
other's clo%k. 

ACAPARROSADO,  DA,  a.  Of  a  copperas  colour  ; 
of  a  colour  between  blue  and  green.  [hair. 

ACAPIZARSE,  vr.  (Vulg.)  To  seize  or  pull  the 

ACAPONADO,  DA,  «.  Capon-like  ;  that  which  re- 
sembles a  capon  or  eunuch. 

ACARAR,  va.  To  compare,  to  confront. 

ACARDENAL!R,  va.  To  pinch,  to  make  livid,  to 
beat  black  and  blue. — vr.  To  be  covered  with 
livid  spots. 

ACAREAMIENTO,  sm.  Comparing,  confronting. 

ACAREA^R,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Carcar.  [and  caresses. 

ACARICJADOR,  RA,  s.  A  fondler ;  one  who  fondles 

ACARICIX.R,  va.  To  fondle,  to  caress,  to  cherish. 

ACARON,  ad.  (Gal.)  Together,  near.  V.  Junto. 

ACARR.ARSE,  vr.  To  shelter  one's  self  from  the 
heat  of  the  sun  ;  applied  to  sheep. 

ACARREADOR,  RA,  s.  A  carrier. 

the  act  of  carrying. 

Ac  ARREAR,  va.  1.  To  carry  or  convey  something 
in  a  cart,  or  other  carriage.  2.  (Met.)  To  oc- 
casion, to  cause. 

AcARREO,sm.  Carriage,  the  act  of  carrying.  Co- 
sas  de  acarrco,  Goods  or  efiects^conveyed  by 
land-carriage  for  another  person's  account. 

ACAKRETO,  sm.  Hilo  de  acarreto,  Pack-thread. 
V.  Acarrio. 

AcAso,sm.  Chance,  casualty,  unforeseen  event. 

ACASO,  ad.  By  chance,  by  accident.  Acaso  ? 
How  ?  How  now  ?  [ship. 

ACASTILLAGE,SW.  (Naut.)  The  upper  works  of  a 

ACASTORADO,  DA,  «.  Beavered  ;  applied  to  what 
resembles  the  texture  of  beaver. 

ACAT.ABLE,  a.  (Ant.)  Venerable. 

ACATAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  Esteem,  veneration,  re- 
spect. 2.  Acknowledgment.  3.  Presence,  view. 

ACATAR,  va.  1.  To  respect,  to  revere.  2.  To  ac- 
knowledge. 3.  To  inspect. 

ACATARRARSE,  vr.  To  catch  cold. 

ACATARSE,  vr.  (Ant.)  To  be  afraid,  to  dread. 

A'CATES,  sm.  V.  A'gata.     ' 

ACAUDALADO,  DA,  a.  Rich,  wealthy,  opulent. 

ACACDALAR,  va.  1.  To  hoard  up  riches.  2.  To 
acquire  a  name  or  reputation.  [troops. 

ACAUDILLADOR,  sm.  Chief,  or  commander  of 

AcAunir.r.AR,  va.  To  head  or  command  troops. 

ACCEDENTE,  j».  Acceding ;  he  who  accedes,  in 
state  treaties. 



ACCEDER,  vn.  To  accede  or  become  accessory  to 

a  treaty  or  agreement  concluded  by  others. 
ACCENSO.  SA,  pp.  ir.  (Ant.)  Kindled,  inflamed. 
ACCESIBLE,'«.  1.  Accessible.  2.  Attainable.  3. 

Of  easy  access. 
ACCESION,  sf.  1.  Accession  ;  the  act  of  acced- 
ing. 2.  Access  or  paroxysm  of  a  fever. 
ACCESO,S?«.  1.  Access.  2. Carnal  communication. 

3.  A  mode  of  acquiring  property,  accession. 
ACCESORIAS,  sf.  pi.  Outbuildings,  such  as 

coach-houses,  stables,  &c. 
AccESORiAMEMK,  tni .  Accessorily. 
ACCESORIO,  RIA,  a.  Accessory,  additional.  Obras 

accesorias,  (Fort.)  The  outworks  of  a  fortress. 
ACCIDENTADO,  DA,  a.  Affected  with  fits,  or  who 

labours  habitually  under  them. 
ACCIDENTAL,  a.  Accidental,  casual,  contingent. 

Accidentally,  casually. 
ACCIDENTARSE,  vr.  To  be  seized  with  a  fit,  or 

suddenly  affected  with  a  disease. 
AcciDENTA/o,s7«.  (Aum.)  A  severe  fit  of  illness. 
ACCIDKNTE,  sm.  1.  An  accidental,  not  essential, 

quality  of  a  thing.  2.  An  unforeseen  event.  3. 

A  sudden  fit  of  illness. 
ACCION,  sf.    1.  Action,  operation.    Accion  de 

gracias,  Act  of  thanking,  thanksgiving.   2. 

Faculty  of  doing  something.  3.  Lawsuit.  4. 

Gesticulation.  5.  Engagement.  6.  Subject  of 

an  epic  or  dramatic  poem.  7.  (Pint.)  Position, 

posture.  8.  (Comer.)  Stock,  capital  in  a  com- 
pany or  undertaking  ;  fund,  share. 
LCCIONAR,  vn.  To  accompany  a  discourse  with 

various  motions  of  the  body  ;  to  gesticulate. 
LCCIONISTA,  sm.  A  stock-holder,  a  share-holder 

in  a  company's  stock. 
^CEBADAMIENTO,  sm.  A  disease  contracted  by 

beasts  in  drinking  water  after  being  surfeited 

with  barley. 

CEBADAR,  va.  V.  Encebadar. 
ACEBEDO,  sm.  A  plantation  of  holly -trees. 
\CEBO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Holly -tree.  Ilex  aquifolium  L. 
LcEBucHAL,s?/i.A  plantation  ofwild  olive-trees. 
LCEBUCHAL,  a.  Belonging  to  wild  olives. 
LCEBUCHE,   sm.  (Bot.)    The   wild  olive-tree. 

Olea  sylvestris  L. 

LCEBUCHENO,  NA,  «..  Belonging  to  the  wild  olive. 
LCEBUCIIINA,  sf.  Fruit  of  the  wild  olive-tree. 
LCECHADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  A  thief  lying  in  ambush. 

2.  An  intruder  who  pries  into  other  people's 

LCECHAR,  va.  1.  To  way-lay,  to  lie  in  ambush. 

2.  To  pry  into  other  people's  affairs. 
Ac£cHE,«m.  Ablack  earth,  of  which  ink  is  made. 
ACECHO,  sm.  The  act  of  way-laying,  or  laying 

in  ambush.  [bush. 

At.  ACECHO  6  EN  ACECHO,  ad.  In  wait,  in  am- 
ACECHON,  NA,  s.  (Joe.)  V.  AccchaiUr.  Hac6r  la 

aceckona,  To  scrutinize,  to  inquire  with  care, 

to  be  inquisitive. 
ACECINER,  va.  To  salt  meat,  and  dry  it  in  the  air 

or  smoke. — vr.  To  grow  old,  dry,  and  wither- 
ACEDAMENTE,  ad.  Sourly,  bitterly.  [ed. 

ACEUAR,  va.  1.  To  sour,  to  make  sour.  2.  To 

displease,  to  disquiet. 
ACEDKRA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Sorrel.  Rumex  acetosa  L. 

Acedera  de  Indias,  (Bot.)  Indian  sorrel. 
AcEDERfLLA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Wood-sorrel.  Rumex 

acetosilla  L. 

,  sf.  1.  Acidity.  2.  Squeamishness.  3. 
Asperity  of  address.  4.  (Ictiol.)  A  flounder. 
Pleuronectes  flesus  Block. 

ACEDO,D  A,  a.  1.  Acid,  sour. 2.  Harsh,  unpleasant. 

ACEDURA,  sf.  V.  Acedia. 

Ac  EFALO,  LA,  a.  Headless  ;  applied  to  a  sect  or 
society  which  wants  a  head. 

ACELERACION,  sf.  1.  Acceleration.  2.  (Astr.)  In 
regard  to  the  fixed  stars,  the  difference  be- 
tween the  primum  mobile  and  the  solar  re- 

ACELERADAMENTE,  ad.  Speedily,  swiftly. 

ACKLERAMIENTO,  sm.  V.  Acelcruciun. 

ACKLERAR,  va.  To  accelerate,  to  perform  any 
thing  with  expedition. 

ACELGA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Beet.  Beta  vulgaris  L.  Caru, 
de.  acelfra  amarga,  A  nick-name  given  to  a 
pale-faced  person. 

ACEMIA.  sf.  1.  A  mule,  a  beast  of  burthen.  2. 
(Ar.)  Tax  paid  for  mules.  [teers. 

ACEMILAR,  a.  Belonging  to  mules  and  mule- 
Ac  EMILERIA,  sf.  1.  The  stable  or  place  where 
mules  are  kept.  2.  Royal  stable  for  mules. 

ACEMILERO,  sm.  A  muleteer,  who  conducts  and 
takes  care  of  mules. 

ACEMILERO,  RA,  a.  Belonging  to  mules,  in  par- 
ticular to  the  king's  mules. 

ACEMITA,  sf.  Bread  made  of  fine  bran. 

ACEMITE,  sm.  1.  Pollen,  fine  bran.  2.  (Ant.)  Su- 
perfine flour.  3.  Grits.  4.  (And.)  Potage 
made  of  parched  half  ground  wheat. 

ACENDER  o  ACCENDER,  va.  1 .  To  kindle,  to  set 
on  fire.  2.  To  inflame,  to  incite.  3.  To  foment 
disturbances,  to  sow  discord. 

ACENDRADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Purified.  2.  Refined,  im- 

ACKNDRAR,  va.  1.  To  purify  or  refine  metals. 

2.  To  free  from  stain  or  blemish. 

ACENSUADOR,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Ccnsualista. 

ACENSUAR,  va.  To  farm  or  lease  out  for  a  cer- 
tain rent. 

ACENTO,  sm.  1.  Accent,  a  modulation  of  the 
voice.  2.  Accent,  a  character  placed  over  a 
syllable,  to  mark  the  modulation  of  the  voice. 

3.  (Poet.)  Voice,  word,  verse. 
ACENTCACION,  sf.  Accentuation. 
ACENTUAR,  va.  To  accentuate,  to  pronounce 

the  words  with  the  proper  accent. 

ACENA,  sf.  A  water-mill.  [mill. 

ACENERO,  sm.  The  tenant  or  keeper  of  a  water- 

ACEPAR,  vn.  To  take  root. 

ACEPCION,  sf.  Acceptation  or  meaning  in  which 
a  word  is  taken.  Acepci6n  de  pcrsdnas,  A 
partiality  shown  to  one  person  in  preference 
to  another,  without  regard  to  merit. 

ACEPILLADURA,  sf.  1.  The  act  of  planing  or 
smoothing  with  a  plane.  2.  The  shavings  of 
timber  cut  off  with  a  plane. 

ACEPILLAR,  va.  1.  To  plane.  2.  To  clean  clothes 
with  a  brush.  3.  To  polish  the  manners. 

ACEPTABLE,  a.  Acceptable,  worthy  of  accept- 

ACEPTABLEMENTTE,  ad.  Acceptably.  [ance. 

ACEPTACION,  sf.  1.  Acceptation.  2.  Approba- 
tion. 3.  Acceptance  of  a  bill  of  exchange. 
Aceptaciun  de  hcrencia.  Acceptance  of  an  in- 
heritance. Jlccptacinn  de  pcrsonas,  V.  Jlcep- 

ACEPTADOR,  RA,  s.  Accepter.  [ciott. 

ACEPTANTK,  JM.  He  who  accepts. 

ACEPTAR,  va.  To  accept,  to  admit  what  is  given 



or  offered.  Aceptar  pers6nas,  To  favour  some 
persons  in  preference  to  others.  Aceptar  una 
fetra,  To  accept  a  bill. — vr.  To  be  pleased  oj 

ACEPTO,  TA,  a.  Acceptable,  agreeable. 

ACEQUIA.  sf.  A  canal,  channel,  trench  or  drain, 
for  watering  lands  or  othe 

ACEQUIADO,   DA,  a.  Intersected  'by  canals  or 

ACEQUIADOR,  sm.  Canal-maker.         [channels 

ACEQUIAR,  TO,.  To  make  canals  or  drains. 

A(  juj.1  JKRO,  sm.  A  person  appointed  to  make  and 
preserve  canals  or  channels,  a  dyke-reeve. 

A'CER,  sm.  (Bot.)  Maple-tree. 

ACERA,  sf.  1.  A  foot-path  on  the  side  of  a  street 
or  road.  2.  The  front  stones  which  form  the 
face  of  a  wall. 

ACERADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Steeled,  made  of  steel.  2. 

ACERAR,  va.  1.  To  steel,  to  point  or  edge  with 
steel.  2.  To  impregnate  liquors  with  steel.  3. 
To  strengthen. 

AcERHAMEXTE,  ad.  Harshly,  rudelv. 

Acr.Rr,iDAi>,s/.  1.  Acerbity, asperity.  2. Rigour, 

ACERBO,  BA,  a.  1.  Acerb ;  rough  to  the  taste, 
such  as  unripe  fruit.  2.  Severe,  cruel. 

ACERCA,  prep.  About,  relating  to.  Accrca  de  Jo 
mie  hemos  hablado,  In  regard  to  what  we 
have  said. 

ACERCAMIKNTO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Approaching,  ap- 

vxo,  NA.  a.  V.  Cercano. 

A'  CKRCEN,  ad.  V.  Cercen. 

ACKUCAR,  va.  To  approach,  to  place  a  person 
or  thing  close  to  another. 

ACERI'CO  Y  ACERILI.O,  sm.  1.  A  pin-cushion,  2. 
A  small  pillow  put  on  the  bolster  of  a  bed. 

ACERIXO,  NA,  a.  Made  of  steel,  or  belonging  to 

ACEKXADAX  xa.  To  cover  with  ashes. 

ACERO,  sm.  1.  Steel.  Accra  colado,  Cast  steel. 
2.  Edged  or  pointed  small  arms,  especially  all 
kinds  of  swords. — pi.  Espada  de  buenos  accros, 
A  sword  of  well  tempered  steel.  Comer  con 
buenos  accros,  To  eat  with  a  keen  appetite. 
Aciros,  (Met.)  Spirit,  courage. 

ACERO i. A,  sf.  The  fruit  of  the  parsley-leaved 
hawthorn  or  azarole. 

ACEROLO,  sm.  (Bot.)  The  parsley-leaved  haw- 
thorn. Cratsegus  azarolus  L. 

ACERKAR,  va.  (Cant.)  To  seize,  to  grasp. 

ACERRIMAMEXTE,  ad.  Strenuously. 

ACKRIUMO,  MA,  a.  sup.  Most  strenuous,  very 
vigorous  and  strong.  [sonably. 

-.n  \MKXTE.  ad.  Opportunely,  fitly,  sea- 
no,  DA,  a.  Fit,  proper.    Su  conduct  a  fue 
•  •<la,  He  conducted  himself  with  propri- 
ety, [thing. 

ACKUTADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  hits  right  upon  any 

ACERTAJO,  sm.  V.  Acertijo. 

ACERTAR,  va.  1.  To  hit  upon  the  right  point, 
to  hit  the  mark.  2.  To  hit  by  chance  ;  to  meet 
or  find.  3.  To  conjecture  right.  4.  To  cut 
round  or  make  the  cloth  even. — rn.  1.  To 
turn  out  true.  2.  To  happen  unexpectedly.  3. 
To  take  root,  as  plants. 

10,  sm.  A  riddle,  a  puzzling  question. 

ACERUEI.O,  sm.  A   sort  of  small   pack-sj 
used  for  riding. 



ACERVAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  heap,  to  accumulate. 

ACERVO,  sm.  1.  A  heap,  a  pile.  2.  The  totality 
of  tithes,  or  of  an  inheritance. 

ACETABULO,  sm.  I.  Acetabulum,  cruet ;  a  Ro- 
man apothecary's  measure.  2.  (Anat.)  The 
articulation  of  the  ischium. 

ACETAR,  va.  V.  Acept&r. 

ACETOSA.  sf.  (Bot.)  V.  Acedera. 

ACETOSILI.A,  sf.  (Bot.)  Gilliflower.  Oxalis  ace- 
tosella  L. 

ACETRE,  sm.  A  small  bucket,  with  which  water 
is  taken  out  of  jars  or  wells.  2.  The  holy- 
water-pot  used  in  Roman  catholic  churches. 
ExtfrfA,  .if.  (Ant.)  V.  Aceytuna. 

ACEVILAR.  va.  (Ant.)  To  debase,  to  vilify. 

ACEYTADA,  sf.  (Vulg.)  Oil  spilled. 

ACEYTAR,  ra.  To  oil,  to  rub  with  oil. 

ACEYTE.  sm.  1.  Oil ;  any  unctuous  liquor  drawn 
from  olives,  almonds,  nuts,  fish,  &c.  2.  Resin 
which  distils  from  the  fir-tree.  Jlceyte,  depalo, 
Balsam  copaiba.  AccAjteabetinote,  Oil  or  juice 
of  spruce  fir. 

ACEYTERA,  sf.  1.  An  oil-jar,  oil-cruet,  oil-horn. 
Jlceytcras,  phials  for  oil  and  vinegar. 

ACEYTERA^ZO,  sm.  A  blow  given  with  an  oil-jar 
or  oil-flask. 

ACEYTERO,  RA,  s.  1.  An  oil-man,  oil-seller.  2.  A 
horn,  or  any  vessel  for  holding  oil. 

ACEYTOSO,  SA,  a.  Oily,  containing  oil. 
CEYTI^NA,  sf.  Olive,  the  fruit  of  the  olive-tree. 
Acetunas  -apatcras,  Olives  which  stand  a 
long  time  in  pickle.  [olives. 

ACEYTUNADA,  sf.  The   season   for   gathering 

ACEYTUNADO,  DA,  a.  Of  an  olive  colour. 

EYTtJNERo,  sm.  A  person  who  gathers,  car- 
ries, or  sells  olives.  [L. 
EY-rtfNo,  sm.  (Bot.)  Olive-tree.  Olea  Europsea 

A'CHA,  sf.  V.  Hdcha. 

ACHACADIZO,  ZA,  a.  (Ant.)  Feigned,  fraudulent. 

ACHAC^R,  va.  J.To  impute.  2.  To  frame  an 
excuse. — vr.  To  ascribe  a  thing  or  action  to 

ACHACOSAMENTE,  ad.  Sickly.  [ons's  self. 

ACHACOSO,  SA,  a.  Sickly,  unhealthy  ;  hectic. 

ACHAFLANAR,  va.  To  lower  one  end  of  a  table, 
plank,  or  board  ;  to  form  a  declivity.,  DA,  «.  Of  the  size  of  a  shrub. 
Hombrc  achaparrado.  A  short  and  lusty  man. 

ACIIAQUE,  sm.  1.  Habitual  indisposition.  2. 
Monthly  courses.  3.  Excuse,  pretext ;  secret 
accusation.  4.  Vice  or  common  weakness  ;  a 
failing.  5.  Composition  with  a  smuggler.  6. 
Subject,  matter.  7.  (For.)  Mulct,  penalty. 

ACHAQUERO,  5m.  He  who  farms  the  fines  laid 
on  masters  of  sheep-walks  by  the  board  of 

ACHAQUIENTO,  TA,  a.  V.  Achacoso.         [Mesta. 

ACHAQ,UILLO  Y  fro,  stti.  (dim.)  A  slight  com- 

ACHAR,  va.  V.  Halldr.  [plaint. 

ACHAROLAR.TVI.  To  paint  in  imitation  of  varnish. 

ACHICADO,  DA,  a.  Diminished,  lessened.  V. 
Aniiiado.  [Skeet  for  baling  boats. 

ACHICADOR,  KA,  s.  1.  Diminislier,  reducer.  2. 

ACHICADTJRA,  sf.  Diminution,  reduction. 

ACHICAR,  va.  1.  To  diminish.  2.  To  bale  a  boat, 
or  drain  a  mine.  Achicarun  cabo,  To  shorten 
a  rope. 

ACHICHARRAR,  va.  To  fry  meat  too  much;  to 

/VCMICHINQUE,  sm.  A  miner,  whose  business  is 
to  drain  the  mines  of  water. 

ACL    . 


AcHicdniA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Succory,  wild  endive. 
Cichorium  intybus  sive  sylvestre  L.  [rit. 

ACHINAR,  va.  To  intimidate,  to  terrify,  to  dispi- 

ACHINELADO,  DA,  a.  Zapato  achinelado,  A  shoe 
made  like  a  slipper. 

ACHIOTE  Y  (Bot.)  The  heart-leav- 
ed bixa,  or  anotta.  Bixa  orellana  L. 

ACHOCAR,  va.  1.  To  throw  one  against  the  wall. 
2.  To  break  or  knock  asunder.  3.  To  hoard 


ACHORIZADO,  DA,  a.  Slashed;  made  into  sau- 
ACHUCHAR  y  AcnucHURRAR,pa.  To  crush  with 

a  blow,  or  with  the  weight  of  a  thing. 
AcHn.ADo,  DA,  a.  Waggish,  frolicsome. 
A'CIA,  ad.  V.  Hdcia. 

ACIAGO,  GA,  a.  Unfortunate,  melancholy. 
ACIAL  Y  ACIAR,  sm.  Barnacle  ;  an  instrument 

which  farriers  put  upon  the  nose  of  a  horse, 

to  make  him  stand  quiet. 
ACIANO,  sm.  V.  Estrellamar. 
ACIBAR,  sm.  1.  The  juice  pressed  from  the  aloes. 

2.  Aloes  tree.    3.  (Met.)   Harshness,  bitter- 

ness, displeasure. 
ACIBARAR,  -va.  1.  To  put  the  juice  of  aloes  into 

any  thing  ;  to  make  bitter.  2.  (Met.)  To  im- 

bitter,  to  cause  displeasure,  [against  another. 
ACIBARRAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  dash  one  thing 
ACICALADOR,  RA,  5.  1.  A  polisher,  burnisher.  2. 

A  tool  used  for  burnishing. 
ACICALAD^RA,  sf.  Acicalamiento,  sm.  The  act 

and  effect  of  burnishing. 
ACICALAR,   vn.   To   polish,   to  burnish  ;  —  vr. 

(Met.)  To  dress  in  style,  to  set  one's  self  off 

to  advantage. 
ACICATE,  sm.  A  long-necked  Moorish  spur, 

with  a  rowel  at  the  end  of  it. 
AcfcHE,  sm.  A  two-edged  tool,  used  by  tilers 

for  cutting  and  adjusting  tiles. 
A'cino,  5771.  (Quim.)  Acid.   Acido  muriatico, 

Muriatic  acid,  spirits  of  salt. 
A'CIDO,  DA,  a.  Acid,  sour. 
ACIERTO,  sm.  1.  The  act  and  effect  of  hitting  ; 

a  good  hit.   Con  acierto,  with  effect.  2.  Pru- 

dence, dexterity.  3.  Chance,  casualty. 
ACIGUATADO,  DA,  «.  Jaundiced  ;  pale  as  per- 

sons affected  with  the  jaundice.  [dice. 

ACIGUATARSE,  vr.  To  be  seized  with  the  jaun- 
ACIJADO,  DA,  a.  Of  the  colour  of  the  blackish 

earth  called  acije  or  ac6che. 
ACIJE,  sm.  V.  Actchc. 
ACIJESO,  SA,  a.  Brownish  ;  participating  in  the 

nature  of  the  blackish  earth  called  ac6che. 

-s/.  The  citron-tree.  Citrus  medica  L. 
ACIMENTARSE.  «7vTo  establish  or  fix  one's  self 

in  any  place. 

ACION,  sf.  Stirrup-leather. 
ACIONERO,  sm.  A  maker  of  stirrup-leathers. 
ACIPADO,  DA,  a.  Well  milled  ;  a  term  applied 

to  broad  cloth  and  other  woollens. 
ACIPHKS,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Ciprcs. 
ACIRATE,  5m.  A  landmark  which  shows  the  li- 

mits and  boundaries  of  fields. 
ACITARA,  sm.  A  thin  wall,  a  partition-  wall. 
ACITRON,*??*.  A  citron  dried  and  made  into  sweet 

meat  ;  a  preserved  citron.  [debase. 

ACIVIT.AR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  vilify,  to  humble,  to 
ACLAMACION,  sf.  Acclamation,  the  act  of  shout- 

ing with  joy.    Elegir  par  adamacion,  To 

elect  by  acclamation. 

ACLAMADOK,  RA,  s.  Acclaimcr,  praiscr. 

ACLAMAR,  va.  1.  To  shout  with  joy,  to  applaud 
2.  To  cry  up.  3.  To  call  in  the  hawk.— vr. 
To  complain,  to  be  aggrieved. 

ACLARACION,  sf.  Illustration,  explanation. 

ACLARAR,  va.  1.  To  clear  from  obscurity,  to 
make  bright.  2.  To  illustrate,  to  explain.  3. 
To  widen  ;  to  thin. — vn.  To  clear  up,  to  re- 
cover brightness.  [table,  &c. 

ACLOCADO,  DA,  o.  Stretched,  seated  at  a  fire, 

ACLOCARSE,  vr.  1.  To  brood,  to  hatch  eggs.  2. 
To  stretch  one's  self  at  full  length  on  the 
ground,  bench,  &c. 

ACOBARDAR,  va.  To  intimidate,  to  terrify. 

ACOBDAR,  va.  V.  Acoddr. 

ACOCEADOR,  RA,  f.  A  horse  or  mare  that  kicks. 

ACOCEAMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  and  effect  of  kick- 

ACOCE  AR,  va.  To  kick,  to  wince  or  winch,    [ing. 

ACOCHARSE,  vr.  To  squat,  to  stoop  down. 

ACOCHINAR,  va.  1.  To  murder,  to  assassinate.  2. 
(Met.)  To  prevent  or  obstruct  the  regular 
course  of  a  suit  at  law  ;  to  hush  up. 

ACOCOTAR,  va.  To  kill  by  a  blow  upon  the  poll. 

ACODADURA,  sf.  Flexure  of  the  arm  ;  the  act 
of  bending  the  elbow. 

AcoDALAR,m.  (Arq.)  To  put  lintels  or  transoms 
in  a  wall  to  support  a  window  or  niche. 

ACODAR,  va.  1.  To  lean  the  elbow  upon.  2.  To 
lay  layers  of  vines,  or  other  plants  in  the 
ground,  that  they  may  take  root.  3.  To 
square  timber. 

ACODERARSE,  vr.  To  put  a  spring  on  a  cable. 

ACODICIAR,  va.  To  stimulate,  to  urge  on. — vr. 
To  be  provoked  to  anger,  to  be  inflamed  with 

ACODILLAR,  va.  1.  To  double  or  bend  any  thing 
to  an  elbow  or  angle.  2.  To  sink  down  under 
a  burthen.  Acodilldr  con  la  carga,  (Met.) 
Not  to  be  able  to  fulfil  one's  engagements. 

ACODO,  sm.  A  shoot,  or  knot  of  a  layer. 

ACOGER,  va.  1.  To  admit  one  into  our  house  or 
company  ;  to  receive.  2.  (Met.)  To  protect, 
to  give  an  asylum. — vr  1.  To  take  refuge,  to 
resort  to.  2.  To  embrace  the  opinion  of  an- 
other. 3.  To  make  use  of  a  pretext  for  dissi- 

AcocfoA,  sf.  1.  Reception,  the  act  and  effect 
of  receiving.  2.  The  concurrence  of  a  multi- 
tude of  things  in  the  same  place. 

Acocioo,  sm.  \.  Collection  of  breeding  mares 

fiven  to  the  owner  of  the  principal  steed,  to 
eep  them  at  a  certain  price.  2.  Temporary 

admission  of  flocks  into  pasture-ground. 
ACOGIMIENTO,  sm.  V.  Jlcogida. 
ACOGOLI,A.R,  va.  To  cover  delicate  plants  with 

straw,  or  any  thing  affording  shelter,  [plants. 
ACOGOLLARDURA,  sf.  Moulding  or  earthing  up 
ACOGOMBRAR,  r.a.  To  dig  up  the  ground  about 

plants  ;  to  cover  them  with  earth.          [poll. 
ACOGOTADO,  DA,  «.  Killed  by  a  blow  on  the 
ACOGOTAR,  va.  To  kill  by  a  blow  on  the  poll. 
ACOI-ALAN,  sm.  An  insect  in  Madagascar  like 

a  bug. 
ACOLAR,  va.  To  arrange  or  unite  two  coats  of 

arms  under  the  same  crown,  shield,  &c. 
ACOLCHAR,  va.  To  quilt ;  to  put  silk  or  cotton 

between  two  pieces  of  cloth,  and  stitch  them 

together.  [a  mass  priest.  2.  An  assistant. 
ACOLITO,  sm.  1.  Acolyte,  acolothist,  assistant  to 



ACOLLADORES,  (Naut.)  Laniards.  Acol- 
Iad6rcs  de  los  obenqucs,  The  laniards  of  the 

ACOLLARADO,DA,«.  PuxaTOS  acollarados,  Birds 
having  about  their  necks  a  ring  of  feathers 
of  a  different  colour. 

ACOLLARAR,  va.  1.  To  yoke  or  harness  horses, 
pxen,  &c.  2.  To  couple  hounds. 

ACOMA£B,  va.  To  bend,  to  crook. 

Acr.MKVDADOR,  sm.  (Ant.)  Protector,  aider. 

ACOMENDAR,  (Ant.)  V.  Encomendar. 

ACOMETEDOR,  RA,  s.  An  assistant,  an  aggressor. 

ACOMETER,  va.  1.  To  attack,  to  assault.  2.  To 
undertake,  to  attempt.  3.  To  tempt,  to  bribe. 

ACOMETIDA  v  ACOMETIMIENTO,  s.  An  attack, 
an  assault.  Acometimiinto  de  calentura,  A 
fit,  or  access  of  the  fever. 

ACOMODABLE,  a.  Accommodable. 

ACOMODACION,  sm.  Accommodation.  [bly. 

ACOMODADAMENTE,  ad.  Commodiously,  suita- 

ACOMODADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Convenient,  fit.  2.  Rich, 
wealthy.  3.  Fond  of  accommodation.  4.  Mo- 
derate. A'  prccio  acomodado,  At  a  moderate 
price.  [dates  ;  boxkeeper  in  the  theatre. 

ACOMODADOR,  RA,  s.  The  person  that  accommo- 

Aco  MU  i)  AMIENTO,SWZ.  Accommodation;  the  act 
and  effect  of  accommodating. 

ACOMODAR,  va.  1.  To  accommodate,  to  arrange 
things.  2.  To  put  in  a  convenient  place.  3. 
To  reconcile.  4.  To  provide,  to  furnish. — vn. 
To  fit,  to  suit,  to  be  convenient. — vr.  To  con- 
form one's  self  to  the  opinion,  temper,  or  ca- 
pacity of  another. 

ACOMODATICIO,CIA,  «.  Figurative,metaphorical. 
Scnt/.do  acomodaticio,  The  figurative  sense. 

Acowono,  sm.  J.  Accommodation,  employ.  -2. 
Fate,  destiny. 

AroMi'ANAn<>,'r> A,  a.  I.  Accompanied,attended. 
2.  An  assistant  judge,  surgeon,  physician,  &c. 

A<  oMi'ANAPOR,  RA,  s.  An  attendant ;  compa- 

ACOMVANAMIKNTO,  fm.  ].  Attendance,  assist- 
ance. 2.  Retinue.  3.  (Mus.)  Accompaniment. 

ACOMPANASTE,  «.  Accompanying-. 

ACOMPVNAR,  va.  1 .  To  accompany,  to  attend. 
2.  To  join  or  unite.  3.  (Mus.)  To  sing  or  play 
in  concert  with  others. — vr.  To  hold  a  con- 
sultation, to  consult  with  others.  [pass. 

ACOIWPASADO,  DA,  o.  Measured  by  the  com- 

A<  .-UMIM.KXIONADO,  DA,  a.  Of  a  good  or  bad 
complexion  or  constitution. 

ACOMUI  AR,  va.  V.  Acumulnr.  [with. 

ACOMUNALAR,  vn.  To  communicate,  to  treat 
HABARSE,  vr.  (Ant.)  V.  Acomodarse. 
-,  \\>i i.i.o,  sm.  (Ant.)  Kind  of  ragout  or 
stewed  meat.  [particular  to  galleys. 

ACONCHAR,  va.  To  fit  out ;  a  term  applied  in,  DA,  a.  Of  a  good  or  bad  con- 
dition. Hombre  bicn  6  mnl  urm/flicionado,  A 
iran  of  a  good  or  bad  disposition.  Gvneros 
bicn  o  mat  acondicionados,  Goods  in  a  good 
or  bad  condition. 

ACONDICIONX.R,  va.  To  dispose,  to  aftect,  to 
constitute. — vr.  To  acquire  a  certain  quality 
or  condition. 

AI:MM;<UAR,  r«.  To  vex,  to  oppress,  to  afflict. 

ACONITO,  5-m.  (Bot.)  Aconite,  wolf's-bane. 

ACONSEJABLE, a. Capable  or  susceptible  of  advice 
ADOR  RA.  s.  An  adviser,  counsellor. 

ACONSEJAR,  na.  To  advise,  to  counsel.  —  vr.  To 

take  advice,  to  be  advised. 
ACONSONANTAR,  va.  To  make  use  of  consonants 

where  they  should  not  be  used. 
ACONTAR,  va.  1.  To  count,  to  enumerate,  to  cal- 

culate. 2.  To  prop,  or  support  with  props.  3. 

(Naut.)  To  shore. 

ACONTECEDJERO,RA,  a.  That  which  may  happen. 
ACONTECER,  v.  impcrs.  To  happen,  to  fall  out, 

to  come  to  pass.  Hacer  y  aconttcer,  common 

phrase,  signifying  the  promises  of  any  good 

or  benefit  ;  also  a  threat,  a  menace. 
AcoNTECiMiJeNTO,s?n.  Event,  incident,  casualty. 
ACOPADO,  DA,  a.  Having  the  form  of  a  cup  or 

vase,  [of  a  cup  ;  applied  to  trees  and  plants. 
ACOPAR,  vn.  To  form  a  round  head  in  the  shape 
AcoPExADo,  DA,  a.  Formed  in  the  shape  of  a 

toupee.  [ing- 

AcopiAMiENTo,sw.The  act  and  effect  of  gather- 
ACOPIAR,  va.  To  gather,  to  store  up.         [ing. 
ACOPIO,  sm.  Act  and  effect  of  gathering,  stor- 
ACOPLADO,  PA,  a.  Fitted,  adjusted. 
ACOPLAR,  va.  I.  To  adjust,  or  fit  pieces  of  tim- 

ber-work. 2.  To  settle  or  adjust  differences, 

3.  To  yoke  beasts  to  a  cart  or  plough.  —  vr. 

To  make  up  matters,  to  be  agreed.  [pirit. 
ACOQ.UINAR,  va.  To  intimidate,  to  terrify,  to  dis- 
ACORAR,  va.  To  afflict,  to  depress  with  grief. 

V.  Sofocar. 
ACORCHARSE,  vr.  1.  To  dry  up  and  shrivel  from 

the  loss  of  sap.  2.  To  become  torpid. 
ACOHDABLEMENTE,  ad.  V.  Acordudamente. 
ACORDACION,  sf.  Remembrance  ;    the  act  of 

calling  to  recollection. 

A,  sf.  V.  Carta  acordada. 
ACORDADAMENTE,   ad.   By   common   consent, 

jointly,  with  mature  deliberation. 
ACORD!DO,  DA,  a.  1.  Agreed.  2.  Done  with  ma- 

ture deliberation.     Lo  acordado,  decree  of  a 

tribunal,  enforcing  the  observance  of  prior 


ACORDANZA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Memoria. 
ACORDAR,  va.  1.  To  determine  or  resolve  by 

common  consent.  2.  To  remind.  3.  To  tune 

musical  instruments,  to  dispose  figures  in  a 

picture.  4.  To  deliberate.  —  vn.  1.  To  agree,  to 

be  agreed.  2.  To  remember,  to  recollect.  —  r,r. 

]  .  To  come  to  an  agreement.  2.  To  weigh,  to 

consider  maturely.  3.  To  threaten.     Tu  tc 

acordards  de  mi,  You  shall  remember  mo. 
ACORDE,  a.  1.  Conformable,  correspondent.  2. 

Coinciding  in  opinion.  3.  Accord,  harmony 

either  of  sounds  or  colours. 
ACORDELAR,  va.  To  measure  with  a  cord  ;  to 

draw  a  right  line  by  a  wall  or  street,  in  ordor 

to  make  it  straight. 

ACORDEMENTE,  ad.  By  common  consent. 
ACORDONADO,  DA,  «.  1.  Surrounded.  2.  Made 

in  the  form  of  a  cord  or  rope,  [with  its  horns. 
ACORNEADOR,  RA,  5.  A  horned  beast,  fighting 
AcoRNEAR,ra.  To  fight  or  strike  with  the  horns. 
ACORO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Sweet-smelling  flag,  sweet 

cane,  sweet  grass.     Acorus  calamus  L. 
ACORRALAR,  va.  ].  To  shut  up  cattle  or  sheep 

in  pens.  2.  To  intimidate.  3.  To  silence. 
ACORRUCARSE,  vr.  V.  Acurrucarsf,. 
ACORTADIZOS,  Shreds  cut  off,  clippings, 

AcoRTAMii':NTo,57n.(A9tr.)Difference  in  the  dis- 



tance  from  the  centre  of  the  globe  to  th 
ecliptic  and  centre  of  a  planet  in  its  orbit. 

ACORTAR,  va.  1.  To  shorten,  to  abridge.  2.  Tc 
obstruct.  Acortar  la  vela,  (Naut.)  To  short 
en  sail.' — vr.  1.  To  shrivel,  to  be  contracted 
2.  To  be  bashful ;  to  fall  back. 

ACORULLAR,  va.  (Naut.)  To  bridle  the  oars. 

ACORVAR,  va.  To  double,  to  bend. 

ACORZAR,  va.  1.  To  dress  a  child  in  shor 
clothes.  2.  V.  Acortar. 

ACOSADOR,  RA,  s.  A  pursuer,  persecutor. 

ACOSAMIENTO,  STTi.  Persecution,  molestation. 

ACOSAR  va.  1.  To  pursue  close,  to  follow  ea 
gerly.  2.  To  vex,  to  molest. 

ACOSTADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Stretched,  laid  down.  2 
Having  a  certain  pay  or  salary. 

ACOSTAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  The  act  of  stretching  o: 
lying  down.  2.  A  certain  pay,  a  fixed  salary. 

ACOSTAR,  va.  To  lay  down ;  to  put  one  in  bed 
vn.  y  cr.  1.  To  incline  to  one  side,  to  lie 
down.  2.  To  be  disposed,  to  adhere.  3.  To 
approach.  4.  (Naut.)  To  stand  in  shore.  5 
(Naut.)  To  lie  along ;  to  have  a  list,  Acos 
tarse  con,  To  sleep  with. 

ACOSTICA,  sf.  Acoustics  ;  the  doctrine  or  theo 
ry  of  hearing  and  sounds. 

AcosniMBRADAM^NTE,  ad.  Customarily,  ac- 
cording to  custom. 

ACOSTUMBRAR,  va.  To  accustom,  to  use,  to  in- 
ure.— vn.  To  be  accustomed. 

ACOTACION,  sf.  1.  Limit ;  the  act  of  setting 
bounds.  2.  (Met.)  Annotation,  quotation. 

ACOTADA,  sf.  Citation,  quotation. 

ACOTAMIENTO,  sm.  Limitation  ;  quotation  ;  an- 

ACOTAR,  va.  1.  To  limit,  to  set  bounds.  Ac6- 
tomc  a  Dios,  Let  God  fix  my  end,  leave  me 
to  God  ;  used  at  sports  to  express  confidence 
in  the  actual  safety  of  the  place.  2.  To  lop 
off  the  branches  of  a  tree.  3.  To  quote,  to 
make  annotations.  4.  To  accept  for  a  certain 
price.  5.  To  witness,  to  attest.  Acoto  6stor- 
bos,  including  all  obstacles  ;  used  at  juvenile 
games. — vr,  (Ant.)  To  shelter  one's  self,  to 
obtain  safety. 

ACOTILLO,  sm.  A  large  hammer  used  by  smiths. 

ACOYGA.  pres.  sub.  irr.  (Ant.)  of  Acoger. 

ACOYTAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Cuydar  and  Procurar. 

ACOYUNDAR,  va.  To  yoke  oxen  to  a  draught. 

A'CRE,  a.  1.  Acrid  or  sour  to  the  taste.  2. 
(Met.)  Rough,  rude. 

ACRECENTADOR,  RA,  s.  One  that  increases. 


augmentation,  accretion. 

ACRECENTAR  Y  ACRECER,  va.  To  increase,  to 
augment. — Derccho  de  ncrccer,  The  right  of 
accretion  in  cathedral  chapters,  where  a  dis- 
tribution is  made  according  to  the  present 
residence  of  the  prebendaries. 

ACRECIMIEXTO,  sm.  Increase.  V.Aumcnto. 

ACREDITADO,  DA,  a.  Accredited,  distinguished. 

ACREDITAR,  va.  1.  To  assure,  to  affirm  a  thing 
for  certain.  2.  To  give  credit,  to  procure  cre- 
dit. 3.  To  prove. — vr.  To  acquire  credit. 

ACREEDOR,  RA,  s.  1.  A  creditor.  2.  (Met.)  A 
meritorious  person. 

ACREER,  vn.  (Ant.)  To  lend  upon  pawn. 

A'CREMENTE,  ad.  Sourly,  with  acrimony. 

ACRESCER,  (Ant.)  V.  Acreccr. 

ACRIANZADO,  DA,o,(Ant.)  Educated,  instruct- 

ACRIBADTJRA,  sf.  Sifting. — pi.  Siftings  ;  the  re- 
mains of  grain  which  has  been  si/Ted. 

ACRIBAR,  va.  1.  To  sift.  2.  (Met.)  To  pierce 
like  a  sieve. 

ACRIBILLAR,  va.  I.  To  pierce  like  a  sieve.  2. 
(Met.)  To  molest,  to  torment.  Los  acrecdo- 
res  me  acribillan,  My  creditors  torment  me. 

ACRIMIITACION,  sf.  Crimination  ;  the  act  of  ac- 
cusing or  impeaching. 

ACRIMINADOR,  RA,  s.  An  informer,  accuser,  im- 

ACKIMINAR,  va.  1.  To  exaggerate  a  crime  or 
fault.  2.  (Ant.)  To  accuse,  to  impeach.  3. 
(For.)  To  aggravate. 

ACRIMONIA,  sf.  1.  Sourness,  acidity.  2.  (Met.) 
Asperity  of  expression,  acrimony.  3.  (Met.) 
Vehemence  in  talking. 

ACRISOLAR,  va.  1.  To  refine,  to  purify  gold  or 
other  metals  in  a  crucible.  2.  (Met.)  To  clear 
up  a  thing  by  means  of  witnesses  and  proofs. 

ACRISTIANAR,  va.  To  christen,  to  baptize. 

ACRITIJD,  sf.  V.  Jlcrimonia. 

ACROMION,  s/.  Acromion,  the  upper  process  of 
the  spine  of  the  scapula  or  shoulder-blade. 

ACRONICTO,  TA,  a.  Acronical ;  applied  to  the 
rising  of  a  star  when  the  sun  sets,  or  its 
setting  when  the  sun  rises. 

ACROSTICO,  CA,  a.  Versos  acrosticos,  Verses, 
the  initial,  middle,  or  final  letters  of  which, 
according  to  their  order,  placed  separately, 
form  names,  mottos,  &c. 

ACROTERA  Y  AcROTERiA,  sf.  1.  A  small  pedestal 
placed  at  the  extremities  of  pediments,  and 
serving  also  to  support  figures,  &c.  2.  The 
highest  part  of  columns  or  buildings. 

ACROTERIO,  sm.  The  superior  of  the  three 
parts  of  which  the  frontispiece  of  a  building 
is  composed.  [hold. 

A'CROY,  sm.  A  gentleman  of  the  king's  house- 

A'CTA,  sf.  Act.— pi.  1.  The  acts  or  records  of 
communities,  chapters,  councils.  2.  Actas  dr. 
los  sanios,  The  lives  of  the  saints. 

ACTIMO,  sm.  The  twelfth  part  of  a  measure 
called  punto  ;  there  are  1728  actimos  in  a 
geometric  foot.  [process. 

ACTITADERO,  RA,  «.  (For.)  Actionable,  fit  fora 

A.CTITAR,  va.  1.  To  enact.  2.  To  make  judicial 
acts ;  to  sue. 

ACTITUD,  sf.  (Pint.)  Attitude,  motion,  posture. 

ACTIVAMENTE,  ad.  Actively,  in  an  active  man- 

A.CTIVIDAD,  sf.  I.  Activity,  the  power  or  facul- 
ty of  acting.  2.  Quickness  in  performing. 

ACTIVO,  VA,  a.  Active,  diligent.  Voz  activa, 
Suffrage,  the  right  of  electing. 

/CTO,  sm.  1.  Act  or  action.  2.  Act  or  part  of  a 
play.  3.  Thesis  defended  in  universities.  4. 
Carnal  communication.  En  acto,  In  the  act. 
Actos,  (Ant.)  V.  Autos. 

CTOR,  sm..  1.  Performer,  player.  2.  (Ant.)  Au- 
thor. 3.  PlaintifF,claimant.  4.Proct.or  .attorney. 
CTORA,  sf.  Plaintiff,  she  who  seeks  justice. 
CTRIZ,  sf.  Actress. 
ACTUACION,  sf.  Actuation,  operation,  [rienced. 

LCTUADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Actuated.  2.  Skilled,  expe- 

ICTUAL,  a.  Actual,  present. 

,  s/.  1.  Actuality,  the  actual  or  pre- 


sent  state  of  things.  2.(Fil.)  Action  or  deter- 
mination of  the  form  with  respect  to  matter. 

ACTUALIZAR,  va.  To  realize. 

ACTUALMENTE,  ad.  Actually,  now,  at  present. 

AcTUANT£,swi.  Propugner  of  a  thesis  in  colleges. 

ACTUAR,  va.  I.  To  digest.  2.  (Met.)  To  consider, 
to  weigh  maturely.  3.  To  perform  judicial  acts, 
to  proceed.  4.  To  instruct ;  to  support  a  the- 

AcTulRio,  sm.  An  actuary,  register,  or  officer 
appointed  to  write  down  the  acts  or  proceed- 
ings of  a  court  or  meeting. 

ACTUOSO,  SA,  a.  (Rar.)  Active,  diligent,  care- 
ful, solicitous.  [a  pail  or  bucket. 

ACUBADO,  DA,  a.  Resembling  or  belonging  to 

ACUCHARADO,  DA,  a.  Spoonhke,  or  having  the 
figure  of  a  spoon. 

ACUCHILLADAS,  Different  coloured,  ob- 
long pieces  in  cloths. 

ACUCHILLADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Slashed,  stabbed.  2. 
(Met.)  Experienced,  skilful  by  long  practice. 

ACUCHILLADOR,  RA,  s.  A  quarrelsome  person, 
a  bully. 

ACUCIULLAR,  va.  1.  To  cut  or  hack,  to  give 
cuts  with  a  sabre.  2.  (Ant.)  To  murder.— vr. 
To  fight  with  knives  or  swords. 

ACUCJAR  Y  ACUDICIAR,  va.  1.  (Ant.)  To  stimu- 
late, to  hasten.  2.  V.  Codiciar. . 

AcuDraiENTO,  sm.  Aid,  assistance. 

ACUDIR,  vn.  1.  To  assist,  to  succour,  to  sup- 
port. 2.  To  yield,  to  produce  ;  to  be  docile. 
3.  To  have  recourse.  (Prov.)  La  casaquema- 
da,  acudir  con  el  agua.  (To  come  with  the 
water  when  the  house  is  burnt  down.)  After 
meat  mustard.  [not  suit  me. 

ACUENTO,  ad.  JYo  me  estd  acuento,  That  does 

ACUERDADO,  DA,  a.  Constructed  by  line  or  rule. 

ACUERDO,  sm.  1.  Result  of  the  deliberation  of  a 
tribunal,  assembly,  or  meeting ;  resolution, 
agreed.  2.  Body  of  the  members  of  a  tribunal 
assembled  in  the  form  of  a  court.  3.  Opinion, 
advice.  4.  (Pint.)  Harmony  of  colours.  De 
acuerdOj  Unanimously,  by  common  consent 
Poncrse  de  acuerdo,  To  agree  unanimously 
Acu&rdos  de  reino,  Remonstrances  made  by 
the  states  of  the  realm. 

ACUERNAR,  vn.  To  strike  with  the  horns. 

A'CUESTAS,  ad.  On  the  back,  on  the  shoulders 

ACUITAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  afflict,  to  oppress. — vr 
To  grieve. 

ACULADO,  DA,  a.  Retired. 

ACULAR,  va.  (Vulg.)  To  force  one  into  acorner 
to  oblige  one  to  retreat. 

Acur.EBRiNADo,  DA,  a.  Made  in  the  form  of  a 
'culver in  ;  applied  to  cannon  which  from 
their  length  resemble  culverins.  [site 

ACULLA,  ad.  On  the  other  side,  yonder ;  oppo- 

ACUMULACIOX,  sf.  1.  Accumulation.  2.  Act  of 
filing  records. 

ACUMUL'ADOR,  RA.  s.  1.  Accumulator.  2.  An  offi 
cer  appointed  to  file  the  records  of  a  court. 

ACUMUL!R,  va.  1.  To  accumulate,  to  heap  to- 
gether, to  treasure  up.  2.  To  impute,  to  up- 
braid with  a  fault.  3.  To  file  records. 
ACUMULATIVAMENTE,  ad.   (For.)   By  way  of 
prevention  ;   by  way  of  precaution  ;  joint 

,  sf.  Coining,  milling  ;  the  act  of 
coining  or  milling. 


ACU^ADOR,  RA,  s.  Coiner. 

ACUN  AR,  va.  1.  To  coin.  2.  To  wedge,  or  fasten 
with  wedges.  Acunar  dindro,  (Met.)  To 
hoard  up  money.  (Prov.)  Hermano  ayuda  y 
cunado  acuna,  Brothers  and  sisters  in  law  arc 
always  at  variance. 

ACURRUCARSE,  m.  To  muffle  one's  self  up  in 

,  va.  (Naut.)  To  take  down  the 

ACUSACION,  sf.  Accusation,  impeachment. 

ACUSADOR,  RA}  s.  Accuser,  informer,  impeach- 

ACUSAR,  va.  1.  To  accuse,  to  charge  with  a 
crime.  2.  To  acknowledge  the  receipt  of  a 
letter.  3.  To  take  charge  of.— vr.  To  ac- 
knowledge sins  to  a  confessor. 

ACUSATIVO,  sm.  Accusative  ;  the  fourth  case  in 
the  declension  of  nouns.  [tion. 

ACUSATORIO,  RIA,  a.  Belonging  to  an  accusa- 
tfsE,  sm.  At  cards,  a  certain  number  esti- 
mated to  win  so  much. 

ACUTANGULO,  a.  (Geom.)  With  acute  angles. 

A'DA,  sf.  A  small  apple  of  the  pippin  kind. 

ADAFINA  .6  ADEFINA,  sf.  Sort  of  stewed  meat 
or  fricassee,  formerly  used  by  the  Jews  in 

ADAGIO,  sm,.  Adage,  proverb.  [Spain. 

ADAGUAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Mrevar. 

ADALA,  sf.  (Naut.)  Pump-deal. 

ADAL|D,  sm.  A  band  of  armed  men  headed  by 
a  commander.  Jidalid  mayor,  A  quarter- 
master general. 

ADAMADILLO,  LA,  a.  Nice,  delicate,  pretty. 

ADAMADO,  DA,  a.  Damsel-like  ;  applied  to  effe- 
minate men. 

ADAMAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  love  violently.— vr.  To 
become  as  delicate  in  the  face  as  a  lady. 

ADAMASCADO,  DA,  a.  Damask-like ;  woven  or 
made  in  imitation  of  damask. 

ADAPTABLE,  a.  Capable  of  being  adapted. 

ADAPTACION,  sf.  Act  of  fitting  one  thing  to  an- 

ADAPTADAMENTE,  ad.  In  a  fit  manner. 

ADAPTADO,  DA,  a.  Adapted,  fitted. 

ADAPTAR,  va.  To  adapt,  to  fit,  to  apply  one 
thing  to  another. . 

AD  ARAGUERo,sm.  (Ant.)  Man  that  uses  a  shield." 

ADARAXA,  sf.  (Arq.)  Projecting  stones,  left  to 
continue  a  wall. 

AD!RCE,SW.  Salt  froth  of  the  sea  dried  on  canes. 

ADARGA,  sf.  A  shield  of  an  oval  form,  made  of 

ADARGARSE,  vr.  To  cover  and  defend  one's 
self  with  a  shield. 

ADARGAZO,  sm*  A  blow  given  with  a  shield. 

AoARGuiLLA,  sm.  A  small  shield. 

ADARMF.,  sm.  Haifa  drachm,  the  sixteenth  part 
of  an  ounce.  For  addrmes^Very  sparingly. 

ADARVE  Y  ADARBE,  sm.  1.  The  flat  top  of  a 
wall.  2.  A  wall,  a  rampart. 

ADATAR,  va.  To  place  parcels  to  account  under 
a  certain  date. 

ADATODA,  sf.  (Bot.)  The  willow-leaved  Mala- 
bar nut-tree. 

ADAZA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Common  panic. 

ADECENAMIENTO,  sm.  Act  pf  assembling  or 
forming  by  ten  and  ten. 

ADECENAR,  va.  To  form  people  into  bodies  by 
ten  and  ten. 



ADEFE"SIO,  5m.  Extravagance,  folly  ;  not  to  the  I 

ADEFUERA,  ad.  V.  For  Drfuera. 

ADEFUERAS,  (Vulg.)  Out-buildings,  build- 
ings on  the  outside  of  the  town,  or  adjacent 
to  it.  [the  stipulated  price  or  wages. 

ADEHAI,A,  sf.  Gratuity  given  over  and  above 

ADEHESA.DO,  STB.  Place  converted  into  pasture. 

ADEHESAMIENTO,  sm.  Act  of  turning  land  to 
pasture,  pasturage. 

ADEHESAR,  va.  To  convert  land  into  pasture. 

ADELANTADAMENTE,  ad.  Beforehand  ;  by  way 
of  anticipation. 

ADELANTADILLO,  a.  Red  wine  made  of  the  first 
ripe  grapes. 

ADELANTADO,  sm.  An  appellation  formerly 
given  to  the  governor  of  a  province. 

ADELANTADO,  DA,  a.  I.  Anticipated,  advanc- 
ed. Bold,  forward.  2.  Early,  when  applied  to 
fruit  or  plants. 

ADELANTADOR,  RA,  s.  One  that  advances,  ex- 
tends, amplifies. 

ADELANTAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  Progress ;  the  act  of 
pushing  forwards.  2.  Anticipation.  3.  The 
dignity  of  a  governor,  and  the  district  of  his 

ADELANTAR,  va.  1.  To  advance,  to  accelerate. 
2.  To  anticipate,  to  pay  beforehand.  3.  (Met.) 
To  meliorate,  to  improve.  4.  (Ant.)  To  push 
forward.  5.  To  get  a-head,  to  win  a  race. — 
m.  1.  To  take  the  lead,  to  get  the  start  of.  2. 
(Met.)  To  excel,  to  outdo. 

ADELANTE,  ad.  1.  Farther  off;  higher  up.  2. 
Henceforward  ;  in  future,  or  for  the  future. 
(Prov.)  Quicn  adelante  no  mira,  atrds  se 
qucda,  Look  before  you  leap.  [L. 

ADELFA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Rose-bay,  Nerium  oleander 

ADELFAL,  sm.  Plantation  of  rose-bay  trees. 

ADELGAZADO,  DA,  a.  Made  slender,  or  thin. 

ADELGAZADOR,  RA,  s.  One  that  makes  thin  or 

ADELGAZAMIENTO,  sm.  Act  of  making  slender. 

ADELGA/AR,  va.  1.  To  attenuate,  to  make  thin 
or  slender.  2.  To  lessen,  to  diminish.  3.  To 
refine.  4.  (Met.)  To  discuss  with  subtilty.— 
vr.  To  become  slender. 

ADELINAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  amend.  V.  Alinar. 

ADEMA  Y  ADEME,  s.  (Min.)  The  timber,  or 
plank-lining,  with  which  the  sides  of  mines 
are  secured. 

ADEMADOR,  sm.  (Min.)  A  workman  or  miner 
employed  in  lining  the  sides  of  mines  with 

ADEMAN,  sm.  1.  A  gesture  or  motion  of  the  mus- 
cles, by  which  approbation  or  dislike  is  ex- 
pressed. 2.  (Pint.)  Attitude.  En  ademan,  In 
the  attitude  or  posture  of  performing  some- 
thing, [of  mines  with  planks,  or  timber. 

ADEMAR,  va.  (Min.)  To  line  or  secure  the  sides 

ADEMAS,  ad.  Moreover  ;  too  much. 

ADENOMA A,  sf.  (Anat.)  Adenology,  descrip- 
tion of  the  glands.  [Aleppo. 

ADENOS,  sm.  A  sort  of  cotton  which  comes  from 

ADENOSO,  SA,  a.  Glandulous. 

ADENTAL,  ad.  (Ant.)  Singly. 

ADENTELLAR,  va.  To  bite,  to  catch  with  the 
teeth.  Mentellar  una  pared,  To  leave  tooth- 
ing-stones or  bricks,  to  continue  a  wall. 

AD£NTRO,  ad.  Within ;  inwardly.    De  botones 

adentro,  In  my  heart.  Ser  muy  de  adentro, 
To  be  intimate  in  a  housed 

ADEQUACION,  sf.  Fitness  ;  the  state  of  being 

ADKQUADAMENTE,  ad.  Fitly,  properly  ;  to  the 

ADEQUADO,  DA,  a.  Adequate,  fit,  idoneous  ;  to 
the  purpose. 

ADEQUAR,  va.  To  fit,  to  accommodate,  to  pro- 

ADEREZAR,  va.  1.  To  dress,  to  adorn.  2.  (Ant.) 
To  prepare.  3.  To  clean,  to  repair.  4.  (Ant.) 
To  direct ;  to  dispose.  Aderezar  la  comida, 
To  dress  victuals. 

ADEREZO,  sm.  I.  Act  and  effect  of  dressing  and 
adorning.  2.  Gum,  starch,  and  other  ingredi- 
ents, used  to  stiffen  cloth  with.  Merezo  de 
mesa,  A  service  for  the  table  ;  applied  to  oil, 
vinegar,  and  salt.  Aderezo  de  diamantes,  A 
set  of  diamonds.  Aderezo  de  caballo,  Trap- 
pings or  caparisons  of  a  saddle-horse.  Adcrczo 
de  casa,  Furniture.  Merezo  de  cspada,  Hilt, 
hook,  and  other  appendages  of  a  sword. 

ADERRA,  sf.  (Arag.)  A  rope,  made  of  rush  or  a 
sort  of  sedge,  used  for  pressing  the  husks  of 

A'DESHORA,  ad.  1.  Unseasonably,  untimely ;  at 
irregular  hours.  2.  (Ant.)  Suddenly. 

ADESTRADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Instructed  ;  broke  in.  2. 
(Bias.)  On  the  dexter  side  of  the  scutcheon : 
it  is  also  applied  to  the  principal  figure  in  a 
scutcheon,  on  the  right  of  which  is  another. 

ADESTRADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  Instructor,  teacher.  2. 
Censor,  critic. 

ADESTRAR,  va.  1.  To  guide,  to  lead.  2.  To  teach, 
to  instruct.  3.  To  perform  in  a  skilful  man- 
ner.— vr.  To  exercise  one's  self. 

ADEUDADO,  DA,  «.  1.  Indebted.  2.  Obliged. 

ADEUDAR,  va.  1.  To  pay  duty.  2.  (Ant.)  To 
contract  debts.  3.  (Ant.)  To  oblige.— vr.  To 
be  indebted. 

ADEVINAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Adivinar. 

ADHERENCIA,  sf.  1.  Adhesion.  2.  Alliance,  kin- 
dred. 3.  Adherence  to  a  sect  or  party. 

ADHERENTS,  a.  Adherent. 

ADHERENTES,  sm.  pi.  Ingredients,  tools,  or  in- 
struments necessary  for  a  thing. 

ADHERIR,  vn.  To  adhere  to  a  sect  or  party  ;  to 
espouse  an  opinion. 

ADHESION,  sf.  Adhesion  ;  the  act  of  adhering. 

ADIADO,  DA,  a.  Vino  al  dia  adiado,  He  arrived 
or  came  on  the  day  appointed. 

ADIAFA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Feast  given  on  the  arrival 
of  a  fleet  in  port. 

ADIAMANTADO,  DA,  a.  Adamantine  ;  hard  as  a 

ADIAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  fix  a  day. 

ADICION,  sf.  1.  Addition  or  additament.  2.  Re- 
mark or  note  put  to  accounts.  Micion  de  la. 
herencia,  Acceptance  of  an  inheritance.  3. 
Addition,  the  first  rule  of  arithmetic. 

ADICIONADOR,  RA,S.  One  that  makes  additions. 

ADICIONAR,  va.  To  make  additions. 

ADICTO,  TA,  a.  Addicted,  inclined,  or  devoted 
to  a  thing. 

ADIESTRAR,  va.  V.  Adcstrdr. 

ADIESO,  ad.  (Ant.)  At  the  moment,  instantly. 

ADIETAR,  va.  To  diet ;  to  put  to  a  diet. 

ADINAS,  sf.  pi.  V.  Mivas, 



ADINKRADO,  DA,  a.  Rich,  wealthy. 
ADINTELADO,  DA,  a.  Falling  from  an  arch  gra 
dually  into  a  straight  line. 

ADIPOSO,  SA,  a.  Fat.  V.  Seboso. 
AofR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  distribute.  Mir  la  Keren- 
da,  To  accept  an  inheritance. 

ADITAMENTO,  sm.  Addition  ;  additament. 

ADIVA  6  AofvE,  sm.  Jackal,  an  animal  resem- 
bling a  dog  of  the  pointer  kind.  Canis  aureus 
L.  Adivas,  A  swelling  in  the  glands  under  the 
ears  of  horses,  much  resembling  the  strangles 

ADIVINACION,  sf.  Divination. 

ADIVINADO,  DA,  a.  Foretold.          [tells  events, 

ADIVINADOR,  RA,  s.  A  diviner,  one  who  fore- 

ADIVINAMIHNTO,  sm.  V.  Adivinati6n. 

ADIVINAN/A,  sf.  1.  Enigma.  2.  V.  Adivinaci6n 

ADIVINAR,  va.  1.  To  foretell  future  events.  2 
To  guess,  conjecture,  anticipate  or  divine 
what  is  to  happen.  3.  To  unriddle  an  enigma 
or  difficult  problem. 

AoivfNo,  NA,  s.  1.  Diviner,  soothsayer.  2.  One 
that  divines  what  is  to  happen. 

ADJETIVACION,  sf.  1.  Act  of  uniting  one  thing 
to  another.  2.  Construction. 

Ai)jETivAR,»a.  1.  To  unite  one  thing  to  another. 
2.  To  construct  the  different  parts  of  speech. 

AojErfvo,  sm.  (Gram.)  Adjective.  [ing. 

ADJUDICACION,  sf.  Adjudication,  act  of  adjudg- 

ADJUDICAR,  va.  To  adjudge. — vr.  To  appro- 
priate to  one's  self. 

ADJUNCION,  sf.  1.  Adjunction.  2.  An  assembly 
of  judges. 

ADJUNTA,  sf.  Letter  enclosed  in  another. 

ADJUNTO,  TA,  a.  United,  joined,  annexed. 

AD.TUNTO,  sm.  V.  Adjetivo,  and  Aditamcnto. 
Adjienfios,  A  body  of  judges  commissioned  or 
appointed  jointly  to  try  a  cause. 

ADJURAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  conjure. 

ADMIMCULAR,  va.  (For.)  To  increase  the  pow- 
er and  efficacy  of  a  thing  by  adding  collateral 

ADMIXICULO,  sm.  Collateral  aid,  additional  help. 

ADMINISTRACION,  sf.  1.  Administration,  the  act 
of  administering  a  thing.  2.  Office  of  an  ad- 
ministrator. En  administration.  In  trust; 
applied  to  places  in  which  the  occupant  has 
no  property. 

ADMINISTRADOR, RA, s.  Administrator.  Admini- 
strador  de  drden,  A  knight,  who  administers 
for  another,  incapable  of  doing  it  himself. 

ADMIMSTRAR,  va.  1.  To  administer,  to  govern; 
to  take  care  of.  2.  To  serve  an  office. 

AoMiNisTRATtfRio,  RiA,  ft.  Belonging  to  an  ad- 
ministration or  administrator. 

ADMIRABLE,  a.  Admirable. 

ADMIRABLE,  sm.  A  hymn  in  Roman  Catholic 
churches  in  praise  of  the  eucharisf,  at  the 
time  it  is  reserved  in  the  tabernacle. 

ADMIRABLEMENTE,  ad.  Admirably. 

ADMIRACION,  sf.  1.  Admiration ;  act  of  admiring ; 
wonder.  2.  Point  of  admiration.  Es  mm  admi- 
ration, It  is  a  thing  worthy  of  admiration. 

ADMIRANTE,  pa.  He  who  admires. 

ADMIRAR,  va.  I.  To  cause  admiration.  2.  To  ad- 
mire.— vr.  To  be  seized  with  admiration. 

ADMIRATIVAMENTJ:,  ad.  In  an  admiring  manner. 

ADMiRATfvo,  ,-A,  a.  Marvelling,  admiring,  won- 

ADMISI'BLE,  a.  Admissible.  [dering. 

ADMISION,  sf.  Admission. 

ADMITIR,  va.  1.  To  receive,  to  give  entrance.  2. 
To  accept.  3.  To  admit,  to  permit.  Bien  ad- 
mitido,  Well  received.  El  asunto  no  admite 
dilation,  The  affair  admits  of  noMelay. 

ADMONICION,  sf.  Admonition,  warning,  coun- 
sel, advice. 

ADMO.VITOR,  sm.  Monitor,  in  some  religious 

ADNATA,  sf.  (Anat.)  The  external  white  mem- 
brane of  the  eye. 

ADO,  ad.  V.  Monde,. 

ADOBADO,  DA,  a.  Pickled. 

ADOBADO,  sm.  1.  Pickled  pork.  2.  Any  sort  of 
dressed  meat. 

ADOBADOR,  RA,  s.  Dresser,  preparer. 

ADOBAR,  va.  1.  To  dress  or  make  any  thing  up. 
2.  To  pickle  pork  or  other  meat.  3.  To  cook. 
4.  To  tan  hides.  5.  (Met.)  To  prepare  or  dis- 
pose the  mind. 

ADOBE,  sm.  A  brick  not  yet  baked. 

ADOBERIA,  sf.  1.  A  brick-field.  2.  V.  Teneria. 

ADOBO,  sm.  1.  Repairing,  mending.  2.  Pickle, 
sauce.  3.  Paint  for  ladies.  4.  Ingredients  for 
dressing  leather  or  cloth. 

ADOCENAR,  va.  1.  To  count  or  sell  by  dozens. 
2.  To  despise,  to  contemn. 

ADOCTRINAR,  va.  V.  Doctrinar. 

ADOLECER,  vn.  1.  To  be  seized  with  illness.  2. 
To  labour  under  disease. — va.  To  produce 
pain  or  disease. 

ADOLESCENCIA,  sf.  Adolescence  ;  youth. 

ADOLESCENTE,  sm.  A  person  being  in  the  state 
of  adolescence. 

ADONDE,  ad.  Whither  ?  to  what  place  ?  Monde 
quiera,  To  whatever  place  you  please. 

ADONICO  Y  ADONIO,  sm.  A  Latin  verse  consist- 
ing of  a  dactyle  and  a  spondee. 

ADOPCION,  sf.  Adoption  ;  the  act  of  taking  an- 
other man's  child  for  his  own. 

ADOPTADOR,  RA,  s.  Adopter  ;  one  that  adopts. 

ADOPTANTE,  pa.  Adopting,  one  who  adopts. 

ADOPTAR,  va.  1.  To  adopt.  2.  To  embrace  an 
opinion.  3.  To  graft. 

ADOPTIVO,  VA,  a.  Adoptive. 

ADOQUIER  Y  ADOQUIERA,  ad.  (Ant.)  Where 
you  please. 

DOQui.v,  sm.  Long  stone  used  to  bind  the 
flags  round  fountains. 

ADOR,s?tt.The  time  assigned  for  watering  land. 

ADORABLE,  a.  Adorable  ;  worthy  of  adoration. 

ADORACION,  sf.  Adoration  ;  the  act  of  adoring. 

ADORADOR,  RA,  s.  Adorer ;  worshipper ;  one 
that  adores. 

ADORAR,  va.  1.  To  adore  ;  to  reverence  with 
religious  worship.  2.  To  love  excessively.  3. 
To  kiss  the  Pope's  hand,  as  a  mark  of  re- 
spect and  reverence. 

ADORATORIO,  sm.  A  name  given  by  the  Spa- 
niards to  the  temples  of  idols  in  America. 

ADORMECEDOR,  RA,  a.  Soporiferous ;  that  which 
causes  drowsiness  or  sleep. 

ADORMECER,  vr.  1.  To  cause  drowsiness  or  sleep. 
2.  To  calm,  to  mitigate. — vr.  1.  To  fall  asleep. 
2.  To  grow  benumbed,  torpid.  3.  (Met.)  To 
grow  or  persist  in  vice. 

ADORMECIMIENTO,  sm.  Drowsiness,  slumber. 

ADORMIDERA.  sf.  (Bot.)  Poppy.  Papaver  som- 
niferum  L. 

ADORMIT£RSE,  vr.  V.  Dormitar. 



ADORNADOR,  RA,  s.  Adorner. 

ADORNAR,  va.  1.  To  beautify,  to  embellish.  2. 
To  adorn  with  talents.  Ella  cstd  adornada 
de  todas  las  prendas  y  circunstancias  que 
pide  su  caracter  y  scxo,  She  is  adorned  with 
all  the  talents  and  endowments  suitable  to 
her  character  and  sex. 

ADORNISTA,  sin.  Painter  of  ornaments. 

ADORXO,  sm.  1.  Ornament,  decoration.  2.  Fur- 

ADQUIRIDOR,  RA,  5.  Acquirer.  (Prov.)  A'  lucn 
adquiridor,  buen  ezpendedor,  After  a  ga- 
therer comes  a  scatterer. 

ADQUIRIR,  va.  To  acquire,  to  obtain. 

ADQUISICIOS,  sf.  1.  Acquisition,  the  act  and  ef- 
fect of  acquiring.  2.  Goods  or  effects  obtain- 
ed by  purchase  or  gift,  and  not  by  inheritance. 

ADRA,  sf.  Turn,  time,  successive  order. 

AvRJii,Ks,  Hurdles  which  are  put  in  carts. 

ADUEDE,  ad.  Purposely  ;  on  purpose. 

ADRIATICO,  a.  Mar  Mriatico,  the  Adriatic  Sea. 

AURIZAR,  va.  (Naut.)  To  right.  Adrizar  un 
navw,  To  right  a  ship. 

ADRUBADO,  DA,  a.  (Ant.)  Gibbous;  protube- 
rant ;  swelling  into  inequalities. 

ADSCRIBIR,  va.  To  appoint  a  clergyman  to  the 
service  of  a  church. 

ADUANA,  sf.  I.  A  custom-house.  2.  (Met.)  A 
house  much  frequented.  Pasar  par  todas 
las  aduanas,  To  undergo  a  close  examina- 
tion. 3.  (Cant.)  Brothel,  receptacle  for 
thieves  and  stolen  goods. 

ADUANAR,  va.  1.  To  enter  goods  at  the  custom- 
house. 2.  To  pay  the  duty. 

ADUANERO,  sm.  Customhouse-officer. 

Ai)UAR,5?7t.  1.  An  ambulatory  village  of  Arabs. 
2.  A  cottage  of  gypsies.  [used. 

ADUC  AR,  sf.  A  coarse  sort  of  silk  stuff  formerly 

ADUENDADO,  DA,  a.  Resembling  a  ghost ;  walk- 
ing about  like  a  ghost. 

AouFAZOySW.  Blow  with  a  timbrel,  or  tabourine. 

ADUFE,  sm.  Timbrel  or  tabourine.  V.  Pandero. 

ADUKERO,  KA,  s.  Timbrel  or  tabourine-player. 

ADUJAR,  va.  (Naut.)  To  coil  a  cable. 

AJJUJAS  6  ADUJADAS,  (Naut.)  Flakes  of 
a  coiled  cable. 

Antfi.A,  sf.  1.  A  piece  of  ground  which  has  no 
particular  irrigation  allotted  to  it.  2.  V.  Dula. 

ADULACI<SN,  sf.  Adulation,  flattery. 

A.DULADOR,  RA,  s.  Flatterer. 

ApVLAR,va.  1 .  To  flatter.  2.  To  crouch,to  cringe. 

AnuLATORio,  RiA,rt.  Adulatory,  flattering. 

ADULKAR,  vn.  To  bawl,  to  cry  out. 

ADur.EROjSm.  Herd  or  driver  of  horses  or  mules. 

ADULTERACION,  sf.  Adulteration  ;  adulterating. 

AUULTKRADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  adulterates. 

ADUI/TKRAR,  va.  1.  To  adulterate ;  to  corrupt 
or  falsify.  2.  (Ant.)  To  commit  adultery. 

ADCLTERINAMENTE,  ad.  In  an  adulterous  man- 

ADULTERINO,  NA,  a.  1.  Adulterous  ;  begotten  in 
adultery.  2.  Adulterated,  falsified,  forged. 

ADULTERIO,  sm.  Adultery,    [guilty  of  adultery. 

ADuLTERo,RA,s.Adulterer;  adulteress ;  aperson 

ADtrr.TO,  TA,  a.  Adult,  state  of  manhood. 

ADUI//-AR,  va.  1.  To  sweeten.  2.  To  soften.  Adul- 
zar  los  metales,To  render  metals  more  ductile. 

ADUMBRACIOX,  sf.  Adumbration,  shade  in  a 

ADUNACION,  sf.  Adunation,  the  act  of  uniting, 
and  the  union  itself. 

ADUXAR,  ra.  To  unite,  to  join.  [nas 

AD^R,  ADTJ^RAS,  Y  ADURO,  ad.  (Ant.)  V.  Apd- 

ADUSTIOX,  sf.  (Mod.)  Adustion,  an  excessive 
inflammation  of  the  blood. 

ADUSTIVO,  VA,  a.  That  which  has  the  power 
of  adusting  or  burning  up. 

ADUSTO,  TA,  a.  1.  Adust ;  that  which  is  adust- 
ed  or  burnt  up.  2.  Exposed  to  the  scorching 
heat  of  a  meridian  sun.  3.  (Met.)  Gloomy, 
untr  actable. 

AHVKNA,  sm.  A  foreigner. 

ADVKNKDI/.O,  ZA,  s.  1.  A  foreigner  who  comes 
to  establish  himself  in  a  country.  2.  (Ant.)  A 
Mahometan  proselyte,  converted  to  the  Ro- 
man Catholic  religion. 

ADVENIMIENTO,  sm.  Arrival ;  advent. 

ADVKXTAJA,  sf.  (For.  Arag.)  A  jewel  or  piece 
of  furniture,  which  the  surviving  husband  or 
wife  takes  out  of  the  estate  of  the  deceased 
consort  before  the  division  of  the  inheritance 
be  made. 

ADVENTicio,ciA,a.l.  Adventitious ;  accidental. 
2.  (For.)  Acquired  by  industry  or  right  of  inhe- 
ritance, independent  of  a  paternal  fortune. 

ADVERBIAL,  «.  Adverbial,  belonging  to  an  ad- 

ADVERBIALMJENTE,  ad.  Adverbially.          [verb. 

ADVERBIO,  sm.  Adverb ;  one  of  the  parts  of 
speech,  joined  to  the  verbs  or  adjectives,  for 
the  purpose  of  qualifying  and  restraining  the 
latitude  of  their  signification. 

ADVERSAMENTE,  ad.  Adversely  ;  unfortunately. 

ADVERSARIO,  sm.  Adversary  ;  opponent ;  an- 
tagonist.— pi.  Notes  and  annotations  in  a  com- 
mon-place book  ;  a  common-place  book. 

ADVERSAxfvo,  VA,  a.  (Gram.)  Adversative  :  an 
adversative  particle  is  that  which  expresses 
some  difference  and  opposition  between  that 
which  precedes  and  follows. 

ADVERSIDAD,  sf.  Adversity,  calamity. 

ADVERSO,  SA,  a.  1.  Adverse,  calamitous,  afflic- 
tive. 2.  Opposite,  placed  in  a  contrary  di- 
rection ;  averse. 

ADVERTENCIA,  sf.  1.  Advertence  ;  attention  to  ; 
regard  to.  2.  Advice.  3.  Advertisement  to 
the  reader. 

ADVERTIDAMENTE,  ad.  Advisedly,  deliberately. 

ADVERTIDO,  DA,  a.  1.  Noticed.  2.  Skilful,  intelli- 
gent ;  acting  with  deliberation  and  design. 

ADVERTIMIENTO,  sm.  V.  Jldvertencia. 

ADVERTIR,  va.  1.  To  advert,  to  take  notice  of, 
to  observe.  2.  To  instruct,  to  advise.  3.  To 

ADVIENTO,  sm.  Advent ;  the  name  of  one  of  the 
holy  seasons,  comprehending  the  four  weeks 
before  Christmas. 

ADVOCA~CION,  sf.  1.  Appellation  given  to  a 
church,  chapel,  or  altar,  dedicated  to  the  holy 
virgin,  or  a  saint.  2.  Profession  of  a  lawyer. 

ADVOCATORIO,  RIA,  a.  Carta  advocatoria  6  con- 
vocatoria,  A  letter  of  convocation  calling  an 

ADYACENTE,  a.  Adjacent ;  applied  to  islands- 
lying  near  a  continent,  or  principal  island  ; 
things  contiguous. 

ADYUTORIO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Aid,  support,  succour. 

AECHADERO,   sm.  The  place  where  grain  in 
winnowed  or  separated  from  the  chaff. 



AECHADOR,  RA,  s.  Winnower  ;  sifter  of  corn. 

AECHADtfRAS,s/.p£.  The  refuse  of  grain,  chaff. 

AECHAR,  va.  To  winnow,  to  sift,  to  separate 
grain  from  the  chaff. 

AECHO,  sm.  Winnowing,  cleansing. 

AEREO,  RE  A,  a.  1.  Aerial ;  consisting  of  or  be- 
longing to  air.  2.  (Met.)  Airy,  fantastic  ;  des- 
titute of  solidity  or  foundation. 

AERIFORME,  a.  (Quim.)  Aeriform,  state  of  air. 

AKKUI.OGIA,  sf.  Aerology,  the  doctrine  of  air. 

AEROMANCIA,  sf.  Aeromancy,  the  art  of  divin- 
ing by  the  air. 

AEROMANTico,sm.  Professor  or  student  of  aero- 
mancy.  [the  air. 

Ar.uoMKTRfA,  s/.  Aerometry,  art  of  measuring 

AESCONDIDAS  Y  A  ESCONDIDAS,  ad.  Privately ; 
in  a  secret  manner. 

AFABIUI>XD,  sf.  Affability  ;  easiness  of  man- 
ners ;  civility  of  address. 

AFABLE,  a.  Affable  ;  agreeable  ;  courteous. 

AFABI.EME.VTE,  ad.  Affably,  courteously. 

AFACA,  j?/.  (Bot.)  Yellow  vetch.  Vicia  lutea  L. 

AFAG^SMO,  sm.  A  sort  of  tax  or  duty.       [gry. 

AFAMADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Famed,  celebrated.  2.  Hun- 

AFAN,  sm.  1.  Anxiety,  solicitude,  eagerness,  in 
pursuit  of  worldly  affairs.  2.  (Ant.)  Toil,  fa- 

AFANADAMENTE,  ad.  Anxiously,  laboriously. 

AFA.VAPOR,  RA,  5.  Anxious  pursuer  of  riches. 

AFAMAR,  va.  1.  To  toil,  to  labour  ;  to  be  over- 
solicitous.  2.  (Ant.)  To  be  engaged  in  corpo- 
ral labour.  (Prov.)  Jlfanar,  afanar  y  nunca 
medrar  ;  Much  toil  and  little  profit. 

AFANOSO,  SA,  «.  Solicitous  ;  laborious  ;  painful. 

AFASCALA.R,  va.  To  stack,  to  build  ricks  of  corn. 

AFAVCIONADO,  DA,  a.  (Ant.)  V.  Agcstado. 

AFEADOR,  RA,  s.  One  that  deforms,  disfigures, 
or  makes  ugly. 

AFKAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  Deformation  ;  defacing.  2. 
Ugliness.  3.  Calumny,  censure. 

AFEAR,  va.  1.  To  deform,  to  deface.  2.  (Met.) 
To  decry,  to  find  fault  with,  to  censure. 

AFECCION,  sf.  1.  Affection ;  inclination,  fond- 
ness. 2.  (Fil.)  Properties  of  a  thing.  3.  Right 
of  bestowing  a  benefice. 

\CION,  sf.  Affectation  ;  the  act  of  mak- 
ing an  artificial  appearance. 

AFECTAUAMENTE,  ad.  Affectedly  ;  formally. 

AFECTADO,  DA,  a.  Affected,  formal,  conceited. 

AFKCT^DOR,  RA,  s.  One  that  affects,  or  acts  in 
an  affected  manner. 

AFECTAR,  va.  1.  To  feign,  to  study  outward 
appearance  with  some  degree  of  hypocrisy. 
2.  To  unite  benefices  or  livings.  3.  To  aim  at, 
to  endeavour  after  with  anxiety. 

AFF.crfLLO,  sm.  (Dim.)  Slight  affection. 

AFECTI vo,  VA,  a.  Proceeding  from  or  belonging 
to  affection  ;  affective. 

AFECTO,  sm.  1.  Affection,  love,  kindness.  2. 
Passion,  sensation.  3.  Pain,  disease.  4.  (Pint.) 
Lively  representation,  tffectos  desordena- 
dos,  Inordinate  desires. 

AFECTO,  TA,  a.  1.  Affectionate.  2.  Inclined,  dis- 
posed. 3.  Reserved  ;  applied  to  benefices,  the 
collation  whereof  is  reserved  to  the  Pope.  4. 
Subject  to  some  charge  or  obligation  for 
lands,  rents. 

AFECTUOSAMENTE,  ad.  Affectionately. 

AFECTUOSO,SA,«.  Affectionate,  kind,  gracious. 

AFELIO,  sm.  Aphelion,  that  part  of  a  planet's 
orbit  which  is  the  most  remote  from  the  sun. 

AFELPADA,  DA,  a.  Shaggy,  villous.  Palletes 
afelpados,  (Naut.)  Cased  mats. 

AFEMINACION,  sf.  Effemination  ;  emasculation. 

AFEMINADAMENTE,  ad.  Effeminately,  womanly. 

AFEMINADILLO,  LA,  a.  Somewhat  effeminate. 

AFEMINAMIENTO,  sm.  V.  Jlfeminaci6n. 

AFEMINAR,  va.  1.  To  effeminate,  to  emasculate, 
to  unman.  2.  To  debilitate,  to  enervate,  to 
melt  into  weakness. 

AFERESIS,  sf.  Aphseresis  ;  a  figure  in  grammar 
that  takes  away  a  letter  or  syllable  from  the 
beginning  of  a  word,  as  Conia  for  Cicnnia. 

AFERMOSEAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Hcrmosear. 

AFERRADOR,  RA,  s.  One  that  grapples  or  grasps. 

AFERRAMIENTO,  sm.  Grasping,  grappling  ;  the 
act  of  seizing  or  binding,  rfferramiento  de 
las  velas,  (Naut.)  The  furling  of  the  sails. 

AFERRAR,  va.  1.  To  grapple,  to  grasp,  to  seize. 
2.  (Naut.)  To  furl,  to  hand  the  sails.  3.  (Naut. 
Ant.)  To  moor. — vr.  1.  To  grasp  one  another 
strongly.  2.  (Met.)  To  persist  obstinately  in 
an  opinion. 


lines  ;  rope-bands. 

AFERVORIZAR,  va.  V.  Enfervorizar. 

AFEYTADAMEXTE,  ad.  Affectedly,  artificially. 

AFEYTADOR,  RA,  s.  (Ant.)  Barber,  hair-dresser. 

AFEYTAR,  va.  1.  To  shave.  2.  To  paint,  to  set 
off  a  person  with  paints  or  colours.  3.  To  clip 
the  box,  wall-trees,  &c.  in  a  garden.  4.  To 
cut  the  tails  and  manes  of  horses  and  mules  ; 
to  trim  them.  5.  (Ant.)  To  decorate,to  adorn. 

AFEYTE,  sm.  Paint ;  an  artificial  colour  laid  on 
a  tiling  in  order  to  beautify  it. 

AFIAN/AR,  va.  1.  To  bail,  to  give  security  for 
another.  2.  To  prop,  to  support,  to  secure 
with  stays,  ropes,  &c. 

AFIAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  promise  or  give  parole  for 
the  safety  of  another,  like  the  ancient  knights. 

AFICION,  sf.  1.  Affection  ;  inclination  for  a  per- 
son or  thing.  2.  Earnestness,  eagerness. 

AFICIONADAMENTE,  ad.  Affectionately. 

AFICIONADO,  DA,  s.  An  amateur  ;  a  devotee. 

AFICIONAR,  va.  To  affect,  to  cause  or  inspire 
affection,  [distant  regard  ;  slight  affection. 

AFICIONCILLA,  sf.  (Dim.)  Sneaking  kindness, 

AFILADERA,  sf.  Whetstone,  sharpem'ng-stone. 

AFILADURA,  sf.  Sharpening,  whetting. 

AFiLAMiENTo,sm.  Attenuating,  act  of  thinning. 

AFILAR,  va.  1.  To  whet,  to  sharpen  by  attrition. 
2.  To  render  keen.  Ajilar  las  unas,  To  make 
an  extraordinary  effort  of  genius  or  skill. — 
vr.  To  grow  thin  and  meagre. 

AFILIGRANADO,  DA,  a  1.  Filigree-like,  resem- 
bling filigree.  2.  (Met.)  Applied  to  persons  who 
are  slender,  slim  of  body,  and  small  featured. 

AFILLAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  adopt,  to  make  him  a 
son  who  was  not  by  birth. 

AFILON,  sm.  1.  Whetstone.  2.  An  instrument 
made  of  steel,  used  by  comb-makers  for  edg- 
ing or  whetting  their  tools. 

AFI'N,  s.  (Ant.)  Relation  by  affinity. 

AFINACION,  sf.  1.  Completion  ;  the  act  of  finish- 
ing, and  the  state  of  being  finished.  2.  Refin- 
ing. 3.  Tuning  of  instruments. 

AFINADAMKNTE,  ad.  Completely,  perfectly. 

AFiKADo.DA,a.  Well-finished,  perfect  .complete 



AFINADOR,  HA,  s.  1.  Finisher  ;  one  that  finishes 
a  thing  well.  2.  Key  with  which  stringed  in- 
struments are  tuned. 

AFINAD^RA  Y  AFIIJAMIENTO,  s.  1.  Refining  ;  the 
act  of  finishing.  2.  Refinement ;  perfection. 

AFIKAR,  va.  1.  To  complete,  to  finish,  to  polish. 
2.  To  tune  musical  instruments.  Afinnr  Jos 
metalcs,  To  refine  metals,  dfinar  la  voz.  To 
tune  the  voice. 

AriNcXoo,  DA,  a.  Wished  for  with  anxiety  ; 
vehemently  desired. 

AFINID  AD,  sf.  1.  Affinity  ;  relation  by  marriage. 
2.  (Met.)  Analogy ;  relation  to ;  connexion 

AFIR,  sm.  Horse-medicine  made  up  of  juniper- 

AFIRM  ACION  Y  AFIRMATIVA, sf.  Affirmation ;  as- 

AFIRMADAMENTE,  ad.  Firmly. 

AFIRMADOR,  RA,  s.  One  that  affirms. 

AFIRMAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  Affirmation.  2.  (Ant. 
Arag.)  Agreement  with  a  servant  on  his  en- 
tering the  service. 

AFIRMAR,  va.  1.  To  make  fast,  to  secure.  2.  To 
affirm,  to  assure  for  certain,  rffirmar  una 
rarta,  At  cards,  to  give  one  card  a  fixed  va- 
lue.— vn.  To  inhabit,  to  reside,  to  sojourn. — 
tr.  1.  To  fix  one's  self  in  the  saddle  or  stir- 
rup. 2.  To  maintain  firmly;  to  advance  stea- 
dily, [tively. 

AFIRMATIVAMENTE,   ad.   Affirmatively;    posi- 

AFIRMATIVO,  VA,  a.  Affirmative  ;  opposed  to 
negative.  [a  wound. 

AFISTOL^R,  va.  To  render  fistulous ;  applied  to 

Arfxo,  XA,  a.  (Gram.)  Affix  ;  applied  to  letters 
added  to  a  word.  [lines. 

AFLECHATES,  sm.  pi.  (Naut.)  Ratlings  or  rat- 

AFLEGIR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Afligir. 

AFLICCION,  sf.  Concern,  affliction, sorrow,  grief. 

AFLICTIVO,  VA,  a.  Afflictive  ;  that  which  causes 
pain  and  grief.  Pena  aflictiva,  corporal  pu- 

AFLICTO,  TA,  a.  (Poet.)  Afflicted. 

AFLiGiDAMENTE,ad.  Grievously,  with  affliction. 

AFLIGIR,  va.  To  afflict,  to  put  to  pain, "to 
grieve,  to  torment. 

AFLORX.DO,  a.  V.  Floreado. 

act  of  loosening  or  slackening  ;  the  state  of 
being  relaxed. 

AFLOXAR,  va.  1.  To  loosen,  to  slacken,  to  relax. 
2.  To  debilitate.  3.  (Pint.)  To  soften  the  co- 
lour in  shading.  4.  (Naut.)  Aflozar  los  obcn- 
ques.  To  ease  the  shrouds. — vn.  1.  To  grow 
weak  ;  to  abate.  2.  To  grow  cool  in  fervour 
or  zeal ;  to  lose  courage. 

AFLUENCIA,  sf.  Affluence,  plenty,  abundance. 

AFLUENTE,  a.  1.  Affluent,  copious,  abundant.  2. 
Loquacious  ;  having  a  flow  of  words,  [sers. 

AFOLL.ADO,  DA,  a.  Wearing  large  or  wide  trou- 

AFOLLAR,£a.  To  blow  with  bellows  ;  to  ill-treat. 

AFONDAR,  va.  1.  To  put  under  water.  2.  (Naut.) 
To  sink. — vn.  (Naut.)  To  founder  ;  to  go  to 
the  bottom. 

AFORADO,  a.  Privileged  person. 

AFORADOR,  sm.  Gauger,  or  gager. 

AFORAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  Gauging.  2.  Duty  on  fo- 
reign goods. 

AFORX.R,  va.  1.  To  gauge,  to  measure  vessels  or 

quantities.  2.  To  examine  goods  for  the  pur- 
pose of  determining  the  duty  to  be  paid  on 
them.  3.  To  give  or  take  landa  or  tenements 
under  the  tenure  of  melioration.  [beasts. 

AFORISMA,  sf.  A  swelling  in  the  arteries  of 

AFORISMO,  5m.  Aphorism,  brief  sentence,  max- 

AFORfsxico,  CA,  a.  Aphoristical.  [im. 

AFORO,  sm.  Examination  and  valuation  of  wine 
and  other  commodities  for  the  payment  of 
duties ;  gauging. 

AFORRAR,  va.  1.  To  line,  to  cover  the  inside  of 
cloths.  2.  (Ant.)  To  emancipate  a  slave.  3. 
(Naut.)  To  sheathe.  4.  (Naut.)  Aforrar  un 
cabo,  To  serve  a  cable. 

AFORRO,  sm.  1.  Lininor.  2.  (NaUt.) "Sheathing, 
3.  (Naut.)  Waist  of  a  ship. 

AFORTUNADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Fortunate.  2.  Hard, 
strong.  Ticmpo  aj 'or tunado, Blowing  weather. 

AFORTUNX.R,  va.  To  make  happy. 

AFOSARSE,  vr.  (Mil.)  To  defend  one's  self  by 
making  a  ditch. 

AFRANCES^DO,  DA,  a.  Frenchified;  imitating 
with  affectation  the  French. 

AFRAN CESX.R,  va.  To  Gallicize,  to  give  a  French 
termination  to  words. — vr.  To  Frenchify,  to 
imitate  the  French. 

AFRATEL^RSE,  vr.  To  fraternize. 

AFRAYI..£R,  va.  (And.)  To  lop  off  the  branches 
of  trees. 

AFREC  HO,  sm.  (And.  yExtrem.)  Bran,  the  husks 
of  corn  ground. 

AFRENILLAR,  vn.  (Naut.)  To  bridle  the  oars. 

AFRENTA,  sf.  1.  Any  dishonour  or  reproach  ; 
outrage  ;  an  insult  offered  to  the  face.  2.  In- 
famy resulting  from  the  sentence  passed  up- 
on a  criminal.  3.  Courage,  bravery,  valour. 

AFRENTAR.  va.  To  affront ;  to  insult  to  the 
face. — vr.  To  be  affronted  ;  to  be  put  to  the 
blush.  [fully. 

AFRENTosAMENTE,fflrf.Ignominiously ;  disgrace- 

AFRENTOSO,  SA,  a.  Ignominious  ;  insulting. 

AFRETAR,  va.  To  hog  and  clean  the  bottom  of 
a  row  galley. 

A'FRICO,  sm.  The  wind  that  blows  off  the  Afri- 
can coast ;  south-west  wind.  V.  A'brego. 

AFRISONADO,  DA,  a.  Resembling  a  Friesland 

AFRONTADAMENTE,  ad.  Face  to  face. 

AFRONTAR,  va.  1.  To  put  one  thing  opposite  to 
another.  2.  To  confront.  3.  To  reproach  one 
with  a  crime  to  his  face. — vn.  To  face. 

AFUER,  ad.  Upon  the  word  of  a  gentleman. 

AFIJERA,  ad.  1.  Abroad  ;  out  of  the  house  or 
place.  2.  Openly,  in  public.  3.  Besides  ;  more- 
over. Afuira  Afu6ra,  Stand  out  of  the  way ; 
clear  the  way.  En  afudra,  Except,  besides. 

AFUERAS,  Environs  of  a  place. 

AFUEROS,  sm.  pi.  Foreign  duties. 

AFUFAR  Y  AFUFARSE,  vn.  y  r.  To  flee,  to  run 
away,  to  escape.  No  pudo  afufarlos,  He 
could  not  escape  them. 

AFUSTE,  sm,.  A  gun-carriage,  dfuste  de  mort e- 
ro,  A  mortar -bed. 

AGACH^DA,  sf.  Submission  ;  temporizing. 

AGACHADIZA,  sf.  (Orn.)  A  snipe  ;  a  small  bird. 
Hacer  la  agachadiza,  To  stoop  down,  to  con- 
ceal one's  self. 

AGACH.ARSE,  vr.  1.  To  stoop,  to  squat,  to  crouch. 
2.  To  let  a  misfortune  pass  unnoticed. 




AGALBAXA'DO,  DA,  a.  V.  Galbanero. 

AGA"LLA,  */.(Bot.)  Gall-nut.  Agattade  Cipres, 
Cypress  gall.  Quedarse  de  la  agalla.  o  col- 
ffado  dc  fa  agalla  ;  To  bo  deceived  or  disap- 
pointed in  his  hopes. — -pi.  1.  Glands  in  the 
inside  of  the  throat.  2.  Gills  of  fishes.  3.  Dis- 
temper of  the  glands  under  the  cheeks,  or  in 
the  tonsils.  4.  Wind-galls  in  the  pasterns  of 
a  horse.  5.  Beaks  of  a  shuttle. 

AGALLADO,DA,O.  Steeped  in  an  infusion  of  galls. 

AcALLdw,  sm.  A  large  gall-nut.  rfgalldnes,  pi. 

1.  Strings  of  large  silver-beads  hollowed  like 
gall-nuts.  1.  Wooden  beads  put  to  rosaries. 

AGALLUELA,  sf.  (Dim.)  A  small  gall-nut. 

AGAMITAR/W  To  imitate  the  voice  of  a  fawn. 

AGAMUZX.DO,  DA,«.  Shamois-coloured ;  having 
the  colour  of  a  shamois-skin. 

AGARB.-C  DO,  DA,  a.  V.  Garboso. 

AGARBANZ^R,  vn.  To  bud,  to  put  forth  young 

AGARBA"RSE,  rr.  To  cower,  to  squat  like  a  hare. 

AGARENO,  sm.  A  descendant  of  Agar  ;  a  Mo- 

AGA\RICO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Agaric  ;  a  fungous  excres- 
cence growing  on  the  trunks  01  larch-trees. 

AGARRADERO,  sm.  (Naut.)  Anchoring-gronnd. 

AGARRA\DO,  DA,  a.  1.  Seized.  2.  Miserable, 
stingy.  ^  [2.  Catchpole,  bum-bailiff. 

AGARRADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  One  that  grasps  or  seizes. 

AGARRAFA^R,  va.  (Vulg.)  To  grasp  ;  to  grapple 
hard  in  a  scuffle. 

AGARRA"MA,  sf.  V.  Garrama. 

AGARRA^NTE,  V.  Agarrador. 

AGARRAR,  va.  1.  To  grasp,  to  seize,  to  lay  hold 
of.  2.  To  obtain.  Agarrarse  de  un  pclo,  To 
grasp  at  a  hair,  to  support  an  opinion  or  fur- 
nish an  excuse. 

AGA"RRO,  sm.  Grasp,  the  act  of  seizing. 

AGARROCHADOR,  sm.  Pricker,  stabber,  goader. 

with  a  pike  or  spear  ;  to  goad. 

AGARROTA"R,  va.  To  tie  and  compress  bales 
with  ropes  and  cords. 

AGASAJADOR,RA,  s.  One  that  receives  and  treats 
with  impassioned  kindA^s. 

AGASAJA"K,  va.  1.  To  m^Tfe  and  treat  kindly. 

2.  To  regale.         P&7 

AGASA"  jo,  sm.  1.  Graceful  and  affectionate  re- 
ception. 2.  A  friendly  present.  3.  Refresh- 
ment or  collation  served  up  in  the  evening. 

A'GATA,  sf.  Agate,  a  precious  stone. 

A'GATAS,  ad.  All  fours.  Jlndar  d  gutas,  To  go 
on  all  fours. 

AGAVX.N/A,  sf.  (Bot.)  Hip-tree,  dog-rose.  Rosa 
canina  L. 

AGAVILI.AR,  va.  To  bind  or  tie  up  the  corn  in 
sheaves. — v r.  (Met.)  To  associate  with  a 
gang  of  sharpers. 

AGAZAPA"R,??«.  (Joe.)  To  nab  or  catch  a  person. 
— vr.  To  hide  one's  self;  not  to  be  seen. 

A'GE,  sm.  Habitual  or  chronic  disease. 

AGEA"R,  vn.  To  cry  like  a  partridge  which  is 
closely  pursued. 

AGENA~R,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Enagenar. 

AGENCIA,  sf.  1.  Agency,  the  office  of  an  agent. 
2.  Diligence  ;  activity. 

AGENCI!  R,  va.  To  solicit ;  to  endeavour  eagerly 
to  obtain  a  thing.  [cious. 

AGENCIOSO,  SA,  o.  1.  Diligent,  active.  2.  Offi- 

.  V.  Gengibre. 
AGENO,  NA,  a.  1.  Foreign,  strange  ;  remote.  2 

Ignorant.  3.  (Met.)  Improper.  Agtno  de  ver~ 

dad,  Void  of  truth. 
AGENTE,  sm.  1.  Agent,  actor.   2.  Solicitor,  at- 

torney. Agente,  dc  ncgocios,  Broker. 
AGENTJZ,  sm.  (Bot.)  Field  fennel  flower.  Nigel- 

la  arvensis  L. 
AGEO,  sm.  Perro  de  ogeo,  Setting-dog  used  for 

AGER^TO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Sweet  milfoil  or  maudlin. 

Achillea  ageraturn  L. 
AGERMEN.£RSE,  vr.  To  enter  the  society  of 

AGEST^DO,  DA,  (Bicn  6  mal.)  a.  Well  or  ill 

faced  or  featured. 
AGESTE,  sm.  North-west  wind. 
AGI,  sm.  A  sort  of  sauce  made  in  America  of 

the  agi-pepper. 
AGIBILIBUS,  s.  Application  and  industry  used 

to  obtain  the  conveniences  of  life. 
AGIBLE,  a.  Feasible  ;  practicable. 
AGIGANTA'DO,  DA,  a.  Giantlike,  gigantic. 
A'GIL,  a.  Nimble,  ready,  expedite. 
AGILID^D,  sf.  Agility,  nimbleness,  activity. 

.  To  render  nimble  ;  to  make  ac- 


,  ad.  Nimbly,  readily,  actively. 
Aofo  v  AGIOTAGE,  sm.  (Com.)  Exchange  of 

paper  money  for  coin  or  coin  for  bills. 
AGIOTA"  DOR,  sm.  Bill-broker,  stock-broker. 
AGIOTISTA,STO.  Money-changer,  bill-broker. 
AGIRONX.R,  va.  To  put  gussets  or  coloured  tri- 

angular pieces  in  cloths. 
AGITABLE,  a.  Capable  of  agitation. 
AGITACION,  sf.  Agitation  ;  the  act  of  agitating. 
AGITANA^DO,  DA,  a.  Gipsy  -like,  resembling  gip- 
AGITJ(.R,  va.  1.  To  ruffle.  2.  To  discuss,     [sies. 
AGLUTINA'NTE,  a.  Uniting  parts  together. 
AcLUTiNATfvo,  VA,  a.  Agglutinative. 
AGN  ACION,.?/".  Consanguinity  ;  relation  by  blood. 
AGNA'DO,  DA,  a.  (For.)  Consanguineous  ;  near 

of  kin  ;  related  by  blood. 
AGNAT!CIO,  CIA,  a.  Consanguineous  ;  belonging 

to  consanguinity, 
AGNICION,  sf.  Agnition  or  recognition  of  a  per- 

son on  the  stage.  [tree. 

AGNOcASTO,sm.  (Bot.)  Agnus  castus,  or  chaste- 
AGNOMKNTO,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Cognomento  6  So- 

AGNUS  DEI,  sm.  Agnus  Dei  ;  a  relic  or  emble- 

matic figure  of  a  lamb,  blessed  by  the  Pope. 
AGOBIX.R,  va.   1.  To  bend  the  body  down  to 

the  ground.  2.  (Met.)  To  oppress.  —  vr.  To 


Ac  OLA"  R,  va.  (Naut.)To  hand  the  sails. 
AcoLpARSE,??r.To  crowd,to  assemble  in  crowds. 
AGONA"  I.ES,  a.  pi.  Games  in  honour  of  Janus. 
AGO.VE,  (in)  (Lat.)  6  en  la  agoniadclameurte, 

In  agony  ;  in  the  struggle  of  death. 
AGONIA,  sf.  1.  Agony  ;  the  pangs  of  death.  2. 

Any  violent  pain  of  body  or  mind.  3.  An 

anxious  or  vehement  desire. 
AcoxfsTA,  sm.  (Ant.)  A  dying  person. 
AGONIZX.NTE,  sm.  1.  One  that  assists  a  dying 

person.  2.  A  monk  of  the  order  of  St.  Camil- 

lus,  who  is  bound  to  assist  dying  persons.  3. 

(Met.)   Anxiously   desirous.    4.   In   univer- 

sities, he  who  assists  students  in  their  exa- 



mination  for  a  decree.  5.  (Ant.)  Dying  ;  in 
the  agony  of  death. 

AGO  N i /, Ji R,  va.  1.  To  assist  dying  persons.  2. 
To  desire  anxiously  ;  to  wish  with  continu- 
ed eagerness.  3.  (Met.)  To  annoy,  to  pester  ; 
to  importune  intolerably.  Estar  agonizando. 
To  be  in  the  agony  of  death. 

AGORA,  ad.  V.  Mora.  [gur. 

AGOR^R,  va.  To  divine,  to  prognosticate  ;  to  au- 

AGORKRIA,  sf.  Auguration  ;  divination. 

AGORERO,  RA,  s.  Augur  or  augurer  ;  diviner. 

AGORGOJARSE,  vr.  To  be  destroyed  by  grubs. 

AGOSTADERO,  sm.  Summer  pasture  where  cat- 
tle graze  in  August. 

AGOSTAR,  va.  I.  To  be  parched  with  heat.  2. 
(Arag.)  To  turn  up  or  plough  the  land  in 
August ;  to  fallow.  3.  To  pasture  cattle  on 
stubbles  in  August. 

AGOSTERO,  sm.  1.  A  boy  appointed  to  assist  and 
wait  upon  reapers  in  the  field.  2.  A  religious 
mendicant  who  begs  corn  in  August. 

AGOSTIZO,  ZA,  a.  A  person  born  in  August ;  a 
colt  foaled  in  that  month. 

Acdsro,  sm.  1.  August,  the  eighth  month  in 
the  year.  2.  Harvest -time.  3.  Harvest ;  the 
corn  gathered  and  inned. 

AGOTAR,  va.  1.  To  drain  off  waters  or  other  li- 
quors. 2.  (Met.)  To  beat  one's  brains ;  to 
strike  out  something.  3.  To  run  out  a  for- 
tune ;  to  mispend  it, 

AcdxE,  sm.  (Nav.)  He  who  is  of  one  genera- 
tion ;  a  race  so  called. 

AGRACEJO,  5m.  An  olive  which  falls  before  it 
is  ripe. 

AGRACI-.NO,  SfA,  a.  Resembling  verjuice,  or  the 
juice  pressed  from  sour  grapes. 

AGRACERA,  sf.  Vessel  to  hold  verjuice — a.  Ap- 
plied to  grapes  which  never  ripen.  [some. 

AGRACIADO,  DA,  a.  Graceful,  genteel,  hand- 

AGRACIAR,  va.  1.  To  adorn  or  embellish  a  thing 
or  person.  2.  To  grant  a  favour.  3.  To  com- 
municate divine  grace. 

AGRADABLE,  a.  Agreeable,  pleasing. 

AGRADAR,  va.  To  please,  to  gratify,  to  render 
acceptable. — vr.  To  be  pleased. 

AGRADECER,  va.  1.  To  acknowledge  a  favour. 
2.  To  reward,  to  recompense. 

AGR  ADECIDO,  DA,  a.  1.  Acknowledged.  2.  Grate- 
ful, thankful. 

AfiRADEcimf  ENTO,  sm.  Gratitude, gratefulness ; 
the  act  of  acknowledging  a  favour  conferred. 

AGRADO,  sm.  1.  Affability,  agreeableness  ;  the 
quality  of  pleasing.  2.  Will,  pleasure.  Esto 
no  cs  de  mi  agrado,  That  does  not  please  me. 

AGRADULCE,  a.  That  Avhich  is  between  sweet 
and  sour.  V.  Agridulce. 

AGRAMADERA,  sf.  Brake,  an  instrument  for 
dressing  flax  or  hemp. 

AGRAMADOR,  RA,  s.  One  that  dresses  flax  or 
hemp  with  a  brake. 

AGRAMAR,  va.  To  dress  flax  or  hemp  with  a 

AGRAMILA'DO,  DA,  a.  Painted  like  bricks  in  size 
and  colour. 

AGRAMILAR,  va.  To  point  and  colour  a  brick 

AGRAMI/A,  sf.  1.  The  stem  or  stalk  of  hemp. 
2.  Refuse  of  hemp  which  has  been  dress- 

AGRANDAR,  va.  To  increase,  to  make  larger. 
AGUANUJADO,  DA,  a.  Filled  or  -covered  with 

AGRAVACION,  sf.  Aggravation  ;  the  act  of  ag- 


AGRAVADOR,  RA,  s.  Oppressor. 
AGRAVAMiESTO,sra.  (Canon.)  Censure  ;  threat- 

ening excommunication. 
AGRAVANTEMENTE,  ad.  Grievously. 
AGRAVAR,   va.  1.  To  oppress  with  taxes  and 

other  public  burthens  ;   to  aggrieve.  2.  To 

aggravate  ;    to  render  more  intolerable.   3. 

To  exaggerate  ;  to  make  larger. 
AGRAVATORIO,  RIA,  a.  (For.)  Compulsory,  ag- 

AGRAVIADAMENTE,  ad.  (Ant.)  1.  Injuriously, 

insultingly.  2.  Efficaciously,  strongly. 
AGRAVIADOR,  RA,  s.  One  that  gives  offence,  or 

AGKAVIAR,  va.  1.  To  wrong,  to  injure.  2.  (Ant.) 

To  load,  to  Burthen.  —  vr.  To  be  aggrieved. 
AGRAVIO,  sm.   1.  Offence,   injury,  insult.  2. 

(Ant.)  Appeal. 
AGRAZ,  sm.  1.  Verjuice  ;  the  juice  expressed 

from  unripe  grapes.  2.  An  unripe  grape.  3. 

(Bot.)  Maple.  En  agraz,  ad.  Unseasonably  ; 


AGRAZADA,  sf.  Verjuice-water. 
AGRAZAR,  vn.  To  have  a  sour  taste,  to  become 

like  verjuice.  —  va.  To  disgust. 
AoRAZON,sm.  1.  Wild  grape  ;  a  bunch  of  grapes 

which  does  not  ripen.  2.  (Bot.)  Gooseberry 

bush.  3.  Vexation,  displeasure,  resentment. 
AGREGACION,  sf.  1.  Aggregation  ;   the  act  of 

collecting  into  one  mass.  2.  The  state  of  be- 

ing thus  collected. 
AGREG^DO,  DA,  a.  Aggregated. 
AGREG^DO,  sm.  Aggregate  ;  the  collection  of 

many  particulars  into  one  whole. 
AGREGAR,  va.  1.  To  aggregate,  to  collect  and 

unite  persons  or  things.  2.  To  collate,  to  no- 


AGRESION,*/".  (Ant.)  Aggression,  at  tack,  assault 
AGRESOR,  RA,  s.  Aggressor,  assaulter  ;  one  that 

commits  the  first  act  of  hostility. 
AGRESTE,  a.  1.  Rustic,  clownish,  illiterate.  2. 

Propagated  by  nature  without  cultivation. 
AGRETE,  sm.  Sourness  with  a  mixture  of  sweet. 
AGRETE,  a.  Sourish. 
AcFuAMENTE,  ad.   Sourly  ;   with  asperity  or 

AGHIAR,  va.  I.  To  make  sour  or  tart.  2.  (Met.) 

To  make  peevish,  to  irritate,  to  exasperate. 
AGRICULTOR,  RA,  s.  Husbandman  or  woman. 

RA,'*/*.  Agriculture,  husbandry. 
,  a.  Between  sweet  and  sour. 


AGRIFOLIO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Holly-tree.  Ilex  aquifo- 

lium  L. 

AGRILLADO,  DA,  a.  Chained  ;  put  in  irons. 
AGRILLARSE,  vr.  V.  Grillarse. 
AGRILLO,  LA,  a.  (Dim.)  Sourish,  tartish. 
AGRIMENSOR,  sm.  Surveyor  ;  a  measurer  of 

land  ;  a  director  of  buildings. 
AoRiMENstf  RA,  sf.  Art  of  surveying  land. 
AGRIMONIA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Agrimony,    liverwort. 

Agrimonia  L. 
AGRIO,  RIA,  a.  1.  Sour,  acrid.  2.  (Met.)  Rough, 

craggy  ;  applied  to  a  road  full  of  stones  and 
.  3.  (Met.)  Sharp,  rude,  unpleasant, 



Una  respuesta  agria,  A  smart  reply.  4.  Brit- 
tle, apt  to  break,  unmalleable,  inductile  ;  ap- 
plied to  metals.  5.  Harsh,  graceless ;  applied 
to  colours. 

AcRfo,  sm.  The  acid  or  acrid  juice  of  fruits. 
Agrios,  orchard  or  plantation  of  sour  fruit- 
trees,  [of  a  horse's  knee. 

AGRION,  sm.  (Alb.)  Nerve  or  tumor  in  the  joint 

AGRIPALMA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Motherwort. 

AGRISET^DO,  DA,  a.  Flowered,  like  silks. 

AGROPILA,  sm.  German  bezoar. 

AGRUPA^R,  va.  To  group,  to  dispose  and  unite 
figures  in  a  picture. 

AcRthiA,  sf.  1.  Acidity  ;  the  sour  juice  of  cer- 
tain fruits.  2.  A  group  of  trees  which  yield 
fruit  of  a  sourish  taste. 

A'GUA,  sf.  1.  Water.  2.  (Quim.)  Liquor  distil- 
led from  herbs,  flowers,  or  fruit.  Agua,  dc, 
azahar,  Orange  flower  water.  3.  Lustre  of 
diamonds.  4.  (Naut.)  Leak.  Agua  ardiente, 
Brandy.  Aguafucrte,  Aqua  fortis.  Agua 
regia,  Aqua  regia.  Agua  bendita,  Holy  wa- 
ter. Agua  va,  A  notice  to  passengers  that 
water  is  going  to  be  thrown.  Agua  viva, 
running  water. — pi.  1.  Mineral  waters  in  ge- 
neral. 2.  Clouds  in  silk  and  other  stuffs.  3. 
Urine.  4.  Tide.  Aguas  mucrtas,  Neap-tides. 
Aguas  vivas,  Spring-tides.  Entre  dos  aguas, 
Between  wind  and  water  ;  in  doubt,  perplex- 

A'GUA  ABA"XO,  ad.  Down  the  stream. 

A'GUA  ARRIBA,  ad.  1.  Against  the  stream.  2. 
(Met.)  Up  hill ;  with  great  difficulty. 

AGUACA\TE,  sm.  1.  (Bot.)  Vegetable  marrow,  an 
American  fruit,  resembling  a  large  pea.  2. 
Emerald,  shaped  as  a  pear. 

AGUACERO,  sm.  A  short  heavy  shower  of  rain. 

AGUACHA,  sf.  (Bax.  Arag.)  A  pool  of  stagnant 
and  corrupted  water. 

AGUACHIRLE,  sf.  1.  Small  inferior  wine,  con- 
sisting of  the  washings  of  the  wine-press.  2. 
Slipslop  ;  any  bad  liquor. 

AGUACIBERA,  sf.  (Agr.  Arag.)  A  piece  of  ground 
sowed  when  dry,  and  afterwards  irrigated. 

AGUACIL,  sm.  A  constable.  V.  Alguacu. 

AGUADA,  sf.  1.  (Naut.)  Water-provisions  on 
board  a  ship.  Haccr  aguada,  To  water.  2. 
(Naut.)  Port  or  place  whither  ships  go  to 
water.  3.  (Pint.)  Sketch,  outline. 

AGUADERAS,  sf.  pi.  1.  Frames  in  which  jars  of 
water  are  carried  by  horses.  2.  The  four 
largest  and  principal  feathers  of  a  hawk. 

AGUADERO,  sm.  1.  Watering-place  for  cattle.  2. 
(Naiit.)  Watering-port  for  ships.  [sores. 

AGUADIJA,  sf.  Limpid  humour  in  pimples  or 

AGUADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Watered.  2.  Drinking  no  li- 
quor but  water. 

AGUADOR,  sm.  1.  Water-carrier,  who  carries 
water  to  the  houses.  2.  (Mil.)  Aguador  del 
real,  Sutler.  3.  Bucket  of  a  water-wheel. 

AcuADticHo,  sm.  1.  Water-course,  rush  of  wa- 
ter. 2.  Place  where  earthen  vessels  with 
drinking  water  are  kept. 

AcuAotf  RA,  sf.  Disease  in  horses  arising  from 
a  surfeit  of  water.  [water 

AcuAcE,  sm.  (Naut.)  Rapid  current  of  sea- 

AGV^J  AS,  Ulcers  above  the  hoofs  of  horses. 

AGUAMANIL,  sm.  Water  jug  of  metal  or  earth 
for  a  wash-hand  stand. 

AcuAMANos,sm.  Water  for  washing  the  hands. 
Dar  aguamanos,  To  procure  water  for  wash- 
ing the  hands. 

AGUAMELADO,  DA,  a.  Washed  or  rubbed  over 
with  water  and  honey: 

AGUAMIEL,  sf.  Hydromel,  honey  and  water. 

AGUANAFA,  sf.  (Mur.)  Orange-flower  water. 

AGIJANIEVE,  sf.  1.  (Orn.)  Bird  of  the  family  of 
magpies.  2.  Sleet,  small  hail  or  snow  :  in  this 
sense,  it  is  properly  two  words,  agua  nievc. 

AGUANOSIDAD,  sf.  Aqueous  humours  in  the 
body  ;  serosity. 

AGUANOSO,  SA,  a.  Aqueous  ;  extremely  moist. 

AGUANTAR,  va.  1.  To  sustain,  to  suffer,  to  bear  ; 
to  maintain.  2.  (Naut.)  To  carry  a  stiff  sail. 

AGUANTE,  sm.  1.  Fortitude,  firmness  ;  vigour 
in  bearing  labour  and  fatigue.  2.  Patience, 
sufferance.  3.  (Naut.)  Navio  de  aguante,  A 
ship  that  carries  a  stiff  sail. 

AGUANON,  sm.  Constructor  of  hydraulic  ma- 

AGUAPIE,  sm.  Small  wine.  V.  Aguachirlc. 
GU^R,  va.  1.  To  mix  water  with  wine,  vine- 
gar, or  other  liquor.  2.  (Met.)  To  disturb  or 
interrupt  pleasure.  [pecting. 

AGUARDADA.  sf.  Expectation  ;  the  act  of  ex- 

AGUARDAR,  ra.  1.  To  expect,  to  wait  for,  to 
await.  2.  To  grant  time,  e.  g.  to  a  debtor. 

AGUARDENTERIA,  sf.  Liquor  shop  where  bran- 
dy is  sold  by  retail. 

AGUARDENTERO,KA,  s.  Keeper  of  a  liquor-shop; 
retailer  of  brandy  and  strong  liquors. 

AGUARDIENTE,  sm.  Brandy. 

AGUA^RDO,  sm.  Place  where  a  fowler  or  sports- 
man waits  to  fire  at  the  game. 

AGUARR^S,  sf.  Spirit  of  turpentine  used  in  var- 

AGUARSE,  vr.  I.  To  be  inundated  with  water. 
2.  To  get  stiff  after  much  fatigue  ;  applied 
to  horses  or  mules. 

AGUATOCHA,  sf.  Fire-engine. 

AGUATOCHO,  sm.  1.  Fire-engine.  2.  Small  quag- 

AGUAVI£NTOS,  sm.  (Bot.)  Yellow  sage-tree. 

AGUAXAQUE,  sm.  A  sort  of  ammoniac  gum. 

AGUAYTADOR,  RA,  s.  (Bax.)  Spy  ;  one  sent  to 
watch  the  motions  and  conduct  of  others. 

AGUAYTAMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  of  spying. 

AGUAYTAR,  va.  To  search  or  discover  by  close 
examination  or  artifice. 

AGUAZA,  sf.  1.  Aqueous  humour.  2.  Juice  ex- 
tracted from  trees  by  incision. 

AGUAZX.L,  sm.  V.  Pantano. 

AGUAZARSE,  vr.  To  be  covered  with  water. 

AGUA/O  (pintura  dc),  Painting  drawn  with 
gum-water  of  a  dull,  cloudy  colour. 

AGUAZOSO,  SA,  a.  Aqueous  ;  extremely  moist. 

AGUAZUR,  sm.  (Mur.)  Kind  of  dark  green  large 
leaved  barilla  plant. 

AcvciAR,va.  To  desire  or  solicit  with  eagerness. 

AGUDAMESTE,  ad.  1.  Sharply,  lively.  2.  Acute- 
ly, ingeniously. 

AGUDEZA,  sf.  1." Keenness  or  sharpness  of  in- 
struments. 2.  Acuteness,  force  of  intellect.  3. 
Witty  saying.  4.  Acidity  of  fruit  and  plants. 

AGUDILLO,  I.LA  ;  TO,  TA,  a.  (Dim.)  A  little 
sharp,  witty,  or  sprightly. 

AGUDO,  DA,  a.  1.  Sharp-pointed,  keen-edged.  2. 
(Met;)  Acute,  witty.  3.  (Met.)  Dangerous, 



e.  g.  an  acute  disease.  4.  Brisk,  ready,  active. 

AGUELO,  LA,  5.  (Ant.)  Grand  father  or  mother. 

AGUERA,  sf.  (Agr.  Arag.)  Channel  or  trench 
for  conveying  water  to  a  piece  of  ground. 

AGUERO,  sm.  Augury,  prognostication. 

AGUERR|DO,  DA,  «.  Inured  to  war. 

AGUERRIR,  va.  To  accustom  to  war. 

AGUIJADA,  sf.  1.  Spur,  goad.  2.  Stimulation; 
excitement,  pungency. 

AGUIJADOR,  RA,  s.  One  that  goads  or  stimulates. 

AGuuAuuRA,5/.Stimulation;  the  actof  exciting. 

AGUIJAR,  va.  1.  To  prick,  to  spur,  to  goad.  2.  To 
incite,  to  stimulate. — vn.  To  march,  or  go  fast. 

AGUIJATORIO,RIA,«.  (For.)  Stimulating ;  applied 
to  an  order  from  a  superior  to  an  inferior  court. 

AGUIJON,  sm.  1.  Sting  of  a  bee,  wasp,  &c.  2. 
Prick,  spur,  goad.  Dar  6  tirar  coces  contra  el 
aguijon,  To  kick  against  the  spur  or  goad. 

AcuuoNAzo,  sm.  Thrust  with  a  goad. 

AGUUONEAR  Y  AGUIJONAR,  va.  V.  Aguijdr. 

AGUIJONCII.LO,  sm.  (Dim.)  Petty  exciter. 

A'GUILA,  sf.  1.  Eagle.  Ve  mas  que  un  aguila, 
He  is  more  sharp-sighted  than  an  eagle.  2.  A 
gold  coin  with  an  eagle  of  the  reign  of  Charles 
V.  3.  Principal  standard  of  the  ancient  Ro- 
mans. 4.  (Astr.)  A  northern  constellation. 

AGUILANDO,  sm.  V.  Agidnaldo. 

Acuir.ESo,  NA,  a.  1.  Aquiline  ;  when  applied  to 
the  nose,  hooked.  2.  Resembling  or  belong- 
ing to  an  eagle. 

AGUILILLA,  sf.  A  little  eagle  ;  an  eaglet. 

AGLTILUCHO,  sm.  1.  Eaglet,  a  young  eagle.  2. 
Hobby.  Falco  subbuteo  L.  [box. 

AGUINALDO,  5m.  New-year's  gift,  Christmas- 

AGUIS.AR,  va.  (Ant.)  1.  To  dress,  to  arrange,  to 
adjust.  2.  To  cook  or  provide  provisions. 

AGUITA,  sf.  Dim.  de  agua,  A  little  rain  or  mist. 

Actf  JA,  sf.  1.  Needle,  bodkin.  2.  Spire  of  an  obe- 
lisk or  pyramid :  steeple.  3.  Sort  of  paste, 
pointed  at  both  ends.  4.  Needle-fish,  horn-fish. 
5.  Needle-shell.  6.  Hand  of  a  watch  ;  style  of 
.  a  dial.  7.  Rod  in  a  bee-hive.  Aguja  de  ma- 
rear,  (Naut.)  A  mariner's  compass.  Agitja 
de  camara,  (Naut.)  A  hanging  compass. 
Aguja  cajtotera,  (Naut.)  Sailing-needle. 
Aguja  de  relinga,  (Nairt.)  Boltrope-needle. 
Aguja  de  hacer  medias,  Knitting-needle. 
Aguja  de  pastor,  (Bot.)  Shepherd's  needle, 
Venus'  comb.  Scandix  pecten  L.—pl.  1.  Ribs 
of  the  fore-quarter  of  an  animal.  2.  Distemper 
of  horses  affecting  the  legs,  neck,  and  throat. 
3.  A  sort  of  cotton  stuff,  made  at  Aleppo. 
Vino  de  agujas,  Wine  of  a  sharp,  acrid  taste. 

AGUJAR,  va.  To  prick  with  a  needle. 

AcujXzo,  sm.  Prick  with  a  needle. 

AGUJERAZO,  sm.  A  large  or  wide  hole. 

AGUJEREX.R  y  AGUJERAR,  va.  To  pierce,  to 
bore,  to  make  holes.  [hole. 

AGUJERICO,  ILLO,  Y  UELO,  sm.  (Dim.)  A  small 

AGUJERO,  5m.  1.  Hole  in  clothes,  walls,  &c.  2. 
Needle-maker,  needle-seller.  3.  Pin-case ; 

AGUJETA,  5/.  String  or  strap  of  leather  ;  a  lace. 
— pi.  1.  Drink-money  given  to  post-boys  or 
drivers  of  mail-coaches.  2.  Pains  felt  in  con- 
sequence of  fatigue. 

AcujETERfA,  5/.  Shop  where  leather  straps, 
laces,  or  girths,  called  agnjetas,  are  made  or 

AGUJETERO,  RA,  5m.  Maker  or  seller  of  aguje- 
tas  or  laces. 

AGUJON,  5m.  (Aum.)  A  large  needle. 

AGUOSIDAD,  5/.  Lymph,  a  transparent  colour- 
less liquor  in  the  human  body. 

Aoudso,  SA,  a.  Aqueous. 

AGUSTINO,  NA,  Y  AGUSTINIANO,  NA,  5.  Monk  or 
nun  of  the  order  of  St.  Augustin. 

AGUZADERA,  5/.  Whetstone. 

AGU/ADERO,  sm.  Haunt  of  wild  boars,  where 
they  turn  up  the  ground  and  whet  their  tusks. 

AoczADtrRA,  sf.  Whet ;  the  act  of  whetting  or 
sharpening  a  tool  or  weapon. 

AGUZANIEVE,  5/.  Wagtail,  a  small  bird. 

AGUZAR,  va.  1.  To  wnet  or  sharpen  a  tool  or 
weapon.  2.  (Met.)  To  stimulate,  to  excite. 
Aguzar  el  ingenio,  To  sharpen  the  wit.  Agu- 
zar  las  orejas,  To  cock  up  the  ears,  to  listen 
quickly,  to  attend  to.  Aguzar  la  vista,  (Met.) 
To  sharpen  the  sight. 

AGUZON.X.ZO,  5m.  V.  Hurgonazo.  [grief. 

AH  !  (Inter j.  de  dolor.)  Ah  !  an  interjection  of 

AHAJAR,  va.  V.  Ajar.  [threads  or  fibres. 

AHEBR^DO,  DA,   a.   Composed    of  parts   like 

AHECHAR,  va.  V.  Aechdr. 

AHELEAR,  va.  To  give  gall  to  drink,  to  make 
bitter. — vn.  To  taste  very  bitter  like  gall. 

AHEMBRXDO,  DA,  a.  Effeminate.  V.Afeminado. 

AHERROJAMIENTO,  5m.  Chaining,  putting  in 
irons.  [irons. 

AHERROJAR,  va.  To  chain,  to  put  in  chains  or 

AHERRUMBRARSE,W.  1.  To  become  ferruginous, 
to  have  the  taste  and  colour  of  iron.  2.  To  be 
full  of  scoria,  [wheat  and  other  sorts  of  grain. 

AHERVORARSE,  vr.  To  be  heated  ;   applied  to 

AHI,  ad.  There,  in  that  place  ;  in  that.  Depor 
ahi,  About  that ;  indicating  a  common  trifling 

AHIDALGADO,  DA,  a.  Gentlemanlike,  noble. 

AHIJA^DO,  DA,  s.  1.  Godchild.  2.  One  protected 
or  peculiarly  favoured. 

AHIJADOR,  5m.  One  who  puts  a  young  animal 
to  be  nourished  by  others. 

AHIJAR,  va.  1.  To  adopt  as  a  child.  2.  (Among 
shepherds)  To  put  every  lamb  with  its  dam. 
3.  (Met.)  To  impute  to  one  what  he  is  not 
guilty  of.— vn.  1.  To  beget  children.  2.  To 
bud,  to  shoot  out. 

AHILARSE,  vr.  1.  To  grow  or  be  faint  for  want 
of  nourishment.  2.  To  grow  sour  ;  applied 
to  leaven  and  bread.  3.  To  be  weak  ;  applied 
to  plants.  4.  To  mould  or  become  mouldy. 
Ahilarse  el  vino,  To  turn  and  grow  ropy ;  ap- 
plied to  wine.  [food. 
nfLo,  sm.  Faintness ;  weakness  for  want  of 

AufNco,  5?7i.  Earnestness,  eagerness,  with 
which  a  thing  is  solicited  or  done. 

AHIRMAR,  va.  (Carp.)  V.  Ajlrmar. 

A.mrJin,va.  To  surfeit ;  to  overload  the  stomach. 
— vr.  To  be  surfeited  ;  to  have  an  indigestion. 

AHITERA,  5/.  Violent  or  continued  indigestion. 

Anfro,  TA,  a.  1.  One  that  labours  under  an  in- 
digestion. 2.  (Met.)  Disgusted ;  tired  of  a 
person  or  thing. 

Anfro,  5m.  Indigestion  ;  surfeit. 

AHOBACHONADO,  DA,  a.  Dull,  slovenly ;  lazy. 

AHOCINARSE,  vr.  To  run  or  flow  precipitately, 
like  torrents  or  floods  through  narrow  passages. 

AHOGADKRO,  sm.  1.  Strangling  rope  used  by 



hangmen.  2.  Crowd  of  people,  or  place  diffi- 
cult to  breathe  in.  3.  Necklace.  4.  Throat- 
band  ;  a  part  of  the  headstall  of  a  bridle  or 

AHOGADIZO,  ZA,  a.  Harsh,  unpalatable  ;  applied 
to  sour  fruit.  Carne  ahogadiza,  Flesh  of  ani- 
mals suffocated,  or  drowned. 

AHOGADO,  DA,  a.  Stifled,  suffocated.  Carnero 
ahogado,  Stewed  mutton.  Dar  mate  ahoga- 
do, To  pin  up  the  king  at  the  game  of  chess  ; 
(Met.)  To  insist  upon  things  being  done  with- 
out delay.  Estar  ahogado  6  verse  ahogado, 
To  be  overwhelmed  with  business. 

AHOGADOR,  RA,  s.  Suffocater. 

AHOGAMIENTO,  sm.  Suffocation ;  the  act  of 
suffocating.  Ahogamitnto  de  la  madre,  Hy- 
sterics, an  hysteric  fit. 

AHOGAR,  va.  To  choak,  to  throttle,  to  kill  by 
stopping  the  breath.  2.  (Met.)  To  oppress.  3. 
(Met.)  To  quench,  to  extinguish.  4.  To  wa- 
ter plants  to  excess.  5.  (Naut.)  To  founder, 
to  go  to  the  bottom.  [affliction. 

AHOGO,  sm.  Oppression,  anguish,  pain,  severe 

AHOGUIJO,  sm.  Squinancy  ;  a  quinsy. 

AHOGUIO,  sm.  Oppression  in  the  breast  which 
hinders  breathing  with  freedom. 

AHOJAR,  vn.  To  eat  the  leaves  of  trees  ;  appli- 
ed to  cattle. 

AHOMBRADO,  DA,  a.  Masculine  ;  applied  to  a 
woman  of  masculine  features  and  manners. 

AHONDAR,  va.  To  sink,  to  deepen. — vn.  1.  To 
penetrate  far  into  a  thing.  2.  (Met.)  To  pro- 
ceed or  advance  in  the  knowledge  of  things. 

AHORA,  ad.  Now,  at  present,  actually.  Ahora 
ahdra,  Just  now.  Mora  ahora  empezd  el  ser- 
mon, The  sermon  began  this  moment.  Por 
ahora,  For  the  present.  Ahora,  bien,  Well, 
granted,  nevertheless. 

AHORA,  conj.  dis.  Whether,  or.  Ahora  sigas 
por  la  iglesia,  ahora  cmprendas  la  carrera 
de  las  armas,  ahora  sirvas  al  rey  en  su  pa- 
lacio,  siempre  te  serdn  utilcs  las  estudios, 
Whether  you  follow  the  church,  or  the  mi- 
litary profession,  or  serve  the  king  in  his  pa- 
lace, studies  will  always  be  useful  to  you. 

AHORCADO,  sm.  Hanged  man.  [tioner. 

AHORCADOR,  sm.  Hangman,  the  public  execu- 

AHORCADURA,  sf.  The  act  of  hanging.      [ged. 

AHORCAJARSE,  vr.  To  sit  a-stride,  or  stride-Teg- 

AHORCAR,  va.  1.  To  hang,  to  kill  by  suspend- 
ing by  the  neck.  2.  To  lay  aside  clothes,  to 
wear  them  no  longer.  Ahorcar  los  habitos,  To 
abandon  the  ecclesiastical  garb  for  another 
profession.  Que  me  ahorquen  si  lo  hago,  Hang 
me  if  I  do. — vr.  To  be  vexed  or  irritated. 

AHORMAR,  va.  1.  To  fit  or  adjust  to  a  form.  2. 
To  wear  clothes  or  shoes  until  they  fit  easy. 
3.  (Met.)  To  bring  one  to  a  sense  of  his  duty. 

AHORNAR,  va.  To  put  into  an  oven  to  be  baked. 
— vr.  To  be  scorched  or  burnt  in  the  oven 
without  being  baked  inwardly;  applied  to 
bread  or  baked  meat. 

AHORQUILLADO,  DA,  a.  Forked  ;  in  the  shape 
of  a  fork. 

AHORQUILLAR,  va.  To  stay,  to  prop  up  with 
forks. — vr.  To  become  forked. 

AHORRADG,  DA,  a.  Unembarrassed  ;  free  from 

AHORRADOR,  RA,  s.  Liberator,  emancipator. 

A.HORRAMIESTO,  sm.  Emancipation,  enfran* 

AHORRAR,  va.  1.  To  enfranchise,  to  emanci- 
pate. 2.  To  economize.  3.  To  shun  labour, 
danger,  or  difficulties.  4.  Among  graziers,  to 
give  the  elder  shepherds  leave  to  keep  a  cer- 
tain number  of  sheep  in  the  pastures. 

AHORRATIVO,  VA,  a.  Frugal,  thrifty,  saving. 
Andar  6  ir  d  la  ahorrativa,  To  be  on  the 
saving  hand,  to  go  frugally  to  work. 

AHORRATIVA  Y  AHORRO,  s.  1.  Parsimony,  fruga- 
lity. 2.  Saving  :  that  which  is  saved  or  spared. 

AHOTAS,  ad.  (Ant.)  V.  A1  la  verdad. 

AHOYADOR,  sm.  One  that  makes  holes  for  the 
purpose  of  planting. 

AHOYADURA,  sf.  The  act  of  making  holes  in 
the  ground.  [trees. 

AHOYAR,  va.  To  make  holes  in  the  ground  for 

AHUCHADOR,  RA,  s.  Hoarder  ;  a  churl. 

AHUCHAR,  va.  To  hoard  up  any  thing  saved. 

AHUECAMIENTO,  sm.  Excavation ;  the  act  of 
cutting  into  hollows,  or  forming  hollows. 

AHUECAR,  va.  1.  To  excavate,  to  hollow,  to 
scoop  out.  2.  To  loosen  a  thing  which  was 
close  pressed ;  to  render  wool  spungy  by 
combing  or  beating  it. — vr.  To  grow  haugh- 
ty ;  to  be  proud  or  elated ;  to  be  puffed  up 
with  pride.  [A  sea-fish. 

AHUMADA,  sf.  1.  Signal  given  with  smoke.    2. 

AHUMAR,  va.  To  smoke,  to  cure  in  smoke. — 
vn.  To  smoke,  to  emit  smoke. 

AHUN,  AatJN^uE,  V.  Ann,  Aimque.      [shaped. 

AHUSADO,  DA,  a.  Formed  as  a  spindle,  spindle- 

AHUSAR,  va.  To  make  a  thing  as  slender  as  a 
spindle. — vr.  To  taper  ;  to  be  shaped  like  a 
spindle.  [ens  away. 

HUYENTAodR,  RA,  s.  One  that  drives  or  fright- 

AHUYENTAR,  va.  1.  To  drive  away,  to  put  to 
flight.  Ahuyentar  los  paxaros  6  las  moscas, 
To  scare  away  birds  or  flies.  2.  (Met.)  To 
overcome  a  passion,  to  banish  care. 

Ai,  ad.  V.  Alii. 

AIJADO,  sf.  Goad.  V.  Aguijada. 

AINAS,  ad.  (Vulg.)  Well-nigh  ;  almost. 

AINDE,  ad.  (Ant.)  V.  Adelante. 

AIRADAMENTK,  ad.  Angrily  ;  in  an  angry  man- 
ner, [grow  angry. 

AIRARSE,  rr.  To  put  one's  self  in  a  passion  ;  to 

AISLADO,  DA,  «.  Insulated  ;  embarrassed. 

AISLAR,  va.  1.  To  surround  with  water.  2.  To 

AJADA,  sf.  A  sauce,  made  of  bread  steeped  in 
water,  garlic,  and  salt. 

AJAMIENTO,  577*.  Disfiguration ;  the  act  of  dis- 
figuring ;  deformity. 

AJAR,  sm.  Garlic-field;  plantation  of  garlic. 

AJAR,  va,  1.  To  spoil,  to  mar,  to  tarnish.  2.  To 
abuse,  to  treat  with  injurious  language.  Ajar 
la  vanidad  d  alguno,  To  pull  down  one's  pride. 

AJAZO,  sm.  A  large  head  of  garlic. 

AJERO,  sm.  Vender  of  garlic. 

AJETE,  sm.  1.  Young  or  tender  garlic.  2.  Sauce 
made  of  garlic. 

AJIACEYTE,  5m.  Mixture  of  garlic  and  oil. 

AJICOL\,  sf.  Glue  made  of  cuttings  or  scraps 
of  gloves,  or  leather  boiled  with  garlic. 

AJILIMOGK  6  AJILIMOGILI,  sm.  Sauce  of  pep- 
per and  garlic  made  for  stewed  meat. 

AJILLO,  sm.  Tender  young  garlic. 


,  sm.  Leek.  V.  Puerro. 

A' jo,  sm.  1.  (Hot.)  Garlic.  2.  Garlic-sauce  for 
meat.  3.  (Met.)  Paint  for  ladies.  4.  (Met.) 
Affair  discussed  or  treated  upon  by  many. 
Revolver  el  ajo  6  el  ruido,  To  stir  up  new 
disturbances.  Ajo  blanca,  dish  made  of  bruis- 
ed garlic,  bread,  oil,  and  water. 

AJOBAR,  va.  To  carry  upon  one's  back  loads  of 
great  weight.  [2.  A  heavy  load. 

AJOBO,  sm.  1.  The  act  of  carrying  heavy  loads. 

AJOFAYNA,  sf.  V.  Aljofayna. 

AJOLIO,  sm.  Sauce  made  of  oil  and  garlic. 

AJONJE,  sm.  Birdlime  ;  a  glutinous  substance 
extracted  from  the  low  carline  thistle. 

AJONJERA  6  AJONGERO,  sf.  (Bot.)  The  low  car- 
line  thistle.  Carlina  acaulis  L. 

AjdNjon  Y  ALJONJOLI,  sm.  (Bot.)  The  oily 
purging  grain.  Sesamum  orientate  L. 

AjoquESO,  sm.  Dish  made  of  gar  lie  and  cheese. 

AJORAR,  va.  To  carry  off  by  violence. 

AJORCAS,  sf.  V.  Axdrcas. 

AJORDAR,  va.  (Arag.)  To  bawl,  to  cry  out. 

AJORNALADO,  DA,  a.  Hired  to  labour  for  daily 

AJORNALAR,  va.  To  hire  by  the  day.     [wages. 

AJUAGAS,  sf.  pi.  Spavin  ;  a  disease  in  horses. 

AJUANETADO,  DA,  a.  Having  bony  protube- 
rances on  the  joints  of  the  feet. 

AJCAR,  sm.  1.  Apparel  and  furniture  which  a 
bride  brings  to  her  husband.  2.  Household 

AJUDIADO,  DA,  a.  Jewish,  resembling  Jews. 

AJUICIADO,  DA,  a.  Judicious,  prudent. 

AJUICIAR,  vn.  To  proceed  with  judgment  and 

AJUNTAMIENTO,  (Ant.)  V.  Juntamitnto. 

A.JUNTAR,  V.  Juntar. 

AJUSTADAMENTE,  ad.  Justly,  exactly,  rightly. 

AJUSTADO,  DA,  a.  Exact,  right,  well  fitted  ; 
stingy.  Es  un  hombre  ajustado,  He  is  a  man 
of  strict  morals. 

AJUSTADOR,  sm.  Close  waistcoat,  jacket. 

AJUSTAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  Adjustment,  agreement. 
2.  Settling  or  liquidation  of  accounts.  3.  Writ- 
ing which  contains  the  settlement  of  accounts. 

AJUSTAR,  va.  1.  To  regulate,  to  adjust.  2.  To 
make  an  agreement.  3.  To  reconcile.  4.  To 
examine  and  audit  accounts.  5  To  settle  and 
liquidate  a  balance.  6.  To  press  close,  to  op- 
press. 7.  To  fit  or  adjust  clothes. — vr.  1.  To 
come  to  an  agreement,  to  settle  matters.  2. 
To  conform  one's  opinion  to  that  of  another.  3. 
To  approach,  to  draw  near  a  place  or  thing. 

AJUSTE,  sm.  1.  Proportion  of  the  constituent 
parts  of  a  thing.  2.  Agreement,  contract. 

AJUSTICIAR,  va.  To  execute  a  malefactor,  to 
put  him  to  death. 

A'L,  art.  1.  An  article  formed  by  a  syncope  of 
the  preposition  d  and  the  article  el,  and  placed 
before  nouns,  &c.  ;  e.g.  Eljuezdebe  castigar 
al  dehnqilente,  The  judge  ought  to  punish  the 
delinquent.  2.  An  Arabic  article  correspond- 
ing to  the  Spanish  articles  el  and  la  in  com- 
pound words  ;  e.  g.  Alfaharero,  a  potter.  3. 
Used  in  verbs  of  motion  instead  of  the  Latin 
preposition  ad:  c.  g.  Voy  al  rio,  I  go  to  the 
river.  4.  Used  with  the  infinitive  of  divers 
verbs ;  e.g.  Al  amanecer,  At  the  dawn  of  day. 

AL,  P-ron.  indec.  (Ant.)  Other,  contrary,  V. 
Otro  and  Demas.  Par  al,  V.  For  tanto. 


A'LA,  sf.  1.  Wing  ;  aisle.  2.  Row  or  rile.  3. 
(Fort.)  Flank.  4.  Brim  of  the  hat.  5.  Auricle, 
the  external  fleshy  part  of  the  ear.  A'las  del 
Corazon,  (Anat.)  Auricles  of  the  heart.  6. 
Fin  of  a  fish.  A'la  de  mezanza,  (Naut.)  A 
driver. — pi.  (Naut.)  Upper-studding  sails. 
Alas  de  gavia,  Main-top-studding  sails.  Alas 
dc  velacho,  Fore-studding  sails.  Mas  dc  so- 
bremezana,  Mizen-top-studding  sails.  Alas 
de  proa,  Head  of  the  ship.  A'las,  Protection ; 
boldness  arising  from  protection :  (Poet.) 
Velocity.  [tying  God. 

Ar.A,  sm.  Alia  or  Allah,  an  Arabic  word,  signi- 

ALA,  int.  Holla;  a  word  used  in  calling.  V.Alld. 

ALABADO,  sra.  Hymn  sung  in  praise  of  the  sa- 
crament when  it  is  put  into  the  tabernacle. 

ALABADOR,  RA,  s.  Praiser,  applauder.      [tious. 

ALABANCIOSO,  SA,  a.  Boastful,  vainly  ostenta- 

ALABANDINA,  sf.  Manganese,  a  semi-metal. 

ALABANZA,  sf.  Praise,  the  act  of  praising. 

ALA  BAR,  va.  To  praise,  to  applaud. — vr.  To 
praise  one's  self,  to  display  one's  own  worth. 

ALABARDA,  sf.  1.  Halberd,  a  kind  of  battle-axe. 
2.  Serjeant's  place,  from  a  halberd  having 
formerly  been  borne  by  Serjeants. 

ALABARDAZO,  sm.  A  blow  with  a  halberd. 

ALABARDERO,  sm.  Halberdier,  armed  with  a 

ALABASTRADO,  DA,  a.  Resembling  alabaster. 

ALABASTRINA,  sf.  A  thin  sheet  or  plate  of  alabas- 

ALABASTRfNo,  NA,  a.  Made  of  or  like  alabaster. 

ALABASTRO,  sm.  Alabaster  ;  gypsum. 

A'LABE,  sm.  1.  Branch  of  an  olive-tree  bent  down 
and  reaching  to  the  ground.  2.  Flier  of  a 
water-mill,  which  serves  to  set  it  in  motion. 

ALABE  ARSE,#r.Towarp,to  grow  bent  or  crooked 

ALABEGA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Sweet  basil.  Ocymum  basi- 
licum  L.  [the  state  of  being  warped. 

ALABEO,  sm.  Warping  ;  the  act  of  warping,  and 

ALABESA,  sf.  A  sort  of  pike  formerly  used,  and 
so  called  from  its  being  made  in  Alaba. 

ALABIADO,  DA,  a.  Lipped  or  ragged  ;  applied 
to  uneven  coined  money. 

ALACENA  v  ALHACENA,  sf.  1.  Cupboard.  2. 
(Na6t.)  Locker,  a  small  box  in  the  cabin  and 
sides  of  a  ship.  [L. 

ALACHA,  sf.  Shad,  may-fish.  Clupea  alosa  parva 

ALACIAR,  vn.  V.  Enlaciar. 

ALACR.IN,  sm.  1.  Scorpion,  a  small  poisonous 
animal.  2.  Ring  of  the  mouth-piece  of  a 
bridle.  3.  Stop  or  hook  fixed  to  the  rocker  of 
organ-bellows,  which  serves  to  put  them  in 
motion.  4.  Chain  or  link  of  a  sleeve  button. 

ALACRANADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Bit  by  a  scorpion.  2. 
(Met.)  Infected  with  some  vice. 

ALACRANERA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Mouse-ear,  scorpion- 
grass.  Myosotis  scorpioides  L. 

ALADA,  sf.  Fluttering  ;  motion  of  the  wings. 

ALADARES,  sm.  pi.  Locks  of  hair  which  hang 
over  the  temples. 

ALADO,  DA,  a.  Winged  ;  that  which  has  wings. 

ALADRADA,  sf.  Furrow  or  small  trench  made 

ALADRAR,  va.  To  plough.          [by  the  plough. 

ALADRO,  sm.  1.  Plough.  2.  Ploughed  land. 

ALADROQUE,  sm.  (Mm.)  A  fresh  anchovy  be- 
fore it  is  put  into  pickle. 

ALAFIA,  sf.  (Bax.)  Pardon.     Pedir  alafia,  To 
implore  mercy  and  pardon. 



A'LAGA,  sf.  A  species  of  yellow  wheat. 
ALAGARERO,ST«.  Party  of  horse  making  an  ex- 

cursion into  an  enemy  's  country.  V.Jjlgardro. 
AI.AGARTADO,  DA,  a.  Variegated;  having  a  va- 

riety of  colours  similar  to  the  skin  of  a  lizard. 

,  sf.  (Arag.)  Winged  ant  or  pismire. 
ALAJA,  ALAJAR,  &c.  V.  Alhdja,  Alhajdr,  &c. 
ALAJU,  sm.  Paste  made  of  almonds,  walnuts, 

honey,  &c. 

ALAMA,  sf.  Gold  or  silver  cloth. 
ALAMA.R,  sm.  Laced  or  embroidered  button-hole. 
ALAMBICADO,  DA.  a.  1.  Distilled.     2.  (Met.) 

Given  with  a  sparing  hand,  as  if  coming  out 

of  an  alembic  or  still. 
ALAMEICAR,  va.  1.  To  distil.  2.  To  investigate 

closely.  Alembicar  los  sesos,  To  screw  one's 

wits,  to  hammer  one's  brains. 
ALAMBIQ,UE,  sm.  Alembic,  still.  For  alambiquc, 

Sparingly,  in  a  penurious  manner. 
ALAMBOR,  sm.  (Ant.  Fort.)  Inside  slope  or  talus 

of  a  ditch.  V.  Escarpa. 
ALAMBRE,  sm.   1.  Copper.  2.  Copper-wire.  3. 

Bells  belonging  to  a  flock  of  sheep.    4.  File 

on  which  papers  are  strung. 
AI.AMEDA,  sf:  1.  Grove  of  poplar  trees.  2.  Pub- 

lic walk  with  rows  of  trees. 
ALAMI.V,  sm.  1.  Clerk  of  the  market  appointed 

to  inspect  weights  and  measures.  2.  (And.) 

Architect,  surveyor  of  buildings.  3.  (Nav.) 

Farmer  appointed  to  superintend  irrigation 

or  distribution  of  water. 
ALAMINA,  sf.  A  fine  paid  by  the  potters  of  Se- 

villa  for  exceeding  the  number  of  vessels  to 

be  baked  at  once  in  an  oven.  [&c. 

ALAMINALGO,  sm.  Office  of  a  clerk,  surveyor, 
ALAMIRE,  sm.  Musical  sign. 
A'LAMO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Elm-tree.     A'lamo  bianco, 

White  poplar.    Populus  alba  L.  A'lamo  tem- 

llon,  Aspen-tree,  trembling  poplar-tree.  Po- 

pulus tremula  L.  A'lamo  negro,  Black  poplar- 

tree.  Populus  nigra  L. 
ALAMPARSE,  vr.  To  long,  to  show  an  anxious 

desire,  especially  in  regard   to   eating  and 


ALAMih>,  sm.  A  bolt,  for  fastening  a  door. 
ALANCEADOR,  sm.  One  who  throws,  casts,  or 

darts.  [or  spear 

ALANCEAR,  va.  To  dart,  to  wound  with  a  dart 
ALANDAL,  ALANIA,  V.  Alhandal,  Alhania. 
ALANDRE^RSE,  vr.  To  become  dry,  stiff,  anc 

blanched  ;  used  of  silk  worms. 
ALANO,  NA,  s.  Mastiff  of  a  large  kind. 
ALANO,  a.  Belonging  to  the  Alans  or  Vandals 

of  the  5th  century. 

ALANZADA,  sf.  Acre  of  ground.  V.  Aranzada. 
ALANZAR,  va.  To  throw  lances  ;  as  in  the  an 

cient  chivalrous  games. 
ALAQUECA,  sf.  Stone  brought  from  the  Indies 

and  applied  externally  to  stem  blood. 
ALAO.UEQ.UES,  sm.  pi.  Those  who  ransom  slaves 

or  captives. 
ALAR,  sm.  I.  Part  of  the  roof  which  overhangs 

the  wall.  2.  Snare  of  horse-hair  for  catching 


ALAR,  va.  (Naut.)  To  hawl.  V.  Alhar. 
ALARA   (kudvo  en),  Egg  laid  before  its  time 
an  egg  without  a  shell.  [raquidnto 

ALARAO,UA,  ALARAQUIKNTO,  V.  Alhar  aco,Alha 
ALARBE,  sm.  Clown  ;  an  unmannerly  person. 

ALARDE,  sm.  1.  Review  of  soldiers.  2.  Exami- 
nation of  the  swarm,  made  by  the  bees,  on 
leaving  and  returning  to  the  hive.  3.  Glory, 
ostentation,  vanity.  Haccr  aldrde,  (Met.) 
To  boast  or  brag  of  something. 

ALARDOSO,  SA,  a.  Ostentatious,  boastful. 

ALARGADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  enlarges,  delays, 
protracts,  or  lengthens  out  a  thing. 

ALARGAMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  of  lengthening 
out,  delaying,  or  protracting  ;  enlargement. 

ALARGAR,  va.  1.  To  lengthen  out,  to  make 
longer.  2.  (Met.)  To  protract,  to  put  off.  3. 
To  increase  a  marked  number  or  quantity.  4. 
To  reach  or  hand  a  thing  to  another  who  is 
more  distant.  5.  To  resign,  to  make  over : 
yet  in  this  sense  largar  is  more  used.  6.  To 
advance  ;  to  send  before.  Alar  gar  la  con- 
versation, To  spin  out  a  conversation.  Mar- 
gar  el  salario,  To  increase  or  augment  the 
pay.  Alargar  el  cabo,  (Naut.)  To  pay  out 
the  cable. — vr.  1.  To  be  prolonged  ;  applied 
to  time.  Se  alargan  los  dias,  The  days 
grow  longer.  2.  (Naut.)  To  sheer  off. 

ALARGUEZ,  sm.  (Bot.)  Dog-rose,  hip-tree.  Ro- 
sa canina  L. 

ALARIA,  sf.  A  flat  iron  instrument  used  by 
potters  to  finish  and  polish  their  work. 
ARfoA,  sf.  Hue  and  cry,  shouting  of  a  multi- 
tude of  people. 

ALARIDO,  sm.  Outcry,  shout. 

ALARIFAZGO  6  ALARIFADGO,  sm.  Office  of  an 
Alarifc,  or  architect  and  surveyor  of  buildings. 

ALARIFE,  sm.  Architect,  surveyor  of  buildings, 

ALARIXES,  sf.  pi.  A  large  sort  of  grapes. 

ALARMA,  sf.  (Mil.)  Alarm,  a  sudden  attack. 

ALARM.£R,  va.  To  alarm,  to  call  to  arms. 

ALASTRAR,  va.  1.  To  throw  back  the  ears  ;  ap- 
plied to  horses  and  mules.  V.  Amusgar.  2. 
(Naut.)  To  ballast.  Alastrar  un  navio,  To 
ballast  a  ship. — vr.  To  squat  close  to  the 
ground  to  prevent  being  seen ;  applied  to 

ALATERNO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Mock-privet.         [game. 

ALATON,  sm.  1.  Latten,  brass.  2.  (Bot.)  The 
fruit  of  the  nettle  or  lot e -tree. 

ALATONERO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Nettle  or  lote-tree 
Celtis  orientalis  L. 

ALATRON,  sm.  Froth  or  spume  of  saltpetre. 

ALAVANCO,  sm.  V.  Lavanco. 

ALAVENSE  Y  ALAVES,  SA,  a.  Native  of  Alava. 

ALAXOR,  sm.  Ground  rent  or  duty  for  the  site 
of  a  house.  [horse. 

ALAZAN,  NA,  a.  Sorrel-coloured  ;  applied  to  a 

ALAZO,  sm.  Stroke  with  the  wings. 

ALAZOR,  sm.  (Bot.)  Bastard  saffron.  Cartha- 
mus  coeruleus  L. 

A'LBA,  sf.  1.  Dawn  of  day.  2.  Alb  or  surplice 
worn  by  priests  at  the  celebration  of  the  mass. 

ALBACA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Sweet  basil.  V.  Albahaca. 

ALBACEA,  sm.  Testamentary  executor,  [cutor. 

ALBACEAZGO,  sm.  Office  of  a  testamentary  exe- 

ALBACORA,  sm.  1.  A  sea  fish  much  resembling 
a  tunny.  2.  An  early  fig  of  the  largest  kind. 
V.  Breva. 

ALBADA,  sf.  Music  which  young  men  in  the 
country  give  their  sweethearts  at  the  break 
of  day. 

AI.BAHACA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Sweet  basil.  Ocymumba- 
silicum  L.  Alliahdca  aqudtica,  a  sort  of  winter 



thistle.  Mbahdca  salvage  6  silvcslrc,  Stone 
or  wild  thistle. 

ALB  AHAQUERo,sm.A  flowerpot  with  sweet  basil. 

ALBAHAQ.UILLA  DEL  RIO,  s/.  (Bot.)  Cullen. 
Psoralea  glandulosa  L. 

ALBAL^,  s.  1.  Cocket,  a  warrant  of  entry.  2. 
A  quittance,  certificate.  Albala  de  guia,  A 
passport.  [catching  partridges. 

ALBANKGA,  sf.  Net  for  enclosing  the  hair,  or 

ALBANAL  Y  ALBANAR,  sm.  Sewer,  common 
sewer  ;  now  corrupted  to  shore. 

ALBANIL,  sm.  Mason,  bricklayer. 

ALBANILERIA,  sf.  Masonry,  trade,  craft,  and 
performance  of  a  mason  or  bricklayer. 

Ai.BAquf A,  sf.  Remnant ;  in  collecting  tithes, 
an  odd  portion  which  does  not  admit  of  di- 
vision, as  six  or  seven  head  of  cattle. 

ALBA^R,  a.  White,  whitish.  Conejo  albar,  A 
white  rabbit.  Pino  albar,  A  white  pine.  This 
adjective  is  confined  to  a  few  nouns  only. 

ALBARAN,  sm.  1.  Bill  advertising  that  apart- 
ments are  to  let.  2.  Note  of  hand  or  other 
private  instrument. 

ALBARAZADA,  sf.  A  marble-coloured  grape. 

ALBARAZADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Affected  with  the  white 
leprosy.  2.  Pale,  pallid,  declining  from  the 
natural  complexion  to  a  white  colour. 

ALBARA^ZO,  sm.  White  leprosy. 

ALBARCA,  sf.  V.  Marca. 

ALBARCOQ.UERO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Apricot-tree. 

ALB!RDA,  sf.  1.  Pack-saddle  for  beasts  of  bur- 
then. Bestia  de  albdrda,  Beast  of  burthen 

2.  Broad  slice  of  bacon  with  which  fowls  are 
covered  when  they  are  roasted. 

ALBARDADO,  DA,  a.  Applied  to  animals  having 
a  different  coloured  skin  at  the  loins. 

ALBARDAR,  va.  1.  To  put  a  pack-saddle  on 
beasts  of  burthen.  2.  To  cover  with  large 
slices  of  bacon  fowls  which  are  to  be  roasted 

ALBARDELA,  sf.  Small  saddle  to  tame  colts. 

ALBARDERIA,  sf.  1.  A  street,  place,  or  shop 
where  pack-saddles  are  made  and  sold.  2 
The  trade  of  a  pack-saddle  maker. 

ALBARDERO,  sm.  Pack-saddle  maker. 

AL^ARDILLA,  sf.  1.  Small  pack-saddle.  2.  The 
Upper  tire  of  masonry  which  covers  the  wall 

3.  Border  of  a  garden  bed.  4.  Small  saddle 

-ise  of  to  tame  colts.  5.  Wool  which 
grows  on  the  back  of  sheep  or  lambs.  6 
Earth  which  sticks  to  a  ploughshare  when 
the  ground  is  wet.  7.  Batter  of  eggs,  flour 
and  sugar,  with  which  hogs'  tongues  anc 
feet  are  covered. — pi.  Ridges  of  earth  raisec 
on  the  sides  of  deep  foot-paths. 

ALBARDIV,  sm.  (Bot.)  Matweed.  Lygeum  spar- 
turn  L. 

ALBARD<SN,  sm.  Pannel,  a  kind  of  pack-saddle 

ALBARDONcfixo,  sm.  A  small  pack-saddle. 

Ar,BARicjo  Y  ALBARIGO,  sm.  (Mancha.)  A  sorl 
of  wheat  which  is  very  white. 

ALUARICOQUE,  sm.  (Bot.)  Apricot.  Prunus  ar- 
meniaca  L. 

ALBARf  LLO,  sm.  1 .  A  tune  played  on  the  guitar, 
for  country  dances.  2.  (Andal.)  A  small  kind 
of  apricots. 

ALBARINO,  sm.  A  composition  of  white  paint 
formerly  used  by  women. 

Ar-BARR^DA,  sf.  1 .  A  dry  wall,  fence,  enclosure 
2  Ditch  for  defence  in  war. 

AtBARRliU,  sf.  (Bot.)  Cebotla  albarrana, 
Squill.  Scilla  maritima  L.  Torre  albarrana, 
A  sort  of  watch-tower. 

ALBARR.£Z,  sm.  (Bot.)  Lousewort,  stavesacre. 
Delphinium  staphisagria  L. 

ALBATARA,  5/.  (Med.)  Carbuncle  in  the  urethra. 

ALBATOZA,  sf.  A  small  covered  boat. 

ALBAYALDADO,  DA,  a.  Covered  with  ceruse  or 
white  lead. 

ALBAYALDE,  sm.  White-lead,  ceruse.' 

ALBAYDA,  sf.  (Bot.)  The  shrubby  gypsophila. 
Gypsophila  perfoliata  L. 

ALBAZANO,  NA,  a.  Of  a  dark  chesnut  colour. 

ALBAZO,  sm.  An  ancient  military  term,  imply- 
ing an  assault  or  attack  at  day-break. 

ALBEAR,  va.  To  whiten.  V.  Blanquedr. 

ALBEDRIO,  sm.  1.  Free  will  possessed  by  man 
to  choose  what  is  good  or  bad.  2.  Free  will 
directed  by  caprice,  and  not  by  reason. 

ALBELLON,  sm.  V.  Albanal. 

ALBENDA,  sf.  Hangings  of  white  linen. 

ALBENDERA,  sf.  1.  Woman  who  makes  hangings 
of  white  linen.  2.  A  gadding  idle  woman. 

ALBENGALA,  sf.  a  sort  of  light  crape  or  gauze 
worn  in  the  turbans  of  the  Moors  in  Spain. 

ALBENTOLA,  sf.  A  slight  net,  made  of  a  very 
thin  thread,  for  catching  small  fishes. 

ALBERCA,  sf.  1.  Pool  or  pond  where  jcattle 
drink.  2.  (Castilla  Vieja.)  Sink,  condui't  for 
carrying  off  dirty  water. 

ALBERCHIGA  6  ALBERCHIGO,  s.  (Bot.)  Peach, 
Amygdalus  Persica  L. 

ALBERCON,  sm.  (Aura.)  A  large  pool  or  pond. 

ALBERENGENA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Mad-apple,  egg-plant. 
Solanum  melongena  L. 

ALBERGAD6R,  RA,  s.  A  lodging-house  keeper. 

ALBERGAR,  va.  l.To  lodge.  2.  To  keep  a  lodg- 
ing-house.— vr.  To  take  a  lodging. 

ALBERGUE,  sm.  1.  Lodging-house.  2.  Den  for 
wild  beasts.  3.  Hospital  or  charity-school  for 
orphans.  4.  Place,  space. 

ALBERcuERf  A,  sf.  (Ant.)  1.  Inn.  2.  Hospital  for 
travellers,  V.  Posada. 

ALBERGUERO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Innkeeper. 

ALBERICOQITE,  V.  Albaricdque. 

ALBERO,  sm.  1.  Whitish  earth.  2.  A  cloth  for 
cleaning  plates  and  dishes. 

ALBERQUERO,  sm.  One  who  takes  care  of  the 
pond  or  pool  where  flax  is  steeped. 

ALBERftwiLLA,  sf.  (Dim.)  A  little  pool  or  pond. 

ALBEYTAR,  sm.  Farrier,  a  veterinarian,  a  horse- 

ALBEYTERf A,  sf.  Veterinary  art,  farriery. 

ALBICANTE,  a.  That  which  whitens  or  blanches. 

ALBIGENSE,  sm.  Belonging  to  the  sect  of  Albi- 
genses,  which  sprang  up  in  Albis  in  France, 
at  the  beginning  of  the  13th  century. 

ALBIHAR,  sm.  (Bot.)  Ox-eye.  Buphthalmum  L. 

ALBILLA,  a.  Applied  to  an  early  white  grape. 

ALBILLO,  a.  Applied  to  the  wine  of  a  white  grape. 

ALBIN,  sm.  Bloodstone  ;  a  sort  of  iron  ore  of  a 
brown  colour.  Hgematites. 

ALB|NA,  sf.  A  marshy  piece  of  ground  covered 
with  nitre  in  the  summer  season. 

ALBf.vo,  NA,  a.  A  term  applied  to  white  people 
begotten  by  a  white  man  and  a  negro  or  mu- 
latto woman. 

ALBfs,  (Met.)  Qucdarse-  in  albis,  To  be  frus- 
trated in  one's  hopes,  to  be  disappointed. 



*  ^'BITANA,  sf.  (Naut.)  Apron.  Allitdna  del  co- 
daste,  (Naut.)  Inner  post. 

A'LBO,  BA,  a.  White,  in  a  superior  degree. 

ALBOGUE,  sm.  1.  A  sort  of  pastoral  flute,  much 
used  in  Biscay.  2.  A  sort  of  martial  music, 
played  with  two  plates  of  brass  resembling 
the  crotalum  of  the  ancients  ;  a  cymbal. 

ALBOGUERO,  RA,  s.  One  who  makes  albogucs, 
or  pastoral  flutes  ;  or  plays  on  them. 

AI.BOHOL,  sm.  (Bot.)  A  species  of  bind-weed. 

ALBONDIGAS,  Balls  made  of  forced  meat 
chopped  small  with  eggs  and  spice. 

Ai.BONDiGcir.LA,  sf.  (Dim.)  A  small  ball  of 
forced  meat.  [being  white. 

ALBOR,  5771.  (Poet.)  Whiteness ;  the  state  of 

ALBORADA,  sf.  1.  Twilight,  the  first  dawn  of 
day.  2.  (Mil.)  Action  fought  at  the  dawn  of 
day.  3.  Music.  V.  Jlllada. 

ALBOREAR,  »n.  To  dawn,  to  begin  to  grow  light. 

A  LB6*RGA,  sf.  A  sort  of  sandal  made  of  mat-weed. 

ALBOUNIA,  sf.  A  large  glazed  earthen  jug. 

ALBORNOZ,  sm.  1.  A  sort  of  coarse  woollen  stuff. 
2.  Cloak  which  forms  part  of  the  Moorish  dress. 

ALBORONfA,  sf.  Fried  tomates,  pumpkins  and 
pimento,  much  used  by  labouring  people. 

ALBOR6QUE,  sm.  Regalement  given  at  the  con- 
clusion of  a  bargain.' 

ALBOROTADAMENTE,  ad.  Noisily,  confusedly. 

restless  disposition,  turbulent. 

ALBOROTADOR,  RA,  s.  Disturber,  a  violator  of 
peace,  one  that  causes  tumults. 

ALBOROTAPUEBLOS,  sm.  1.  Disturber,  mover  of 
sedition.  2.  (Fam.)  A  good  natured  person 
who  always  proposes  feasts  in  companies  and 
parties.  [turbances. 

ALBOROTA"  R,  va.  To  disturb,  to  vex,  to  excite  dis- 

ALBOROTO,s/n.  Noise,  disturbance,  tumult,  riot. 

ALBOROZADOR,  RA,  s.  Promoter  of  mirth  or 

ALBOROZAR,  va.  To  exhilarate,  to  promote 
mirth  or  merriment.  [ing- 

ALBOROZO,  sm.  Joy,  merriment,  gaiety,  rejoic- 

Ar.BRfciAs,  sf.  pi.  Reward  given  for  some  good 
news.  Ganar  las  albricias,  To  obtain  a  re- 
ward for  some  good  news. 

ALBCUECA,*/.  (Bot.)  Pompion,  pumpkin,  gourd. 
Cucurbita  pepo  L. 

ALBUFERA,  sf.  A  lake  formed  by  the  tide. 

ALBUGINEO,  NBA,  a.  Albugineous,  albumenous, 
resembling  the  white  of  an  egg,  or  white  of 
the  eye. 

ALBUHERA,  sf.  1 .  Fresh  water  lake.  2.  (Extrem.) 
Lake  formed  by  water  from  the  mountains. 

ALBTJR,  sm.  1.  Dace,  a  river-fish.  Cyprinusleu- 
ciscus.  2.  A  sort  of  game  at  cards. 

ALBLTRA,  sf.  Whiteness,  state  of  being  white. 

ALBURERO,  sm.  A  player  at  the  game  allures. 

A  i. BU RES,  sm.  pi.  A  game  at  cards  played  in 
the  Spanish  West  Indies. 

ALCABALA,  sf.  1.  Excise,  a  duty  per  cent,  paid 
on  all  saleable  commodities.  AlcalAla  del 
viento,  Duty  paid  on  goods  sold  by  chance. 
El  caudal  defulano  csta  rn  aJ  cabal a  de  vien- 
to,  He  lives  upon  what  he  earns  without  pos- 
sessing any  property.  2.  A  net.  V.  Xdlega. 

ALCABALATORIO,  sm.  Book  of  rates  of  the  ttlca- 
bala.  [alcabala  ;  a  tax-gatherer. 

ALCABALERO,s?n.On0whofarmsor  collects  the 

ALCABOR,  sm.  Flue  of  a  chimney. 

ALCABtiz,  sm.  Arquebuse,  a  hand-gun. 

ALCACEL  6  ALCACER,  sm.  Green  corn. 

ALCACHOFA,  sf.  1.  (Bot.)  Artichoke,  the  head 
of  an  artichoke.  2.  Instrument  serving  to  stop 
a  flux  of  blood.  3.  Fluted  mallets  used  by 

ALCACHOFADO,  DA,  a.  Resembling  an  artichoke. 

ALCACHOFADO,  sm.  Dish  of  artichokes. 

ALCACHOFAL,  sm.  Ground  where  artichokes  are 

ALCACHOFAZO,  sm.  Blow  with  an  artichoke. 

ALCACHOFERA,  sf.  Artichoke. 

ALCACJX,  sm.  (Bot.)  Cardoon.  Cynara  cardun- 
culus  L. 

ALCAHAZ,  sm.  A  large  cage.  [a  cage. 

ALCAHA/XDA,  sf.  A  number  of  birds  shut  up  in 

ALCAHAZAR,  va.  To  shut  up  in  a  cage. 

ALCAHUETE,  TA,  s.  1.  Pimp,  procurer,  bawd.  2. 
One  that  receives  persons  in  his  house  who 
want  concealment. 

ALCAHUETEA'R  Y  ALCAHUETA^R,  to,.  To  bawd, 
to  procure  women. 

ALCAiiuETERfA,  sf.  1.  Bawdry  ;  the  practice  of 
procuring  women.  2.  The  act  of  receiving  and 
hiding  persons  who  want  concealment. 

ALCAHUETILLO,LA,  s.  A  little  pimp,  alittle  bawd. 

great  pander,  a  great  bawd. 

ALCALA! NO,  NA,  a.  Native  of  Alcala  de  Henares, 

ALCAI.DA\DA,  sf.  1.  An  inconsiderate  action  of 
an  Alcalde.  2.  Any  word  said,  or  action  per- 
formed, with  an  air  of  authority. 

ALCALDE,  sm.  1.  Justice  of  peace  or  judge  who 
administers  justice  in  a  town.  2.  He  who  leads 
off  a  country  dance.  3.  Ringleader.  Tener  al 
padre,  alcalde,  To  enjoy  the  protection  of  a 
judge,  or  other  man  in  power.  4.  Game  at 

ALCALDEAR,  vn.  (Joe.)  To  play  the  alcalde. 

ALCALDESA,  sf.  The  wife  of  an  alcalde,  [caldf. 

AI.CALDIA,  sf.  Office  and  jurisdiction  of  an  al- 

ALCALI,  sm.  (Quim.)  Alkali. 

ALCAi-fso,  NA,  Y  ALCALIZ^DO,  DA,  a.  Alkaline, 
alkalized,  that  which  has  the  qualities  of  alkali. 

Ar-cAiM,  sm.  (Bot.)  Coloquint,  bitter  apple,  bit- 
ter gourd.  Cucumis  colocynthis  L. 

ALCAMON£  AS,  1 .  Various  kinds  of  aromatic 
seeds  used  in  the  kitchen,  as  anise,  caraway, 
cumin,  and  other  stimulants.  2.  V.  Mcahuete. 

ALCANA,  sf.  1.  A  place  where  shops  are  kept 
for  the  sale  of  goods.  2.  V. 

ALCANCE,  sf.  1.  The  act  of  following  and  over- 
taking a  person.  2.  Balance  of  an  account.  3. 
Arm's  length,  distance  of  the  length  of  an 
arm.  4.  Range  of  fire-arms.  5.  Capacity,  abi- 
lity. 6.  An  extraordinary  courier  sent  after 
an  ordinary  messenger  to  overtake  him.  7. 
Wound  which  horses  give  themselves  by 
striking  their  fore-legs  with  their  feet  in  tra- 
velling. Ir  a  los  alcanccs,  To  be  at  one's 
heels.  JW>  poderle  dar  vn  alcance,  To  be  un- 
able to  get  sight  of  one. 

ALCANCES,  sf.  pi.  Profits,  gains  by  any  thing. 

ALCANCIA,  sf.  1.  Money-box.  2.  Cavalcade,  a 
procession  on  horseback.  3.  Earthen-ware 
balls  filled  with  ashes  and  used  in  cavalry 
sports,  by  catching  them  on  shields.  4.  (Mil.) 



Stink-pot ;  inflamed  combustible  balls  thrown 
among  the  enemy. 

Ai,CANCiAZO,sm.  Blow  with  a  money-box  or  ball. 

ALCANDARA,  sf.  Perch  or  roost  of  a  falcon. 

ALCANDIA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Millet,  Turkey  millet. 
Holcus  sorghum  L. 

A i .<  \M>IAL,  sm.  Ground  sown  with  millet. 

AI.C'A.NKOR,  sm.  Camphor,  a  gum  obtained  from 
the  camphor-tree.  Laurus  camphora  L. 

ALCANFOKADA,  sf.  Camphor-tree. 

ALCANFORA.OO,  DA,  a.  Camphorated,  impreg- 
nated with  camphor. 

ALCANTARA,  sf.  A  wooden  cover  for  velvet 
webs  in  the  loom. 

ALCANTARILLA,  sf.  1 .  A  small  bridge.  2.  A  sink, 
a  drain.  3.  A  sewer  or  conduit  under  ground. 

ALCANTARILLADO,  sm.  Work  made  in  the  form 
of  an  arch  or  vault  under  ground.  [ciscan. 

ALCANTARiNO,NA,a.Reformedbarefooted  Fran- 

ALCANZAIJIZO,  ZA,  a.  That  which  is  within 
reach,  which  may  b«  easily  reached.  Ha- 
cerse  alcanzadizo,  (Met.)  To  affect  igno- 
rance, to  feign  not  to  understand  something. 

ALCAX\ZADO,  DA,  a.  Necessitous,  wanting. 

ALCANZADOR,  RA,  s.  Pursuer,  one  who  follows 
and  overtakes  another. 

ALCANZAD^RA,  sf.  1.  A  tumour  in  the  heel  or 
pastern  of  a  horse.  2.  Wound  or  contusion 
arising  from  a  horse's  cutting  the  foreheel 
with  the  hind  shoe. 

ALCANZAMIENTO,  sm.  V.  Alcancc. 

ALCANZA^R,  va.  1.  To  follow  or  pursue  people 
until  they  are  found  out.  2.  To  reach  a  thing, 
to  extend  the  hand  to  take  it.  3.  To  obtain, 
to  possess  power  of  obtaining  a  thing  desired. 
4.  To  comprehend.  5.  To  be  creditor  of  aba- 
lance.  6.  To  know  a  long  while.  Yo  alcanct 
d  Pedro,  quando  empec&  d  estudiar ;  I  knew 
Peter  when  I  began  my  studies. — vn.  1.  To 
come  in  for  a  share.  2.  To  suffice,  to  be  suffi- 
cient. 3.  To  reach  ;  applied  to  a  ball.  4.  Al- 
canzar  en  dins,  To  survive. — vr.  To  wound 
the  pasterns  with  the  feet,  as  horses  do  in 
travelling.  Alcanzarsele  poco  d  alguno,  6  no 
alcanzarsele  mas,  To  be  of  a  weak  under- 

ALCAPARRA  Y  ALCAPARRO,  s.  (Bot.)  1.  Caper- 
bush.  Capparis  L.  2.  Caper,  the  bud  of  the 

ALCAPARRADO,  DA,  a.  Dressed  with  capers. 

Ar.cAPARRAL,  sm.  Ground  planted  with  caper- 

ALCAPARROX,  sm.  (Aum.)  A  large  caper. 

ALCAPARROSA,  sf.  Earnest,  ratifying  a  bargain. 

ALCAKAHUEYA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Caraway-seed.  Ca- 
rurn  carvi  L.  [L, 

Ai.cARAVAN,^sm.  (Orn.)  Bittern.  Ardea  stellaris 

AI.CARAVANERO,  sm.  A  hawk  trained  to  pursue 
the  bittern.  [rahucya. 

ALCARAVEA  Y  ALCAROVEA,  sf.  (Bot.)  V.  Mca- 

ALCARCENA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Officinal  tare,  bitter 
vetch.  Ervum  ervilia  L. 

ALCARCHOFA,  sf.  V.  Mcachofa. 

ALCARCIL,  sm.  V.  Alcacil. 

ALCARRACERO,  RA,  s.  1.  Potter  who  makes  or 
sells  pitchers  and  earthen-ware.  2.  Shelf  on 
which  earthen- ware  is  placed. 

AI.CARUAZA,  sf.  Pitcher  or  jug  not  glazed,  in 
which  water  is  put  to  be  kept  cool. 

ALCAREJ^O,  NA,  a.  Belonging  to  Alcarria. 

ALCATIFA,  sf.  1.  A  sort  or  fine  carpets.  "J.  l/iv  -T 
of  rubbish  put  under  bricks  or  tiles  in  floor- 
ing. 3.  Roof  of  a  house. 

ALC ATRX.Z,  sm.  1 .  Pelican.  Pclecanus  onocrota- 
lus  L.  2.  A  sea-fish  taken  on  the  coast  of 
India.  •* 

ALCAUC!L,  sm.  Wild  artichoke.  V.  Mcacil. 

ALCAYA\TA,S/.  A  hooked  nail ;  a  hook.      [nail. 

ALCAYATAZO,  sm.  Blow  with  a  hook  or  hooked 

ALCAYCERIA,  sf.  Market-place  for  raw  silk. 

ALc.iYDE,sm.l.  Governor  of  a  castle  or  fort.  2. 
Jailer,  the  keeper  of  a  jail. 

Ar.r  AYDKSA,s/.  Wife  of  a  governor  or  jailer. 

ALCAYDIA,  sf.  1.  Office  or  place  of  a  governor, 
and  the  district  of  his  jurisdiction.  2.  Ancient 
duty  paid  for  the  passage  of  cattle. 

ALCAZAR,  sm.  1.  Palace,  castle.  2.  Fort,  for- 
tress. 3.  (Naut.)  Quarter-deck. 

ALCAZUZ,  sm.  V.  Regaliza.  [shuffled. 

A'LCE,  sm.  At  cards,  portion  cut  off"  after  being 

ALCEDON,  sm.  Halcyon,  or  king's  fisher,  a  bird 
which  breeds  on  the  sea-coast.  Alcedo  L. 

ALCHIMIA,  sf.  Alchemy.  V.  Mquimia. 

ALCINO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Wild  basil.  Clinopodium 
vulgare  L. 

ALCION,  sm.  Halcyon.  V.  Mcedon. 

ALCOBA,S/.  1.  Alcove  ;  a  recess.  2.  Bed-room. 
3.  Case  in  which  the  tongue  of  a  balancu 
moves  to  regulate  the  weight. 

ALCOBAZA,  sf.  (Aum.)  A  large  alcove. 

ALCOBILLA  Y  ALCOBITA,  (Dim.)  A  small  alcove, 

ALCOHELA,  sf.  V.  Endibia. 

ALCOHOL,  s/re.l.  Antimony,  a  mineral  substance. 
2.  Alcohol,  highly  rectified  spirit  of  wine. 

ALCOHOLADO,  DA,  a.  Being  of  a  darker  colour 
around  the  eyes  than  the  rest  of  the  body. 

ALCOHOLADOR,  RA,  s.  One  employed  in  rectify- 
ing spirits,  or  who  paints  and  dyes  with  anti- 

ALCOHOLAR,  va.  1.  To  paint  or  dye  with  anti- 
mony. 2.  To  rectify  spirits.  3.  To  reduce  to 
an  impalpable  powder. — mi.  To  pass  in  a  tilt 
or  carrousel  the  adverse  party  of  combatants. 

ALCOHOLERA,  sf.  Vessel  for  antimony  or  alcohol. 

ALCOHOLIZAR,  va.  To  alcoholise.  V.  Mcoholar. 

ALCOMENIAS,  (Ant.)  V.  Mcamonias. 

ALCON,  sm.  Falcon.  V.  Halcdn. 

ALCORAN,  sm.  Alcoran,  the  book  of  the  Moham- 
medan precepts  and  credenda. 

ALCORAN!STA,  sm.  One  who  expounds  the  Al- 
coran, or  the  law  of  Mohammed. 

ALCORNOCAL,  sm.  Plantation  of  cork-trees. 

ALCORNOQCE,  sm.  1.  (Bot.)  Cork-tree.  Quer- 
cus  ruber  L.  2.  (Met.)  A  person  of  rude,  un- 
couth manners.  [tree. 

ALCORNDQ,UENO,  NA,  a.  Belonging  to  the  cork- 

ALCOROVIA,  sf.  V.  Mcartivea.  [soles. 

ALCOROQ.UE,  sm.  (Ant.)  Cork-wood  clogs  or 

ALCORZA,  sf.  1.  A  paste  for  sweetmeats  made 
of  sugar  and  starch.  2.  A  piece  of  sweet- 
meat. Parcce  hccho  de  alcorza,  He  looks  as 
if  he  was  made  of  sweet-meat ;  a  chicken . 

ALCORZAR,  va.  To  cover  with  a  paste  of  sugar 
and  starch.  [lanarius  L. 

ALCOTAN,  sm.  Lanner,  a  bird  of  prey.     Falco 

ALCOTANA,  sf.  Pick-axe. 

ALCoTANcfLLo,  sm.  Lanncret,  a  young  lanncr. 

AtcoxoNf  A,  sf.  (Ant.)  Cotton  cloth.  V.  Cotonia. 



:,  $m.  Sulphur,  brimstone,  V.  Azufre 
ALCRIVIS,  sm.  A  small  tube  at  the  back  of  a 
forge  through  which  runs  the  pipe  of  the  bel 
ALCROCO,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Azof  ran.  [lows 

ALCUBILLA,  sf.  Reservoir  of  an  aqueduct. 

ALCUCERO,  RA,  s.  One  who  makes  and  sells  oil 
bottles,  cruets,  and  phials,  which  in  Spain 
are  commonly  made  of  tin. 

ALCUCILLA,  sf.  A  small  oil-bottle,  an  oil-cruet 

ALC^NAR  Y  ALCURN£A,  sf.  (Ant.)  Family,  line 
age,  race.  [for  daily  use 

ALCUZA,  sf.  Oil-bottle  which  contains  the  oi. 

ALCUZ^DA,  sf.  A  cruet  with  oil ;  as  much  oi 
as  fills  a  cruet. 

ALCUZAZO,  sm.  Blow  given  with  an  oil-bottle. 

ALCUZCUZ  Y  ALCUZCUZU,  sm.  Flour,  water 
and  honey,  made  into  balls,  and  esteemed  by 
the  Moors. 

ALCUZERO,  RA,  «.  Belonging  to  an  oil-bottle. 

ALCUZON,  sm.  (Aum.)  A  large  oil-bottle. 

A'LDA,  sf.  V.  Halda. 

ALDABA,  sf.  1.  Knocker,  a  hammer  on  the  door 
for  strangers  to  strike.  2.  A  cross-bar  to  se 
cure  doors  and  windows.  Caballo  de  aldaba 
A  steed,  a  horse  for  state  or  war. 

ALDABADA,  sf.  1.  Rap  given  with  the  knocker 
2.  Sudden  fear  or  apprehension  of  approach- 
ing danger  ;  stings  of  conscience. 

ALDABAZO,  sm.  Violent  rap  with  the  knocker 

ALDABEAR,  va.  To  rap  or  knock  at  the  door 
with  the  knocker. 

ALDABIAS,  sf.  pi.  Beams  horizontally  placed  on 
two  walls,  on  which  a  hanging  partition  is 

ALDABILLA,  sf.  A  small  knocker  or  rapper. 

ALDABON,  sm.  1.  A  large  knocker  or  rapper.  2 
An  iron  handle  of  trunks  or  chests.  [farm 

ALDEA,  sf.  A  small  village,  a  hamlet,  a  large 

ALDEANAMENTE,  ad.  In  the  village  style  ;  rustic. 

ALDEANIEGO,  GA,  a.  Belonging  to  a  hamlet. 

ALDEA^NO,  NA,  s.  Villager,  an  inhabitant  of  a 

ALDEX.R,  va.  V.  Haldedr.  [village 

ALDEBARAS,  sm.  (Astr.)  Aldebaran  or  bull's' 
eye,  a  fixed  star  in  the  sign  of  Taurus. 

ALDEHUELA  Y  ALDEILLA,  sf.  A  little  village,  a 
small  hamlet. 

ALDEORUIO,  sm.  1.  A  small,  nasty  and  unplea- 
sant village.  2.  A  town  whose  inhabitants  are 
as  rude  as  peasants. 

ALUIZA,  sf.  A  sort  of  small  reed  without  knots, 
of  which  brooms  are  made  at  Toledo. 

A/.DRAN,  5??i.  One  who  sells  wine  to  shepherds 
in  pastures. 

ALDUDO,  DA,  a.  V.  Haldudo. 

ALEACION,  sf.  The  art  of  alloying  metals. 

ALKAR,  vn.  l.To  move  the  wings,  to  flutter.  2. 
(Met.)  To  move  the  arms  quickly.  3.  (Met.) 
To  recover  from  sickness,  to  regain  strength 
after  great  fatigue  or  labour. — va.  To  alloy, 
to  mix  precious  metals  with  alloy. 

STARSE,  vr.  1.  To  squat,  to  lie  close  to  the 
ground  as  hares  do.  2.  To  be  timorous,  to 
cower.  ^  [couraged. 

ALEBRONARSE,  vr.  To  be  dispirited,  or  dis- 

AI.ECE,  sm.  A  ragout  made  of  the  livers  of  a 
large  fish,  called  mulo,  cautrht  on  the  coast 
of  Valencia.  [theleaf  of  a  lettuce . 

ALECHUGADO,  DA,  a.  Curled  or  contracted  like 

ALEC  HU  GAR,  va.  To  curl  or  contract  like  the 
leaf  of  a  lettuce. 

ALECTORIA,  sf.  Alectoria,  stone  engendered  in 
the  liver,  ventricle,  or  gall-bladder  of  acock. 

ALEDA,  sf.  The  first  wax,  or  the  refuse  of  wax 
in  a  bee-hive. 

ALEDANO,  NA,  a.  Contiguous,  adjacent ;  a  limit. 

ALEFANGINAS,  sf.  pi.  Purgative  pills  made  of 
cinnamon,  nutmeg,  the  juice  of  aloes,  and 
other  spices. 

ALEFRIS,  sm.  1.  A  rabbet  or  joint  made  by  par- 
ing two  pieces  of  wood  so  that  they  wrap 
over  one  another.  2.  (Naut.)  To  groove  tim- 
bers so  as  to  receive  the  ends  of  planks. 

ALEGACION,  sf.  Allegation,  production  of  in- 
struments, quotation. 

ALEGAR,  va.  To  allege,  to  affirm,  to  quote,  to 
maintain,  to  plead. 

ALEGATO,  5m.  Allegation,  declaration  showing 
the  ground  of  complaint  of  the  plaintiff. 

ALEGOR£ A,  sf.  Allegory,  a  figurative  discourse. 

ALEGORICAMENTE,  ad.  Allegorically. 

ALEGORICO,  CA,  a.  Allegorical,  not  literal. 

ALEGORIZAR,  va.  To  turn  into  allegory,  to  al- 

ALEGRADO,  DA,  a.  Delighted,  rejoiced.  Me  he 
alegrado  mucho  de  ver  a  mi  hermano,  I  was 
much  delighted  at  seeing  my  brother. 

ALEGRADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  One  who  produces  mirth 
and  merriment ;  a  jester.  2.  Twisted  slip  of 
paper  to  burn. 

ALEGRAR,  va.  1.  To  cause  mirth,  to  make  mer- 
ry. 2.  (Met.)  To  enliven,  to  beautify.  Me- 
grar  las  luces,  To  snufFthe  candles. — vr.  1. 
To  rejoice,  to  be  merry.  2.  To  grow  merry 
and  rosy  by  drinking. 

ALEGRE,  a.  1.  Merry,  joyful,  content.  2.  (Met.) 
gay,  showy,  fine ;  applied  to  inanimate 
things.  Un  cielo  alegre,  A  clear  beautiful 
sky.  3.  Brilliant,  pleasing ;  applied  to  colours. 
4.  Lucky,  fortunate,  favourable. 

ALEGREMENTE,  ad.  Merrily. 

ALEGRIA,  sf.  1.  Mirth,  merriment,  jocularitv, 
pleasure.  2.  (Bot.)  Bhenne.  Sesamum  ori- 
entale  L.  3.  Paste  made  of  sesamum  and  ho- 
ney.— pi.  Rejoicings,  public  festivals. 

ALEGRON,  sm.  1.  Sudden,  unexpected  joy.  2. 
Flash,  a  sudden  and  short  blaze. 

ALEJAMIENTO,  sm.  Elongation,  removal  to  a 

ALEJAR,  va.  To  remove  to  a  greater  distance, 
to  separate  one  thing  from  another. 

A.LEjtfR,  sm.  V.  Alaju. 

A.LELARSE,  vr.  To  become  stupid. 

ALELI,  sm.  (Bot.)  The  winter  gilliflower,  of  va- 
rious colours  :  also  a  general  name  for  violets. 

ALEL^YA,  sf.  1.  Allelujah,  a  word  of  spiritual 
exultation,  Praise  the  Lord.  2.  Joy,  merri- 
ment. 3.  Easter  time.  Al  aleluya  nos  vcrc- 
mos,  We  shall  see  each  other  at  Easter.  4. 
Small  pictures  with  the  word  aleluya  printed 
on  them,  and  thrown  among  the  people  on 
Easter-eve.  5.  (Bot.)  Gilliflower. 

ALELUYADO,  DA,  a,  Happy,  merry,  joyful. 

ALEMA,  sf.  The  allotted  quantity  of  water  for 
irrigating  a  piece  of  ground. 

ALEMANA,  sf.  An  ancient  Spanish  dance. 

ALEMANISCO,  CA,«.  Germanic  ;  applied  to  cloth 
made  in  Germany. 



Ai  E.VGCVMIENTU,  sm.  An  agreement  relative 
to  pasture. 

ALENGUAR,  va.  To  agree,  or  conclude  an  agree- 
ment, respecting  sheep-walks  or  pasturage. 

ALENTADA,  sf.  Interval  between  two  respira- 
tions, a  continued  respiration. 

ALENTADAMENTE,  ad.  Bravely,  gallantly. 

ALENTA.DO,  DA,  a.  1.  Spirited,  courageous,  va- 
liant. 2.  (Ant.)  Bold,  daring. 

ALENTAR,  vn.  To  respire,  to  breathe,  to  draw 
breath. — va.  To  animate,  to  encourage,  to  in- 

ALKPINES,  sf.  pi.  Bombazeens. 

AI.ERA,  sf.  (Ar.)  1.  Level  place  where  horses 
tread  out  the  corn.  2.  Right  of  pasturage 
near  a  treading-place. 

ALERCE,  sm.  (Bot.)  Larch-tree.  Pinus  larix  L. 

ALERO,  sm.   The  projecting  part  of  a  roof  ALFARACES,sm.  pi.  Horses  on  which  the  light 

which  overhangs  a  wall ;  eaves. — pi.  1.  Pieces 

of  leather  in  old  coaches  which  cover  the 

body,  and  hang  down  to  the  steps.  2.  Snares 

for  partridges. 

ALERTA,  sm.  (Mil.)  Watch-word. 
ALERTA  6  ALERTAMENTE,  ad.  Vigilantly,  at 

tentively,  carefully.     Estar  alerta,  To  be  on 

the  watch.     Alerta  d  la  buena  guardia  a 

proa,  (Naut.)  Look  out  well  there  afore. 
ALERTER,  va.  To  render  vigilant,  to  put  one 

on  his  guard. 

ALERTO,  TA,  a.  Vigilant,  alert,  guarded. 
ALESNA,  sf.  Awl,  a  pointed  instrument. 
ALESNA.UO,  DA,  a.  Awl-shaped,  pointed  like  an 

AI.ETA,  sf.  1.  A  small  wing.    2.  Fin  of  a  fish. 

Metas,  (Naut.)  Fashion  pieces. 
ALETADA,  sf.  Motion  of  the  wings. 
ALETAZO,  sm.  Stroke  of  the  wing. 
ALETEAR,  vn.  To  flutter,  to  take  short  flights 

with  great  agitation  of  the  wings,  to  flit. 
ALETO,  sm.  (Orn.)  The  Peruvian  falcon.  Falco 

Peruvianus  L. 

ALSTON,  sm.  (Aum.)  A  large  wing. 
AI.ETRI A,  sm.  A  kind  of  paste.  V.  Fidtos. 
ALEUDARSE,  vr.  (Ant.)  To  become  fermented, 

applied  to  dough. 

ALEVE,  a.  Treacherous,  perfidious.          [cows. 
ALEV^SA,  sf.  A  tumour  under  the  tono-ue  of 


Treacherously,    perfidi- 


ALKVOSIA,  sf.  Treachery,  perfidy,  breach  of 

ALEVOSO,  SA,  a.  Treacherous,  perfidious. 

ALE'XIFARMACO,  CA,  «.  Alcxipharmic,  antidotal, 
possessing  the  power  of  destroying  or  expel- 
ling poison. 

Ai.Exf JAS,  sf.  pi.  Soup  made  of  barley  peeled, 
cleaned,  and  roasted.  Tiene  carade  alexijas, 
He  looks  half-starved. 

ALFABEGA,  sf.  V.  Mbahaca. 

ALFABETICO,  CA,  a.  Alphabetical. 

ALFABETISTA,  sm.  One  that  studies  the  alpha- 

bet and  orthography. 

[of  words. 

ALFABETO,  sm.  Alphabet,  the  letters  or  elements 

ALFADIA,  sf.  Bribe. 

ALFAGIO,  sf.  1.  Piece  of  wood  for  making  win- 
dows and  doors.  2.  (Naut.)  Batten.  3.  (Ma- 
nuf.)  Cross-bars  on  which  clothes  are  hung. 

ALFAHAU,  ALFAHARERO,  V.  JHfar,  Mfarero. 

Ar.FAHARERf  A,  V.  Alfare.ria. 

ALFAJOR,  sm.  V.  Alaju. 

ALFAFA  6  ALFALFE,  s.  (Bot.)  Lucern. 
cago  sativa  L.  [lucern. 

ALFALFAR,  sm.  A  piece  of  ground  sown  with 

ALF  ANA,  fsf.  A  large,  strong  and  spirited  horse. 

ALFANEQ.UE,  sm.  1.  The  white  eagle.    Falco 
albus  L.  2.  Tent  or  booth. 

ALFANGK,  sm.  Hanger,  cutlass. 

ALFANGETE,  sm.  A  little  hanger,  a  small  cutlass. 

ALFANJAZO,  sm.  A  cut  or  wound  with  a  cutlass. 

ALFANJON  Y  ALFONJONAZO,  sm.  A  large  hanger 
or  cutlass. 

ALFA^UE,  sm.  Sand-bank  on  the  sea-coast  or 
at  the  mouth  of  a  harbour. 

ALFAR,  sm.  Pottery,  a  place  where  earthen- 
ware is  made. 

ALFAR,  va.  To  raise  the  forehead  too  much ; 
applied  to  a  horse. 

cavalry  of  the  Moors  was  mounted. 
ALFARDA,  sf.  1.  (Arag.)  Duty  paid  for  the  irri- 

of  la 

gation  of  lands.  2.  A  beam  which  supports  a. 

certain  part  of  a  building. 
ALFARDERO,  sm.  A  collector  of  the  duty  for 

watering  lands. 
ALFARDILLA,  sf  1.  Silk,  now  called  galloon.  2. 

A  small  duty  for  watering  lands. 
ALFARDON,  sm.  1.  Hoop  or  ring  at  the  end  of 

an  axle-tree.  2.  Duty  paid  for  watering  lands. 
ALF  ARE  RO,  sm.  Potter,  one  whose  trade  is  to 

make  earthen-ware. 
ALFARGE,  sm.  1.  The  lower  stone  of  an  oil-mill. 

2.  Ceiling  of  a  room  adorned  with  carved 


ALFARGIA,  sf.  V.  Mfagia.    ' 
ALFARMA,  sf.  (Arag.)  (Bot.)  Wild  rue.     V. 

ALFAYATE,sm.  (Ant.)  A  tailor. 

LFENficARSE,  m.  To  affect  peculiar  delicacy 

and  nicety. 
ALFEiIiQ,uE,  sm.  1.  A  sugar-paste  made  with 

oil  of  sweet  almonds.   2.  (Met.)  A  person  of 

a  delicate  complexion. 

ALFERECIA,  sf.  1.  Epilepsy,  a  convulsive  disor- 
der. 2.  An  ensign's  commission. 
ALFEREZ,  sm.  1.  Ensign,  cornet.  2.  Mferez  dc 

navio,  Ensign  of  the  navy. 
ALFEYZAR,  sm.  The  aperture  in  a  wall  at  the 

inside  of  a  door  or  window. 
AT.FICOZ,  sm.  (Bot.)  The  serpent  cucumber. 

Cucumis  flexuosus  L. 
ALFIL,  sm.  Bishop,  at  the  game  of  chess. 
ALFILER  Y  ALFILEL,  sm.  Pin  used  by  women 

to  fasten  their  clothes.  Jttfilcres,  Pin-money, 

the  money  allowed  to  married  ladies  for  their 

private  expenses.     Con  todos  sus  alfileres  6 

de  veinte  y  cinco  alfileres,  In  full   dress ; 

dressed  in  style.  [pin. 

ALFILERAZO,  sm.  1.  Prick  of  a  pin.  2.  A  large 
ALFILETERO,  sm.  Pin-case,  needle-case. 
ALFILETE  6  ALFILETETE,  sm.  Paste  made  of 

coarse  flour  of  wheat  or  peeled  barley. 
ALFOLI,  sm.  1.  Granary.  2.  Magazine  of  salt. 
ALFOLIERO  Y  ALFOLINERO,  sm.  Keeper  of  a 

granary  or  magazine. 
ALFOMBRA,  sf.  1.  Floor-carpet.  2.  Field  adorned- 

with  flowers.  3.  (Med.)  Eruptions  on  the  skin. 
ALFOMBRAR,  va,.  To  carpet,to  spread  with  car- 

ALFOMBRAZA,S/.A  largo  carpet. 



ALFOMBRERO,  RA,  s.  Carpet-maker 

ALFOMBRfLi.A,  sf.  1.  A  small  carpet.  2.  (Med.) 
Efflorescence  or  breaking  out  in  the  skin. 

ALFONDEGA  6  ALFONDIGA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Mhon- 

ALFONSEARSE,  vr.  (Bax.)  To  jest  or  joke  with 
each  other  ;  to  ridicule  each  other  in  a  jocu- 
lar style. 

Ar,FONsi,  sin.  A  sort  of  maravcdi. 

ALFONSIGO,  sm.  1.  Pistachio,  the  fruit  of  the 
pistachio-tree.  2.  Pistachio-tree.  Pistaciave- 
ra  L. 

ALFONSIN,  NO,  NA,  a.  Belonging  to  the  kings 
called  Alphonso,  or  Ildefonsus. 

ALFONSIXA,  sf.  A  solemn  act  held  in  the  church 
of  the  Alphonsine  college  of  Alcala,  where 
several  positions  either  theological  or  medical 
are  publicly  discussed. 

ALFORJA,  sf.  Saddle-bag,  portmanteau.  Ha- 
cerle  d  alguno  la  alforja,  To  fill  one's  saddle- 
bag with  provisions. 

ALFORjERo,sm.l.Maker  or  seller  of  saddle-bags. 
2.  A  lay-brother  of  some  religious  orders  who 
goes  about  begging  bread.  3.  One  who  carries 
for  others  the  bag  with  provisions.  4.  Sports- 
man's dog  taught  to  guard  the  bag  of  game. 

small  saddle-bag,  a  small  wallet  or  knapsack. 

ALFORZA,  sf.  Plait  made  in  a  petticoat. 

ALFRONITRO,  sm.  V.  Matron. 

A'LGA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Sea-wreck.  Zostera  marina  L. 

ALGADONERA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Cudweed,  graphalium. 

ALGAL.£BA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Briony,  white  briony, 
wild  hops.  Bfyonia  alba  L. 

ALGALIA,  sf.  1.  Civet,  a  perfume  extracted 
from  the  civet-cat.  2.  Catheter,  a  hollow  in- 
strument for  extracting  the  urine. 

ALGALIAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  perfume  with  civet. 

ALGARA,  sf.  1.  The  thin  integument  which  co- 
vers an  egg,  onion,  &c.  2.  Foraging  or  ma- 
rauding party  of  cavalry. 

AI.GARABIA,S/.  l.The  Arabic  tongue.  2.  (Met.) 
Any  unintelligible  gibberish  or  jargon.  3. 
(Met.)  A  confused  noise  of  several  persons 
all  speaking  at  once.  4.  (Bot.)  Centaury. 
Centaurea  salmantica  L. 

AI.GARAIM,  sf.  1.  A  loud  cry.  2.  A  sudden  at- 
tack. 3.  A  sort  of  battering  rarn  or  catapult 
used  by  the  ancients. 

AT.GAREUO,  RA,  a.  Prating,  chattering,  loqua- 
cious. La,  muger  algarera  nunca,  Larga 
tela,  A  prating  woman  works  but  little. 

ALGARRADA,  sf.  1.  The  act  of  driving  bulls  into 
the  pinfold  for  the  bull-feast.  2.  (Ant.)  Cata- 
pult, battering  ram. 

ALGARROBA,  sf.  (Bot.)  The  smooth  tare,  the 
smooth-podded  tare.  Ervumtetraspermum.  L. 

ALGARROBAL,  sm.  A  piece  of  ground  planted 
with  carob-trees. 

ALGARROBO  Y  ALGARROBERA,  s.  (Bot.)  Carob- 
tree,  or  St.  John's  bread.  Ceratonia  siliqua  L. 

ALG!YDA,  sf.  A  ridge  of  shifting  sand. 

ALGAYDO,  DA,  a.  Thatched,  covered  with  straw 
or  rushes.  Casas  algaydas,  Thatched-houses. 

ALGAZARA,  sf.  1.  Huzza,  cry  of  Moors  rushing 
forth  from  ambush.  2.  The  confused  noise 
of  a  multitude. 

AI.GEBENA,  sf.  (Mur.)  An  earthen  jug. 

A'LGEBRA,  sf.  1.  Algebra,  a  branch  of  the  high- 

er  mathematics.  2.  Art  of  replacing  dislo- 
cated members. 

LLGEBRfsxA,  swi.  1.  Algebraist,  a  person  that 
understands  or  practises  algebra.  2.  One  who 
understands  and  practises  the  art  of  setting 
dislocated  members. 

ALGECERIA,  sf.  Place  for  preparing  or  selling 
gypsum,  or  plaster  of  Paris. 

ALGECERO,  RA,  s.  Plasterer. 

ALGENTE,  a.  Extremely  cold. 

ALGERIFE,  sm.  (Ant.)  Large  fishing-net. 

ALGEZ,  sm.  Gypsum,  in  its  crude  state. 

ALGEZ  AR,  sm.  Pit  of  gypsum  or  sulphate  of 
lime.  V.  Yesar.  [Yeson. 

ALGEZON,  sm.  Gypsum,  plaster  of  Paris.     V. 

ALGIBE,  sm.  Cistern,  a  receptacle  of  water. 

ALGIBERO,  sm.  One  who  takes  care  of  cisterns. 

ALGIMIFRADO,  DA,  a.  Dressed,  painted. 

A'LGO,  pro.  Somewhat,  something. 

A'LGO,  ad.  Somewhat.  La  medida  es  algo  cs- 
casa,  The  measure  is  somewhat  short.  Algo 
6  nada,  All  or  nothing.  Ser  algo  que,  To  be 
worth  something.  Algo,  property,  faculty. 

ALGODON,  sm.  1.  (Bot.)  The  cotton-plant.  Gos- 
sypium  herbaceum  L.  2.  Cotton-wool.  Algo- 
ddnes,  Cotton  for  an  ink-stand. 

ALGODONADO,  DA,  a.  Filled  with  cotton. 

ALGODONAL,  sm.  A  cotton-plantation. 

ALGODONERO,  RA,  s.  A  dealer  in  cotton. 

ALGORIN,  sm.  A  partition  of  boards  in  oil-mills 
for  receiving  the  olives  which  are  to  be  ground. 

ALGORITMO,  sm.  Algorithm,  an  Arabic  word 
signifying  the  science  of  numbers. 

ALGOSO,  SA,  a.  Weedy,  full  of  sea-weeds. 

ALGRiNAL,sm.  Veil  worn  by  ladies.  V.Alquinal. 

ALGUACIL,  sm.  1.  An  inferior  officer  of  justice ; 
a  bumbailifF;  a  market-clerk.  2.  The  short- 
legged  spider.  3.  High  constable.  Alguacil 
de  campo  6  del  campo,  Guard  or  watchman 
of  corn-fields  or  vineyards.  [alguacil. 

ALGUACJLAZGO,  sm.  The  place  or  office  of  an 

ALGCARIN,  sm.  1.  A  small  room  on  the  ground- 
floor  in  which  any  thing  is  kept.  2.  Bucket 
in  which  flour  falls  from  the  millstones 

ALGUA/A,  sf.  Hinge. 

ALGUIEN,  pro.  Somebody,  some  person. 

"  LGtiN,  pro.  Algun  tiem.po,  Sometime.  V.  Al- 

LGUNO,  NA,  a.  Some  person,  some  thing,  any 
one.  Ha  venido  alguno,  Did  any  one  come  ? 
Alguna  vez,  Sometimes,  now  and  then. 

ALGUN  TANTO,  ad.  Somewhat,  a  tittle. 

ALHAEEGA,  sf.  V.  Albahaca. 

ALBADID  A,S/.  (Quim.)  Burnt  copper  from  which 
the  saffron  of  copper  is  extracted.  [ture. 

ALHAGAR,  va.  To  furnish,  to  supply  with  furni- 

ALHAJA,  sf.  1.  Showy  furniture,  pompous  or- 
nament. 2.  A  thing  of  great  value,  a  jewel. 
(Prov.)  Quien  trabaja  tien  alhaja,  He  that 
labours  spins  gold  ;  the  hand  of  industry 
maketh  rich. 

ALHAJAR,  va.  1.  To  adorn.  2.  To  furnish. 

ALHAJUELA,  sf.  A  little  toy. 

ALHAMEL,  s??i.  1.  A  beast  of  burthen.  2.  Porter  ; 

ALHANDAL,  sm.  Coloquint,  bitter  apple. 

ALHARACA,  sf.  Clamour,  vociferation  proceed- 
ing from  anger,  complaint,  admiration,  &c. 

ALHARAQUIENTO,  TA,  a.  Noisy,  clamorous. 



Al.IIARGAMA  Y  ALHARMA,Sm.  (Bot.)  Wild  TU6 

Peganum  harmala  L. 

AI.HFI.I.  V.  Meli. 

ALIO'NA,  sf.  1.  (Bot.)  Privet,  primprint.  Li- 
gustrum  vulgare  L.  2.  Flower  of  privet.  3 
Privet  ground  to  powder.  4.  Smut  in  corn 

ALHENARSE,  vr.  To  grow  smutty,  to  be  mil- 
dewed ;  applied  to  corn.  V.  Arroyarse, 

ALHOCIGO,  sm.  V.  Jllf6nsigo. 

ALHOJA,  sf.  A  species  of  small  birds,  resembling 
a  lark. 

ALHOLVA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Fenugreek.  Trigonella 
foenum  Gneeum  L. 

AT.HOXDIGA,  sf.  A  public  granary,  where  corn 
is  bought  and  sold.  V.  Pdsito. 

ALHONDIGUERO,  sm.  The  keeper  of  a  public 

ALHORMA,  sf.  Royal  Moorish  tent. 

ALHORRE,  sf.  Eruption  in  the  skin  of  new-born 

ALHOSTIGO,  sm.  V.  Alf6nsigo. 

ALHOZ,  sm.  Limit  or  lot  of  land  in  a  district. 

ALHUZEMA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Lavender.  Lavandula 
spica  L. 

AUABIERTO,  TA,  ff.  Open-winged  ;  a  term  ap- 
plied to  birds  that  have  the  wings  expanded. 

AMA.CAN  Y  AMACRAN,  sm.  Jaundice.  V.  Icte- 
ricia.  [the  jaundice. 

AMACANADO,  DA,  a.  Jaundiced,  infected  with 

AMADO,  DA,  a.  y  s.  Allied  ;  ally. 

AMAGA.  sf.  (Bot.)  Furze,  gorse,  whim.  Ulex 
EuropEeus  L. 

ALIAGAR,  sm.  Place  covered  with  furze. 

AMANZA,  sf.  1.  Alliance,  league,  coalition.  2. 
Agreement,  convention.  3.  Affinity,  an  alli- 
ance contracted  by  marriage. 

ALIARA,  sf.  Goblet  or  cup  made  of  cow-horns. 

ALIARIA.  sf.  (Bot.)  Garlic  hedge-mustard,  jack 
by  the  hedge.  Erysimum  alliaria  L. 

ALIARSE,  vr.  To  be  allied,  leagued,  or  coalesced. 

A'LiA.s,ad.  (Lat.)  Otherwise,  in  another  manner. 

ALICA,  sf.  (Dim.)  A  small  wing. 

A'LICA,  sf.  Pottage  made  of  spelt,  wheat,  and 
other  pulse. 

AMCAIDO,  DA,fl.  1.  With  fallen  wings.  2.  Weak, 
extenuated.  3.  Uncocked.  Sombrero  alicaido, 
An  uncocked  hat. 

AMOANTARA,  sf.  A  small  lizard,  in  Sierra  Mo- 
rena,  whose  bite  is  said  to  be  mortal. 

AT.ICANTE,  sm.  A  kind  of  poisonous  snake. 

A i  ICANTINA,  sf.  Artifice,  stratagem,  cunning. 
Tiene  muchas  alicuntinas,  He  is  full  of  delu- 
sive stratagems. 

AI.ICATADO,S?W.  Work  inlaid  with  Dutch  tiles. 

AMCATES,  sm.  pi.  Pincers  with  very  small 
points,  used  by  watch-makers. 

AMCIENTE,  sm.  Attraction,  incitement.    - 

ALICIONAR,  va.  To  give  a  lesson,  to  teach. 

ALIDADA,  sf.  Geometrical  ruler,  a  cross-staff. 

A  i,  i  DON  A, .<?/'.  Stone  in  the  intestines  of  a  swallow. 

AMENAR,  ra,  (Ant.)  V.  Enavc-nar. 

AMENDE,  ad.  (Ant.)  V.  Mlcnde. 

AMENTO,  sin.  1.  Breath,  respiration.  2.  Vigour 
of  mind,  spirit,  valour.  3.  Smell,  scent.  Yo 
fui  alia,  de  un  aliento,  I  went  thither  in  a 
whiff,  without  drawing  breath. 

ALTER,  sm.  (Naut.)  1.  Rower  on  board  a  galley. 
2.  Marine  stationed  on  board  a  ship. 

AMFAFE,  sm.  1.  A  callous  tumour  growing  on 
the  hind  part  of  a  horse's  hock.  2.  Habitual 
ailment  or  complaint.  [bright. 

AMFAR,  va.  To  polish,  to  burnish,  to  make 

AMFARA,  sf.  Collation,  luncheon. 

AI.IGACION,  sf.  Alligation,  the  act  of  tying  to- 
gether. Regla  de  aligacion.  Rule  of  alliga- 
tion ;  in  arithmetic.  [gether. 

ALIGAMIENTO,  sm.  Act  of  tying  or  binding  to- 

ALIG^R,  va.  1.  To  tie,  to  unite.  2.  (Met.)  To 
oblige  ;  to  lie  down. 

ALIGERAMIENTO,*TK.  Alleviation  ;  lightening. 

AI.IGKRAR,  va.  1.  To  lighten.  2.  (Met.)  To  al- 
leviate, to  ease.  3.  To  hasten.  4.  Jlligerar 
un  caballo,  To  make  a  horse  move  light  and 
free  in  the  forehand. 

ALIGERO,  RA,  «.  (Poet.)  Winged,  quick,  fast. 

ALIJADOR,  sm.  1.  One  who  lightens.  2.  (Naut.) 
Lanchon  alijador,  Lighter,  a  craft  used  in 
unloading  ships.  3.  He  who  separates  the 
seed  from  cotton  wool. 

AM  JAR,  va.  1.  (Naut.)  To  lighten.  Mijar  un 
navio,  To  lighten  a  ship.  2.  To  separate  the 
wool  or  down  of  cotton  from  the  seed  with 
the  hand  or  with  a  gin. 

Ai.fjo,  sm.  I.  (Naut.)  Lightening  of  a  ship. 
Embarcacion  de  alijo,  (Naut.)  Lighter.  2.  Al- 
leviation, [fish. 
,  sf.  (Dim.)  1.  A  small  wing.  2.  Fin  of  a 

AMMANA,  sf.  1.  Animal  which  devours  game,  as 
the  fox,  wild-cat,  &c.  2.  (Ant.)  V.  Animal. 

AMMENTACION,  sf.  Alimentation,  act  of  nourish- 

AMMENTAR,  va.  1.  To  feed,  if)  nourish.  2.  To 
supply  a  person  with  the  necessaries  of  life. 

AMMENTARIO  Y  ALIMENTISTA,  s.  One  who  en- 
joys a  certain  allowance  for  maintenance. 

AMMENTICIO,  CIA,  a.  Relating  to  aliment. 

AMMENTO,  sm.  1.  Aliment,  nourishment,  food, 
nutriment.  2.  (Met.)  Incitement,  encourage- 
ment, incentive. 

AMMENTOSO,  SA,  a.  Alimentary,  that  which  has 
the  power  of  nourishing  ;  nutritious. 

AMMPIAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Limpiar. 

AMXDADO,  DA,  a.  Affectedly  nice  or  elegant. 

ALINDAR,  va.  1.  To  fix  or  mark  limits  or  boun- 
daries. 2.  To  embellish,  to  adorn.  Mindar  el 
ganado.  To  drive  the  cattle  to  pasture  as  far 
as  the  limits  extend.  V.  Lindar. 

ALINDI,  sm.  Mercury  prepared  for  mirrors. 

AMNADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  One  who  adorns,  or  embel- 
lishes. 2.  (Ant.)  Executor,  administrator. 

AMNAR,  va.  1.  To  arrange,  to  adorn,  to  set  off. 
2.  To  dress  or  cook  victuals.  3.  To  season. 

ALINO,  sm.  1.  Dress,  ornament,  decoration, 
cleanliness.  2.  Apparatus,  preparation  for 
the  performance  of  something. 

ALioNiN,sm.  The  blue-feathered  duck. 

ALIOX,  sm.  Marble.  V.  Marmol. 

ALIPKDE,  a.  (Poet.)  One  with  winged  feet ; 
swift,  nimble. 

\T,iPTE,sm.  (Ant.)  An  attendant  appointed  to 
rub  over  with  unctuous  matter  and  perfume 
those  who  came  out  of  the  bath. 

AMO.UANTA  (parte),  Aliquant  number,  or  that 
part  of  a  number  which  never  divides  it  ex- 
uctly  ;  as  5  is  an  aliquant  of  12.  [ed. 

Ar.iquEBRADo,  DA,  a.  Broken-winged  ;  deject- 

ALIQUOTA   (parte),    Aliquot  number,  or  that 



part  of  a  number  which  exactly  measures  it 
without  any  remainder ;  as  4  is  an  aliquot 
part  of  12. 

ALiROiNEs,  sm.  pi.  (Mur.)  Wings  of  fowls  strip- 
ped of  their  feathers. 

ALISADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  Polisher.  2.  An  instrument 
used  to  make  wax-candles  round  and  taper- 
ing on  a  strong  even  table.  [mg- 

ALISAD^RA,  sf.  Planing,  smoothing,  or  polish- 

ALISADURAS,  sf.  pi.  Shavings,  cuttings  of  stone 
or  any  other  thing  made  smooth.  [lish. 

AMSAR,  va.  To  plane,  to  make  smooth,  to  po- 

ALIS^R  Y  ALISEDA,  s.  Plantation  of  alder-trees. 

AL£SMA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Water-plantain. 

ALISO,  5m.  (Bot.)  Alder-tree.  Betula  alnus  L. 

ALIST.ADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Enlisted.  2.  Striped. 

AI.IST  VDOR,  sm.  1.  A  recruiting  officer.  2.  One 
who  keeps  accounts. 

ALISTAMIENTO,  sm.  Enrolment,  conscription. 

ALISTAK,  va.  1.  To  enlist,  to  enrol.  2.  To  get 
ready,  to  prepare. 

ALITERACION,  sf.  V.  Paronomasia. 

ALIVIADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  One  who  eases.  2.  A  spin- 
dle that  serves  to  raise  or  lower  the  running 
mill-stone,  and  acts  as  a  lever. 

ALIVIAR,  va.  1.  To  lighten,  to  make  less  heavy, 
to  ease.  2.  (Met.)  To  mitigate  grief  or  sor- 
row. 3.  To  hasten,  to  move  with  swiftness. 

Ai,f  vio,  sm.  1.  Alleviation,  ease.  2.  Mitigation 
of  pain  or  sorrow. 

ALIXAR,S?TI.  An  uncultivated,  low  stony  ground. 

ALIXARAU,  va.  To  divide  waste  lands'tobe  cul- 

ALIXARERO,  sm.  One  who  takes  a  part  or  lot 
of  waste  lands  to  cultivate  it. 

AI.IXARIKGO,  CA,  a.  Belonging  or  relating  to 
uncultivated  land. 

ALJABA,  sf.  Quiver,  a  case  for  arrows. 

ALJAMA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Assembly  of  Moors  ;  syna- 
gogue. V 

AT..TAMIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  1.  Corrupted  Arabic,  spo- 
ken by  the  Moors.  2.  Moorish  name  of  the 
Spanish  language.  3.  (And.)  Synagogue. 

ALJARFA  6  ALJ^RFE,  sf.  A  tarred  net  with 
small  meshes. 

AI.JOFAR,  sm.  1.  Pearl  of  an  irregular  shape.  2. 
(Met.  Poet.)  Drops  of  water  or  dew ;  also 
the  tears  and  teeth  of  ladies. 

ALJOFARAR,  va.  I.  To  adorn  with  pearls.  2.  To 
convert  something  into  the  shape  and  colour 
of  pearls. 

Ai.jor.4YNA  Y  AI.JAFXNA,  sf.  An  earthen  jug. 

AL.TOFIFA,  sf.  Cloth  for  washing  and  cleaning 

ALJOFIFA\R,  va.  To  rub  with  a  cloth,  to  mop. 

Ar.j6.vGt,  sm.  V.  tfjonje. 

ALJONGERA,  sf.  V.  Ajongcra. 

AL.TONGERO,  a.  Belonging  or  relating  to  the  car- 
line  thistle,  from  which  birdlime  is  extracted. 

ALJONJOLI,  sin.  V.  Mevria. 

AI.JURA,  sf.  A  moorisligarment,  formerly  worn 
by  Christians  in  Spain. 

AI.KAM,  sm.  Alkali  or  alcali,  a  salt  extracted 
from  a  plant  called  by  the  Arabs  kali,  by  the 
Spaniards  sosa,  and  by  the  English  glass- 
Solsola  L. 

AI.KALINO,  HA,  a.  Alkaline.  V.Mcalino. 

A.r.x\M7,AR,  va.  To  alkalize,  to  render  alkalinn. 
;::3,sw,  A  celebrated  confection  made 

by  the  Arabs  of  pearls,  lapis  lazuli,  aloes  wood, 
and  cinnamon,  with  kermes  and  gold-leaf. 
L^,  ad.  There,  in  that  place  ;  thither,  or  to 
that  place  ;  anciently  ;  in  other  times.    Mia, 
va  con  Dios,  (Naut.)  About  ship,  tack  about. 

ALLANADOR,  sm.  1.  Leveller.  2.  Goldbeater's 
paper  which  contains  the  beaten  gold-leaves. 

ALLANAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  Levelling,  the  act  of 
making  even.  2.  (Met.)  Affability,  suavity. 

ALLANA^R,  va.  1.  To  level,  to  make  even.  2.~To 
remove,  surmount,  or  overcome  difficulties. 
3.  To  pacify,  to  subdue.  Allcunar  la  casa,  To 
enter  a  house  by  force  under  the  authority 
of  a  search-warrant.  Mlanar  el  camino,  To 
pave  the  way  for  obtaining  something. — vr. 

1.  To  abide  by  a  law  or  agreement.    2.  To 
tumble  down,  to  fall  to  ruin. 

ALLARIZ,  sm.  A  sort  of  linen  manufactured  at 

Allariz  in  Galicia. 

ALLEGADIZO,  ZA,  a.  Collected  without  choice. 
ALLEG^DO,  DA,  a.  Near,  proximate,  [persons. 
AI.LEGADOS,  sm.  pi.  1.  Friends,  allies.  2.  Partial 
ALLEGADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  gathers  or  collects. 

A1  padre,  allegador  hijo  expendedor,  After  a 

gatherer  comes  a  scatterer. 
ALLEGAMIENTO,  5m.  Collecting,  uniting. 
ALLEGAR,  va.  1.  To  collect,  to  gather,  to  unite. 

2.  To  approach,  to  draw  near.    3.  (Ant.)  To 
know  carnally.  4.  To  solicit,  to  procure. 

AI.LENDE  Y  ALLKNT  6  ALLEN,  ad.  (Ant.)  On 
the  other  side,  rfllcnde  de.  V.  Adem/is. 

Ar.Lf,  ad.  1.  There,  in  that  place.  Mli  mismo, 
In  that  very  place.  De  alii,  Thence,  from 
that  place.  2.  The  moment  of  time  when  any 
thing  has  happened. 

ALLO,  sm.  (Mex.)  V.  Guacamayo. 

ALL6zA,  sf.  A  green  almond. 

ALLOZO.  sm.  (Bot.)  The  wild  almond-tres 
Amygdalus  communis  L. 

AI.LUDEL,  sm.  Earthenware  water-pipe. 

A'r,M  A,  sf.  1.  Soul,  the  immaterial  spirit  of  man. 
2.  Human  being.  JVo  parece,  ni  se  ve  v,n  abni 
en  la  plaza  ;  There  is  not  a  soul  in  the  mar- 
ket-place. 3.  That  which  imparts  spirit  or 
vigour  to  a  thing.  Un  luen  general  cs  r.1 
alma  de  un  excrciio,  A  good  general  is  the 
soul  of  an  army.  4.  Motto.  5.  The  principal 
part  of  a  tiling.  Vamos  al  alma  del  ncyocio, 
Let  us  come  to  the  main  point  of  the  busi- 
ness. (>.  (Naut.)  Body  of  a  mast.  7.  Con- 
science. En  mi  alma,  Upon  my  soul.  8. 
Mould  for  casting  statues.  9.  Spirit,  gallan- 
try. JJlma  mia,  mi  alma,  My  dear,  my  love. 
.j/mn  de  cdntaro,  An  ignorant,  insignificant 
fellow.  El  alma  me  da,  My  heart  tells  me. 
Dar  el  alma,  To  expire.  Alma,  de  Dios,  He 
who  is  bountiful. 

ALMAC  AERO,  sm.  A  member  of  the  company  of 
fishermen  on  the  river  of  Seville. 

ALMACEN,STO.  1.  Storehouse,  warehouse.  2.  Ma- 
gazine of  military  or  warlike  stores.  3.  Naval 
arsenal  or  dock-yard.  4.  (Naut.)  Almaccn  de. 
agua,  A  water-cask.  5.  (Naut.)  Mmacen  de 
una  bomba  de  apua,  The  chamber  of  a  pump. 

ALMACENAR,  va.  To  store,  to  lay  up,  to  hoard. 

AT.MACIGA,  sf.  I.  Mastich,  a  gum  obtained  by 
incision  from  the  mastich-tree,  or  Pistacia 
Icntiscus  L.  2.  Piece  of  ground  where  any 
thing  is  sown  to  be  afterwards  transplanted. 



ALMACIG.CR,  va.  To  perfume  any  thing  with 

ALMACIGO,  sm.  1.  Collection  of  plants  growing 

on  a  seed-bed.  2.  Mastich-trce    Pistacia  len- 

tiscus  L.    V.  Lentisco. 
ALMACIGUERO,  RA,  a.  Relating  to  mastich,  of 

the  nature  of  mastich.  [mer. 

ALMADA.XA,  ENA,  6iyA,sf.A.  large  heavy  ham- 
ALMADEIV,  sm.  (Ant.)  Mine  or  mineral. 
ALMADIA,  sf.  I.  Canoe  used  in  India.  2.  Raft. 
ALM  ADI. 4"  DO,  DA,  a.  Fainting,  languid. 
ALMADIKRO,  sm.  A  raft-pilot. 
AI.MADRABA,  sf.  I.  Tunny-fishery.  2.  Net  used 

in  the  tunny-fishery.  3.  (Ant.)  Place  where 

bricks  are  made 
ALMADRABERO,  sm     1.  Tunny-fisher.     2.  V. 

Tejkro.  [2.  A  mattress. 

ALMADRAQUE,SW.  (Ant.)  1.  A  quilted  cushion. 
ALMADRENA,  sf.  Wooden  shoes  or  sabots  made 

of  one  piece,  and  used  in  the  mountains  of 

Leon  and  Castile. 

ALMAGACEN,  sm.  Magazine.  V.  Mmacen. 
ALMAGANETA,  sf.  V.  Almadana  6  Mmadena. 
ALMAGESTO,  sm.  Almagesta,  a  mathematical 

work  written  by  Ptolemy. 
ALMAGRA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Mmagre. 
ALMAGRA\L,  sm.  Place  abounding  in  ochre. 
A  r.MAGRA"  R,  va.  1.  To  tinge  or  colour  with  ochre. 

2.  (Among  Boxers,)  To  draw  the  first  blood. 
ALMX.GRE,  sm.  Ochre. 
AJ.MAIZAR  6  ALMAIZ^L,  sm.  1.  A  gauze  veil 

worn  by  Moors  on  festive  occasions.  2.  A  belt 

or  sash  worn  in  some  places  by  priests  and 

ALMAJANEQUE  6  ALMAJANEQDIS,  sm.  A  sort  of 

battering  ram  used  by  the  ancients. 
ALMALA>A,  sf.  A  long  robe  resembling  a  sur- 

tout,  worn  by  Moorish  men  and  women. 
ALMANACK  6  ALMANAQUE,  sm.  Almanack,  ca- 
lendar. Hacer  almanaqucs,  (Met.)  To  muse, 

to  be  pensive.  [manacks. 

ALMANAQUERO,  sm.  A  maker  and  vender  of  al- 
ALMANCEBE,  sm.  (Ant.)  A  fishing  boat  used 

on  the  jiver  of  Seville. 
ALMANDINA,  sf.  (Mm.)  Almandine,  a  precious 

stone  of  the  ruby  kind.    Rubinus  alabundi- 

cus  L. 
Ar.M.4NTA,  sf.  1.  Space  between  the  rows  of 

vines  and  olive-trees.  2.  Space  between  two 

furrows.    Poner  a  almanta,  To  plant  vines 

irregularly.  [edge. 

ALMARA.DA,  ttf.  A  triangular  poniard  without  "an 
ALMA^RCHA,  sf.  A  town  situated  on  a  low  mar- 
shy ground. 

ALMARIO,  sm.  V.  Jlrmario. 
ALMARJAL,  sm.  1.  Plantation  of  glass-wort.  2. 

Low  marshy  ground  where  cattle  use  to  graze. 
ALMARJO,  sm.  I  Bot.)  Glass-wort.  Salficorni  L. 
ALMA^RO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Common  clary.  Salria 

horminum  L. 
ALMARR^ES,  srre.  pi.  Instruments  with  which 

cotton  wool  is  separated  from  the  seed. 
ALMARRAXA  6  ALMARRAZA,  sf.  A  glass  phial 

with  holes,  formerly  used  in  sprinkling  water. 

Litharge.  2.  A  sort  of  halter.    3.  Massicot 

made  up  with  linseed-oil  boiled  with  orange 


AI.MASTIGADO,  DA,  «.  Containing  mastich. 

ALMATICA,*/.  (Ant.)  V.  Dalmatica. 

ALMATRKRO,  sm.  A  fisherman  fishing  with  shad- 
fish  nets. 

ALMATRfcHE,  sm.  An  aqueduct  for  irrigating 

ALMAZARA,  */.  (Mur.  y  Gran.)  Oil-mill. 

ALMAZARERO,  sm.  Oil-miller. 

ALMAZARRON,  sm.  V.  Mmagre. 

ALMEA,  */.  1.  (Bot.)  The  star-headed  water- 
plantain.  Alisma  damasonium  L.  2.  The 
bark  of  the  storax-tree.  Styrax  olncinalis  L. 

ALMEAR  6  ALMI^R,  sm.  A  stack  of  hay,  corn, 
or  straw,  made  in  the  open  air. 

ALMECINA,  sf.  (And.)  Fruit  of  the  lote. 

AuwEcfNo,  sm.  (And.)  V.  Mmez. 

AI.MKJA,  sf.  Muscle,  a  kind  of  shell-fish. 

ALMKLGA,  sf.  (Extrem.  y  And.)  A  furrow  open- 
ed with  a  plough  to  direct  others  by. 

ALMENA,  sf.  1.  A  turret  on  the  ramparts  of 
ancient  fortresses.  2.  A  two  pound  weight, 
with  which  saffron  is  weighed  in  several 
parts  of  India. 

ALMEKADOS,  sm.  pi.  Embattled  turrets. 

ALMENAGE,  sm.  A  series  of  turrets  around  a 

AI.MENA"R,  va.  To  crown  a  rampart  or  castle 
with  turrets. 

AI.MENARA,  sf.  1.  (Ant.)  V.  Velador.  2.  A  fire 
lighted  in  beacons  and  light-houses.  3,  (Arag.) 
A  channel  which  conveys  back  the  overplus 
water  in  irrigation. 

ALMENDRA,  sf.  1.  Almond,  the  fruit  of  the  al- 
mond-tree. 2.  (Among  jewellers)  A  diamond 
of  an  almond-shape.  3.  (Mur.)  A  ball  of  silk 
of  the  best  quality,  which  contains  but  one 

AtMENDR^DA,  sf.  1.  Almond  milk,  an  emulsion 
made  of  blanched  and  pounded  almonds  and 
sugar.  2.  Any  emulsion  to  induce  sleep. 
(Met.)  Dar  una  almendrada,  To  say  some- 
thing pleasing  or  pretty. 

ALMENDR!DO,  DA,  a.  Almond-like,  that  which 
resembles  an  almond  in  figure  and  size. 

ALMENDRAL,  sm.  A  plantation  of  almond-trees. 

ALMENDRERA,  sf.  (Arag.)  V.  Mmendro. 

ALMENDRERO,  RA,  a.  Plato  almendrero,  A  dish 
in  which  almonds  are  served  up. 

ALMENDRICA,  ILLA,  v  JTA,  sf.  (Dim.)  A  small 

ALM^NDRILLA,  sf.  A  lock-smith's  file  made  in 
the  shape  of  an  almond.  Mmendrillas,  Al- 
mond-shaped diamond  oar-rings. 

ALMENDRILLO,  sm.  A  tough  sort  of  wood  of  a 
species  of  almond-trees,  of  which  ropes  are 
made  for  draw-wells. 

ALMENDRO,  sm.  Almond-tree.  Amygdalus  com- 
munis  L. 

almond  which  still  preserves  its  downy  ftusk. 

ALMENILLA,  sf.  1.  A  small  turret.  2.  Ancient 
fringe  for  the  dresses  of  men  and  women. 

ALMETE,  sm.  1.  Helmet,  ancient  armour  for 
the  head.  2.  A  soldier  wearing  a  helmet. 

AtMExf  6  ALMEXIA,  sf.  A  kind  of  old-fashioned 

ALMEZ  6  ALMEZO,  sm.  The  lote  or  Indian  net- 
tle-tree. Celtis  L. 

Ar.MEZA,  sf.  (Bot.)  The  fruit  of  the  lote  or  In- 
dian nottle-tree. 




,  5m.  Simple  sirup.  Almibares,  Pre- 
served fruit. 

ALMIBARADO,  DA,  a.  (Met.)  Soft,  endearing  ; 
applied  to  words. 

ALMIBARAR,  va.  1.  To  preserve  fruit  in  boiled 
sugar.  2.  (Met.)  To  conciliate  with  soft  and 
endearing  words. 

ALMJCANTARADAS,  sf.  pi.  (Astr.)  Circles,  pa- 
rallel to  the  horizon,  imagined  to  pass  through 
all  the  degrees  of  the  meridian,  and  indicat- 
ing the  altitude  and  depression  of  the  stars. 

ALMICANTARAT,  sf.  V.  mmicantaradas. 

ALMIDON,  sm.  Starch,  a  glutinous  matter. 

ALMIDONADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Starched,  dressed  with 
starch.  2.  (Met.)  Dressed  with  affected 
nicety  ;  spruce,  beauish. 

ALMIDONJ(R,  va.  To  starch. 

AI.MIJARERO,  sm.  Porter,  in  the  mines  of  Al- 
maden,  who  is  charged  with  examining  those 
going  in  and  out,  and  supplying  the  former 
with  a  light. 

Ai.Mfr.LA,  sf.  1.  An  under  waistcoat,  with  or 
without  sleeves.  2.  A  short  military  jacket 
formerly  worn  by  pikemen.  3.  Scarf  which 
joins  two  timbers  together.  4.  Pork-chop. 

ALMIRANTA,  sf.  (Naut.)  1.  The  admiral's  or 
commodore's  ship.  2.  The  admiral's  lady. 

ALMIRANTAZGO,  5m.  (Naut.)  1.  Board  of  admi- 
ralty. 2.  Admiralty-court.  3.  Admiral's  dues. 
4.  Precinct  of  the  jurisdiction  of  an  admi- 

ALMIRANTE,SW.  1.  Admiral,  a  commander  of  a 
fleet.  Mmirante  generdl,  Lord  high-admiral. 
Contra-almirante,  Rear-admiral.  2.  (Andal.) 
Swimming-master,  one  who  teaches  to  swim. 
3.  A  beautiful  shell,  belonging  to  the  species 
of  rhomb-shells,  or  Valuta. 

ALMIRANTIA,  sf.  Rank  and  office  of  an  admiral. 

ALMIREZ,  sm.  A  brass  mortar  in  which  any 
thing  is  pounded  with  a  pestle. 

ALMIROX,  sm.  (And.)  V.  Achicoria. 

ALMIZCLAR,  va.  To  perfume  with  musk. 

ALMIZCLK,  sm.  Musk,  a  highly  perfumed  drug 
taken  from  the  musk  deer.  Moschus  moschi- 
ferus  L. 

ALMIZCLENA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Grape  hyacinth,  or 
grape  flower.  Hyacinthus  muscari  L. 

ALMIZCLEXO,  NA,  Y  RO,  RA,  a.  That  which 
smells  of  musk. 

AJLMIZCLERA,  sf.  Musk-rat. 

ALMIZTECA,^/"' V.  Mmaciga. 

A'LMO,  MA,  a.  (Poet.)  1.  That  which  cherishes 
or  supports.  2.  (Poet.)  Venerable,  holy. 

ALMOCADEN,  sm.  In  ancient  times  the  com- 
mander of  a  troop  of  militia,  now  called  cap- 

ALMOCAFRE,STO.  A  gardener's  hoe. 

ALMOCATI,  sm.  (Ant.)  Marrow  ;  brain. 

ALMOCATRACIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  A  duty  laid  on  broad- 
cloth and  woollens. 

ALMOCEDA,  sf.  Impost  on  water  for  irrigation. 

ALMOCRATE,  sm.  Sal  ammoniac. 

Ai.MODf,  sm.  V.  Mmudi. 

ALMODROTE,  sm.  1.  A  sauce  for  the  egg-plant 
or  mad-apple.  Solanum  melongena  L.  2. 
Hodgepodge,  a  confused  mixture  of  various 
ingredients.  [dining  on  the  helmet. 

ALMOFAB,  sm.  A  part  of  the  ancient  armour  ra- 
,  tf.  V.  Aljofayna. 

ALMOFR^X,  sm.  A  friese  bag  for  coarae  clothei  ; 
a  seaman's  canvas  bag. 

ALMOGAMA,  sf.  (Naut.)  The  hindermost  piece 
of  timber  in  the  stern  of  a  ship. 

ALMOGAVAR  Y  ALMOGARAVE,  sm.  A  chosen  ex- 
pert soldier  in  predatory  warfare.  Mmogd- 
•cares ,  A  sort  of  light  troops  in  the  ancient 
militia  of  Spain,  chiefly  employed  to  make  fre- 
quent incursions  into  the  Moorish  dominions. 

AtMOGAVARf  A,  sf.  (Ant.)  A  company  of  light 
troops  of  the  ancient  militia. 

ALMOHADA,  sf.  1.  Pillow  or  bolster  stuifed  with 
wool,  feathers,  or  hair,  to  rest  the  head  on  ; 
pillow-case.  2.  Fire-pillow,  a  pyrotechnical 
composition  used  on  board  of  fire  ships.  3. 
(Naut.)  A  piece  of  timber,  on  which  the  bow- 
sprit rests,  called  a  pillow.  4.  Bed  of  a  can- 
non, a  piece  of  timber  on  which  the  breech 
of  a  cannon  rests.  Hacer  la  cuenta  con  la 
almohada,  To  take  time  for  weighing  any 
thing  maturely.  Mmohadapara  arrodiuarse, 
A  cushion  to  kneel  upon. 

ALMOHADILLA,*/.  1.  A  small  bolster  or  pillow. 

2.  Working  case,  house-wife.    3.   A  little 
cushion  in  the  harness  of  draught  horses  or 
mules.  4.  Stone  projecting  out  of  a  wall.    5. 
A  callous  excrescence  on  the  back  of  mules 
where  the  saddle  is  put.     Cantar  d  la  almo- 
hadilla,  To  sing  alone,  and  without  being  ac- 
companied by  musical  instruments. 

ALMOHADILLADO,DA,«.  In  the  form  of  a  cushion. 
ALMOHADON,  sm.  A  large  cushion. 
ALMOHAZA,  sf.  Curry-comb,  an  iron  instrument 

for  currying  horses. 
ALMOHAZADO,  DA,  ft.  Curried. 
ALMOHAZADOR,  sm.  Groom,  a  stable-boy  who 

curries  horses. 

ALMOHAZAR,  va.  To  curry  or  rub  a  horse. 
ALMOJABA,  sf.  Smoked  tunny  fish. 
ALMOJABANA,  sf.  1.  Cake  made  of  cheese  and 

flour.  2.  Paste  made  of  butter,  eggs,  and  sugar. 
AI.MONA,  sf.  1.  (And.)  Soap  manufactory.    2. 

(Ant.)  A  public  magazine,  storehouse.    3. 


ALMONDIGA  6  AiMOWmarfiLA,  V.  Albdndiga. 
ALMONEDA,  sf.  Auction,  a  public  sale. 
ALMONEDEXR,  va.  To  sell  by  auction. 
AtMORADtrx,  sm.  1.  (Bot.)  Sweet  marjoram. 

Origanum  majorana  L.  2.  V.  Sdndalo. 
ALMORI  6  ALMURI,  sm.  A  sweet-meat  or  cake. 
AT.MORONIA,  V.  Alboronia, 
ALMORRANAS,  sf.  pi.  Hemorrhoids,  or  piles. 
ALMORREFA,  sf.  A  Mosaic  tile  floor. 
ALMORTAS,  gf.  pi,  (Bot.)   Blue  or  chickling 

vetch.     Lathyrus  sativus  L. 
Ai.MORzX.DA,5f.  V.  Ahnucrza. 
ALMORZADO,  DA,  a.  One  who  has  breakfasted. 
ALMORZADOR,  sm.  Breakfast  case,  which  con- 
tains plates  and  all  other  things  necessary  for 

serving  up  a  breakfast. 
ALMORZAR,  va.  To  breakfast. 
Ai,MOTACEN,sm.l.  Officer  of  police  who  inspects 

weights  and  measures.  2.  Clerk  of  the  market. 

3.  A  revenue  in  Toledo,  consisting  of  a  third 
part  of  the  fines  imposed  by  the  magistrates. 

ALMOTACENAZGO,  sm.  The  office  of  an  inspector 
of  weights  and  measures,  or  of  a  olerk  of  th» 



sf.  Custom  or  duty  to  the  market 
clerk.  [wool. 

ALMOTAZAF  Y  ALMUTAZAF,  sm.  The  weigher  of 
RIFALGO,  sm.  A  duty  on  goods  imported  or 

ALMOXAR|FE,  sm.  1.  Officer  who  formerly  col- 
lected the  king's  taxes.  2.  Customhouse  offi- 
cer, [dinate  to  the  Moors. 
ALMOZARABE,  sm.  A  Christian  who  lived  subor- 
Ai.MtfD,  sm.  A  measure  of  grain  and  dry  fruit, 
being  the  twelfth  part  ofa.fancga.  Mmud  de 
«ierra,(M  ancha.)  About  half  an  acre  of  ground. 

ALMUDADA,  sf.  A 

ound  which  takes 

L  piece  of  gr 
half  difanega  of  grain  for  sowing  it. 

ALMUDERO,  sm.  A  police  officer  who  keeps  the 
standard  measures  of  dry  things. 

ALMUDI  6  ALMUDIN,  sm.  1.  (Arag.  y  Mur.)  V. 
Alhdndiga.  2.  (Arag.)  A  measure  contain  ing 
six  cahices  or  bushels. 

ALMUERDAGO,sm.  (Mur.  y  Gran.)  Bird  lime. 

ALMUERZA,  sf.  The  portion  of  grain  or  fruits 
held  between  the  two  hands. 

ALMUERZO,  sm.  1.  Breakfast.  2.  Cupboard. 

ALMUTAZA^F,  sm.  (Ar.)  V.  Almotacen. 

ALNADO,  DA,  s.  A  step-child,  begotten  hi  a  for- 
mer marriage. 

ALOARIA,  sf.  A  sort  of  vault. 

ALOBADADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Bit  by  a  wolf.  2.  Labour- 
ing under  morbid  swellings. 

ALOBUNAofLLo,LA,  a.  Resembling  a  wolf  a  little. 

ALOBUNADO,  DA,  a.  Resembling  a  wolf  in  colour. 

ALOCADINAMENTE,  ad.  Rashly,  inconsiderately. 

ALOCADO,  DA,  a.  Foolish,  acting  rather  madly. 

ALODIAL,  a.  Allodial,  not  feudal. 

ALODIO,  sm.  Allodium,  a  possession  not  held  by 
tenure  of  a  superior  lord. 

ALOE,  sm.  1.  (Bot.)  Aloes-tree.  2.  Aloes. 

ALOJAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  Lodging,  temporary  ha- 
bitation. 2.  (Naut.)  Steerage,  or  the  room  in 
a  ship  where  the  crew  sleep. 

ALOJAR,  va.  To  lodge,  to  let  lodgings. — vr.  To 
lodge,  to  reside  in  lodgings. 

ALOMADO,  DA,  a.  Having  a  curved  back  like  a 
pig  ;  applied  to  horses. 

ALOMAR,  va.  I.  To  distribute  equally  the 
strength  of  a  horse,  by  communicating  to  his 
back  part  of  the  force  of  his  forehand.  2.  To 
turn  up  with  the  plough  some  earth  for  co- 
vering the  seed. — vr.  To  grow  strong  and 
vigorous  ;  applied  to  a  stonehorse. 

ALON,  sm.  The  wing  of  a  fowl  or  bird  stripped 
of  its  feathers.  [signifies,  Let  us  go. 

ALO"N  !  int.  Taken  from  the  French  allons>  which 

ALONciLLO,sm.  A  little  wing. 

ALONDRA,  sf.  (Orn.)  Lark.     Alauda  L. 

ALONGAR,  va.  To  dilate,  to  extend. 

ALOPECIA,  sf.  (Med.)  A  sort  of  leprosy,  which 
causes  the  hair  to  fall  off  the  head. 

ALOPIADO,  DA,  a.  Composed  of  opium. 

ALO^UE,  a.  Applied  to  clear  white  wine  or  a 
mixture  of  red  and  white. 

ALOQUIN,  sm.  A  stone  wall  which  surrounds  the 
wax-chandler's  place  where  wax  is  bleached 

ALOSA,  sf.  (let.)  Shad.    Clupea  alosa  L. 

ALOSNA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Wormwood.  Artemisia  ab- 
sinthium L. 

ALOTAR,  va.  (Naut.)  V.  Arrizar.  Alotar  las, 
andas,  (Naut.)  To  stow  the  anchors. 

ALOTON,  »m.  V.  Mmeza. 

ALOXA,  sf.  A  common  beverage  made  of  water, 
honey,  and  spice  ;  methegfin. 

ALOXER!  A,  sf.  A  place  where  metheglin  is  pre- 
pared and  sold. 

ALOXERO,  sm.  1.  One  who  prepares  or  sells  me- 
theglin. 2.  A  box  near  the  pit  in  the  theatres  of 
Madrid,  where  the  justice  sits  to  keep  order. 

ALPANATA,  sf.  A  piece  of  cordovan  or  shamois, 
which  potters  make  use  of  to  smooth  their 

ALPARCERIA,  sf.  V.  Aparceria. 

ALPARGATA,  sf.  A  sort  of  shoes  or  sandals  made 
of  hemp.  Campania  de  laalpargata,(A.ra.g.) 
A  set  of  ragamuffins,  or  unprincipled  associ- 

ALPARGAT ADO,  r>  A  ,  a.  Wearing  hempen  sandals. 

ALPARGATAR,  va.  To  make  hempen  sandals. 

A  r.p  A  ii  r.  vr Azo,  5m.  Blow  with  a  hempen  sandal. 

ALPARGATE,  sm.  Sandal  made  of  plaited  cords. 

ALPARGATERIA,  sf.  A  manufactory  of  hempen 
sandals,  also  the  shop  where  they  are  sold. 

ALPARGATERO,S?/I.  A  manufacturer  of  hempen 

ALPARGATfLLA,  sf.  1.  A  small  hempen  sandal 
2.  (Met.)  A  crafty  designing  fellow,  who  en- 
deavours to  wheedle  something  out  of  another. 

ALPECHIN,  5m.  Water  which  oozes  from  a  heap 
of  olives. 

A'LPES,  5m.  pi.  The  Alps. 

ALPICOZ  6  ALPicXz,5m.  (Mure.)  Cucumber. 

ALPISTE,  sm.  1.  Canary-seed,  the  seed  of  cana- 

Phalaris  canariensis  L.  2.  Quo- 
aarse  alpiste,  To  be  disappointed. 

ALPISTELA  6  ALPISTERA,  5/.  A  cake  made  of 
flour,  eggs,  sesamum,  and  honey  or  melted 

ALPISTERO,  5m.  A  sieve  for  sifting  canary-seed. 

ALQUERIA,  sf.  House  in  a  farm-yard  where 
ploughs  and  other  tillage  tools  are  kept. 

ALQ,UERMES,  sm.  A  sweetmeat,    [bruised  olives. 

ALO.UERQ.UE,  sm.  Place  in  oil  mills  for  laying  the 

ALO.UEZ,  sm.  A  wine  measure  containing  12 
cdntaras,  or  about  24  gallons. 

ALQ.UICEL  6  ALQUICER,  sm.  1.  A  Moorish  gar- 
ment resembling  a  cloak.  2.  A  sort  of  carpets 
with  which  benches,  tables,  &c.  were  covered. 

ALQUIFOL,  sm.  (Min.)  Alquifou,  or  potter's  ore  ; 
it  is  an  ore  of  lead ;  sulphuretted  galena  is 
also  so  called.  [hired. 

ALQJJILADIZO,  ZA,  a.  That  which  maybe  let  or 

ALO^UILADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  lets  coaches  on 
hire.  [serve  for  stipulated  wages. 

ALQUILAR,  va.  To  give  or  take  on  hire — vr.  To 

ALQUILATE,  sm.  Duty  paid  in  Murcia  on  tho 
sale  of  goods  or  fruits. 

ALQUILER,  sm.  1.  Wages  or  hire  paid  for  the 
use  of  any  tiling.  2.  Act  of  hiring  or  letting. 

ALO.UILON,  NA,  a.  That  which  can  be  let  or  hir- 
ed, such  as  coaches,  horses,  &c. 

ALQUILONA,  sf.  Char-woman,  a  woman  hired 
occasionally  for  odd  work. 

ALQUIMIA,  sf.  1.  Alchymy,  the  pretended  art  of 
transmuting  metals.  2.  Brass,  latten,  or  any 
other  gold-coloured  metal,  worked  according 
to  the  rules  of  alchymy.  [inilla  L. 

ALQUIMILA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Ladies'  mantle.  Alche- 
LciumisTA,  sm.  Ale hy mist,  one  who  pursues 
or  professes  tho  science  of  alchymy. 



ALQUINAL,  sm.  A  veil  or  head-dreas  for  women 
At^urrARA,  V.  Alambique. 
ALQUITARAR,  va.  To  distil,  to  draw  by  distilla- 
tion, to  let  fall  in  drops. 

sf.  Tragacanth,  a  gum  which  ex- 

udes from  the  Astragalus  tragacantha  L. 
ALQUITRAN,  sm.  1.  Tar  or  liquid  pitch,  a  resin 

extracted  by  fire  from  the  pitch-pine,  or  Pi 

nus  resinosa  L.  (Naut.)  Stuff  for  paying  a 

ship's  bottom,  composed  of  pitch,  grease,  re- 

sin, and  oil  :  it  is  also  used  as  a  combustible 

matter.  (Met.)  Es  un  alquitran,  He  is  a  hot, 

passionate  man,  all  fire  and  tow. 
ALQUITRANADO,  sm.  (Naut.)  Tarpawlin  or  tar- 

paulin, a  tarred  hempen  cloth,  which  serves 

to  cover  the  hatches.     Cabos  alquitranados, 

(Naut.)  Black  or  tarred  cordage. 
ALQCITRANAR,  va.  To  tar,  to  pay  with  tar. 
ALREDEDORES,  sm.  pi.  Environs  of  a  place. 
ALROTA,  sf.  A  very  coarse  sort  of  tow. 
ALSINE,  sf.  (Bot.)  Scorpion-grass,  mouse-ear. 

Myosotis  scorpioYdes  L. 
A'LTA,  sf.  A  sort  of  dance  formerly  common  in 

Spain.  2.  Public  exercise  of  fencing  at  school. 

3.  Return  of  the  effective  men  of  a  regiment 

or  company  of  soldiers. 
ALTABAQUE,  sm.  A  small  basket  in  which  wo- 

men keep  their  needle-work. 
ALTABAO.UILLO,  sm.   (Bot.)  Small  bindweed. 

Convolvulus  arvensis  L. 
AJLTAMENTE,  ad,  1.  Highly.  2.  Strongly,  firmly. 

3.  (Met.)  In  a  distinguished  manner. 
ALTAMIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  A  glass  made  in  the  shape 

of  a  cup. 

ALTAMISA,  sf.  V.  Artemisa. 
ALTANERIA,  sf.  1.  The  towering  flight  of  some 

birds.  2.  Sport,  consisting  in  flying  hawks  at 

other  birds.  3.  (Met.)  Haughtiness,  loftiness. 
ALTANERO,  RA,  a.  Soaring,  towering  ;  applied 

to  birds  of  prey.    2.  (Met.)  Haughty,  lofty, 

arrogant,  vain,  proud. 
ALTAR,  sm.  l.The  table  in  Christian  churches 

where  the  communion  is  administered.  Altar 

de  alma,  6  de  anima,  A  privileged  altar.    2. 

(Astr.)  A  southern  constellation  not  visible 

in  our  hemisphere.  3.  The  place  where  offer- 

ings to  heaven  are  laid. 
ALTARERO,  sm.  One  who  is  employed  hi  making 

or  adorning  altars  for  great  feasts  or  festivals. 
ALTARICO,  sm.  A  little  altar. 
ALTEA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Common  mallow.  Malvasyl- 

vestris  L. 

ALTERABILIDAP,  sf.  Alterableness  ;  mutability. 
ALTERABLE,  a  .  Alterable,  that  may  be  changed. 
ALTERACION,  sf.  I.  Alteration  ;  the  act  of  alter- 

ing, and  the  state  of  being  altered.    2.  Un- 

evenness  of  the  pulse.  3.  Strong  emotion  of 

anger,  or  other  passion.    4.  Disturbance,  tu- 

mult, seditious  commotion. 
ALTERADO,  PA,  a.  Alterative.     Caldo  altcrado, 

Medicated  or  alterative  broth. 
ALTERADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  alters. 
AITERAR,  va.  1.  To  alter,  to  change.  2.  To  dis- 

turb, to  stir  up  commotion.    Alter  dr  la,  mo- 

neda,  To  raise  or  lower  the  value  of  coin, 

either  in  weight  or  alloy. 
ALTERATIVO,  VA,  a.  Alterative. 
ALTERCACIO.V,  ALTERCADO,  s.  An  altercation, 

debate,  or  controversy. 

ALTF.RCADO"R,  UA,  s.  One  who  argues  or  debates 
a  question  in  an  obstinate  manner.  fly. 

ALTERC AR,  va.  To  contend,  to  dispute  obstinate- 

ALTERNACIOX,  sf.  Alternation,  the  reciprocal 
succession  of  things. 

ALTERNADAMENTE,  ad.  V.  Alter  natirfnnentc. 

ALTERNADO,  a.  (Bot.)  Alternate  ;  applied  to  the 
leaf  which  is  higher  than  that  in  front. 

ALTERNAR,  va.  To  alternate,  to  perform  by 
turns,  to  change  one  thing  for  another. — zn. 
To  alternate,  to  succeed  reciprocally.  Los 
gustos  y  los  pesares  alternan,  Pleasures  and 
sorrows  alternate. 

ALTERNATIVA,  sf.  1.  Alternative,  choice  of  two 
things,  so  that  if  one  be  rejected,  the  other 
must  be  taken.  2.  The  right  of  archbishops  and 
bishops  to  dispose  of  prebends  and  benefices 
alternately  with  the  Pope  in  their  dioceses. 
r.TF.RVATivAVKVTK,  «rf.  Alternatively. 

ALTERNATIVO,  VA,  a.  Alternative,  alternate. 

ALTERNO,  NA,  a.  (Poet.)  Alternate. 

ALTEZA,  sf.  1.  Height,  elevation.  2.  Highness, 
a  title  given  to  princes,  and  in  Spain  to  the 
board  of  Castile,  tribunal  of  inquisition,  ex- 
chequer, &e. 

AI.TIBAXO,  sm.  (Esg.)  1.  A  downright  blow.  2. 
(Ant.)  A  kind  of  flowered  velvet. — pi.  ].  Un- 
even ground.  2.  (Met.)  Vicissitudes  of  human 
affairs ;  vulgarly,  the  ups  and  downs  in  life. 

ALTILLO,  LA,  a.  A  little  high. 

ALTILLO,  sm.  Hillock  ;  a  little  hill  or  height. 

Ar.TiLopjuo,  QUA,  (Rar.)  Altiloq(l6nte,  (Poet.) 
a.  Using  high-sounding,  pompous  language. 

ALTIMETRIA,S/.  Altimetry;  the  art  of  taking 
or  measuring  altitudes  or  heights. 

ALTISIMO,  MA,  <i.  Extremely  lofty  or  high. 

ALTISIMO,  sm.  The  Most  High  j  God. 

ALTISON^NTE  Y  ALTISONO,  NA,  a.  Altisonant, 
high-sounding,  pompous  in  sound,  [sounding. 

ALTITONANTE,  ad.  (Poet.)  Thundering,  high- 
TrrtfD,  V.  Altura. 

ALTIVAMENTE,  ad.  In  a  haughty,  arrogant  mari- 
ner, [haughty. 

ALTIVARSE,  vr.  To  grow  or  be  arrogant  and 

ALTIVEZ,  sf.  Haughtiness,  arrogance,  pride. 

ALTIVO,  VA,  a.  Haughty,  proud. 

AXLTO,TA,  «.  1.  High,  elevated,  (Naut.)  Alt<i  ma  r, 
high  seas.  2.  Tall,  lofty.  3.  (Met.)  Arduous, 
difficult.  4.  (Met.)  Eminent,  excellent.  5. 
Enormous,  atrocious.  6.  Deep.  7.  Late  ;  ap- 
plied to  moveable  feasts.  Altas  por  Abrilson 
las  pasqnas,  Easter  falls  late  in  April. 

A'LTO,  sm.  1.  Height.  2.  Storv,  a  flight  of 
rooms.  Casa,  de  tres  altos,  A  house  three 
stories  high.  3.  (Naut.)  Depth  or  height  of  a 
ship.  4.  High  land,  high  ground.  5.  (Milic.) 
Halt.  0.  (Mus.)  Notes  put  over  the  base. 

A'LTO,  int.  1.  V.  Al6n.  2.  Alt6  ahi,  Stop  there. 
3.  Alto  dc  aqui,  Move  off. 

A'LTO,  ad.  1.  Loud.  2.  De  lo  alto,  From  above1. 
3.  Sc  me  pasO  por  alto,  I  forgot.  4.  Por  alt.», 
By  stealth  ;  by  particular  favour.  Melid  los 
gcneros  por  alto,  He  smuggled  the  goods. 

ALTOZANO,  sm.  A  height  or  little  hill. 

ALTRAMUZ,  sm.  (Bot.)  Lupine.  Lupinus  L.  Al- 
2ra7/mces,Lupines  which  are  mixed  with  ivory 
beads,  and  used  as  black  balls  in  giving  votes 
in  cathedral  chapters,  especially  in  Castile. 

\LTURA,  sf.  1.  Height,  the  elevation  above  the 



surface  of  tho  earth.  2.  Height,  one  of  the 
three  dimensions  of  a  solid  body.  3.  Summit 
of  mountains.  4.  Altitude,  the  elevation  of  the 
pole,  or  of  any  of  the  heavenly  bodies.  Estar 
en  grande  altura,  To  be  raised  to  a  high  de- 
gree of  dignity,  favour,  or  fortune.  Mturas, 
The  heavens.  Dios  de  las  alturas,  God,  the 
Lord  of  the  heavens.  [by  the  lee 

AtvAv.  6  TOM^R  FOR  LA  LIJA,  (Naut.)  To  bring 

Ai-tJniA,  sf.  (Bot.)  French  bean,  kidney  bean 
Phaseolus  vulgaris  L. 

tion, [error. 

ALUCINAJI,  TO,.  To  blind,  to  deceive,  to  lead  into 

ALUCON,  5m.  (Orn.)  Aluco  owl.   Strix  aluco  L. 

ALT?  DA,  sf.  (Entom.)  Winged  emmet  or  pis- 
mire. Formica  L.  [tort 

ALUDEL,  sm.  (Quim.)  Cucurbite,  a  kind  of  re- 

ALUDIR,  vn.  To  allude,  to  have  reference  to. 

ALUEffE,  ad.  (Ant.)  Distant,  far  off. 

ALUFRA.R,  va.  (Vulg.)  To  discover,  to  descry, 
to  discern  at  a  distance. 

ALUMBR-ioo,  DA,  a.  I.  Aluminous,  relating  to 
alum,  or  consisting  of  alum.  2.  Flustered 
with  wine. 

ALUMBRA.DO,  sm.  Illumination,  festal  lights. 
Mumbrddos,  Illuminati,  a  sect. 

AI.UMBRADOR,  RA,  s.  Link-boy,  or  girl ;  one  who 
lights  or  gives  light. 

ALUMBRAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  Illumination,  the  act 
of  supplying  with  light.  2.  Illusion,  deceit, 
false  appearance.  3.  Child-birth.  Mumbra- 
miento  bueno  dfeliz,  A  happy  child-birth. 

ALUMBRA^R,  va.  1.  To  light,  to  supply  with  light. 
2.  To  restore  sight  to  the  blind.  3.  To  en- 
lighten, to  instruct,  to  adorn  with  knowledge. 
4.  (Among  dyers)  To  dip  cloth  into  alum- 
water.  5.  To  open  the  ground  about  the  roots 
of  vines,  that  the  winter  rain  may  penetrate 
to  the  roots.  Dios  alumbre  d  vd.  con  lien,  6 
Dios  dc  d  rd.felizparto,  God  grant  you  a 
safe  delivery. 

Ar.u.MBRE,  sm.  Alum,  a  mineral  salt  of  an  acid 
taste.  Alumbre  catino,  A  kind  of  alkali  drawn 
from  the  plant  glass-wort.  Mumbre  dc  rusu- 
ras,  Salt  of  tartar.  Mumbre  zucarino,  Alum 
and  the  white  of  an  egg  formed  into  a  paste. 

AJ.UMBRERA,  sf.  Alum-mine.  Mumbrera  arti- 
ficial, Alum-works. 

AM'MINOSO,  SA,  a.  Aluminous,  relating  to  alum, 
or  consisting  of  alum. 

AI.UMNO,  NA,  s.  Foster-child,  disciple. 

ALUN,  V.  Mumbre. 

ALUNA^DO,  TIA,  a.  1.  Lunatic.  2.  Spasmodic  ;  ap- 
plied to  a  horse  which  labours  under  a  contrac- 
tion of  the  nerves.  3.  Long  tusked ;  applied  to 
a  boar  whose  tusks  have  grown  semicircu- 
lar. 4.  Tainted  ;  applied  to  salt  pork. 

ALUQUETE,  sm.  (Ant.)  A  match,  V.  Pajuela. 

ALUSION,  sf.  Allusion,  a  hint,  an  implication. 

Ar-usfvo,  VA,  a.  Allusive,  hinting  at  something. 

ALUSTRA.R,  va.  To  give  lustre  to  any  thing. 

ALUTACION,  sf.  Layer  or  stratum  of  grains  of 
gold,  which  is  found  in  some  mines  of  that  ore. 

AT.UVION,  sf.  A  great  swell  of  waters.       [mic. 

A'LVAREZ,  sm.  The  son  ofrf'lvaro  :  a  patrony- 

ALVEXRIO,  sm.  (Anat.)  The  inward  cavity  of 
the  ear.  [river. 

A'LVEO,  5m.  1.  Source  of  a  river.    2.  Bed  of  a 

ALVEOLO,  sm.  1.  Socket  of  the  teeth.  2.  Seed 
vessel,  the  cavity  in  which  the  seeds  of  plants 
are  lodged.  [vetch  or  tare.  Vicia  sativa  L. 

ALVERJA  Y  ALVERJA^A,  */.  (Bot.)  Common 

ALVIDRIA^R,  va.  To  glaze  earthen-ware. 

A'LZA,  sf.  I.  (Among  shoe-makers)  A  piece  of 
leather  put  round  the  last  to  make  the  shoe 
wider.  2.  (Among  rope-makers)  An  instru- 
ment used  in  rope-walks  to  keep  up  the  rope- 
yarn  in  the  act  of  spinning  it.  3.  Advance  in 
the  price  of  any  thing. 

ALZACUELLO,  sm.  A  black  collar  bound  with  lin- 
en, which  clergymen  wear  round  their  necks. 

ALZ!DA,  sf.  1.  A  town,  village,  &c.  situated  on 
an  eminence.  2.  Appeal.  Juez  dc  alzadas,  A 
judge  in  appeal  causes.  3.  Height ;  stature. 

ALZADAMENTE,  ad.  By  large  parcels,  wholesale. 

ALZA^DO,  sm.  Apian  of  a  building  which  shows 
its  front  and  elevation.  2.  Fraudulent  bank- 
rupt. Mzddos,  Spare  stores  ;  things  laid  by 
for  some  future  use. 

ALZADTJRA,  sf.  Elevation  ;  the  act  of  raising  up. 

ALZAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  The  act  of  raising  up.  2. 
Bidding  a  higher  price  at  an  auction. 

ALZAP!NO,  sm.  A  hook  fastened  to  the  wall,  to 
keep  up  a  curtain. 

ALZAPRIMA,  sf.  1.  A  lever.  2.  (Naut.)  A  hand- 
spike. Dar  alzaprima,  (Met.)  To  deceive, 
to  ruin  by  artifice. 

ALZAPRIMJLR,  va.  1.  To  raise  by  means  of  a  le- 
ver or  fulcrum.  2.  (Naut.)  To  move  with 

AL/APUERTAS,  sm.  A  player  who  acts  no  other 
part  but  that  of  a  dumb  servant. 

ALZ!R,  va.  1.  To  raise,  to  lift  up  ;  to  erect,  to 
construct.  2.  To  repeal  a  decree  of  excommu- 
nication, to  recall  from  banishment.  3.  To 
carry  off.  4.  To  hide,  to  conceal,  to  lock  up. 
5.  To  cut  the  cards.  6.  (Among  printers)  To 

father  the  printed  sheets  for  the  bookbinder. 
.  To  fallow,  to  plough  for  the  first  time.  8. 
(Naut.)  To  heave,  to  hoist.  Mzar  cabeza,  To 
recover  from  a  calamity  or  disease.  Mzar 
de  codo  6  el  codo,  To  drink  much  wine  or 
liquor.  Mzar  de  obra,  To  cease  working. 
Mzar  dc  eras,  To  finish  the  harvesting  of 
grain  in  the  farm  yards.  Mzarfigura,  To 
assume  an  air  of  importance.  Mzar  el  dedo, 
To  raise  the  two  fore  fingers  in  asseveration 
or  affirmation  of  any  thing.  Mzar  la  casa, 
To  quit  a  house,  to  move  out  of  it.  Mzar 
vdas,  (Naut.)  To  set  the  sails:  (Met.)  To 
decamp,  to  move  off  bag  and  baggage. — vr.  1. 
To  rise  in  rebellion,  to  form  an  insurrection. 
2.  To  appeal.  Mzarse  con  el  dinero,  To  run 
away  with  the  money.  Mzarse  con  el  banco, 
To  make  a  fraudulent  bankruptcy. 

A;MA,  sf.  A  mistress  of  the  house.  j)ma  de 
Races ;  A  house-keeper.  Ama,  de  leche,  Nurse. 

AMABILIDAD,  sf.  Amiability,  affability. 

AM  ABLE,  a.  Amiable,  pleasing,  lovely. 

AMABLEMENTE,  ad.  Amiably,  lovely. 

AMA.CA,  V.  Hamaca.  [L. 

AMACENA,  sf.  (Bot.)  A  damson  plum.    Prunus 

Ai«AcoLLARSE,z?r.  To  throw  out  shoots  or  stalks. 

AMADOR,  RA,  s.  A  lover,  a  sweetheart. 

AMADOT^RI,  sm.  A  sort  of  cotton  brought  from 
Alexandria.  [hamadryads. 

AMADRIAS  6  AMADRiADES,5/.pZ.  Wood-nymphs; 



AMADRIG^RSE,  vr.  1.  To  burrow;  to  get  into 
the  burrow.  2.  (Met.)  To  live  retired  ;  to  de- 
cline all  intercourse  with  the  world. 

AMADRINAR,  va.  1.  To  couple,  to  yoke  together 
horses  or  mules.  2.  (Naut.)  To  join  one  thing 
to  another,  in  order  to  strengthen  it. 

AMADRONA.DO,DA,«.  Resembling  strawberries. 
Rosario  amadronado,  A  rosary,  the  beads  of 
which  resemble  strawberries. 

AMAESTRX.DO,  DA,  a.  1.  Taught,  tutored,  in- 
structed. Caballo  amaestrtido,  A  horse  com- 
pletely broken  in.  2.  Artfully  contrived. 

AMAESTRlR,m.  To  teach,to  instruct,to  break  in. 

AMAGAMI£NTO,  sm.  V.  Amago. 

A.MAG.4R,  va.  1.  To  lift  up  the  hand  or  arm  in 
a  threatening  attitude.  2.  (Met.)  To  manifest 
a  desire  of  doing  or  saying  something. — vr. 
(Ar.)  To  crouch,  to  stoop. 

AMA.GO,  sm.  1.  The  act  of  threatening  :  a  threat. 
2.  Symptom  or  indication  of  disease. 

A'MAGO,  sm.  1.  The  unpleasant  taste  of  honey 
gathered  from  blighted  flowers.  2.  (Met.) 
Squeamishness ;  distaste. 

AMA  JAP  AR,  vn.  1.  To  retire  for  shelter  into  a 
sheep-fold.  2.  To  secure  sheep  in  a  fold. 

AMAXGAM  A,  sf.  Amalgam  ;  mixture  of  metals. 

AMALGAMACION,  sf.  Amalgamation  ;  the  act  of 
uniting  metals  with  quicksilver. 

AMALGAMA.R.  va.  To  amalgamate.         [breast. 

AMAMANTA.R,  va.  To  suckle ;  to  nurse  at  the 

AMAMBLUCEA,  sf.  A  sort  of  cotton  stuff. 

AMANCEBA.DOJ  DA,  a.  Attached,  excessively  de- 

AMANCEBAMIENTO,  sm.  Concubinage  ;  the  act 
of  living  with  a  woman  not  married. 

AMANCEB.ARSE,  vr.  To  live  in  concubinage. 

AMANCILLAR,  va.  1.  To  stain,  to  defile,  to  pol- 
-lute.  2.  To  offend,  to  injure.  3.  (Met.)  To 
tarnish  one's  reputation. 

AiMANECER,  va.  (Poet.)  To  illustrate,  to  en- 
lighten.— vn.  1.  To  dawn,  to  begin  to  grow 
light.  2.  To  arrive  at  the  break  of  day.  M 
amanccer,  At  the  break  of  day.  3.  (Met.)  To 
begin  to  appear,  or  to  show  itself,  [nerists. 

AMANERADO,  DA,  a.  Applied  to  painters  man- 

AMASOJAR,  va.  To  gather  by  handfuls ;  to  make 
up  into  handfuls. 

AMANSADOR,  RA,  s.  One  that  tames,  mitigates, 
or  pacifies. 

AMANSAMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  of  taming. 

AMANSAR,  va.  1.  To  tame,  to  domesticate.  2. 
(Met.)  To  soften,  to  mitigate,  to  pacify. 

AMANTAR,  va.  To  cover  with  a  blanket  or  any 
loose  garment. 

AM-ANTE,  p.  y  s.  Loving  ;  lover.  [might. 

A'MANTKNIENTE,   ad.   Firmly,   with   all   one's 

AMANTES,STO.»/. (Naut.) Runners,  ropes  which 
form  part  of  the  running  rigging  of  a  ship. 

AMANTILLAR,  va.  (Naut.)  To  top  the  lifts,  to 
hoist  one  end  of  the  yard-arms  higher  than 

AMANTIF.LOS,  (Naut.)  Lifts,    [the  other. 

AMANUENSE,S»I.  Amanuensis. 

AMANAR,  va.  To  do  a  thing  cleverly,  or  with 
skill  and  address,  to  be  handy. — vr.  To  ac- 
custom one's  self  to  do  things  cleverly,  or 
with  skill  and  address. 

AMA&OS,  sm.  pi.  I.  Tools  or  implements  for 
the  execution  of  a  work.    2.  (Met.)  Means 
and  preparations  for  performing  a  thing. 

A.MAP6LA,*/.  (Bot.)  Poppy.  Papaver  L.  Ama- 
p6la  morada,  Corn-poppy,  corn-rose.  Papa- 
ver rhseas  L. 

AMAR,  va.  1.  To  love,  to  regard  with  affection. 
2.  (Met.)  To  have  a  tendency  to  ;  applied  to 
inanimate  things. 

AsiARAcfNo,  a.  Unguento  amaracino,  A  sort 
of  ointment  made*  of  marjoram. 

AMARACO.  V.  Mejorana.  [L. 

AMARA.NTo,s7Ji.  (Bot.)  Amaranth.  Amaranthus 

AMARG^DO,  DA,  a.  Embittered. 

AMARGALEJA,  sf.  The  bitter  or  wild  plum. 

AMARGAMENTE,  ad.  Bitterly. 

AMARG.£R,  va.  1.  To  make  bitter.  2.  (Met.)  To 
exasperate,  to  offend. — vn.  To  be  bitter  or 

AM.ARGO,  GA,  a.  Bitter.  [acrid. 

AMARGOS,  5m.  pi.  1.  Sweet-meats  made  up  of 
bitter  almonds.  2.  Bitters,  drops  made  of  bit- 
ter herbs  and  other  ingredients. 

AMARGON,  sm.  (Arag.  Bot.)  Dandelion,  lion's 
tooth.  Leontodon  taraxacum  L.  [vour. 

AMARGOR,  sm.  Bitterness,  a  bitter  taste  or  fla- 

AMARGOSAMENTE.  V.  Jlmargamente. 

AMARGOSO,  SA,  a.  Bitter.     V.  Amargo. 

AMARGUILI.O,  LLA,  a.  Bitterish,  somewhat  bit- 
ter. It  is  also  used  as  a  substantive. 

AMARGT^RA,  sf.  Bitterness.    V.  Amargor. 

AMARICA.DO,  DA,  a.  Effeminate. 

AMARILLA.ZO,  ZA.  a.  Of  a  pale  yellow  colour. 

AMARILLEX.R,  vn.  To  incline  to  yellow  ;  to  grow 
yellow.  [yellow. 

AMARILLEJO,  JA  ;  fro,  TA,  a.  Yellowish,  a  little 

AMARILLENTO,  TA,  a.  Inclining  to  yellow. 

AMARILLEZ,  sf.  The  yellow  colour  of  the  body. 

AMARILLO,  LLA,  a.  Yellow  ;  gold  colour. 

AMARILLO,  sm.  Jaundice  ;  a  disease  incident  to 
silk  worms  when  young,  chiefly  occasioned 
by  southerly  winds. 

AMARIPOSA.DO,  DA,  a.  Butterfly -like,     [rum  L. 

AM!EO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Bitterwort.    Teucrium  ma- 

AMARRA,  sf.  1.  A  cable.  2.  (Manej.)  Martingale. 
Amarra,  (Naut.)  A  word  of  command,  cor- 
responding to  the  English  belay,  lash,  o.r 
fasten.  Jimarras  fixas,  Moorings.  Amarras 
dcpopa,  Stern-fasts.  Jimarras  deproa,  Head- 
fasts.  Jimarras  de  traves,  Breast-fasts.  Tc~ 
ner  buenas  amarras,  (Met.)  To  have  power- 
ful friends  or  interest. 

AMARRADERO.  sm.  1.  A  post  or  pillar  to  which 
any  thing  is  made  fast.  2.  (Naut.)  A  birth, 
the  place  where  a  ship  is  moored.  3.  (Naut.) 
A  safe  mooring  place. 

AMARRA.R,  va.  To  tie,  to  make  fast,  to  lash. 
Amarrar  un  cabo  de  labor,  To  belay  a  run- 
ning rope.  Amarrar  un  baxel  entre  viento  y 
marca,  To  moor  a  vessel  between  wind  and 
tide.  Amarrar  un  baxel  con  codera  sobre 
el  cable,  To  moor  a  ship  with  a  spring  on  the 
cable.  Amarrar  con  reguera,  To  moor  by 
the  stern. 

AMARRAZONES,  sm.  pi.  (Naut.)  Ground-tackle. 

AMARIUDO.D  A,«.Dejected,  gloomy,  melancholy. 

AMARTELAR,  va.  1.  To  court,  to  make  love  to 
a  lady.  2.  To  love,  to  have  a  particular  re- 
gard for  a  person. 

AMARTILL^R,  va.  1.  To  hammer,  to  give  strokes 
with  a  hammer.  2.  To  cock  a  gun  or  pistol. 

AMASADERA,  sf.  A  trough  in  which  the  dough 
fur  bread  is  kuoaded. 



AMASAD<SR,  RA,  5.  One  who  works  dough  into 


AMASADthiA,  sf.  Kneading,  act  of  kneading 
Ai«ASAMiENTO,sm.  The  actof  uniting  or  joi 
AMASA^R,  va.  1.  To  knead,  to  work  dough 

Ai«ASAMiENTO,sm.  The  actof  uniting  or  joining. 
MASA^R,  va.  1.  To  knead,  to  work  dough.  2. 
(Met.)  To  arrange  matters  well  for  the  at- 

tainment of  some  purpflie 
MAsfjo  Y  AMASADIJO,  1.  A  quantity  of  flour 
kneaded  for  making  bread.  2.  The  act  of 
kneading,  or  the  preparation  for  it.  3.  A  quan- 
tity of  mortar  or  plaster.  4.  (Met.)  Medley,  a 
mixture  of  heterogeneous  things  which  cause 
confusion.  5.  A  task.  6.  An  agreement  or 
compact  made  for  some  evil  design.  7.  The 
place  where  the  dough  for  bread  is  made. 
MArfsTA,  sf.  (Min.)  Amethyst,  a  precious 
stone  of  a  violet  colour. 

AMATORIO,  RIA,  a.  Amatory,  relating  to  love. 

AMA£RIS,  sm.  A  kind  of  Indian  linen. 

AMAYNAR,  va.  1.  (Naut.)  To  strike  or  lower  the 
sails.  2.  To  relax  in  some  desire. 

AMAYTINAR,  va.  To  observe  attentively,  to 
watch  with  close  attention. 

AMAZONA,  sf.  An  amazon  ;  a  masculine  woman. 

AMAZORCADO,  DA,  a.  Pennached ;  applied  to 
flowers  terminating  in  different  colours. 

AMBAGES,  1.  Circuit.  2.  (Met.)  Amba- 
ges, circumlocution  or  multiplicity  of  words 
used  to  describe  or  explain  a  thing.  [ties. 

AMBAGI^SO,  SA,  a.  Ambiguous,  full  of  ambigui- 

A''MBAR,  sm.  Amber.  Succinum  L.  A'mbar gris, 
Ambergris.  Es  un  dmbar,  It  is  brilliant ;  ap- 
plied to  liquors.  [found  in  the  Atlantic. 

A'MBARA,  sm.   (let.)    Amberfish,  a  large  fish 

AMBARAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  perfume  with  amber. 

AMBARIBA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Sweet  centaury  or  sultan 
flower.  Centaurea  moschata  L. 

AMBARILLA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Muskmallow.  Hibiscus 

!abelmoschus  L. 
AMBARfNO,  NA,  a.  Relating  to  amber. 

AMBICION,  sf.  1.  Ambition,  a  desire  of  prefer- 
ment or  honour.  2.  Covetousness. 

AMBICION^R,  va.  To  crave,  to  pursue  with  anx- 
ious desire. 

AMBICIOSAMENTE,  ad.  Ambitiously.  [ous. 

AMBICIOSO,  SA,  a.  Ambitious,  aspiring ;  covet- 

AMBIDEXTRO,  TRA,  a.  Ambidextrous,  having  the 
use  of  either  hand  with  equal  facility. 

AMBIENTE,  a.  Ambient,  surrounding ;   going 

AMBIENTE,  sm.  The  ambient  air.  [round. 

AMBiotr,  sm.  A  French  word,  signifying  an  en- 
tertainment composed  of  cold  and  warm 
dishes,  set  all  at  once  on  the  table. 

AMBIGUAMKNTE,  ad.  Ambiguously.  [ty. 

AMBIGUEDAX  sf.  Ambiguity,  doubt,  uncertain- 

AMBIGUO,  GUA,  a.  Ambiguous,  doubtful. 

A'MBITO,  sm.  Circuit,  circumference. 

AMBLAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  amble  ;  to  pace. 

AMBLEO,  sm.  A  short  thick  wax-candle  with 
-  one  wick  only. 

AMBLIGONIO,  sm.  Ambligonium.  V.  Triangulo. 

A'MBOS,  EAS,  pro.  Both.  A'mbos  6  A'mbas  a 
dos,  Both  or  both  together. 

AMBRAC^CN,  sm.  A  sea-fish  of  an  enormous  size. 

AMBROLLAR,  va.  To  confound,  to  perplex. 

AMBROSIA,  sf.  1.  Ambrosia,  the  imaginary  food 
of  the  gods.  2.  (Met.)  Any  delicious  viand  or 
liquor.  3.  A  sweet  gentle  purging  draught. 
4.  (Bot.)  Ambroria  Campestre,  Buckthorn. 

AMBROSIANO,  NA,  a.  Belonging  to  St.  Ambrose. 

AMBULANTE,  a.  Ambulatory. 

AMBULATIVO,  VA,  a.  Of  a  roving  turn. 

AMEBKO,  sm.  A  dialogue  in  verse. 

AMEDRENTADOR,  RA,  s.  One  that  threatens, 
frightens,  discourages. 

AMEDRENTJLR,  va.  To  frighten,  to  deter,  to  dis- 

AMELGA,  sf.  A  ridge  between  two  furrows 
thrown  up  by  the  plough. 

AMELGA^DO,  sm.  A  little  hillock  to  mark  the 
boundaries  of  a  field. 

AMELGAR,  va.  1.  To  open  furrows  with  the 
plough.  2.  To  throw  up  earth  to  mark  boun- 
daries, [amellus  L. 

AMELO,  sm.  (Bot.)   Golden  star-wort.     Aster 

AMELONADO,  DA,  a.  Shaped  like  a  melon. 

AMEN,  sm.  A  Hebrew  word,  signifying  at  the 
end  of  a  prayer,  So  be  it.  Voto  de  amen,  A 
partial  vote,  given  without  the  least  previous 
discussion  or  inquiry.  Sacristan  de  amen, 
One  who  blindly  adneres  to  the  opinion  of 
another.  Amen  de,  (Vulg.)  Besides  ;  except. 

AMENAZA,  sf.  A  threat,  a  menace. 

AMENAZADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  threatens. 

AMENAZAR,  va.  To  threaten,  to  menace. 

AMENES  6  AMIENES,  Amiens,  a  sort  of 
stuff  manufactured  at  Amiens  in  France,  also 
called  burato  in  some  parts  of  Spain.  Jlmcnes 
figurados,  lisos,  rayados  6  listados  ;  Flower- 
ed, plain,  striped  Amiens. 

AMENGDAR,  va.  1.  To  diminish.  2.  To  defame. 

AMENIDAD,  sf.  1.  Amenity  ;  pleasant  and  deli- 
cious view  of  verdant  fields.  2.  (Met.)  The 
florid  variety  of  elegant  language. 

AMENIZAR,  va.  1.  To  render  pleasant  or  agree- 
able. 2.  (Met.)  To  adorn  a  speech  with  eru- 
dition and  pleasing  sentiments.  [ed. 

AMENO,  NA,  a.  Pleasant,  delicious  ;  ornament- 

AMENTE,  a.  V.  Demente. 

AMEOS,  V.  And. 

AMERAR,  va'To  mix  wine  or  other  liquor  with 
water. — vr.  To  soak  or  enter  gradually  into 
the  ground,  or  through  a  building,  as  water. 

AMERCENDEAR,  va.  To  bestow  favours^ to  do 
good,  to  favour. 

AMETALADO,  DA,  a.  Having  the  colour  of  brass. 

AaiETf STA  Y  AMErfsTO.  V.  Jlmatista. 

AMI,  sm.  (Bot.)  Royal  cumin,  bishop's  weed. 
Ammi  majus  L. 

AXMIA,  sf.  A  large  sea-fish  of  the  order  Thora- 
cici.  Scomber  amia  L. 

AMI^NTO  6  AMI^NTA,  s.  (Min.)  Amianthus,  a 
filamentous  fossil. 

AMICI SIMO,  MA,  a.  sup.  Most  friendly. 

Ax  MIEDO,  ad.  For  fear.  V.  De  miedo. 

AMIENTO,  sm.  A  leather  strap,  with  which  th0 
helmet  is  tied  under  the  chin. 

AMfcA,  sf.  (And.)  A  school  for  girls. 

AMICABLE,  a.  1.  Friendly,  amicable.  2.  (Met.) 
Fit,  suitable. 

AMIGABLAMENTE,  ad.  Amicably. 

AMIGO,  GA,  s.  A  friend. 

AMfoo,  GA,  a.  Friendly  ;  illicit  lover. 

AMicufLLo,  LA,  s.  A  little  friend;  a  term  com- 
monly used  to  express  contempt. 

AMILAN^R,  va.  To  frighten,  to  terrify. 

AMILLARAMIEVTO,  sm.  Assessment  of  a  tax, 

AMILLARAR,  va.  To  assess  a  tax. 



DA,  fl.  Liable  to  pay  a  tax  called 
millones,  which  is  levied  on  wine,  vinegar, 
oil,  meat,  soap,  and  tallow-candles. 

AMIMAR,  va.  V.  Mimar. 

AMISTAD,  sf.  1.  Amity,  friendship.  2.  A  con 
nexion  founded  upon  a  carnal  intercourse.  3 
Civility,  favour.  Hacer  amistad  d  alvuno. 
To  treat  one  with  kindness.  4.  (Rar.)  Incli- 
nation, desire. 

AinisTAR^ra.  y  r.  To  reconcile,  to  bring  about 
a  reconciliation. 

AMISTOSAMENTE,  ad.  In  a  friendly  manner. 

AMISTOSO,  SA,  a.  Friendly,  amicable. 

Aiwrro,  sm.  Amice,  a  square  piece  of  linen  with 
a  cross  in  the  middle,  which  forms  the  under- 
most part  of  a  priest's  garment  when  he  offi- 
ciates at  the  mass. 

AMNisrf  A  6  AMNESTIA,  s/.  Amnesty,  an  act  of 
oblivion  published  by  a  sovereign. 

AXMQ,  MA,  s.  1.  Master  or  mistress  of  a  house. 
2.  Amo,  Proprietor,  owner.  3.  Foster-father. 
4.  Overseer.  5.  Ama,  A  nurse.  V.  Ama. 

AMOBLAR,  va.  V.  Moblar. 

AMODITA,  sf.  A  sort  of  small  serpent,  otherwise 
called  a  horned  serpent. 

AMODORRA^DO,  DA,  a.  Heavy  with  sleep. 

AMODORRARSE,  vr.  To  be  drowsy,  to  grow  heavy 
with  sleep. 

AMOGOTADO,  DA,  a.  Steep  with  a  flat  crown ; 
applied  by  seamen  to  a  mountain  descried  at 

AMOHECERSE,  vr.  To  grow  mouldy  or  rusty. 

AMOHINAR,  va.  y  r.  To  put  out  of  humour,  to 
irritate.  [smoked  tunny -fish. 

AMOJAMADO,  DA,  a.   Dry  and  clean,   like   a 

AMOJONADOR,  sm.  One  who  marks  the  limits  of 
lands,  who  sets  landmarks. 

AMOJONAMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  of  setting  land- 

AMOJON.AR,  va.  To  set  landmarks,  to  mark  roads 
with  mounds  of  earth  or  stone. 

AMOLADERA,  sf.  Whetstone  ;  grindstone. 

AMOLADOR,  sm.  1.  Grinder,  whetter.  2.  An  un- 
skilful coachman,  a  bad  driver. 

AMOLAotrRA,  sf.  The  action  of  whetting,  grind- 
ing, or  sharpening  by  attrition,  Amoladuras, 
The  small  sand  which  falls  from  the  whet- 
stone at  the  time  of  whetting  or  grinding. 

AMOLAR,  va.  To  whet,  grind,  or  sharpen  an 
edged  tool  by  attrition. 

AMOLDADOR,  sm.  One  who  moulds  or  fits. 

AMOLDAR,  va.  1.  To  mould,  to  cast  in  a  mould. 
Amoldar  las  agujas,  To  polish  or  finish  nee- 
dles. 2.  (Met.)  To  adjust  according  to  the 
rules  of  reason,  to  bring  one  to  his  duty.  3. 
(Ant.)  To  brand  or  mark  cattle. 

AMOLLADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  lets  pass  a  winning 
card  having  a  superior  one. 

AMOJ.LAR,  va.  1.  (Naut.)  To  ease  off,  to  ease 
away.  2.  To  play  an  inferior  card  to  a  win- 
ning one,  having  a  superior  card  in  one's 
hand,  in  the  game  of  revcrsy. 

AMOLLETX.DO,  DA,  a.  Having  the  shape  of  a 
loaf  of  bread. 

AMOMO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Stone-parsley,  hone-wort. 
Sison  amomum  L. 

AMONDONG£DO,  DA,  a.  Sallow,  coarse.  Mugcr 
a-mondongada,  A  coarse-featured  black  wo- 

AMONEDAR,  va.  To  coin,  to  stamp  metals  for 

AMONESTACION,S/.  1.  Advice,  admonition,warn- 
ing.  2.  Publication  of  marriage-bans. 

AMONESTADOR,  RA,  s.  Monitor  ;  one  that  admo- 

AMONEST^R,  va.  1.  To  advise,  to  admonish.  2. 
To  publish  bans  of  marriage. 

AMONIACO,  sm.  Ammoniac. 

AMONTAR,  vn.  To  fly  or  take  to  the  mountains. 

AMONTONADOR,  RA?  s.  One  that  heaps  or  accu- 

AMONTONAMIENTO,  sm.  Accumulation ;  the  act 
of  accumulating. 

AMONTONAR,  va.  1.  To  heap  or  throw  tilings 
together  without  order  or  choice.  2.  (Pint.) 
To  group  a  crowd  of  figures  in  a.  painting. — 
vr.  To  fly  into  a  passion  ;  to  grow  angry  or 
vexed,  and  not  listen  to  reason. 

AMOR,  sm.  1.  Tenderness,  affection,  love.  2.  The 
object  of  love.  3.  A  word  of  endearment. 
Amor  mio  6  mis  amorcs,  My  love.  Par  amor 
de  Dios,  for  the  love  of  God  ;  an  expression 
of  eafer  solicitation,  as  charity,  &c.  Amor 
mio  6  mis  amorcs,  (Bot.)  Sea-daffodil.  Pan- 
cratium maritimum  L.  Amor  de  hortelano  ; 
(Bot.)  Goose-grass,  cleavers.  Galium  apa- 
rine  L.  Al  amor  de  la  lumlre,  Close  to  the 
fire,  so  that  it  warms  without  burning. — pi. 

1.  Amours,  criminal  love.  2.  (Bot.)  Burdock. 
Arctium  lappa  L.    De  mil  amores,  ad.  With 
all  my  heart. 

MORADtrx,  sm.  (Bot.)  V.  Mejorana. 
AMORATADO  y  AMORETADO,  DA,  «.  Livid  ;  in- 
clining to  the  colour  of  mulberries. 

ftiORcfLLO,  sm.  Slight  love,  kindness. 
AMORGADO,  DA,  a.  Stupified  from  eating  the 

husks  of  pressed  olives  :  applied  to  fish. 
AMORICONES,  (Bax.)  Looks,  gestures,  and 

actions,  expressive  of  love  and  fondness. 

MORfo,  sm.  Friendship.  V.  Enamoramicnto. 
AMORISCADO,  DA,  a.  Resembling  the  Moors. 
AMORMADO,  DA,  a.  Applied  to  horses  having  the 


AMOROSAMENTE,  ad.  Lovingly;  amorously. 
AMOROSO,  SA,  a.  1.  Affectionate,  kind,  loving. 

2.  Lovely,  pleasing.  3.  Gentle,  mild,  serene. 
La  tarde  estd  amoroso*,  It  is  a  charming  even- 
ing. 4.  Tractable,  easy,  facile. 

AMORRAR,  vn.  1.  To  hold  down  the  head  ;  to 
muse.  2.  To  return  no  answer  to  what  is 
asked  or  said ;  to  remain  silent  with  down- 
cast looks. 

AMORTAJAR,  va.  To  shroud  a  corpse,  to  wrap 
it  up  in  a  winding-sheet. 

AMORTECERSE,  vr.  To  faint,  to  be  in  a  swoon. 

AMORTECIMIENTO,  sm.  Swoon  ;  fainting. 

fication, the  act  of  deadening. 

AMORTIGUAR,  va.  1.  To  mortify,  to  deaden.  2. 
To  temper,  to  mollify.  3.  To  soften  colours, 
that  they  be  not  too  "glaring. 

AMORTIZACION,  sf.  Mortmain,  the  state  of  being 
inalienable  ;  the  action  by  which  property  is 
rendered  inalienable. 

A.MORTIZAR,  va.  To  render  an  estate  inalienable 
by  transferring  it  to  an  ecclesiastical  commu- 

Vaios,  A'MAS,  pron,  (Ant.)  V.  Amlws 



AMOSCAR,  va.  To  flap  flies,  to  frighten  them 
away  with  a  flap. — vr.  1.  To  shake  off  the 
flies.  2.  To  become  irritated. 

AMOSQUH.ADO,  DA,  a.  Applied  to  cattle  when 
tormented  with  flies,  that  thrust  their  heads 
under  the  evergreen  oaks,  furze,  &.c. 

AMOSTACHADO,  DA,  a.  Wearing  whiskers. 

AMOSTAZARSE,  XT.  To  fly  into  a  violent  pas- 
sion ;  to  be  vexed. 

AMOTINADOR,  RA,  s.  Mutineer;  one  that  stirs 
up  a  mutiny  or  revolt.  [sedition  ;  mutiny. 

AMOTIKAMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  of  stirring  up  a 

AM  OTIS  A.  n,  va.  1.  To  excite  rebellion.  2.  (Met.) 
To  perturbate  the  mind  ;  to  disorder  the 
mental  faculties. 

AMOVER,  va.  To  depose,  to  remove. 

AMOVJBLE,  a.  That  which  can  be  moved  at  will ; 
a  term  applied  to  ecclesiastical  livings. 

A'MPA,  V.  Hampa. 

AMPARA,  sf.  1. 'Seizure  of  chattels  or  moveable 
property.  2.  (Ant.)  V.  Amparo. 

AMPARADOR,  RA,  s.  Protector  ;  favourer. 

AMPAUAK,  va.  1.  To  shelter,  to  favour,  to  pro- 
tect. 2.  (For.  Arag.)  To  make  a  seizure  of 
chattels  or  moveable  property ;  to  sequestrate. 
A'inparar  en  la  posesion,  (For.)  To  main- 
tain in  possession. — vr.  I.  To  claim  or  enjoy 
protection.  2.  To  preserve  ;  to  recover. 

AMPARO,  sm.  1.  Favour,  protection,  sanction. 
2.  Refuge,  asylum.  3.  (Ant.)  Breastwork, 
parapet.  [scios. 

AMPIIIBIO,  V.  Anfibio. — Amphiscios,  V.  Anfi- 

AMPIIISBENA,  V.  Anfisbena. 

AMPHITEATRO,  V.  Anfiteatro. 

AMPLAMZKTJB,  ad.  Amply,  copiously. 

AMPLIACION,  sf.  Ampliation,  enlargement ;  the 
act  of  ampliating  or  enlarging. 

AMPLIADOR,  RA,  s.  Amplifier,  one  that  enlarges. 

AM  PI. i  \MENTE,  ad.  Amply,  largely,  copiously. 

AMPLIAR,  va.  To  amplify,  to  enlarge. 

AMPMATIVO,  VA,  a.  Amplifying  ;  having  the 
power  of  ampliating  or  enlarging. 

AMPLIKICACION,*/".  Amplification,  enlargement. 

AMPUFJCADOR,  RA,  s.  Amplifier. 

AMPLIFIC  AR,  va.  1.  To  amplify,  to  enlarge.  2.  To 
use  the  figure  of  speech  termed  amplification. 

A'MPLIO,  LIA,  a.  Ample,  extensive  ;  dilated. 

AMPLITUD,  sf.  1.  Amplitude,  extent,  greatness. 
2.  (Naut.)  Amplitud  magndtica,  Magnetic 
amplitude,  or  an  arch  of  the  horizon  contain- 
ed between  the  sun  and  the  centre  thereof, 
at  the  east  or  west  point  of  the  compass.  3. 
(Astr.)  An  arch  of  the  horizon  intercepted 
between  the  true  east  and  west  point  there- 
of, and  the  centre  of  the  sun  or  star  at  their 
rising  or  setting. 

A'MPLO,  LA,  a.  V.  Amplio. 

Ampo  dc  la  nieve,  Whiteness.  This  expression 
is  used  comparatively  ;  e.  g.  Blanco  como  el 
ampo  de  la  mere,  White  as  the  driven 

AMFOLLA.  sf.  1.  A  blister  formed  by  raising  the 
cuticle  from  the  cutis.  2.  A  phial,  a  cruet.  3. 
A  small  bubble  of  water,  formed  either  by 
the  fall  of  rain  or  boiling. 

AMPOLLAR,  va.  1.  To  blister,  to  raise  blisters. 
2.  To  make  hollow,  to  excavate. — r>r.  To  rise 
in  bubbles  by  the  force  of  the  wind. 

AMPOLLAR,  a.  Resembling  a  blister. 

AMPOLLETA,  sf.  (Dim.)  1.  A  small  phial.  2.  An 
hour-glass,  a  glass  filled  with  sand,  which, 
running  through  a  narrow  hole,  marks  the 
time.  3.  (Naut.)  Watch-glass,  by  which  the 
watch  on  board  ships  is  regulated. 

AMPRAR,  vn.  (Arag.)  To  borrow  ;  to  ask  of  an- 
other the  use  of  something  for  a  time. 

AMUCHACHADO,  DA,  a.  Boyish,  childish. 

AMUCHIGUAR,  vn.  (Ant.)  To  augment,  to  mul- 

AMUGAMIENTO,  sm.  V.  Amojonamiento. 

AMUGERADO,  DA,  a.  Effeminate,  having  the 
face,  actions,  and  sentiments  of  a  woman. 

AMUGERAMIKNTO,  sm.  V.  Afeminacion. 

AMUGRONADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  trains  vine 

AMUGRONAR,  va.  To  carry  the  large  shoot  of  a 
vine  under  the  earth  in  order  that  its  extre- 
mity may  spring  up  far  enough  from  the  ori- 
ginal stock. 

AMULARSE,  vr.  To  become  sterile. 

AMULATADO,  DA,  a.  Of  a  tawny  complexion, 
resembling  that  of  a  Mulatto. 

AMULETO,  s~m.  Amulet,  hung  about  the  neck 
for  preventing  or  curing  a  disease. 

AMUNICIONAR,  va.  To  supply  with  ammunition. 

AMURA,  sf.  1.  (Naut.)  Tack  of  a  sail.  Amura 
mayor,  Main  tack.  Amura  del  trinquetc,  The 
fore-tack.  2.  (Naut.)  A  word  of  command. 
Amura  a  labor,  Aboard  larboard-tacks.  Amu- 
ra a  estribor,  Aboard  starboard-tacks.  Amura 
trinquete,  Aboard  fore-tacks.  Cambiar  la 
amura,  To  stand  on  the  other  tack. 

AMURADAS,    sf.  pi.    (Naut.)    Spirketing,    or 
'  spirket-rising,  the  range  of  planks  between- 
the  water  ways  and  the  lower  edge  of  the 
gun-ports  of  a  ship  of  war. 

AMURAR,  va.  (Naut.)  To  haul  the  tack  aboard. 

AMURCAR,  va.  To  strike  with  the  horns  ;  appli- 
ed to  a  bull. 

AMURCO,  sm.  Blow  or  stroke  with  the  horns 

AMUSGAR,  va.  I.  To  throw  back  the  ears,  as  a 
sign  of  biting  or  wincing  in  horses  and  mules. 
Amusgdr  las  orejas,  (Met.  Ant.)  To  listen* 
2.  To  contract  the  eyes  to  see  better. 

A'NA,  sf.  1.  Ell,  a  measure  smaller  than  a  yard. 
2.  An  animal  of  the  fox  kind  in  the  Indies.  3. 
Medical  prescription,  signifying  equal  parts. 

ANABAPTISTA  6  ANABATISTA.  sm.  Anabaptist, 
a  sectary,  who  holds  that  children  ought  not 
to  be  baptized  until  they  have  attained  the 
age  of  reason.  [gascar. 

ANACALIFA,  sm.  A  poisonous  animal  of  Mada- 

ANACALO,  LA,  s.  (Ant.)  A  baker's  servant. 

ANACARADO,  DA,  a.  Of  a  pearly  white  colour. 

ANACARDEL,  sm.  A  kind  ot Madagascar  serpent. 

ANACARDINA,  sf.  Confection,  or  sweet-meat, 
made  of  anacardium  or  cashew-nut. 

ANACARDO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Cashew-tree.  Anacar- 
dium occidentale  L. 

ANAcoRETA,sm.  Anchorite,  arecluse,  an  hermit. 

ANACORETICO,  CA,  a.  Relating  or  belonging  to 
a  recluse  or  hermit. 

ANACOSTA,  sf.  A  sort  of  woollen  stuff.       [ontic. 


ANACRONISMO,  sm.  Anachronism,  an  error  in 
computing  time,  whereby  an  event  is  placed 
at  an  earlier  or  later  period  than  it  actually 




A'NADE,  sm.  j  f.  Duck.  Anas  boschas  L. 

ANADKAR,  v n.  To  waddle,  to  shake  from  side 
to  side  in  walking,  like  ducks. 

ANADEJA,  sf.  (dim.)  A  duckling. 

ANADINO,  NA,  s.  A  young  duck. 

ANADON,  sm.  V.  A'nade. 

ANADONcfLLO,  sm.  A  grown  duckling. 

ANAFAYA,  sf.  A  sort  of  cloth  formerly  manu- 
factured in  Valencia. 

ANA>E,  sm.  A  portable  furnace  or  stove. 

ANA>ORA,  sm.  Anaphora,  a  figure,  when  seve- 
ral periods  of  a  speech  are  begun  with  the 
same  word.  [L. 

ANAGALIDE,  sf.  Pimpernel.  Anagallis  arvensis 

ANAGIRIS,S/.  (Bot.)  Stinking  beantrefoil.  Ana- 
gyris  foetida  L. 

ANAGtfFos,  sm.  pi.  Vases,  vessels,  or  other 
works  adorned  with  sculpture  in  basso  re- 
lievo, so  that  the  figures  seem  standing  out 
from  the  ground. 

ANAGOGIA  v  ANAGOGE,  sf.  The  mystic  sense 
of  the  holy  Scripture. 

A?>AGOGiCAMENTE,arf.  In  an  anagogical  manner. 

ANAGOGICO,  CA,  a.  Anagogetical. 

ANAGRAMA,  sf.  Anagram,  a  transposition  of  the 
letters  of  a  name,  word,  or  sentence,  by 
which  another  word  or  sentence  is  formed. 

ANA^L,  V.  Anual,  Anal,  and  Jinnies. 

ANALECTICO  6  ANALEPTICO,  sm.  (Med.)  Resto- 

ANGLES,  sm.  pi.  Annals  or  historical  accounts 
digested  in  the  order  of  years. 

AMTALISIS,  sf.  1.  Analysis ;  a  solution  of  any 
thing,  whether  corporeal  or  mental,  to  its 
first  elements.  2.  Mathematical,  or  critical, 
or  chemical  analysis. 

ANALISTA,  sm.  1.  Annalist,  a  writer  of  annals. 
2.  Student  of  geometry  and  algebra. 

ANALITICAMENTE,  ad.  Analytically. 

ANALITICO,  CA,  a.  Analytical,  that  which  re- 
solves any  thing  into  first  principles. 

ANAI.IZAU,  va.  To  analyze. 

ANALOGAME.WTE,  V.  Anal6gicamente. 

ANALOGIA,  sf.  1.  Analogy,  resemblance  or  rela- 
tion which  things  bear  to  each  other.  2.  Se- 
cond part  of  grammar. 

ANALOGICAMKNTE,  ad.  Analogically. 

ANAI.OGICO,  CA,  ANALOGO,  GA,«.  Analogical  or 

ANANAS,  sm.  (Bot.)  Ananas, pine-apple.  Brome- 
lia  ananas  L. 

ANAPKLO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Wolf's-bane.  V.Napelo. 

ANAPESTO.  sm.  A  Latin  verse,  consisting  of  two 
short  syllables  and  a  long  one. 

ANAQPEL,  sm.  Shelf  or  board  fixed  against  or 
supported  in  book-cases,  &c.  on  which  any 
thing  may  be  placed. 

ANARANGEAR,  va.  To  pelt  with  oranges. 

ANAUANJADO,  DA,  a.  Orange-coloured. 

AifARQui A.  sf.  Anarchy.  [rule. 

ANARQuico,cA,rt.  Anarchial,  confused,  without 

ANASARCA,  sf.  (Med.)  Anasarca,  a  dropsy. 

AXA^OTK,  sm.  Says,  a  kind  of  woollen  stuff 
like  eerge. 

ANASTASIA,  sf.  V.  Artemisn. 

/N  *ASTOMOSIS,  sf.  (Anat.)  The  inosculation  of 
vessels,  or  the  conjunction  of  their  extremi- 
ties, by  means  whereof  they  communicate 
With  each  other,  as  vein  with  vein. 

,  sm.  (Ret.)  Anastrophe,  an  inver- 
sion of  words,  whereby  those  which  should 
have  been  precedent  are  postponed. 

ANATA,  sf.  Annats,  the  first  fruits  or  emolu- 
ments which  a  benefice  or  employ  produces. 
Media  unata,  The  annats  of  the  half  year. 

ANATEMA,  s.  1.  Anathema,  a  curse  pronounced 
by  ecclesiastical  authority  ;  excommunica- 
tion. 2.  (Ant.)  A  person  anathematized  or 
excommunicated . 

ANATEMATISMO,  sm-.  V.  Excomunion. 

ANATEMATIZAR,  va.  1.  To  anathematize,  to  ex- 
communicate. 2.  To  curse,  to  imprecate. 

ANATisTAjSwi.  Officer  for  the  half-year's  annats. 

ANATOCISMO,  sm.  Anatocism,  the  accumulation 
of  interest  upon  interest. 

ANATOM!A,  sf.  I.  Anatomy,  the  art  of  dissect- 
ing the  human  body.  2.  Doctrine  of  the 
structure  of  the  human  body.  3.  (Pint.)  Ske- 
leton, by  which  painters  and  sculptors  study 
the  structure  of  the  human  frame. 

ANATOMICAME.VTE,  ad.  Anatomically. 

ANATOMICO,  CA,  a.  Anatomical. 

ANATOMISTA,  sm.  Anatomist,  professor  of  ana- 

ANATOMIZAR,  va.  1.  To  anatomize  or  dissect  an 
animal  body.  2.  (Pint.)  To  form  and  draw, 
with  the  utmost  exactness,  the  bones  and 
muscles  in  statues  and  figures. 

ANAVAJADO,  DA,  (Ant.)  Having  knife  scars. 

A'NCA,  sf.  Croup,  the  buttocks  of  a  horse.  A1 
ancas  6  d  las  ancas,  Behind.  A1  ancas  6  d  las 
ancas  defulano,  With  the  assistance  of  Mr 

ANCADO,  sm.  (Alb.)  A  distemper,  consisting 
in  a  painful  contraction  of  the  nerves  and 

A  NCHAMENTE,  ad.  Widely,  largely. 

ANCH^RIA,  sf.  (Among  merchants  and  traders.) 
The  width  of  stuff  or  cloth. 

ANCHETA,  sf.  Venture,  goods  which  a  person, 
not  engaged  in  trade,  sends  or  carries  on  his 
own  account  to  India. 

ANCHICORTA,  sf.  (Joe.)  A  short  broad  sword. 

A'NCHO,  CHA,  a.  Broad,  wide,  extended  in 
breadth.  Ponerse.  muy  ancko,  (Met.)  To 
look  big  ;  to  be  elated  with  pride.  Vida  an- 
eft  a,  A  loose  life. 

ANCHOVA  Y  ANCHOA,  sf.  Anchovy.  Clupea  en- 
crasicolas  L. 

ANCHOR  6  ANCHO,  sm.  V.  Anchura. 

ANCHUELO,  I.A.  a.  Somewhat  wide. 

ANCHURA,  sf.  Width,  breadth.  A1  mis  ancku- 
ras  6  d  sus  anrhuras.  At  large,  at  full  liber- 
ty. Vivo  d  mis  anchuras,  1  live  just  as  I 

ANCHUROSO,  SA,  a.  Large,  wide,  spacious. 

ANCHUSA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Alkanet.  Anchusa  tincto- 
ria  L. 

ANCIAN^R,  vn.  (Poet.)  V.  Envejeccr. 

ANCIANIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  In  the  military  orders  of 
friars,  the  dignity  and  jurisdiction  of  the 
four  oldest  fathers  in  the  convent. 

ANCIANIDAD,  sf.  I.  Old  age.  2.  Antiquity. 

ANCIANO,  NA,  a.  Old,  stricken  in  years. 

A'N'CLA,  sf.  Anchor.  Zafar  el  ancla  para  dar 
fondo,  To  clear  the  anchor  for  coming  to.  El 
ancla  vienc  al  baxel,  The  anchor  comes  home, 
El  ancla  ha  soltado  el  fondo,  The  anchor  i» 



a-trip.  Pcscar  una,  anda,  To  draff  for  an  an- 
chor. Alotar  las  anclas,  To  stow  the  anchors. 
Arganeo  de  ancla,  An  anchoring.  Cana  del 
ancla,  The  shank  of  the  anchor.  Cepo  del 
anda,  The  anchor-stock.  Cruz  del  ancla. 
The  crown  of  the  anchor.  Orcjas  del  ancla, 
The  flukes  of  the  anchor.  Unas  del  ancla, 
The  anchor  arms.  Pico  del  anda,  The  bill 
of  the  anchor.  Al  anda  6  and  ado  t  At  an- 
chor. Jlndadelaespcranza,  Sheet-anchor. 
Anda  dd  ayuste  6  de  uso,  The  best  bower- 
anchor.  Anda  sencilla  6  de  leva,  The  small 
bower-anchor.  Anda  del  crcciente,  The  flood- 
anchor.  Anda  del  menguantc,  The  ebb-an- 
chor. Anda  de  la  mar  haciafuera,  Sea-an- 
chor. Anda  de  la  ticrra  6  playa,  Shore-an- 
chor. Anclas  descrvidumbre,  Bower-anchors. 

ANCLADERO,sm.  (Naut.)  Anchor-smith. 

ANCLAGE,  sm.  1.  The  act  of  casting  anchor.  2. 
Anchor-ground,  or  anchoring-ground.  Dere- 
cho  de  ancla(re}  Anchorage. 

ANCLAR,  vn.  To  anchor. 

ANCLOTE,  sm.  Stream-anchor. 

AXCLOTILLO,  sm.  Kedge-anchor. 

ANCOX,  sm.  An  open  road,  a  bay. 

A'NCORA.  V.  Anda.  Eckar  dncoras,  To  cast 
anchor.  Llevar  dncoras,  To  weigh  anchor. 
Estar  en  dncoras  6  sobre  las  ancoras,  To  lie 
at  anchor. 

ANcoRAGE,sm.  V.  Anclagt. 

ANCORAR,  V.  Andar.  [painters. 

ANCORCA,  sf.  A   pale  yellow   earth  used  by 

ANCORERIA,  sf.  Anchor  forge. 

ANCORERO,  sm.  Anchor-smith.  [L. 

Asct/SA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Bugloss.   Borago  officinalis 

ANDABATA,  5m.  A  gladiator  who  fought  hood- 

ANDABOBA,S/.  V.  Parar. 

AND  AD  A,  sf.  A  thin  hard  baked  cake  without 
crumb.  Andddas,  The  traces  of  game  mark- 
ed on  the  ground.  [learn  to  walk. 

ANDADERAS,S?«.^.  Go-carts,  in  which  children 

ANDADERO,  RA,  a.  Accessible,  of  easy  access. 

ANDADO,  5m.  Step-son  ;  a  son-in-law. 

ANDADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Beaten,  much  frequented  ; 
applied  to  a  road.  2.  Worse  for  use,  thread- 
bare. 3.  Usual,  customary. 

ANDADOR,  RA,  5.  1.  A  good  walker.  2.  Messen- 
ger of  a  court.  3.  (Naut.)  A  fine  sailer  ;  a  swift 
sailing  vessel.  4.  Inferior  minister  of  justice. 

ANDADORES,  pi.  1.  Leading  strings.  2.  Alleys 
or  small  walks  in  a  garden. 

ANDADURA,  sf.  1.  Gait,  the  act  and  manner  of 
walking.  2.  Amble,  an  easy  pace  of  a  horse. 

ANDALIA,  sf.  Sandal. 

ANDALUZ,  ZA,  a.  Native  of  Andalusia. 

ANDAMIO,  5m.  1.  Scaffold.  2.  (Ant.)  Platform 
of  a  rampart.  3.  Gait,  manner  of  walking.  4. 
(Naut.)  Stage  ;  gangboard. 

ANDANA-,  sf.  1.  Row,  rank,  line.  2.  (Naut.)  An- 
dana  de  los  canoncs  dc  un  costado,  A  tier  of 
guns  j  also  a  broadside.  3.  (Naut.)  Andana 
de  rizos,  The  reefs  in  the  sails  of  ships. 

ANUA\INOS,  sm.  pi.  Leading  strings. 

ANDANTESCO,  CA,  a.  That  which  belongs  to 
knighthood,  or  knight  errants. 

ANDANZA,  5/.  Occurrence,  event. 

ANDAR,  vn.  1.  To  go,  to  walk,  to  move  along. 
2.  To  act,  to  proceed,  to  behave,  to  transact. 

3.  To  elapse.  4.  To  go,  move  or  act  ;  applied 
to  machines.  Andar  en  cuerpo,  To  go  abroad 
without  a  cloak  or  surtout.  Andar  del  cucrpo, 
To  go  to  stool.  Andar  por  dr.cir  6  por  haccr 
una  cosa,  To  be  determined  to  say  or  do  a 
thing.  Andar  a  caza  dc  gun<ras,  To  waste 
one's/  time  in  fruitless  pursuits.  Andar  en 
carnes,  To  go  stark  naked.  Andar  de  zeca 
en  mcca,  To  be  roving  and'  wander  ing  about. 
Todo  se  andard,  Every  thing  will  be  looked 
into.  Es  preciso  andar  con  eltiempo,  It  is 
necessary  to  conform  to  the  times.  Andar 
c/t  dares  y  tomares  6  en  dunes  y  dirctes,  To 
be  in  cross  purposes  ;  to  deal  in  ifs  and  ands. 
Andar  en  buena  vela,  (Natot.)  To  keep  the 
sails  full.  Andar  todo,  (Naiit.)  To  bear  up 
the  helm.  A'  mejor  andar.  At  best,  at  most. 
A1  peor  andar,  At  worst,.  A1  mas  andar,  In 
full  speed.  Andar  el  mundo  al  reves,  To  re- 
verse the  order  of  nature,  to  do  any  thing 
contrary  to  the  manner  it  ought  to  be. 

ANDAR,  interj.  Well,  never  mind.  Anda,  Stand 
out  of  the  way.  Anda  hijo,  Come  along,  child. 

ANDARAGE,  sm.  The  wheel  of  a  well,  to  which 
the  rope  and  bucket  are  fastened.  [tion. 

ANDARIEGO,  GA,  a.  Restless,  of  a  roving  disposi- 

ANDARIM,  sm.  A  fast  walker.  Andarincs,  An 
Italian  paste  of  the  size  of  lentils,  used  for 
soups.  [cilia  alba  L. 

ANDARIO,  5m.  (Orn.)  The  white  wagtail.  Mota- 

ANDARIVEL,  5m.  (Naut.)  A  girt  line. 

A'NDAS,  A  bier,  a  hearse.  [China. 

ANDATIS,  5/.  A  sort  of  stuff  manufactured  in 

ANDEN,  5m.  1.  A  shelf.  V.  Anaqael.  2.  A  path 
round  the  draw  well  for  the  horse,  which 
puts  the  wheel  in  motion. 

ANDERO,  sm.  One  who  carries  the  shafts  of  a 
bier  on  his  shoulders.  [makers. 

ANDILIJ,  5m.  A  burnishing  stick  used  by  shoe- 

A'NDJTO,  sm.  A  gallery  which  surrounds  the 
whole  or  a  considerabl 


ANDOI.INA  6  ANDORINA,  sf.  V.  Golondrina. 

ANDORGA,  5/.  Llenar  la  andorga,  To  fill  the 
belly,  to  eat  much. 

ANDORINA,  5/.  (Naut.)  A  truss,  a  parrel. 

ANDORRERO,RA,  Y  ANDORRA,  s.  (Vulg.)  Street- 

ANDOSCO,  CA,  a.  Two  years-old;  applied  to 
ewes.  [clothes. 

ANDRAJERO,  5m.  Ragman,  who  deals  in  old 

AJJDRAJO,  sm.  1.  Rag  of  worn  clothes.  2.  (Met.) 
A  despicable  thing  or  person.  Haccr  andra- 
jos,  To  tear  to  rags. 

ANDRAJOSAMENTE,  ad.  Raggedly. 

ANDRAJOSO,  SA,  a.  Ragged,  dressed  in  tatters. 

ANDRIANA,  sf.  A  kind  of  gown  formerly  worn 

ANDRINA,  sf.  A  sloe.  V.  Endrina.  [by  women 

ANDKf.vo,  sm.  (Bot.)  Sloe-tree,  black  thorn. 
Prunus  spinosa  L. 

AXDROGINO  Y  ANpROGENo,sm.  Hermaphrodite, 
an  animal  uniting  both  sexes. 

ANDROMINA,  sf.  (Bax.)  Trick,  fraud,  artifice. 

ANDRosEMo,57rt.  (Bot.)  St.  John's  wort.  Hype- 
ricum  ascyron  L.  [habited  by  Arabs. 

ANDUAR,  sm.  A  kind  of  ambulatory  village  in- 

ANDULARIOS,  sm,.  pi.  A  long  and  wide  gown. 

A.NDULE.NCU.  sf,  (Joe.)  OccurreucQ,  event. 

,       . 

or  a  considerable  part  of  a  building. 
,  sf.  An  unmeaning  expletive  used  by 



ANDtiLLO,S9n.l.  Carol  of  tobacco.  2.  V.  Pandero. 

ANDURRI^LES,  sm.  pi.  By-roads,  retired  places. 

ANEA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Great  cat's  tail,  reed  mace. 
Typha  latifolia  L. 

ANE.AGE,  sm.  Alnage,  ell  measure. 

ANEJ(.R,  va.  1.  To  measure  by  ells.  2.  (Burgos.) 
To  rock  in  a  cradle. 

ANEBLAR,  va.  To  cloud,  to  darken,  to  obscure. 

ANEGACION,  sf.  Overflowing,  inundation. 

ANEGADIZO,  ZA,  a.  Liable  to  be  overflowed. 

ANEGADO,  DA,  a.  Overflowed.  Navio  anegado, 
(Naut.)  A  water-logged  ship. 

ANEGAMiENTo,sm.  V  Anegacion. 

ANEG^R,  va.  To  inundate,  to  submerge. — vr. 
To  be  inundated.  [ness. 

ANEGOCI.£DO,  DA,  a.  Overwhelmed  with  busi- 

ANEGRAS  Y  ANAGROS,  s.  pi.  A  corn-measure  in 
some  parts  of  Spain. 

ANEMONE,  sf.  (Bot.)  Anemone  or  wind  flower. 

ANEMOSCOPIO,  sm.  Anemoscope,  a  machine  in- 
vented to  foretel  the  changes  of  the  wind. 

A'  ANEQUIN  6  DE  ANEQUiN,  ad.  So  much  a  head  ; 
applied  to  the  shearing  of  sheep. 

ANEURISM  A,  sf.  1.  A  disease  of  the  arteries,  in 
which  they  become  excessively  dilated.  2. 
An  extraordinary  dilatation  of  an  artery. 

ANEXA^R,  va.  To  annex,  to  join,  to  unite. 

ANEXIDADES,  sf.  pi.  Annexes,  things  annexed. 

ANEXION,  sf.  Annexion,  union,  conjunction. 

ANEXO,  XA,  a.  Annexed,  joined. 

ANEXO,  sm.  A  benefice  or  church  depending  on 
another  as  its  principal  or  he"ad. 

ANriBio,  BIA,  a.  Amphibious. 

ANFIBOLOGIA,  sf.  Amphibology,  words  or  sen-, 
tences  of  a  double  or  doubtful  meaning. 

ANFIBOLOGICO,  c  A,  a.  Amphibological,  doubtful. 

ANFIBRACO,  sm.  Amphibrachys,  a  foot  in  Latin 
verse.  [site  to  each  other. 

ANFICEFALO,  sm.  A  bed  with  two  bolsters  oppo- 

ANFIMACRO,  sm.  Amphimacer,  a  foot  in  Latin 

ANFION,  sm.  Opium.  [verse. 

ANFISBEVA  Y  ANFISIBENA,  sf.  Amphisbsena,  an 
amphibious  serpent  with  a  tail  as  big  as  its 
head,  and  which  moves  backwards  or  for- 
wards with  the  same  facility. 

ANFISCIOS,  sm.  pi.  Amphiscii,  people  of  the 
torrid  zone,  whose  shadows  at  different  times 
fall  north  and  south.  [mg- 

ANFiTEATRo,s?R.Amphitheatre,a  circular  build- 

ANFRACTUOSIDADES,  sf.  pi.  (Anat.)  Anfractuo- 
sities,  convolutions  of  the  brain  or  cerebrum. 

ANGARILLAS,  sf.  pi.  1.  Hand-barrow,  in  which 
mortar,  stones,  &c.  are  carried.  2.  Baskets 
hung  to  a  horse's  or  mule's  side.  3.  Cruet- 
stands.  4.  V.  Jlguaderas. 

ANGARILLON,  sm.  A  large  wicker  basket ;  a 
large  hand-barrow. 

ANGARIPOLA,  sf.  A  kind  of  coarse  striped  linen. 
Angaripdlas,  Gaudy  ornaments  on  clothes. 

A'NGARO,  sm.  Light,  fire  or  smoke,  used  as  a 

A'NGEL,  sm.  1.  Angel,  a  spiritual  being.  2.  A 
sort  offish  much  resembling  a  ray.  3.  (Art.) 
Earshot.  Manga  de  A'ngel,  Sleeve  of  a  coat 
ruffled  or  plaited  like  a  woman's  ruffle. 
A'ngel  custodio  6  de  la  guarda,  Guardian 
angel.  A'ngd  de  guarda,  Protector,  patron. 
A'ngd  patudo,  Nickname  of  a  person  more 
malicious  than  commonly  supposed. 

ANGELICA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Angelica.  Angelica  L. 
Angelica  carlina,  (Bot.)  Carline  thistles,  ash- 
weed.  Carlina  acaulis  L.  [angelic. 

ANGELICAL  Y  ANGELICO,  CA,  a.  Angelical  or 

ANGELIC  ALMEXTE,  ad.  In  an  angelic  manner. 

ANGELICO  Y  ITO,  sm.  (Dim.)  A  litt!' 

ANGELON,  sm.  (Aum.)  Great  angel.  Angel  on 
de  retablo,  Nickname  given  to  one  dispropor- 
tionately corpulent  and  besotted. 

ANGELOTE,  sm.  l.A  large  figure  of  an  anirol 
placed  on  altars.  2.  A  fat,  good-natured  child. 

ANGEO,  sm.  A  coarse  sort  of  linen  made  in  Anjou. 

ANGINA,  sf.  Quinsy,  a  tumid  inflammation  in 

A''NGLA,  sf.  A  cape.  [the  throat. 

ANGOSTAMENTE,  ad.  Narrowly. 

ANGOSTA^R,  va.  To  narrow,  to  contract. 

ANGOSTILLO,  LLA,  a.  A  little  narrow. 

ANGOSTO,  TA,  n.  Narrow,  close,  strait.  Venir 
angosta,  To  fall  short  of  one's  expectations, 
ambition,  or  merit.  [3.  Distress. 

ANGOSTTJRA,S/.  1.  Narrowness.  2.  A  narrow  pass. 

AXNGRA,  sf.  A  small  bay,  a  cove.       [the  knees. 

ANGUARIXA,  sf.  A  loose  coat  hanging  down  to 

ANGUILA,  sf.  (let.)  Eel.  Mursena  anguila  L. 
fluguila  dc  cabo,  (Naut.)  A  port  rope  with 
which  sailors  are  flogged  on  board  the  galleys. 
Angu'das,  Slips  or  planks  on  which  the  keel 
of  a  ship  slides  when  launching  into  the  wa- 
ter, [rope. 

ANGUIL^ZO,  sm.  A  lash  or  stroke  with  a  port 

ANGTJILERO,  RA,  s.  Basket  or  pannier  for  eels. 

ANGUINA,  sf.  (Alb.)  The  vein  of  the  groins. 

ANGULAR,  a.  Angular,  having  angles.  Pledra 
angular,  The  corner  stone  in  a  building. 

ANGULARMENTK,  ad.  With  angles. 

ANGULEMA,  sf.  A  sort  of  coarse  linen  manu- 
factured at  Angoultme,  of  hemp  or  tow.  An- 
gidemas,  (Bax")  Fulsome  flatteries. 

A'NGULO,  sm.  Angle.  A'ngulo  optico,  The  vi- 
sual angle.  Jl'ngulos  de  un  picadero,  The 
corners  of  a  riding  house. 

ANGULOSO,  SA,  a.  Angular,  cornered. 

ANGURRIA,  V.  Sandra. 

ANGTJSTIA,  sf.  Anguish,  affliction. 

ANGUSTIADAMENTE,  ad.  Painfully. 

ANGUSTIADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Painful,  afflicted  with 
pain.  2.  (Met.)  Narrow-minded,  miserable. 

ANGUSTIAR,  va.  To  cause  anguish,  to  afflict. 

ANHELAU,  vn.  1.  To  breathe  with  difficulty.  2. 
To  desire  anxiously,  to  wish  eagerly.  Anhe.- 
lar  honores,  To  aspire  at  honours. 

ANHELITO,  sm.  Respiration. 

ANHELO,  sm.  A  vehement  desire  ;  anxiousness. 

ANHKLOSO,  SA,  a.  Anxiously  desirous. 

ANHEMELES,  sm.  pi.  (And.)  Horses  or  other 
beasts  of  burthen  destined  for  the  convey- 
ance of  goods  to  the  sea-side. 

ANIIINA,  sf.  (Orn.)  An  aquatic  bird  of  prey  in 
Brasil,  called  the  darter.  Plotus  L. 

ANIAGA,  sf.  (Mur.)  The  yearly  wages  of  a 
ploughman  or  labourer. 

ANIDAR,  vn.  1.  To  nestle,  to  make  a  nest.  2. 
(Met.)  To  dwell,  to  inhabit,  to  reside.  3.  To 
cherish,  to  shelter.  Andar  anidando,  To  pre- 
pare for  lying  in ;  applied  to  women  great 
with  child.  [blar. 

ANIEBL^-R,  va.  To  darken,  to  obscure.  V.  Ane.- 

ANIFALA,  sf.  Bread  made  of  bran. 



ANILI.AR,  va.  To  form  rings  or  circles  in  work , 
used  by  cutlers. 

ANILLEJO  Y  ANILLETE,  sm.  A  small  ring. 

ANIM.O,  sm.  1.  A  ring  of  gold,  silver,  &c.  worn 
on  the  finger.  2.  (Naut.)  Hank  or  grummet. 
Venir  como  anillo  al  dedo,  To  come  in  the 
very  nick  of  time.  3.  (Arq.)  Astragal. 

A'NIMA,  sf.  1.  Soul.  V.  Alma  2.  (Art.)  The 
bore  or  diameter  of  the  chase  of  a  gun. 
A'nimas,  Ringing  of  bells  at  a  certain  hour, 
generally  at  sun-setting,  which  admonishes 
the  faitliful  to  pray  for  the  souls  in  purgato- 
ry. A1  las  animas  me  volvi  6.  casa,  At  sun- 
setting  I  returned  home. 

ANIMACION,  sf.  Animation. 

ANIMADOR,  RA,  5.  One  who  animates,  animator 

ANIMADVERSION,  sf.  Observation,  remark,  stric' 

ANIMADVERTENCIA,  sf.  Admonition,  advice. 

ANIMAL,  sm.  1.  A  living  creature,  an  animal 
2.  In  contempt,  we  say  that  an  ignorant  and 
stupid  person  is — un  animal. 

ANIMAL,  a.  Animal,  relating  to  an  animal. 

ANIMALADO,  DA,  a.  Animalizcd. 

AMMALAZO,  sm.  A  large  or  big  animal. 

ANIMALEJO,  ico  Y  ILLO,  sm.  A  small  animal 
animalcule.  [animal 

A  MM  A  1.6 N  y  ANIMALOTE,  sm.  A  large  or  big 

ANIMALUCHO,  sm.  An  ugly,  hideous  animal. 

ANIMAR,  va.  1.  To  animate,  to  enliven,  to  incite. 
2.  To  give  power  or  vigour  to  inanimate 
things.  [myrrh. 

A'NJME  6  GOMA  ANIMA,  sf.  A  resin  resembling 

ANIMERO,  sm.  One  who  asks  charity  for  the 
souls  in  purgatory. 

A/NIMO,  sm.  1.  Soul,  the  immaterial  spirit  of 
man.  2.  Courage,  valour,  fortitude.  3.  Mind, 
intention,  will.  4.  Thought,  attention.  Hacer 
buen  animo,  To  bear  up  under  adversities. 

ANIMOSAMENTE,  ad.  In  a  spirited  manner,  cou 

ANIMOSIDAD,  sf.  Valour,  courage  ;  boldness. 

ANIMOSO,  SA,  a.  Brave,  spirited.  [manner. 

ANINADAMENTE,   ad.   In    a    childish,    puerile 

ANINARSE,  vr.  To  grow  childish,  to  act  in  a 
childish  manner. 

ANIQUILABLE,  a.  Annihilable,  that  may  be  an- 

ANIQUILACION,  sf.  Annihilation,  reducing  or 
reduced  to  nothing.  [hilates. 

ANIQ.UILADOR,  RA,  s.  Destroyer,  one  who  anni- 

ANiquiLAMiENTO,  sm.  V.  Atiiquilacion. 

ANIQUILAR,  va.  To  annihilate,  to  destroy,  to 
put  out  of  existence. — vr.  To  decline,  to  de- 
cay ;  to  humble. 

ANIS,  sm.  (Bot.)  Anise.  Pimpenella  anisum  L. 
Anises,  Anise  seeds  preserved  in  sugar. 
Llegar  a  los  anises,  To  come  the  day  after 
the  feast.  [with  anise. 

ANisAoo,  DA,  a.  Applied  to  spirits  tinctured 

ANISILLO,  sm.  (Dim.)  Small  anise. 

A.NivERsARio,  RIA,  a.  Annual,  yearly,  anniversa- 
ry, returning  with  the  revolution  of  the  year. 

ANIVERSARIO,  5m.  1.  Anniversary,  a  day  cele- 
brated every  year.  2.  A  mass  or  service  yearly 
performed  for  the  soul  of  a  person  deceased, 
on  the  day  of  his  or  her  death.  Libra  de  ani- 
rcrsarios,  An  obituary  of  the  persons  for 
whom  anniversaries  are  to  be  performed. 

s,  5m.  pi.  Blankets  or  coverlets  ma- 
nufactured in  Holland,  and  at  Rouen. 

ANNOJO,  (Mur.)  V.  Ann  jo. 

A'NO,  5/«.  Anus,  the  orifice  of  the  fundament. 

ANOCHE,  ad.  Last  night. 

ANOCHEOER,  vn.  To  grow  dark.  Anoche,c&rle 
a  uno  en  alcruna  parte,  To  be  benighted  some- 
where. Al.  anocheccr,  At  night-fall. — vr.  To 
grow  dark.  Yo  amaneci  en  Madrid,  y  ano- 
ehecA  en  Toledo,  I  was  in  .Madrid  at  dawn, 
and  in  Toledo  at  dusk. 

ANODINAR,  va.  To  administer  or  apply  anodyno 

ANODJNO,  NA,  a.  Anodyne,  that  which  has  the 
power  of  mitigating  pain. 

ANOMALIA,  sf.  Anomaly,  irregularity,  deviation 
from  rules. 

ANOMALIDAD,  5/.  Irregularity. 

ANOMALO,  LA,  a.  (Gram.)  Anomalous. 

ANON,  57«.  (Bot.)  The  annona-tree,  the  custard 
apple-tree.  Annona  L. 

ANON  A,  5/.  1,  Annona  or  custard-apple,  the 
fruit  of  the  annona-tree.  In  some  parts  it  is 
called  guanava.  2.  Store  of  provisions. 

ANONADACION,  5/.  1.  Annihilation,  the  act  or 
state  of  being  reduced  to  nothing.  2.  Self 

ANONADAR,  va.  1.  To  annihilate,  to  reduce  to 
nothing.  2.  (Met.)  To  diminish  or  lessen  in 
a  considerable  degree. — vr.  To  humble  or 
abase  one's  self  to  a  low  degree. 

ANONIMO,  MA,  a.  Anonymous. 

ANOTACION,  5/.  Annotation,  note. 

ANOTADOR,  RA,  s.  Commentator,  annotator. 
,  va.  To  write  notes,  to  comment. 

ANOTOMIA,  5/.  V.  Anatomia. 

A'NQUE,  V.  Aunque. 

ANQUETA.  Estar  de  media  anqueta,  To  be  in- 
commodiously seated. 

Having  a  croup  like  an  ox  ;  applied  to  horses 
and  mules.  [horses  and  mules. 

ANQUISECO,  CA,  a.  Lean  crouped ;  applied  to 

A'NSAR,  sm.  A  goose.     Anas  anser  L. 

ANSARERIA,  sf.  The  place  where  geese  are  rear- 

ANSARERO,  5m.  A  goose-herd.  [to  geese. 

ANSARINO,  NA,  a.  (Poet.)  Belonging  or  relating 

ANSARINO,  sm.  A  gosling. 

ANSARON,  5m.  A  large  goose. 

A'NSER,  V.  A'nsar. 

ANSI,  V.Asi. 

A'NSIA,  5/.  Anxiety,  anguish,  ardent  desire. 

ANSIADAMENTE,  ad.  Anxiously,  earnestly. 
NSIAR,  va.  To  desire  anxiously,  to  wish  for 

ANSIEDAD,  (Ant.)  V.  Ansia. 

A.NSINA,  V.  Asi.  [dently. 

ANSIOSAMENTE,  ad.  Anxiously,  earnestly,  ar- 

ANSIOSO,  SA,  a.  1.  Anxious,  having  a  longing 
desire.  2.  Attended  with  anxiety,  or  great 

ANT.  prep,  y  ad.  V.  Ante  and  antes. 

A'NTA,  sf.  Tapir,  a  kind  of  elk  found  in  Brasil 
and  Paraguay.  Tapir  L. 

ANTACEO,  5m.  (let.)  A  large  fish  of  the  family 
of  sturgeons,  from  which  isinglass  is  pre- 
pared. Acipenser  huso  L.  [bands. 

ANTAGALLAS  sf.  pi.  (Naut.)   Sprit-sail    reef- 



ANTAGOKISTA,  sm.  Antagonist,  an  opponent 
who  contends  with  another. 

ANTAMILLA,  sf.  (Burg.)  V.  AHamia. 

ANTANA.  Llamarse  antana,  To  unsay,  to  re- 
tract, to  deny  what  one  said  before. 

ANTANA/O,  ad.  (Bax.)  A  long  time  since. 

ANTANO,  ad.  (Bax.)  Last  year.  (Prov.)  En  los 
n>dos  de  antano  no  hay  paxaros  hogaTio, 
Time  must  be  seized  by  the  forelock. 

ANTAPOCA,  sf.  A  security  which  a  debtor  gives 
to  his  creditor. 

ANT!RTICO,  CA,  a.  Antarctic,  belonging  to  the 
South  pole. 

A'NTE,  sin.  1.  A  dressed  buck  or  buffalo  skin.  2. 
(Ant.)  The  first  course  or  number  of  dishes 
set  at  once  on  the  table. 

A'NTE,  prep.  Ante,  mi,  Before  me,  in  my  pre- 
sence. Ante  todas  cosas  6  ante  todo,  Before 
all  things,  above  all. 

ANTEAOO,  DA,  a.  Buff-coloured,  of  a  pale  yel- 
low colour. 

ANTEANTEANOCHE,  ad.  Three  nights  ago. 

ANTKANTEAYER,  ad.  Three  days  ago. 

ANTEANTIER,  ad.  (Ant.)  V.  Anteanteayer. 

ANTE  AVER,  ad.  The  day  before  yesterday. 

ANTKBKAZO,  sm.  The  fore  arm.  [bed. 

ANTEC!;HA,  sf.  A  carpet  laid  along  side  of  a 

ANTECAM  YRA,  sf.  1.  Ante-chamber,  a  room 
which  leads  to  the  chief  apartment.  2.  (Naut.) 
The  steerage. 

ANTECAMARILLA,  sf.  A  room  leading  to  the 
king's  ante-chamber. 

ANTECAPILL.V,  sf.  The  space  before  the  entry 
to  a  chapel. 

DENTE,  sm.  1.  Antecedent,  that  which 
goes  before.  2.  The  first  proposition  of  an 
enthymeme.  3.  A  noun  to  which  a  relative 
is  subjoined.  [dently. 

ANTECEDKNTEMENTE,  ad.  Previously,  antece- 

ANTECEDJSR,  va.  To  precede. 

ANTECESOR,  RA,S.  Predecessor,  one  that  held  a 
place  or  employment  before  another.  Ante- 
ccsjres,  Ancestors, 

ANTE cni .vos,  (Arq.)  Fluted  mouldings. 

ANTECO,  CA,  ffl.  Applied  to  the  Anteoci  or  in- 
habitants of  the  same  meridian  at  the  same 
distance  on  each  side  the  equator. 

ASTTECOGER,  va.  1.  To  bring  any  person  or 
thing  before  one.  2.  To  gather  in  fruit  be- 
fore the  due  time. 

ANTECOL^MNA,  sf.  (Arq.)  A  column  placed  in 
the  front  of  porticos. 

ANTECORO,  sm.  The  entrance  which  leads  to 
the  choir. 

ANTECRISTO,  sm.  Antichrist. 

ANTEDATA.  sf.  A  date  anticipated  in  letters 
and  other  writings. 

ANTEDATAR,  va.  To  antedate,  to  date  earlier 
than  the  true  time,  or  before  the  proper 

ANTE  DIEM,  (Lat.)  The  preceding  day,  the  day 
before.  DC  antedia,  (Ant.)  Yesterday,  prior, 

ANTEIGLESIA,S/.  l.The  portico  at  the  entrance 
of  a  church.  2.  The  parochial  church  ofs;.u/ui 
towns  in  Biscay.  3.  The  district  belonging 
tf)  a  parish 

ANTEj,AcidN,  sf.  Preference. 

ANO,  NA,  a.  About  the  dawa  of  day. 

ANTEMA^O,  ad.  De  antemano,  Before  hand. 

ANTEMERIDIANO,  NA,  a.  Done  or  passed  in  the 

ANTEMULAS,  sm.  1.  Keeper  or  driver  of  mules. 
2.  Foremost  muleteer. 

ANTEMURAL,  sm.  1.  A  fort,  rock,  or  mountain, 
which  serves  for  the  defence  of  the  body  of 
a  fortress.  2.  (Met.)  A  safeguard,  defence. 

ANTEMURALLA  v  ANTEM^RO,  V.  Antemural. 

ANTENA,.-?/.  (Naut.)  A  lateen  yard. 

ANTENAI.LAS,  sf.  pi.  Pincers. 

ANTENOCHE,  ad.  The  night  before  last.  2.  (Ant.) 
Before  night-fall. 

ANTENOMBRE,  sm.  A  title  prefixed  to  a  proper 
name,  but  not  to  a  family  name,  and  equiva- 
lent to  Sir  in  the  English,  as  Don  Pedro,  Sir 
Peter,  &c. 

ANTEOJO,  sm.  A  spy  glass.  Antcojo  de  larga 
vista,  A  telescope.  Antedjo  de  puno,  Opera 
glass.— pi.  1.  Spectacles.  2.  Pieces  of  felt  or 
leather  cut  round,  and  put  before  the  eyes  of 
vicious  horses. 

ANTE  OMNIA,  (Voz  Latina,)  Before  all  things ; 
above  all. 

ANTEPAGAR,  va.  To  pay  before  hand. 

ANTEPASADO,  DA,  a.  Passed  ;  elapsed  ;  applied 
to  time. 

ANTEPASADOS,  sm.  pi.  Ancestors,  forefathers, 

ANTEPECHO,  sm.  I.  Breastwork,  parapet,  battle- 
ment. 2.  Footstep  of  a  coach.  3.  Poitrel,  or 
harness,  for  the  breast  of  a  draught  horse.  4. 
Breast  roller  of  a  loom  for  weaving  tapestry. 
5.  The  part  of  a  ribbon  frame  or  loom,  which 
passes  from  the  right  to  the  left,  to  the  point 
in  which  the  weaver's  strap  is  placed.  Jlntcpe- 
chos,  (Naut.)  The  iron  hawse  of  the  head. 

ANTEPENULTIMO,  MA,  a.  Antepenult. 

ANTEPONER,  va.  1.  To  prefer.  2.  To  place  be- 

ASTEPORTICO,  sm.  Vestibule  or  porch  at  the  en- 
trance of  a  building. 

ANTEPUERTA,  sf.  A  curtain  or  screen  placed 
before  a  door. 

ANTEquiNO,  sm.  (Arq.)  V.  Esgucio. 

ANTKRA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Anther,  the  roundish  head 
which  contains  the  prolific  pollen  on  the  sta- 
mens of  flowers. 

ANTERIOR,  «.  That  which  precedes  in  time  or 
place  ;  anterior. 

ANTEKIOKIDAD,  sf.  Anteriority,  priority  ;  the 
state  of  being  before  ;  preference. 

ANTEKIORMENTK,  ad.  Previously. 

A'.NTI.S,  prep.  Before, beforehand.  A'ntesdelos 
Marquesas  van  los  Duques,ThQ  Dukes  go 
before  the  Marquises. 

A'NTES,  ad.  First,  rather,  better.  Haga  vm. 
esto  antes,  Do  this  first.  Quisiera  antes  cxta 
que  aquello,  I  would  rather  have  this  than 
that.  Ji'ntes  morir  que  pecar,  Better  to  die 
than  to  sin.  It  also  denotes  preference  of 
time  or  place.  Ji'ntes  bicn,  Rather.  A'ntes 
dd  dia,  Before  day  or  at  day-break.  .3'nicx 
con  antes,  As  soon  as  possible.  De  antes,  Of 
old,  in  ancient  tinies.  Las  cosas  de  antes  son 
mi;,!j  difr rentes  de  las  de  aliora,  The  affairs 
of  ancient  times  widely  differ  from  tlios,e  of 
the  present  day.  [to  the  sacristy 

f AI  $£  An  apartment  which  leads 



AXTESALA,  sf.  An  apartment  which  leads  to  the 
principal  hall  of  a  building.  Hacer  antcsala, 
To  dance  attendance  in  an  ante-chamber. 

ANTKSTATIJRA,  sf.  A  small  entrenchment  of 
palisadoes  and  sand-bags,  run  up  in  haste,  to 
dispute  with  the  enemy  a  tract  of  ground, 
part  of  which  is  already  in  his  possession. 

ANTETEMPLO,  sm.  Portico. 

ANTEVKR,  va.  To  foresee. 

ANTKVISPERA,  sf.  The  day  before  yesterday. 

A.vri,  An  inseparable  preposition,  signifying 
against,  as  antipapa,  antipope.  [thias  L. 

ANTIA,  sf.  (let.)  The  mutton  fish.    Lahrus  an- 

ANTICARDENAL,  5m.  A  schismatic  cardinal. 

ANTICIPACION,  sf.  Anticipation,  the  act  of  tak- 
ing up  something  before  its  time. 

ANTICIPADA,  sf.  An  unexpected  thrust  or  blow. 

ACTICIPADAMENXE,  ad.  Prematurely,  by  way 
of  anticipation. 

ANTICIPADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  anticipates  or 
conceives  beforehand ;  anticipator. 

ANXICIPAMIENTO,  sm.  V.  Anticipacldn. 

ANTIC  IP  ANTE,  pa.  Anticipated  ;  applied  by 
physicians  to  a  fit  of  the  fever  which  returns 
before  the  stated  period. 

ANTIC  IP  AR,  va.  To  anticipate,  to  do  something 
before  the  time  appointed.  [critic. 

ANTICRITICO,SW.  Anticritic,  an  opponent  to  a 

ANTIDORAL,  a.  (For.)  V.  Rcmuneratorio. 

ANTIDOTA.RIO,  sm.  1.  A  book  in  which  the  com- 
position of  medicines  is  described  and  direct- 
ed ;  a  dispensatory.  2.  The  place  in  an  apo- 
thecary's shop  for  cordials  and  other  medi- 
cines, against  poison. 

AsxipOTO;  sm.  1.  Antidote,  a  medicine  given  to 
expel  poison.  2.  (Met.)  A  preventive  or  pre- 
servative against  vice  or  error. 

ANTIKR,  ad.  The  day  before  yesterday  ;  a  con- 
traction of  antes  de  ayer. 

ANTIFATO,  sm.  Black  coral. 

ANTIFAX,  sm.  A  veil  which  covers  the  face. 

ANTIFONA,  sf.  An  anthem. 

AXTIFONAL  6  ANTIFONARIO,  sm.  A  book  of  an- 
thems which  contains  all  that  are  sung  dur- 
ing the  year. 

ANTIFONERO,  sm.  Precentor,  he  who  chants 
anthems  and  leads  the  choir. 

ANTIFRASIS,  sf.  Antiphrasis,  the  use  of  words 
opposite  to  their  propsr  meaning. 

ANTIGO,  GA,  a.  (Ant.)  Old,  ancient. 

ANTIGUAI.LA,  sf.  1.  A  monument  of  antiquity, 
such  as  ruins  of  ancient  buildings,  &,c.  2.  Anti- 
quity, ancient  account.  3.  Ancient  custom  out 
of  use. 

ANTIGUAMENTE ,  ad.  Anciently,  formerly. 

ANXIGUAMIENXO,  5m.  The  act  of  making  old. 

AJ.TIGUAR,  vn.  To  obtain  seniority,  as  member 
of  a  tribunal,  college,  &c. — va.  \.  To  anti- 
quate  ;  to  make  obsolete.  2.  To  abolish  the 
ancient  use  of  a  thing.  [the  days  of  yore. 

ANTIGUF.DAD,  sf.  1.  Antiquity.  2.  Ancient  times, 

ANTIGUISIMO,  MA,  a.  sup.  Very  ancient. 

ANTIGUO,  GUA,  a.  Stricken  in  years,  old  ;  having 
long  held  an  employment  or  place. 

ANTIGUO,  sm.  1.  An  antique  or  ancient  produc- 
tion of  the  fine  arts  of  Greece  or  Rome.  2. 
An  aged  member  of  a  college  or  community  ; 
an  ancient.  *1ntiguos,  The  ancients  ;  the  il- 
ustrious  men  of  antiquity. 

Armi.ocf  A,  5/.  An  apparent  contradiction  be* 
tvveen  two  sentences  or  passages  of  an  author. 

ANTIMONIAL,  «.  Antimonial,  relating  or  belong- 
ing to  antimony. 

ANTIMONIO,  sm.  Antimony,  a  mineral.  Antimo- 
nio  de  agujas,  Purified  antimony,  so  called 
from  its  fibrous  or  needly  appearance. 

A.VTINOMIA,  5/.  Antinomy,  a  contradiction  be- 
tween two  laws,  or  between  two  articles  of 
the  same  law.  [tion. 

ANTINOO,  sm.  Antinous,  a  northern  constella- 

ANTIPAPA,  sm.  An  anti-pope,  a  pope  who  is 
not  canonically  elected.  [pope. 

ANTIPAPA.DO,  sm.  The  unlawful  dignity  of  anti- 

ANTIPARA,  sf.  1.  A  screen  placed  before  an- 
other to  cover  it.  2.  A  gaiter  which  covers 
merely  tho  fore  part  of  the  legs  and  feet. 

ANTIPARASTASIS,  5/.  (Ret.)  A  figure,  by  which 
one,  charged  with  a  crime,  asserts,  that  what 
he  is  accused  of  is  praise-worthy. 

ANTIPASTO,  sm.  A  foot  of  Latin  verse  consisting 
of  four  syllables,  the  first  and  last  of  which 
are  short,  and  the  second  and  third  long. 

ANTIPATES,  sm.  A  sort  of  black  coral ;  also  a 
precious  black  stone. 

A\TiPATiA,5/.  Antipathy,  a  natural  contrariety 
to  any  thing,  so  as  to  shun  it  involuntarily. 

ANTIFATICO,  CA,  a.  That  which  has  a  natural 
contrariety  or  aversion  from  any  thing. 

ANTIPERISTASIS,  sf.  The  action  of  two  contrary 
qualities,  one  of  which,  by  its  opposition, 

ANTIPHONA.  V.Antifona.   [heightens  the  other. 

ANTIPHONERO.  V.  Antifonero. 

AtfTipdcA,  5/.  (For.  Arag.)  A  writing  or  deed 
by  which  the  obligation  is  acknowledged  to 
pay  a  certain  rent. 

ANTIPOC  AR,??ffi.  1.  (For.  Arag.)  To  acknowledge, 
in  a  public  instrument,  the  obligation  to  pay 
a  certain  rent.  2.  (Bax.  Arag.)  To  resume 
the  performance  of  a  duty  which  has  been 
suspended  for  some  time. 

ANT£POD  A.s,  1.  Antipodes,  people  living  on 
the  opposite  side  of  the  globe,  so  that  their 
feet  are  opposed  to  ours.  2.  (Met.)  Persons  of 
contrary  dispositions,  sentiments,  or  manners. 

ANTIPODIA  v  ANTIPODIO,  s.  An  extraordinary 
dish  added  to  the  usual  or  regular  meal. 

ANTIPONTIFICADO,  5m.  V.  Antipapddo. 

ANTIPTOSIS,  sf.  (Gram.)  A  figure  in  grammar 
by  which  one  case  is  put  for  another. 

ANTiptJTRiDo,DA,«.  Antiseptic,  antiputrescent. 

ANTIQUADO,  DA,  a.  Antiquated  ;  obsolete,  out 
of  use.  [antiquity. 

ANTIQUX.RIO,  sm.  Antiquary,  a  man  studious  of 

ANTIQUISIMAMENTE,  ad.  sup.  Very  anciently. 

ANTIQUISIMO, MA, a. s?/.p.  Very  ancient.  [numL. 

ANTIKRI.VO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Snap-dragon.  Antirrhi- 

ANTISCIOS,  sm.  pi.  (Astr.)  Two  points  of  the 
heavens  equally  distant  from  the  tropics. 

ANTisp6Dio,5TO.(Farm.)  A  composition  prepared 
by  apothecaries,to  supply  the  place  ofspodium. 

A.\TisTRo?A-,5/.  1.  Antistrophe,  a  figure  wherein 
two  terms  or  things  mutually  depend  on  each 
other.  2.  A  dance  much  used  among  the  an- 

ANTITESIS,  5f.  1.  (Gram.)   A   figure  whereby 
one  letter  is  substituted  in  the  room  of  an- 
other. 2.  (Ret.)  A  contrast  or  opposition  in 
the  words  of  a  discourse. 



,  sm.  Antitype,  a  figure,  image,  or 


ANTIYER,  ad.  V.  Anteayer. 
ANTojADizAMEXTE,arf.  Capriciously,  longingly. 
ANTOjAofzo,  ZA,  a.  Longing,  capricious. 
ANTOJAMIENTO,  sm.  A  longing,  an  earnest  or 

vehement  desire. 
ANTOJANZA,  sf.  V.  Antojo. 
ANTOJ.X.RSE,  m.  To  long,  to  desire  earnestly. 

Antojdrsele  a  uno  alguna  cosa,  To  desire  or 

judge  without  reflection. 
ANTOJERA,  sf.  1.  A  spectacle-case.   2.  An  eye- 

flap  for  horses  and  mules. 
ANTOJERO,  sm.  Maker  or  vender  of  spectacles. 
ANTOJO,  sm.  1.  A  vehement  desire,  a  longing. 

2.  A  surmise  formed  without  any  sufficient 

foundation.  3.  Spectacles,  telescope.  4.  Eye- 

flap  for  mules,  and  horses. 
ANTOJUELO,  sm.  A  slight  desire  of  a  thing. 
ANTONIANO  Y  ANTONiNO,sra.  A  monk  of  the  or- 

der of  St.  Anthony  the  abbot. 
ANTONOMASIA,  sf.  (Ret.)  Antonomasia,  a  figure 

by  which  a  title  is  put  for  a  proper  name  ; 

thus  we  say,  The  Orator,  for  Cicero. 
ANTOSOMASTICO,  CA,  a.  Belonging  or  relating 

to  antonomasia. 
ANTOR,  sm.  (For.  Arag.)  Vender  or  seller  of 

stolen  goods,  bought  bona  fide. 
ANTORCHA,  sf.  (Poet.)  Torch,  flambeau,  taper. 
ANTORCHERO,  sm.  A  candlestick  for  tapers,  &c. 
ANTORIA,  sf.  The  action  of  discovering  the  first 

seller  of  stolen  goods.  [nabar. 

A'NTRAS,  sm.  Vermilion  ;  native  or  factious  cin- 
A'NTRO,  sm.  (Poet.)  Antre,  cavern,  den,  grotto. 
AsTROPOFAGo,sm.  A  man-eater,  cannibal. 
ANTROPOLOGIA,  sf.  Anthropology,  the  doctrine 

of  the  nature  and  structure  of  man. 
ANTRUEJAR,  va.  To  wet  with  water,  or  play 

some  other  carnival  trick. 
ANTRUEJO,  sm.  The  three  last  days  of  the  car- 


ANTRuioo,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Antruejo. 
ANTUVION,  sm.  (Joe.)  A  sudden,  unexpected 

stroke  or  attack.   De  antuvion,  Unexpected- 

ly.    Fulano  vino  de  antuvion,   Such-a-one 

came  unexpectedly. 
ANUAL,  a.  Annual,  lasting  only  a  year.    Plan- 

tas  anuales,  (Bot.)  Annual  plants.         [nual. 
ANU  ALIDAD,  sf.  State  or  quality  of  being  an- 
ANUALMENTE,  ad.  Annually. 
ANUBADA,  sf.  An  ancient  tax  paid  in  Spain. 
ANUBARRADO,  DA,  a.  Clouded  ;  applied  chiefly 

to  linens  and  silks. 
ANUBL^DO,  DA,  a.  1.  Overcast,  clouded,  cover- 

ed  with   gloom.     2.  (Speaking   of  colours) 

Somewhat  more  obscure  than  the  rest. 
ANUBLAR,  va.  1.  To  cloud,  to  darken  the  light 

of  the  sun  with  clouds.  2.  (Met.)  To  cloud  or 

obscure  merit.  —  m.  1.  To  be  blasted,  wither- 

ed, or  mildewed  ;  applied  to  corn  and  other 

plants.    2.  (Met.)  To  miscarry,  to  be  discon- 

certed ;  speaking  of  plans  or  projects. 
ANUDADO,  DA,  a.  Knotted. 
ANUDAR,  va.  1.  To  knot,  to  complicate  with 

knots.    2.  To  join,  to  unite.  —  vn.  To  wither, 

to  fade,  to  waste  or  pine  away.  Anudarse  la 

voz,  (Met.)  To  throb  from  passion  or  grief, 

not  to  be  able  to  speak. 
ANUENCIA  sf.  Condescendence,  compliance. 

ANUENTE,  a.  Condescending,  courteous. 
ANULABLE,  a.  That  which  can  be  annulled. 
ANULACION,  sf.  Cessation,  abrogation. 
ANCLADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  makes  null  or  void 
ANULAR,  va.  To  annul,  to  make  void. 
ANULAR,  a.  Annular,  having  the  form  of  a  ring 

Dedo  anular,  The  ring-finger  or  fourth  finge°. 
ANULArivo,  VA,  a.  Derogatory,  having  the  pow- 

er of  making  void. 
ANULOSO,  SA,  a.  Composed  of  many  rings,  or 

having  the  form  of  them. 
ANUNCIACION,  sf.  Annunciation  ;  the   angel's 

salutation  of  the  blessed  Virgin. 
ANUNCIADA,  sf.  1  An  order  of  monks  instituted 

in  1232,  by  seven  Florentine  merchants.  2.  A 

religious  order  for  women,  instituted  by  Jane, 

queen  of  France,  after  her  divorce  from  Louis 

XII.     3.  An  order  of  knights,  instituted  by 

Amadous  VI.  duke  of  Savoy. 
ANUNCIADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  announces. 
ANUNCIAR,  va.  1.  To  announce,  to  bring  the 

first  tidings  of  an  event.  Seldom  used  in  this 

sense.  2.  To  prognosticate,  to  forebode. 
ANUNCIO,  sm.  Omen,  presage. 
A'NUO,  UA,  a.  V.  Anual. 
ANVERSO,  sm.  Obverse  ;  applied  to  the   head 

side  in  coins  and  medals. 
A'NVIR,  sm.  (South  Amer.)  A  red  liquor  ex- 

pressed from  the  fermented  leaves  of  tobac- 

co :    its  exhalations   are   intoxicating,    and 

taste  very  pungent.     V.  Mo. 
ANZOLADO,  DA,  a.  Hooked  in. 
ANZOLERO,  sm.  (Arag.)  One  whose  trade  it  is  to 

make  fish-hooks. 

NZ^ELfro,  sm.  A  small  fish-hook. 
ANZUELO,  sm.   1.  Fish-hook.   2.  (Met.)  Allure- 

ment, incitement.  3.  A  kind  of  fritters  made 

in  the  shape  of  a  hook.     Caer  en  el  anzuelo, 

To  be  taken  in,  to  be  tricked  or  defrauded. 

Roer  el  anzuelo,  To  escape  a  danger.     Tra- 

gar  el  anzuelo,  To  swallow  the  bait.  [L. 
A'NA,  sf.  Stink-fox.  Canes  Vulpes  Americanus 
ANA.DA,  sf.  1.  The  good  or  bad  season  which 

happens  in  a  year.  2.  Moietv  of  arable  land. 
AN  ADID^RA,  sf.  Addition,  additament.  Anadi- 

dura  d  los  pesos  en  la  venla  de  cosas,  Over- 

weight allowed  in  the  sale  of  goods. 
ANADIR,  va.  1.  To  add.  2.  To  exaggerate. 
ANAFEA,  Papdl  de  anafea,  Brown  paper. 
ANAFIL,  sm.  A  musical  pipe  used  by  the  Moors. 
ANAFILERO,  sm.  A  player  on  the  anafil. 
ANAGAZA,  sf.  1.  A  bird-call,  lure,  or  decoy,  for 

catching  birds.  2.  (Met.)  Allurement,  entice- 

ment to  mischief. 
ANAL,  a.  Annual.    Cordero  anal,  A  lamb  that 

is  one  year  old  :  a  yearling. 
ANAL,  5m.  1.  An  annual  offering  on  the  tomb 

of  a  person  deceased.  2.  (Ant.)  Anniversary. 
ANALEJO,  sm.  An  ecclesiastical  almanack, 

pointing  out  the  regulation  of  the  divine 

office  or  service. 
£\NASCAR,  va.  (Bax.)  To  collect  by  degrees, 

small  things  of  little  value.  [val. 

ANAZA  Y  ANACEA,  sf.  An  annual  feast  or  festi- 
ANEJAR,  va.  To  make  old.  —  vr.  To  grow  old,  to 

become  stale  ;  applied  to  wine  and  eatables. 
ANEJO,  JA,  a.  Old,  stale. 
ANICOS,  sm.  pi.  A  number  of  years.     Ya  tiene 

sus  anicos.  He  is  of  a  good  round  age.  Hacer 



auieos,  To  break  into  small  bits.  Hacerse 
nnicos,  To  take  too  much  exercise,  to  over- 
heat one's  self. 

ASffr,,  sm.  1.  (Bot.)  The  Indigo-plant.  Indigo- 
fera  anil  L.  2.  The  mass  extracted  from  the 
leaves,  and  stalks,  of  the  indigo-plant.  3.  A 
blue  colour. 

ANINERO,  5m.  Skinner,  a  dealer  in  lamb-skins. 
'ASiNEs,  sm.  Coarse  tow.  [lambs. 

ASf  NOS,  sm.  pi.  The  fleecy  skins  of  yearling 

ANIRADO,  DA,  a.  Dyed  blue. 

ANO,  sm.  1.  A  year,  twelve  months.  2.  A  long 
space  of  time  more  than  what  is  regular  or 
necessary.  3.  The  companion  or  partner  who 
falls  to  one's  lot,  in  family  diversions,  the 
first  day  of  the  year.  Mai  ano,  Surely,  with- 
out doubt.  Mai  ano  para  el,  The  deuce  take 
him.  Jl'nos,  The  birth-day  of  a  person.  Dar 
los  anos,  To  keep  the  birth-day.  Estar  en 
anos,  To  be  in  years. 

ANOJAL,  sm.  Piece  of  land  cultivated  some 
years  and  then  allowed  to  rest. 

ANOJO,  JA,  s.  A  yearling  calf. 

A$ORA  Y  ANORIA,  sf.  A  draw-well. 

ANOSO,  SA,  a.  Old,  stricken  in  years. 

ANUBLADO,  DA,  a.  Blindfolded. 

ANUBLAR.  V.  Anublar. 

ANUBLARSE,  vr.  To  be  afflicted  with  grief  in 
the  midst  of  prosperity  and  joy. 

AN^BLO,  sm.  Mildew :  a  disease  incident  to 
grain.  V.  Tizon. 

ANUDADO,  DA,  a.  Knotted. 

ASUDADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  knots  or  ties. 

ANUDAR,  va.  1.  V.  Anudar.  2.  To  make  fast, 
to  unite,  to  tie  close.  Anudar  los  labios,  To 
impose  silence. 

ANUSGAR,  va.  1.  To  choke,  to  stifle.  2.  To  vex, 
to  annoy. — vn.  To  bo  vexed  or  displeased. 

AocXoo,  DA,  a.  Hollowed.     V.Ahuecar. 

AOJADO,  DA,  a.  Bewitched. 

AOJ  ADOR,  RA,  5.  A  conjurer,  one  who  bewitches. 

AOJADURA  Y  AOJAMIENTO,  s.  Witchcraft,  the 
act  of  bewitching. 

AOJAR,  va.  To  fascinate,  to  charm,  to  bewitch. 

AOJO,  sm.  The  act  of  bewitching. 

AORTA,  sf.  (Anat.)  Aorta,  the  great  artery, 
which  rises  immediately  out  of  the  left  ven- 
tricle of  the  heart.  [egg- 

AOVADO,  DA,  a.  Formed  in  the  shape  of  an 

AOVAR,  va.  To  lay  eggs  ;  applied  to  fowls. 

AOVILLARSE,  vr.  To  grow  or  be  contracted  into 
the  shape  of  a  clew. 

APABIT.AR,  va.  To  prepare  the  wick  of  a  wax- 
candle,  so  that  it  may  be  in  readiness  for  be- 
ing lighted.— vr.  1.  To  die  away  ;  applied  to 
the  light  of  a  candle  which  is  going  out.  2. 
(Met.)  To^sink  under  the  hand  of  death. 

APACENTADERO,  sm.  Pasture,  grazing  ground. 

APACENTADOR,  sm.  A  herdsman  ;  a  pastor. 

APACENTAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  The  act  of  tending 
grazing  cattle.  2.  Pasture. 

APACENTAR,  va.  1.  To  tend  grazing  cattle.  2. 
To  graze,  to  feed  cattle.  3.  (Met.)  To  teach, 
to  instruct  spiritually.  4.  (Met.)  To  inflame 
the  passions  ;  to  incite  desires. 

APACIBH.IDAO,  sf.  Affability,  mildness  of  man- 
ners, meekness  of  temper. 

APACIBLE,  a.  1.  Affable,  meek,  mild  of  temper. 
2.  Pleasant,  calm,  moderate.  Tiempo  apaci- 

ble,  (Na6t.)  Moderate  weather.  Scmblantc, 
apacible,  A  serene  countenance.  Sitio  apa- 
cible,  A  pleasant  place. 

APACIBLEMENTE,  ad.  Mildly,  gently,  agreeably. 

APACIGUADOR,  RA,*.  Pacificator,  peace-maker. 

APACIGUAMIENTO,  sm.  Pacification,  the  act  of 
appeasing  or  making  peace. 

APACIGUAR,  va.  To  appease,  to  pacify,  to  qui- 
et.— vn.  (Naut.)  To  grow  moderate  ;  applied 
to  the  wind  and  sea. 

APADRINADOR,  RA,  s.  Patron,  defender,  pro- 
tector ;  one  who  supports  or  cherishes. 

APADRINAR,  va.  To  support,  to  favour,  to  pa- 
tronize, to  protect. 

APAGABLE,  a.  Extinguishable  ;  that  which  may 
be  quenched. 

APAGADO,  DA,  a.  Humble-minded,  submissive, 

APAGADOR,  sm.  \.  One  who  quenches  or  extin- 
guishes. 2.  Extinguisher,  a  hollow  cone  put 
upon  a  candle  to  quench  it.  3.  A  small  bit 
of  cloth  put  on  the  jack  of  a  harpsichord  to 
deaden  the  echo  of  the  chords. 

APAGAMIENTO,  sm.  Extinction,  the  act  of 

APAGAPENOLES,  sm.  pi.  (Naut.)  Leech-ropes, 

APAGAR,  va.  1.  To  quench,  to  extinguish.  2 
(Met.)  To  efface,  to  destroy.  3.  (Pint.)  To 
soften  colours  which  are  too  bright  or  glar- 
ing. Jlpagar  la  cal,  To  slack  lime.  Apagar 
la  sed,  To  quench  the  thirst.  Apagar  la  voz, 
To  put  a  mute  on  the  bridge  of  stringed  mu- 
sical instruments  for  the  purpose  of  lowering 
the  sound. 

APAGULLAR,  va.  I.  To  strike  an  unexpected 
blow.  2.  To  take  by  surprise. 

APAINELADO,  DA,  a.  Made  in  imitation  of  half 
an  ellipsis  ;  applied  to  an  arch. 

APALABRAR,  va.  1.  To  appoint  a  meeting  for 
conferring  on  some  subject  or  other.  2.  To 
treat  by  word  of  mouth. 

APALAMBRAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  set  on  fire.  Apa- 
lambrdrsc  de  sed,  To  be  parched  with  thirst. 

APALANCAR,  va.  1.  To  lift  or  movs  with  a  le- 
ver. 2.  To  supplant. 

APALEADO,  DA,  a.  Cudgelled,  caned. 

APALEADOR.  RA,  s.  One  who  cudgels  or  canes. 

ApALFAMiENTO,sm.  Basting, drubbing ;  beating. 

APALEAR,  va.  1.  To  cane,  to  baste,  to  drub.  2. 
To  beat  out  the  dust  with  a  cane  or  stick.  3. 
To  move  and  shovel  grain  to  prevent  its  be- 
ing spoiled.  Apalear  el  dinero,  To  heap  up 
money  with  shovels  ;  to  be  excessively  rich. 

APALMADA,  a.  (Bias.)  Palm  of  the  hand  stretch- 
ed out  in  a  coat  of  arms. 

APANCORA,  sf.  The  common  erab.  Cancer 
msenas  L. 

APANDILLAR,  va.  To  form  parties  ;  to  divide 
into  factions. — vr.  To  be  divided  into  parties 
at  play. 

APANTANAR,  va.  1.  To  make  a  reservoir  or pan- 
tano.  2.  To  fill  a  reservoir  with  water. 

APANTUFLADO,  DA,  a.  Wearing  shoes  made  in 
the  slipper  fashion. 

APANADO,  DA,  a.  Resembling  woollen  cloth  in 
body  and  texture. 

APANADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  One  who  grasps  or  seizes 
with  the  hand.  2.  A  pilferer. 



APA£ADURA,  sf.  The  act  of  seizing,  grasping, 
or  snatching  away. 

APANAMIENTO.  V.  Apaiio. 

APAN  AR,  va.  1.  To  grasp  or  seize  with  the  hand. 
2.  (Met.)  To  take  or  carry  away.  3.  To  filch, 
to  pilfer.  4.  To  dress,  to  set  off,  to  make  up. 
5.  To  patch,  to  mend. — vr.  To  submit  to,  to 
reconcile  one's  self  to  do  any  thing. 

A  P^NO,  sm.  1.  The  act  of  disposing  of  a  thing 
in  a  fit  manner.  2.  A  patch  or  other  way  of 
mending  a  thing. 

APANUSCADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  rumples  a  thing 
by  pressing  or  squeezing  it  rudely. 

AP \NUSCAR,  va.  To  rumple  ;  to  crush  or  con- 
tract into  inequalities. 

APAPAGAY!DO,  DA,  a.  Parrot-like,  that  which 
resembles  a  parrot. 

APAPAGAVARSE,  vr.  To  be  dressed  in  greeny 
to  be  of  a  parrot  colour. 

APARADOR,  5m.  1.  Buffet,  sideboard.  2.  Dresser  i 
in  the  kitchen.  3.  Workshop  of  an  artizan.  4.! 
Wardrobe.  Estar  de  aparador,  To  be  decked  > 
out  or  dressed  in  style  for  receiving  visits. 

APARA^R,  va.  1.  To  stretch  out  the  hands  or 
skirts  of  clothes  for  catching  or  receiving 
any  thing  thrown  by  another.  2.  (Among 
gardeners)  To  dig  and  heap  the  earth  round 
plants  which  are  somewhat  grown.  3.  (Among 
shoemakers)  To  close  the  upper  and  hind- 
quarters of  a  shoe.  4.  (Ant.)  To  couple  male 
and  female  animals.  5.  Apardr  un  navio, 
(Naut.)  To  dub  a  ship. 

APARATADO,  DA,  a.  Prepared,  disposed. 

APARA"TO,  sm.  1.  Apparatus,  preparation,  dis- 
position. 2.  Pomp,  ostentation,  show.  3.  Cir- 
cumstance or  token  which  precedes  or  ac- 
companies something.  Hay  aparatos  de 
Hover,  It  looks  as  if  it  were  going  to  rain. 
El  mal  mcne  con  aparatos  de  ser  grave,  6 
con  malos  aparatos,  The  disease  is  attended 
with  indications  of  danger. 

APARATOSO,  SA,  a.  Pompous,  showy,  ushered 
in  with  great  preparations. 

APARCERIA,  sf.  Partnership  in  a  farm. 

APARCKRO,  sm.  I.  Partner  in  a  farm.  2.  An  as- 
sociate in  general. 

APAREAR,  va.  To  match,  to  suit  one  thing  to 
another. — vr.  To  be  coupled  in  pairs  by  two 
and  two. 

APARACER,  vn.  y  vr.  To  appear  unexpectedly, 
to  make  a  sudden  appearance.  [mg- 

ApAREcmiENTO,  SHI.  Apparition,  act  of  appear- 

APAREJADO,  DA,  a.  Prepared,  fit,  ready. 

APAREJADOR,  RA,  5.  1.  One  who  prepares  or 
gets  ready.  2.  Overseer  of  a  building,  who 
instructs  and  directs  the  workmen,  and  dis- 
tributes the  materials.  3.  (Naut.)  Rigger. 

APAREJAR,  va.  1.  To  prepare,  to  get  ready.  2 
To  saddle  or  harness  horses  or  mules.  3 
(Naut.)  To  rig  a  ship.  4.  (Pint.)  To  size  a 
piece  of  linen  of  board  on  which  something 
is  to  be  painted.  5.  To  prepare  the  timber 
and  stones  for  a  building. 

APAREJO,  sm.  1.  Preparation,  disposition.  2 
Harness.  3.  Sizing  of  a  piece  of  linsn  or  boarc 
on  which  something  is  to  be  painted.  4 
(Naut.)  Tackle  and  rigging  employed  on 
board  a  ship.  Aparejo  de  umante  y  csfre.Ua, 
Runner  and  tackle.  Aparejo  de  amura.  Tack- 

tackle.  Aparejo  debolinear,  Bow-line  tackle. 
Aparejo  de  combos,  Luff-tackle.  Aparejo  de 
estrelleras  de  combds,  Winding-tackle.  Apa- 
rejo  de  estrique,  Garnet,  a,  tackle  wherewith 
goods  are  hoisted  in  and  out  of  the  hold. 
Aparejo  de  penol,  Yard-tackle.  Aparejo  de 
pescante,  Fish-tackle.  Aparejo  de  polea, 
Burton,  a  small  tackle  used  in  hoisting 
things  in  and  out  of  a  ship.  Aparejo  real. 
Main-tackle.  Aparejo  de  virador,  Top-tac- 
kle. Aparejo  de  rolin,  Rolling-tackle.  Apa- 
rejo del  tercio  de  las  vcrgas  mayores,  Quar- 

APAREJOS,  pi.  1.  The  apparatus,  tools,  imple- 
ments, or  instruments,  necessary  for  a  trade. 
2.  (Pint.)  The  materials  necessary  for  prim- 
ing, burnishing,  ^ind  gilding. 

ApAREjuELO,s/re.  A  small  apparatus.  Aparejue- 
los,  (Naut.)  Small-tackle.  Aparejuelos de  por- 
tas,  Port-tackle.  Aparejuelos  de  rizos,  Reef- 
tackle.  Aparejuelos  de  socayrc,  Jigger-tackle. 

APARENT^DO,  DA,  a.  (Ant.)  Related,  allied. 

APARENT^R,  va.  To  make  a  false  show.  El  rico 
aparenta  pobreza  y  el  vicioso  la  virtud,  The 
rich  man  affects  poverty,  and  the  vicious  vir- 
tue, [venient,  seasonable,  fit. 

APARENTE,«.  1.  Apparent,  but  not  real.  2.  Con- 

APARENTEMENTE,  ad.  Apparently.  [ing. 

APARICION,  sf.  Apparition,  the  act  of  appear- 

APARIENCIA,  sf.  1.  Appearance,  outside.  2. 
Mark,  vestige.  3.  (Ant.)  Probability.  Cabal- 
lo  de  aparienda,  A  stately  horse. — pi.  I.  Phe- 
nomena discovered  by  astronomical  observa- 
tions. 2.  Scenes  and  decorations  of  the  stage. 

APARRA^DO,  DA,  a.  Crooked  or  spreading  like 
vines  ;  applied  to  trees  and  plants. 

APARROQUIADO,  DA,  a.  Belonging  to  a  parish, 
as  an  inhabitant  or  parishioner. 

APARROO.UIAR,  va.  To  brin^  or  attract  cus- 
tomers to  a  shop.  [division  of  a  passage. 

APARTADERO,  sm.  Parting-place,  cross  roads, 

APART ADIJO,  sm.  A  small  part,  share,  or  por- 
tion of  a  certain  whole.  Hacer  apartadijos, 
To  divide  a  whole  into  shares. 

APARTADIZO,  sm.  A  small  room,  separated  or 
taken  from  another  apartment,  of  which  it 
made  a  part. 

APARTADIZO,  ZA,  a.  Shy,  retired,  untractable. 

APARTADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Separated.  2.  Distant,  re- 
mote, retired. 

APARTADO,  sm.  1.  A  retired  room,  separate  from 
the  rest  of  the  apartments  of  a  house.  2.  A 
smelting-house,  where  gold  is  separated  from 
silver.  3.  A  small  box,  at  the  post-office,  into 
which  such  private  letters  are  put  as  are  to 
be  kept  separate  from  the  rest. 

APARTADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  One  who  divides  or  sepa- 
rates. 2.  A  sorter  of  different  sorts  of  wool  or 
of  rags  in  paper-mills.  Apartado  de  ganado, 
One  who  steals  sheep  or  cattle.  Apartador 
de  metales,  One  who  smelts  ores. 

APARTAMIKNTO,  sm.  1.  Separation,  the  act  of 
separating.  2.  Formal  renunciation  of  a 
claim,  right,  or  action.  3.  (Ant.)  Divorce. 
4.  (Ant.)  Apartment  Apartamicnio  de  ga- 
nado,  The  act  of  stealing  cattlo.  Aparta- 
miento  meridiano^  (Naut.)  Departure,  me- 
ridian distance  or  difference  in  tho  1  lati- 



,  va.  1.  To  part,  to  separate,  to  divide. 
2.  To  dissuade  one  from  a  thing.  3.  To  remove 
a  thing  from  the  place  where  it,  was.  4.  To 
sort  letters. — vr.  I.  To  withdraw  from  a 
place.  2.  To  be  divorced.  3.  To  desist  from 
a  claim,  action,  or  plea.  [paragraph. 

Ap.iRTE,s?tt.  Break  in  a  line,  space  marking  a 

ApAiiTE,  ad.  1.  Apart,  separately.  2.  Aside  on 
the  stage.  Dexar  aparte,  To  lay  aside. 

ApAitvA»r,  va.  1.  To  arrange  the  corn  for  being 
threshod.  2.  To  heap,  to  pile,  to  throw  to- 

APASCENTAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Apacentar. 

APASIONADAMENTE,  ad.  Passionately. 

APASIOXADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Passionate.  2.  Affected 
with  pain.  3.  Devoted  to  a  person  or  thing. 

APASIONAR,#<I.  To  excite  or  inspire  a  passion. — 
vr.To  be  taken  with  a  person  or  thing  to  ex- 

ApAnco,  CA,  a.  Apathetic,  indifferent. 

APATUSCAR,  va.  To  do  things  in  a  bungling 
manner,  with  precipitation  and  confusion. 

ApAxtfsco,  sm.  1.  (Joe.)  Ornament,  dress,  ar- 
ray. 2.  A  thing  done  in  a  bungling  manner, 
with  precipitation  and  confusion. 

AHAYSA.IJO,  DA,  a.  Resembling  a  landscape  ;  ap- 
plied to  a  painting  more  broad  than  high. 

APAZOTE,  sm.  (Bot.)  American  basil.  Ocimum 
americanum  L. 

APEA,  sf.  (Cast.)  A  rope  with  which  the  fore- 
feet of  horses  are  tied  when  grazing. 

APEADERO,  sm.  l.A  block  or  step,  with  the 
aid  of  which  a  person  mounts  a  horse  or 
mule.  2.  A  house  provisionally  taken  by  a 
person  corning  from  abroad,  until  he  can  pro- 
vide himself  with  a  permanent  habitation. 

APE  ADO  R,  sm.  A  land  surveyor. 

APEAMIENTO,  sm.  V.  Apeo. 

APEAK,  va.  1.  To  alight  from  a  horse,  mule,  or 
carriage.  2.  To  measure  lands,  tenements,  or 
buildings.  3.  To  scoat  or  scotch  a  wheel,  to 
stop  a  wheel  by  putting  a  stone  or  piece  of 
wood  under  it.  4.  To  prop  a  building  in  order 
to  take  down  a  structure  contiguous  to  it.  5. 
To  take  a  thing  down  from  its  place.  6.  (Met.) 
To  dissuade.  7.  (Met.)  To  remove  difficulties, 
to  surmount  obstacles.  8.  To  displace  from  an 
office,  to  degrade.  9.  (Ant.)  To  walk.  Apear 
el  rio,  To  wade  or  ford  a  river.  Apear  una 
caballeria,  To  shackle  a  horse  or  mule. — vr. 
(Met.)  Jlpearse  por  la  cola,  6  por  las  orejas, 
To  give  some  absurd  answer. 

APECHCJGAR,  va.  1.  To  push  with  the  breast,  to 
come  breast  to  breast.  2.  (Met.)  To  under- 
take a  thing  with  spirit  and  boldness,  with- 
out considering  the  danger  which  the  enter- 
prise may  be  attended  with. 

APEDAZAR,  va.  To  patch,  to  mend,  to  repair. 

APEDERNAI.ADO,  DA,  a.  Flinty,  as  hard  as  flint. 

APEDRAR.  V.  Apedrear. 

APEDREADERO,  sm.  A  place  where  boys  assem- 
ble to  throw  stones  at  each  other. 

APEDREADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Stoned,  pelted.  2.  Cara 
apedreada,  A  face  pitted  with  the  small  pox. 

APEDREADOR,  sm.  One  who  throws  stones,  or 

APEDREAMIENTO,  sm.  Lapidation.  [pelts. 

APEDREAR,  va.  To  stone,  to  throw  stones,  to 
kill  with  stones.— vn.  1.  To  hail.  2.  (Met.) 
To  talk  in  a  rude  uncouth  manner,  or  with 

asperity. — vr.  To  be  injured  by  hail ;  applied 
to  grain,  vines,  &c.  &c. 

APEDREO,  sm.  Lapidation,  the  act  of  stoning. 

APEGADAMENTE,  ad.  Studiously,  devotedly. 

ApEGAMiENTO,sm.  1.  Adhesion,  the  act  and  state 
of  sticking  to  something.  2.  (Met.)  Attach- 

APEGAR,  vn.  (Ant.)  To  adhere,  to  stick  to  some- 
thing.— vr.  To  be  much  taken  with  a  thing. 

APEGO,  sm.  Attachment,  a  particular  affection, 
or  inclination  for  a  thing. 

APELACION,  sf.  Appeal,  the  act  of  removing  a 
cause  from  an  inferior  to  a  superior  court. 
Mtdico  de  apelacion,  A  physician  whose  ad- 
vice is  taken  in  dangerous  cases.  Ao  Iiabcr 
6  no  tendr  apelacion,  To  be  despaired  of,  to 
be  given  over  by  the  physicians. 

APELADO,  DA,  pp.  Appealed. 

APELADO,  DA,  a.  Of  the  same  coat  or  colour  ; 
applied  to  mules  or  horses. 

APELAMBRAR,  va.  To  steep  skins  or  hides  in 
pits  or  vats  filled  with  lime-water,  that  the  hair 

APELANTE,  a.  Appellant.  [may  come  off. 

ApELAu,  vn.  1.  To  appeal,  to  transfer  a  causo 
from  an  inferior  to  a  superior  court.  2.  To 
have  recourse  to,  to  seek  remedy  for  some 
urgent  necessity  or  distress.  3.  To  be  of  the 
same  colour,  applied  to  the  hair  of  horses  or 
mules.  Apelar  un  tiro  de  caballos  de  coche, 
to  match  a  set  of  coach  horses.  Apelar  el  en- 
fermo,  To  escape  from  the  jaws  of  death  in 
a  fit  of  sickness. 

APELATIVO,  a.  Nombre  apelativo,A.n  appellative 
name,  which  belongs  to  a  whole  class  of  be- 
ings, [away. 

APELDAU,  vn.  (Joe.)  To  flee,  to  set  off,  to  run 

APELDE,  sm.  1.  Flight,  escape.  2.  The  first 
ringing  of  a  bell  before  day -break  in  convents 
of  the  Franciscan  order.  [ger. 

APELIGRADO,  DA,  a.  In  danger,  exposed  to  dan- 

APELIGRAR,  va.  To  endanger,  to  expose  to  dan- 

APELIOTES,  sm.  North-east  wind.  feer' 

APELLAR,  va.  (Among  curriers)  To  grease  and 
curry  skins  and  hides,  to  dress  leather. 

APELLIDADO,  DA,  a.  Named. 

ApELLiDAMiENTO,sm.  The  act  of  giving  a  name, 
or  of  calling  one  by  his  name. 

APELLI»AR,  va.  1.  To  call  one  by  his  name.  2. 
To  proclaim,  to  raise  shouts  of  acclamation. 
3.  (Ant.)  To  convene. 

APELLIDO,  sm.  1.  Surname,  family  name.  2.  A 
peculiar  name  given  to  things.  3.  A  nick- 
name ;  epithet.  4.  The  assembling  of  troops. 

APELLUZGADO,  DA,  a.  Modelled,  formed. 

APKLLUZGAR,  va.  To  model,  to  mould. 

APELMAZAR,  va.  To  compress,  to  render  less 
spongy  or  porous. 

A'PELO,  ad.  Apropos,  to  the  purpose.  Venir  n 
pelo,  To  come  to  the  point,  [wearing  plumes. 

APENACHADO,  DA,  a.  Adorned  with  plumes, 

APENAS,  ad.  1.  Scarcely,  hardly,  with  a  deal  of 
trouble.  2.  No  sooner  than,  as  soon  as. 

APENDENCIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Appurtenance,     [tion. 

APENDICE,  sm.  Appendix,  supplement,  addi- 

ApEiiuscAR.  V.  Apanuscar. 

APEO,  sm.  1.  Boundary,  limit  of  lands  or  tene- 
ments. 2.  Frame  with  props,  stays,  &c.  put 
under  the  upper  parts  of  a  building,  while 
the  lower  parts  are  repairing. 



,  va.  To  walk  swiftly,  to  run  like 
partridges  and  other  birds. 

APERADOR,  sm.  1.  One  who  lias  the  care  of  a 
farm,  and  the  agricultural  implements.  2.  A 
cartwright,  who  builds  and  repairs  carts  and 

APERAR,  va.  To  carry  on  the  trade  of  a  cart- 
wright,  to  build  and  repair  carts  and  wagons. 

APERCIBIDO,  DA,  a.  Provided. 

APERCIBIMIENTO,  sm.  1.  The  act  of  providing 
or  getting  ready.  2.  Arrangement,  adjust- 
ment. 3.  Order,  advice.  4.  Summons. 

APERCIBIR, va.  1.  To  prepare,  to  provide,  to  get 
ready.  2.  To  warn,  to  advise.  3.  To  summon. 

APERCION,  sf.  Act  of  opening.     V.  Abertura. 

APERCOLLAR,  va.  1.  (Bax.)  To  seize  one  by  the 
collar.  2.  (Met.)  To  snatch  away  a  thing  in 
haste,  and,  as  it  were,  by  stealth.  3.  (Bax.)  To 
assassinate,  to  kill  in  a  treacherous  manner. 

APERDIGADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Broiled,  toasted.  2.  Con- 
demned and  burnt  by  the  inquisition ;  by 
way  of  derision. 

APERDIGJ(.R,  va.  V.  Perdigar. 

APERIT£VO,  VA,  a.  Aperitive,  that  which  has 
the  power  and  quality  of  opening. 

APERNADOR,  sm.  A  dog  which  seizes  the  game 
by  the  legs  or  hams. 

APERNAR,  va.  To  seize  by  the  hough  or  ham  ; 
applied  to  dogs. 

APERO,  sm.  1.  The  whole  of  the  agricultural 
implements  used  on  a  farm.  2.  The  whole  of 
the  tools  and  implements  necessary  for  a 
trade.  3.  A  sheep-cot,  or  sheep-fold. 

APERREADO,  DA,  a.  Harassed.  Andar  aperrea- 
do,  To  be  harassed  or  fatigued. 

APERREADOR,  RA,  s.  One  that  is  importunate, 
an  intruder. 

APERREAR,  va.  To  throw  one  to  the  dogs  to  be 
torn  to  pieces. — vr.  To  toil  and  beat  about ; 
applied  to  hounds  and  pointers. 

APERSON^RSE,  vr.  (Ant.)  To  appear  genteel. 

APERTURA.  V.  Abertura. 

APESADUMBRADO,  DA,  a.  Concerned,  vexed. 

APESADUMBRAR,  va.  To  vex,  to  cause  trouble 
and  affliction. 

APESARADAMENTE,  ad.  Mournfully,  grievously. 

APESARAR.  V.  Apesadumbrar. 

APESGAMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  of  sinking  under 
a  load  or  burthen. 

APESGAR,  va.  To  overload,  to  press  down  under 
a  load  or  burthen. — vr.  To  grow  dull  or  hea- 
vy ;  to  be  aggrieved. 

APESTADO,  DA,  a.  Pestered.  Estar  apestado  de 
alguruL  r.osa,  To  have  plenty  of  a  thing,  even 
to  loathing  and  satiety.  La  plaza  cstd  apes- 
tada  de  vcrduras,  The  market-place  is  full 
of  greens. 

APESTAR,  va.  1.  To  infect  with  the  plague  or 
pestilence.  2.  To  cause  or  produce  an  of- 
fensive smell.  In  this  sense  it  is  common- 
ly used  as  a  neuter  verb  in  the  third  per- 
son ;  e.  g.  Aqui  apesta,  There  is  here  an 
offensive  smell.  3.  (Met.)  To  corrupt,  to 
turn  from  a  sound  into  a  putrid  state.  4.  To 
pester,  to  cause  displeasure.  Fulano  me 
apesta  con  su  qfectacion,  He  sickens  me  with 
his  affectation. 

APETECEDOR,  RA,  y.  One  who  desires  or  longs 
for  a  thing. 


APETECER,  va.  To  long  for  a  thing,  to  desire  it 

APETECIBLE,  a.  Desirable,  that  which  is  wor- 
thy of  being  wished  for. 

APETENCIA,  sf.  Appetite,  hunger. 

APETITE,  sm.  (Raro.)  Sauce,  relish  to  excite 
the  appetite. 

APETITO,  sm.  1.  Appetite,  desire  of  food.  2. 
That  which  excites  desire. 

APETITOSO,  SA,  a.  Pleasing  to  the  taste.  2. 
(Ant.)  Pursuing  sensual  pleasures. 

APEYNAZADO,  DA,  a.  Made  of  cross-pieces. 

APE/UNAR,  vn.  To  tread  firm  on  the  hoof. 

APIADADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  pities  or  commise- 

APIADARSE,  vr.  To  pity,  to  commiserate,  to 
treat  with  compassion. 

APIARADERO,  sm.  A  shepherd's  account  of  the 
number  of  sheep  which  compose  his  flock. 

APICARADO,  DA,  a.  Roguish,  knavish,  impu- 

A'PICE,  sm.  1.  Apex,  summit,  the  utmost 
height  or  highest  point.  2.  The  smallest  part 
of  a  thing.  3.  (Met.)  The  most  intricate  or 
most  arduous  point  of  a  question.  A'picfs, 
Anthers  or  small  roundish  knobs,  which  grow 
on  the  tops  of  the  stamens  in  the  middle  of 
flowers.  Estar  en  los  dpices,To  have  a  com- 
plete and  minute  knowledge  of  a  thing. 

APJLADOR,  sm.  One  who  piles  the  wool  up  at 
the  sheep-shearing  time. 

APILAR,  va.  To  pile  or  heap  up,  to  put  ono 
thing  upon  another. 

APIMPOLLARSE,  vr.  To  shoot,  to  germinate. 

APINADO,  DA,  a.  Pyramidal,  pine-shaped. 

APINADT^RA  Y  APINAMIENTO,  s.  The  act  of 
pressing  together. 

APILAR,  va.  To  press  things  close  together,  to 
join,  to  unite. 

A'PIO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Celery.  Apium  L.  A'pio 
montano,  (Bot.)  Common  lovage.  Ligusti- 
cum  levisticum  L.  A'pio  de.  risa}  (Bot.) 
Crow-foot.  Ranunculus  L. 

APIOLA^R,  va.  1.  To  gyve  a  hawk.  2.  To  tie  hares 
or  other  game  together  by  the  legs.  3.  (Met.) 
To  seize,  to  apprehend.  4.  To  kill,  to  murder. 

APIQ.UE,  ad.  Almost,  nearly. 

APISONAR,  va.  To  ram  down  earth  or  other 
things  with  a  rammer. 

APITONAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  Putting  forth  the  tender- 
lings. 2.  Passion,  anger. 

APITONAR,  vn.  1.  To  put  forth  the  tenderlings ; 
a  term  applied  to  deer,  and  other  horned  ani- 
mals. 2.  To  bud,  to  germ. — va.  To  pick,  as 
hens  do  their  eggs,  that  the  chickens  may 
come  out. — vr.  To  treat  each  other  with  abu- 
sive language. 

APLACABLE,  a.  Placable,  easy  to  be  appeased, 
meek,  gentle.  [peasing. 


APLACADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  appeases. 

APLAC^.R,  va.  To  appease,  to  pacify. 

APLACIBLE,  a.  V.  Agradablc. 

APLACIENTE,  a.  That  which  pleases,    [ground. 

APLANADEKO,   sf.   A   roller   for  levelling  the 

APLANADOR,SW.  A  leveller,one  who  makes  even. 

APLANAMIENTO,  sin.  The  act  of  levelling. 

APLANAR,  va.  1.  To  level,  to  make  even.  2.  To 
terrify,  or  astonish  by  some  unexpected  no- 



relty. — v r.  To  tumble  down  to  the  ground  ; 
applied  to  a  building.  [iron. 

APLANCHADO,  DA,  a.  Ironed,  smoothed  with  an 

APLANCH.ADO,  sm.  A  parcel  of  linen  which  is 
to  be  ironed,  or  has  been  ironed.  2.  Act  of 
smoothing  or  ironing  linen. 

APLANCHADORA,  sf.  A  woman  whose  trade  it 
is  to  iron  and  get  up  linen. 

APLANCHAR,  va,.  To  iron  linen,  or  to  smooth  it 
with  a  hot  iron. 

APLANTILL.AR,  va.  To  adjust  or  fit  a  stone,  a 
piece  of  timber,  or  a  board,  according  to  the 

APLASTADO,  DA,  a.  Caked. 

APLASTAR,  va.  1.  To  cake,  to  flatten  or  crush 
a  thing,  to  make  it  lose  its  shape.  2.  To  con- 
found an  opponent,  so  that  he  does  not  know 
what  to  say  or  to  answer. 

APLAUDIDO,  DA,  «.  Applauded. 

Ari.AfDiR,  na.  To  applaud,  to  praise  with 
shouts  of  acclamation. 

APLAAJSO,  sm.  Applause,  approbation,  praise. 

APLAYAR,  vn.  To  overflow.  [vening. 

APLAZAMIENTO,  sm.  Convocation,  act  of  con- 

APLAZ.AR,  va.  1.  To  convene,  to  call  together. 
2.  To  invest.  3.  To  concert,  to  regulate. 

APLEBEYAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  render  vile,  or  ser- 
vile like  plebeians.  [another. 

APLEGA.R,  va.  (Arag.)  To  join  one  thing  to 

APLIC.£BLE,  a.  Applicable,  that  which  may;  be 

APLICACION,  sf.  1.  Application,  the  act  of  ap- 
plying or  state  of  being  applied.  2.  Attention 
given  or  paid  to  a  thing,  assiduity,  ^plica- 
don  de  bienes  6  hacienda.  The  act  of  adjudg- 
ing estates  or  other  property. 

APLIC.ADO,  DA,  a.  Studious,  intent  on  a  thing. 

APLICA^K,  va.  1.  To  apply,  to  put  one  thing  to 
another.  2.  (Met.)  To  apply  some  thoughts  or 
ideas  to  a  subject  under  discussion.  3.  (Met.) 
To  attribute  or  impute  a  word  or  fact.  4. 
(For.)  To  adjudge. — vr.  1.  To  study  or  devote 
one's  self  to  any  thing.  2.  To  earn  a  living. 

APLOMADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Of  the  colour  of  lead.  2. 
(Met.)  Heavy,  dull,  lazy. 

APLOMADO,  sm.  1.  (Among  bookbinders)  A  com- 
position of  lead-glance,  glue,  and  water,  with 
which  books  are  marbled.  2.  Lead  ore,  mine- 
rals impregnated  with  lead. 

APLOJTAR,  va.  1.  To  overload,  to  crush  with  too 
much  weight.  2.  To  raise  a  wall  perpendicu- 
larly, by  means  of  a  plummet  and  line. — vn. 
To  stand  erect,  to  stand  in  a  perpendicular  po- 
sition.— vr.  To  tumble,  to  fall  to  the  ground. 

A'POCA,S/.  Receipt,  acquittance,  discharge. 

APOCADAMENTE,  ad.  1.  In  a  scanty  manner.  2. 

APOCADO,  DA,  pp.  Lessened,  diminished. 

APOCA^DO,  DA,  a.  1.  Pusillanimous,  mean-spirit- 
ed, cowardly.  2.  Narrow-hoofed  ;  speaking  of 
a  horse.  3.  (Ant.)  Of  mean,  low  extraction. 

APOCADOR,RA,  s.  One  who  lessens  or  diminishes. 

APOCALIPSIS  Y  APOCALIPSI,  sm.  Apocalypse. 

APOCAMIEXTO,  sm.  Abjectness  of  mind,  mean- 
ness of  spirit. 

ApocAR,  va.  1.  To  lessen,  to  diminish.  2.  (Met.) 
To  cramp,  to  contract. — vr.  To  humble  one's 
self,  to  undervalue  one's  self. 

APOCEMA  6  APOCIMA.  V.  Pdcima. 

ArocopAu,  va.  To  make  use  of  the  figure  call- 
ed apocope,  to  take  away  the  last  letter  or 
syllable  of  a  word. 

APOCOPE,  sf.  1.  (Gram.)  A  figure,  where  the 
last  letter  or  syllable  of  a  word  is  taken  away. 
2.  (Cir.)  Amputation  of  any  part  of  the  body. 

APOCRIFAMESTE,  ad.  Apocryphally,  uncertain- 
ly, on  a  false  foundation. 

APOCRIFO,  FA,  a.  Apocryphal,  fabulous,  of 
doubtful  or  uncertain  authority. 

APODADOR,  sm.  A  wag,  one  who  ridicules, 
scoffs,  or  gives  nick-names. 

APODAR,  va.  1.  To  give  nick-names,  to  scoff,  to 
ridicule.  2.  (Ant.)  To  compare  one  thing 
with  another.  3.  (Ant.)  To  appraise. 

APODENCA.DO,  DA,  a.  Pointer-like,  resembling  a; 
pointer,  or  setting  dog. 

APODERA.DO,  DA,  a.  1.  Empowered,  authorised. 
2.  Powerful. 

APODERX.DO,  sm.  An  attorney,  agent. 

APODERAR,  va.  1.  (Ant.)  To  give  possession  of 
a  thing.  2.  To  empower,  to  authorise. — vr.  1. 
To  possess  one's  self  of  a  thing.  2.  (Ant.)  To 
become  powerful'  or  strong. 

AroDo,sm.  Nick-name,  a  name  given  in  jest  or 

APOFISIS,  sf.  (Med.)  Apophysis,  the  prominent 
part  of  some  bones  ;  the  same  as  process. 

APOGRAFO,  sm.  Transcript  or  copy  of  some 
book  or  writing. 

APOGEO,  sm.  Apogceori,  apogee,  or  apcgoeum  ; 
a  point  in  the  heavens,  in  which  the  sun  or 
a  planet  is  at  the  greatest  distance  possible 
from  the  earth  in  its  whole  revolution. 

APOLILLA\DO,  DA,  a.  Moth-eaten. 

ApOLiLLADtfRA,  sf.  A  hole  eaten  by  moths  in 
clothes,  and  other  things  made  of  wool. 

APOLILLAR,  va.  To  gnaw  or  eat  clothes,  or 
other  things  ;  applied  to  moths. — vr.  To  be 

APOLINAR  Y  ApoLfNEO,  NEA,  a.  (Poet.)  Belong- 
ing to  Apollo. 

APOLOGETICO,  CA,  a .  Apologetic  or  apologetical, 
that  which  is  said  or  written  in  defence  of  a 

APOLOGIA,  sf.  Apology,  defence,  excuse. 

APOLOGICO,  CA,  a.  That  which  relates  or  be- 
longs to  an  apologue. 

APOLOGISTA,  sm.  One  who  pleads  in  excuse  or 
favour,  he  that  apologises,  an  apologist. 

APOLOGO,  sm.  Apologue,  a  fable  or  story  con- 
trived to  convey  some  moral  truth. 

APOLOGO,  GA,  a.  V.  Apologico. 

APOLTRONX.DO,  DA,  a.  Intimidated,  frightened ; 
fixed,  motionless. 

APOLTRONARSE,  vr.  To  grow  lazy,  to  loiter. 

APOMAZAR,  va.  1.  To  glaze  printed  linens  with 
pumice-stone  for  the  purpose  of  painting  on 
them.  2.  (Amono-  silversmiths)  To  burnish 
gold  or  silver  with  pumice-stone. 

APOMELI,  sf.  A  decoction  prepared  of  honey- 
comb dissolved  in  vinegar  and  water. 

APONER,  va.  (Ant.)  To  impute.  V.  Imponer. 

ApopLEcfA,  sf.  Apoplexy,  a  sudden  privation 
of  all  sensation  by  disease. 

APOPLETICO,  CA,  a.  Apoplectic. 

APORCADURA,  sf.  The  act  of  raising  earth 
around  celery,  or  other  plants. 

APORCAR,  va.  To  cover  garden  plants  with  earth 



for  the  purpose  of  rendering  them  ripe  and 

A'  PORFIA,  ad.  With  strife  and  contention. 

ApoRisMA,sm.  Echymosis,  an  extravasation  of 
blood  between  the  flesh  and  skin,  caused  in 
bleeding,  when  the  opening  in  the  vein  is 
made  larger  than  in  the  skin. 

APORISMARSE,  vr.  To  become  an  echymosis. 

APORRACEAR,  va.  To  pommel,  to  give  repeated 

APORRAX  vn.  To  stand  mute,  to  remain  silent 
on  an  occasion  when  silence  may  be  injurious. 
— vr.  To  become  importunate  or  troublesome. 

APORREADO,  DA,  pp.  1.  Cudgelled.  2.  Dragged 

APORREAMIKNTO,  sm.  The  act  of  beating  or 
pommelling.  [cers. 

ApoRREANTE,j»a.Cudgeller ;  applied  to  bad  fen- 

APORREAR,  va.  To  beat  or  cudgel. — vr.  To 
study  with  close  and  intense  application  ;  to 
apply  one's  self  to  intellectual  labour.  Apor- 
rearse  en  la  jaula,  To  engage  in  fruitless 
toils  ;  to  drudge  to  no  purpose.  [ling. 

APORREO,  sm.  The  act  of  beating  or  pommel- 

APORRILLARSE,  vr.  To  get  swellings  in  the  ar- 
ticulations ;  a  term  applied  to  horses. 

APORRILLO,  ad.  (Bax.)  Abundantly,  plentifully. 

APORTADERAS,  sf.  pi.  A  sort  of  chests,  wider 
at  the  top  than  at  the  bottom,  in  which  pro- 
visions are  carried  on  a  horse  or  mule. 

APORTADERO,  sm.  A  place  where  a  ship  or  per- 
son may  stop. 

APORTAR,  tin.  1.  To  make  a  port,  to  arrive  at  a 
port.  2.  To  reach  an  unexpected  place. 

APORTELLADO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Formerly  an  officer 
of  justice,  a  member  of  the  council  of  large 
towns,  that  administered  justice  to  the  peo- 
ple of  the  neighbouring  villages. 

APORTILLAR,  va.  1.  To  make  an  opening  or 
breach  in  a  rampart  or  wall.  2.  To  break 
down,  to  break  open. — vr.  To  tumble  down  ; 
to  fall  into  ruins. 

A'POS,  sm.  Shore  bird,  sea  swallow,  sand  mar- 
tin. Hirundo  riparia  L. 

APOSENTADOR,  RA,  5.  One  who  lets  lodgings. 
Jlposentador,  Quarter-master  who  prepares 
quarters  for  troops.  Jlposentador  de  camino, 
An  officer  of  the  king's  household,  who  goes 
before  the  royal  family  to  provide  and  pre- 
pare convenient  houses  for  their  reception. 

AposENTAMiENTO,sm.  1.  The  act  of  lodging  or 
taking  up  a  temporary  habitation.  2.  (Ant.) 
A  room. 

APO  SENT  A  R,  va.  To  lodge  ;  to  give  or  afford  a 
temporary  dwelling. — vr.  To  take  a  lodging 
or  temporary  habitation  ;  to  take  up  resi- 
dence at  night. 

APOSENTILLO,  sm.  A  small  room. 

APOSENTO,  sm.  1.  A  room  or  apartment  in  a 
house.  2.  A  temporary  habitation  ;  an  inn. 
3.  A  box  or  seat  in  the  play-house.  Casas  de 
aposento,  Houses  in  Spain  which  are  obliged 
to  lodge  persons  of  the  king's  household. 
Aposento  de  corte,  The  apartment  or  habita- 
tion destined  for  the  king's  servants.  Hu6s- 
ped  de  aposento,  A  lodger  belonging  to  the 
king's  household. 

APOSESIONARSE,  vr.  To  take  possession  of  a 
thing  ;  to  possess  one's  self  of  a  thing. 

ArosicidN,  sf.  (Gram.)  Apposition,  a  figure, 
when  two  or  more  substantives  are  put  to- 
gether in  the  same  case,  without  any  copula- 
tive conjunction  between  them. 

APOSIOPESIS,  sf.  (Ret.)  A  figure  of  speech,  by 
which  a  speaker  affects  to  say  nothing  on  a 
subject,  at  the  same  time  he  really  speaks  of 
it.  [tion. 

APOSITO,  sm.  Any  external  medicinal  applica- 

APOSPELO,  ad.  1.  Against  the  grain.  2.  Con- 
trary to  the  natural  order.  [on  purpose. 

APOSTA   Y  APOSTADAMEXTE,  ud.  Designedly, 

APOSTADERO,  sm.  1.  A  place  where  soldiers  or 
other  persons  are  stationed.  2.  (Naut.)  A 
station  for  ships. 

APOSTADOR,  sm.  Bettor,  one  that  wagers. 

APOSTAL,  sm.  (Ast.)  A  convenient  fishing 
place  in  a  river.  [thick. 

APOSTALEOS,  sm.  pi.  Planks  from  5  to  7  inches 

APOSTAR,  va.  1.  To  bet,  to  lay  a  wager.  2.  To 
distribute  horses  on  the  road  to  relieve 
others,  to  place  relays.  3.  To  post  soldiers  or 
other  persons  in  a  place.  4.  (Ant.)  To  dress, 
to  adorn.  Apostdrlas  6  apostdrselas,  To  con- 
tend ;  to  defy,  or  bid  defiance. — vr.  To  emu- 
late, to  rival,  to  stand  in  competition,  to  en- 
deavour to  equal  or  excel. 

APOSTASIA,  sf.  Apostasy,  departure  from  the 
religion  formerly  professed. 

APOSTATA,  5m.  Apostate,  one  that  has  forsaken 
his  religion. 

APOSTATAR,  vn.  To  apostatise,  to  forsake  one's 
religion.  [tillar. 

APOSTELAR,  va.  To  write  short  notes.  V.  Aytos- 

APOSTEMA,  sf.  An  apostume,  abscess,  tumor. 

APOSTEMAR,  va.  To  swell  and  corrupt  into  mat- 
ter ;  to  form  an  abscess. — vr.  To  get  an  ab- 
scess ;  to  be  troubled  with  a  purulent  humour. 

APOSTEMERO,  sm.  Bistoury,  a  chirurgical  in- 
strument for  opening  abscesses. 

APOSTEMILLA,  sf.  A  small  abscess. 

APOSTEMOSO,  SA,  a.  Relating  to  abscesses. 

APOSTILLA,  sf.  A  brief  note  put  to  a  book  or 

APO  STILL  AR,  va.  To  put  brief  notes  to  a  J>ook 
or  writing. — vr.  To  break  out  in  pimples  or 

APOSTOL,  sm.  Apostle,  missionary.  Apdstoles, 
(Naut.)  Hawse  pieces. 

APOSTOLADO,  DA,  a.  1.  The  dignity  or  office  of  an 
apostle.  2.  The  congregation  of  the  apostles. 
3.  The  images  or  pictures  of  the  12  apostles. 

AposTOncAMEtfTE,  ad.  Apostolically. 

APOSTOLICO,  CA,  a.  I.  Apostolical,  that  which 
in  any  manner  belongs  to  the  apostles.  2. 
Apostolic,  that  which  belongs  to  the  Pope, 
or  derives  from  him  apostolical  authority. 

APOSTOLOS,STO.  pi.  (Ant.  For.)  Dimissory  apos- 
tolical letters. 

APOSTRE,  ad.  (Ant.)  V.  Postreramente. 

APOSTROFAR,  va.  To  apostrophize,  to  address 
one  ;  to  apply  to  another  by  words. 

AposTROFE,sm.(Ret.)  A  diversion  of  speech  to 
another  person  than  the  speech  appointed 
did  intend  or  require. 

APOSTROFO,  sm.  The  contraction  of  a  word  by 
the  use  of  a  comma ;  as,  Vamislad  for  la 
amistad  ;  but  this  contraction  is  now  disused. 
,  sf.  (Ant.)  1.  Gentleness,  neatness  in 



person.  2.  (Ant.)  Good  order  and  disposition 
of  things. 

APOSTURAGE.  V.  Barraganetes. 

APOTE,  ad.  Abundantly,  largely. 

APOTEGMA,  sm.  Apothegm,  a  short,  remarkable 

APOTEOSIS,  sf.  Apotheosis,  deification. 

APOTICARIO,  5m.  (Ar.)  V.  Boticario. 

APOTOME,  sm.  (Alg.)  The  remainder  or  differ- 
ence of  two  incommensurable  qualities. 

APOYADEHO,  sm.  Prop,  support. 

APOYADURA,  sf.  Flow  of  the  milk  which  comes 
out  of  the  breast  when  nurses  give  suck  to 

APOYAR,  va.  1.  To  favour,  to  protect,  to  patro- 
nize. 2.  To  bear  upon  the  bit  ;  spoken  of 
horses  which  hang  down  their  heads.  Apoy- 
ar  las  espuclas,  To  spur.  3.  To  confirm,  to 
support  or  prove,  Apoya  esta  scntenda  con 
un  texto  de  la  escritura,  He  confirms  this 
sentence  by  a  text  of  Scripture. — vn.  To  rest 
on.  La  columna  apoya  sobre  cl  pedestal,  The 
column  rests  on  the  pedestal. — vr.  To  lean 
upon  a  person  or  thing.  Apoyarse  en  los  es- 
tribos,  To  bear  upon  the  stirrups. 

APOYO,  sm.  1.  Prop,  stay,  support.  2.  (Met.) 
Protection,  patronage.  Apoyo  de  la  vejez  de 
alguno,  One  who  supports  the  aged  or  alle- 
viates the  oppressed. 

APRECIABLE,«.  1.  Valuable,  respectable,  worthy 
of  esteem.  2.  That  which  can  fetch  a  price  ; 

APRECIACION,  sf.  Estimation,  valuation. 

APRECIADAMESTE,  ad.  In  a  valuable,  respecta- 
ble manner. 

APRKCIADOR,  RA,  s.  Estimator,  appraiser  ;  a 
person  appointed  to  set  a  price  upon  a  thing. 

APRECIAR,  va.  To  appreciate,  to  estimate,  to 
value.  [upon  a  thing. 

APRECIATIVO,  VA,  a.  Relating  to  the  value  set 

APRECIO,  sm.  I.  Appraisement,  the  value  set 
upon  a  thing.  2.  Esteem,  approbation. 

APREHENDER,  va.  I.  To  apprehend,  to  seize,  to 
lay  hold  of  one.  2.  To  fancy,  to  conceive,  to 
form  an  idea  of  a  thing.  Aprehender  la  po- 
sesion.  To  take  possession.  Aprehender  los 
bienes,  To  seize  or  distrain  goods. 
pxEHF.xsnS.v,  sf.  1.  The  act  of  seizing,  appre- 
hending, or  taking  up  a  criminal.  2.  Percep- 
tion, acuteness  ;  a  ready  and  witty  saying.  3. 
Apprehension,  fear.  4.  The  act  of  putting  the 
king's  arms  or  seal  on  a  house,  until  the  rfghts 
of  the  different  claimants  are  discussed,  01 
the  true  owner  appears. 

APREIIENSIVO,  VA,  «.  Apprehensive,  quick  to 
understand,  fearful. 

APREHENSOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  apprehends. 

APRKHENSORIO,  RIA,  a.  Apprehending,  seizing. 

APREMIADOR,  RA,S.  One  who  compels  or  forces 
to  do  a  thing. 

APREMIAR,  va.  l.To  press,  to  urge,  to  con- 
strict. 2.  To  compel,  to  oblige. 

APREMIO,  am.  1.  Pressure,  constriction.  2.  Ju- 
dicial compulsion. 

APRENDKR,  va.  1.  To  learn  ;  to  acquire  know- 
ledge of  a  thing  by  study.  2.  (Ant.)  To 
seize,  to  apprehend. 

ApRENDi/,  XA,  Y  APRENDIGON,,  s.  Apprentice, 
or  prentice. 

ApRENDizAoE,  sm.  Apprenticeship,  the  years 
which  an  apprentice  is  to  pass  under  a  master 
to  learn  a  trade. 

APRENSADOR.  sm.  Presser,  calenderer. 

APRENSAR,  va.  1.  To  dress  cloth  in  a  press,  to  ca- 
lender. 2.  To  vex,  to  crush,  to  oppress.  3. 
(Naut.)  To  stow  wool,  cotton,  &c.  on  board 
a  ship.  [tor. 

APRESADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  Privateer,  cruiser.  2.  Cap- 

ApRESAMiENTO,sm.  Capture,  prize. 

APRESAR,  va.  1.  To  seize,  to  grasp.  2.  (Naut.) 
To  take  or  capture  an  enemy's  ship. 

APRESTAR,  va.  To  prepare,  to  make  ready. 

APRESTO,  sm.  Preparation  for  a  thing. 

APRESURACION,  sf.  The  act  of  making  haste. 

APRESURADAMENTE,  ad.  Hastily. 

APRESURADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Brief,  hasty.  2.  Acting 
with  precipitation. 

APRESURAMJENTO,  sm.  V.  Apr  esur  acton. 

APRESUR^R,  va.  To  accelerate,  to  hasten. 

APRETADAMENTE,  ad.  Tightly,  closely. 

APRETADERA,  sf.  A  strap  or  rope  to  tie  or  bind 
any  thing  with,  Apretadcras,  Pressing  re- 

APRETADERO,  sm.  Truss  or  bandage  by  which 
ruptures  are  restrained  from  relapsing. 

APRETADILLO,  LLA,  a.  Somewhat  constrained, 
rather  hard  put  to  it.  Apretadillo  estd  cl  en- 
fermo,  The  patient  is  in  great  danger. 

APRETADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Mean,  miserable,  narrow- 
minded,  illiberal.  2.  Hard,  difficult,  dangerous. 

APRETADOR,  sm.  1.  One  who  presses  or  beats 
down.  2.  An  under-waistcoat  without  sleeves. 
3.  A  sort  of  soft  stays  without  whalebone  for 
children.  4.  A  net  for  tying  up  the  hair.  5.  A 
coarse  sheet  wrapt  round  mattresses,  to  keep 
them  even  and  tight.  6.  An  instrument  which 
serves  for  tightening  things,  and  pressing 
them  down  ;  a  rammer.  [ing  down. 

APRETADURA,  sf.  Compression,  the  act  of  press- 

ApRETAMiENTO,sm.  1.  Crowd,great  concourse  of 
people.  2.  Conflict.  3.  Avarice,  narrowness. 

APRETA.R,  va.  1.  To  compress,  to  tighten,  to 
press  down.  2.  To  distress,  to  afflict  with  ca- 
lamities. 3.  To  act  with  more  energy  and  vi- 
gour than  usual.  4.  To  urge  earnestly.  5.  To 
darken  that  pa.rt  of  a  painting  which  is  too 
bright  and  glaring.  Apretar  las  soletas,  To 
run  away.  Apretar  con  uno,  To  attack  a  per- 
son.  la  mano,  To  correct  with  a 
heavy  hand,  to  punish  severely. 

APRETON,  sm.  Pressure,  the  act  of  pressing.  2. 
Struggle,  conflict.  3.  A  sudden  violent 
looseness  of  the  body.  4.  A  short  but  rapid 
race.  5.  The  act  of  throwing  a  thicker  shade 
on  one  part  of  a  piece  of  painting. 

APRETURA,  sf.  1.  A  crowd,  a  multitude  press- 
ing against  each  other.  2.  Distress,  conflict, 
anguish.  3.  A  narrow,  confined  place. 

APUIESA,  ad.  In  haste,  in  a  hurry. 

APRIETO,  sm.  Crowd  ;  conflict. 

APRIMIR,  va.  1.  To  compress,  to  force  into  a 
narrower  compass,  to  depress.  2.  To  restrain, 
to  crush,  to  subdue. 

APRISA,  ad.  Swiftly,  promptly. 

AFRISAR,  va.  To  hasten,  to  hurry,  to  push  for- 
wards, [cot. 

APRISCADERO  Y  APRISCO,  sm.  Sheepfold,  sheep- 
.  (Ant.)  from  Apr en  der, 



APRISIONADAMENTE,  ad.  Narrowly,  contracted- 
ly,  with  little  breadth  or  wideness. 

APRISONA'DO,  a.  (Poet.)  Bound,  subjected. 

APRISIONAR,  va.  To  confine,  to  imprison. 

APRO,  sm.  V.  Pro. 

APROAR,  vn.  (Naut.)  To  turn  the  head  of  a  ship 
towards  any  part. — va.  To  benefit. 

APROBACION,  sf.  Approbation. 

APROBADOR,  RA,S.  Approver,  one  who  approves. 

Ar-iioB.4NTE,  sm.  I.  A  probationer  ;  one  who 
proves  his  qualifications  for  an  office.  2.  Ap- 

A  PRO  BAR-  va.  To  approve,  to  like,  to  be  pleased 

APROBATIVO,  VA,  a.  Approbative,  approving. 

APROCHES,  sm.  Approaches,  the  several  works 
made  by  besiegers  for  advancing  and  getting 
nearer  to  a  fortress.  Contra-aproches',  Coun- 
ter-approaches. Las  trincheras  se  llaman 
lineas  de  aproches,  the  trenches  are  called 
lines  of  approach. 

APRON,  sm.  (let.)  A  small  fresh-water  fish,  re- 
sembling a  gudgeon. 

APRONTAR,  va.  To  prepare  hastily,  to  get  ready 
with  expedition  and  despatch.  [tion. 

APRONTO,  sm.  A  speedy  expeditious  prepara- 

APORPIACIO.V,  sf.  Appropriation,  assumption, 
the  act  of  appropriating  or  assuming  a  thing. 

APROPIADAMENTE,  ad.  Conveniently,  fitly,  pro- 

APROPIADOR,  sm.  Appropriator. 

APROPIAR,  va.  1.  To  appropriate,  to  assume.  2. 
To  assimilate,  to  bring  to  a  resemblance.  3. 
To  accommodate,  to  apply. — vr.  To  appro- 
priate any  thing  to  one's  self,  to  encroach. 

APROPINQUACION,  sf.  Approach,  the  act  of  ap- 

APROPINO_UA\RSE,  vr.  To  approach,  to  draw  near. 

APROPRIAR.   V.  Apropiar. 

APROVECER,  vn.  To  make  progress. 

APROVECHABLE,  a.  Profitable,  that  which  may 
be  rendered  useful  or  serviceable. 

APROVECHADAMENTE,  ad.  Usefully,  profitably. 

APROVECHADO,  DA,  pp.  Improved  ;  taken  ad- 
vantage of. — a.  Sparing,  parsimonious. 

ApRovr.cHAMiENTO,sm.  1.  Profit,  utility,  ad  van- 
tage. 2.  Progress  made  in  an  art  or  science, 
proficiency.  3.  Land,  commons,  houses,  &c. 
belonging  to  a  town  or  city.  V.  Propios. 

APROVECHAU,  vn.  To  make  progress,  to  ad- 
vance, to  become  useful. — va.  1.  To  profit  of 
a  thing,  to  employ  it  usefully.  2.  (Ant.)  To 
protect,  to  favour.  3.  (Ant.)  To  meliorate. — 
vr.  To  avail  one's  self  of  a  thing,  to  take  ad- 
vantage of  a  thing. 

APROXIMACION,  sf.  Approximation. 

APROXIMAR,  va.  To  approximate,  to  approach. 

APTAMENTE,  ad.  Conveniently,  fitly,  aptly. 

APTITUD,  sf.  Aptitude  or  fitness  for  obtaining 
or  exercising  an  employment. 

A'PTO,  TA,  a.  Apt,  fit,  idoneous,  able  to  perform 
a  thing. 

APUESTA,  sf.  A  bet,  a  wager.  Ir  de  apucsta, 
To  undertake  the  performance  of  a  thing  in 
competition  with  others. 

APUESTO.  TA,  a.  1.  (Ant.)  Elegant,  genteel.  2. 
(Ant.)  Opportune,  fit. 

APUESTO,  sm.  Epithet,  title.  V.  Apostura. 

APULGARAR,  va.  To  force  with  the  thumb. — vr. 

(Raro.)  To  contract  black  spots  from  havinw 
been  doubled  up  when  moist ;  spoken  of  li- 

APUNCHAR,  va.  (Among  comb-makers)  To  cut 
out  the  teeth  of  a  comb. 

APUNTACION,  sf.  1.  Annotation,  the  act  of  not- 
ing down.  2.  The  act  of  marking  musical 
notes  with  exactness. 

APCNTADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Pointed,  marked.  2.  El 
canon  estd  apuntado  muy  bazo,  (Art.  y  Naut.) 
The  gun  dips. 

APUNTADOR,  sm.  1.  Observer,  one  who  notes  or 
marks.  2.  (Naut.)  Gunner,  who  points  the 
guns.  3.  Apuntad6r  de  comedias,  A  prompter, 
one  who  helps  the  players,  and  suggests  the 
word  to  them  when  they  falter. 

APUNTALAR,  va.  1.  To  prop,  to  support  with 
props.  2.  (Naut.)  To  shore  a  vessel. 

APUNTAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  Observation,  remark.  2. 
Abstract,  summary,  heads  of  a  law-suit  point- 
ed out  by  the  report  in  a  court  of  justice  ;  a 
judicial  roport. 

APUNTAR,  va.  1.  To  aim,  to  take  aim.  2.  To 
point  out,  to  mark,  to  indicate.  3.  To  put 
down  in  writing  any  remarkable  idea  read  or 
heard.  4.  To  touch  lightly  upon  a  point.  5. 
To  fix  or  fasten  provisionally  a  board  or  other 
thing.  6.  To  begin  to  appear  or  show  itself. 
El  dia  se  apunta,  The  day  peeps  or  begins 
to  appear.  7.  To  sharpen  edged  tools.  8.  To 
prompt  or  help  players,  by  suggesting  the 
word  to  them  when  they  falter.  9.  To  offer. 
Apuntar  y  no  dar,  To  promise  readily  and 
not  perform. — vr.  1.  To  begin  to  turn,  to  be 
pricked ;  applied  to  wine.  2.  (Bax.)  To  be 
half  seas  over,  or  half  drunk. 

APUNTE,  sm.  V.  Apuntamiento. 

APUNTO,  sm.  The  words  suggested  by  a  prompt- 
er on  the  stage. 

APUNADAR,  va.  (Arag.)  To  strike  with  the  fist. 

APUNAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  seize  with  the  fist. 

APUNEAR,  va.  V.  Apunadar. 

APUNETKJLR,  va.  To  strike  repeatedly  with  the 
hand  clenched.  [tion. 

APURACION,  sf.  (Ant.)   Indagation,  investiga- 

APURADAMENTE,  ad.  1.  At  the  nick  of  time.  2. 
Punctually,  exactly.  3.  Radically. 

APURADERO,  (Ant.)  sm.  Inquiry,  disquisition 
which  ascertains  the  true  nature  of  a  thing. 

ApuuAno,  DA,  a.  1.  Poor,  destitute  of  means, 
exhausted.  2.  Evident.  3.  Excellent. 

APURADOR,  sm.  1.  A  refiner,  purifier.  2.  One 
who  spends  or  consumes.  3.  One  who  gleans 
and  picks  up  olives  left  by  the  first  reapers. 

APURAMIENTO,  sm.  Research,  inquiry,  verifica- 

APURAR,  va.  1.  To  purify,  to  depurate.  2.  To 
clear  up,  to  verify,  to  investigate  minutely. 
3.  To  consume,  to  drain,  to  exhaust.  Apurar 
a  uno,  To  tease  and  perplex  one. — vr.  To 
grieve,  to  be  afflicted. 

AptJRO,  sm.  1.  Want,  indigence.  2.  Anguish, 

APUKRIR,  va.  (Burg.)  To  hand  or  deliver  a 
thing  to  another. 

AQUA,  ad.  (Ant.)  V.  Acd. 

AQUADRILLAR,  va.  To  form  or  head  parties. 

AQUARIO,  sm.  Aquarius,  one  of  the  12  signs  of 
thn  Zodiac. 



A<iu  ARTEL  ADO,  DA,  a.  Quartered,  divided  into 

AQUARTELAMIENTO,  sm.  The  quartering  of 
troops,and  the  place  where  they  are  quartered. 

AQUA  RTELAR,  va.l.To  quarter  troops,  to  distri- 
bute them  into  quarters.  2.  (Naut.)  Aquar- 
teJar  fas  relas,  To  flat  in  the  sails. 

AQ.UARTILLAR,  vn.  To  bend  in  the  quarters  un- 
der a  heavy  load  ;  applied  to  beasts  of  burthen. 

AQUATICO  Y  Ao.uXxiL,  a.  Aquatic,  that  which 
inhabits  or  grows  in  the  water.  [mirse. 

A<it'EDA.H,  va.  (Ant.)  To  detain.— rr.  V.  Dor- 

Ao.uEDtf  CTO,  sin.  1.  Aqueduct,  a  conduit  of  wa- 
ter. 2.  Canal  which  runs  from  the  ear  to  the 
mouth.  It  was  anciently  written  Aqilcdacho. 

ACICEJAMIENTO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Acceleration. 

AQUEJAR,  va.  l.To  complain,  to  lament.  2. To 
fatigue,  to  afflict.  3.  (Ant.)  To  stimulate,  to 
incite.  4.  (Ant.)  To  pin  up  closely. 

AquEL,  LLA,  LLO, pron.  demonst.  He,  she,  that. 

AQUEN  Y  AQUENDE,  ad.  (Ant.)  Here,  thither. 

AXQ.UEO,EA,  a.  Aqueous,  watery.  Humor  aqiieo, 
Aqueous  humour  which  runs  from  the  eye. 

AojuERENciARSE,  vr.  To  be  fond  of  a  place  >  a 
term  applied  to  cattle. 

AQUESE,  SA,  so,  A  demonstrative  pronoun,  re- 
lating to  a  person  or  thing  somewhat  distant. 

AQUESTAR,  va.  To  conquer,  to  acquire,   [that. 

AquESTE,  TA,  TO,  pron.  demonst.  (Ant.)   This, 

AQUESTE,  sm.  (Ant.)  Question,  dispute. 

Aquf,  ad.  1.  Here,  in  this  place.  2.  To  this 
place.  3.  Now,  at  present.  4.  Then,  on  that 
occasion.  Aqui  de  Dios,  Assist  me,  O  God. 
Aqui  fud  ello,  Here  did  it  happen.  He  aqui, 
Look  here,  behold.  De  aqui  adelante,  Hence- 
forth. DC  aqui  para  alii,  To  and  fro,  up  and 
down.  De  aqui,  From  this.  [sent. 

AQCIESCENCIA,  sf.  (For.)  Acquiescence,  con- 

AQ.UJETAR,  va.  To  quiet,  to  appease. — vr.  To 
grow  calm,  to  be  quiet. 

A'Qtm.A  ALBA,  sf.  Corrosive  sublimate  mixed 
with  fresh  mercury. 

A.u  ir.ATAR,  va.  1.  To  assay  gold  and  silver.  2. 
To  examine  closely,  to  find  out  the  truth  of 
a  thing.  [millefolium  L. 

AQUII.EA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Milfoil,  yarrow.     Achillea 

AQ.UILENA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Columbine.  Aquilegia 
vulgaris  L. 

AQJTILIFERO,  sm.  (Among  the  Romans)  The 
standard-bearer,  he  who  carried  the  Roman 

*AojnrJNo,  NA,  a.  Aquiline,  resembling  an  ea- 
gle ;  when  applied  to  the  nose,  hooked.  V.  [The  north  point. 

Ao.un.dN,  sm.  (Poet.)  1.  Due  north-wind.    2. 

AquiLONAr.  y  AqciLONAR,  a.  Northern,  north- 
erly. Tiempo  aquilonal,  (Met.)  The  winter 
season.  [processions. 

AQ.UITIBI.  sm.  Nickname  of  priests  hired  for 

AO.COSIDAO,  sf.  Aquosity,  wateriness. 

AO.UOSO,  SA,  a.  Aqueous,  watery. 

A'RA,  sf.  1.  Altar,  the  place  where  offerings  are 
made  to  heaven.  2.  The  consecrated  stone, 
on  which  a  consecrated  linen  cover  is  laid 
during  the  celebration  of  the  mass.  3.  (Among 
Plumbers)  A  cistern  head.  Amiga  Jiasta  las 
aras,  A  friend  until  death. 

ARABESCO,  sm.  (Pint.)  Arabesk,  whimsical  or- 
naments of  foliage  in  painting. 

ARABIGA,  sf.  A  stone  resembling  spotted  ivory. 

ARABIGO,GA,  YAitABico,c  A,  rt.  Arabic,  Arabian. 

ARACADEP,  sm.  A  flat  fish  in  the  seas  of  Brasil. 

ARADA,S/.  (Agr.)  Ploughed  ground ;  husbandry. 

ARADA,  sm.  1.  A  plough.  2.  Ploughed  ground. 

ARA  DOR,  sm.  1.  A  ploughman.  2.  A  hand- worm, 
flesh-worm,  ring-worm. 

ARADORCICO,  sm.  A  small  hand-worm. 

ARAIHIO,  sm.  (Arag.)  V.  Arddo. 

ARADURA,  sf.  1.  Aration,  the  act  or  practice  of 
ploughing.  2.  Quantity  of  land  which  a  yoke 
of  oxen  can  conveniently  plough  in  the 
course  of  a  day. 

ARAGA.N,  sm.  Idler.  V.  Haragan. 

ARAGONESA.  Uva  Aragoncsa,  A  large  black 
grape,  very  frequent  in  Aragon. 

ARAMBEL,  sm.  (Ant.)  1.  Drapery,  furniture  of 
a^room  or  bed.  2.  (Met.)  Rag,  tatter,  or  piece 
hanging  from  cloths. 

ARAMBRE,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Alambre. 

ARAMIA,  sf.  A  piece  of  ploughed  ground  fit  for 

ARANA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Imposition,  trick,  deception. 

ARANATA,  sf.  An  animal  of  the  shape  and  size 
of  a  dog,  a  native  of  America. 

ARANCEL,  sm.  1.  The  fixed  rate  and  price  of 
provisions  or  other  things.  2.  The  regula- 
tions by  which  the  rate  and  price  of  bread 
and  other  things  are  fixed. 

ARANcf L,  sm.  Price  current,  tariff.  V.  Arancd. 

ARAND^NO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Bilberry.  Vaccinium 
myrtillus  L. 

ARANDELA,  sf.  1.  The  pan  of  the  socket  of  a 
candlestick.  2.  A  guard  around  the  staff  of  a 
lance.  3.  Nave-box  of  a  gun  carriage.  4. 
Arandelas,  (Na6t.)  Half  ports,  square  boards 
with  a  hole  in  the  middle,  to  which  a  piece 
of  canvass  is  nailed,  to  keep  the  water  out 
when  the  cannon  is  in  the  port-hole. 

ARANnftLo,  sm.  Pad,  or  small  hoop,  used  by 
women,  which  in  Castile  is  called  Cadcrillas. 

ARANIEGO,  a.  Taken  in  a  net,  which  is  called 
aranucla  ;  applied  to  a  voung  hawk. 

ARANZADA,  sf.  An  acre  of  ground  :  in  the  opi- 
nion of  some  Spanish  linguists,  it  is  as  much 
land  as  a  pair  of  oxen  can  plough  in  a  day. 

ARAJ!A,S/.  1.  (Entom.)  Spider.  2.  (let.)  Sting- 
bull,  common  weaver,  sea-spider.  Trachinus 
draco  L.  3.  Chandelier,  girandole.  4.  Play 
among  boys.  5.  (Ant.)  Net  for  catching  birds. 
6.  (Naut.)  Crow-foot.  Es  una  arana,  He  is 
an  industrious  man.  7.  (Mur.)  V.  Arrebatina. 

ARANADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  scratches. 

ARANAMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  of  scratching. 

ARAJ? AR,  va.  I.  To  scratch.  2.  To  scrape,  to  ga- 
ther by  penurious  diligence.  Aranar  riquezas, 
To  gather  riches  with  great  eagerness.  Ara- 
nar se  con  los  codos,  To  rejoice  in  other  peo- 
ple's misfortunes.  Aranar  la  cubierta,  To 
make  great  exertions,  to  get  clear  of  danger. 

ARANAZO,  sm.  A  long  deep  scratch. 

ARANERO,  a.  V.  Zahareno. 

ARANO,  sm.  A  scratch,  any  slight  wound. 

ARANON,  sm.  Sloe,  the  fruit  of  the  black  thorn. 

ARANUELO  Y  ARASIUELA,*.  1.  A  small  species  of 
spiders  very  destructive  in  corn  fields,  vines, 
<&c.  2.  A  very  slight  net  for  catching  birds. 

ARAPENDE,  sm.  Ancient  measure  of  120  square 




ARAR,  va.  I.  To  plough  the  land.  2.  (Na6t.) 
Arar  con  el  ancla,  To  drag  the  anchor.  JVb 
me  lo  hardn  creer  quantos  aran  y  cavan,  No 
man  shall  ever  make  me  believe  it. 

ARATORIO,  RIA,«.  Belonging  to  a  husbandman. 

ARBELix>\,sm.  Gutter  for  drawing  off  the  wa- 
ter from  roads  and  bridges. 

ARBELO,  sm.  (Geom.)  A  curvilinear  figure, 
composed  of  three  segments  of  a  circle,  and 
three  acute  angles. 

ARBIT^NA.  V.  Albitana.  [will. 

ARBITRABLE,  a.  Arbitrary,  depending  upon  the 

ARBITRACION,  sf.  (Ant.)  Arbitration. 

ARBITRADOR,  sm.  Arbiter,  arbitrator,  umpire. 

ARBITRAL,  a.  V.  Arbitrario. 

TRAGE, sw.The  award  of  an  arbitrator. 

ARBITRAR,  va.  1.  To  adjudge,  to  award  as  an  ar- 
bitrator. 2.  (Ant.)  To  discover,  to  find  out.  3. 
To  judge  after  one's  own  feelings  and  senti- 
ments. 4.  To  strike  out  means  and  expedients. 

ARBITRARIAMENTE,  ad.  In  an  arbitrary  manner. 

trary, that  which  depends  upon  the  will. 

ARBITRATOR™,  RIA,  a.  That  which  belongs  or 
relates  to  arbitrators. 

ARBITRIO,S/R.  l.Free  and  uncontrolled  will  and 
pleasure.  2.  Means,  expedients.  3.  Arbitra- 
tion, bond,  compromise.  4.  Arbitrio  de  juez, 
The  discretionary  power  of  a  judge  in  cases 
not  clearly  decided  by  the  law.  5.  Arbitrios, 
Duty  or  taxes  imposed  on  wine,  vinegar,  oil. 
meat,  and  other  provisions  exposed  for  sale. 

ARBiTRiSTAjSra.  Schemer,  projector,  contriver. 

A'RBITRO,  sm.  Arbiter,  arbitrator. 

A'RBOL,  sm.  (Bot.)  1.  A  tree.  2.  (Naut.)  Mast, 
V.  Palo.  3.  In  some  machines,  the  upright 
post  which  serves  to  give  them  a  circular  mo- 
tion. 4.  Drill,  a  pointed  instrument  used  for 
making  holes  in  metal.  5.  Body  of  a  shirt 
without  sleeves.  6.  Upright  post,  around 
which  winding  stairs  turn.  A'rbol  de  amor, 
(Bot.)  Judas-tree.  Cercis  siliquastrum  L. 
A'rbol  de  clavo,  Clove-tree.  Eugenia  carvo- 
phillata  L.  A'rbol  del  coral,  Coral-tree. 
Erythrina  Corallodendron  L.  A'rbol  del  pa- 
raiso.  6  drbol  paraiso,  Flowering  ash.  Frax- 
inus  ornus  L.  A'rbol,  (let.)  A  fish 
much  resembling  the  star-fish,  but  larger. 

ARBOLA.DO,  DA,  a.  1.  Planted  with  trees.  2.  Mast- 
ed. Arbolado  en  la  hoya,  Masted  hoy -fashion. 

ARBOLAD^RA,  sf.  (Naut.)  A  general  name  for 
masts,  yards,  and  all  sort  of  round  timber. 
Maestre  de  arboladura,  A  master  mast-maker. 

ARBOLAR,  va.  To  hoist,  to  set  upright.  Arbolar 
el  navio,  (Naut.)  To  mast  a  ship. — rr.  Arbo- 
hirse  el  caballo,  To  rear  on  the  hind  feet,  as 

ARBOI.ARIO,  sm.  V.  Herbolario.  [horses. 

ARBOL^ZO,  sm.  (Aum.)  A  large  tree.       [tree. 

AUBOLECILLO  Y  ARBOi.Ecf  co,s?tt.(Dim.)  A  small 

ARBOLEDA,  sf.  Grove,  plantation  of  trees. 

ARBOLEJO,  sm.  A  small  tree. 

ARBOI.ETE,  sm.  Branch  of  a  tree  put  on  the 
ground,  to  which  bird-catchers  fasten  their 
lime-twigs.  [trees  his  study. 

ARBOLisTA,sm.Arborist,anaturalist  who  makes 

ARBOLLONT,  sm.  Flood-gate,  sluice,  dam,  con- 

ARBOR,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  A'rbol.      [duit.  channel. 

A  RBOREO,  RE  A  ,  a.  Relating  or  belonging  to  trees. 

ARBORIZA"DO,  DA,  a.  Arborescent,  resembling 
trees  and  foliage  ;  applied  to  dendrites  or 
stones  having  the  appearance  of  foliage. 

ARBOTANTE,  sm.  Arch  of  stone  or  brick  raised 
against  a  wall  to  support  a  vault.   Arbotdnte 
de  pie  de.  campana,  (Naut.)  Bell-crank,  the 
place  where  the  ship's  bell  is  hung. 
RBtJSTO  y  ARBUSTA,  s.  A  shrub. 

A'RCA,  sf.  1.  Chest,  a  large  wooden  box.  Areas, 
Coffer,  iron  chest  for  money.  Hacer  areas, 
To  open  the  coffers  or  treasury  chest.  2.  (In 
glass  houses)  The  tempering  oven,  in  which 
glass-ware,  just  blown,  is  put  to  cool  or  an- 
neal. 3.  Sepulchral  urn,  a  tomb.  4.  Head  of 
a  spout  or  pipe,  through  which  water  runs 
down  into  a  drain.  Area  de  noi,  (Met.)  Lum- 
ber chest.  Area  de  fuego,  (Naut.)  Fire-chest, 
a  small  box,  filled  with  gun-powder,  com- 
bustibles, pebbles,  nails,  &c.  used  to  annoy 
an  enemy  who  attempts  to  board  a  ship.  Ser 
area  cerrada,  To  be  yet  unknown  ;  applied 
to  persons  and  things.  Sangrar  a  uno  de  la 
vena  del  area,  To  drain  one  of  his  money. 
Area  de  agua,  Reservoir.  Areas,  Cavities 
of  the  body  under  the  ribs. 

ARCABUCEAR,  va.  1.  To  shoot  with  the  cross- 
bow. 2.  To  shoot  a  criminal  by  way  of  pu- 

ARCABUCERIA,  5m.  1.  A  troop  of  archers.  2. 
Number  of  cross  bows.  3.  Manufactory '  of 
bows  and  arrows.  [bows  and  arrows. 

ARCABUCERO,  sm.  1.  Archer.  2.  Manufacturer  of 

ARC  A  str  7.  ,sm.  Ar  quebuse  ,a  fir  e-arm ,  a  hand-gun . 

ARCABUZAZO,  sm.  A  shot  from  a  gun,  and  the 
wound  it  causes.  [Cynara  sylvestris  L. 

ARCACIL,  sm.  (Bot.)  A  species  of  artichoke. 

ARCADA,  sf.  1.  Violent  motion  of  the  stomach, 
which  excites  vomiting.  2.  Arcade  or  row 
of  arches  in  bridges,  and  other  buildings. 

A'RCADE,  a.  1.  Native  of  Arcadia,  Arcadian.  2. 
Belonging  to  the  Roman  academy  of  polite 
literature,  called  arcades. 

ARCADOR,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Arqueador. 

ARCADUZ,  sm.  1.  Conduit  or  pipe  for  the  con- 
veyance of  water.  2.  Bucket  or  jar  for  rais- 
ing water  out  of  a  draw-well.  3.  (Met.)  Chan- 
nel for  enforcing  a  claim,  obtaining  a  place, 
&c.  Llevar  una  cosa  par  sus  arcaduces,  To 
conduct  an  affair  through  its  proper  channel. 

ARCADUZAR,  va.  To  convey  water  through  con- 

ARC  AISMO,  sm.  Archaism,  the  mixture  of  ancient 
or  antiquated  words  with  modern  language. 

ARCAM,  sm.  A  very  venomous  serpent,  spotted 
black  and  white,  which  is  found  in  the  coun- 
try of  Turkestan. 

ARC^NGEL,  sm.  Archangel.  [ment. 

ARC  AMD  AD,  sf.  A  profound  secret  of  great  mo- 

ARCANO,  NA,  a.  y  s.  Secret,  recondite,  reserved. 

ARCA^R,  va.  (Among  Clothiers)  To  beat  the 
wool  with  a  bow  of  one  or  two  cords. 

A'KC  AZ,  firn.  I.  A  large  chest.  2.  (Arag.)  A  bier, 
on  which  the  dead  are  carried  to  be  buried. 

ARCAZA,  sf.  A  large  chest. 

A'RCE,  sm.  (Bot.)  Maple-tree.  Acer  L.    [conry. 

ARCEDIANATO,  sm.  Archdeaconship  ;  archdea- 

JAncEDiANO,  sm.  Archdeacon. 

ARCEN,  sm.  1.  Border,  brim,  edge.  2.  Stone  laid 
round  the  brim  of  a  well. 



ARCHERO,  sm.  Archer. 

ARCHIDUCAUO,  sm.  Dignity  of  an  archduke, 
and  an  archduchy,  or  the  territory  belonging 
to  an  archduke. 

ARCHIDTTCAL,  a.  That  which  belongs  or  relates 
to  an  archduke  or  archduchy. 

ARCHIDT^^UE,  5m.  Archduke. 

ARCHIDUQUESA,  sf.  Archduchess. 

ARCHILAUD,  sm.  A.  musical  instrument  shaped 
and  stringed  as  a  lute,  but  of  a  larger  size. 

ARCHIPAMPANO,  sm.  (Joe.)  A  word  used  to  ex- 
press an  imaginary  dignity  or  authority. 

ARCHIPIELAGO,  sm.  Archipelago,  a  part  of  the 
sea  crowded  with  islands. 

ARCHIVAR,  va.  To  deposit  a  thing  or  writing 
in  an  archive. 

ARCHIVERO  Y  ARCHIVISTA,  sm.  Keeper  of  an 
archive,  master  of  the  rolls. 

ARCHIVO,  sm.  1.  Archives,  the  place  where 
public  records  are  kept.  2.  (Met.)  A  person 
who  is  entrusted  with  the  most  profound  se- 
crets, a  confidant. 

ARCILLA,S/.  Argil,  white  pure  earth,  alumina. 

ARCILLOSO,  SA,  a.  Clayish,  argillaceous. 

dignity  of  an  archpriest. 

ARCIPRESTE,  sm.  Archpriest,  the  first  or  chief 

A'RCO,  sm.  1.  Arch,  a  part  of  a  circle  not  more 
than  the  half.  2.  Bow,  a  weapon  for  throwing 
arrows.  3.  Fiddle  bow.  4.  Hoop,  any  thing 
circular  with  which  something  else  is  bound, 
particularly  casks  and  barrels.  5.  (Naut.)  Bow 
of  a  ship.  Area  del  cielo  6  de  San  Martin, 

A'RCOLA,  sf.  A  sort  of  coarse  linen. 

ARcoN,sm.  1.  A  large  chest.    2.  A  great  arch. 

A'RCTICO,  CA,  a.  Arctic,  northern.     V.  A'rtico. 

ARCUAoo,DA,a.  Gauged  or  gaged.  V.Arqueado. 

A'RDA,  sf.  Squirrel.  V.  Ardilla. 

ARDALEADO,  VA,pp.  Made  thin  or  clear. 

ARDALEAR,  va.  To  thin,  to  make  thin. 

ARDASES,  sf.  pi.  The  coarser  sort  of  Persia  silk. 

ARDASINAS,S/./>/.  The  finer  sort  of  Persia  silk. 

ARDEDOR,  sm.  A  kind  of  serpent. 

ARDENTIA,  sf.  1.  Heat.  2.  (Naut.)  Phosphoric 
sparkling  of  the  sea  when  it  is  much  agitated. 

ARDEOLA,  sf.  A  small  kind  of  heron. 

ARDER,  vn.  1.  To  burn,  to  flame,  to  blaze.  2. 
To  be  agitated  by  the  passions  of  love,  ha- 
tred, anger,  &c.  Arderse  en  pleytos,  To  be 
entangled  in  lawsuits. 

ARDERO,  RA,  a.  Squirrel  hunter  ;  applied  to 

ARD£D,  sm.  Stratagem  or  artifice. 

ARDIDO,  DA,  a.  1.  Heated ;  applied  to  grain, 
olives,  tobacco,  &c.  thrown  into  a  state  of  fer- 
mentation. 2.  (Ant.)  Bold,  intrepid,  valiant. 

ARDIENTE,  a.  1.  That  which  burns.  Calentura 
ardientc,  A  burning  fever.  2.  Ardent,  pas- 
sionate, active. 

ARDiENTE,sm.  A  luminous  exhalation  in  marshy 
places,  called,  by  the  vulgar,  Will  o'  the 
wisp,  or  Jack  with  the  lantern. 

ARDIENTEMENTE,  ad.  Ardently. 

ARDILLA,  sf.  Squirrel.     Sciurus  vulgaris  L. 

ARDIMIENTO,  sm.  1.  (Ant.)  Conflagration.  2. 
(Met.)  Valour,  intrepidity,  undaunted  cou- 

ARMNCULO,  sm.  (Albeyt.)  An  inflamed  swell- 
ing or  ulcer  on  the  backs  of  animals. 

AUDIT  K,  sm.  An  ancient  coin  of  little  value,  for- 
merly current  in  Spain.  JYb  vale  un  ardite, 
It  is  not  worth  a  doit. 

ARDOR,  sm.  1.  Great  heat.  2.  (Met.)  Valour, 
vivacity,  spirit,  vigour. 

ARDOROSO,  SA,  a.  Fiery,  restless-;  applied  to  a 
horse.  . 

ARDUAMENTE,  ad.  In  a  difficult,  arduous  man- 

ARUUIDAD,  sf.  Extreme  difficulty. 

A'RDUO,  DUA,  a.  Arduous,  difficult. 

A'REA,  sf.  1.  Area,  the  surface  contained  be- 
tween any  lines  or  boundaries.  2.  A  bright 
circle  which  surrounds  the  sun,  moon,  or 
stars ;  a  halo. 

ARENA,  sf.  1.  Sand,  particles  of  stone  not  join- 
ed. 2.  Place  where  wrestlers  and  gladiators 
fought.  Edijicar  solrc  arena,  To  build  upon 
sand.  Semlrar  en  arena,  To  labour  in  vain. 
Arena  de  hdya,  Pit  sand.  Arena  movediza, 
(Naut.)  Quick-sand.  Arenas,  Gravel  formed 
in  the  kidneys. 

ARENACEO,  EA,  a.  Arenaceous,  gravelly. 

ARENAL,  sm.  A  sandy  ground,  a  sandy  beach. 

ARENALEJO  Y  ARENAi,ii,LO,sm.  1.  A  small  sandy 
piece  of  ground.  2.  Small,  fine  sand. 

ARENAR,  va.  To  cover  with  sand. 

ARENCON,  sm.  (Aum.)  V.  Arenque. 

ARENERo,sm.  One  who  deals  in  sand. 

ARENGA,  sf.  Harangue,  speech,  popular  oration. 

ARENGAR,  vn.  To  harangue,  to  deliver  in  pub- 
lic a  speech  or  oration. 

AREN£CA  Y  ARENILLA,  sf.  Small,  fine  sand. 

ARENILLAS,  pi.  (In  gunpowder  mills)  Saltpetre 
refined,  and  reduced  to  grains  as  small  as 

ARENISCO, CA,  Y  ARENOSO,  SA, a.  Sandy, abound- 
ing with  sand. 

ARENQUE,  «sm.  Herring.  Clupea  harengus  L. 
Artnque  ahumado,  A  red  herring. 

AREOMETRO,  sm.  Areometer,  an  instrument  for 
measuring  the  density  and  gravity  of  spiritu- 
ous liquors. 

AREOPAdfTA,  sm.  Judge  of  the  supreme  court 
of  judicature  in  Athens. 

AREOPAGO,  sm.  The  supreme  court  of  judica- 
ture in  Athens. 

ARESTA,  sf.  (Ant.)  1.  Coarse  tow.  2.  V.  Espina. 

AREST£N,  sm.  Frush,  a  disease  in  horses,  con- 
sisting in  a  scabby  incrustation  of  the  heel 
up  to  the  pastern. 

ARKSTINADO,  DA,  a.  Afflicted  with  the  disease 
called  the  frush. 

ARFADA,  sf.  (Naut.)  The  pitching  of  a  ship. 

ARFAR,  va.  (Naut.)  To  pitch  :  applied  to  a  ship. 

ARFIL.  V.  Alfil. 

ARGADIJO  Y  ARGADir.i,o,sm.  1.  Reel.  V.  Deva- 
naddra.  2.  (Met.)  A  blustrous,  noisy,  restless 
person.  3.  Large  basket  made  of  twigs  of 
osier.  4.  (Ant.  y  Met.)  Structure  of  the  hu- 
man body. 

ARGADO,  sm.  Prank,  trick,  artifice. 

ARGALLA,  sf.  V.  Algdfia.  [grooves. 

ARGALLERA,  sf.  A  kind  of  saw  for  cutting 

ARGAMANDEL,sm.  Rag,  tatter. 

ARGAMANDIJO,  sm.  (Joe.)  Collection  of  trifling 
implements  used  in  trade  or  business.  Dueno 



6  senor  del  argamandijo,  Powerful  lord  arid 

ARGAM^SA,  sf.  Mortar,  a  cement  for  building. 
ARGAMAS^.R,  va.  l.To  make  mortar.  2.  To  ce- 
ment with  mortar. 
ARGAMASON,  sm.  A  large  piece  of  mortar  found 

among  the  ruins  of  a  building. 
ARGAMUIA,  sf.  (Hot.)  Starwort.    V.  Amelo. 

A'RG  ANA,  sf.  A  machine  resembling  a  crane,  for 
raising  stones  and  other  weighty  things.  A'r- 
g arias,  1.  Baskets  or  wicker  vessels  in  which 
fruit  or  other  things  are  carried  on  a  horse. 
2.  Large  nets  in  which  forage  is  carried. 

ARGANEL,  sm.  A  small  brass  ring,  used  in  the 
composition  of  an  astrolabe. 

ARGANEO,  sm.  (Naut.)  Anchor-ring,  a  large 
ring  in  the  anchor  to  which  the  cable  is  fasten- 

A'RGANO,  sm.  An  ancient  warlike  machine. 

A'RGEL,  a.  1.  This  adjective  is  applied  to  a 
horse  whose  right  hind  foot  only  is  white.  2. 
(Met.)  Unlucky,  unfortunate. 

ARGELINO,  NA,  a.  Algerine,  belonging  to  Al- 

ARGEMA,  sm.  A  thin  pellicle  or  skin  formed  in 
the  pupil  of  the  eye. 

ARGEMONE,  sm.  (Bot.)  Prickly  or  horned  pop- 
py. Argemone  mexicana  L.  [lour. 

ARGEN,  sm.  (Bias.)  Argent,  white  or  silver  CO- 
ARGENT,  5m.  (Ant.)  V.  Plata. 

ARGENT! DO,  DA,  a.  1.  This  term  was  formerly 
applied  to  a  shoe  pierced  with  holes,  through 
which  the  fine  white  colour  of  the  stuff  was 
seen  with  which  it  was  lined.  2.  Voz  argen- 
tada,  A  clear,  sonorous  voice. 

ARGENTADOR,sra.One  who  silvers  or  covers  su- 
perficially with  silver. 

ARGENTA^R,  va.  To  plate  or  cover  with  silver ;  to 
give  an  argent  colour. 

ARGENTARIO  Y  ARGENTERO,  sm.  1.  (Ant.)  Sil- 
ver-smith. 2.  (Ant.)  Master  of  the  mint. 

ARGENTERIA,  sf.  1.  Embroidery  in  gold  or  sil- 
ver. 2.  (Met.)  Expression  which  has  more 
brilliancy  than  solidity. 

ARGENTIFODINA,  5/.  Silver  mine. 

ARGENTINA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Satin  cinqucfoil ;  tor- 
rnentil  cinquefoil.  Potentilla  argentea  L. 

ARGENTO,  sm.  1.  (Poet.)  Silver.  2.  Argento 
vivo  sublimado,  Sublimate.  V.  Soliman. 

ARGILLA,  sf.  V.  ArciUa. 

ARGIRITAS,  sm.  pi.  Marcasites,  which  are  found 
in  silver  mines. 

ARGIROGONIA,  sf.  Philosopher's  stone. 

ARGOLLA,  sf.  1.  Largo  iron  ring ;  a  staple. 
Argollas  de  curcna,  Draught  hooks  of  a  gun- 
carriage.  Argollas  de  amarni,  Lashing- 
rings.  2.  Pillory ;  a  public  punishment  in 
putting  a  ring  round  the  neck. 

small  staple  ;  an  iron  ring  of  a  small  size. 

ARGOLLON,  sm.  A  very  large  iron  ring ;  a  large 

A'RGOMA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Prickly  broom  or  cytisus. 
Spartium  spinosum  L. 

ARGOM^L,  sm.  Plantation  of  cytisus. 

ARGOMON,  sm.  Large  prickly  broom. 

ARGONATJTAS,  sm.  pi.  I.  Argonauts,  the  compa- 
nions of  Jason,  who  embarked  on  board  the 
Ar go  for  Colchis,  to  obtain  the  golden  fleece. 

2.  Argonautas  de  San  Nicolas,  The  name  of 
a  military  order  at  Naples. 

A'RGOS,  sm.  1.  Argo,  the  celebrated  ship  of  the 
Argonauts.  2.  (Met.)  An  ablo,  clever  person. 

ARGOUD!N,  sm.  A  kind  of  cotton,  manufactur- 
ed in  different  parts  of  India. 

ARGUAxAquE,  sm.  Gum  ammoniac. 

ARGUCIA,  sf.  Subtilty,  which  degenerates  into 

ARGUE,  sm.  1.  Machine  for  moving  largo 
weights  ;  windlass.  2.  Machine  for  drawing 
fine  gold  wire. 

ARGUELLARSE,  vr.  To  be  emaciated ;  to  be  iu 
a  bad  state  of  health. 

ARGUELLO,  sm.  Faintness,  want  of  health. 

ARGUENAS,  sf.  pi.  V.  Angarilas. 

ARGUIR,  sm.  To  argue,  to  dispute. — va.  To 
give  signs,  to  make  a  show  of.  something, 
Argttirle  a  uno  su  conciencia,  To  be  pricked 
by  one's  conscience. 

ARGULL£ A  Y  ARGULLO,  s.  (Ant.)  V.  Orgullo. 

A'RGUMA.  V.  Argoma. 

ARGUMENTACION,  sf.  Argumentation. 

ARGUMENTADOR,  RA,  s.  Arguer,  a  rcasoner. 

ARGUMENT^R.  V.  Argnir. 

ARGUMENTILLO,  sm.  A  slight  argument. 

ARGUMENTO,  sm.  1.  Objection  started  against 
the  opinion  of  another.  2.  In  the  universities, 
the  person  who  argues  or  disputes  is  some- 
times called  so.  3.  Summary  of  the  points 
treated  on  in  a  work.  4.  Indication,  sign,  to- 

ARGUMENTOSO,  SA,  a.  Ingenious,  laborious. 

ARGUYENTE,  pa.  Arguer  ;  arguing. 

A'RIA,  sf.  1.  Tune  or  air.  2.  Verses  to  be  set  to 
music,  the  last  of  which  in  each  stanza  ge- 
nerally rhymes. 

ARIB^R,  va.  To  reel  yarn  into  skeins. 

ARIEO,  sm.  Reel  for  making  skeins. 

ARICJCR,  va.  To  plough  across  the  ground  sown 
with  corn  ;  to  clear  it  of  weeds. 

ARIDEZ,  sf.  Drought,  want  of  rain. 

A'RIDO,  DA,  a.  1.  Dry,  wanting  moisture.  2. 
(Met.)  Dry,  barren ;  applied  to  style  or  con- 

ARIENZO,  sm.  1.  A  little  ram.  2.  (Ant.)  An  old 
coin  of  Castile.  3.  V.  Adarme. 

A'RIES,  sm.  Aries,  or  ram,  one  of  the  twelve 
signs  of  the  zodiac. 
.RilcTA,  sf.  Arietta,  a  short  air,  song  or  tune. 

ARIETE,  sm.  Battering-ram,  an  ancient  warlike 
machine  for  battering  walls. 

ARIETI NO,  NA,  a.  Resembling  the  head  of  a  ram. 

ARIJA,  sf.  Mill-dust,  that  part  of  the  flour 
which  flies  about  the  mill.  [soil. 

,  JA,  a.  Light,  easily  tilled  ;   applied  to 

ARILLO,  sm.  A  small  hoop.   Arillos,  Ear-rings. 

ARIMEZ,  sf.  Part  of  a  building  which  juts  or 

stands  out. 
ARINDAJO,  sm.  (Orn.)  Jay. 

Corpus  glandarius 

ARISARO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Wake-robin.  Arum  arisa- 
rum  L. 

ARISCO,  CA,  a.  1.  Fierce,  rude,untractable,  stub- 
born ;  applied  to  brutes.  2.  (Met.)  Harsh, 
unpolished,  churlish. 

ARISMETICA,  sf.  Arithmetic.     V.  Aritmctica. 

ARISPRIETO,  sm.  Species  of  wheat,  with  a  black- 
ish beard,  which  yields  more  flour  than  the 
white.  It  is  also  called  arisnegro  and  rubion. 




.  sm.  1.  Awn,  beard  of  corn,  sharp  pr 
kles  growing  upon  the  ears  of  corn.  2.  Edge 
of  a  rough  piece  of  timber  in  naval  architec 
ture.  Arista s,  Salient  angles  formed  by  th< 
meeting  of  two  cylindrical  vaults  of  equal 
height,  which  cross  each  other. 

Am  ST!RCO,SW.  1 .  A  severe  censurer  of  another 's 
writings.  2.  The  third  spot  of  the  moon. 

ARISTINO.  V.  Arestin. 

ARISTOCKAXIA,  sf.  Aristocracy,  a  form  of  go- 
vernment which  places  the  supreme  power 
in  the  nobles. 

ARISTOCR.-CTICO,  CA,  a.  Aristocratical. 

AmsTOLd^uu,  sf.  (Bot.)  Birthwort.  Aristolo- 
chia  L. 

AIUSTOSO,  SA,  a.  Having  many  prickles  on  the 
ear  ;  spoken  of  corn.  [of  Aristotle. 

ARISTOTELICO,  CA,  a.  Belonging  to  the  doctrine 
RITMETICA,  sf.  Arithmetic. 
RITMETICO,  sm.  Arithmetician. 

ARITMETICO,  CA,  a.  Arithmetical. 

ARLEQUIN,  sm.  Harlequin,  a  buffoon  who  plays 
tricks  to  amuse  the  populace,  a  jack  pudding. 

AKLET.  sm.  A  sort  of  cumin,  which  forms  a 
considerable  branch  of  trade  in  the  East  In- 

RLIEN.K.NSE,  sm.  A  sort  of  linen. 
RLo,swi.  (Bot.)  Berberry  or  pipperidge  bush. 
Berberis  vulgaris  L. 

ARLOTA  6  ALROTA,  sf.  Tow  of  flax  or  hemp, 
which  falls  from  it  while  it  is  dressing. 

A'RMA,  sf.  Arms,  all  sorts  of  weapons  for  attack 
and  defence.  Arma,  arma,  6  a  lasarmas,To 
arms.  Arma  arrojadiza,  A  missile  weapon. 
Arma,  de  fuego,  Fire-arms.  Arma  blanca, 
Side-arms  for  cutting  or  thrusting. — pi.  1. 
Troops,  armies.  2.  Ensigns  armorial,  coat  of 
arms.  Armas  y  dineros  bucnos  manos  quie- 
rcn,  (Prov.)  Arms  and  money  ought  to  be 
put  into  wise  hands.  Hombre  de  armas,  A 
military  man.  Maestro  de  armas,  A  fencing- 
master.  Pasar  por  las  armas,  To  be  shot  as 
a  criminal.  Rendir  las  armas,  To  lay  down 
the  arms.  3.  (Met.)  Means,  power,  reason. 

A'RMA,  sf.  Alarm  or  arms.  Arma  falsa,  False 
alarm ;  this  expression  is  used  instead  of 
falsa  atarma.  Tener  el  pueblo  en  arma,  To 
keep  the  people  in  alarm. 

ARM  AC  ION,  sf.  Concert  of  flutes. 

ARMADA,  sf.  Fleet,  squadron.  Armada  de  bar- 
lovcnto,  (Naut.)  The  fleet  stationed  to  the 

ARMADERA.  sf.  (Naut.)  The  principal  timbers 
of  a  ship. 

ARMADIA,  sf.  Raft,  a  frame  or  float  made  by 
laying  pieces  of  timber  across  each  other. 

ARMADIJO,  sm.  Trap  or  snare  for  catching  game. 

ARM  AD!LLA,  sf.  A  small  squadron  of  men  of  war. 

ARMADILLO,  sm.  Armadillo,  a  small  four-footed 
animal,  covered  with  hard  scales  like  armour. 
Dasypus  L. 

ARMANDO,  DA,  pp.  1.  Armed.  2.  Gold  or  silver 
placed  on  other  metal. 

ARMANDO,  sm.  A  man  armed  with  a  coat  of  mail. 

ARSIADOR,  5m.  1.  Owner,  one  who  fits  out  pri- 
vateers. 2.  Privateer,  cruizer.  3.  One  who 
recruits  sailors  for  the  whale  and  cod-fishery. 
4.  Jacket. 

ARMADURA,  sf.  1,  Armour.    2.  The  compages 

of  the  integral  parts  of  a  thing.  3.  Skeleton. 
4.  Frame  of  a  roof.  Armadura  del  tcjado, 
The  shell  of  a  building.  Annadura  de  una, 
mesa,  The  frame  of  a  table. 

ARMAJJLL,  sm.  (Mur.)  Fen,  moor,  bog. 

ARMAJARA,  sf.  (Mur.)  A  plot  of  ground  well 
dug  and  dunged  for  rearing  garden  plants. 

ARMAMENTO,  sm.  Armament,  warlike  prepara- 
tion. Armamcnto  naval,  A  naval  armament. 

ARMANDijo,sm.  V.  Armadijo. 

ARMA^R,  va.  1.  To  arm  with  offensive  or  defen- 
sive weapons.  2.  To  square  with  one's  opi- 
nion. 3.  To  set  a  snare  for  catching  animals. 
4.  To  place  one  thing  above  another.  5.  To  set 
up  a  person'in  business.  Armar  la  cuenta,To 
make  up  an  account.  Armarla,  To  cheat  at 
cards.  Armarla  con  queso,  To  decoy.  Armar 
na  vio,  6  baxcl,  To  fit  out  a  ship.  Armar  pleyto 
6  ruido,  To  stir  up  disturbances  ;  to  luck  up 
a  dust.  Armar  una  casa,  To  frame  the  tim- 
ber-work of  the  roof  of  a  house. — vr.  To  pre- 
pare one's  self  for  war.  Armar se  depaciencia, 
To  prepare  one's  self  to  suffer. 

ARM.X.RIO,  sm.  1.  A  press,  a  kind  of  wooden  case 
or  frame  for  clothes  and  other  things.  2.  A 
niche,  made  of  brick,  in  which  bees  lodge 
themselves  for  want  of  hives. 

ARMATOSTE,  sm.  1.  An  unwieldy  machine  or 
piece  of  furniture,  which  is  more  cumbersome 
than  convenient.  2.  A  trap,  a  snare,  V.  Ar- 
madijo. [cant  thing. 

ARMATR£NCHE,  sm.  (Joe.)  Trifle,  an  insignifi- 

ARMAZON, sm.  1.  Armour  ;  breast  armour.  V. 
Armadura.  2.  Carcass  of  a  ship.  3.  Fishing- 
tackle.  4.  A  wooden  frame  for  supporting 
bells  either  in  the  foundry  or  belfry.  JVb  tener 
mas  que  la  armazon,  To  be  only  skin  and  bone. 

ARMEI,*  NA,  sf.  Ermine  skin. 

ARMELL  A.:sf.  Staple  or  ring  made  of  iron  or  other 
metal.  Armellas,  (Naut.)  Pieces  of  iron  dou- 
bled in  the  shape  of  a  n  with  two  large  points, 
that  they  may  be  nailed  to  any  part  of  a  ship. 

ARMELLUELA,  sf.  A  small  staple  or  ring. 

ARMERIA,  sf.  1.  Building,  where  various  sorts 
of  arms  are  kept  either  for  curiosity,  osten- 
tation, or  use.  2.  Trade  of  an  armourer  or 
gun-smith.  3.  (Ant.)  Heraldry. 

ARMERO,  sm.  1.  Armourer  or  gun-smith.  2. 
Keeper  of  arms  or  armours. 

ARMIGEKO,  KA,  a.  (Poet.)  Warlike. 

ARMILX.R,  a.  Esfera  armildr,  Armillary  sphere. 

ARMILLA,  sf.  Principal  part  of  the  base  of  a  co- 

ARMINO,  sm.  Ermine,  a  small  animal,  having  a 
white  pile,  and  the  tip  of  the  tail  black,  and 
furnishing  a  valuable  fur.  Mustela  Erminea 
L.  Arminos,  (Bias.)  Figures  of  a  white  field 
interspersed  with  black  spots. 

ARMIPOTENTE,  a.  Mighty  in  war.  [lities. 

ARMISTICIO,  sm.  Armistice,  suspension  of  hosti- 

ARMOISIN,  sm.  A  thin  silk  or  taffety  manufac- 
tured in  Italy  and  in  the  East  Indies. 

ARMON! A,  sf.  1.  Harmony,  just  proportion  of 
sound.  2.  Concord  or  correspondence  of  one 
thing  with  another.  Hacer  6  caitsar  armo- 
nia,  To  excite  admiration,  to  produce  novel- 
ty. 3.  Friendship.  Correr  con  armonia  To 
live  in  peace. 

ARMONIACO.SW.  Gum  ammoniac. 


AKMONICO,  CA,  a.  Harmonic,  harmonical,  adapt- 
ed to  each  other,  musical. 

ARMCNIOSAMENTE,  ad.  Harmoniously. 

ARMONIOSO,  SA,  a.  1.  Harmonious,  sonorous, 
pleasing  to  the  ear.  2.  (Met.)  Adapted  to 
each  other,  having  the  parts  proportioned  to 
each  other. 

ARMUELLE,  sm.  (Bot.)  Orach.    Atriplex  L. 

A'RNA,  s/.  Bee-hive.  [vensis  L. 

ARNACHO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Rest-harrow.  Ononis  ar- 

ARNES,STO.  1.  Coat  of  mail  or  steel  net-work  for 
defence  ;  armour.  2.  Store-room  for  the  ac- 
coutrements of  cavalry.  Arntses,  Necessary 
tools,  utensils,  furniture  used  in  a  house, 
trade,  or  kitchen.  Ameses  de  calallo,  Trap- 
pings and  furniture  of  a  horse. 

ARIULLA,  sf.  A  small  bee-hive. 

A'RO,  sm.  1.  Hoop  of  wood,  iron  or  other  me- 
tals ;  iron  staple.  2.  (Bot.)  V.  Yaro. 

AROCA,  sf.  A  sort  of  linen  somewhat  more  than 
three  quarters  wide, 

AROMA,  5.  1.  Flower  of  the  Aromatic  myrrh- 
tree.  2.  Peculiar  odour.  3.  A  general  name 
given  to  all  gums,  balsams,  woods,  and  herbs 
of  strong  fragrance. 

AROMATICIDAD,  sf.  An  aromatic  or  fragrant 
quality,  perfume. 

AROMATICO,  CA,  a.  Aromatic,  fragrant. 

AROMATIZACION,  sf.  Act  of  making  aromatic. 

AROMATIZAR,  va.  To  aromatize,  to  perfume. 

AROMO,  sm.  (Bot.)  The  aromatic  myrrh-tree. 

AROZA,  sm.  Foreman  in  iron-works  or  forges. 

A'RPA,  sf.  A  harp. 

ARPADO,  a.  Serrated,  toothed. 

ARPADOR,  sm.  Harp-player,  harper. 

ARPADX^RA,  sf.  V.  Arano. 

ARPAR,  va.  1.  To  tear  clothes  to  pieces,  to  rend 
and  reduce  to  tatters.  2.  To  claw,  to  tear 
with  nails,  claws  or  talons. 

ARPELLA,  sf.  (Orn.)  Harpy.    Falco  rufus  L. 

ARPEO,  sm.  (Nadt.)  Grappling  iron. 

ARPIA,  sf.  1.  (Poet.)  Bird  of  prey  represented 
by  poets  as  having  the  face  of  a  woman,  and 
long  claws  ;  a  harpy.  2.  A  ravenous  woman ; 
an  ugly,  scolding  shrew. 

ARPILLERA,  sf.  Sack-cloth,  coarse  linen  made 
of  tow. 

ARP£  STA,  sm.  Player  on  the  harp  by  profession 

ARPOXADO,  DA,  a.  Harpooned,  like  a  harpoon. 

ARPOX,S?».  Harpoon,  a  harping-iron. 

ARPONERO,  sm.  Harpooner,  he  who  throws  the 

ARQUEADA,  sf.  Stroke  with  the  fiddle-bow, 
whereby  sounds  are  produced  from  the 
strings  of  a  musical  instrument. 

ARQ.UEADO,  a.  Arched. 

ARQUEADOR,  sm.  1.  Ship-ganger,  an  officer 
whose  business  it  is  to  measure  the  dimen- 
sions of  ships.  2.  One  who  forms  arches.  3 

ARQ.UEAGE,  sm.  The  gauging  of  a  ship. 

ARQUEAMIESTO,  sm.  V.  Arqueo. 

ARQ.UEAR,  va.  1.  To  arch,  to  form  in,  the  shape 
of  an  arch.  2.  (Among  Clothiers)  To  beat  the 
dust  out  of  the  wool  so  as  to  make  it  fit  for 
use.  3.  (JNaut.)  To  gauge  or  measure  the  di 
mensions  of  ships.  Arqucar  las  cejas,  To  arch 
the  eye-brows  as  a  sign  of  admiration  ;  to  ad- 
mire.— pr.  To  grow  hog-backed. 
r'<  i 


ARQOEO,  sm.  1.  The  act  of  bending  any  thing 
into  the  form  of  an  arch.  2.  (Naut.)  The  ton- 
nage, dimensions,  or  burthen  of  a  ship. 

ARQUERIA,  sm.  Series  of  arches. 

A.RQUERO,  sm.  1.  One  whose  trade  is  to  make 
arches,  hoops,  or  bows  for  arrows.  2.  Trea- 
surer, cashier.  3.  Bowman,  archer. 

ARQ.UETA,  sf.  A  little  chest,  a  small  trunk. 

ARQUETIPO,  sm.  Archetype. 

ARQUETON,  sm.  A  large  trunk.          [dling  size. 

ARQUETONCILLO,  sm,  A  trunk  or  chest  of  a  rnid- 

ARQUIBANCO,  sm.  A  bench  or  seat  with  drawers. 

ARQUIEPISCOPAL,  a.  Archiepiscopal.    V.  Arzo- 
RQUILLA,  sf.  A  little  chest. 

ARQ.UILLO,  sm.  A  small  arch. 

ARQ.UIMESA,  sf.  Scrutoire,  a  case  of  drawers 
for  writing,  with  a  desk.  [gogue. 

ARQUISINAGOGO,   sm.  Principal   in  the   svna- 

ARQUITA,  sf.  A  small  chest.  [of  building. 

ARQuiTECTo,sm.Architect,  a  professor  of  the  art 

ARQJJITECTONICO,  CA,  a.  Architectonic. 

ARQUiTECTURA,5/".Architecture,  art  of  building. 

ARQUITR^.BF.,S//I.  Architrave,  that  part  of  aco- 
lumn  which  lies  immediately  upon  the  capital, 
and  is  the  lowest  member  of  the  entablature. 

ARRABA.L,  sm.  1.  Suburb.  2.  (Joe.)  The  poste- 
riors. Arrab&leS)  Suburbs  or  extremities  of 
a  large  town. 

ARRABALERA,  sf.  V.  Rabera, 

ARRA^BIO,  sm.  Cast  iron.  V.  Hierro. 

ARRAC^DA,  sf.  Ear-ring.  Arracddas.  (Met.) 
Young  children  hanging  about  a  widow. 

ARRACADILLA,  sf.  A  small  ear-ring. 

ARRAC£FE,  sm.  1.  Causeway,  paved  road.  2. 
(Naut.)  Reef,  ridge  of  hidden  rocks  lying 
close  under  the  surface  of  the  water. 

ARRACIMX.RSE,  vr.  To  be  clustered  together 
like  a  bunch  of  grapes. 

ARRAEZ,  sm.  Captain  or  master  of  a  Moorish 

ARRAL^R,  vn.  V.  Ralear. 

ARRAMBLAR,  va.  1.  To  cover  with  sand  and 
gravel;  applied  to  torrents  and  rivulets 
which  overflow  the  adjacent  country.  2.  To 
sweep  away,  to  drag  along. 

ARRANCADA,S/.  Sudden  departure,  violent  sally. 

ARRANCADERA,  sf.  Large  bell  worn  by  those 
animals  which  guide  the  rest  of  the  flocks. 

ARRANCAPERO,  sm.  1.  The  thickest  part  of  the 
barrel  of  a  gun.  2.  Starting-point,  course  or 

ARRANCADO,  DA,  a.  Boga  .arrancada,  (Na6t.) 
Strong  uniform  rowing.  De  loga  arrancada, 
With  long  strokes  of  oars. 

ARRANCADOR,  RA,  5.  Extirpator,  one  who  roots 
out,  a  destroyer. 

The  act  of  pulling  up  by  the  roots. 

ARRANCAR,   va.   1.  To  pull  up  by  the  roots. 

2.  To  pull  out  a  nail,  to  draw  out  a  tooth. 

3.  To  carry  off  with  violence.    4.  To  force 
up  phlegm,  bile,  &c.     5.  To  start  and  pur- 
sue one's  course.     6.  To  run  away  from  a 
place.     Arrancar  la   espada,  To   unsheath 
the  sword.     Arrancar sele  d  uno  el  alma,  To 
die  broken-hearted.     Arranca  pinos,  Nick- 
name for  little  persons. 

ARRANCASIEGA.  sf,  1.  Poor  corn,  half  mowed  and 



half  pulled  up  by  the  roots.    2.  A  quarrel  or 
dispute  attended  with  injurious  language. 

ARRANCHARSE,  rr.  To  mess  together  ;  applied 
to  soldiers  and  crews  of  ships. 

ARRANCIARSE,  vr.  To  grow  rancid. 

ARRANQUE,  sm.  1.  Extirpation,  the  act  of  pull- 
ing up  by  the  roots.  2.  Sudden  and  violent  fit 
of  passion.  Un  hoinlirc  de  mucho  arranque,  A 
man  of  hasty  temper.  3.  Sudden  and  unex- 
pected event.  4.  Arch-stone  of  a  vault  support- 
ed by  imposts  and  pillars.  Carbon  dc  arran- 
que, Charcoal  made  of  the  roots  of  trees.  Ar- 
ranque  del  caballo,  The  start  of  a  horse. 

ARRAPAR,  va.  To  snatch  away,  to  carry  off. 

ARRA.IMEZO  Y  ARRAPO,  sm.  1.  Tatter  or  rag 
hanging  down  from  old  and  torn  clothes.  2. 
(Met.)  A  mean,  worthless,  despicable  person. 

A'RRAS,  sf.  pi.  1.  Thirteen  pieces  of  money, 
which  the  bridegroom  gives  to  the  bride,  as  a 
pledge,  in  the  act  of  marriage.  2.  Dowry,  a 
sum  of  money  assigned  by  a  husband  to  his 
wife,  for  her  maintenance  after  his  death, 
which,  according  to  the  Spanish  laws,  can- 
not exceed  the  tenth  part  of  his  fortune.  3. 
Arras  de  la  boddga,  (Naut.)  Wings  of  the 
hold.  4.  (Orn.)  Macaco.  Psittacus  ara  Buff. 

ARRASAR,  va.  1.  To  level,  to  make  even,  to 
smooth  the  surface  of  a  thing.  2.  To  demo- 
lish, to  destroy.  Arrasar  un  vaso  de  algun 
licor,  To  fill  a  glass  with  liquor  up  to  the 
brim.  Arrasar  un  baxel,  (Naut.)  To  cut 
down  a  vessel,  to  cut  away  part  of  her  dead 
works. — zm.  To  clear  up,  to  grow  fine  ;  ap- 
plied to  the  weather. 

ARRASTRADAMENTE,  ad.  1.  Imperfectly,  in  an 
imperfect  manner.  2.  Painfully,  wretchedly. 

ARRASTRADERAS,  sf.  pi.  (Naut.)  Lower  stud- 

kRRASTRADERo,sm.(Naut.)  A  place  on  the  sea- 
coast,  gently  sloping  towards  the  sea,  where 
ships  are  careened  ;  a  careening  place. 

ARRASTRADO,  DA,  a.  Dragged  along,  Andar 
arrastrado,  To  live  in  the  utmost  misery  and 
distress.  [along  the  ground. 

ARRASTRAMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  of  dragging 

ARRASTRANTE,  sm.  Claimant  of  a  degree  in  col- 
leges. V.  Bay6tas. 

ARRASTRAR,  va.  1.  To  drag  along  the  ground.  2. 
To  bring  one  over  to  our  opinion.  3.  Arras- 
trar  la  causa,  cl  pleyto,  los  autos,  &c.  To 
move  a  lawsuit  into  another  court.  4.  Arras- 
trar  layctas,  To  wear  a  long  student's  gown 
in  the  university.  5.  To  lead  a  trump  at  cards. 
Haccr  alguna  cosa  arrastrando,  To  do  a 
thing  against  one's  will,  to  do  it  ill. 

ARRASTRE,  sm,.  1.  The  act  of  leading  a  trump 
at  cards.  2.  The  act  of  dragging  a  long  o-own 
in  some  universities.  3.  Ceremonious°visit. 

ARRATE,  sm.  A  pound  of  sixteen  ounces. 

rexaquc.  [£. 

ARRAYAN,  sm.  (Bot.)  Myrtle.     Myrtus  bostica 

ARRAYANAL,  sm.  Plantation  of  myrtles. 

ARRAYG^DAS,5/.p/.  (Naut.)  Foot-hook  shrouds. 

ARRAYGAR,  vn.  1.  To  root,  to  fix  the  root.  2. 
To  give  security  in  land. — rr.  1.  To  establish 
one's  self  in  a  place,  to  fix  one's  residence  or 
abode.  2.  To  be  of  long  continuance  ;  as  a 
custom,  habit. 

ARRAYCO,  5m.  Landed  property.  Es  kombre 
de  arraygo,  He  is  a  man  of  considerable 
landed  property. 

A'RRE,  A  word  used  by  drivers  of  horses,  mules, 
&c.  to  make  them  go  on.  Arre  borrico,  Go 
on,  ass. 

ARREAR,  va.  To  drive  horses,  mules,  &c.,  to 
make  them  go  on. — rr.  To  be  a  muleteer. 

ARREBANADOR,  HA,  s.  Gleaner,  gatherer. 

ARREBANADURA,  .sf.  The  act  of  gleaning,  ga- 
thering, picking  up,  or  scraping  togetner. 

ARREBANAR,  m.  To  glean,  to  gather,  to  scrape 
together,  to  pick  up. 

ARREBATADAMKXTE,  ad.  Precipitately,  head- 
long, in  an  inconsiderate  manner. 

ARREBATADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Rapid,  violent,  impetu- 
ous. 2.  Precipitate,  rash,  inconsiderate.  Mu- 
crte  a.rrebatada,  A  sudden  death.  Hombrc 
arrcbatado,  A  rash,  inconsiderate  man. 

ARREBATADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  snatches  away, 
or  takes  any  thing  by  violence. 

ARREBATAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  The  act  of  carrying 
away  by  violence  or  precipitation.  2.  Fury, 
rage,  extreme  passion.  3.  Rapture,  ecstasy. 

ARREBATAR,  va.  1.  To  carry  off,  to  take  away 
by  violence  and  force.  2.  To  snatch  and  seize 
things  with  hurry  and  precipitation.  3.  To  at- 
tract the  attention,  notice,  &c. — vr.  To  be  led 
away  by  passion.  2.  To  be  made  or  brought 
to  perfection  by  means  of  fire.  3.  To  assem- 
ble at  the  sound  of  the  alarm-bell.  Arrcha- 
tarse  el  pan,  is  said  of  bread  which  is  scorch- 
ed from  the  excessive  heat  of  the  oven.  Ar- 
rebatarse  las  mieses,  is  said  of  crops  which 
are  got  in  more  early  than  usual  on  account 
of  uncommon  hot  weather.  Arrebatarsc  el 
caballo,  is  said  of  a  horse  which  is  overheated. 

ARREBArf  if  A,  sf.  The  act  of  carrying  offa  thing 
precipitately  out  of  a  crowd. 

ARREBATO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Surprise,  a  sudden  and 
unexpected  attack  made  upon  an  enemy. 

ARREBOL,STO.  1.  The  red  appearance  of  the  sky 
or  clouds.  2.  Rouge,  red  paint  for  ladies. 

ARREBOLAR,  ra.  To  paint  red. — vr.  To  lay  on 

ARREBOLERA,  sf.  1.  A  woman  who  sells  rouge. 
2.  Alkanet,  a  plant  of  which  vegetable  rouge 
is  made.  3.  (Ant.)  A  small  pot  or  saucer  with 
red  paint. 

ARREBOLLARSE,  vr.  To  precipitate  one's  self, 
to  fall  headlong. 

ARREBOZADA,  sf.  Swarm  of  bees. 

ARREBOZAR,  va.  To  overlay  meat  with  a  jelly. 
— vr.  1.  To  muffle  or  wrap  one's  self  up.  2. 
To  be  clustered  around  the  bee-hive  ;  spoken 
of  bees. 

ARREBOZO,  sm.  V.  Rebozo. 

ARREBUJADAMENTE,  ad.  Confusedly,  with  dis- 
order or  confusion. 

ARREBUJAR,  va.  To  gather  up  any  pliable  thing, 
as  cloth,  &c.  without  order  :  to  throw  toge- 
ther with  confusion. — vr.  To  cover  and  roll 
one's  self  in  ths  bed-clothes.  [L. 

ARRECAFE,  sm.  Cardoon.  Cynara  cardunculus 

ARRECIAR,  vn.  To  increase,  to  augment. — vr. 
To  grow  stronger,  to  recover  one's  strength. 

ARRECIFE,  sm.  1.  Causeway,  a  road  paved  with 
stone.  2.  Reef,  a  ridge  of  hidden  rocks  lying 
close  under  the  surface  of  the  water. 



,  sm.  A  sudden  flood. 

ARRECIRSE,  vr.  To  have  one's  limbs  benumbed 
with  excessive  cold,  to  grow  stiff  with  cold. 

ARRECOGER.  V.  Recoger. 

ARREDONDEAR,  va.  To  round.  V.  Redondcar. 

ARREDOR,  ad.  (Ant.)  V.  Al  redcdor. 

ARREDRAMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  of  removing  to  a 
greater  distance. 

ARREDRAR,  va.  I.  To  remove  to  a  greater  dis- 
tance. 2.  To  terrify,  to  cause  dread. 

ARREDRO,  ad.  Backwards.  It  is  generally  used 
to  drive  away  Satan. 

ARREGAZADO,  DA,  a.  Having  the  point  turned 
up.  JVaHz  arregazada  o  arremangada,  A 
cocked  nose. 

AUREGAZAR,  va.  To  truss,  to  tuck  up  the  skirts 
of  clothes. 

ARREGLADAMENTE,  ad.  Regularly  ;  according 
to  rule. 

ARREGLADO,  a.  Regular,  moderate. 

ARREGLAMIENTO,  sm.  Regulation,  instruction 
in  writing. 

ARREGLAR,  va.  1.  To  regulate,  to  reduce  to  or- 
der. 2.  To  adjust  the  administration  of  pro- 
vinces, and  enact  laws  for  them. — vr.  To  con- 
form to  law,  rule,  or  custom. 

ARREGLO,  sm.  Rule,  order.  Con  arr6glo,  Con- 
formably, according^  to. 

ARREGOST^CRSE,  vr.  To  relish  or  have  a  taste 
for  a  thing,  to  be  attached  to  it. 

ARREJACXR,  va.  To  plough  across  a  piece  of 
ground  sown  with  corn  to  clear  it  of  weeds. 

ARREJADA,  sf.  (Agr.)  Paddle  of  a  plough. 

ARRELDE  v  ARREL,  sm.  1.  Weight  of  four 
pounds.  2.  Bird  of  a  very  small  size. 

ARRELLANARSE,  vr.  1.  To  sit  at  ease,  to  incline 
one's  seat  for  greater  ease.  2.  (Met.)  To 
make  one's  self  comfortable. 

ARREMANGADO,  DA,  a.  Lifted  upward.  Ojos 
arremangados,  Uplifted  eyes. 

ARREMANGAR,  va.  To  tuck  up  the  sleeves  or 
petticoats. — vr.  To  be  fully  resolved  actually 
to  perform  something. 

ARREMANGO,  sm.  The  act  of  tucking  up  the 

ARREMEDADOR,  RA,  s.  Mimic,  a  ludicrous  imi- 
tator of  another's  actions  or  manners. 

ARREMEMBRAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  remember. 

ARREMETEDOR,  sm.  Assailant,  aggressor. 

ARRKMETER,  va.  1.  To  assail,  to  attack  with 
impetuosity  and  fury.  2.  To  seize  briskly, 
such  as  a  sword,  lance,  &c.  3.  To  shock  or 
offend  the  sight. 

ARREMETfDA,s/.  1.  Attack, assault,  invasion.  2. 
Start  of  horses  from  a  barrier,  or  other  place. 

ARREMOLINADO,  DA,  a.  Whirled,  turned  round. 

ARREMPUJAR,  va.  1.  To  move  or  detain  a  thing 
with  violence  or  force.  2.  To  drive  away,  to 
shove  off  from  a  place. 

ARREMUECO,  sm.  1.  Caress,  a  demonstration  of 
love  or  friendship.  2.  Movement  of  the  lips 
expressive  of  contempt  or  scorn. 

ARRENDABLE,  a.  Rentable,  that  which  can  be 
rented.  [at  a  certain  rent. 

ARRENDACION,  sf.  The  act  of  renting,  or  taking 

ARRENDADERO,  sm.  An  iron  ring  fastened  to 
the  manger,  to  which  horses  are  tied. 

ARRENDADO,  DA,  a.  Obedient  to  the  reins  ;  ap- 
plied to  horses  and  mules. 

ARRENDADOR,  sm.  1.  Renter,  tenant  or  lessee, 
who  holds  lands,  houses,  &c.  2.  V.  Arrenda- 
dero.  [nant. 

ARRENDADORcfLLo,  STO.  A  petty  renter  or  te- 

ARREND  A  jo,  sm.  1.  (Orn.)  The  mocking-bird,  an 
American  bird  which  imitates  all  the  notes  and 
sounds  it  hears.  2.  Mimic,  buffoon,  a  person 
who  imitates  the  words  and  actions  of  others. 

AKRENDAMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  of  renting  or 
letting  to  a  tenant.  [rent. 

ARRENDANTE,  sm.  Tenant,  occupant  who  pays 

ARRENDAR,  va.  1.  To  rent,  to  hold  by  paying 
rent,  to  let  to  a  tenant  for  rent.  2.  To  bridle  a 
horse.  3.  To  tie  a  horse  by  the  reins  of  a  bridle, 
or  the  strings  of  a  headstall.  4.  To  mimic,  to 
imitate  as  a  buffoon,  to  ridicule  by  a  burlesque 
imitation.  5.  To  thin  plants  which  stand  too 
thick.  Arrendar  a  diente,  To  rent  or  let  on 
condition  of  allowing  commonage. 

ARRENDATARIO,  RIA,  s.  1.  One  who  lets  for  rent, 
a  lessor.  2.  Lessee. 

ARREO,  sm.  Dress,  ornament,  decoration.  Ar- 
r6os,  Appendages,  dependencies. 

ARREO,ad.  (Vulg.)  Successively,  uninterrupted- 
ly. Llcvar  arreo,  To  carry  on  one's  shoulders. 

ARREPAPALO,  sm.  A  sort  of  fritters  or  buns. 

ARREP^SATE  ACA  COMPADRE,  A  boyish  play  of 
running  and  touching  each  other  before 
reaching  a  certain  station.  Arrepasate  is  a 
compound  word  from  Arre  and  pasar. 

ARREPENTIDAS,  sf.  pi.  Penitents,  women  who, 
sensible  of  their  faults  and  errors,  shut  them- 
selves up  in  convents  to  do  penance. 

ARREPENTIMIENTO.  sm.  Repentance,  penitence. 

ARREPENTIRSE,  vr.  To  repent,  to  express  sor-. 
row  for  having  said  or  done  something. 

ARREPISTAR,  va.  (In  paper-mills)  To  grind  or 
pound  rags  into  a  fine  pulp. 

ARREP!STO,  sm.  The  act  of  grinding  or  pound- 
ing rags,  in  paper-mills,  into  a  fine  pulp. 

ARREPTICIO,  CIA,  a.  Possessed  or  influenced  by 
the  devil. 

ARREO.UESONARSE,  vr.  To  agitate  or  churn 
milk  in  order  to  separate  the  butter  from  it. 

ARREqufrE,  sm.  Singeing  iron  for  burning  or 
taking  off  the  down  which  remains  on  cotton 
goods.  [stances  ofa  case.  3.  Requisites. 

ARREO.UIVES,  1.  Ornaments.  2.  Circum- 

ARRESTADQ,  DA,  pp.  y  a.  1.  Confined,  impri- 
soned. 2.  Intrepid,  bold,  audacious. 

ARRESTAR,#ft.  To  arrest,  to  confine,  to  imprison. 
vr.  To  he  bold  and  enterprising,  to  engage 
with  spirit  in  an  enterprise  or  undertaking. 

ARRESTO,  sm.  1.  Spirit,  boldness,  in  undertak- 
ing an  enterprise.  2.  (Mil.)  Prison,  arrest. 

ARRKTIN,  sm.  V.  Filipichin. 

ARREXACO,  s-m.  V.  Vencejo. 

ARREXAQUE,  sm.  1.  Fork  with  three  prongs  bent 
at  the  point.  2.  (Orn.)  Swift,  martinet.  Hi- 
rundo  apus  L.  [wood,  and  brambles. 

ARREZAFE,  sm.  A  place  full  of  thistles,  brush- 

ARRIADA,  sf.  Swell  of  waters,  flood,  overflow- 
ing. [Arius. 

ARRIANO,  NA.  a.  Adherent  to  the   tenets  of 

ARRIAR,  va.  (Naut.)  1.  To  lower,  to  strike.  . <3r- 
rinrlabandera,Tostrike  the  colours.  Arriar 
las  vergas  y  los  masteleros^o  strike  the  yards 
and  top-masts.  2.  Arriar  un  cabo,  To  pay 
out  the  cable,  tfrriar  en  bandn,  To  payout 


the  whole  cable.  Arriar  la  gavia,  To  let  go 
the  main  top-sail.  3.  To  destroy  by  floods, 
or  a  sudden  fall  of  rain. 

ARRIATA  Y  ARRIATE,  s.  1.  (Jard.)  A  border  in 
gardens,  where  herbs,  flowers,  &c.  are  plant- 
ed. Arrlates,  Treillage  or  trellis,  a  contexture 
of  pales,  wood,  or  osier,  around  beds  or  walks 
in  a  garden.  2.  A  causeway,  a  paved  road. 

ARRIAZ  Y  ARRI  AS,  sm.  (Ant.)  Guard  of  a  sword. 

ARRI R \. ad.l. Above, over,  up.  2. (Naut.)  Aloft. 
3.  (Naut.)  At  the  top  of  the  mast-head.  4. 
(Met.)  A  high  post  or  station  in  which  a  per- 
son is  placed  with  respect  to  others.  5.  In  the 
hands  of  the  king.  La  consuha  csld  arriba, 
The  business  is  laid  before  the  king.  Estd 
decretado  de  arriba,  It  is  decreed  by  high 
authority.  Arriba  diclw,  Above-mentioned. 
De  arriba  abdxo,  From  top  to  bottom.  jVo 
arriba  de  seis  raras,  Not  above  six  yards.  Ir 
agua  arriba,  (Naut.)  To  work  up  the  river. 
De  arriba,  From  heaven. 

ARRI  BAD  A,  sf.  l.(Naut.)  The  arrival  of  a  vessel 
in  a  port.  2.  (Naut.)  Arribada  de  un  baxel  d 
sotavento,  The  falling  off  of  a  vessel  to  lee- 
ward. Llega  el  baxel  de  arribada,  The  ship 
put  into  port  by  stress  of  weather. 

ARRIBAGE,  sm.  Arrival. 

ARRIBAR,  vn.  (Naut.)  1.  To  put  into  a  harbour 
in  distress.  2.  To  fall  off  to  leeward.  3.  Ar- 
ribar todo,  To  bear  away  before  the  wind.  Ar- 
ribar d  escota  larga,  To  bear  away  large. 
Arribar  sob  re  un  baxel,  To  bear  down  upon 
a  ship.  4.  (Met.)  To  recover,  to  grow  well 
from  a  disease  or  calamity.  5.  (Met.)  To  at- 
tain one's  end,  to  accomplish  one's  desire. 

ARRfBO,  sm.  Arrival. 

ARRICETE  Y  ARRIETE,  sm.  Shoal,  sand-bank. 

ARRicisES,sm.  pi.  The  saddle-straps,  to  which 
the  stirrup-leathers  and  girths  are  fastened. 

ARRIEDRO.  V.  Arredro  y  Atrds. 

ARRIENDO.  V.  Arrendamiento. 

ARRIERIA,  sf.  The  trade  of  a  driver  of  mules, 
or  other  beasts  of  burthen. 

ARRiEidco,  ILI.O,  Y  ITO,  sm.  One  who  carries 
on  the  trade  of  mule-driving  in  a  petty  way 

ARRIERO,  sm.  Muleteer,  he  who  drives  mules 
or  other  beasts  of  burthen,  carrying  good 
from  one  place  to  another. 

ARRIESGADAMENTE,  ad.  Dangerously,  in  a  ha- 
zardous manner. 

ARRIESGADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Perilous,  attended  with 
hazard.  2.  Dangerous  to  be  dealt  with. 
Hombrc  arricsgado,  A  dangerous  man, 

ARRIESGAR,  va.  To  risk,  to  hazard,  to  expose 
to  danger. — vr.  To  be  exposed  to  danger. 

ARRIMADERO,  sm.  Scaffold,  stage  for  having  a 
view  of  something  ;  a  stick  or  support  to 
lean  upon.  [and  other  nice  furniture. 

AiiRiMAof  LLO,  sm.  Room  adorned  with  carpets, 

ARKIMADI/O,  a.  y  sm.  1 .  That  which  is  designed 
to  be  applied  to  any  thing.  2.  (Met.)  Parasite, 
sponger,  one  who  meanly  hangs  upon  another 
for  subsistence.  3.  (Met.)  Support,  prop. 

ARRIMADO,  DA,  pp.  V.  Arrimar.  Tene/r  arrima- 
do  6  arrimados,  To  be  possessed  by  evil  spirits 
ck  nut  at  the  bai  ' 

sm.  A  block  put  at  the  back  part 
of  a  fire  to  burn  gradually  with  the  help  of 
small  wood.  [ing. 

ARRI  M  ADtfRA,  sf.  Approach,  the  act  of  approach- 


ARRIMAR,  na.  1.  To  approach,  to  draw  near,  to 
join  one  thing  to  another.  2.  (Naut.)  To  stow 
the  cargo,  to  trim  the  hold.  3.  To  lay  a  thing 
aside,  to  give  up  the  use  of  a  thing.  4.  To  lay 
down  a  command.  5.  To  displace,  to  dismiss. 
6.  Arrimar  el  clavo,  To  prick  or  hurt  a  horse 
at  the  time  of  shoeing  him.  Arrimar  el  clavo 
d  uno.  (Met.)  To  impose,  to  deceive. — vr.  I. 
To  lean  upon  a  thing,  to  be  supported  by  it. 
2.  To  join  others  for  the  purpose  of  forming 
a  body  with  them.  3.  (Met.)  To  come  to  the 
knowledge  of  a  thing.  4.  Arrimarse  el  punto 
de  la  difficultad,  To  come  to  the  point.  5. 
Arrimarse  al  pareccr  de  otro,  To  espouse  an- 
other's opinion. 

ARRIME,  sm.  In  the  game  of  bowls,  the  mark 
for  the  balls  to  arrive  at. 

ARRiMO,sm.  1.  Approximation,  the  act  of  join- 
ing one  thing  to  another.  2.  Staff,  stick, 
crutch.  3.  (Met.)  Protection  or  support  of  a 
powerful  person.  4.  (Among  Builders)  An 
insulated  wall  which  has  no  weight  to  support. 
Hacer  el  arrimon,  (Joe.)  To  stagger  along  a 
wall,  supported  by  it,  in  a  state  of  intoxica- 
tion. Estar  de  arrimon  en  acecho  de  alguno, 
To  stand  watch  over  somebody. 

ARRINCONAR,  va.  1.  To  put  a  thing  in  a  corner. 
2.  (Met.)  To  remove  one  from  a  trust  or 
place  he  held,  to  withdraw  one's  favour  or 
protection. — vr.  To  retire  or  withdraw  from 
intercourse  with  the  world. 

ARRISCADAMENTE,  ad.  Boldly,  audaciously. 

ARRISCADO,  DA,  a.  \ .  Forward,  bold,  audacious, 
impudent.  2.  Brisk,  easy,  free.  Cabalfo  arris- 
rado,  A  high-mettled  horse.  3.  (Ant.)  Bro- 
ken or  craggy  ground. 

ARRISCADOR,  sm.  Gleaner  of  olives,  one  who 
picks  up  the  olives  which  drop  on  the  ground 
at  the  time  of  gathering  them  from  the  trees. 

ARRISCARSE,  r>r.  I.  To  hold  up  the  head  with 
an  affected  briskness.  2.  To  be  proud,  haugh- 
ty, arrogant. 

ARRITRANCA,  sf.  A  sort  of  wide  crupper  for 
mules,  and  other  beasts  of  burthen. 

ARRIZAR,  va.  (Naut.)  1.  To  reef,  to  take  in  reefs 
in  the  sails.  2.  To  stow  the  boat  on  deck.  Ar- 
rizar  el  andar,  To  stow  the  anchor.  Arri- 
zdr  la  artilleria,  To  house  the  guns.  3.  (On 
board  the  galleys)  To  tie  or  lash  one  down. 

ARROBA,  sf.  1.  A  Spanish  weight  of  twenty- 
five  pounds,  containing  each  sixteen  ounces. 
2.  A  Spanish  measure,  containing  thirty-two 
pints.  Echar  por  arrobas,  (Met.)  To  exag- 
gerate, to  make  hyperbolical  amplifications. 

ARROBADIZO,  ZA,  a.'Feigning  ecstasy  and  rap- 

ARROBADO,  (Por.)  ad.  By  wholesale. 

ARROBADOR,  sm.  One  who  treats  by  Arrobes. 

ARROBAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  Ecstatic  rapture  or  ele- 
vation of  the  mind  to  God.  2.  Amazement, 
astonishment,  high  admiration. 

ARROBAR,  va.  1.  (Ant.)  To  weigh  or  measure 
by  Arrobes.  2.  To  make  even,  to  plane. — vr. 
To  be  in  a  state  of  rapturous  amazement,  to 
be  out  of  one's  senses. 

ARROBERO,  RA,  s.  One  who  makes  and  provides 
bread  for  a  religious  community,  [compass. 

ARROB£TA,S/.  The  weight  of  an  Arrobeiuasmall 

ARROBO,  sm.  V.  Arrola.micnto. 



ARROCERO,  sm.  A  grower  of,  or  dealer  in  rice. 

ARROCINADO,  DA,  a.  Stupid  like  an  ass. 

ARROCINARSE,  vr.  To  become  dull  and  stupid. 

ARRODELADO,  DA,  a.  Bearing  a  target,  shield, 
or  buckler.  [buckler. 

ARRODELARSE,  vr.  To  be  armed  with  a  shield  or 

act  of  kneeling  or  bending  the  knee. 

ARRODILLAR,  vn.  To  bend  the  knee  down  to 
the  ground.— vr.  To  kneel,  to  touch  the 
ground  with  the  knee.  [vines. 


ARROGACION,  sf.  1.  Arrogation,  the  act  of  claim- 
ing in  a  proud  manner.  2.  Adoption  of  a  child 
which  has  no  father,  or  is  independent  of 
him.  [ner. 

ARROG  AT>6n,sm.  One  who  claims  in  a  proud  man- 

ARROGANCIA,  sf.  1.  Arrogance,  haughtiness, 
loftiness.  2.  Stately  carriage  of  a  high-met- 
tled horse.  [Haughty,  proud,  assuming. 

ARROGANTE,  a.  1.  High-minded,  spirited.     2. 

ARROGANTEMENTE,  ad.  Arrogantly,  in  an  arro- 
gant manner. 

ARROGAR,  va.  To  arrogate,  to  claim  in  a  proud 
manner. — vr.  To  appropriate  to  one's  self,  to 
claim  unjustly,  for  instance,  the  jurisdiction. 

ARROGIO,  sm.  V.  Arroyo. 

ARROJADAMENTE,  ad.  Audaciously,  boldly. 

ARRO j ADILLO,  sm.  Handkerchief,  or  other  piece 
of  silk  or  linen,  which  women  tie  around  the 
head  to  keep  it  warm. 

ARROJADIZO,  ZA,  a.  1.  That  which  can  be  easily 
cast,  thrown,  or  darted.  2.  Spirited,  bold, 
courageous.  [ward.  2.  Bold,  intrepid. 

ARROJADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Rash,  inconsiderate,  for- 

ARROJADOR,  sm.  Thrower,  caster. 

ARRO  JAR,  va.  1.  To  dart,  launch,  or  fling  any 
thing.  2.  To  shed  a  fragrance,  to  emit  light. 
3.  To  shoot,  to  sprout.  4.  (Naut.)  To  drive 
or  cast  on  rocks  or  shoals  ;  applied  to  the 
wind.  5.  To  make  red  hot ;  as  an  oven.  6. 
To  turn  away  or  dismiss  in  an  angry  manner. 
— vr.  1.  To  throw  one's  self  forward  with  im- 
petuosity. 2.  (Met.)  To  venture  upon  an  en- 
terprise in  an  inconsiderate  manner. 

ARROJO,  sm.  Boldness,  intrepidity. 

ARROLLADOR,  sm.  Roller,  a  kind  of  cylinder 
used  for  moving  weighty  things. 

ARROLLAR,  va.  1.  To  roll  up,  to  enwrap.  2.  To 
carry  off,  to  sweep  away  ;  applied  to  a  storm 
or  torrent.  3.  (Met.)  To  defeat,  to  rout  an 
enemy.  4.  (Met.)  To  confound  an  opponent, 
to  render  him  unfit  for  returning  an  answer. 
5.  Arrollar  a.  un  nino,  To  dandle  a  child.  6. 
(Ant.)  To  lull  to  rest. 

ARROMADIZARSE,  vr.  To  catch  cold 

ARROMANZAR,  va.  To  translate  into  the  com- 
mon or  vernacular  Spanish  language. 

ARROMAR,  va.  To  blunt,  to  dull  the  edge  or 
point.  [sowing. 

ARROMPER,  va.  To  break  up  the  ground  for 

ARROMPIDO,  DA,  a.  Broken  up,  ploughed. 

ARROMPIDO,  sm.  A  piece  of  ground  newly  bro- 
ken up  for  culture. 

ARROMPIMIENTO,  sm..  The  act  of  breaking  up 
ground  for  culture. 

ARRONZAR,  va.  (Naut.)  To  haul  or  pull  a  cable 
or  hawser,  without  the  aid  of  the  capstern, 
windlass,  or  tackle. 

ARROPADO,  DA,  a.  Covered  with  must ;  appli- 
ed to  wine. 

ARROPAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  The  act  of  clothing  or 
dressing.  2.  Dress  or  clothes. 

ARRO  PA  R,  va.  1 .  To  cover  the  body  with  clothes, 
to  dress.  Arropate  que  sudas,  Cover  yourself 
as  you  sweat ;  ironically  addressed  to  a  per- 
son who  has  done  little  and  affects  to  be  fa- 
tigued. 2.  Arropar  el  vino,  To  mix  wine  in 
a  state  of  fermentation  with  boiled  wine,  to 
give  it  a  body.  3.  Arropar  las  vinos,  To  co- 
ver the  roots  of  vines  with  dung  and  earth. 

ARROPE,  sm.  I.  Must  or  new  wine  boiled  or 
prepared  at  the  fire.  2.  A  kind  of  decoction 
made  by  apothecaries  in  imitation  of  must. 
3.  Conserve  made  of  boiled  honey.  Arropc 
dc  moras,  Mulberry  sirup. 

ARROPEAS,  sf.  pi.  Irons,  fetters.  In  Asturia 
they  are  called  farropeas,  and  in  Gallicia 
ferropeas.  [&c. 

ARROPERA,  sf.  Vessel  for  holding  must,  sirup, 

ARROPIA,  sf.  (And.)  Cake  made  of  flour,  honey, 
and  spice.  [cakes. 

ARROPIERO,STO.  (And.)  Maker  or  seller  of  sweet 

ARROSTRAR,  va.  1.  To  set  about  or  perform  a 
thing  in  a  cheerful  manner.  2.  Arrostrar  d 
los  peligros,  d  los  trabajos,  d  la  muerte,  To 
encounter  dangers,  fatigues,  death. — vr.  To 
close  with  the  enemy,  to  fight  him  face  to  face. 

ARROXAR,  va.  To  make  red  hot. 

ARROYADA  Y  ARROYADERO,  s.  The  valley, 
through  which  a  rivulet  runs. 

ARROYAR,  va.  To  overflow  or  inundate  sown 
ground. — vr.  To  be  smutted  ;  spoken  of 
wheat,  and  other  grain  and  plants. 

ARROYICO  Y  ARROYUELO,  sm.  Rill,  a  small 
brook,  a  little  streamlet.  [river. 

ARROYO    Y   ARROYATO,  577?,.   Rivulet,  a  small 

ARROZ,  sm.  Rice.  Oryza  sativa  L. 

ARROZAL,  sm.  Field  sown  with  rice. 

ARROZAR,  va.  To  ice  a  liquid  in  a  slight  man- 
ner, to  congeal  it  a  little. 

ARRUAR,  vn.  To  grunt  like  a  wild  boar. 

ARRUFADO,  DA,  pp.  Sheered,  incurvated.  Na- 
vio  muy  arrufado,  (Naut.)  A  moon-sheered 

ARRUFADI^RA,  sf.  (Naut.)  Sheer  of  a  ship. 

ARRUFALDADO,  DA,  a.  I.  Having  the  clothes 
tucked  up.  2.  (Ant.)  V.  Arrvfianado. 

ARRUFAR,  va.  To  incurvate,  to  form  the  sheer 
of  a  ship. 

ARRUFIANADO,  DA,  a.  Having  the  sentiments 
and  manners  of  a  ruffian  ;  impudent. 

ARRT^FO,  sm.  V.  Arrvfadura. 

ARRUGA,  sf.  1.  Wrinkle,  a  corrugation  or  con- 
traction into  furrows.  2.  Rumple,  or  rude 
plait  in  clothes. 

the  act  and  effect  of  wrinkling. 

ARRUGAR,  va.  1.  To  wrinkle,  or  contract  into 
wrinkles.  2.  To  rumple,  to  fold,  to  make  pli- 
cations in  paper,  clothes,  &c.  Arrugar  la 
f  rente,  To  knit  the  brow. — vr.  To  die. 

ARRUGIA,  sf.  A  cavity  dug  in  the  ground  to 
discover  gold.  [work. 

ARRUGON,  s,n.  Prominent  decoration  of  carved 

ARRUINADOR,  RA,  5.  Ruiner,  demolishes 

ARRUINAMIENTO,  5m.  Ruin,  destruction,  the  act 
of  ruining  or  destroying. 



,  va.  I.  To  throw  down  buildings,  toj 

demolish.    2.  (Met.)  To  destroy,  to  cause1 

great  mischief. 
ARRULLADOR,   RA,  s.  1.  A  person  who  lulls 

babes  to  rest.  2.  Flatterer,  cajoler. 
ARRULLAR,  va.  1.  To  lull  babes  to  rest.    2.  To 

court,  to  coo  and  bill. 
ARR£LLO,  sm.  1  The  cooing  and  billing  of  pi 

geons  or  doves, 
babes  to  rest. 

2.  Lullaby,  a  song  to  lull 

ARRUMACO,  sm.  1.  Caress,  the  act  of  endear- 
ment, profession  of  love  or  friendship.  2. 
Motion  of  the  lips  expressive  of  contempt. 

ARRUMAGE,  sm.  (Naut.)  Stowage  of  a  ship's 

ARRUMAR,  va.  (Naut.)  To  stow  the  cargo. 

ARRUMAZON,  sm.  1.  (Naut.)  The  act  and  effect 
of  stowing.  2.  Horizon  overcast  with  clouds. 

ARRUMBADAS,  sf.  pi.  Wales  of  a  row-galley. 

ARRUMBADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  One  who  heaps  or  piles. 
2.  (Naiit.)  Steersman. 

ARRUMBAR,  va.  1.  To  put  any  thing  away  in  a 
lumber-room  as  useless.  2.  (Met.)  To  refute 
one  in  the  course  of  conversation.  3.  To  de- 
cant wine,  to  pour  it  off  gently  into  another 
vessel. — vr.  (Naut.)  To  resume  and  steer  the 
proper  course. 

ARRUMBLAR,  a.  V.  Arramblar. 

ARRUMUECO,  sm.  V.  Arrumaco.  [the  same  suit. 

ARRUNFLARSE,  vr.  To  have  a  flush  of  cards  of 

ARSENAL,  sm.  Arsenal,  dock-yard.       [arsenic. 

ARSENICAL,  a.  (Quim.)  Arsenical,  relating  to 

ARSENICO,  sm.  Arsenic,  a  ponderous  mineral 
substance,  which  facilitates  the  fusion  of 
metals,  and  proves  a  violent  corrosive  poison. 

ARTALEJO,STO.  A  little  pie. 

ARTALETE,  sm.  A  sort  of  tart. 

ARTANITA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Sow-bread.  Cyclamen 
europseum  L. 

ART.£K,  va.  (Ar.)  V.  Precisar. 

A'RTE,  sf.  1.  Art,  a  collection  of  rules  and  pre- 

canal  which  conveys  the  blood  from  the  heart 
to  all  parts  of  the  body.  Artirius  dc  la  ma- 
dera,  Veins  formed  in  wood  and  timber  by 
the  various  ramifications  of  the  fibres.  A'spe- 
ra  arteria,  6  traquiarlcria,  The  wind-pipe. 
2.  (Ant.)  Sagacity,  cunning. 
ARTERIAL,  a.  Arterial,  belonging  to  the  arteries. 

ARTERIOLA,  sf.  Small  artery 
ARTERIOSO,  SA,  a.  V.  Arterial. 


ARTERO,  RA,  a.  (Ant.)  Dexterous,  cunning,  art 

ARTESA,  sf.  1.  Trough  in  which  dough  of  bread 
is  worked.  2.  Canoe,  a  boat  hewn  out  of  the 
trunk  of  a  tree. 

ARTESANO,  sm.  Artisan,  artist,  manufacturer, 

ARTESILLA,  sf.  1.  A  small  trough.  2.  A  sort  of 
festive  exercise  on  horseback.  3.  A  trough 
into  which  the  water  is  poured  out  of  the 
bucket  of  a  draw-well. 

ARTE  SON,  sm.  1.  A  round  kitchen  trough,  in 
which  dishes,  plates,  &c.  are  washed  and 
scoured.  2.  Ceiling  carved  in  the  shape  of  a 
trough ;  ornamented  vaulting. 

ARTESONADO,  DA,  a.  Shaped  in  the  form  of  u, 
trough ;  applied  to  ceilings. 

ARTESONCILLO,  sm.  A  small  trough. 

ARTESUELA,  sf.  A  small  kneading-trough. 

ARTETICA,  sf.  Arthritis,  gout,  disease  of  the 

ARTETICO,  CA,  a.  Afflicted  with  the  arthritis. 

A'RTICO,  CA,  a.  (Ast.)  Arctic,  northern. 

ARTICULACION,  sf.  1.  Articulation,  the  juncture 
of  moveable  bones  in  animal  bodies.  2.  Clear 
and  distinct  pronunciation  of  words  and  syl- 

ARTICULADAMENTE,  ad.  Distinctly,  articulately. 

ARTICULAR,  va.  1.  To  articulate,  to  pronounce 
words  clearly  and  distinctly.  2.  To  form  the 
interrogatories  which  are  put  to  witnesses 
examined  in  the  course  of  law  proceedings. 

ARTICULAR  y  ARTICULARIO,  RIA,  a.  Belonging 
to  the  joints. 

cepts  by  which  any  thing  is  performed.     2.J  ARTicyLO,sm.  1.  Article,  a  particular  part  of  a 

before  a  court  of  jus- 

Trade,  all  that  is  accomplished  by  the  skill 
and  industry  of  man.  3.  Caution,  skill,  artful- 
ness. 4.  Book  which  contains  the  rudiments 
of  an  art.  5.  Grammar.  DC  arte,  (Ant.)  So, 
that.  JVo  lencr  arte  ni  parte  en  alguna  cosa, 
To  have  neither  art  nor  part  in  a  thing  ;  to 
have  nothing  to  do  with  the  business.  Arte 
tormentaria,  Art  of  artillery  or  military  en- 
ginery. A'rtes  mecanicas,  Mechanical" arts, 
occupations,  or  handicrafts.  A'rtes  liberates, 
Liberal  arts.  Las  bcllas  dries,  The  fine  arts. 
A'rtes,  Management ;  manage.  ' 

A'RTE, sm.yf.  Used  in  both  genders.  Maestro 
en  artcs,  Master  of  arts. 

ARTECILLO,  LLA,  s.  Petty  art  or  trade. 

ARTEFACTO,  sm.  Mechanical  work  performed 
according  to  the  rules  of  art. 

ARTEJO,  sm.  Joint  or  knuckle  of  the  fingers. 

ARTEMISA  6  ARTEMISIA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Mug-wort. 
Artemisia  vulgaris  L. 

ARTENNA,  sf.  An  aquatic  fowl  of  the  size  of  a 
goose,  found  in  the  island  of  Tremiti  in  the 
Adriatic  gulph. 

ARTERA,  sf.  An  iron  instrument  for  marking; 
bread  before  it  is  baked. 

ARTERAMENTE,  ad.  (Ant.)  Artfully,  cunningly 

writing.  2.  Plea  put  in  before  a  court 
tice.  3.  Question  or  query  of  an  interrogato- 
ry. 4.  (Gram.)  Part  of  speech,  as  the,  an.  5. 
Joint  or  juncture  of  moveable  bones  in  ani- 
mal bodies.  Formar  articulo,  To  start  an 
incidental  question  in  the  course  of  a  law- 
suit. Articulo  de  la  muerte,  Point  of  death. 

ARTIFICE,  sm.  1.  Artificer,  artisan,  artist.  2. 
Inventor,  contriver. 

ARTIFICIAL,  a.  Artificial,  made  by  art,  not  na- 
tural. Fuearos  artificialcs,  Fire-works. 

ARTIFICIALMENTE,  ad.  Artificially,      [manner. 

ARTIFICIAR,  £«.Toactor  do  a  thing  in  an  artful 

ARTIFICIO,  sm.  1.  Art  with  which  a  thing  is  per- 
formed, workmanship.  2.  (Met.)  Artifice, 
cunning.  3.  Machine  which  facilitates  the 
performance  of  something.  [fu%- 

AiiuF ICIOSAMENTE,  ad.  I.  Artificially.   2.  Art- 

ARTIFICIOSO,  SA,  a.  1.  Skilful,  ingenious.    2. 

Artful,  crafty,  cunning. 


ARTIGA,  sf.  Land  newly  broken  up  for  cultiva- 
ARTIGAR,  va.  To  break  and  level  land  before 


ARTILLAK,  va.  To  mount  cannon  in  a  ship. 
ARTII.LERIA,  sf.  1.  That  branch  of  military  art 

which  teaches  the  use  of  cannon.   2.  Artille- 

ARTERIA,  sf.  1.  (Anat.)  Artery,  a  cylindrical'     ry,  cannon,  piece  of  ordnance.    Parquc  de 



artilhria,  Park  of  artillery.  Tren  dc  artillc- 
ria,  Train  of  artillery.  Poner  6  asestar  toda 
la  artilleria,  (Met.)  To  set  all  engines  at 
work  for  obtaining  something  ;  to  leave  no 
stone  unturned. 

ARTILLERO,  sra.  1.  Professor  of  the  art  of  artil- 
lery. 2.  Gunner,  artillery-man. 

ARTIMANA,  sf.  1.  Trap,  snare,  gin  for  catching 
game.  2.  Device,  stratagem,  artifice.  [ley 

ARTiMON,sm.  (Naut.)  Mizen-mast ;  sail  of  a  gal 

ARTISTA,  sm.  1.  Artist ;  artisan,  tradesman.  2 
He  who  studies  the  fine  arts,  logic,  poetry,  &c 

ARTI&ADO,  PA,  a.  Skilful,  dexterous,  versed  in 
some  art  or  trade. 

ARTIZAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  work  with  skill. 

ARTOLITOS,  sm.  A  concave  stone  of  the  nature 
of  a  sponge. 

ARTRODIA.  sf.  A  kind  of  articulation  which 
connects  one  bone  with  the  socket  of  another 

ART^NA,  sf.  An  ewe  whose  lamb  has  perished. 

ARTURO,  sm.  ( Astr.)  Great  bear,  a  constellation 

A'RULA,  sf.  A  small  altar. 

ARUNAR,  V.  Aranar. 

ARUJIAZO,  sm.  A  large  scratch.  V.  Aranazo. 

ARUNON,  sm.  1.  Scratcher.  2.  Pick-pocket. 

ARUSPICE  Y  ARIJSPEX,  sm.  Augurer,  sooth 
sayer.  [animals 

ARUSPIC£NA,S/.  Divining  from  the  intestines  of 

ARVEJA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Vetch,  tare.  Lathyrus 
aphaca  L. 

ARVEJAL,  sm.  Field  sown  with  vetches  or  tares 

ARVEJO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Bastard  chick-pea,  or  Spa- 
nish pea.  Cicer  arietinum  L. 

ARVEJON,  sm.  (Bot.)  Chickling-vetch.  Lathy- 
rus sativa  L. 

ARXICAYADO,  DA,  a.  Oxygenated,  impregnated 
or  combined  with  oxygen.  [mists. 

ARXICAYO,  sm.  Oxygen,  of  the  Spanish  che- 

A'RZA,  sf.  (Naut.)  Fall  of  a  tackle. 

ARZoBispADo,sm.  Archbishopric. 

ARZOBISPAL,  a.  Archiepiscopal. 

AR/oBfspo,  sm.  Archbishop. 

ARZOLLA,  sf.  (Mur.)  V.  Almendruco. 

ARZON,  sm.  Fore  and  hind  bow  of  a  saddle. 

A's,  sm.  1.  Ace.  2.  Roman  copper  coin. 

A'sA.,sf.  1.  Handle  of  a  vessel.  2.  Gum  benzoin. 
V.  JJsafctida.  3.  Vault  made  in  the  form  of 
the  handle  of  a  basket.  Amiga  del  asa,  6  ser 
muy  del  asa,  A  bosom  friend.  Dar  6  tomar 
asa,  To  afford  or  borrow  a  pretence.  En  asas. 
Having  the  hands  in  the  girdle  and  the  el- 
bows turned  out. 

A'  SABIENUAS,  ad.  Willingly,  knowingly. 

ASABORIR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Saborear. 

ASACION,  sf.  The  act  of  roasting. 

ASADERO,  RA,  «.  That  which  is  fit  ibr  roasting. 

ASADO,  DA,  a.  Roasted  ;  dressed. 

ASADOR,  sm.  1.  Spit,  a  long  prong  on  which 
meat  is  driven  to  be  turned  before  the  fire. 
2.  Jack,  an  engine  which  turns  the  spit.  Pa- 
rece  que  come  asadores,  He  walks  as  stiff  as 
if  he  had  swallowed  a  spit.  3.  Asador  de 
lomba,  (Naut.)  The  pump-hook. 

ASA  DORA  zo,  sm.  Stroke  or  blow  with  a  spit. 

ASADORCILLO,  5m.  Small  spit. 

ASAD^RA,  sf.  Entrails  of  an  animal. 

AsADtiRA  Y  ASADURIA,  5/.  Toll  paid  for  cattle. 

ASADURILLA,  sf.  Small  entrails. 

ASAETEADOR,ST».  Archer,  bow-man. 

ASAETKAR,  va.  To  attack,  wound,  or  kill  with 

ASAETINADO,  DA,  a.  Like  satin  ;  applied  to 
cloths.  [from  the  East  Indies. 

ASAFETIDA,  sf.  Asafcetida,  a  gum-resin  brought 

ASALARIAR,  va.  To  give  a  fixed  salary  or  pay. 

As  ALTADOR,  sm.  I.  Assailant,  assailer,  assaulter. 
2.  Highwayman. 

As  ALTAR,  va.  1.  To  form  an  assault,  to  storm 
a  place.  2.  To  assail,  to  surprise,  to  attack 

AsALTo,s77i.  1.  Assault  or  storm  formed  against 
a  place.  2.  Assault,  the  act  of  offering  vio- 
lence or  injury  to  a  person.  3.  (Met.)  A  sud- 
den gust  of  passion. 

ASAMBLE A,  sf.  1.  Assembly,  meeting,  congress, 
committee.  2.  In  the  order  of  Malta,  a  tri- 
bunal established  in  every  grand  priory  of 
the  order.  3.  Assembly,  a  beat  of  the  drum 
directing  the  soldiers  to  join  their  compa- 
nies, or  to  assemble  in  the  alarm-place. 

ASAR,  va.  To  roast,  to  dress  meat  by  turning 
it  round  at  the  fire. — vr.  To  be  excessively 

ASARABACARA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Wild  ginger  or  nard, 
common  asarabacca.  Asaruni  europium  L. 

ASARGADO,  DA,  a.  Serge-like,  made  in  imita- 
tion of  serge. 

ASARINA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Bastard  asarum.  Pseudo 
asarum  L. 

A'SARO,  sm.  V.  Asarabacara. 

ASASINAR,  (Ant.)  V.  Asesinar. 

ASATIVO,  VA,  a.  Dressed  or  boiled  in  its  own 
juice,  without  any  other  fluid. 

ASA/,  ad.  (Ant.)  Enough,  abundantly. 

ASBESTINO,  NA,  o.  Belonging  to  asbestos. 

ASBESTO,  sm.  1.  Asbestos,  a  fossil  which  may 
be  split  to  threads  and  filaments,  incombus- 
tible by  fire,  which  merely  whitens  it.  2.  A 
sort  of  incombustible  cloth  made  of  the  fila- 
ments of  asbestos. 

ASCALOMA,  sf.  A  &eed  onion, 

ASCENDENCIA,  sf.  A  line  of  ascendants,  as  fa- 
thers, grandfathers,  &c.  from  whom  a  person 

ASCENDENTE,  sm.  I .  An  ascendant.  2.  Horo- 
scope, the  configuration  of  the  planets  at  the 
hour  of  birth. 

ASCENDER,  vn.  1.  To  ascend,  to  mount.  2.  To 
be  promoted  to  a  higher  dignity  or  station. 

ASCENDIENTK,  sm.  j  f.  1.  An  ascendant.  2.  As- 
cendency, influence,  power. 

ASCENSION,  *y.l.  Ascension,  the  act  of  mounting 
or  ascending.  2.  Feast  of  the  ascension  of" 
Christ.  3.  Exaltation  to  the  papal  throne.  4. 
R-ising  point  of  the  equator. 

ASCENSIONAL,  a.  (Astr.)  That  which  belongs  to 
the  ascension  of  the  planets,  right  or  oblique. 

ASCENSO,  sm.  Promotion  to  a  higher  dignity  or 

ASCETA,  sm.  Hermit. 

ASCETICO,  CA,  a.  Ascetic,  employed  wholly  in 
exercises  of  devotion  and  mortification. 

A'SCHIA,  sf.  Grayling  or  umber,  a  delicate 
fresh-water  fish  found  in  rapid  streams  with 
stony  bottoms. 

A'scios,  sra.  pi.  Ascii,  people  who,  at  certain 
times  of  the  year,  have  no  shadow  at  noon ; 
such  are  the  inhabitants  of  the  torrid  zone. 



Ascfao,  sm.  (Bot.)  St.  Peter's  wort,  St.  An 
drew's  cross.  Hypericum  elatum  L.  [asL 

AscLEPiADA,.v/.(Bot.)  Swallow-wort.  Asclepi 

ASCLEHIADEO,  sm.  A  kind  of  Latin  verse  of 
four  feet,  containing  a  spondee,  achoriambus 
and  two  dactyles. 

A'sco,  sm.  Nauseousness,  loathsomeness,  qua 
lity  of  raising  disgust,  and  turning  the  sto- 
mach. Es  un  asco,  It  is  a  mean,  despicable 
thing.  Hacer  ascos,  To  excite  loathsome 
ness,  to  disease  the  stomach. 

ASCONDRIJO,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Escondrijo. 

A'SCUA,  sf.  Red  hot  coal. 

A'SCUAS  !  interj.  (Joe.)  How  it  pains  !  Estar  en 
ascuas,  To  be  upon  thorns.     Estar  hecho  un 
ascua  6  echar  ascuas,  To  be  high  coloured  by 
agitation  or  ano-er. 
Lscuso,  ad.  (Ant.)  V.  A'  Escondidas. 

ASEADAMEXTE,  ad.  Cleanly,  elegantly. 

ASEADO,  DA,  a.  Clean,  elegant,  neatly  finished 

ASEAR,  va.  To  set  off,  to  decorate,  to  adorn,  to 

ASECHADOR,  5»i.  Ensnarer,  way-layer. 

ASECHAMIE\TO,  6  AsECHANZA,  5.  1.  Way-lay- 
ing. 2.  Artifice,  trick,  stratagem. 

AsKcnAR,va.  To  way-lay,  to  watch  insidiously 

ASECHOSO,  SA,  a.  Inclined  to  insidious  artifices 

ASECLA,  sm.  Follower. 

ASECUCION,  sf.  V.  Consecution. 

ASECURACION,  sf.  1.  Certainty,  security,  safety. 
2.  Insurance,  exemption  from  hazard  obtain- 
ed by  the  payment  of  a  certain  sum. 

ASEDADO,  DA,  a.  Silky,  that  which  resembles 
silk  in  softness  and  'smoothness. 

ASEDAR,  va.  To  work  flax  and  hemp  so  as  to 
make  it  feel  like  silk.  [ades. 

ASEDIADOR,  RA,  *.  One  who  besieges,  or  block- 

ASEDIAR,  va.  To  besiege,  to  lay  siege  to  a 
strong  place  or  fortress. 

ASEDIO,  sm.  Siege,  the  act  of  besieging  a  for 
tified  place. 

ASEGLARARSE,  vr.  To  secularize ;  applied  to 
the  clergy  who  relax  in  their  duty  for  the 
pleasures  of  the  world. 

ASEGUND^R,  va.  To  repeat  with  little  or  no  in- 
termission of  time. 

ASEGURACION,  5/.  I.  Security,  safety.  2.  In 
surance,  a  contract  for  insuring  from  hazards 
and  dangers. 

ASEGURADOR,  sm.  Insurer,  underwriter. 

ASEGCRAMIENTO,  5/tt.  V.  Aseguracion. 

ASEGURAR,  va.  1.  To  secure,  to  insure.  2.  To 
preserve,  to  shelter  from  danger.  3.  To  bail, 
to  give  security.  4.  (Naut.)  To  insure  against 
the  dangers  of  the  seas.  Asegurar  las  velas, 
To  secure  the  sails.  Asegurarse  de  la  altura, 
To  ascertain  the  degree  of  latitude  in  which 
we  find  ourselves. 

ASEMBLAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  resemble. 

ASEMEJAR,  va.  To  assimilate,  to  bring  to  a 
likeness  or  resemblance. — vr.  To  resemble, 
to  be  like  another  person  or  thing. 

ASENDEREADO,  DA,  a.  Beaten,  frequented ;  ap- 
plied to  roads. 

ASENDKREAR,  va.  I.  To  persecute,  to  pursue 
with  repeated  acts  of  vengeance  and  enmity. 
2.  To  open  a  path. 

AsENGLADtfRA,  sf.  (Naut.)  A  day's  run,  the  way 
a  ship  makes  in  24 'hours. 

ASEKJO  T  ASENCIO,  (Ant.)  V.  Axenjo. 

ASENSO,  57/1.  Assent,  the  act  of  giving  one's 

ASENTACION,  sf.  (Ant.)  Adulation,  flattery. 

ASENT^DA,  5/.  A  stone  ranged  in  its  proper 
place.  De  una  asentadti,  At  once,  at  one 
sitting.  A'  Asentadas.  V.  A'  Asentadillas. 

ASENTADERAS,  5/.  jtl.  (Fam.)  Buttocks,  the  seat. 

A'  AsENTADftLAS,  ad.  Sitting  on  horseback, 
like  a  woman,  with  both  legs  on  one  side. 

ASENTADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Seated,  planted.  2.  Clear, 
serene.  En  kombre  asentado,  ni  capuz  tun- 
dido,  ni  camison  curado,  (Prov.)  Self  do, 
self  have. 

ASENTADOR,  5m.  A  stone-mason,  a  stone-cutter. 

AsENTADtJRA    Y    AsENTAMIENTO,    5.     1.     (For.) 

Possession  of  goods  given  by  a  judge  to  the 
claimant  or  plaintiff  for  non  appearance  of 
the  respondent  or  defendant.  2.  Establish- 
ment, settlement,  residence.  3.  (Ant.)  Ses- 
sion, act  of  sitting.  4.  Site. 

ASENTX.R,  va.  1.  To  place  on  a  chair,  bench,  or 
other  seat ;  to  cause  to  sit  down.  Asentar  el 
rancho,  To  stop  in  any  place  or  station  to 
eat,  sleep,  or  rest.  2.  To  suppose,  to  take  for 
granted.  3.  To  affirm,  to  assure.  4.  To  adjust, 
to  make  an  agreement.  5.  To  note,  to  take 
down  in  writing.  6.  To  fix  a  thing  in  any  par- 
ticular place.  7.  (For.)  To  put  a  claimant  or 
plaintiff  in  possession  of  the  goods  claimed 
for  non-appearance  of  the  respondent  or  de- 
fendant. 8.  To  assess,  to  charge  with  any 
certain  sum.  Asentar  bien  su  baza,  To  esta- 
blish one's  character  or  credit.  Asentar  casa, 
To  set  up  house  for  one's  self.  Asentar  con 
maestro,  To  bind  one's  self  prentice  to  a 
master.  Asentar  plaza,  To  enlist  in  the  ar- 
my.— vn.  1.  To  fit,  to  sit  well,  as  clothes.  2. 
To  sit  down,  to  take  a  seat.  3.  To  settle,  to 
establish  a  residence  or  domestic  state. — vr. 
1.  To  settle,  to  subside,  as  liquors.  2.  To 
perch  or  settle  after  flying  ;  applied  to  birds. 
3.  To  sink,  to  give  way  under  the  weight  of 
a  work,  as  a  foundation. 

ASENTIR,  vn.  To  coincide  in  opinion  with  an- 
other, to  be  of  the  same  mind. 

ASENTISTA,  5m.  A  contractor,  one  who  contracts 
to  supply  the  navy  or  army  with  provisions, 
ammunition,  &c.  Asentista  de  construction, 
(Naut.)  Contractor  for  ship-building. 

ASENOREAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Senorear. 

ASEO,  5m.  Cleanness,  cleanliness,  neatness. 

ASEQ,UI,  5m.  (Mur.)  Duty  on  every  40  head  of 

SEQufBLE,  a.  Attainable,  that  which  may  be 
obtained  or  acquired. 

ASERCION,  sf.  Assertion,  affirmation. 

AsERRADERo,5m.  1.  Saw-pit  where  timber  and 
other  things  are  sawed.  2.  Horse  or  wooden 
machine  on  which  timber  or  other  things  are 

ASERRADIZO,  ZA,  a.  Proper  to  be  sawed. 

ASERRX.DO,  DA,  a.  Serrate,  serrated,  dented 
like  a  saw  ;  applied  to  the  leaves  of  plants. 

ASERRADOR,  5m.  Sawer  or  sawyer,  one  whose 
trade  is  to  saw  timber  into  boards  or  beams. 

AsERRADtiRA,5/.  Sawing,  the  act  of  cutting  tim- 
ber with  the  saw.  Aserraduras,  Saw-dust. 

ASERRAK,  va,.To  saw,  to  cut  timber  with  the 



saw.    Aserrar  piedras  en  un  molino,  To  saw 
stones  in  a  saw-mill. 

ASERTIVAMENTE,  ad.  Affirmatively. 

ASERTIVO,  VA,  a.  Assertive.  V.  Afirmativo. 

ASERTO.  5771.  V.  Ascrcion. 

ASERTORIO,  V.  Juramcnto. 

ASESAR,  vn.  To  become  prudent,  to  acquire 
prudence  and  discretion. 

ASESINAR,  va.  1.  To  assassinate,  to  murder  trea- 
cherously. 2.  To  betray  the  confidence  of  an- 
other, to  be  gujlty  of  a  breach  of  trust. 

ASESINATO,  sm.  1.  Assassination,  the  act  of  as- 
sassinating. 2.  Treachery,  deceit,  fraud. 

ASESINO,  sm.  1.  Assassin,  one  who  kills  trea- 
cherously. 2.  Impostor,  cheat,  one  who  prac- 
tises fraud,  and  betrays  the  confidence  of  an- 
other. 3.  Small  spot  of  black  silk  which  la- 
dies put  near  the  corner  of  the  eye. 

ASESOR,  RA,  s.  1.  A  counsellor,  adviser,  conci- 
liator. 2.  Assessor,  a  lawyer  appointed  to  as- 
sist the  ordinary  judge  with  his  advice  in  the 
conduct  of  law  proceedings. 

ASESORARSE,  vr.  To  take  the  assistance  of 
counsel,  used  of  a  judge  who  takes  a  lawyer 
to  assist  him. 

ASESORIA,S/.  l.The  office  or  place  of  an  asses- 
sor. 2.  The  pay  and  fees  of  an  assessor.  3. 
Tavern  where  wine  is  sold  by  small  quantities. 

ASESTADERO,  sm.  (Arag.)  Place  where  a  short 
sleep  is  taken  after  dinner.  [non. 

ASESTADOR,  sm.  Gunner  who  points  the  can- 

ASESTADURA,  sf.  Aim,  the  act  of  pointing  the 
cannon,  or  taking  aim. 

AsKSTAR,??a.l.Toaim,to  point,  to  take  aim.  2. 
(Met.)  To  try  to  do  some  mischief  toothers. 

ASETADOR,  sm.  An  instrument  for  polishing 
iron.  [tion. 

ASKVERACION,  sf.  Asseveration,  solemn  affirma- 

ASEVERADAMENTE,  ad.  V.  Afirmativamente. 

ASEVERAR,  va.  To  asseverate,  to  affirm  with 
great  solemnity,  as  upon  oath.  , 

ASFALTA,  sm.  Asphaltum,  a  kind  of  bitumen. 

ASFODELO,  sm.  Asphodel.  V.  Gamon. 

A'SGA,  pres.  subjunct.  irreg.  of  Asir. 

A'SGO.  V.  Asco. 

Asi,  ad.  1.  So,  thus,  in  this  manner.  2.  There- 
fore, so  that,  also,  equally.  Asi  lien,  As  well, 
as  much  so,  equally.  Asi  qua,  So  that,  there- 
fore. Es  asi,  6  no  es  asi,  Thus  it  is,  or  it  is 
not  so.  Asifuera  yo  santo,  como  fulano  es 
docto,  If  I  were  as  sure  of  being  a  saint,  as  he 
is  learned.  3.  Followed  immediately  by  como, 
is  equivalent  to,  in  the  same  manner  or  pro- 
portion, as  Asi  como  la  modestia  atrae,  asi 
se  huye  la  disolucion ;  In  the  same  propor- 
tion that  modesty  attracts,  dissoluteness  de- 
ters. But  when  the  particle  como  is  in  the 
second  part  of  the  sentence,  asi  is  equal  to. 
so  much.  Asi,  asi,  So  so ;  middling.  Asi  quc 
~lleg6  la  noticia,  As  soon  as  the  news  arrived. 
Asi  que  asi,  It  matters  not,  whether  this  or 
that  way.  Asi  que  asd  6  asado,  Let  it  be  as 
it  will.  Asi  me  estoy,  It  is  all  the  same  to 
me.  Como  asi,  Even  so,  just  so,  how  so. 

A'SIA,  sf.  A  stone  in  Asia  resembling  pumice 

ASIDERO,  sTTi.  t.  Handle.    2.  (Met.)  Occasion 
pretext.  Asideros,  (Naiit.)  Ropes  with  which 
vessels  are  hauled  along  the  shore. 
ASIDILLA,  sf.  V. 

ASIDO,  IOA,  pp.  1.  Seized,  grasped,  laid  hold  of. 

2.  Fastened,  tied,  attached.  Fulano  estd  asi- 
do  A  su  propia  opinion,  He  is  wedded  to  his 
own  opinion. 

AsiDiro,  DUA,  a.  Assiduous,  constant  in  appli- 

ASIENTO,  sm.  1.  Chair,  bench,  stool,  or  other 
seat.  2.  Seat  in  a  tribunal  or  court  of  justice. 

3.  Spot  on  which  a  town  or  building  is  or  was 
standing.    4.  Solidity  of  a  building  resulting 
from  the  reciprocal  pressure  of  the  materials 
upon  each  other.    5.  Bottom  of  a  vessel.     G. 
Sediment  or  lees  of  liquors.     7.  Treaty.     8. 
Contract  for  supplying  an  army,  town,-  &c. 
with  provisions,  &c.  9.  Entry,  the  act  of  re- 
gistering or  setting  down   in   writing.     10. 
Judgment,  prudence,  discretion.  11.  District 
of  the  mines  in  South  America.  12.  List,  roll. 
13.  Sort  of  pearls,  flat  on  one  side  and  round 
on  the  other.  Hombre  de  asiento,  A  prudent 
man.     Asienios  de  popa,  (Naiit.)  Stern  seats 
in  the  cabin.  Asiento  del  estdmago,  Indiges- 
tion,  crudity.     Asiento   de  mollno,  Bed  or 
lowest  stone  in  a  mill.     Dar  6  tomar  asiento 
en  las  cosas,  To  let  things  take  a  regular 
course.       Asicntos,  posteriors,  nates,  seat  ; 
bindings  at  the  wrists  and  necks  of  shirts. 

ASIGNABLE,  a.  That  which  may  be  assigned. 

ASIGNACION,  sf.  1.  Assignation,  the  act  of  as- 
signing. 2.  Distribution,  partition.  3.  Des- 

ASIGNAR,  va.  To  assign,  to  mark  out,  to  deter- 
mine, to  ascribe,  to  attribute. 

ASIGNATURA,  sf.  Catalogue  of  the  lectures  de- 
livered in  universities  m  the  course  of  a  year. 

ASILLA,  sf.  1.  A  small  handle.  2.  A  slight  pre- 
text.— pi.  1.  Clavicles,  the  collar  bones  of 
the  breast.  2.  Small  hooks  or  keys  employ- 
ed in  the  different  parts  of  an  organ. 

AsiLO,sm.  1.  Asylum,  sanctuary,  place  of  shel- 
ter and  refuge.  2.  (Met.)  Protection,  sup- 
port, favour.  3.  (Ant.)  A  sea-insect  which 
pursues  the  tunny  fish. 

ASIMESMO,  ad.  V.Asimismo. 

ASIMIENTO,  sm.  1.  Grasp,  the  act  of  seizing  or 
grasping.  2.  Attachment,  affection. 

ASIMIL!R,  vn.  To  resemble,  to  be  like,  to  have 
likeness  to. 

ASIMILATIVO,  VA,  a.  Assimilating,  that  which 
has  the  power  of  rendering  one  thing  like 
another.  [ner. 

ASIMISMO,  ad.  Exactly  so,  in  the  same  man- 

ASIMPLADO,  DA,  a.  Having  the  air  of  a  simple- 
ton, or  silly  person. 

ASIN  Y  ASINA,  ad.  (Ar.)  V.  Asi. 

ASINAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Asignar. 

ASINARIAS,  sf.  pi.  Birds,  in  Brasil,  which  are  (: 
very  ugly,  and  whose  voice  resembles  the  I 
braying  of  an  ass. 

ASISI.NO,  NA,  «.  Asinine,  belonging  to  an  ass. 

ASIR,  va.  To  grasp  or  seize  with  the  hand. — vn. 
To  strike  or  take  root. — vr.  To  dispute,  to 
contend,  to  rival.  Asirse  de  alguna  cosa,  To 
avail  one's  self  of  an  opportunity  to  do  or 
say  something. 

ASISIA,  sf.  (For.)  Part  of  law  proceedings  con- 
taining the  depositions  of  witnesses. 

ASISON,  5777.  (Extrem.)  Bird  belonging  to  the 
family  offrancolins. 



ASISTENCIA,  sf.  1.  Actual  presence.  2.  Reward 
or  recompense  gained  by  personal  attend- 
ance. 3.  Assistance,  favour,  aid.  .islsttncia 
de  SevillU)  Appellation  given  to  the  chief 
magistracy  of  Seville.  JSsistencias,  Allow- 
ance made  to  any  one  for  his  subsistence, 
maintenance,  or  support. 

ASISTENTA,  sf.  1.  The  wife  of  the  chief  magis- 
trate of  Seville.  2.  Servant  maid  who  waits 
on  the  maids  of  honour  at  court,  and  also  on 
religious  women  of  any  of  the  military  orders 
in  their  convents. 

ASISTENTE,  sm.  1.  Assistant,  he  who  assists.  2 
The  chief  officer  of  justice  at  Seville. 

ASISTIR,  vn.  1.  To  be  present,  to  assist.  2.  To 
live  in  a  house  or  frequent  it  much. — va.  1. 
To  accompany  one  in  the  execution  of  some 
public  act.  2.  To  serve  or  act  provisionally 
in  the  room  of  another.  3.  To  attend  a  sick 

A'SMA,  sf.  Asthma,  diseased  respiration. 

ASMADERO,  RA,  a.  (Ant.)  Discerning,  intellec- 
tual, [to  compare. 

ASMAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  consider  ;   to  estimate  ; 

ASMATICO,  CA,  a.  Asthmatic,  troubled  with  the 

A'SNA,  sf.  A  she  ass.  A'snas,  Rafters  or  secon- 
dary timbers  let  into  the  great  or  ridge-beam 
of  the  roof  of  a  house. 

ASNADA,  sf.  A  brutal  action. 

ASNADOS,  sm.  pi.  Large  pieces  of  timber,  with 
which  the  sides  and  shafts  in  mines  are  se- 
cured. [Brutal. 

ASNAL,  a.  1.  Asinine,  relating  to  an  ass.    2. 

AsNALES,s/«.  pi.  Stockings  larger  and  stronger 
than  the  common  sort.  [an  ass. 

ASNALMENTE,  ad.  1.  Foolishly.  2.  Mounted  on 

ASNAZO,  sm.  1.  A  large  jack-ass.  2.  (Met.)  A 
brutish  ignorant  fellow. 

ASNERIA,  sf.  (Joe.)  Stud  of  asses. 

ASNERO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Ass-keeper. 

ASNICO,  CA,  s.  1.  A  little  ass.  2.  Andiron,  irons 
at  the  end  of  a  fire-gate  in  which  the  spit 
turns.  [a  ruinous  building. 

ASNIM.A,S/.  Stanchion  or  prop  which  supports 

ASNILLO,  LLA,  s.  A  little  ass.  Asnillo,  Gras- 
hopper,  field-cricket.  [ass. 

ASKING,  NA,  a.  (Joe.)  Asinine,  resembling  an 

A'SNO,  sm.  1.  Ass,  an  animal  of  burthen.  2. 
(Met.)  A  dull,  stupid,  heavy  fellow.  Asno  de 
muchos,lolosle  comen,  (Prov.)  Every  body's 
business  is  nobody's  business.  El  hijo  del 
asno  dos  veccs  rozna  al  dia,  (Prov.)  Birds  of 
a  feather  flock  together.  JVo  se  hizo  la  miel 
para  fa  boca  del  asno,  (Prov.)  It  is  not  for 
asses  to  lick  honey ;  we  should  not  throw 
pearls  before  swine. 

ASOBARCADO,  sm.  A  porter. 

ASOBARCAR,  va.  To  lift  a  weighty  thing  up 
from  the  ground  with  one  hand. 

ASOBINARSE,  vr.  To  fall  down  with  a  burthen 
so  that  the  head  comes  between  the  fore  feet ; 
applied  to  beasts  of  burthen.  [gish. 

ASOCARRONADO,  DA,  a.  Crafty,  cunning,  wag- 

ASOCIACIO.V  Y  ASOCIAMIENTO,  sf.  Association, 
the  act  of  associating. 

ASOCIADO,  sm.  Associate  who  accompanies  an- 
other with  equal  authority  to  execute  a  com- 

ASOCIAR,  to,.  To  take  an  associate. — vr.  To  as- 
sociate or  unite  with  another.- 

ASOHORA.  ad.  (Ant.)  Suddenly,  unexpectedly. 

ASOLACIOJI  Y  ASOLADURA,  sf.  Desolation,  de- 

ASOLAPOR,  RA,  s.  Destroyer,  one  who  desolates. 

ASOLAMIENTO,  sm.  Depopulation,  destruction. 

ASOLANAR,  va.  To  parch  or  dry  up  :  applied  to 
easterly  winds. 

ASOLAR,  va.  To  level  with  the  ground,  to  de- 
stroy, to  devastate. — vr.  To  settle  and  get 
clear  ;  applied  to  liquors. 

ASOLEAR,  va.  To  sun,  to  expose  to  the  sun. — vr. 
To  be  sun-burnt,  or  discoloured  by  the  sun. 

Asor.vAMiENTo.STO.  Stoppage,  the  act  of  stopping 

ASOLVARSE,  vr.  To  be  stopped  ;  spoken  of  pipes, 
canals,  &c.  through  which  water  is  running. 

ASOMADA,  sf.  1.  Appearance,  apparition,  the  act 
of  appearing  for  a  short  time.  2.  (Ant.)  The 
spot  whence  any  object  is  first  seen  or  descri- 

ASOM  ADO,  DA,  a.  Fuddled,  half  seas  over.     [ed. 

ASOMAR,  vn.  1.  To  begin  to  appear,  to  become 
visible.  Asoma  el  dia,  The  day  begins  to 
peep.  2.  (Naut.)  To  loom. — va.  To  show  a 
thing,  to  make  it  appear.  Asom6  la  cabeza  a 
la  ventana,  I  put  my  head  out  of  the  window. 
— vr.  To  be  flustered  with  wine,  [frightened. 

ASOMBRADIZO,   ZA,   a.   Fearful,   timid,   easily 

AsoMBRADOR,sm.  Terrifier,  one  who  frightens. 

AsoMBRAMiENTO,sm.  V.  Asombro. 

ASOMBRAR,  va.  1.  To  frighten,  to  terrify.  2.  To 
astonish,  to  cause  admiration.  3.  (Poet.)  To 
shade,  to  darken,  to  obscure. — vr.  To  take 
fright ;  applied  to  a  horse. 

ASOMBRO,  sm.  1.  Dread,  fear,  terror.  2.  Amaze- 
ment, astonishment,  high  degree  of  admira- 
tion, [amazing. 

ASOMBROSO,    SA,    «.   Wonderful,   astonishing, 

ASOMO,  sm.  1.  Mark,  token,  sign,  indication.  2. 
Supposition,  conjecture,  surmise.  JVt  par 
asomo,  Not  in  the  least,  by  no  means. 

ASONADIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Tumultuous  hostility. 

ASONANCIA,  sf.  1.  Assonance,  consonance.  2. 
Harmony  or  connexion  of  one  tiling  with 

ASONANTAR,  va.  (Poet.)  To  mix  assonant  with 
consonant  verses,  in  Spanish  poetry,  which  is 
inadmissible  in  modern  verse. 

ASOJTAVTE,  a.  Assonant,  last  word  in  a  Spanish 
verse  vhose  accented  vowel  is  the  same  as 
the  preceding,  as  mildncs,  azdtes. 

ASONAR,  vn.  1.  To  be  assonant,  to  accord.  2. 
(Ant.)  To  unite  in  riots  and  tumultuous  as- 

ASORDAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  deafen  with  noise. 

ASOSIEGO,  (Ant.)  V.  Sosiego.  [ed  cellars. 

ASOTANAR,  va.  To  vault,  to  make  vaults  or  arch- 

A'SPA,  sf.  1.  Cross,  a  frame  formed  by  two 
cross  sticks  in  the  shape  of  an  X.  2.  Reel,  a 
turning  frame,  on  which  yarn  is  wound  into 
skeins  or  hanks.  3.  Wings  of  a  wind-mill. 
Aspa  de  cuenta,  A  clock-reel.  Jlspa  de  San 
rfndres,  Coloured  cross  on  the  yellow  cloaks 
of  penitents  by  the  Inquisition. 

ASPADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Having  the  arms  extended 
in  the  form  of  a  cross,  by  way  of  penance  or 
mortification.  2.  (Met.)  Having  one's  arms 
confined,  and  their  movements  obstructed,  by 
tight  clothes. 



ASP  A  DOH,  577i.  Reel,  a  revolving  wheel  on  which 
yarn  is  wound.  [thread  or  silk. 

ASPADOR,  RA,  s.  Reeler,  one  who  reels  yarn, 

AspALATo,sm.  (Bot.)  Rosewood.  AspalathusL. 

AspALTo,sm.  1.  Asphaltos.  2.  V.  Espalto. 

ASPAMIENTO.  V.  Aspaviento . 

ASPAR,  va.  1.  To  reel,  to  gather  yarn  off  the 
spindle,  and  form  it  into  skeins.  2.  To  cru- 
cify. 3.  (Met.)  To  vex  or  mortify,  Asparse 
a  gritos,  To  hoot,  to  cry  out  with  vehemence. 

ASPAVIENTO,  sm.  1.  Dread,  fear,  consternation. 

2.  Astonishment,  admiration,   expressed  in 
confused  and  indistinct  words.   Aspavientos, 
Boasts,  brags,  bravadoes. 

ASPECTO,  sm.  1.  Sight,  appearance.  2.  Aspect, 
countenance.  3.  Situation  or  position  of  a 
building.  4.  Relative  position  of  stars  and 
planets.  A1  primer  aspccto,  6  al  primer  as- 
pecto,  At  first  sight.  Tener  buen  6  mat  as- 
pccto, To  have  a  good  or  bad  aspect. 

A'SPERAMENTE,  ad.  Rudely,  in  a  harsh  manner. 

ASPEREAR,  vn  To  imbitter,  to  render  rough 
and  acrid  to  the  taste. — va.  (Ant.)  To  exas- 
perate, to  irritate. 

ASPERETE,  a.  V.  Aspcrillo. 

ASPEREZA,S/.  1.  Asperity,  the  quality  of  being 
harsh  to  the  taste  and  hearing.  2.  Rough- 
ness, ruggedness,  inequality,  or  unevenness 
of  the  ground.  3.  Austerity,  sourness,  rigour, 
or  harshness  of  temper. 

ASPERGES,  sm.  A  Latin  word,  used  for  aspersion 
or  sprinkling.  Quedarse  aspe.rges,  To  be  frus- 
trated or  disappointed  in  one's  expectations. 

ASPERIEGA,S/".  A  sour  apple  of  the  pippin  kind. 

ASPERILLO,  IXA,  a.  Tart,  sourish,  like  unripe 
fruit.  [vant. 

A'SPERO,  sm.  A  silver  coin  current  in  the  Le- 

A'SPERO,  RA,  a.  1.  Rough,  rugged,  uneven.  2. 
(Met.)  Harsh  and  unpleasing  to  the  taste  or 
ear.  3.  (Met.)  Severe,  rigid,  austere.  Aspera 
artiria.  V.  Traquiarteria. 

ASPERON,  sm.  Grindle-stone  or  grind-stone. 

ASPERSION,  sf.  Aspersion,  the  act  of  sprinkling. 

ASPERSORIO,  sm.  Instrument  with  which  holy 
water  is  sprinkled  in  the  church. 

A'SPID  Y  A'SPIDE,  sm.  1.  Aspic,  a  small  kind  of 
serpents.  Coluber  aspis  L.  2.  Sort  of  culverin. 

3.  (Met.)  Person  of  a  very  choleric  temper. 
ASPIRACION,  sf.  1.  Aspiration,  the  act  of  aspir- 
ing, or  desiring  something  high.  2.  Pronunci- 
ation of  a  vowel  with  full  breath.   3.  (Mus.)  A 
short  pause  which  gives  only  time  to  breathe. 

ASPIRADAMENTE,  ad.  With  aspiration. 

ASPIRANTE,  pa.  Aspirant. 

ASPIRAR,  va.  1.  To  inspire  the  air,  to  draw  in 
the  breath.  2.  To  aspire,  to  wish  ardently 
for  an  employment  or  dignity.  3.  To  pro- 
nounce with  full  breath. 

ASQUEAR,  va.  To  consider  with  disgust  or  dis- 
like, to  disdain. 

ASQUEROSAMENTE,  ad.  Nastily,  nauseously. 

ASQUEROSIDAD,  sf.  Nastiness,  filthiness. 

ASQ.UEROSO,  SA,  a.  1.  Nasty,  filthy,  nauseously 
impure.  2.  Loathsome,  fastidious,  squeamish. 

A'STA,  sf.  1.  Lance,  a  long  spear  with  a  sharp 
point.  2.  Part  of  the  deer's  head  which  bears 
the  antlers.  3.  Handle  of  a  pencil,  brush.  4. 
(Naut.)  Staff  or  light  pole  erected  in  different 
parts  of  the  ship,  on  which  the  colours  are  dis- 


played.  Asta  de  bandera  de  popa,  Ensign- 
staff.  Asta  de  bandera  dc  proa,  Jack-staff. 
Asta  de  tope,  Flag-staff.  Asta  de  bomla, 
Pump-spear.  Astas,  Horns  of  animals,  as 
bulls,  &c.  Darse  de  las  astas,  To  snap  and 
carp  at  each  other. 

ASTACO,  sm.  Lobster,  crayfish  or  crawfish. 

AsxAoo  6  ASTERO,  sm.  Roman  pikeman  or 

ASTER,  sm.  (Bot.)  Star-wort. 

ASTERIA,  sf.  1.  Star-stone,  a  kind  of  precious 
stone.  2.  Cat's  eye,  a  sort  of  false  opal. 

AsTERisco,sm.  1.  Asterisk,  a  mark  in  printing 
in  the  form  of  a  small  star.  2.  (Bot.)  Oxeye'. 
Buphthalmum  L.  [tion. 

ASTERISMO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Asterism,  a  constella- 

ASTIL,  sm.  1.  Handle  of  an  axe,  hatchet,  &c.  2. 
Shaft  of  an  arrow.  3.  Beam  of  a  balance.  4. 
Any  thing  which  serves  to  support  another. 

ASTILICO,  sm.  A  small  handle. 

ASTILLA,  sf.  1.  Chip  of  wood,  splinter  of  timber. 
2.  (Ant.)  Reed  or  comb  of  a  loom.  3.  Astilla 
muerta  de  un  baxel,  (Naut.)  The  dead  rising 
of  the  floor-timbers  of  a  ship.  De  tal,  palu,  tal 
astilla,  (Prov.)  A  chip  of  the  same  block. 

ASTILLAR,  va.  To  chip,  to  cut  into  small  pieces. 

ASTILLAZO,  sm.  1.  Crack,  the  noise  produced 
by  a  splinter  being  torn  from  a  block.  2. 
(Met.)  The  damage  which  results  from  an 
enterprise  to  those  who  have  not  been  its 
principal  authors  and  promoters. 

ASTILLEJOS,  sm.  pi.  (Astr.)  Castor  and  Pollux, 
two  brilliant  stars  in  the  sign  Gemini. 

ASTILLERO,  sm.  1.  Rack  on  which  lances,  spears, 
pikes,  &c.  are  placed.  2.  One  who  makes 
reeds  or  combs  for  looms.  3.  Astillero  de  con- 
struccion,  Ship-wright's  yard,  dock-yard.  4. 
(Ant.)  Bottom  ofthe  ship.  Poner  en  astillero, 
(Met.)  To  place  one  in  an  honourable  post. 

ASTILLICA  Y  AsTiLtfrA,  sf.  A  small  chip. 

ASTRAGALO,  sm.  1.  (Arq.)  Astragal,  a  little 
round  member,  in  form  of  a  ring,  serving  as 
an  ornament  at  the  tops  and  bottoms  of  co- 
lumns. 2.  (Artil.)  A  kind  of  ring  or  moulding 
on  a  piece  of  ordnance,  at  about  half  a  foot 
distance  from  the  mouth,  serving  as  an  orna- 
ment to  the  piece.  3.  (Bot.)  Milk-vetch. 

ASTRAL,  a.  That  which  belongs  to  the  stars,  or 
bears  a  relation  to  them. 

ASTRANCIA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Master-wort. 


ASTRICTIVO,  VA,  a.  Astrictive,  styptic. 

ASTRICTO,  TA,  a.  1.  Contracted,  compressed.  2. 
Determined,  resolved.  [stars. 

ASTRIFERO,  RA,  (Poet.)  Starry,  sideral,  full  of 

ASTRINGENTE,  a.  Astringent.  [press. 

ASTRINGIR,  a.  To  astringe,  to  contract,  to  com- 

A'STRO,  sm.  1.  Luminous  body  of  the  heavens, 
such  as  the  sun,  moon,  and  stars.  2.  Illustri- 
ous person  of  uncommon  merit. 

ASTROLABIO,  sm.  Astrolabe,  an  instrument 
chiefly  used  for  taking  the  altitude  of  stars 
at  sea.  [telling  things  by  the  stars. 

ASTROLOGIA,  sf.  Astrology,  the  practice  of fore- 

ASTROI.OGICO,  CA,  Y,  a.  Astrologi- 
cal,  that  which  belongs  to  astrology. 

ASTROLOGO,  sm.  Astrologer,  one  who  professes 
to  foretel  future  events  by  the  star*. 





L,  sf.  Astronomy,  a  mixed  mathe- 
matical science  teaching  the  knowledge  of 
celestial  bodies,  their  magnitudes,  motions, 
distances,  periods,  eclipses,  and  order. 

AsTRox6Mico,  CA,  a.  Astronomical,  that  which 
belongs  to  astronomy. 

ASTROS-OHIO,  sm.  Astronomer,  one  who  studies 
the  celestial  motions. 

ASTROSAMEXTE,  ad.  Slovenly,  in  a  coarse,  slut- 
tish manner. 

ASTROSO,  SA,  a.  1.  Indecent,  sordid,  base,  vile. 
2.  (Ant.)  Unfortunate. 

ASTUCIA,  sf.  Cunningness,  craftiness,  slyness. 

ASTURIO.V,  sm.  Ponv,  a  small  horse. 

ASTUTAMENTE,  ad.  Cunningly,  in  a  sly  artful 

ASTUTO,  TA,  a.  Cunning,  sly,  crafty. 

AsrBiAR,  vn.  (Burg.)  To  guard  against  the  rain. 

ASUETO,  sm.  Holyday  for  schoolboys  and  stu- 
dents ;  vacation. 

AsuLcAR.  V.  Surcar. 

ASUMIR,  va.  To  ascend,  to  assume  any  dignity. 
— vr.  V.  Arrogarse. 

ASUNCION,  sf.  1.  Assumption,  the  act  of  taking 
any  thing  to  one's  self.    2.  Elevation  to  a 
higher  dignity.  3.  Ascent  of  the  Holy  Virgin 
to  heaven. 
stfNTO,  sm.  Subject,  the  matter  treated  upon. 

ASURAMIENTO,  sm.  Ustion,  the  act  of  burning, 
and  the  state  of  being  burnt. 

ASURARSE,  vr.  1.  To  be  burnt  in  the  pot  or 
pan  ;  applied  to  meat.  2.  To  be  parched  with 
drought ;  applied  to  fields. 
SCRCAR,  va.  To  furrow  sown  land  for  the  pur- 
pose of  rooting  out  the  weeds. 
SURE/,  sm.  The  son  of  Suero,  ancient  patro- 
nymic, usual  in  Spain. 

Asuso,  ad.  (Ant.)  Upwards  ;  above. 

ASUSTAR,  va.  To  frighten,  to  terrify. — vr.  To 
be  frightened  or  struck  with  fear." 

A'TA,  prep.  (Ant.)  V.  Hasta, 

'ATABAcAoo,  DA,  a.  Having  the  colour  of  to- 

ATABAL,  sm.  1.  Kettle-drum.  2.  Atabalero. 

ATABALEAR,  vn.  To  imitate  the  noise  of  kettle- 



ATABALEJO  6  ATABALiLLo,sm.  A  small  kettle- 

ATABAI.ERO,  sm.  Kettle-drum  player. 

ATABANADO,  DA,  a.  Having  white  spots  about 
the  head,  neck,  and  flanks  ;  applied  to  horses. 

ATABARDILLADO,  DA,  a.  Applied  to  diseases  of 
the  nature  of  spotted  fevers. 

ATABE,  sm.  A  small  vent  or  spiracle  left  in  wa- 

ATABERNADO,  DA,  a.  Retailed  in  taverns  ;  ap- 
plied to  wine  and  other  liquors. 

ATABLADERA,^/*.  Roller,  machine  for  levelling 
the  soil. 

ATABI.AR,  ra.  To  level  land  sown  with  corn  by  | 
means  of  a  levelling  board  (on  which  the 
driver  stands),  drawn  by  two  horses,  like  a 

ATACADERA,  sf.  Rammer  used  in  splitting 
stones  with  gunpowder. 

ATACADO,  DA,  pp.  1.  Attacked.  2.  (Met.)  Irre- 
solute, not  constant  in  purpose,  not  determin- 
ed. 3.  (Met.)  Close,  miserable,  narrow-mind- 
ed. Calzas  atncadas,  Breeches  formerly  worn 
in  Spain,  which  covered  the  legs  and  thighs.' 

FFombre  de  colzas  atacadas,  A  strict  observer 
of  old  customs,  and  rigid  in  his  proceedings. 

ATACADOR,  sm.  1.  Aggressor,  he  that  invades  or 
attacks.  2.  Ramrod  or  rammer,  an  instrument 
with  which  the  charge  is  forced  into  guns. 

ATACADURA  v  ATACAMIENTO,  s.  Stricture,  act 
and  effect  of  tightening. 

ATACAR,  va.  1.  To  fit  clothes  tight  to  the  body, 
to  lace  them  very  close.  2.  To  force  the 
charge  into  fire-arms  with  a  ramrod.  3.  To 
attack,  to  assault.  Atacar  bien  la  plaza, 
(Joe.)  To  cram  or  stuff  gluttonously. 

ATACHONADO,  DA,  a.  (Ant.)  Buttoned,  laced. 

ATADERAS,  sf.  pi.  Garters. 

ATAUERO,  sm..  \.  Cord  or  rope,  with  which 
something  may  be  tied.  2.  The  place  where 
a  thing  is  tied.  JVo  tener  atadero,  To  have 
neither  head  nor  tail ;  applied  to  a  speech  or 
discourse.  [eel. 

ATADIJO,  sm.  An  ill-shaped  little  bundle  or  par- 

ATADITO,  TA,  a.  Somewhat  cramped  or  con- 

ATADO, sm.  Bundle,  parcel.  Atado  de  r.cbollas, 
A  string  of  onions.  [rassed. 

DA,  a.  Pusillanimous,  easily  embar- 

ATADOR,  sm.  1.  He  who  ties.  2.  A  man  who 
binds  sheaves  of  corn  ;  a  binder. 

ATADURA,  sf.  1.  Alligation,  the  act  of  tyinor  to- 
gether. 2.  (Ant.)  tic,  fastening.  3.  (Met.) 
Union,  connexion.  Ataduras  de  galeotes  y 
prcsos,  A  number  of  prisoners  tied  together, 
to  be  conducted  to  the  galleys. 

ATAFAGAR,  va.  1.  To  stupify,  to  deprive  of  the 
use  of  the  senses.  2.  (Met.)  To  tease,  to  mo- 
lest by  incessant  importunity. 

ATAFETANADO,  DA,  a.  Resembling  tiffany,  a 
light  thin  silk.  [saddle. 

ATAHARRE,  sm.  The  broad  crupper  of  a  pack 

ATAHORMA,  sf.  (Orn.)  Osprey,  a  kind  of  sea- 
eagle.  Falco  ossifragus  L. 

ATAIFOR  6  ATAIFORICO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Round  ta- 
ble ;  deep  plate. 

ATAIRAR,  va.  To  cut  mouldings  in  the  pannels 
and  frames  of  doors  and  windows. 

ATAIRE,  sm.  Moulding  in  the  pannels  and 
frames  of  doors  and  windows. 

ATAJADfzo,sm.  Partition  of  boards,  linen,  &c. 
by  which  a  place  or  ground  is  divided  into 
separate  parts.  Atajadizo  de  la  caxa  de  agua, 
(Na6t.)  The  manger-board. 

ATAJADOR,  sm.  1.  One  that  intercepts  or  stops 
a  passage,  or  obstructs  the  progress  of  an- 
other. 2.  (Ant.  Mil.)  Scout.  3.  Atajador  de 
ganado,  A  sheep  thief. 

ATAJAR,  vn.  To  go  the  shortest  way  ;  to  cut  off 
part  of  the  road. — va.  1.  To  overtake  flying 
beasts  or  men,  by  cutting  off  part  of  the  road, 
and  thus  getting  before  them.  2.  To  divide  or 
separate  by  partitions.  3.  To  intercept,  stop, 
or  obstruct  the  course  of  a  thing.  4.  Atajar 
ganado,  To  steal  sheep.  5.  Atajar  la  tierra, 
To  reconnoitre  the  ground. — vr.  To  be  con- 
founded with  shame,dread,  or  reverential  fear. 

AT  A  jo,  sm.  1.  Cut  by  which  a  road  or  path  is 
shortened.  2.  Partition,  division.  3.  A  sepa- 
rate part  of  a  flock.  4.  Ward  or  guard,  made 
by  a  weapon  in  fencing.  5.  Expedient,  conve- 
n'iency.  JYo  hay  atajo  sin  trabajo,  There  is 
no  conveniency  without  some  inconveniency. 
81  * 



6.  Obstruction.  Salir  al  altajo,  To  interrupt 
another's  speech,  and  anticipate  in  a  few 
words  what  he  was  going  to  say  in  many, 

ATAL,  a.  (Ant.)  V.  Tal. 

ATALADRAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  bore.  V.  Taladrar. 

ATALANTA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Fixed  and  coagulated 

ATALANTAR,  va.  To  stun,  to  stupify. — vn.  To 
agree,  to  accord,  to  be  pleased. 

AxAtAvA,  sf.  1.  Watch-tower,  which  overlooks 
the  adjacent  country  and  sea-coast.  2.  Height, 
whence  a  considerable  track  of  country  may 
be  overlooked.  3.  Guard,  placed  in  a  watch- 
tower  to  keep  a  watchful  eye  over  the  adja- 
cent country  and  sea-coast. 

ATAI.AYADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  Guard  or  sentry  station- 
ed in  a  watch-tower.  2.  (Met.)  Observer  ;  in- 

ATALAYAR,  va.  1.  To  overlook  and  observe  the 
country  and  sea-coast  from  a  watch-tower  or 
eminence.  2.  To  spy  or  pry  into  the  actions 
of  others. 

ATALVINA,  sf.  V.  Talvina. 

ATAMBIEN,  ad.  V.  Tambien. 

ATAMIENTO,  sm.  J.  Pusillanimity,  meanness  of 
spirit.  2.  Embarrassment,  perplexity. 

ATAN,  ad.  (Ant.)  V.  Tan. 

ATANASIA,  sf.  1.  (Bot.)  Tansy.  Tanacetum  vul- 
gare  L.  2.  (Imprent.)  A  sort  of  types,  be- 
tween Pica  and  English  Roman. 

ATANCARSE,  vr.  To  be  embarrassed  or  perplex- 
ed ;  to  stop  short. 

ATASES,  ad.  (Ant.)  V.  Hasta. 

ATANOR,  sm.  (And.)  A  siphon  or  tube  for  con- 
veying water. 

AT.Y.N^UIA,  sf.  1.  Depilatory,  a  sort  of  ointment, 
made  up  of  unslaked  lime,  oil,  &.c.  to  take 
away  hair  ;  mixture  of  orpiment  and  lime.  2. 
Refuse  of  silk  which  cannot  be  spun. 

ATASTO,  (Ant.)  V.  T«»V  [tain. 

ATANER,  v.  imp.  (Ant.)  To  belong,  to  apper- 

ATAPA^R,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Tapar. 

ATAQ.UE,  sm.  1.  Attack.  2.  Trenches,  made  to 
cover  troops,  which  besiege  a  place.  3.  Fit 
of  the  palsy,  an  apoplectic  fit.  4.  (Met.)  Ver- 
bal dispute. 

ATAQUIZA,  sf.  The  act  of  provining  or  laying  a 
branch  of  a  vine  in  the  ground  to  take  root. 

ATAQUIZAR,  va.  To  provine  or  lay  a  branch  of 
a  vine  in  the  ground  to  take  root. 

AT^R,  va.  1.  To  tie,  to  bind,  to  fasten.  2. 
(Met.)  To  deprive  of  motion,  to  stop.  Atar 
bien  su  dedo,  To  take  care  of  one's  self,  to  be 
attentive  to  one's  own  interest.  Al  atar  de 
los  trapos,  At  the  close  of  the  accounts.  Lo- 
co de  atar,  A  fool,  that  should  wear  a  strait- 
waistcoat.  Atatela  al  dedo.  Tie  it  to  the 
finger  ;  said  to  ridicule  a  person  led  by  vision- 
ary expectations. — vr.  1.  To  be  embarrassed 
or  perplexed,  to  be  at  a  loss  how  to  extricate 
one's  self  from  some  difficulties.  2.  To  con- 
fine one's  self  to  some  certain  subject  or  mat- 
ter Marse  a  la  letra,  To  stick  to  the  letter 
of  the  text.  Marse  las  manos,  To  tie  one's 
self  down  by  promise. 

ATARACKA  y  ATARACE,  5.  Marquetry,  chequer- 
ed work,  wood,  or  other  matter  inlaid  or  va- 
riegated. [ga^e- 

ATARACEAR,  va.  To  chequer,  to  inlay  or  varie- 

ATARAVTADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Bit  by  a  tarantula.  2. 
Having  a  tremulous  head  and  hand,  as  if  bit 
by  a  tarantula.  3.  (Met.)  Surprised,  astonish- 
ed, amazed. 

ATARAZANA  6  ATARAZANAT,,  s.  1.  Arsenal,  a 
public  dock-yard.  2.  Shed  in  rope-walks,  for 
the  spinners  to  work  under  cover.  3.  Cellar, 
where  wine  is  kept  in  casks. 

ATARAZ  AR,  va.  To  bite  or  wound  with  the  teeth. 

ATARDE,  ad.  (Ant.)  In  the  evening.  V.  Tarde. 

ATARE.ADO,  DA,  a.  Busied,  occupied  ;  tasked. 

ATAREAR,  va.  To  task,  to  impose  a  task. — rr. 
To  labour  or  work  with  great  application. 

ATARO.UINAR,  va.  To  bemire,  to  cover  with 
mire. — vr.  To  be  bemoiled,  to  be  covered 
with  mire.  [before  it  is  nailed. 

ATARRAGA.R,  va.  To  fit  a  shoe  to  a  horse's  foot 

ATARRAJAR,  va.  To  form  the  thread  of  a  screw, 
to  make  a  screw  with  a  screw-plate. 

ATARCGADO,  DA,  a.  (Fam.)  Abashed,  ashamed. 

ATARUGAMIENTO,  sm.  (Vulg.)  Act  and  effect  of 

ATARUGAR,  va.  1.  To  fasten  or  straiten  with 
wedges.  2.  To  stop  with  wedges.  3.  (Met.) 
To  silence  one,  so  that  he  does  not  know 
what  to  answer. 

ATARXEA,  sf.  1.  A  small  vault  made  of  brick, 
over  the  pipes  of  an  aqueduct,  to  prevent  them 
from  receiving  any  hurt.  2.  A  small  sewer 
or  drain  for  carrying  off  the  filth  of  houses. 

ATASAJADO,  DA,  a.  Stretched  across  a  horse. 

ATASAJAR,  va.  To  cut  meat  into  small  pieces, 
and  dry  it  by  the  sun,  in  imitation  of  hung- 

ATASCADERO,  sm.  1.  A  deep  miry  place,  in 
which  carriages,  horses,  &c.  stick  fast.  2. 
(Met.)  Obstruction,  impediment. 

ATASCAR,  va.  l.(Naut.)Tostop  or  father  aleak. 
2.  (Met.)  To  throw  an  obstacle  in  the  way  of 
some  undertaking  to  prevent  its  being  carried 
into  effect. — vr.  1.  To  stick  in  a  deep  miry 
place.  2.  (Met.)  To  stop  short  in  a  speech  or 
discourse,  without  being  able  to  proceed. 

ATAT^D,  sm.  1.  Coffin  in  which  dead  bodies  are 
put  into  the  ground.  2.  (Ant.)  A  measure  for 
corn.  [fin. 

ATAUDADO,  DA,  a.  Made  in  the  shape  of  a  cof- 
AuxfA,  sf.  Damaskening,  the  art  or  act  of 
adorning  gold,  silver,  or  steel,  with  inlaid 
work  of  various  colours.  [shion. 

ATAUXIADO,  DA,  a.  Worked  damaskening  fa- 

ATAVIAR,  va.  To  dress  out,  to  trim,  to  adorn, 
to  embellish. 

ATAVILLAR,  va.  (Arag.)  To  unfold  a  piece  of 
cloth  so  that  the  selvages  are  open  to  view 
on  both  sides.  [son. 

ATAVIO,  sm.  The  dress  and  ornament  of  a  per- 

ATAXEA  Y  AxAxfA,  sf.  V.  Atarxea 

AXTE,  prep.  (Ant.)  V.  Ante. 

ATEDIARSE,  vr.  To  be  disgusted  or  displeased, 
to  consider  with  disgust. 

ATEISMO,S/TI.  Atheism  or  disbelief  of  God. 

ATEISTA,  sm.  Atheist,  one  who  denies  the  ex- 
istence of  God. 

ATEMORI/AU  Y  ATEMORAR,  va.  To  terrify,  to 
strike  with  terror. 

ATEMPA,  sf.  Pasture  in  plains  and  open  fields. 

ATEMPERACION,  sf.  The  act  and  effect  of  tem- 



ATEMPERAR,  va.  1.  To  temper,  to  form  metals 
to  a  proper  degree  of  hardness.  2.  To  soften 
to  mollify,  to  assuage.  3.  To  accommodate 
to  modify. 

ATEMPLAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Templar,  [by  turns 

ATEMPORADO,  DA,  a.  (Ant.)  Alternate,  serving 

ATKNACF,AR  6  ATENAZAR,  va.  To  tear  off  the 
flesh  with  pincers. 

ATENCION,S/.  1.  Attention,  the  act  of  being  at 
tentive.  2.  Civility,  complaisance.  3.  (In  th 
wool-trade)  A  contract  of  sale,  whereby  the 
price  of  wool  is  not  determined,  but  left  tc 
be  regulated  by  what  is  paid  by  others.  £? 
atencwn,  Attending  ;  in  consideration. 

ATENDER,  vn.  1.  To  attend  or  be  attentive,  t 
fix  the  mind  upon  a  subject  2.  To  expect,  t 
wait  or  stay  for. 

ATENEDOR,  sm.  (Ant.)  Partisan,  sectarian. 

ATENER,  vn.  1.  To  walk  at  the  same  pace  will 
another.  2.  To  guard,  to  observe. — vr.  To 
stick  or  adhere  to  one  for  greater  security. 

ATENTACION,  sf.  Procedure  contrary  to  the  or 
der  and  form  prescribed  by  the  laws. 

ATENTAUAMENTE,/W/..  1.  Prudently,  considerate 
ly.  2.  Contrary  to  law. 

ATENTADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Discreet,  prudent,  mode 
rate.  2.  Done  without  noise,  and  with  greal 

ATENTADO,  sm.  1.  Proceeding  of  a  judge  nol 
warranted  by  the  law.  2.  Excess,  transgres 
sion,  offence. 

ATENTAMENTE,  ad.  1.  Attentively,  with  atten- 
tion. 2.  Civilly,  politely. 

ATENTAR,  va.  1.  To  attempt  to  commit  any 
crime.  2.  To  try  with  great  circumspection 
3.  To  encamp. — vr.  To  proceed  with  the  ut- 
most circumspection  in  the  execution  of  an 

ATENTO,  TA,  a.  1.  Attentive,  bent  upon  a  thi 
2.  Polite,  civil.     Atento,  In  consideration. 

ATESUACION,  sf.  Attenuation,  the  act  of  making 
thin  or  slender.  [diminish,  to  lessen 

ATENUAR,  va.  To  render  thin  and  slender  ;  to 

ATEO,  sm.  V.  Meista. 

ATERCIANADO,  DA,  a.  Afflicted  with  a  tertian 
or  intermitting  fever.  [velvet 

ATERCIOPELADO,  DA,  a.  Velvet-like,  resembling 

ATERICIARSE.  V.  Jltiriciarsc. 

ATERILLADO,  DA,  a.  Crumbled  or  sifted  fine. 

ATERiMiE.\TO,S7tt.  Act  of  growing  stiff  with  cold 

ArERfRSE,  vr.  To  grow  stiff  with  cold. 

ATERRAMIENTO,  sm.  I.  Ruin,  destruction.  2. 
Terror,  communication  of  fear. 

ATERRAR,  va.  1.  To  destroy,  to  pull  or  strike 
down  ;  to  prostrate.  2.  To  terrify,  to  apf 
to  cause  terror  or  dismay. — vr.  (Naut.)  To 
stand  in  shore,  to  keep  the  land  on  board. 

AXERROXARSE,  vr.  To  clod,  to  gather  into  con- 
cretions, to  coagulate. 

ATERRORIZAR,  va.  To  frighten,  to  terrify. 

ATESAR,  va.  1.  To  harden  or  stiffen  a  thing.  2. 
(Naut.)  To  haul  taught. 

AXESORAR,  va.  1.  To  treasure  or  hoard  up 
riches.  2.  To  possess  many  amiable  qualities 
and  perfections. 

AXESTACION,  sf.  Attestation,  certificate. 

AxEsxAoo,  DA,  a.  Attested,  witnessed. 

ATESXADOS,  Certificates,  testimonials. 

ATESTADURA,  sf.  1.  The  act  of  cramming,  or 

stuffing.  2.  Must,  poured  into  pipes  and  butts, 
to  supply  the  soak'age.  [stuffing. 

ATESTAMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  of  cramming  or 

ATESTAR,  va.  1.  To  cram,  to  stuff.  2.  To  fill  up 
pipes  or  butts  of  wine.  3.  To  attest,  to  wit- 

AXESTIGUACION,  sf.  Deposition  upon  oath. 

ATESTIGUAR,  va.  To  depose,  to  witness,  to  at- 
test, to  affirm  as  a  witness.  Mestiguar  con 
alguno,  To  cite  or  summon  one  as  a  witness. 

ATETADO,  DA,  a.  Mammillated,  mammiform. 

AXEXAR,  va.  To  suckle,  to  give  suck. 

ATETILLAR,  va.  To  dig  a  trench  around  the 
roots  of  trees,  leaving  the  soil  against  their 
trunks.  [ening. 

ATEZAMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  and  effect  of  black- 

ATEZAR,  va.  To  blacken,  to  make  black. — vr. 
To  grow  black. 

ATIBORRAR,  va.  I.  To  stuff  or  pack  up  close 
with  locks  of  wool,  tow,  &c.  2.  To  cram  with 

A'TICISMO,  5m.  1.  Atticism,  a  concise  manner 
of  speech,  used  by  the  Athenians.  2.  Nice, 
witty  and  polite  joke. 

A'TICO,  CA,  a.  1.  Attic,  elegant,  poignant ;  ap- 
plied to  wit  and  humour.  2.  Superior  to  ob- 
jection or  confutation.  Testigo  dtico,  An  irre- 
fragable witness.  3.  Upper  part  of  a  building. 

ATICURGA,  sf.  Base  of  an  attic  column. 

Ax  TIENTAS,  ad.  In  the  dark,  at  random. 

ATIESAR,  va.  To  make  hard  or  stiff. 

ATIFLE,  sm.  An  instrument  in  the  shape  of  a 
trevet,  which  potters  place  between  earthen 

Is,  to  prevent  them  from  sticking  to  each 
other  in  the  kiln  or  oven,  [the  skin  of  a  tiger. 

AXIGRADO,  DA,  a.  Tiger-coloured,  resembling 

AxiLDADtiRA,  sf.  1.  Dress,  attire,  ornament.  2. 
Culture  of  the  mind,  good  breeding.  3.  Punc- 

ATILDAR,  va.  1.  To  put  a  dash  or  stroke  over  a 
letter.  2.  To  censure  the  speeches  and  actions 
of  others.  3.  To  deck,  to  dress,  to  adorn. 

ATINADAMENTE,  ad.  1.  Cautiously,  judiciously, 
prudently.  2.  Pertinently,  appositely,  to  the 

ATIN^R,  vn.  1.  To  touch  the  mark,  to  reach  the 
point.  2.  To  hit  upon  a  thing  by  conjecture. 

ATINCAR,  sm.  Tincal ;  when  refined,  it  is  the 
Borax  of  commerce. 

ATIPLAR,  va.  To  raise  the  sound  of  a  musical  in- 
strument.— vr.  To  grow  very  sharp  or  acute ; 
applied  to  the  sound  of  a  musical  instrument. 

ATIRANTAR,  ra.  To  fix  collar  beams  in  a  building. 

ATIRICIARSE,  vr.  To  grow  jaundiced,  to  be  in- 
fected with  the  jaundice. 

ATISBADOR,  RA,  s.  A  person  who  pries  into  the 
business  and  actions  of  others. 

ATISBADURA,  sf.  The  act  of  prying  into  the 
business  and  actions  of  others.  [closely. 

ATISBAR,  va.  To  scrutinize,  to  pry,  to  examino 

ATISUADO,  DA,  a.  Tissue-like,  made  tissue-fa- 
shion, [cites. 

ATIZADERO,  sm.  Exciter,  the  thing  which  e.t- 

ATIZADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  One  who  stirs  up  or  incites 
others.  2.  Poker,  an  instrument  to  stir  the 
fire.  3.  (In  Oil-mills)  The  person  who  puts 
the  olives  under  the  mill-stone.  4.  (In  Glass- 
houses) He  who  supplies  the  furnace  with 
wood  or  coals. 




ATIZAR,  vet.  1.  To  stir  the  fire  with  a.  poker. 
2.  (Met.)  To  stir  up  or  rouse  and  incite  the 
passions.  Atizar  la  Idmpara  6  el  candil,  To 
raise  the  lamp  wick,  and  fill  it  with  oil.  Ati- 
zar  la  Idmpara,  (Joe.)  To  fill  the  glasses. 
Pedro  par  quc  atiza  ?  For  gozar  de  la  ce- 
niza,  (Prov.)  Why  does  Peter  sow  ?  Because 
he  expects  to  reap. 

ATIZONAR,  va.  To  join  bricks  and  stones  close 
together,  and  fill  up  the  chinks  in  a  wall 
with  mortar  and  brick  bats. — vr.  To  be 
smutted  ;  applied  to  grain. 

ATLA.NTE,  sm.  He  who  bears  the  weight  of  go- 
vernment, in  allusion  to  Atlas.  Mantes, 
(Arq.)  Figures  or  half  figures  of  men,  some- 
times used  instead  of  columns. 

ATLANTICO,  CA,  a.  Atlantic.  Mar  Atlantico, 
The  Atlantic  Ocean. 

A'TLAS,  sm.  1.  Atlas,  a  collection  of  maps.  2. 
(Anat.)  The  first  vertebra  or  joint  of  the 
neck.  3.  (Com.)  A  kind  of  rick  silk  manu 
factured  in  the  East  Indies. 

ATLETA,  sm.  Wrestler,  he  who  wrestles. 

ATLETICO,  CA,  a.  Athletic,  belonging  to  wres- 
tling ;  robust. 

ATMOSFERA,  sf.  Atmosphere,  the  air  which  en- 
compasses the  earth,  and  carries  off  vapours 

ATMOSFERICO,  CA,  a.  Atmospherical, belonging 
to  the  atmosphere. 

ATOAR,  va.  (Naut.)  To  tow  or  haul  a  vessel 
through  the  water  by  the  help  of  a  rope. 

ATOBAR,  va.  To  astonish,  to  cause  admiration 

ATOCHA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Feathergrass,  bass-weed 
Stipa  tenacissima  L. 

ATOCHA^L  6  ATOCHAR,  sm.  A  field  where  bass- 
weed  grows. 

ATOCHAR,  va.  To  fill  with  bass-weed. 

ATOCINADO,  DA,  a.  (Vulg.)  Corpulent,  fat 

ATOCIN^R,  va.  1.  To  cut  up  a  pig  into  parts  fit 
for  salting  and  drying.  2.  (Met.)  To  assassi- 
nate or  murder  in  a  perfidious  manner. — vr 
(Vulg.)  To  swell  with  anger  and  rage,  to  be 

A;TOLE,SW.  A  liquor  much  drank  in  Mexico 
extracted  from  Indian  corn  in  its  milky  state 
and  mixed  with  other  ingredients. 

ATOLLADERO,  sm.  1.  A  deep  miry  place.  2 
(Met.)  Obstacle,  impediment,  obstruction. 

ATOLLAR,  vn.  To  fall  into  the  mire,  to  stick  in 
the  mud. — vr.  (Met.)  To  be  involved  in  great 
difficulties.  [and  effect  of  stupifying 

ATOLONDRAMIENTO,  sm.  Stupefaction,  the  acl 

ATOLONDRAR,  va.  To  stun,  to  stupify,  to  ren 
der  stupid. — vr.  To  be  stupified,  to  grow  dul 
or  stupid.  [mirse 


ATOMISTA,  sm.  Atomist,  one  who  holds  the  ato 
mical  philosophy,  or  the  system  of  atoms. 

ATOMISTICO,  CA,  a.  Atomical,  consisting  of 

A'TOMO,  sm.  \.  Atom,  such  a  small  particle  as 
cannot  be  physically  divided.  2.  Any  thing 
extremely  small.  JVo  exr.cder  en  un  dtomo, 
To  stick  closely  to  one's  orders  and  instruc- 
tions. Repardr  en  un  dtomo,  To  remark  the 
minutest  actions.  Jltomos,  Minute  parts  seen 
by  a  solar  ray  in  any  place. 

ATONDAR,  va.  To  spur  a  horse. 

,  TA,  a.  Astonished,  amazed.         [ner. 

ATONTADAMENTE,ad!.  Foolishly,  in  a  stupid  man- 

ATONTAMIENTO,STO.  The  act  of  stupify  ing,  and 
state  of  being  stupified. 

ATONTA.R,  va.  To  stun,  to  stupify. — vr.  To  be 
stupid,  to  grow  stupid. 

ATORA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Law  of  Moses. 

ATORAR,  vn.  1.  To  stick  in  the  mire.  2.  To  fit 
closely  the  bore  of  a  cannon ;  applied  to  a 

ATORDECER,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Aturdir. 

ATORMECER,  (Ant.)  V.  Adormecer, 

ATORMENTADAMENTE,  ad.  Anxiously,  torment- 
ingly.  [ments  or  gives  pain. 

ATORMENTADOR,  RA,  s.  Tormentor,  one  who  tor- 

ATORMENTAR,  va.  1.  To  torment,  to  give  pain 
2.  (Met.)  To  cause  affliction,  pain,  or  vexa- 
tion. 3vTo  rack  or  torment  by  the  rack,  to 
obtain  a  confession  of  the  truth. 

ATOROZONARSE,  vr.  To  suffer  gripes  or  colic  ; 
applied  to  saddle  horses. 

ATORTOLAR,  va.  To  confound,  to  intimidate.— 
vr.  To  be  frightened  or  intimidated,  like  a 

ATORTORAR,  va.  (Naut.)  To  frape  a  ship,  to 
strengthen  the  hull  with  ropes  tied  round  it. 

ATORTUJAR,  va.  (Vulg.)  To  squeeze,  to  make 
flat  by  pressing. 

ATOR/OI*ARSE,  vr.  To  be  griped,  to  be  troubled 
with  pains  in  the  bowels. 

ATOSIGADOR,  sm.  Poisoner,  one  who  poisons. 

ATOSIGAMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  of  poisoning,  and 
state  of  being  poisoned. 

ATOSIGAR,  va.  1.  To  poison,  to  infect  with  poi- 
son. 2.  (Met.)  To  harass,  to  oppress. 

ATOTI,  sm.  An  American  plant. 

ATRABANCAR,  va.  To  huddle,  to  perform  any 
thing  in  a  hurry,  without  considering  whether 
it  be  ill  or  well  done. 

ATRABANCO,  sw.The  act  of  huddling,  or  doing 
a  thing  with  precipitation  and  hurry. 

bilarious,  melancholy.  [ous  ;  black  bile. 

ATRABILIS,  sf.  The  state  of  being  atrabilari- 

ATRACAR,  va.  1.  (Naut.)  To  overtake  another 
ship,  to  come  up  with  her.  2.  To  cram,  to 
fill  with  food  and  drink  beyond  satiety. — vr. 
1.  To  be  stuffed  with  eating  and  drinking.  2. 
(Naut.)  Atracarse  al  costado,  To  come  along- 
side of  a  ship. 

ATRACCION,  sf.  Attraction,  the  act  or  power  of 

ATRACTIVO,  VA,  a.  Attractive,  having  the  pow- 
er of  attracting. 

ATRACTIVO,  sm.  Charm,  something  fit  to  gain 
the  affections. 

ATRACTIZ,^/*.  The  power  of  attracting. 

ATRAER,  va.  1.  To  attract,  to  draw  to  some- 
thing. 2.  To  allure,  to  invite,  to  make  an- 
other submit  to  one's  will  and  opinion. — vr. 
(Ant.)  V.  Juntarse  and  Extenderse. 

ATRAF  AC  ADO  ,  D  A,  a.  Much  occupied ;  laborious. 

ATRAFAGAR,  vn.  (Bax.)  To  toil,  to  exhaust 
one's  self  with  fatigue. 

ATRAGANTARSE,  vr.  1.  To  stick  in  the  throat  or 
wind-pipe.  2.  (Met.)  To  be  cut  short  in  con- 

ATRAIDOHADAMENTE,  ad.  Treacherously,  in  a 
treacherous  manner. 



ATRAIDORA'DO,  DA,  a.  Treacherous,  faithless, 

ATRAILLAR,  va.  .1.  To  leash,  to  bind  with  a 
string.  2.  To  follow  game,  being  guided  by  a 
dog  in  leash. 

ATRAIMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  of  attracting,  and 
state  of  being  attracted,  [er  of  dying  black. 

ATRAMENTOSO,  SA,  a.  That  which  has  the  pow- 

ATRAMPARSE,  vr.  1.  To  be  caught  in  a  snare. 
2.  To  be  choaked,  to  be  stopped  or  blocked 
up.  3.  To  be  involved  in  difficulties. 

ATRANCAR,  va.  1.  To  bar  a  door.  2.  To  step 
out,  to  take  long  steps.  3.  (Met.)  To  read  so 
fast  as  to  skip  over  passages,  to  omit  some 

LTRAPAR,  va.  1.  To  overtake,  to  lay  hold  of 
one  who  is  running  away.  2.  To  impose  upon, 
to  deceive. 

LTRAS,  ad.  1.  Backwards,  towards  the  back.  2. 
Past,  in  time  past.  Hacerse  atrds,  To  fall 
back.  Qucdarsc  atrds,  To  remain  behind. 
Volterse,  atrds,  (Met.)  To  retract,  to  unsay. 
Hacia  atrds,  Far  from  that,  quite  the  contrary. 

ATRASADO,  DA,  a.  Mrasado  de  medios,  Short 
of  means,  poor. 

ATRASADOS,  sm.  pi.  Arrears,  sums  which  -re- 
main behind  unpaid  though  due. 

ATRASAR,  va.  1.  To  leave  another  behind :  in 
this  sense  seldom  used.  2.  To  obstruct  an- 
other person's  fortune  or  advancement.  3. 
To  protract  or  postpone  the  execution  or  per- 
formance of  something.  Atrasar  d  relax, 
To  retard  the  motion  of  a  watch. — vr.  1.  To 
remain  behind.  2.  To  be  in  debt. 

ATRASO,  sm,.  1.  Backwardness.  2.  Loss  of  for- 
tune or  wealth.  3.  Arrears  of  money. 

ATRAVKSADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Squint-eyed,  looking  ob- 
liquely. 2.  Cross-grained,  perverse,  trouble- 
some. 3.  Mongrel,  of  a  mixed  or  cross  breed. 

ATRAVESADO,  sm.  One  of  the  muscles  of  the 
neck.  [peace. 

ATRAVESADOR,  sm.   Disturber,  a  violator   of 

ATRAVESANTO,  sm.  Cross-timber,  timber  which 
crosses  from  one  side  to  another.  Atravesaiio 
firme  dc  colchar,  (Naut.)  A  cross-piece  for 
belaying  ropes.  Atravesanos  de  los  propaos, 
Cross-pieces  of  the  breast-work.  Atravesa- 
nos de  las  latas,  Carlines  or  carlings,  two 
pieces  of  timber  lying  fore  and  aft  from  one 
beam  to  another,  directly  over  the  keel. 

ATRAVESAH,  va.  1.  To  lay  abeam,  piece  of  tim- 
ber, or  plank,  athwart  a  place.  2.  To  run 
through  with  a  sword,  to  pass  through  the 
body.  3.  To  cross  or  pass  over.  4.  (Bax.)  To 
bewitch  by  a  spell  or  charm.  5.  To  bet,  to  stake 
at  a  wager.  6.  To  lay  a  trump  on  a  card 
which  has  been  played.  7.  (Nniit.)  To  lie  to. 
Atraoesar  el  corazon,  (Met.)  To  move  to  com- 
passion. Atravesar  losgtneros,  To  buy  goods 
by  wholesale  in  order  to  sell  them  by  retail. 
Atravesar  todo  el  pais,  To  overrun  or  tra- 
verse the  whole  country.  No  atravesar  los 
umbrales,  Not  to  darken  one's  door. — vr.  I . 
To  be  obstructed  by  something  thrown  in  the 
way.  2.  To  interfere  in  other  people's  busi- 
ness or  conversation.  3.  To  have  a  dispute. 
4.  (Naut.)  To  cross  the  course  of  another 
vessel  under  her  head  or  stern. 

ATRAVESIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Travesia. 

ATRAZADERAS,  sf.  pi  (Ant.)  Shifts,  tricks, 

ATRAZAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  practise  shifts.  It  is 
still  used  vulgarly  in  Aragon. 

ATREGUADAMENTE,  ad.  Madly,  rashly. 

ATREGUADO,  DA,  a.  Rash,  foolish,  precipitate, 
or  deranged. 

ATRESNAI..AR,  va.  To  collect  sheaves  of  corn  into 
heaps,  that  they  may  be  carried  and  stacked. 

ATREVERSE,  vr.  1.  To  be  too  forward  from  want 
of  judgment  or  respect.  2.  To  dare,  to  ven- 

ATREVIDAMENTE,  ad.  Audaciously.  [ture. 

ATREVIDILLO,  LLA,  a.  Somewhat  audacious. 

ATREVIDISIMO,  MA,  a.  Most  audacious. 

ATREVIDO,  DA,  a.  Forward,  audacious,  bold. 

ATREVIDO,  sm.  A  muscle  of  the  shoulder  blade. 

ATREVIMIENTO,  sm.  Boldness,  audaciousness. 

ATRIAQUERO,  sm.  (Ant.)  A  manufacturer  and 
retailer  of  treacle.  Apothecaries  were  for- 
merly called  so. 

A.TRIBUCION,  sf.  1.  The  act  of  attributing  some- 
thing to  another.  2.  Attribute,  attribution. 

ATRIBUIR,  va.  To  attribute,  to  ascribe  as  a  qua- 
lity, to  impute  as  to  a  cause. — vr.  To  assume, 
to  arrogate  to  one's  self. 

ATRIBULAR,  va.  To  vex,  to  afflict. — vr.  To  be 
vexed,  to  suffer  tribulation. 

ATRIBUTAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  impose  tribute. 

ArRiBimvo,  VA,  a.  Attributive. 

ATRIBUTO,  sm.  Attribute,  the  thing  attributed 
to  another  ;  a  quality  adherent. 

ATRICAPILLA,  sf.  (Orn.)  The  Epicurean  war- 
bler. Motacilla  ficedula  L. 

ATRICESES,STO.  pi.  The  staples  or  iron  rings  to 
which  the  stirrup-straps  are  fastened. 

ATRICION,  sf.  1.  Attrition,  grief  for  sin  arising 
from  the  fear  of  punishment,  and  a  sense  of 
the  deformity  and  odiousnessof  sin.  2.  (Alb.) 
Contraction  of  the  principal  nerve  in  a  horse's 

ATR£L,  sm.  A  stand  for  the  missal,  and  other 
church-books  in  Roman  catholic  churches. 

ATRILERA,  sf.  An  ornamental  cover  laid  over 
the  stand  of  the  missal,  or  other  church- 
books,  while  divine  service  is  performed. 

ATRiNCHERAMiENTO,sm.Intrenchment.  Atriii~ 
cherami6ntosdeabordage,(Na.ut.)  Close  quar- 
ters, breast- works  on  board  of  merchant  ships, 
from  behind  which  the  crew  defend  them- 
selves in  case  of  the  ship  being  boarded  by 
an  enemy. 

ATRINCHERARSE,  vr.  To  intrench,  to  cover  one's 
self  from  the  enemy  by  means  of  trenches. 

A'TRIO,  sm.  1.  Porch,  a  roof  supported  by  pil- 
lars between  the  principal  door  of  a  palaco 
and  the  stair-case.  2.  Portico,  a  covered 
walk  before  a  church  door. 

ATRISTAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Entristeccr.          [sin. 

ATRITO,  TA,  a.  Feeling  attrition,  sorrowful  for 

A'TRO,  HA,  a.  (Poet.)  Dark,  black,  obscure. 

ATROCEME.VTE,  ad.  (Ant.)  V.  Atrozmente. 

ATROCHAR,  en.  To  go  by  bye  and  cross  paths. 

A'  TROCHE  IMOCHE,  ad.  Helter-skelter,  in  a 
hurry,  and  without  order. 

ATROCIDAD,  sf.  1.  Atrocity  or  atrociousnesa, 
enormous  wickedness.  2.  Excess.  Es  una 
atrocidad  lo  que  come,  lo  que  trabaja,  He  eats 
or  works  to  excess. 

ATROFIA,  sf.  Atrophy,  a  gradual  wasting  of  the 
body  for  want  of  nourishment. 



,  CA,  ft.  Affected  with  atrophy. 

ATROMPETADO,DA,a.  Trumpet-like,  having  the 
shape  of  a  trumpet.  Ticne  narices  atrompeta- 
das,  His  nostrils  are  as  wide  as  the  mouth  of 
a  trumpet.  [prudence  or  reflection. 

ATRONADAMENTE,   ad.  Precipitately,   without 

ATRONADO,  DA,  a.  Acting  in  a  precipitate,  im- 
prudent manner.  [a  thundering  noise. 

ATRONADOR,  RA,  s.  Thunderer,  one  who  makes 

ATRONADURA,  sf.  V.  Alcanzadura. 

ATRONAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  The  act  of  thundering. 
2.  Stupefaction  caused  by  a  blow.  3.  Crepane 
or  ulcer  in  the  feet  or  legs  of  horses,  gene- 
rally occasioned  by  a  blow. 

ATRONAR,  Va.  1.  To  make  a  great  noise  in  imi- 
tation of  thunder.    2.  To  stun,  to  stupify 
vr.  To  be  thunderstruck. 

ATRONERAR,  va.  To  make  embrasures  in  a  wall. 

ATROPADO,  DA,  a.  Grouped,  clumped  ;  applied 
to  trees  and  plants.  [order. 

ATROPAR,  va.  To  assemble  in  groups  without 

ATROPELLADAMENTE,  ad.  Tumultuously,  con- 
fusedly, [hasty,  precipitate  manner. 

ATROPELLADO,  DA,  a.  Speaking  or  acting  in  a 

ATROPELLADOR,  RA,  s.  Trampler,  one  who  over- 
turns or  tramples  under  foot.  [under  foot. 


ATROPELLAR,  va.  1.  To  trample,  to  tread  under 
foot.  2.  Atropellar  las  leyes,  To  act  in  defi- 
ance of  the  law.  3.  To  insult  with  abusive 
language.  4.  Atropellar  al  caltallo,  To  over 
work  a  horse. — vr.  To  hurry  one's  self  too 
much  in  speech  or  action. 

ATROZ,  a.  1.  Atrocious,  enormous  ;  cruel.  2 
Huge,  vast,  immense.  Estatura  atroz,  Enor- 
mous stature.  [mast. 

ATROZAR,  va.  (Naut.)  To  truss  a  yard  to  the 

ATROZMENTE,  ad.  1.  Atrociously.  2.  Excessive- 
ly, to  excess.  Trabajar  atrozmente,Towork 
to  excess. 

ATRUHANADO,  DA,  a.  Scurrilous,  acting  the 
buffoon,  using  low  jests. 

ATTELABE,  sm.  A  sea-spider. 

ATUENDO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Pomp,  ostentation. 

ATUFADAMENTE,  ad.  Peevishly,  morosely. 

ATUFAR,  va.  To  vex,  to  plague. — vr.  To  be  on 
the  fret ;  applied  to  wine  and  other  liquors 
in  a  state  of  fermentation. 

ATUMNO,  (Ant.)  V.  Otono. 

ATTJN,  sm.  Tunny  or  tunny-fish.  Scomber 
thynnus  L.  Pedazo  de  atun,  An  ignorant 
stupid  fellow.  For  atun  y  ver  al  duque, 
(Prov.)  To  kill  two  birds  with  one  stone. 

ATUNARA,  sf.  Place  for  the  tunny-fisheries. 

ATUNERA,  sf.  1.  A  fishing-hook  used  in  the 
tunny-fishery.  2.  A  net  with  which  the  tun- 
ny-fish is  caught. 

ATUNERO,  sm.  A  fisherman  engaged  in  the  tun- 
ny-fishery, a  fishmonger  who  deals  in  tunny- 

ATURAK,  va.  1.  To  stop  or  shut  up  closely.  2. 
(Ant.)  To  endure,  to  bear  ;  to  procrastinate. 

ATURDIMIENTO,  sm.  Perturbation  of  the  mind  ; 
dullness,  drowsiness. 

ATCRTUR,  va.  1.  To  perturb  or  perturbate,  to 
confuse.  2.  To  stupify  with  wonder  or  ad- 
miration. .  [lence. 

ATURRULLAR,  va.  To  confound,  to  reduce  to  si- 

ATUSADOR,  sm.  1.  Hair-dresser,  who  cuts  the 

hair.  2.  One  who  trims  box,  and  other  plant* 
in  a  garden. 

ATUSAR,  va.  1.  To  cut  the  hair  even,  to  comb 
it  smooth  and  even.  2.  To  shear  or  trim  the 
box,  and  other  plants  in  a  garden. — vr.  To 
trim  and  dress  one's  self  with  too  much  care 
and  affectation.  [lected  in  a  furnace. 

Arurf  A,  sf.  Tutty,  a  sublimate  of  calamine  col- 

A'TUTipi,KN,ad.  (Bax.)  Abundantly,  plentifully. 

AdcA,  sf.  A  goose.  V.  Oca. 

AUCTORIZAR,  (Ant.)  V.  Autorizar,  [ness. 

AUDACIA,  sf.  Audacity,  boldness,  audacious- 

AUDAZ,  a.  Forward,  bold,  daring,  audacious. 

AUDIENCIA,  sf.  1.  Audience,  a  hearing  given  by 
men  in  power  to  those  who  have  something 
to  propose  or  represent.  2.  Audience-cham- 
ber, the  room  in  which  an  audience  is  given. 
3.  A  court  of  oyer  and  terminer,  whose  juris- 
diction is  more  limited  than  that  of  the  chan- 
cillerias,  or  chanceries.  4.  Law-officers  ap- 
pointed by  a  superior  judge  to  institute  some 
judicial  inquiry.  5.  Audiencia  de  Jos  grados 
en  Sevilla,  A  court  of  appeal  in  Seville.  6. 
Jludiencia  pretorial  en  Indias,  A  court  of  ju- 
dicature in  India,  which  in  some  respects  is 
not  subordinate  to  the  viceroy. 

AUDITIVO,  VA,  a.  1.  Having  the  power  of  hear- 
ing. 2.  Invested  with  the  right  of  giving  an 

AUDITOR,  sm.  1.  Auditor,  a  hearer.  2.  A  judge. 
Auditor  de  la  nunciatura,  A  delegate  of  the 
Nuncio,  appointed  to  hear  and  decide  appeal 
causes  respecting  complaints  against  bishops. 
Auditor  de  rota,  One  of  the  twelve  prelates 
who  compose  the  Rota  at  Rome,  a  court 
which  inquires  into  and  decides  appeal-causes 
in  ecclesiastical  matters,  which  are  carried 
thither  from  all  Roman  Catholic  provinces 
and  kingdoms.  [tor 

AUDITORIA,  sf.  The  place  and  office  of  an  audi- 

AUDITORIO,  sm.  Auditory,  an  audience. 

AUDITORIO,  RIA,  a.  Auditory.  V.  Auditivo. 

AXUGE,  sm.  1.  Great  elevation  in  point  of  dig- 
nity or  fortune.  2.  (Astr.)  Apogee  of  a  planet 
or  star. 

AUGMENTAR,  (Ant.)  V.  Aumeiitar. 

ATJGURACION,  sf.  Auguration,  the  act  of  prog- 
nosticating by  the  flight  of  birds. 

AUGURAL,  a.  Aug'urial,  belonging  to  augury. 

AUGURAR.  V.  Agorar. 

AuGtjREs,s?7i.77/.  Augurs,  persons  who  pretend 
to  predict  future  events  by  the  flight  of  birds. 

AUGT/STO,  TA,  a.  August,  great,  grand,  magni- 

ACJLA,  sf.  1.  Hall  where  lectures  are  given  on 
a  science  or  art.  2.  The  court  or  palace  of  a 

AULAGA  ,  sf.  V.  Aliaga. 

A'ULICO,  CA,  a.  Belonging  to  a  court  or  palace. 
Consejo  dulico,  Aulic  counsel. 

AULLADERO,  sm.  A  place  where  wolves  assem- 
ble at  night  and  howl. 

AULLADOR,  RA,  S.  Howler. 

AULI.AR,  vn.  To  howl,  to  yell,  to  utter  cries  in 

AuLLf  DO  v  AT^LLO,  sm.  Howl,  the  cry  of  a  wolf 

or  dog  ;  a  cry  of  horror  or  distress. 
AUMENTABLE,  <z.  Augmentable. 

,  sf.  Augmentation,  increase 



AUMENTADOR,  RA,  5.  Enlargcr,  amplifier ;  one 

who  augments,  increases,  or  amplifies. 
"  JMKNTAR,  va.  To  augment,  to  increase,  to  en- 

JMENTA.TIVO,  VA,  a.  Increasing,  enlarging. 
wENTo,  sm.   Augmentation,    increase,   en- 
irgement.     Aumtntos,  Promotion,  advance- 
lent,  an  increase  of  fortune  ajid  riches. 
r.v,  ud.  I.  Yet,  as  yet,  nevertheless,  notwith- 
standing.    V.  Todavia  y  Tambien.     2.  Still, 
"iarther,  even.  Esto  cs  estimable  aim  con  estas 
•ircunstuncias,  It  is  estimable  even  with  all 

'  ux  DKSQDARTELADO,  (Naut.)  Abaft  the  beam  ; 
ipplied  to  a  wind  which  blows  pretty  large. 
UNA,  ad.  Jointly,  to  the  same  end  or  pur- 


JNAR,  va.  1.  To  unite,  to  assemble    2.  To  in- 
irporate,  to  mix. — vr.  To  be  united  or  con- 
3derated  for  one  end. 
\o,UK,  ad.  Though,  notwithstanding. 
PA,  Up,  up  ;   a  word  used  to  animate  chil- 
dren to  get  up. 

URA,  sf.  I.  A  bird  of  Mexico.    2.  (Poet.)  A 
3ntle  breeze.     Aura  popular,  (Met.)  Popu- 
rity,  state  of  being  favoured  by  the  people. 
JRELIANENSE,  a.  Belonging  to  or  made  at  Or- 

L.UREO,  sm.  1.  An  ancient  gold  coin  of  the 
reign  of  king  Ferdinand.  2.  (Among  Apo- 
thecaries) A  weight  of  four  scruples  or  nine- 
ty-six grains  of  a  pound  troy. 
;REO,  REA,  a.  Golden,  gilt.  Aureo  numero, 
Golden  number,  the  lunar  cycle,  or  cycle  of 
the  moon,  comprehending  nineteen  solar 

ears  and  seven  intercalary  months. 
JREOI.A,  sf.  Glory,  a  circle  of  rays  which  sur- 
rounds the  heads  of  images  or  of  saints  in 

RICAI.CO,  sm.  Aurichalcum,  formerly  a  mix- 
ture of  gold  and  silver  ;  brass. 
JRICULA,  sf.   1.  Auricle,  one  of  the  two  ap- 
pendages of  the  heart,  or  of  the  two  muscular 
caps  which  cover  the  two  ventricles  thereof. 
2.  (Bot.)  The  bear's-ear. 
IMCULAR,  a.  Within  the  sense  or  reach  of 
learing.     Testigo  auricular,  An   auricular 
LUKIJ--ERO,  RA,  a.  (Poet.)  Auriferous,  containing 

or  producing  gold. 

AURIGA,  sm.  1.  (Poet.)  A  coachman.  2.  (Astr.) 
Wagoner,  one  of  the  Northern  constellations. 
AUUOKA,  sf.  1.  The  first,  dawn  of  day.  2.  (Poet.) 
The  origin  or  first  appearance  of  a  thing.  3. 
A  beverage  made  up  of  the  milk  of  almonds 
and  cinnamon  water.  4.  (Naut.)  The  morning 
watch-gun.  5.  Aurora  boreal,  A  luminous 
meteor  seen  in  the  northern  latitudes.  Color 
de  aurora,  A  colour  made  up  of  white,  red. 
and  blue. 
AURRAOADO,  DA,  a.  Badly  tilled  and  cultivated ; 

applied  to  land. 
AuuusficE.  V.  Aruspice. 
AUSKXCIA,  sf.  1.  Absence,  the  state  of  being 
absent.  2.  The  time  of  being  absent.    Servir 
auscncias  y  enfermedadcs,  To  perform  the 
functions  of  absent  or  sick  persons.     Tcner 
alguno  buenas  6  malas  auscncias,  To  be  ill 
or  well  spoken  of  in  one's  absence. 

ACSENTARSE,  vr.  To  absent  one's  self  from  a 
person  or  place, 

AUSENTE,  a.  Absent,  distant  from  a  person  or 

Auspfcio,  sm.  1.  Auspice,  or  presage  drawn 
from  birds.  2.  (Met.)  Prediction  of  future 
events.  3.  Protection,  favour,  patronage. 

AUSTERAMENTE,  ad.  Austerely. 

AUSTKRJDAU,  sf.  Austerity,  severity,  rigour. 

AUSTERO,  RA,  «.  Austere,  severe,  rigorous. 

AUSTRAL  v  Au STRING,  NA,  a.  Austral,  southern. 

AUSTRO,  sm.  South  wind. 

AUTAN,  ad.  (Ant.)  V.  Tanto.  Beber  de  autan, 
To  drink  as  often  as  invited. 

AUTENTICA,  sf.  1.  A  certificate.  2.  (Ant.)  An 
attested  copy. 

AUTENTICA\DO,  DA,  jjp.  Authenticated,  attest- 

AUTENTICACION,  sf.  The  act  of  rendering  au- 
thentic or  genuine. 

AuTENTicAMENTE,arf.  Authentically,  in  an  au- 
thentic manner. 

AUTEXTICAR,  va.  To  attest,  to  legalize,  to  ren- 
der authentic. 

AUTENTICIDAD,  sf.  Authenticity,  genuineness. 

AUTENTICO,  CA,  «.  Authentic,  genuine. 
j  AUTILLO,  sm.  (Dim.)  1.  A  particular  act  orde- 
!     cree  of  the  Inquisition,  distinguished  from  a 
!     general  sentence.    2.  (Orn.)  A  bird,  belong- 
|     ing  to  the  family  of  owls.     Strix  aluco  L. 
iAuxivo,  VA,  a.  (Ant.)  V.  Activo. 

AUTO,  sm.  1.  A  judicial  decree  or  sentence.  2. 
A  writ,  warrant.  3.  An  edict,  ordinance.  Auto 
defe,  A  sentence  given  by  the  Inquisition, 
and  read  and  published  to  a  criminal  on  a 
public  scaffold.  4.  (Ant.)  Act,  action.  Auto 
definitive,  Definitive  act,  which  has  the  force 
of  a  sentence.  Auto  sacramental,  An  allego- 
rical or  dramatical  piece  of  poetry  on  some 
religious  subject  represented  as  a  play.  Autos, 
The" pleadings  and  proceedings  in  a  law-suit. 
Estar  en  los  autos,  To  know  a  thing  pro- 

AUTOGENE,  sm.  (Bot.)  Daffodil. 

AI/TOGRAFO,  sm.  Autograph,  first  copy,  arche- 

AUTOMATO,  sm.  Automaton,  a  machine  which 
has  the  power  of  motion  within  i  self. 

AUTOR,  RA,  s.  1.  Author,  the  first  cause  or  in- 
ventor of  a  thing.  2.  One  that  composes  a 
literary  work.  3.  Manager  of  a  theatre.  4. 
(For.)  Plaintiff  or  claimant. 

AUTORIA,  sf.  The  employment  of  a  manager  of 
a  theatre. 

AUTORIDAD,  sf.  \.  Authority  or  power  derived 
from  a  public  station,  merit,  or  birth.  2.  Os- 
tentation, pompous  display  of  grandeur.  3. 
Words  cited  from  a  book  or  writing,  in  sup- 
port of  what  has  been  said  or  asserted. 

AUTORITATIVAMKNTE,  ad.  In  an  authoritative 
manner,  with  due  authority. 

AUTOKITATIVO,  VA,  a.  Arrogant,  assuming  an 
improper  or  undue  authority. 

AuToRi/ABr,!':,rt.  That  which  can  be  authorised. 

AUTORI/ACIOX,  ff.  Authorisation,  the  act  of  au- 

AUTORIZA^OAMENTK,  ad.  In  an  authoritative 
manner.  [ble. 

,  DA,  a.  Respectable,  commenda- 



AUTORIZADO,  DA,  pp.  Authorised. 

AUTORIZADOR,  sm.  He  who  authorises. 

AUTORIZAMIENTO,  sm.  V.  Autorizacion. 

AUTORIZAR,  va  1.  To  authorise,  to  give  power 
or  authority  to  do  something.  2.  To  attest,  to 
legalise.  3.  To  prove  an  assertion  by  pas- 
sages extracted  from  the  work  of  an  author. 
4.  To  exalt  the  lustre  and  merit  of  a  thing. 

AUTUMNAL,  a.  (Rar.)  Autumnal,  belonging  to 

AUXILIADOR,  KA,  $.  Auxiliary,  helper,  assistant. 

AUXILIAR,  va.  1.  To  aid,  to  help,  to  assist.  2. 
To  attend  a  dying  person. 

AUXILIAR,  a.Auxihar,  helping,  assistant  Tro- 
pas  auxiliares,  Auxiliary  troops. 

AUXILIATORIO,  RIA.  a.  (For.)  Auxiliary. 

AUXILIO,SM.  Aid,  help,  assistance. 

A'VA-AVA,  sf.  (Bot.)  A  plant  so  called  by  the 
inhabitants  of  Otaheite,  from  the  leaves  of 
which  they  extract  an  intoxicating  liquor. 

AVACADO,  DA,  a.  Cow-like,  resembling  a  cow ; 
applied  to  a  horse  big-bellied,  and  of  little 

AVAD^RSE,  m.  1.  To  become  fordable  ;  applied 
to  rivers.  2.  (Met.)  To  subside  ;  applied  to 

AVAHAR,  va.  1.  To  warm  with  the  breath,  or 
with  steam  and  vapour.  2.  To  wither  ;  appli- 
ed to  plants. 

AVALAR,  vn. -(Gal.)  To  shake,  to  tremble  ;  ap- 
plied to  the  ground  or  earth. 

AVALENTADO,  DA,  a.  Bragging,  vainly  boast- 
ing, puffing. 

AVALIAR  Y  AvALUAR,  Va.  (Ant.)  V.    Voluar . 

AVAI.IO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Valuation,  estimation. 

AVALLAR,  va.  To  enclose  a  piece  of.  ground 
with  pales  or  hedges. 

AVALO,  sm.  1.  A  slight  shock.  2.  An  earthquake. 

AVALORAR,  va.  1.  To  estimate,  to  value.  2. 
(Met.)  T>o  inspirit,  to  animate. 

AVALOTE,  sm.  Commotion,  insurrection. 

AVAI.UACION,  sf.  Valuation,  rate,  assessment. 

AVAMBRAZO,  sm.  Piece  of  ancient  armour  that 
served  to  cover  the  arm  from  the  elbow  to 
the  wrist. 

AVAMPIES,  sm.  (Ant.)  Instep  of  boots,  or  spat- 

A  VANCE,  sjii.  1.  (Mil.)  Advance,  attack,  assault. 
2.  (Among  Merchants)  An  account  of  goods 
received  and  sold.  3.  A  balance  in  one's  fa- 
vour, [dicho. 

AvANDicHO  Y  AvANTofcHo.   (Ant.)  V.  Sobre- 

AVANGUARDA    Y    AVANGUARDIA,    sf.    (Mil.)    V. 


AVANTAL,  sm.  Apron. 

AVANTALILLO,  sm.  A  small  apron. 

AVANTE,  ad.  1.  (Naiit.)  A-head.  Halaavantc, 
Pull  a-head.  2.  V.  Adelante. 

AVANTREN,  sm.  Limbers  of  a  gun-carriage. 

AVANXADO,  DA,  «.  Advanced.  Avanzado  de 
cdad,  6  de  edad  avanzada,  Advanced  in  years, 
stricken  in  years. 

AVANZAR,  vn  1.  To  advance,  to  attack,  to  en- 
gage. 2.  To  have  a  balance  in  one's  favour. 
— va.  To  advance,  to  push  forward. 

AVANZO,  sm.  1.  (Among  Merchants)  An  ac- 
count of  goods  received  and  sold.  2.  A  ba- 
lance in  one's  favour.  [way. 

AVAOS,  ad.  (Vulg.)  Clear  the  way,  out  of  the 

AVARAME!NTE,  ad.  Avariciously,  in  a  covetous 

AVAREAR,  (Ant.)  V.  Varear. 

AvARiciAjS/".  Avarice,  cupidity,  covetousness. 

AVARICIAR,  va.  y  n.  (Ant.)  To  covet,  to  desire 

AVARIENTKMKNTE,  ad.  Greedily,  covetously. 

AVARIKNTEZ,  ftf.  (Ant.)  V.  Avaricin. 

AVARIENTO,  TA,  ft.  Avaricious,  covetous. 

AVARO,  RA,  a.  Avaricious,  covetous. 

AVARRAZ,  V.  Mlmrraz. 

AVASAM.IR,  va.  To  subdue,  to  subject. — vr.  To 
become  subject,  to  become  a  vassal. 

A'VE,  sf.  1.  Bird,  a  general  name  for  the  fea- 
thered kind.  2.  Fowl.  Arc,  de  rnpiha,  A  bird 
of  prey.  J3ve  brava  6  silrcstrc,  A  wild  bird. 
tfvcfria,  A  kind  of  wild  pigeon  :  (Met.)  An 
insipid  spiritless  person  ;  usually  applied  to 
women.  Todas  las  avcs  con  sus  pares,  (Prov.) 
Birds  of  a  feather  flock  together.  Esvn  ate, 
He  is  as  light  as  a  feather.  Jlvc  nor,t.urna, 
(Met.)  One  who  rambles  about  in  the  night- 

AVECHTJCHO,STW.  1.  (Orn.)  Sparrow-hawk.  Fal- 
co  nisus  L.  2.  (Met.)  Ragamuffin,  a  paltry 
fellow,  despicable  in  his  mean  appearance,  as 
well  as  in  his  sentiments.  [bird. 

AVECICA,  AvEcfi.LA,  Y  AvECiTA,  sf.  A  small 

AVECINAR,  va.  To  bring  near.  V  Avetindar. — 
vr.  To  come  near,  to  approach. 

AVECINDAMIEMTO,  sm.  1.  Acquisition  of  the 
rights  of  a  denizen  or  freeman.  2.  The  act 
of  residing  in  a  place,  invested  with  the 
rights  of  a  denizen. 

AVECINDAR,  va.  To  admit  to  the  privileges  of 
a  denizen,  to  enrol  in  the  number  of  the  citi- 
zens of  a  place. — vr.  1.  To  acquire  the  rights 
and  privileges  of  a  denizen  or  citizen.  2.  To 
approach,  to  join.  [being  really  so. 

AVEJENTADO,   DA,  o.  Appearing  old,  without 

AVEJENTAR,  vn.  y  r.  To  look  old,  to  appear 
older  than  one  really  is  from  sickness,  grief, 
hard  labour,  &c. 

AVELAR,  vn.  (Naut.)  To  set  sail. 

AVELENAR,  (Ant.)  V.  Envenc.nar. 

AVKLI.ANA,  sf.  Filbert,  the  fruit  of  a  species  of 
the  hazel  or  nut-tree.  Ave.llanal'ndica,  6  de  fa 
India  6  nucz  unglientaria,  Myrobalan,  or  In- 
dian nut,  at  present  only  used  in  perfumes. 

AVKLLANADO,  DA,  a.  Of  the  colour  of  nuts. 

AvEi.LANAR,  sm.  A  plantation  of  hazels  or  nut- 
trees,  [a  nut. 

AVELL  ANARSE,  vr.  To  shrivel,  to  grow  as  dry  aa 

AVELLANERA,  sf.  V.  Avellano. 

AVELLANERO,  RA,S.  A  dealer  in  nuts  and  filberts. 

AVELI.ANICA,  sf.  A  small  nut. 

AVEM.ANO,  sm.  (Bot.)  A  hazel  or  nut-tree. 
Corylus  avellana  L. 

AVE  MARIA,  sf.  Ave  Mary,  the  angel's  saluta- 
tion of  the  Holy  Virgin.  Al  ave  Maria,  At 
the  fall  of  night.  En  un  ave  Maria,  In  an 

AVENA,S/.  (Bot.)  1.  Oats.  Avena  L.  2.  (Poet.) 
A  pastoral  pipe,  made  of  the  stalks  of  corn, 
and  used  by  shepherds. 

AVENADO,  DA,  «.  1.  Belonging  or  relating  to 
oats.  2.  Lunatic,  liable  to  fits  of  madness 
with  lucid  intervals. 

AvENA~L,4Wt.A  field  sown  with  oats. 



ter  bo 

AVENAMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  of  draining  or  draw 
ing  off  water. 

VE.N'AR,  va.  To  drain  or  draw  off  water. 
VENATE,  sm.  Water-gruel,  oatmeal  and  wa 
tcr  boiled  together. 
VENENAR,  va.  To  poison.  V.  Envenenar. 

-CIA,  sf.  1.  Agreement,  compact,  bar 
gain.  2.  Conformity,  union,  concord.  Mat 
vale  mala  avenencia,  que  buena  scntencia 
(Prov.)  A  bad  composition  is  better  than  a 
good  lawsuit.  [sion,  opportunity 

AVKNK.NTEZA  6  AVENINTEZA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Occa- 

AVENICEO,  CEA,  a.  Oaten,  belonging  to,  or 
made  of  oats. 

AN , M'HA,  sf.  1.  A  sudden  impetuous  overflow 
of  a  river  or  brook.  2.  (Met.)  A  conflux  or 
concurrence  of  several  things.  3.  (Arag. 
Agreement,  concord.  Avenidas,  Avenues  or 
roads  meeting  in  a  certain  place. 
VENIDO,  DA,  a.  Agreed.  Biendmal  avcnidos 
Living  on  good  or  bad  terms. 

AVENIDOR,  RA,  s.  (Ant.)  Mediator,  one  that  in- 
terferes between  two  parties  to  reconcile 

VENIR,  va.  To  reconcile  parties  at  variance 
to  accommodate  matters  in  dispute. — vr.  I 
To  settle  differences  on  friendly  terms,  to  get 
reconciled.  2.  To  join,  to  unite. 

AVESTADERO,  sm.  (Ant.)  A  winnowing  place 

AVEXTADO,  DA,  a.  Escotasaventadas,  Flowing 

AVENTADOR,  sm.  1.  Winnower,  one  who  sepa- 
rates chaff  from  grain  by  means  of  the  wind 
2.  A  wooden  fork  with  three  or  four  prongs, 
used  for  winnowing  the  corn,  by  throwing 
the  straw  and  chaff  in  the  air.  3.  A  fan  or  kind 
of  round  mat,  used  by  poor  people  for  blowing 
the  fire  ;  it  also  serves  in  the  room  of  adust- 
pan,  to  carry  out  the  sweepings  of  houses. 

AVENTADURA,  sf.  Wind-gall,  a  disease  inhorses, 
Accntadura  de  estopa,  (Naut.)  A  leak. 

AVENTAJA,  sf.  1.  Advantage,  profit.  2.  (For. 
Arag.)  Part  of  the  personal  estate  or  chattels 
of  a  person  deceased,  which  his  or  her  sur- 
viving consort  takes  before  a  division  of  the 
furniture  is  made. 

AVENTAJADAMENTE,  ad.  Advantageously,  con- 
veniently, opportunely. 

AVFNTAJADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Advantageous,  profit- 
able, convenient.  2.  Beautiful,  excellent.  3. 
Having  additional  pay  ;  applied  to  common 

AVENTAJAR,  va.  ].  To  acquire  or  enjoy  advan- 
tages. 2.  To  meliorate,  to  improve.  3.  To 
surpass,  to  excel. 

AVENTAR,  va.  1.  To  move  or  agitate  the  air,  to 
blow.  2.  To  toss  or  throw  something  in  the 
wind,  such  as  corn,  to  winnow  it.  3.  To  ex- 
pel, to  drive  away.  4.  (Naut.)  To  work  out 
the  oakum  ;  spoken  of  a  ship. — vr.  1.  To  be 
filled  with  wind,  to  be  inflated  or  puffed  up. 
2.  To  escape,  to  run  away.  3.  (Extrem.)  To 
be  tainted ;  applied  to  meat. 

AVENTARIO,  sm.  (Alb.)  Nostril  of  an  animal 
through  which  the  air  passes. 

AVENTURA.  sf.  1.  Adventure,  event,  incident. 
2.  Casualty,  contingency,  chance.  3.  (Ant.) 
Hazard,  risk.  4.  Duty  formerly  paid  to  lords 
of  tha  manor. 


A  VENTURA,  ad.  Peradventure. 

AVENTURADO,  DA,  pp.  Risked. 

AVENTURADO,  DA,  a.  Bicn  6  mal  avcnturodo, 
Fortunate  or  unfortunate. 

AVENTURAR,  va.  To  venture,  to  hazard,  to  risk, 
to  endanger. 

AVENTURERO,SW.  Adventurer,  a  knight-errant. 

AVENTURERO,  RA,  a.  1.  Voluntary  ;  undisci- 
plined j  applied  to  recruits  and  soldiers.  2. 
Adventurer  ;  applied  to  a  person  who  volun- 
tarily goes  to  market  to  sell  any  articles.  3. 
V.  Adnenedizo. 

AVER,  V.  Habtr. 

AVERAMIA,  sf.  A  kind  of  duck. 

AVERAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  aver,  certify,  or  affirm. 

AVERDUGADO,  DA,  a.  Having  many  pimples  or 
scars  in  the  face. 

AVERGONZAR  Y  AvERGONAR,  Va.  To    abash,   to 

make  ashamed,  to  put  to  the  blush. 

AVER! A,  sf.  1.  Damage  sustained  by  goods  or 
merchandise ;  detriment  received  by  ships 
and  their  cargoes.  Averia  gruesa,  General 
average.  Averia  particular,  Particular  ave- 
rage. Averia  ordinaria.  Usual  average.  2. 
(In  the  Indian  Trade)  A  certain  duty  laid  on 
merchants  and  merchandise.  3.  A  collection 
of  birds  ;  an  aviary. 

AVERIADO,  DA,  a.  Averaged,  damaged. 

AVERIARSE,  vr.  To  make  average,  to  sustain 

AVERIGUABLE,  a.  Investigable,  what  may  be 
verified  or  ascertained. 

AVERIGUACION,  sf.  Investigation,  the  act  of 
searching  or  finding  out  the  truth.  Averigu- 
acion  judicial,  A  judicial  inquiry,  an  inquest. 

AVERIGUADAMENTE,  ad.  Certainly,  surely. 

AVF.RIGUAPOR,  RA,  s.  A  searcher  or  examiner, 
one  who  investigates. 

AVERIGUAMIENTO,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Averiguadon. 

AVERIGUAR,  va.  To  inquire,  to  investigate,  to 
search  out.  Averigudrse  con  alguno,  To 
bring  one  to  reason.  Averigtlelo  vdrgas,  It 
is  difficult  to  investigate. 

A  VERIO,  sm.  1.  Beast  of  burthen.  2.  Flock  of 

AVERNO,  sm.  (Poet.  Mit.)  Hell. 

AVERSAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  manifest  aversion ;  to 
be  repugnant. 

AVERSION,  sf.  I.  Aversion,  opposition,  repug- 
nance, dislike.  2.  Fear,  apprehension. 

AVERSO,  SA,  a.  Averse,  hostile  ;  perverse. 

AVERTIR,  (Ant.)  V.  Apartar. 

AVES,  ad.  V.  Afinas. 

AVESTRTJZ,  sm.  (Orn.)  Ostrich.     Struthio  L. 

AVEZAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Acostumbrar. 

AVIADO,  sm.  (New  Spain)  One  supplied  with 
money,  and  other  articles,  to  work  a  silver- 

AVIADOR,  sm.  1.  He  who  supplies  others  with 
money  and  other  articles  to  work  some  sil- 
ver-mines. 2.  He  who  provides  provisions  ind 
other  things  for  a  journey.  3.  (Naut.)  The 
smallest  auger,  used  by  calkers. 

A.VIAR,  va.  I.  To  provide  provisions  and  other 
articles  for  a  journey.  2.  To  hasten  the  exe- 
cution of  a  thing. 

A.VICIAR,  va.  I.  (Ant.)  To  render  vicious.  2.  To 
give  a  luxuriant  bloom  and  verdure  to  plants 
and  trees 



A'VIDO,  DA,  a.  (Poet.)  Greedy,  covetous. 

AVIEJARSE,  vr.  To  grow  old.  V.  Avejentarse. 

AVIENTO,  sm.  A  fork  with  two  or  three  prongs, 
used  for  separating  the  straw  from  the  gram. 
V.  Bieldo. 

AVIESAMENTE,  ad.  Sinistrously,  perversely. 

AVIESAS,  ad.  (Ant.)  Adverse,  contrary,  per- 

AVIESO,  SA,  a.  1.  Fortuitous,  irregular,  out  of 
the  way.  3.  (Met.)  Mischievous,  perverse. 

AVIGORAR,  va.  To  invigorate,  to  animate  or  in- 
spire with  vigour  and  spirit. 

AVILANTEZ  Y  AviLANTEZA,  sf.  Forwardness, 
boldness,  audaciousness. 

AVILLANADO,  DA,  a.  Having  the  manners  of  a 
peasant,  clownish,  mean. 

AVILI.ANARSE,  vr.  To  grow  mean  or  abject,  to 

AVILLAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.Envilecer. 

AVINAGRADO,  DA,  pp.  1.  Soured.  2.  (Met.) 
Harsh  of  temper,  crabbed,  peevish. 

AVINAGRAR,  va.  To  sour,  to  make  acid. 

AVINONES,  SA,  a.  y  s.  Native  of,  or  made  at, 

Avio,  sm.  1.  Preparation,  provision.  2.  (In 
South  America)  Money  and  other  articles 
advanced  for  working  silver-mines. 

AVION,  sm.  (Orn.)  Martin,  martinet,  martlet, 
or  window-swallow.  Hirundo  urbica  L. 

AVIRADO,  DA,  a.  (Ant.)  V.  Convenido. 

AVISACIO.V,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Aviso. 

AVISADAMENTE,  ad.  Prudently. 

AVISADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Prudent;  cautious.  2.  Ex- 
pert, sagacious,  skilful.  Mai  avisado,  111  ad- 
vised, injudicious. 

AVISADOR,  sm.  Adviser,  admonisher. 

AVISAR,  va.  1.  To  inform,  to  give  notice.  2.  To 
advise,  to  counsel,  to  admonish. 

Aviso,  sm.  I .  Information,  intelligence.  2.  Pru- 
dence, care,  attention.  Estar  6  andar  sobre 
aviso ,  To  be  on  one's  guard.  3.  (Naut.)  Ad- 
vice-boat, a  light  vessel  sent  with  despatches 
from  one  place  to  another. 

AVISPA,S/.  Wasp,  a  stinging  insect.  Vespa  L. 

AVISFADO,  DA,  pp.  Stung,  pricked. — a.  Lively, 
brisk,  vigorous,  vivacious. 

AVISPAR,  va.  1.  To  spur,  to  drive  with  the  spur, 
to  urge  forward  with  the  spur  and  whip.  2. 
To  investigate,  to  observe  closely. — vr.  To 
fret,  to  be  peevish. 

AVJSPERO,  sm.  1.  Nest  made  by  wasps.  2. 
Comb  or  cavities  in  which  the  wasps  lodge 
their  eggs. 

AVISPON,  sm.  A  large  vasp. 

AVISTAR,  va.  To  descry  at  a  distance,  to  see 
far  off. — vr.  To  have  an  interview  or  meet- 
ing to  transact  some  business. 

AviT^R,  va.  (Naut.)  To  bit  the  cable. 

AVITONES,  sm.  pi.  (Naut.)  V.  Abitones. 

AVITUALLAR,  fa.  (Mil.)  To  victual,  to  supply 
with  victuals  or  provisions.  fly. 

AVIVADAMENTE,  ad.  In  a  lively  manner,  brisk- 
Aviv  ADOR,  RA,  s.  \.  One  that  enlivens  or  in- 
spirits. 2.  A  plane,  with  which  timber  work 
is  fluted.  3.  (Mur.)  Paper  full  of  pin-holes, 
which  is  laid  over  the  eggs  of  silk-worms, 
that  the  young  worms  or  larvae  may  creep 
through  it. 

AVIVAR,  va.  1.  To  quicken,  to  enliven,  to  cn- 

courage.  Avivar  el  paso,  To  hasten  one's 
step.  2.  To  heat,  to  inflame.  3.  To  vivify 
the  eggs  of  silk-worms.  4.  To  heighten  the 
brightness  of  colours. — vn.  To  revive,  to 
cheer  up,  to  grow  gay  or  gladsome,  Avivar 
el  ojo,  To  be  watchful. 

AVIZORAR,  va.  To  watch  with  care  and  atten- 
tion, to  spy,  to  search  narrowly. 

A'vo,  sm.  One  of  the  parts  into  which  a  frac- 
tion is  subdivided. 

AVOCACION  Y  AVOCAMIENTO,  s.  (For.)  Avoca- 
tion,  business  ;  the  act  of  calling  aside. 

AVOCAR.  va.  1.  (For.)  To  remove  a  lawsuit 
from  an  inferior  to  a  superior  court.  2.  Avo 
tar  la  artilleria,  To  point  the  ordnance. 
Avocarse  con  alguno,  To  be  agreed,  to  be  of 
the  same  mind  or  opinion.  V.  Abocar. 

AVOL,  a.  (Ant.)  V.  Vil. 

AVUCASTA,  sf.  Widgeon,  a  kind  of  wild  ducks. 
Anas  penelope  L. 

AVUCASTRO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Troubler  or  importu- 
nate person. 

AVUTARDA,  sf.  Bustard,  a  wild  turkey.  Otis 
tarda  L. 

AVUTARDADO,  DA,  fl.  Bustardlikc. 

Ax,  interj.  V.  Ay. — sm.  V.  Axe.. 

AXADA,  (Ant.)  V.  Azada. 

AXAMAR,  (Ant.)  V.  Llamar. 

AXANAR,  (Ant.)  V.  Allanar. 

AXA^UEFA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Cave,  cellar. 

AXAR,  (Ant.)  V.  Hallar. 

AXARAFE,  sm.  (Ant.)  Olive  plantation. 

A'XE,  sm.  An  habitual  complaint. 

AXE  A,  sf.  A  sort  of  brush-wood,  used  for  firing 
in  the  environs  of  Toledo. 

AXEBE,  (Ant.)  V.  Alumbre. 

AXEDREA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Winter-savory.  Satureia 
hortensis  L. 

AXEDREZ,  sm.  1.  Chess,  a  game.  2.  (Naut.) 

AXEDREZADO,  DA,  a.  Chequered,  diversified  by 
alternate  colours,  like  a  chess-board. 

AXENABE,  sm.  (Bot.)  Wild  or  hedge  mustard. 

AXENJO,  sm..  (Bot.)  Wormwood. 

AXENUZ,  sm.  (Bot.)  The  fennel  flower.  Nigella 
arvensis  L. 

Axf ,  sm.  (Bot.)  The  red  Indian  dwarf  pepper. 

AXIMEZ,  sm.  (Andal.)  An  arched  window  with 
a  pillar  or  mullion  in  the  centre  to  support 

AXIOMA,  sm.  Axiom,  a  proposition  evident  at 
first  sight. 

AXORCAS,  sf.  pi.  Gold  or  silver  rings,  worn  by 
Moorish  women  about  the  wrists  or  ankles. 

AXUAR,  sm.  1.  Articles  of  dress  and  furniture 
which  a  bride  brings  with  her  at  the  time  of 
marriage.  2.  Household  furniture. 

AXUFAYNA,S/.  (Ant.)  A  basin  or  deep  dish. 

AY  !  interj.  An  exclamation  of  pain  or  grief. 
Ay  de  mi !  Alas,  poor  me  ! 

AYANQUE,  sm.  (Naut.}  The  main  haliard. 

AYENO,  NA,  a.  (Ant.)  V.  Ageno. 

AVER,  ad.  1.  Yesterday.  2.  Lately,  not  long 
ago.  De  aycr  acd,  From  yesterday  to  this 
present  moment. 

AvyE,  int.  (Ant.)  V.  Ay  de  mi. 

AXYO,  YA,  s.  Tutor  or  governess,  a  person  who 
has  the  care  of  the  education  of  children. 

AYONTAR,  (Ant.)  V.  Juntar. 



ATRAZO,  sm.  Blast,  a  violent  gust  of  wind. 

A'YRE,  sm.  1.  Air,  the  element  which  cncom 
(  passes  the  terraqueous  globe.  2.  Wind.  3 
Briskness  of  the  motion  of  a  horse.  4.  (Met.) 
Gracefulness  of  manners  and  gait.  Esto  no  es 
del  ayre  de  vm,  That  is  not  in  your  manner 
5.  Aspect,  countenance,  figure  of  the  face.  6. 
Musical  composition.  Ayres  naturalcs,  The 
native  air  ;  (Met.)  Mien  of  the  inhabitants  of 
a  country.  Bebcr  los  ayres  y  los  vientos,  To 
desire  anxiously.  Creerse  del  ayre,  To  be  apt 
to  believe,  to  be  credulous.  Hablar  al  ayre 
To  talk  idly.  Que  ayres  traen  d  vm.por  aca ! 
What  good  wind  brings  you  here  ?  Tomar  c 
ayre,  To  take  a  walk.  DC  ayre,  ad.  In  f 
pleasing  manner.  De  buen  6  mal  ayre,  In  a 
pleasing  or  peevish  manner.  En  el  ayre,  In 
an  expeditious  manner. 

AYRF.ARSK,  m.  1.  To  take  the  air,  to  expose 
one's  self  to  the  air.  2.  To  cool  one's  self,  to 
obstruct  perspiration.  [breeze. 

AYRECICO,  LLO,  y  TO,  sm.   (Dim.)   A    gentle 

AYROX,  sm.  (Aum.)  1.  Violent  gale.  2.  Orna- 
ment of  plumes.  3.  (Orn.)  The  crested  crane. 

AYROSAMENTE, ,ad.  Gracefully.  [mien. 

AYROSIDAD,  sf.  Graceful  deportment,  elegant 

AYROSO,  SA,  a.  1.  Airy,  exposed  to  the  wind  ; 
windy.  2.  Graceful,  genteel.  3.  Successful. 

AYUDA,  sf.  1.  Help,  aid,  assistance.  Ayuda  de 
parroguia,  Chapel  of  ease.  2.'  An  injection, 
a  clyster.  3.  Syringe  with  which  clysters 
are  injected.  Ayuda  de  costa,  A  gratification 
paid  over  and  above  the  salary. — sm.  Deputy 
or  assistant  of  one  of  the"  high  officers  at 
court.  Jlyuda  de  cdmara,  A  valet  de  cham- 
bre.  Jlyuda  de  cdmara  del  rey,  Groom  of 
the  bed-chamber.  Dios  y  ayuda,  This  can- 
not be  done  but  with  the  assistance  of  God. 
Jlyuda  de  oratorio,  Clergyman  in  an  oratory 
who  performs  the  office  of  sacristan.  Jlyuda 
de  cocinero,  (Naut.)  The  cook's  shifter. 
Jlyuda  de  dispense™,  (Naut.)  The  steward's 
mate.  Jlyuda  de  virador,  (Naut.)  A  false 

AYUDADOR,  RA,  s.  Assistant,  helper  ;  one  who 
assists  the  chief  shepherd  or  herdsman. 

AYUDANTE,  sm.  1.  (Mil.)  Adjutant,  aid-de-camp. 
2.  Jlyudante  de  cirujano,  A  surgeon's  mate. 

AYUDAR,  ra.  To  aid,  to  help,  to  favour.  Jlyudar 
d  misa,  To  serve  the  priest  at  mass. — vr.  To 
adopt  the  most  proper  measures  for  obtain- 
ing success. 

AYUNADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  fasts. 

AYUNAR,  va.  To  fast,  to  abstain  from  food  ;  to 
keep  the  canonical  fast.  Jlyunar  al  traspa- 
so,  To  fast  from  holy  Thursday  to  the  next 
following  Saturday  after  ringing  the  gloria. 
Jlyunar  despues  de  harto,  To  fast  after  a 
good  repast. 

AY#NAS  (En),  ad.  I.  Fasting,  without  eating. 

2.  Without  knowledge.     Quedar  en  ayunas, 
To  be  ignorant  of  an  affair,  to  know  nothino- 
of  the  matter. 

Avtf  NO,  sm.  Fast,  abstinence  from  food. 

AYUNO,  NA,  «.  1.  Fasting,  abstaining  from 
food.  Estoyayuno,  I  have  not  yet  broken  my 
fast.  2.  Abstaining  from  certain  pleasures. 

3.  Ignorant  of  a  subject  or  topic  of  conversa- 
tion.   En  ayuno,  (Ant.)  V.  En  ayunas. 

,  sm.  Anvil.  V.  Yunquc. 

AYUNTADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  unites,  joins,  or 

Avu  NT  AMiENTO,sm.  1  Union,  junction.  2.  (Ant.) 
Carnal  copulation.  3.  Body  of  magistrates  of 
cities  and  towns,  composed  in  Spain  of  a  Cor' 
regidor  or  Alcalde,  and  Regidores  ;  the  first 
corresponding  to  Mayors,  and  the  latter  to 
Aldermen  in  England.  Casa  dc  ayuntamien- 
to,  Town-house,  Guildhall,  senate-house. 

AVUNTAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Juntar  y  Anadir. 

AvtiNTO,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Junta. 

Avtiso,  ad.  (Ant.)  V.  Abaxo. 

AYUSTAR,  va.  (Naut.)  To  bend  two  ends  of  a 
cable  or  rope.  Jlyustar  con  costura,  To  bend 
with  a  splice.  Jlyustar  con  gorupo,  To  bend 
with  a  knot  and  seizing. 

AytfsTE,  sm. (Naut.)  Bending  or  splicing  where- 
by two  ends  of  a  rope  or  cable  are  joined. 

A'z,  sm.  V.  Haz. 

A'ZA,  sf.  V.  Haza. 

AZABACHADO,  DA,  a.  Jetty,  black  as  jet,  or  of 
the  colour  of  jet. 

AZAB^CHE,  sm.  (Min.)  Jet,  a  black  shinin;/ 
fossil.  Succinum  nigrum  L.  Azaldches, 
Trinkets  made  of  jet. 

AZABARA,  sf.  (Bot.)  The  Barbadoes  aloe.  Aloo 
perfoliata  L. 

A/ABRA,  sf.  A  small  coasting  vessel  in  the 
Cantabrian  Seas.  [Odrc. 

AZACAN,  sm.  1.  (Ant.)  Water-carrier.     2.  V 

AZACAYA,S/.  Conduit  of  water,  a  water-pipe. 

AZACHE,  a.  Of  an  inferior  quality;  applied  to 

AZADA,  sf.  (Agr.)  Spade. 

AZADADA,  sf.  Blow  with  a  spade. 

AZADICA  Y  AZADILLA,  sf.  A  small  spade. 

AZADON,  sm.  Pick-axe,  mattock.  JJzadondcpc- 
to,  Handspike  or  lever  armed  with  a  kind  of 
chissel  to  introduce  it  between  roots  or  stones. 

AZADONA.DA,  sf.  Blow  or  stroke  with  a  pick-axe. 
A1  trcs  azadonadas  sacar  agua,  (Met.)  To 
obtain  easily  the  object  of  one's  wishes. 

AZADONAR,  ra.  To  dig  or  break  up  the  ground 
with  a  spade  or  pick-axe. 

AZADOJJAZO,  sm.  Stroke  with  a  mattock. 

A/ADONCILLO,  sm.  A  small  pick-axe. 

AZADONERO,  sm.  1.  Digger,  one  that  opens  the 
ground  with  a  spade.  2.  (Mil.)  Pioneer. 

AZAFA-JA,S/.  Lady  of  the  queen's  wardrobe. 

AZAFATE,  sm.A.  low,  flat-bottomed  basket. 

AZAFRAN,  sm.  (Bot.)  Saffron.  Crocus  L.  Aza- 
fran  bastardo  y  azafran  romi  6  romin,  (Bot,) 
Bastard  saffron,  dyers'  safflower.  Carthamus 
tinctorius  L.  rfzafran  del  timon,  (Naut.) 
After-piece  of  the  rudder.  Azafran  del  laja- 
mar,  (Na(tt.)  Fore-piece  of  the  cut-water. 
Azafran  de  Venus,  (Quim.)  Crocus  martis, 
the  calx  or  oxyd  of  metals  of  a  saffron  co- 

AZAFRANADO,  DA,  pp.  Saffron-like,  of  the  co- 
lour of  saffron. 

AZAFRANAL,  sm.  A  plantation  of  saffron. 

AZAFRANAR,  va.  To  tinge  or  dye  with  saffron, 
to  impregnate  with  saffron. 

AZAFRAN^RO,  sm.  Dealer  in  saffron. 

AZAGADOR,  sm.  The  path  for  cattle. 

AZAGAYA,  sf.  Javelin,  a  spear  or  half  pike  for- 
merly us«d  both  by  foot  and  horse 



AZAGAYADA,  sf.  Cast  of  a  javelin. 

AZAGUAN,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Zaguan. 

AZAHAR,  sm.  Orange  or  lemon  flower,  Agua 
de  azahar,  Orange-flower  water.  Azahar 
brabo,  Narrow-leaved  blue  lupine.  Lupinus 
angustifolius  L. 

AZALEJA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Towel. 

AZALON,  sm.  (Orn.)  A  small  bird,  an  enemy  to 
the  crow  and  fox. 

AZAMBOA,  sf.  (Bot.)  V.  Zamboa. 

AZAMBOO,  sm.  (Bot.)  The  zamboa-tree,  a  kind 
of  quince-tree. 

AZANORIA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Carrot.  V.  Zanahoria. 

AZANORIATE,  sm.  1.  Preserved  carrots.  2.  (Met. 
Arag.)  Fulsome,  affected  compliments. 

AzASfA,  AZANERJA,  V.  Hazana,  Hazaneria, 

AZAR,  sm.  1.  Unforeseen  disaster,  an  unexpect- 
ed accident.  2.  Unfortunate  card  or  throw  at 
dice.  3.  Obstruction,  obstacle,  impediment. 
Tencr  azar  con  alguna  cosa,  To  have  an  an- 
tipathy against  a  thing. 

AZARBE,  sm.  (Mar.)  Trench  or  drain  which 
carries  off  the  overplus  of  irrigation-waters. 

AZARCON,  sm.  1.  Bluish  ashes  or  earth  made  of 
calcined  lead.  2.  A  high  orange  colour.  3. 
Earthen  pot  or  boiler. 

AZARIA,  sf.  A  kind  of  coral. 

AZARJA,  sf.  Instrument  for  winding  raw  silk. 

AZARNEFE,  sm.  (Ant.)  Orpiment.  V.  Oropi- 

AZAROSAMENTE,  ad.  Unfortunately. 

AZAROSO,  SA,  a.  Unlucky,  unfortunate. 

AZAROTE,  sm.  Styptic,  glue  for  closing  wounds. 

AZAYA,  sf.  Instrument  used  for  reeling  silk. 

AzAYNADAMEifTE,  ad.  Perfidiously,  viciously  ; 
applied  to  horses. 

AZCON  Y  AZCONA,  sm.  y/.  (Ant.)  A  dart. 

AZCONILLA,  sf.  A  small  dart. 

AZEMAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  instruct,  to  adorn. 

A'ZIMO,  MA,  a.  Unleavened. 

AZIMUT,  sm.  (Astr.)  Azimuth,  the  assumed 
vertical  circle  which  passes  through  the  cen- 
tre of  a  planet. 

AZIMUTA.L,  a.  Relating  to  the  azimuth. 

AZNACHO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Tree  resembling  a  pine. 

AZOE,  sm.  (Quim.)  Azot,or  nitrogen. 

Azo FAR,  sm.  Latten.  V.  Laton. 

AZOFAYFA,  sf.  V.  Azufayfa. 

AZOGADAMENTE,  ad.  In  a  quick  and  restless 

AZOGAMIENTO,  sm.  1.  The  act  of  overlaying 
something  with  quicksilver.  2.  The  act  of 
slaking  lime.  3.  State  of  restlessness  and 

AZOGAR,  va.  To  overlay  with  quicksilver. 
Azogar  la  cal,  To  slake  lime. — vr.  1.  To  un- 
dergo a  salivation.  2.  To  be  in  a  state  of  agi- 
tation, to  be  at  a  loss  how  to  act. 

AZOGUE,  sm.  1.  (Min.)  Quicksilver.  Hydrargy- 
rum L.  Es  un  azogue,  He  is  as  restless  as 
quicksilver.  Azogucs,  Quicksilver  ships,  the 
ships  which  carry  the  quicksilver  from  Spain 
to  South  America.  2.  A  market-place. 

AzoGUEjOjSm.  A  small  market-place. 

AZOGUER!  A,  sf.  (New  Spain)  The  place  where 
quicksilver  is  incorporated  with  metals. 

AZOGUERO,  sm.  1.  Dealer  in  quicksilver.  2. 
New  Spain)  A  workman  who  incorporates 

quicksilver,  salt,  and  other  materials,  with 
pounded  silver  ore,  to  extract  the  silver. 

AZOLAR,  va.  To  model  timber  with  an  adz,  to 
cut  away  the  superfluous  pa,rts. 

AXOLVAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  stop  or  obstruct  water 

AZOMAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  incite  or  stimulate  ani- 
mals to  right.  [us  L. 

AzoR,sm.  (Orn.)  Goshawk.     Falco  palumbari- 

AZORADO,  a.  Navio  azorado,  A  ship  which  sails 
heavy  on  account  of  her  cargo  being  ill 

AZORAFA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Girafa. 

AZORAMIENTO,  sm.  Trepidation,  the  act  of 
trembling  with  fear. 

AZORAR,  va.  1.  To  frighten,  to  terrify,  to  con- 
found ;  applied  to  birds  which  arc  pursued 
by  the  goshawk.  2.  To  incite,  to  irritate. 


AZORRARSE,  yr.  To  be  dull  or  drowsy  from  a 
great  heaviness  of  the  head. 

AZOTACALLES,  s?«.  pi.  Street-loungers,  idlers 
who  are  constantly  walking  the  streets. 

AZOTADO,  s?/i.  1.  A  criminal  who  is  publicly 
whipped.  2.  He  who  lashes  himself  by  way 
of 'mortification. 

AZOTADOR,  RA,  s.  Whippcr,  one  who  iiiflictd 
lashes  with  a  whip. 

AZOTA\R.  va.  1.  To  whip,  to  lash.  2.  Azotar  las 
calles,  To  lounge  about  the  streets.  3.  (Met.) 
Azotar  d  ayre,  To  beat  the  air,  to  act  to  no 
purpose.  4.  (Nadt.)  rfzotar  con  paletu,  To  in- 
flict the  punishment  called  cobbing  on  board 
English  ships,  which  consists  in  being  struck 
on  the  breech  with  a  cobbing-board.  5. 
(Naut.)  Azotar  la  ampolleta,  To  flog  the 
glass,  when  the  steersman  turns  it  before  the 
sand  has  entirely  run  out. 

AZOTAYNA  6  AZOTINA,  sf.  (Joe.)  A  drubbing,  a 
sound  flogging.  [breech. 

AZOTAZO,  sm.  A  severe  lash  or  blow  on  the 

AZOTE,  sm.  1.  Whip,  an  instrument  of  correc- 
tion with  which  lashes  are  inflicted.  2.  Lash 
given  with  a  whip.  3.  (Met.)  Calamity,  af- 
fliction. Pena  de  azotes,  A  public  whipping 
inflicted  by  the  hangman.  Mano  de  azotes,  6 
vuelta  de  azotes,  The  number  of  lashes  which 
a  delinquent  or  criminal  is  to  receive. 

AZOTEA,  sf.  The  flat  roof  of  a  house,  a  platform. 

AZRE,  sm.  (Bot.)  Maple-tree. 

AZUA,  sf.  Beverage  prepared  by  the  Indians 
with  the  flour  of  Indian  corn. 

AztfcAR,sm.  Sugar,  a  sweet  juice  extracted  from 
the  sugar-cane.  Azucar  de pilon.  Loaf-sugar. 
Azucar  de  lustre,  Double  loaves,  fine  powder- 
ed sugar.  Azucar  mascabado,  Single  loaves. 
Azucar  negro,  Coarse  brown  sugar.  Azucar 
piedra  6  cande,  Sugar-candy.  Azucar  tercia- 
do  6  pardo,  Clayed  sugar.  Azucar  dc  plomo, 
Calcined  sugar  of  lead.  Azucar  y  cancla, 
Sorrel-grey  ;  a  colour  peculiar  to  horses. 

AZUCARADO,  DA,  «.  1.  Sugared.  2.  Sugary, 
having  the  taste  of  sugar.  3.  (Met.)  Affable, 
pleasing.  Palabras  azucaradas,  Soothing, 
artful  words. 

AZUCARADO,  sw.  A  kind  of  paint  for  ladies. 

AZUCARAR,  va.  To  sugar,  to  sweeten  ;  to  soften. 

AZUCARERO,  sm.  1.  Sugar-dish,  sugar-basin.  2. 



AzccARfM.0,  sm.  Sweetmeat  of  flour,  sugar, 
and  rose-water. 

AZUCESA,  sf.  (Bot.)  White  lily.  Lilium  candi- 
durn  It.  Azuc&nas,  the  military  order  of  the 
lily,  founded  by  king  Ferdinand  of  Aragon. 

AZUD,  sf.  A  dam  with  a  sluice  or  flood-gate, 
by  which  water  is  conveyed  into  the  canals 
for  irrigating  lands. 

AztfiM,  sf.  Persian  wheel,  consisting  of  earthen 
pitchers  fixed  along  the  sides  of  a  wheel,  each 
of  which  is  filled  and  emptied  by  a  revolution ; 
these  machines  are  constructed  near  rivers 
or  wells  to  raise  water  for  irrigation. 

AZUELA,  sf.  Addice,  a  carpenter's  tool  used  in 
trimming  a  piece  of  timber.    Azuela  de  con- 
siruccion,    A  ship-wright's  adze.      rfzuela 
urra,  A  hollow  adze. 

UFAYFA,  sf.  Jujub  orjujubes,  the  fruit  of  the 
ujub-tree.  Rhamnus  zizyphus  L.  [tree. 
UFAYFO  Y  AZUFEYFO,  sm.  Jujub  or  jujube- 



ZUFAYFO  Y  AZUFEYFO,  sm.  Jujub  or  jujube- 
ZUFRADO,  DA,  pp.  y  a.  1.  Whitened  or  fumi- 
gated with  sulphur.  2.  Sulphureous,  contain- 




ing  sulphur. 

UFRADOR,  sm.  A  small  stove  for  bleaching 
ool  with  the  fumes  or  smoke  of  sulphur. 
ZUFRAR,   va.  To  bleach,  to  fumigate    with 

,s/tt.  Sulphur,  brimstone.  Azufre  vivo, 
ative  sulphur.  [phur. 

UFROSO,  SA,  a.  Sulphureous,  containing  sul- 
a.  Blue.    Azul  celeste,   Sky  blue.    Azul 
obsciiro,  Dark  blue.    Azul  de  Prusia,  Berlin 
or  Prussian  blue.   Azul  subido,  Bright  blue. 

Jzul  Turqidd  Turquesado,  Turkish  or  deep 
blue.  verdemar  6  de  costras,  Sea-blue, 
resembling  sea  green.  Darse  un  verde  con 
dos  azules,  To  be  highly  entertained  with  a 
very  pleasing  amusement.  * 

Azui.,  sm.  Lapis  lazuli ;  a  mineral. 

AZULAO.UE,  sm.  V.  Zulaque. 

AZULAR,  va.  To  dye  or  colour  blue. 

AZULEA,  sf.  Bluishness. 

AZULEAR,  vn.  To  have  a  bluish  cast. 

AZUI.EJADO,  DA,  a.  (Ant.)  Covered  with  blu- 
ish tiles. 

AZULEJO,  sm.  1.  Dutch  glazed  tile  painted 
with  various  colours.  2.  (Bot.)  Blue  bottle, 
corn-flower.  Centaurea  cyanus  L. 

AZULINO,  NA,  a.  Of  an  azure  colour,  inclining 
to  azure. 

AZUMAR,  va.  To  dye  the  hair. 

AZUMBAR,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Alisma. 

AZUMBRADO,  DA,  a.  Measured  by  azumlres. 

AztiMBRE,  sf.  Measure  of  liquids  which  makes 
the  eighth  part  of  an  arobe,  and  about  half 
a  gallon  English  measure. 

AZUQUERO,  5m.  (And.)  V.  Azucarcro.     [arms. 

AztfR,  a.  Azure,  the  blue  colour  in  coats  of 

AZUT,  sf.  Dam  raised  across  a  river  to  change 
its  course. 

AZUTEA,  sf.  Terrace.  V.  Azotea. 

AzuTERO,sm.  Sluice-master ,he  who  has  the  care 
of  dams,  sluices,  and  flood-gates ;  dyke-reeve. 

AZUZADOR,  RA,  5.  Instigator. 

AZUZAR,  va.  1.  To  set  on  dogs,  to  incite  them  to 
fight.  2.  To  irritate,  to  provoke,  to  stir  up. 



BIS  the  second  letter  of  the  Spanish  alpha- 
bet, the  sound  and  use  of  which  is  frequent- 
ly confounded  with  that  of  the  consonant  V, 
even  in  writing,  except  before  L  and  R,  which 
are  always  preceded  by  B.  B.  stands  for  Bles- 
sed ;  B.  A.  for  Bachelor  of  Arts ;  and  B.  C. 
for  Basso  Continuo,  or  thorough  bass. 

B  mol,  in  music,  B-flat.    B  quadrddo,  B-sharp. 

BAB  A,  sf.  Drivel,  slaver,  spittle  running  from 
the  mouth. 

BABABui,s/n.  The  mockingbird.  V.  Arrendaj6. 

BAB!DA,  sf.  Thigh-bone. 

BABADERO  Y  BABADOR,  sm.  Bib,  a  small  piece 
of  linen  put  under  the  chins  of  infants  when 

BABANCA,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Bobo. 

BABARA,  sf.  I.  A  Landau  or  Berlin,  an  oblong 
coach.  2.  A  kind  of  country  dance. 

BABAZA,  sf.  1.  Frothy  humour  running  from 
the  mouth.  2.  Aloe.  3.  A  viscous  worm  of 
the  snail  kind,  without  a  shell.  Limax  L. 

BABAZORRO,  sm.  (Arag.)  Clown,  a  coarse  ill- 
bred  man. 

BABEAR,  vn.  To  drivel,  to  slaver. 

BABEO,  sm.  The  act  of  drivelling  or  slavering. 

BABERA,  sf.  1.  Fore  part  of  the  helmet  which 
covers  the  cheeks,  mouth,  and  chin.  2.  A 
foolish,  silly  fellow. 

BABERO,  5m.  V.  Babador. 

BABER6L,  sm.  V.  Babera. 

BABIA,  sf.  Estdr  en  babia,  To  be  absent  in  mind, 
heedless,  inattentive. 

BABICAIDO,  DA,  a.  Slavered,  covered  with  sa- 
liva fallen  from  the  mouth. 

BABIECA,  sm.  Esun  babieca,  He  is  an  ignorant, 
stupid  fellow. 

BABILLA,  sf.  Thin  skin  about  the  flank  or  cham- 
brel  of  a  horse. 

BABILONIA,  sf.  Es  una  babilonia,  There  is  such 
a  crowd,  it  is  all  uproar  and  confusion. 

BABILONICO,  CA,  a.  Belonging  to  Babylon ;  con- 

BABOR,  sm.  (Na6t.)  Larboard,  the  left-hand  side 
of  a  ship,  standing  with  the  face  towards  che 
head.  A'  babor  d  timon,  A-port  the  helm. 
A!  babor  todo,  Head  a-port.  De  babor  d  es- 
tribor,  Athwart  ship. 

BABOSA,  sf.  1.  A  viscous  worm  of  the  snail 
kind  without  a  shell.  Limax  L.  2.  Aloe.  3. 
An  old  onion  which  is  transplanted,  and  pro- 
duces others.  4.  A  young  onion. 

BABOSEAR,  va.  To  drivel,  to  slaver,  to  cover 
with  spittle. 

BABOSILI.A,  sf.  A  small  viscous  worm  of  the 
snail  kind. 

BABOSILLO,  LLA  ;  UELO,  LA,  a.  Somewhat  dri- 
velling or  slavering. 

,  SA,  a.  Drivelling,  slavering. 



BACA,  sf.  1.  Berry,  Baca  de  laurel,  Bay-berry. 

.  2.  Breach  in  a  dyke  or  dam.  Bacas,  (Ant.) 
Quick  tune  on  the  guitar. 

BACADA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Caida. 

BACALI.AO,  sm.  Ling,  poor  jack,  cod-fish.  Ga- 
dus  morhua  et  molva  L. 

"BACAyA.LEs,  Bacchanals.feasts  of  Bacchus. 

BACANTE,  sf.  Bacchante,  priestess  of  Bacchus; 
lewd  drinking  person. 

BACARA  6  BACARIS,  sf.  (Bot.)  Great  flea-bane. 
Baccharis  L. 

BACARI,  a.  Covered  ;  applied  to  the  oval  shields 
covered  with  leather,  and  used  in  the  wars 
against  the  Moors. 

BACERA,  sf.  (Bax.)  Obstruction  in  the  milt,  a 
swelling  of  the  belly. 

BACETA,  sf.  The  stock  or  four  remaining  cards 
in  the  game  of  Reversi. 

BACHE,  sm.  1.  A  deep  miry  hole  in  a  road.  2. 
A  place  where  sheep  are  shut  up  to  sweat  pre- 
viously to  their  being  shorn.  V.  Sudadero. 

BActuco,  CA,  a.  Relating  or  belonging  to  Bac- 

BACHILI.ER,  sm.  1.  Bachelor,  one  who  has  ob- 
tained the  first  degree  in  the  sciences  and 
liberal  arts.  2.  Babbler,  prater,  one  who  talks 
rauch,  and  not  to  the  purpose. 

BACHILLERA,  sf.  Forward,  loquacious  woman. 

BACHII.LER,  RA,  a.  Garrulous,  loquacious. 

BA£IIILLERATO,  sm.  Bachelorship,  the  degree 
qffljfa  function  of  a  Bachelor. 

B.4<7Hv,.cEREAR,  vn.  To  babble,  to  prattle,  to 
tfAk  much  and  not  to  the  purpos9. 

BACHILLEREJO,  sm.  A  talkative  little  fellow. 

BACHILLERIA,  sf.  Babbling,  prattling. 

BACHILLER! LLO,  LLA  ;  co,  CA  ;  TO,  TA,  a.  Lo- 
quacious, talkative.  V.  Bachillerejo. 

BACIA,  sf.  1.  A  metal  basin  used  for  several 
purposes ;  2.  Barber's  basin. 

BACIGA,  sf.  A  game  played  with  three  cards. 

BACIS,  sm.  A  large  pan  or  basin  which  serves 
as  a  close-stool.  [ed. 

BACINA,  sf.  Poor-box  in  which  alms  are  collect- 

BACINADA,  sf.  Filth  thrown  from  the  basin  of 
a  close-stool. 

BACINEJO,  sm.  A  small  close-stool. 

BACISERO  v  BACINERA,  s.  The  person  who 
carries  about  the  poor-box  in  a  church,  and 
collects  the  alms. 

BACINETA,  sf.  1.  A  small  poor-box  in  which 
alms  are  collected.  2.  Bacineta  de  arma  de 
fuego,  The  pan  of  a  gun-lock. 

BACiNETE,sm.  1 .  A  head-piece,  formerly  worn  by 
soldiers,  in  the  form  of  a  helmet.  2.  Cuirassier, 
aH  horseman  formerly  armed  with  a  cuirass. 

BACINICA  6  BACINILLA,  sf.  A  small  earthen 
close-stool  for  children. 

BAcuLO,  sm.  1.  Walking  stick,  a  staif.  Bdcidv 
de  Jacob,  Jacob's  staff,  a  mathematical  in- 
strument which  serves  to  take  heights  and 
distances.  Bdculo  de  peregrine,  Pilgrim's 
staff.  Bdculo  pastoral,  Bishop's  crosier.  2. 
(Met.)  Support,  relief,  consolation. 

BADA.  V.  Mada. 

BADAJADA,S/.I.  A  stroke  of  the  clapper  against 
the  bell.  2.  Foolish  language,  idle  talk. 

BADAJO,  sm.  1.  Clapper  or  tongue  of  a  bell.  2. 
An  idle  talker,  a  foolish  prattling  fellow. 

BADAJAZO  tm.  (Aum.)  A  large  clapper. 

BADAJEAR,  vn.  (Ant.  Vulg.)  To  babble,  to  talk 
much  nonsense. 

BAPAJUELO,  sm..  (Dim.)  A  small  clapper. 

BADA"L,  sm.  1.  Muzzle,  a  fastening  for  the  mouth 
of  animals,  which  hinders  them  to  bite.  Echar 
un  badal  a  la  boca,  To  stop  one's  mouth.  2. 
Shoulder  and  ribs  of  butcher's  meat.  3.  (Cir.) 
Instrument  for  opening  the  mouth. 

BADANA,  sf.  A  dressed  sheep-skin.  Zurrar  la 
badana,  To  dress  a  sheep-skin :  (Met.)  To 
give  one  a  hiding  or  flogging. 

BADAZAS,  (Naut.)  Keys  of  the  bonnets  ; 
ropes  with  which  the  bonnets  are  laced  to  the 
sails.  V.  Barjuleta. 

BADEA,  sf.  1.  Pompion  or  pumpkin.  Cucurbita 
pepo  L.  2.  (Met.)  A  dull,  insipid  being. 

BADEN,  sm.  Channel  made  by  a  sudden  fall  of 

BADIANA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Indian  aniseed,  badiana. 
Illicium  anisatum  L. 

BAPIL,  sm.  Fire-shovel. 

BADILAZO,  sm.  Blow  with  a  fire-shovel. 

BADINA,  sf.  Pool  of  water  in  the  roads. 

BADOMIA,  sf.  Nonsense,  absurdity. 

BADui-Aqt'E,  sm.  1.  Ragout  of  stewed  livers 
and  lights.  2.  A  stupid  person  of  little  sense 
or  reason. 

BAFANE^R,  va.  To  boast,  to  exaggerate. 

BAFANEIUA,  sf.  Romancing,  gasconading. 

BAFANERO,  sm.  Boaster,  bragger. 

BA"GA,  sf.  1.  A  rope  or  cord  with  which  the 
loads  of  beasts  of  burthen  are  fastened.  2.  A 
little  head  of  flax  with  its  seed. 

BAG  AGE,  sm.  1.  Beast  of  burthen.  2.  Baggage 
carried  by  beasts  of  burthen. 

BAGAGERO,  sm.  Driver,  he  who  conducts  beasts 
of  burthen  or  baggage. 

BAG^R,  rn.  To  yield  the  seed  ;  applied  to  flax. 

BAG^SA,  sf.  V.  Carcavera. 

BAGATELA,  sf.  Trifle. 

BAGAZO,  sm.  (And.)  The  remains  of  grapes, 
olives,  palms,  &c.  which  have  been  pressed. 

BAGILLA,  sf.  Service,  the  dishes,  plates,  and 
other  vessels  necessary  for  serving  up  a  dinner. 

B^ORE,  sm.  A  delicious  fish  in  the  American 
seas  and  rivers.  Silurus  bagre  L. 

BAGUILMTO,    sm.   (Ant.)  A  small  staff.       [L. 

BAHARi,sm.  (Orn.)  Sparrow-hawk.  Falconisus 

BAnf  A,  sf.  Bay,  an  arm  of  the  sea  stretching 
into  the  land. 

BAno,  sm.  1.  Steam,  the  smoke  and  vapour  of 
any  thing  moist  and  hot.  2.  (In  Cloth  Manu- 
factories) A  tenter  with  hooks  which  serve 
to  bring  the  cloth  to  a  certain  breadth. 

BAHORRINA,  sf.  I.  Collection  of  filthy  things 
mixed  with  dirty  water.  2.  Rabble.  [less. 

BAH^NO,  NA,  a.  Vile,  low,  contemptible,  worth- 

BAHURRERO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Sportsman  who  catch- 
es birds  in  nets  or  snares. 

BAJOCA,S/.  1.  (Mur.)  Green  kidney-beans.  2. 
(Mur.)  A  dead  silk-worm. 

BAL  A,  sf.  1.  Ball,  bullet,  shot.  BaJas  roxas,  Red- 
hot  balls.  Balasencaxonadas,  Case-shot.  Balas 
cnramadas  6  encadenadas,  Chain-shot.  Balas 
de  metraUa,  Grape-shot.  2.  Bale  of  goods.  3. 
Bale  of  paper,  containing  ten  reams.  4.  Small 
hollow  ball  of  wax  filled  with  water,  and  used 
to  play  tricks  during  the  carnival.  5.  Printer's 
ball  with  which  the  ink  is  applied  to  the  form 



BALADA  6  BALATA,  sf.  Ballad,  a  song. 

BALADI,  a.  Mean,  despicable,  worthless. 

BALADOR,  RA,  s.  Animal  that  bleats.       [der  L 

BALADRE,  sm.  (Bot.)  Rose-bay,  Nerium  olean- 

BALADRON,  sm.  Boaster,  bragger,  bully. 

BALADRONADA,  sf.  Boast,  brag,  fanfaronade. 

BALADRONEAR,  vn.  To  boast,  to  brag. 

BALAGAR,  sm.  Long  straw  or  hay  preserved 
for  winter  fodder. 

BALAGO,  sm.  1.  V.  Balagar.  2.  Hay-rick.  3 
Thick  spume  of  soap,  of  which  wash-balls 
are  made  up.  Sacudir  6  menear  el  balago, 
To  give  a  sound  drubbing. 

BALAGUERO.  sm.  Rick  of  straw. 

BALANCE,  sm.  1.  Fluctuation,  vibration,  motion 
of  a  body  from  one  side  to  another.  2.  Equi- 
librium or  equipoise  of  a  rider  on  horseback. 
3.  Balance  of  accounts.  4.  (Ant.)  Doubt.  5. 

BALANCEAR,  vn.  1.  To  balance,  to  vibrate,  to 
fluctuate,  to  roll.  2.  (Met.)  To  waver,  to  be 
unsettled. — va.  1.  To  weigh,  to  examine.  2. 
To  settle  accounts. 

BALANCERO.  V.  Balanzario. 

BALANCIA,S/".  1.  (And.)  Water-melon.  2.  Scale, 
a  vessel  suspended  by  a  beam  against  ano- 
ther. 3.  A  kind  of  white  grape. 

BALANCIJJ,  sm.  1.  Splinter-bar  of  a  carriage, 
swing-bar  of  a  cart.  2.  Iron  beam  for  striking 
coins  and  medals.  3.  (Ant.)  Poy,  a  rope- 
dancer's  pole.  Balancings,  (Naiit.)  Lifts, 
ropes  belonging  to  the  yard-arms,  and  serv- 
ing to  raise  or  lower  the  yards.  Balancines 
dc-  la  bruxula,  (Naut.)  Brass  rings  by  which 
the  compass  is  suspended  in  the  binnacle. 

BAI.ANI>RA,S/.  (Naut.)  Bilander,  a  small  vessel 
which  carries  but  one  mast. 

BAL  AND  RAN,  sm.  A  loose  surtout  worn  by  priests 
when  they  are  at  home. 

BALANTE,^,  (Poet.)  Bleating.  In  cant,  a  sheep. 

BALANZA,  sf.  1.  Scale,  a  vessel  suspended  by  a 
beam  against  another.  2.  Balance,  A  pair  of 
scales.  3.  A  kind  of  fishing  net.  4.  (Met.) 
Comparative  estimate,  judgment.  Fiel  de 
'unza  de  la  romana,  Needle  of  the  balance. 

BAL.AX,  57??.  Balass  or  spinel  ruby. 
BALA/O,  sm.  A  shot.  [of  utterance. 

BALBUCENCIA,  sf.  Stuttering  speech,  difficulty 
BALBUCIENTE,  a.  Stammering,  stuttering. 
BALCON,  sm.  Balcony,  a  frame  of  wood,  iron, 
or  stone  before  the  window  of  a  room.  [nies. 
BALCONAGE  v  BALCONERIA,  sm.  Range  of  balco- 
BALCONAZO,  sm.  A  large  balcony. 

sm.  A  small  balcony. 

BALDA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Trifle,  a  thing  of  little  value, 
A'  la  lalda,  Living  in  a  heedless  imprudent 

BAIJJAQUI  6  BALDAQtrfjfo,  sm.  Canopy  sup- 
ported by  the  columns  over  the  holy  Sacra- 
ment, and  Pope's  head  in  processions. 

BALDAR,  va.  1.  To  cripple,  to  take  away  the  use 
of  a  limb.  2.  To  break  a  set  of  books,  or  other 
things,  by  taking  away  one  or  more  of  them. 

3.  To  trump  or  win  a  trick  in  a  game  at  cards, 

4.  To  obstruct,  or  hinder. 

BALDE,  sm.  Bucket  used  on  board  of  ships. 
BALDE  (DE)  ad.  Gratis,  for  nothing,  without 

a  recompense.  En  balde,  In  vain,  to  no  pur- 

pose, ineffectually. 
BALDEAR,  vn.  (Naut.)  To  throw  water  on  the 

deck  and  sides  of  a  ship,  for  the  purpose  of 

cleaning  them. 

BALDERO,  RA,  a.  (Ant.)  Idle.  V.  Baldio. 
BALDES,  sm.  A  piece  of  dressed  skin,  soft  and 

BALofo,  DIA,  a.  1.  Untilled,  uncultivated  ;  ap- 

plied to  land.  Campos  baldios,  Commons.  2. 

Idle,  la/y.    Hombre  baldio,  Vagrant,   vaga- 

BALDO,  DA,  a.  Unfurnished  with  a  card  of  the 

same  suit,  which  has  been  played  by  another. 
BALDON,  sm.  Censure,  reproach,  insult. 
BALDONAR  6  BALDONEAR,  va.  To  insult  with 

abusive  language,  reproach. 
BALDOSA,  sf.  A  fine  square  tile. 


BALDRAQUE,  sm.  (A  cant  word)  Trifle,  fiddle 

BALD  RES,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Baldcs. 

BALEARICO,  CA,  6  BALEARIC,  RIA,  a.  Balearic, 
belonging  to  the  Baleares,  or  isles  of  Major- 
ca, Minorca,  &c. 

dndar  en  balanza,  (Met.)  To  be  in  danger  of  !BALERIA,  gf.  A  large  quantity  of  balls,  bullets, 
losing  one's  property  or  place.  5.  Gallows,  in' 

BALAN/A\R,  ra.  V.  Balancear. 


BALAN/.ARIO,  sm.  Balancer,  he  who  weighs  and 

adjusts  the  coins  in  the  mint. 

BALANXO.  sm.  V.  Balance. 

BAi.AN/.oN,sm.  Copper  pan  used  by  silversmiths. 

BALA^OU,  sm.  (let.)  A  kind  of  sprat  of  the  size 
of  a  pilchard. 

BALAR,  vn.  To  bleat  as  a  sheep.  Jlndar  balando 
par  alguiui  cosa,To  be  gaping  after  something. 

BAI.ATA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Ballet,  an  historical  dance. 

BALASOR,  sm.  Balassor,  a  stuff  made  of  the  bark 
of  trees,  which  comes  from  China. 

BALAI^STRA  y  BALAUSTRIA,  sf.  Flowers  of  the 
wild  pomegranate. 

BALAUSTRX.DA  Y  BALUSTRERIA,  sf.  Balustrade, 
a  row  of  small  pillars  called  balusters. 

the  form  of  balusters,  cr  adorned  with  balus- 

BALAI^STRE,  sm.  Small  pillars,  with  which  ba- 
lustrades are  formed.  BaJaustres  de  navio. 
(Naut.)  Head  rails  of  a  ship. 

or  shot  heaped  together. 

B  A  LET  A,  sf.  A  small  bale. 

BALHURRIA,  sf.  (Cant.)  Low  people. 

BALIDO,  6m.  Bleating,  the  cry  of  a  sheep. 

BALI'JA,  sm.  1.  Portmanteau  or  portmantle,a  bag 
in  which  clothes  .are  carried.  2.  Mail,  the 
post-man's  bag  in  which  the  letters  are  con- 
veyed. 3.  Post  or  postboy  who  carries  letters 
from  one  place  to  another. 

BALIJON,  sm.  A  large  portmantle. 

BALITADERA,  sf.  Call,  an  instrument  made  of 
reeds  for  calling  fawns. 

BALLAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Cantar. 

BALLENA,*/.  1.  Whale,  BalaenaL.  2.  Train-oil, 
oil  drawn  by  coction  from  the  blubber  or  fat 
of  the  whale.  3.  Whale-bone.  4.  (Astr.)  One 
of  the  northern  constellations. 

BALLENATO,  sm.  Cub,  the  young  of  a  whale. 

BALLENER,  sm.  A  sort  of  a  vessel  which  has 
the  shape  of  a  whale. 

BALLKSTA,  sf.  Cross-bow,  an  ancient  missive 
weapon.  A1  tiro  de  ballesta,  (Met.)  At  a 
great  distance. 




BALLESTAZO,  sm.  Blow  given  or  received  from 
any  thing  thrown  from  a  cross-bow. 

BALLESTEADOR,  sm.  Cross-bower,  arbalist. 

BALLESTEAR,  na.  To  shoot  with  a  cross-bow. 

BALLESTERA,  sf.  Loop-holes  through  which 
cross-bows  were  discharged. 

BALLESTER!  A,  sf.  1.  Archery,  the  art  of  an  arch- 
er, or  of  shooting  with  a  bow  and  arrow 
2.  Number  of  cross-bows,  or  persons  armed 
with  cross-bows.  3.  Place  where  cross-bows 
are  kept,  or  arbalists  quartered. 

BALLESTERO,.sm.  I.  Archer, arbalist, cross-bow 
er.  2.  Cross-bow  maker.  3.  King's  archer  or 
armourer,  whose  business  it  is  to  keep  the 
arms  of  the  royal  family  in  order.  Ballestcro 
de  maza,  Mace-bearer.  Ballesteros  de  corte, 
The  king's  porters,  and  the  porters  of  the 
privy  council,  were  formerly  so  called. 

BALLESTILLA,  sf.  1.  Small  cross-bow.  2.  Instru- 
ment for  bleeding  cattle,  but  which  is  at  pre- 
sent called  fleam.  3.  Cross-staff,  an  instru- 
ment for  taking  heights.  4.  (Naut.)  Fore- 
staff,  an  instrument  used  for  taking  the  alti- 
tude of  the  sun,  stars,  &c. 

BALLESTON,  sm.  Large  cross-bow,  arbalet. 

BALLESTRiNquE,  sm.  (Naut.)  Clove-hitch,  by 
which  one  rope  is  fastened  to  another. 

BALLICO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Red  or  perennial  darnel, 
rye-grass.  Lolium  perenne  L. 

BALLUECA,  sf.  (Bot.  Arag.)  Wild  oats.  Avena 
fatua  L. 

BALON,  sm.  1.  Large  foot-ball,  with  which  the 
game  of  that  name  is  played.  2.  The  game  of 
foot-ball.  3.  Balloon.  4.  Large  bale.  5. 
(Naut.)  State-vessel  in  Siam.  G.  Bale  of 
paper  containing  24  reams. 

BALONCITA,  sf.  Saveall. 

BALOTA,  sf.  Ballot,  a  little  ball  used  in  voting. 

BALOTADA,  sf.  Ballotade,  leap  of  a  horse  in 
which  he  shows  the  shoes  of  his  hinder  feet. 

BALOTAR,  va.  Ballot,  to  choose  by  ballot  with- 
out open  declaration  of  the  vote. 

BALSA,  sf.  l.Pool,  a  lake  of  standing  water.  2. 
(Naut.)  Raft  or  float  for  conveying  goods  or 
persons  across  a  river.  3.  (Andal.)  Half  a 
butt  of  wine.  4.  (In  Oil-mills.)  The  room 
where  the  oil  is  kept.  Estar  como  una  balsa 
de  aceyte,  To  be  as  quiet  as  a  pool  of  oil ; 
spoken  of  a  place  or  country. 

BALSAMERITA,  sf.  A  small  smelling  bottle  for 

BALSAMIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Fabulous  tale. 

BALSAMICO,  CA,  a.  Balsamic. 

BALSAMIA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Balm. 

BALSAMITA  MAYOR,  (Bot.)  Costmary.  Balsami- 
ta  vulgaris  L.  Balsamita  menor,  (Bot.) 
Maudlin  tansy.  Tanacetum  annuum  L. 

BALSAMO,  sm.  1.  Balsam  of  balm.  Bdlsamo 
de  Maria,  Balsam  of  Tolu.  Es  un  bdlsamo, 
It  is  a  balsam ;  applied  to  generous  wine  and 
other  delicious  liquors.  2.  (Med.)  The  purest 
and  soundest  part  of  the  blood. 

BALSAR,  sm.  A  marshy  piece  of  ground  with 

BALSEAR,  -cm.  To  cross  rivers  on  floats  or  frames 
of  timber  joined  together. 

BALSERO,  sm.  Ferry-man. 

BALSILLA,  sf.  A  small  float  or  raft. 

BALSOPETO,  sm.  I.  A  large  pouch  carried  near 

the  breast.  2.  (Bax.)  Bosom,  the  inside  of  the 

BALTEO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Officer's  belt. 

BALUARTE,sm.  l.(Fort.)  Bastion,a  mass  of  earth 
raised  in  the  angles  of  a  polygon,  with  flanks, 
faces,  and  a  gorge.  2.  (Met.)  Defence,  sup- 
port. Eso  es  el  baluarte  de  lafe  y  de.  la.  reli- 
gion, This  is  the  bulwark  of  faith  and  religion. 

BALTJMBA  Y  BALT^MA,  sf.  Bulk  or  quantity  of 
things  heaped  together. 

BALTJMHO  Y  BALUME,  sjn.  A  heap  of  things 
which  take  up  much  room. 

BALZA,  sf.  Banner,  standard. 

BAMBALINA,  sf.  Scene,  the  hanging  of  the  the- 
atre adapted  to  the  play. 

BAMBALEAR  Y  BAMBANEAR,  xn.  V.  Bambolear. 

BAMBALINA,  sf.  The  upper  part  of  the  scenes 
in  theatres,  which  are  fixed. 

BAMBAROTEAR,  vn.  To  bawl,  to  cry  out. 

BAMBARRIA,  sm.  1.  (Bax.)  A  fool,  an  idiot.  2. 
An  accidental  but  successful  hit  or  stroke  at 

BAMBOCHE,  sm.  A  landscape  representing  ban- 
quets or  drunken  feats,  with  grotesque  fi- 
gures. Esun  bamboche,  6  parece  un  bamboche, 
A  thick  short  person  with  a  red  bloated  face. 

BAMBOLEAR  6  BAMBONEAR,  vn.  To  reel,  to 
stagger,  to  totter,  to  dangle.  [germg- 

BAMBOLEO   Y  BAMBONEO,  sm.  Reeling,  stag- 

BAMBOLLA,  sf.  Ostentation,  boast,  vain  show. 

BAN,  sm.  A  sort  of  fine  muslin  brought  from 

BANANA,  sf.  The  fruit  of  the  plantain  tree. 

BANASTA,  sf.  A  large  basket  made  of  twigs  or 
laths.  Meterse  en  banasta,  To  meddle  with 
things  which  do  not  concern  one. 

BANASTERO,  sm.  1.  Basket-maker  or  dealer  in 
baskets.  2.  (Cant.)  Jailer. 

BANASTO,  sm.  A  large  round  basket. 

BANCA,  ff.  1.  Form,  a  long  wooden  seat  without 
a  back.  2.  Banca  de  plaza,  A  table  for  selling 
fruit.  3.  A  sort  of  washing  box  in  which  wo- 
men place  themselves  when  they  are  washing 
at  the  brink  of  a  brook  or  river.  4.  Basset,  a 
game  of  chance  at  cards. 

BANC^L,  sm.  I.  An  oblong  plot  of  ground  for 
raising  pulse,  roots,  and  fruit-trees.  2.  Ter- 
race in  a  garden.  3.  Carpet  thrown  over  a 
form  or  bench  by  way  of  ornament. 

BANCALERO,  sm.  Carpet-manufacturer. 

BANCARIA.  V.  Fianza  bancaria. 

BANCARROTA,  sf.  Bankruptcy,  the  failure  of  a 
merchant,  tradesman,  &c.  who  declares  him- 
self insolvent. 

BANCAZA  Y  BANCAZO,  s.  A  large  form  or  bench. 

BANCO,  sm..l.  Form  or  bench  without  a  back.  2. 
A  strong  bench  with  four  legs  fcr  the  use 
of  carpenters  ;  c.  g.  Banco  dr.  (tcrpilii;r,  \ 
planing  bench.  3.  Athwart,  or  bench  of  row- 
ers. 4.  A  bank,  a  place  where  money  is  laid 
up  to  be  called  for  occasionally.  5.  Company 
of  persons  concerned  in  managing  a  joint  stock 
of  money.  6.  The  cheeks  of  the  bit  of  a  bridle. 
Banco  de  arena,,  A  sand  bank.  Banco  dc  hiclo, 
A  field  of  ice.  Banco  de  rio,  Sand-bank  in  a 
river.  Banco  pinjado,  An  ancient  warlike  ma- 
chine for  battering.  Pasar  banco,  To  flog  tho 
sailors  on  board  a  galley.  Razon  de  pic  de 
banco.  An  absurd  reason,  a  groundless  motive. 



BAND  A,  sf.'l.  Sash  worn  by  military  officers 
when  on  duty.  2.  Ribbon  worn  by  the  knights 
of  the  military  orders.  3.  Band  or  body  of 
troops.  4.  Party  or  number  of  persons  confede 
rated  by  a  similarity  of  designs  or  opinions.  5 
Bank,  border,  edge  ;  side  of  a  ship.  La  banda 
del  norte,  The  north  side.  A1  la  banda 
(Naut.)  Heeled  or  hove  down.  En  banda 
(Naut.)  A-main.  Arriar  en  banda,  To  let  gc 
a-main.  Caer,  6  estar  en  banda,,  To  be  a-mam 
Dar  d  la  banda,  To  heel.  Bandas  del  tajamar 
(Naut.)  The  cheeks  of  the  head. 

BANDADA,  sf.  Flock  of  birds  flying  together. 

BAND£RRIA,  sf.  (Naut.)  An  iron  maul  with  a 
wooden  handle,  used  for  driving  large  nails 
and  pegs  into  the  planks  or  timbers  of  a  ship 

BANDE.AR,  va.  To  traverse,  to  pass,  to  cross  from 
one  side  to  another ;  to  band. — vn.  To  form 
parties,  to  unite  with  a  band. — rr.  To  conducl 
one's  self  with  prudence  for  earning  a  liveli- 
hood, to  shift  for  one's  self. 

BANDEJA,  sf.  A  silver  waiter. 

BANDERA,  sf.  I.  A  pair  of  colours  of  a  regiment 
of  infantry.  2.  Infantry,  soldiers  who  serve  on 
foot.  3.  Flag  or  colours  which  distinguish  the 
ships  of  the  different  nations.  Bandera  de  popa 
(Naut.)  The  ensign.  Bander  a  de  proa,  (Naut. 
The  jack.  Bandera  de  quadra,  The  royal 
standard.  Bandera  bJanca,  6  de  paz,  The  flag 
of  truce.  Vuelode  la  bandera,  The  flag  of  the 
ensign.  Arriar  la  bandera,  To  strike  the 
colours.  Salir  con  banderas  desplegadas,  To 
get  offwith  flying  colours.  Asfgurar  la  bande- 
ra, To  fire  a  cannon-shot  with  ball  at  the  time 
of  hoisting  the  colours.  Dar  la  bandera,(Met. 
To  submit  to  the  superior  talents  or  merits  of 
another.  Levantar  banderas,  (Met.)  To  put 
one's  self  at  the  head  of  a  party. 

BANDERETA,  sf.  A  small  flag.  Bandertlas,(Mi\.) 

BANDERICA  6  BANDER^LA,  sf.  1.  A  small  flag 
a  banner.  2.  A  small  dart  with  a  bannerol 
which  dexterous  bull-fighters  thrust  into  the 
shoulders  and  neck  of  a  bull.  Poner  d  uno 
una  banderilla,  (Met.)  To  taunt,  to  ridicule 
to  revile. 

BANDERII.LEAR,  va.  To  put  small  flags  on  bulls, 
at  bull  feasts. 

BANUERILLERO,  sm.  He  who  sticks  bannerets  in 
a  bull's  neck. 

BANDERIZAR,  va.  V.  Aband-erizar.        [faction. 

BANDERIZO,  ZA,  a.  Factious,  given  to  party  or 

BANDEROLAS,  sf.  pi.  Bannerols,  camp-colours. 

BANDIBULA,  sf.  Mandible  or  jaw,  the  bone  of 
the  mouth  in  which  the  teeth  are  fixed. 

BANDIDO.  sm.  1.  Banditto,  highwayman.  2.  Fu- 
gitive pursued  with  judicial  advertisements. 

BANDfM,  sm.  Seat  in  a  row-galley. 

BANDITA,  sf.  A  small  band. 

BANDO,  sm.  I.  Edict  or  law  solemnly  published 
by  superior  authority.  2.  Faction,  party. 
Echar  bando,  To  publish  a  law  or  edict. 

BANDOLA,  sf.  1.  A  small  musical  instrument 
with  four  strings  resembling  a  lute.  2.  (Naut.) 
Jurymast,  a  mast  set  up  occasionally  at  sea, 
in  the  room  of  a  mast  lost. 

BANDOLERA,  sf.  Bandoleer.  Dar  6  guitar  la 
bandolr.ra.  To  admit  or  dismiss  one  from  tlie 
king's  life-guards  in  Spain. 

BANDOLERO,  sm.  Highwayman,  robber,  free- 

BANDOSIDAD,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Parcialidad. 

BANDOG,  sm.  (Ant.)  Large  sausage. 

BANDTJI.LO,  sm.  (Vulg.)  Belly,  the  whole  of  the 
bowels  or  intestines. 

BANDT^RRIA,  sf.  A  musical  instrument  resem- 
bling a  fiddle.  [Burgundy. 

BANGE,  sm.  A  sort  of  stuff  manufactured  in 

BANOVA,  sf.  (Arag.)  Bed-quilt,  bed-cover. 

BANQUERA,  sf.  1.  Small  open  bee-house.  2. 
Frame  on  which  bee-hives  are  placed  in  a 

BANQUERO,  sm.  Banker.  V.  Cambista. 

BANQUETA,  sf.  1.  A  stool  with  three  legs.  2. 
(Fort.)  Banquette  or  footbank  behind  the 
parapet.  Banquetas  de  rruena,  Gun-carriage 
beds.  Banquetas  dc  calafate,  (Naut.)  Calk- 
ing stools. 

BANQUETE,  sm.  Banquet,  a  splendid  repast. 
Banquete  cascro,  A  family  feast. 

BANQUETEAR,  vn.  To  banquet,  to  feast. 

BANQJJILLO,  sm.   A  little  stool  without  a  back. 

BANZOS,  sm.  pi.  Cheeks  or  sides  of  an  embroi- 
dering or  quilting  frame. 

BANA,  sf.  V.  Banadero. 

BANADERA,  sf.  (Naut.)  Skeet,  a  narrow  oblong 
ladle  or  scoop  for  wetting  the  sails,  decks, 
and  sides  of  a  ship,  or  for  baling  a  boat. 

BANADERO,  sm.  Pool,  or  puddle,  in  which  wild 
boars  wallow  or  bathe  themselves. 

BANADO,  sm.  V.  Bacin. 

BANADOR,  RA,S.  One  who  bathes.  Banador,T\ib 
or  vat  with  liquid  wax,  into  which  wax-chan- 
dlers dip  the  wicks  for  forming  wax-candles. 

BANAR,  va-.  1.  To  bathe,  to  immerse  or  wash  in 
water.  2.  To  water,  to  irrigate.  El  rio  baTia 
las  murallas  de  la  ciudad,  The  river  washes 
the  walls  of  the  town.  3.  To  candy  biscuits, 
plums,  &c.  with  melted  sugar,  which  forms 
an  incrustation  when  cold.  4.  (Pint.)  To  wash 
over  a  painting  with  a.  second  coat  of  bright  or 
transparent  colours.  5.  To  overlay  with  some- 
thing shining  or  pellucid.  Baiiarse  en  agua 
rosada,  To  bathe  in  rose-water,  to  be  highly 
pleased.  6.  To  extend  or  enlarge. 

BANERO,  sm.  Owner  or  keeper  of  baths. 

BANI!,  sm.  A  small  pool  in  which  deer  bathe 
themselves.  [or  bathes  in  them 

BANisTA,sm.  He  who  drinks  the  mineral  waters 

BANG,  sm.  1.  Bath ;  the  act  of  bathing  in  water, 
wine,  or  other  liquor.  2.  Bagnio,  the  house  or 
place  where  people  bathe, a  large  tub  or  trough 
for  bathing.  3.  Incrustation  or  coat  made  with 
sugar  over  sweetmeats,  or  with  wax  over  any 
thing.  4.  Coat  of  bright  paint  put  over  another. 
5.  Varnish  ;  the  art  of  glazing  or  putting  var- 
nish on  a  picture.  6.  Prison  in  which  Moors 
confine  their  prisoners  until  they  are  ransom- 
ed. 7.  (Quim.)  Bath  for  retaining  an  uniform 
heat  from  the  fire ;  as  Bano  de  arena,  Sand- 
bath  ;  Bano  de  Maria,  Balneum  Mariee. 

BANUELO,  sm.  (Dim.)  A  little  bath. 

BAGS,  sm.  pi.  (Naut.)  Beams,  the  main  cross 
timbers,  stretching  from  side  to  side.  Baos  de 
las  cubiertas  alias,  The  beams  of  the  upper 
deck.  Bao  maestro,  The  midship  beam.  Baos 
del  sollado.  Orlop  beams.  Baos  del  saltillo  de 
proa,  The  collar-beams.  Baos  de  los  palos, 



Trestle  trees.     Baos  y  crucetas  de  los  palos. 
Cross  and  trestle  trees. 

BAPTISMO,  sm.  V.  Bautismo, 

BAPTISTERIO,  sm.  Baptistery. 

BAPTIZAR,  (Ant.)  V.  Bautizdr. 

,  sm.  1.  (Ant.)  The  blow  which  a  body 
ives  in  falling.    2.  A  water-trough  in  glass- 

BAQUERIZA,  sf.  (Ant.)  A  cow-house  for  cattle 
in  winter  ;  a  stable. 

BAQUETA,  sf.  1.  Ramrod,  the  stick  with  which 
the  charge  is  forced  into  fire-arms.  2.  Switch 
used  in  a  riding-house,  in  breaking  in  young 
horses.  Mandar  a  baqueta,  6  d  la  baqueta,  To 
command  imperiously.  Tratar  d  baqueta,  To 
treat  a  person  in  a  haughty  manner. — pi.  1. 
Drum-sticks,  sticks  with  which  drums  are 
beaten.  2.  Gantlet,  a  military  punishment.  3. 
Rods  of  holly -wood,  used  in  beating  wool. 

BAQTJETA/O,  sm.  Violent  fall,  great  blow  given 
by  the  body  when  falling.  Tropect  y  di  un 
baquetazo,  I  tripped  and  fell  violently. 

BAQUETEAR,  va.  To  inflict  the  punishment  of 
the  gantlet.  Baquetear  la  lana,  To  beat  wool. 

BAQUETILLA,  sf.  A  little  rod. 

BAQUICO,  c  A,  a.  Bacchanal,  relating  to  Bacchus. 

BARADERO,  sm.  (Naut.)  Skeed  or  skid.  Bara-  de  baxa  mar,  A  muddy  place  in  which 
vessels  stick  at  low  water.  [sel. 

BARADT^RA,  ff.  (Naut.)  The  grounding  of  a  ves- 

BARAHUNDA,  sf.  Hurly-burly,  a  great  bustle  or 

BARAHtrsTE,  sm.  V.  Balaustre. 

BARAHUSTIT.LOS,  sm.  pi.  Small  balusters. 

BAR!  JA  ,sf.  1 .  A  complete  pack  of  cards.  2. (Ant.) 
A  quarrel.  Mcterse  en  burajas,  To  seek  a  quar- 
rel. Entrarse  en  la  baraja,  Not  to  enter  upon 
a  hand,  to  give  a  game  up  :  (Met.)  To  relin- 
quish a  claim,  to  desist  from  a  pretension. 

BARAJADUHA.  sf.  1.  Shuffling  of  cards.  2.  Dis- 
pute, difference. 

BARAJAR,  r«.  J .  To  shuffle  the  cards,  to  change 
their  position  with  regard  to  each  other.  2.  To 
bar  a  cast  at  dice.  3.  (Met.)  To  jumble  things 
together.  Barajar  un  negocio,  To  entangle  or 
perplex  an  affair.  Barajarle  d  algunouna pre- 
tension, To  frustrate  one's  pretensions.  Ba- 
rajar ima  proposition,  To  reject  a  proposal. 
— vn.  To  wrangle,  to  contend. 

BARANDA,  sf.  Railing  of  timber,  iron,  or  brass, 
around  altars,  fonts,  balconies,  &c.  Barandas 
de  Jos  corredores  de  popa  de  un  nario,  Stern- 
rails.  Echar  de  baranda,  (Met.)  To  exagge- 
rate something,  to  boast. 

BAR  ANDA"  no.sw.  Series  of  balusters,  balustrade. 

BARAM>AT,,s?n.  The  under-piece  of  a  balustrade, 
in  which  the  rails  or  balusters  are  fixed,  [ing. 

BARANUILLA,*/'.  A  small  balustrade,  a  small  rail- 

BARANGAY,  sm.  An  Indian  vessel,  worked  with 

BARAR,  vn.  (Naut.)  To  strike  aground,  to  be 
stranded.  Burar  en  la  costa,  (Naut.)  To  run 
on  shore. 

BARYTA,  sf.  1.  Barter,  exchange,  low  price,  or 
little  value  of  things  exposed  for  sale.  V.  Ba- 
ratura.  2.  An  after  game  in  backgammon. 
3.  (Ant.)  A  fraudulent  barter.  A1  la  burnt n. 
Confusedly,  disorderly.  Mala  barata,  Profu 
sion,  prodigality. 


BARATADOR,  sm.  1.  (Ant.)  BARRATOR,  impos- 
tor, deceiver.  2.  Barterer. 

BARATAR,  va.  1.  (Ant.)  To  BARTER,  to  traffic 
by  exchanging  one  commodity  for  another. 
2.  (Ant.)  To  make  fraudulent  barters,  to 
cheat,  to  deceive.  3.  (Ant.)  To  give  or  re- 
ceive a  thing  under  its  just  value. 

BARATAS,  sm.  A  kind  of  sea-mouse. 

BARATEAR,  vn.  (Ant.)  To  cheapen  j  to  sell  at 
an  under  price.  [tion. 

BARATERIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  BARRATRY,  fraud,  decep- 

BARATERO,  sm.  He  who  by  art  or  force  obtains 
money  from  the  fortunate  gamesters. 

BARATIJAS,  Trifles,  things  of  small  value. 

^^RATILLO,  LLA.  «.  Cheap,  of  little  value. 
vRArfi.Lo,  sm.  1.  Trumpery  or  trifles  sold  in  a 
public  place.   2.  A  place  where  petty  pedlers 
sell  things  of  little  value  about  the  fall  of  night. 

BARATISTA,  sm.  (Ant.)  Barterer,  trafficker. 

BARATO,  TA,  a.  1.  Cheap,  bought  or  sold  for  a 
low  price.  De  barato,  Gratuitously,  gratis. 
2.  (Met.)  Easy. 

BARATO,SW.  1.  Money  given  by  the  winners  at  a 
gaming  table  to  the  by-standers  as  part  of  the 
gain.  2.  (Ant.)  Fraud,  deceit.  3.  (Ant.) 
Plenty,  abundance.  4.  Cheapness,  low  price. 
Hacer  barato,  To  sell  under  value  in  order  to 
get  rid  of  goods.  Darde  barato,  (Met.)  To 
grant  for  argument's  sake,  a  thing  to  be  so. 
Lo  barato  es  caro,  The  cheapest  goods  are 
dearest.  Nijuega,  ni  da  baratof  To  act  with 
indifference,  without  taking  a  part  with,  or 
engaging  in  a  faction. 

BARATRO,  sm.  (Poet.)  Hell. 

BARATT^RA,  sf.  Cheapness,  lowness  of  price, 
little  value  set  upon  things. 

BARAX^NDA,  sf.  Noise,  great  confusion. 

BARATJSTRE,  sm.  V.  Balaustre. 

BARBA,sm.  l.Chin,the  part  of  the  face  where  the 
beard  grows.  2.  Beard,  the  hair  which  grows 
on  the  lips  and  chin.  3.  The  first  swarm  of 
bees  which  leaves  the  hive.  4.  The  roof  of  the 
bee-hive,where  the  new  swarm  begins  towork. 
Barba  cabruna,  (Bot.)  Yellow  goat's  beard. 
Tragopogon  pratense  L.  Barba  dc  a arou, 
(Bot.)  Indian  turnip.  Arum  esculentum  L. 
Barba  de  cabra,  (Bot.)  Queen  of  the  mea- 
dows. Spiraea  ulmaria  L.  Jlmarrado  a  barba 
de  crato,  (Naut.)  Moored  by  the  head.  Tcm- 
blar  la  barba,  To  shake  with  fear.  Barba  d 
barba,  Face  to  face.  A1  barba  regado,  In 
great  plenty.  Por  barba,  A  head,  a  piece.  A' 
poll  a  por  barba,  Every  man  his  bird. — sm. 
Player  who  acts  the  parts  of  old  men  on  the 
stage. — pi.  (Naut.)  1.  Hause  or  hawse,  tho 
position  of  the  cable  of  a  ship,  when  she  is 
moored  by  the  head,  with  two  anchors  cut,  on 
the  starboard  and  larboard  bow.  2.  Slender 
roots  of  trees  or  plants  ;  fibres,  filaments.  3. 
A  disease  under  the  tongue  of  horses.  Barbas 
enredadas,  A  full  hawse.  Barbas  de  ballena, 
Whalebone.  Barbas  honradas  6  h  ombre  dc 
rcspcto,  A  respectable  man.  Dccir  d  vno  en 
sits  barbas  alguna  cosa,  To  tell  a  man  a  thing 
to  his  face.  Echar I o  d  las  barbas,  To  reproach 
a  man  with  something.  Hacer  la  barba,  To 
shave,  to  take  off  the  beard  ;  (Met.)  To  speak 
ill  of  somebody.  Mcntir  por  la  barba,  To  tell 
a  lie  in  a  barefaced  manner.  Pcla  rse  las  barbas,  - 



(Met.)  To  fly  into  a  violent  passion.  Subirse  d 
ias  barbas,  To  fly  into  one's  face.  Tcner  bue* 
nas  barbas,  To  have  a  graceful  mien :  ap- 
plied to  a  fine  woman.  Ecliar  d  la  buena  bar- 
ba.  To  induce  one  to  pay  for  what  he  and  his 
companions  have  eaten  and  drank.  Andar, 
cstar,  6  trahcr  la  barba  sobre  el  kombro,  To 
wear  the  face  on  the  shoulder,  to  be  alert,  to 
live  watchful  and  careful,  Tenerpocasbarbas, 
To  be  young  or  inexperienced. 

BARB  A  CAN  A,  sf.  1.  (Fort.)  Fausse  braye,  an  ele- 
vation of  earth  about  three  feet  high,  which 
runs  along1  the  foot  of  the  rampart  towards  the 
field.  2.  A  low  wall  around  a  church-yard. 

BARBADA,  sf.  1.  Beard  of  a  horse,  or  that  part  of 
the  mandible  which  bears  the  curb  of  the 
bridle.  2.  Curb,  or  iron  chain  made  fast  to 
the  upper  part  of  the  branches  of  the  bridle, 
and  running  under  the  beard  of  the  horse.  3. 
(let.)  Pout,  or  whiting  pout.  Gadus  barbatus 
L.  Agua  dc  la  Barbuda,  Barbadoes  water,  a 
liquor  distilled  from  the  sugar-cane. 

BARi5ADAMi:NTE,ffld.(Rar.)Strongly,  vigorously. 
ARBADILLO,  LLA,  «.  1.  Having  little  beard.  2. 
Having  slender  filaments,  applied  to  plants. 

BARBADO,  DA,  a.  Bearded,  having  a  beard. 

BAUD  A  uo,  sm.  1.  Man  grown  up.  2.  Vine  trans- 
planted with  the  roots.  3.  Shoots  issuing 
from  the  roots  of  trees. 

BARBAJA,  sf.  (Bot.)  V.  Barba  cabruna.  Barbd- 
jas.  (Agr.)  The  hairy  filaments  of  the  roots 
of  plants. 

BARBAJOVE,  sm.  (Bot).)  Lady's  finger. 

BARBANCA,  sf.  Confusion,  noise,  uproar. 

BARBAR,  vn.  1.  To  get  a  beard.  2.  Among  bee- 
masters,  to  rear  or  keep  bees.  3.  To  begin  to 
strike  root ;  applied  to  plants. 

BARBARA,  sf.  Santa  barbara,  (Naut.)  Powder 
room  or  magazine  on  board  of  ships  of  war. 

BARBARAMENTE,  ad.  1.  In  a  cruel  barbarous 
manner.  2.  Rudely,  without  culture  in  point 
of  learning  and  manners. 

BAUBARESCO,  CA,  a.  Belonging  or  peculiar  to 

BARBARICAMENTE.  V.  Bdrbaramentc. 

BARBARIDAD.  sf.  1.  Barbarity,  fierceness,  cruel- 
ty. 2.  Rashness,  temerity.  3.  Rudeness,  want 
of  culture  in  point  of  manners  or  learning. 
4.  Barbarous  expression  or  action. 

BARBARIE,  sf.  Barbarousness,  impurity  of  lan- 
guage, incivility  of  manners  ;  rusticity. 

BARBARISMO,  5m.  1.  Form  of  speech,  contrary  to 
the  purity  of  language  ;  barbarism.  2.  Crowd 
of  barbarians.  3.  Barbarousness. 

BARBARIZAR,  va.  To  make  barbarous,  wild, 
or  cruel. 

BARBARO,  RA,  a.  1.  Barbarous,  fierce,  cruel.  2. 
Rash,  bold,  daring.  3.  Rude,  ignorant,  un- 

BARBARO,  sm.  A  Barbary  horse. 

BARBAROTE,  sm.  A  great  savage  or  barbarian. 

BARBATO,  TA,  a.  Bearded,  applied  to  a  comet. 

BARBAZA,  sf.  A  long  beard. 

BARBEAR,  r,n.  To  reach  with  the  beard  or 

BARBECHAR,  va.  To  plough  the  ground  and 
prepare  it  for  sowing. 

BARBF.CIIA/.ON  6  BARBOCHJON,  sm.  (Among 
Farmers)  The  fallowing  time. 

BARBECH£RA,  sf.  1.  Series  of  different  suc- 
cessive ploughings.  2.  Fallowing  time  or 
season.  3.  Act  and  effect  of  ploughing  or 

BARBECHO,  sm.  1.  First  ploughing  of  the 
ground,  in  order  to  plough  it  again.  2.  Ground 
ploughed  in  order  to  be  sown.  Como  en  un 
barbecko,  6  por  un  barbccho,  With  too  much 
confidence  or  assurance. 

BARBERA,  sf.  A  barber's  wife. 

BARBER!  A,  sf.  1.  Trade  of  a  barber.  2.  Barber's 

BARBERITO,  IJLLO,  sm.  A  spruce  little  barber. 

BARBERO,  sm.  1.  Barber,  one  who  shaves,  or 
takes  off  the  beard.  2.  (let.)  Mutton-fish. 
Labrus  anthias  L. 

BARBETA,  sf.  1.  (Naut.)  Rackline.  2.  (Naut.) 
Ring-rope,  a  rope  occasionally  tied  to  the 
ringbolts  of  the  deck.  Bateria  d  burbeta, 
Barbet-battery,  having  neither  embrasures 
nor  merlons,  and  where  the  cannon  fire  over 
the  parapet. 

BARBIBLANCO,  CA,  a.  Having  a  beard  grey  or 
white  with  age. 

BARBICA  v  ITA,  sf.  A  small  beard. 

BARBICACHO,  sm.  Riband  or  band  tied  under 
the  chin. 

BARBICANO,  NA,  a.  Having  a  grey  beard. 

BAREIESPESO,  SA,  a.  One  who  has  a  thick  beard. 

BAUBIHECHO,  CHA,  a.  Fresh  shaved. 

BARBILAMPINO,  N  A,  a.  Having  a  thin  beard. 

BARBILINDO,  DA,  a.  Well  shaved  and  trimmed. 

BARBILLA,  sf.  1.  A  small  beard.  2.  Point  of  the 
chin.  3.  Morbid  tumour  under  the  tongue  of 
horses  and  cattle. 

BARBILLERA,  sf.  1.  Tuft  of  tow,  put  between 
the  staves  of  a  cask  or  vat  to  prevent  it  from 
leaking.  2.  Bandage  put  under  the  chin  of  a 
dead  person  to  keep  the  mouth  shut. 

BARBILUCIO,  CIA,  a.  Smooth-faced,  pretty, 

BARBINEGRO,  GRA,  a.  Black-bearded. 

BARBIPOMENTE,  a.  1.  Having  the  beard  grow- 
ing ;  applied  to  a  boy  or  lad.  2.  (Met.)  Be- 
ginning to  learn  any  art  or  profession. 

BARBIQ.UEJO,  sm.  1.  Handkerchief,  with  which 
the  Indians  muffle  the  chin.  2.  (Naut.)  Bob- 
stay,  a  strong  rope  which  keeps  the  bowsprit 
downwards  to  the  stem. 

BARBIRUBIO,  BIA,  a.  Red-bearded,  having  a  red 

BARBIRT/CIO,  CIA,  a.  Having  a  black  and  white 

BARBITENIDO,  DA,  a.   Having  a  painted  beard. 

BARBIZAENO,  NA,  a.  Having  a  rough  beard. 

BARBO,  sm.  (let.)  Barbel,  a  river  fish.  Cypri- 
nus  barbus  L. 

BARBON,  sm.  1.  An  old  man  of  a  grave  and 
austere  aspect.  2.  A  man  with  a  thick,  strong 
beard.  3.  A  lay  brother  of  the  Carthusian 

BARBOQUEJO,  sm.  1.  A  piece  of  rope  put  into  a 
horse's  mouth  instead  of  a  bridle,  to  guide 
him  and  keep  him  from  biting.  2.  Hind  part 
of  the  under-jaw  of  a  horse. 

BARBOTAR,  va.  To  mumble,  to  mutter. 

BARBOTE,  sm.  Fore  part  of  a  helmet.  V.  Babera. 

BARBT^DO,  DA,  a.  Having  a  long  beard.  A1  la, 
muffcr  barbuda  de  Ujos  la*  saluda.  (Ref.) 



Flee  a  woman  witjts^a  beard  as  you  would  a 

BARBT?  DO,SW.  Vine  transplanted  with  the  roots. 

BARBULLA,  sf.  Loud,  confused  noise,,  made  by 
people  all  talking  together  at  the  same  time. 

BARBULLAR,  va.  To  talk  loud  and  fast,  with 
disorder  and  confusion. 

BARBULLON,  NA,  a.  Talking  loud,  fast,  and  con- 

BARCA,  s/.  (Naut.)  1.  Boat,  barge.  Barca  chata 
parapasar  gente,  A  ferry-boat.  Barca  longa, 
A  fishing  boat.  2.  (Met.)  Fortune,  chance  of 
life.  Conduce  bien  su  barca,  He  steers  his 
course  well. 

BARCADA,  sf.  1.  Passage  in  a  ferry-boat  from 
one  side  of  the  river  to  the  other.  2.  A  boat 
full  of  persons  or  goods.  Barcado  de  lastre, 
A  boat -load  of  ballast. 

BARCAGE,  sm.  1.  Fare  paid  at  a  ferry  for  pass- 
ing over  water.  2.  Ferry,  passage-boat  for 
carrying  goods  or  persons  over  in  a  boat. 

BARCAZA,  sf.  A  large  ferry-boat. 

BARCAZO,  sm.  A  large  barge. 

BARCELLA,  sf.  Measure  for  grain. 

BARCEO,  sm.  Dry  bass  or  sedge  for  making 
mats,  ropes,  &c. 

BARCINA,  sf.  1.  Net,  made  of  bass  or  sedge,  for 
carrying  straw.  2.  Large  truss  of  straw. 

BARCINAR,  va.  To  load  a  cart  or  waggon  with 
sheaves  of  corn,  in  order  to  carry  them  to 
the  threshing-place. 

BARCINO,  NA,  6  BARCENO,  NA,  a.  Ruddy,  ap- 
proaching to  redness,  pale-red  ;  reddish  gray. 

BARCO,  sm.  (Naut.)  Boat,  barge  ;  bark.  Barco 
aguador,  A  watering  boat.  •  Barco  chato,  A 
flat -bottomed  boat.  Barco  de  la  vez,  A  pas- 

BARCOI.ONGO  Y  BARCOLUENGO,  sm.  An  oblong 
boat  with  a  round  head. 

BARCON  v  BARCOTE,  sm.  A  large  boat. 

BARDA,  sf.  1.  Ancient  armour  of  horses  to  cover 
them  from  arrows  and  javelins.  2. Straw  Brush- 
wood or  fence  wood,  laid  on  fences,mud-walls, 
&c.  to  preserve  them.  Aun  hay  sol  en  bardas, 
There  are  even  still  hopes  of  attaining  it. 

BARDADO,  DA,  a.  Caparisoned  with  a  defensive 
armour  ;  applied  to  a  horse. 

BARDAGO,  sm.  (Naut.)  Loof- hook-rope. 

BARDAGUERA,S/.  A  sort  of  sedge  used  in  mak- 
ing ropes  for  draw-wells. 

BARDAL,  sm.  Mud-wall,  covered  at  the  top  with 
straw,  brush  or  fence-wood.  Salta  bar  dales, 
A  nick-name  given  to  bold  mischievous 

BARDANA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Common  burdock.  Arc- 
tium  lappa  L.  Barddna  mcnor,  (Bot.)  Lesser 
burdock.  Xanthium  strumarium  L. 

BARUANZA,  sf.  Jlndar  de  bardanza,  To  go 
here  and  there. 

BARDAR,  va.  To  cover  the  tops  of  fences,  mud, 
or  other  walls,  with  straw  or  brushwood. 

BARD  AX  A  \  BARDAXE,  sm.  V.  Sodornita. 

BARDILLA,  sf.  Small  brushwood. 

BARDO,  sm.  Bard,  poet. 

BARDOMA,  sf.  Filth,  dirt,  mud. 

BAUDOMERA,  sf.  (Mur.)  Weeds  or  small  wood 
carried  off  by  currents. 

BAP.FOI,,  sm.  A  coarse  stuff,  which  comes  from 
the  coast  of  Gambia. 

BARGA,  sf.  1.  The  steepest  part  of  a  declivity. 
2.  Hut  covered  with  straw,  or  thatched. 

BARGANTE,  (No),  ad.  V.  JYb  Embargante. 

BARIGA,  sf.  A  sort  of  silk  which  the  Dutch 
bring  from  India. 

BARILLO,  sm.  An  inferior  sort  of  silk,  which  the 
Portuguese  bring  from  the  East  Indies. 

BARIPTO,  sm.  A  precious  stone  of  a  blackish 

BARITONO,  sm.  Voice  of  a  low  pitch,  between 
a  tenor  and  a  base. 

BARJULETA,  sf.  1.  Knapsack,  haversack,  a  tra- 
velling bag  carried  on  the  shoulders.  2.  A 
sort  of  double  purse  used  in  some  chapters 
of  Aragon  for  distributing  the  dividends  of 
the  incumbents.  Ladroncillo  de  agujeta,  de- 
spues  sube  d  barjuleta,  (Prov.)  A  young 
filcher  becomes  an  old  robber. 

BARJLOAR,  vn.  (Naut.)  To  grapple  for  the  pur- 
pose of  boarding. 

BARLOAS,  (Naut.)  Relieving  tackles,  or 
relieving  tackle  pendants. 

BARLOVENTEAR,  vn.  1.  (Na6t.)  To  ply  to  wind- 
ward, to  beat  about:  2.  (Met.)  To  rove  about, 
to  wander  up  and  down. 

BARLOVENTO,  sm.  (Naut.)  Weather-gage,  the 
point  from  whence  the  wind  blows.  Costa  de 
barlovcnto,  The  weather-shore.  Costado  dc 
barlovento,  The  weather-side.  Gdnar  el  bar- 
lovento,  To  get  to  windward,  to  gain  the 

BARNABITAS,  Members  of  the  religious 
community  of  St.  Paul. 

BARN£Z,  sm.  1.  Varnish,  a  liquid  laid  on  paint- 
ings, wood,  metal,  &c.  to  make  them  shine. 
2.  Paint  or  colours  laid  on  the  face.  3.  Gum 
of  the  juniper  tree.  4.  Printer's  ink. 

BARNIZAR,  va.  To  varnish,  to  cover  with  some- 
thing shining. 

BARO,  RA,  a.  Thin,  loose. 

BAROMETRO,  sm.  Barometer,  an  instrument  for 
measuring  the  weight  of  the  atmosphere,  or 
the  height  of  mountains. 

BARON,  sm.  A  degree  of  nobility  of  more  or  less 
eminence  in  different  countries.  Barones  del 
timo7i,  (Naut.)  Rudder  pendants  and  chains. 

BARONAL,  a.  Baronial,  relating  to  a  baron. 

BARONESA,  sf.  Baroness,  a  baron's  lady. 

BARONIA,  sf.  Barony,  honour  or  lordship  which 
gives  title  to  a  baron. 

BAROSANEMO,  sm.  Aerometer,  an  instrument 
for  measuring  the  air. 

BARQUEAR,  vn.  To  cross  in  a  boat,  to  go  to 
and  fro  in  a  boat. 

BARQUERO,  sm.  Waterman,  ferryman. 

BAR^UETA,  sf.  A  small  boat. 

BARQ.UICHUELO,  sm.  (Dim.)  Small  bark  or  boat. 

BARQUII.LA,  sf.  1.  A  little  boat.  2.  Barquilla  de 
la  corredera,  (Naut.)  The  Jog,  a  triangular 
piece  of  wood  fastened  to  the  log-line,  which 
serves  to  measure  the  ship's  way.  3.  Thin 
boat-formed  or  conical  pastry  cake. 

BARQ.UILLERO,  sm.  1.  One  who  makes  or  sells 
wafers.  2.  Iron  mould  for  making  wafers. 

BARQ.UILLO,  sm,.  I.  Cock-boat,  a  small  boat  used 
on  rivers  and  near  a  sea-coast.  2.  Paste  made 
to  close  letters.  3.  A  thin  pastry  cake  rolled 
up  in  the  form  of  a  tube  or  cone.  4.  A  mould 
with  holes  used  by  wax-chandlers. 


BARQPIN  6  BARQ.CINERA,  s.  Large  bellows  for 
iron-works  or  furnaces. 

BARQUINERO,  sm.  Bellows-maker. 

BAR^CIXO,  sm.  Wine-bag.  V.  Odre. 

BX.RRA,  sm.  1.  Iron  crow  or  lever.  2.  Bar  or  in- 
got of  gold,  silver,  &c.  3.  Rock  or  sand-bank 
at  the  mouth  of  a  harbour.  4.  List  or  gross 
spun  thread  in  cloth,  left  as  a  mark  of  defec- 
tive manufactory.  5.(Among  Wax-chandlers) 
A  plate  with  holes  for  framing  small  wax- 
candles.  G.  (In  Horse-mills)  Bar,  set  in  mo- 
tion by  the  staves  of  the  trundle.  7.  The 
fleshy  part  of  a  horse's  jaw,  which  has  no 
teeth.  8.  (In  Heraldry)  The  third  part  of  a 
shield.  Estirar  la  barra,  (Met.)  To  make 
the  utmost  exertions  for  attaining  some  pur- 
pose. Tirar  la  barra,  (Met.)  To  enhance  the 
price.  De  barra  d  barra,  From  one  point  to 
another.  Barras,  (Among  Pack-saddle  Ma- 
kers) The  arched  trees  of  a  pack-saddle.  Bar- 
ras de  cabrestante  y  molinete,  (Naut.)  The 
bars  of  the  capstern  and  windlass.  Barras  de 
cscotillas,  (Naut.)  Bars  of  the  hatches.  Bar- 
ras de  portas,  (Naut.)  Gun-port  bars.  Estar 
en  barras,  (Met.)  To  be  on  the  point  of  set- 
tling an  affair.  Sin  dano  de  barras,  (Met.) 
Without  injury  or  danger. 

BARRABASADA,  sf.  Embarrassment,  perplexity; 
plot,  intrigue. 

BARRACA,  sf.  Hut  for  soldiers,  or  for  fishermen 
on  the  sea-coast. 

BARRACHEL,  sm.  Head-constable,  the  principal 

BARRACO,  sm.  V.  Vcrraco.  \.  A  boar.  2.  Spume 
thrown  up  by  must  when  it  is  in  a  state  of 
fermentation.  3.  An  ancient  kind  of  ship- 
guns  now  disused.  4.  Snag,  a  tooth  which 
grows  over  another. 

VRRADO,  DA,  «.  1.  (Among  clothiers)  Corded, 
or  having  stripes  rising  above  the  ground ; 
striped.  2.  (Bias.)  Barred. 

BARRACAN,  sm.  I.  (Ant.)  Companion.  2.  (Ant.) 
Bachelor,  an  unmarried  man.  3.  Barracan,  a 
strong  kind  of  camlet.  4.  (Ant.)  Man  of 
spirit  and  courage. 

BARRAGANA,  sf.  1.  (Ant.)  A  concubine.  2.  Mar- 
ried woman  or  lawful  wife,  who  (being  of  in- 
ferior birth)  does  not  enjoy  the  civil  rights 
of  the  matrimonial  state. 

BARRAGANERIA,  sf.  1.  Unmarried  state.  2.  Con- 

BARRAGANIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  rfmancebamiento. 

BARRAGANETES,  sm.  pi.  (Naut.)  Top-timbers. 

BARRAL,  sm.  A  large  bottle  containing  an  ar- 
roba  or  25  pints  of  water,  wine,  &c. 

BARRANCA,  sf.  A  deep  break  or  hole  made  by 
mountain-floods,  or  heavy  falls  of  rain. 

BARRANCO,STH.  1.  V.  Barranca.  2.  (Met.)  Great 
difficulty  or  embarrassment  which  obstructs 
the  attainment  of  some  purpose. 
ARRANCOSO,   SA,  a.  Broken,  uneven,  full  of 
breaks  and  holes. 

BARRAQUE.  V.  Traque  Barraque. 

BARRAQUEAR,  va.  To  grunt  like  a  boar. 

BARRAQUILLA,  sf.  A  little  hut.  [piece. 

BARRAQUILLO,  sm.  (Ant.)  A  short  light  field- 

BARRAR,  va.  1.  To  daub,  to  smear,  to  paint 
coarsely.  2.  (Ant.)  To  bar,  to  barricade. 

PARREAR,  va.  1.  To  bar,  to  barricade,  to  fortify 


with  timbers,  fascines,  pales,  stakes,  &c.  2. 
(Arag.)  To  cancel  a  writing.  3.  To  secure  or 
fasten  a  thing  with  a  bar  of  iron,  or  other  me- 
tal.— vn.  To  glance  along  a  knight's  armour 
without  piercing  it ;  applied  to  a  lance — vr. 

1.  V.  Mrincherarse.  2.  To  wallow,  to  roll  in 
mud,  mire,  or  any  other  thing  filthy  ;  applied 
to  wild  boars. 

BAKREDA,  sf.  V.  Barrera. 

BARREDERAS,  (Naut.)  Studding  ,«ails. 

BARREDERO,  sm.  Mop,  pieces  of  cloth  fixed  to 
a  pole  to  wipe  any  place. 

BARREDERO,  RA,  a.  Sweeping  along  any  thing 
met  with. 

BARRE  DURA  ,sf.  Act  of  sweeping. — pi.  1.  Sweep- 
ings, filth  swept  away.  2.  Remains,  residue, 
that  winch  is  left  of  grain  or  other  things. 

BARREN  A,  sf.  1.  Auger  ,borer,gimlet.  2.  A  strong 
iron  with  a  sharp  point,  to  make  holes  in  rocks 
or  stones  which  are  to  be  blown  up  with  gun- 
powder. Barrena  de  diminution,  A  taper  au- 
ger. Barrena  de  guia,  A  centre  bit. 

BARRENADO,  DA,  pp.  1.  Bored.  2.  (Met.)  Bar- 
renado  de  cascos,  Crack-brained,  crazy, 
wanting  right  reason. 

BARRENADOR,  sm.  (Naut.)  Auger. 

BARRENAR,  va.  1.  To  bore,  to  pierce,  to  make 
holes  with  a  borer  or  gimlet.  Barrenar  tin 
navlo,  (Naut.)  To  sink  a  ship.  2.  (Met.)  To 
defeat  one's  intentions,  to  frustrate  one's  de- 

BARRENDERO,  RA,  s.  Sweeper,  dustman. 

BARRENERO,  sm.  In  the  mines  of  Almaden,  the 
boy  that  serves  with  the  boring  tools. 

BARRENO,  sm.  1.  A  large  borer  or  auger.  2.  Hole 
made  with  a  borer,  auger,  or  gimlet.  3. 
(Met.)  Vanity,  ostentation,  Dar  barrcno, 
(Naut.)  To  bore  and  sink  a  ship. 

BARRENA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Barreno. 

BARRENO,  sm.  Earthen  pan. 

BARRENON,  sm.  Large  earthen  pan. 

BARRENONCILLO,  sm.  Small  earthen  pan. 

BARRER,  va.  1.  To  sweep,to  clean  with  a  broom. 

2.  (Met.)  To  cut  off  the  whole,  not  to  leave 
any  thing  of  what  there  was  in  a  place.  Bar- 
rcr  un  navio  de  popa  d  proa,  (Naut.)  To  rake 
a  ship  fore  and  aft. 

BARRERA,  sf.  1.  Clay-pit.  2.  Inner  circular  pal- 
ing within  which  bull-feasts  are  performed. 

3.  Mound  or  heap  of  earth  from  which  salt- 
petre is  extracted.  4.  Cup-board  with  shelves 
where  crockery-ware  is  kept.   5.  Parapet.  6. 
Barrier,  turnpike.  Salir  d  barrera,  (Met.)  To 
expose  one's  self  to  public  censure. 

BARRERO,  sm.  1.  Potter.  2.  (Extr.)  Height,  emi- 
nence, a  high  ridge  of  hills.  3.  Clay-pit ; 
place  full  of  clay  and  mud. 

BARRETA,  sf.  1 .  Small  bar.  2.  Lining  of  a  shoe. 
3.  Helmet,  casque.  Barrttas,  Pie~ces  of  iron 
which  hold  the  bows  of  a  saddle  together. 

BARRETEAR,  va.  1.  To  secure  or  fasten  a  thing 
with  bars.  2.  To  line  the  inside  of  a  shoe. 

BARRETERO,  vn.  In  mining,  one  who  works 
with  a  crow,  wedge,  or  pick. 

BARRETftLO,  sm.  Small  helmet  or  casque. 

BARRETON,  sm.  Large  bar. 

BARRETONCILLO,  sm.  Small  bar. 

BARRIADA,  sf.  Suburb,  district  or  ward  of  a  city. 

BARRICA,  sf.  Keg,  a  small  barrel. 



".  BARRICADO  ;  a  collection  of  bar- 
rels or  beams  to  form  a  cover  like  a  parapet. 

BARRIDO,  sm.  Sweep,  the  act  of  sweeping. 

BARRIGA,  .vf.  1.  Abdomen,  belly,  that  part  of  the 
human  body  which  contains  the  bowels.  2. 
Pregnancy,  state  of  being  pregnant.  3.  Mid- 
dle part  of  a  vessel  where  it  swells  out  into  a 
larger  capacity.  Tener  la  barriga  d  la  boca, 
To  be  very  big  with  child.  Volverse  la  albar- 
da  d  la  bttrriga,  To  be  frustrated  in  one's 
wishes  and  expectations. 

BARRIGON,  sm.  A  big  belly. 

BARRIG^DO,  DA,  a.  Big-bellied. 

BARRIGUILLA,  .<?/.  A  little  belly. 

BARRIL,  sm.  1.  BARREL,  a  round  wooden  vessel 
of  different  dimensions.  2.  Jug,  a  large  earth- 
en vessel  with  a  gibbous  or  swelling  belly 
and  narrow  neck.  3.  (Naut.)  Water-cask. 

BARRILEJO,  s-m.  A  small  barrel. 

BARRILERIA,  ff.  A  number  of  barrels  collected 
in  one  place. 

BARRILETE,  sm.  (Naut.)  Mouse.  Barrilete  de 
estay,  The  mouse  of  a  stay.  Barrilete  de 
remo,  The  mouse  of  an  oar.  Barrilete  de 
virador,  The  mouse  of  a  voyal.  Barrilete 
dc  banco,  (Carp.)  Hold-fast,  a  tool  used  by 
joiners,  which  serves  to  keep  the  stuff  steady 
on  the  bench  when  worked. 

BARRiLk-o,  ILLO  Y  iTO,  sm.  Keg,  a  small  barrel. 

BARRILLA,  sf.  1.  A  little  bar.  2.  (Bot.)  Barilla, 
salt-wort,  an  herb  which  is  burnt  to  ashes, 
and  afterwards  used  for  making  glass,  soap, 
&c.  or  yielding  soda. 

BARRILLAR,  sm.  Barilla-pits,  where  the  barilla 
is  burnt,  and  at  their  bottom  collected  in  a 
stony  mass,  which  is  called  rocheta  :  it  is  the 
barilla  ashes  of  commerce. 

BARRIO,  sm.  1.  One  of  the  districts  or  wards 
into  which  a  large  town  or  city  is  divided.  2. 
Suburb.  Jlndar  dc  barrio,  6  vestido  dc  barrio, 
To  wear  a  plain  simple  dress. 

BARRIONDO,  DA,  a.  Sharp,  sour. 

BARRISCAR,  va.  To  Jump,  to  sell  or  buy  in  the 

BARRfrA,  sf.  1.  A  small  bar.  2.  A  small  keg. 

BARRIZAL,  sm.  Place  full  of  clay  and  mud. 
Barrizal  dc  ollcros,  A  potter's  clay -pit. 

BARRO,  sm.  1.  Clay,  a  mass  formed  of  earth  and 
water.  2.  Vessel  of  different  shapes  and  co- 
lours.made  of  sweet-scented  clay, for  drinking 
water.  3.  Lock  of  wool  put  into  the  comb. 
Dar  6  tencr  barro  d  mano,  To  have  money  or 
the  necessary  means  to  do  any  thing. — pi. 
1 .  Red  pustules  or  pimples  in  the  faces  of 
young  persons.  2.  Fleshy  tumours  growing 
on  the  skin  of  horses  or  mules. 

BARROCHO,  sm.  V.  Birlocho. 

BARROSO,  SA.  ({.  1 .  Muddy,  full  of  mire.  Camino 
barroso,  MvMdy-road.  2.  Pimpled,  full  of 
pimples  called  barros.  3.  Of  a  pale-yellow  ; 
applied  to  oxen. 

BARROTE,  sm.  1.  Iron  bar  with  which  tables  are 
made  fast.  2.  Ledge  of  timber  laid  across 
other  timbers.  Barrotcs,  Battens,  scantlings 
or  ledges  of  stuff,  which  serve  for  many  pur- 
poses on  board  a  ship.  Barrotcs  de  las  esco- 
tillas,  Battens  of  the  hatches. 

BARROTINES,  sm.  pi.  Barrotincs  dc  los  baos, 
(Naut.)  Carlings  or  Carlines,  Barrotincs.  6 

baos  de  la  toldflla,  (Naut.)  Carline  knees,  or 
the  beams  of  the  stern. 

BARRUECO,STO.  Pearl  of  unequal  form,  and  not 
perfectly  round. 

BARRUMB!DA,  sf.  Great  expense  made  by  way 
of  ostentation. 

BARRUNTADOR,  RA,  s.  Conjecturer,  one  who 
guesses  by  signs  and  tokens. 

BARRUNTAMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  of  conjecturing 
or  guessing  by  signs  and  tokens. 

BARRUNTAR,  ra.  To  foresee  or  conjecture  by 
signs  or  tokens. 

BARRUNTO,  sm.  Conjecture,  the  act  of  conjec- 

BARTULOS,  sm.  pi.  Affairs  or  business. 

BARULE,  sm.  The  upper  part  of  the  stockings 
rolled  up  over  the  knee,  as  was  anciently  the 

BARZON,  sm.  1.  Idle  walk.  2.  The  strap  with 
which  oxen  are  yoked  to  the  plough-beam. 

BARZONEAR,  vn.  To  loiter  or  rove  about  with- 
out any  certain  design. 

BASA,S/.  1.  Basis  or  pedestal  of  a  column  or 
statue.  2.  (Met.)  Basis  or  foundation  of  a 
thing.  Basa  cula,  Locker  of  the  thumb-plate 
in  a  stocking  frame. 

BASAMENTO,  sm.  (Arq.)  Basement. 

BASAR  6  BAZAR,  sm.  Turkish  market-place. 

BASCAS,  sf.  pi.  Squeamishness,  inclination  to 

BASCOSIDAD,  sf.  Uncleanliness,  nastiness,  filth. 

BASCUI.A,  sf.  Lever,  pole,  staff. 

BASE,S/.  1.  Base,  basis.  2.  Chief  or  ground 
colour,  the  principal  colour  used  in  dying 
any  stuff.  Base  de  distincion,  Focus  of 
glasses  spherically  convex  on  both  sides. 

BASILIC  A,  s/.  1.  Royal  or  imperial  palace.  2.  Pub- 
lic hall  where  courts  of  justice  hold  their  sit- 
tings. 3.  Large  and  magnificent  church. 

BASILICON,  sm.  Basilicon,  an  ointment  prepar- 
ed of  resin,  wax,  and  oil  of  olives. 

BASILIO,  LIA,  a.  Basilian,  monk  or  nun  of  the 
order  of  St.  Basil. 

BASILISCO,  sm.  1.  Basilisk,  a  kind  of  serpent. 
2.  Ancient  kind  of  ordnance. 

BASO,  SA,  (Ant.)  V.  Baxo. 

BASQUEAR,  va.  To  be  squeamish  or  inclined  to 

BA  SQUILL  A,  sf.  Disease  in  sheep  arising  from 
a  plenitude  of  blood. 

BASOJJINA,*/.  Upper  petticoat  worn  by  Spanish 
women,  especially  when  they  go  abroad. 

BAST  A,  ad.  Enough  ;  halt,  stop. 

BASTA,  sf.  Stitch  made  by  tailors  to  keep  clothes 
even,  before  they  are  sewed.  Bastas,  Stitches  - 
put   into   a  mattress    at    certain   distances 
through  wool,  cotton,  or  some  other  soft  sub- 
stance, to  form  a  quilt.  [hire. 

BASTACE,  sm.  Porter  who  carries  burthens  for 


BASTANTE,  a.  Sufficient,  enough. 

BASTANTAMENTE,  ad.  Sufficiently. 

BASTANTERO,sra.  In  the  chancery  of  Valladolid, 
and  other  Spanish  courts  of  justice,  an  officer 
appointed  to  examine  into  the  powers  pre- 
sented, whether  they  are  sufficient,  and  drawn 
up  in  a  lawful  form. 

BASTAR,  rn.  1.  To  suffice,  to  be  proportioned 
to  sometliing.  2.  To  abound  to  be  plentiful. 



BASTARDA,  sf.  1.  Bastard  file.  2.  Piece  of  ord- 
nance. 3.  (Naut.)  Main-sail  of  a  galley. 

BASTARDEAR,  vn.  1.  To  degenerate,  to  fall  from 
its  kind ;  applied  to  animals  and  plants.  2. 
(Met.)  To  fall  from  the  virtue  of  our  ances- 
tors, or  the  nobleness  of  our  birth. 

BASTARDEI.O,  sm.  (Arag.)  Draft-book  of  a  no- 
tary, which  contains  the  minutes  or  first 
draughts  of  acts,  deeds,  instruments,  &c. 

BASTARDIA,  sf.  1.  BASTARDY,  state  of  being 
born  out  of  wedlock.  2.  (Met.)  Speech  or  ac- 
tion unbecoming  the  birth  or  character  of 
a  gentleman. 

BASTARDILLA,  sf.  (Ant.)  A  kind  of  flute  or 
musical  instrument. 

STARDO,  DA,  a.  BASTARD,  spurious,  degene- 
rating from  its  kind  and  original  qualities. 
VRDO,  sm.   1.  A  son  born  out  of  wedlock. 

2.  A  short,  thick  bodied,  and  very  poisonous 
snake.  3.  Bastardo  de  un  racamento,  (Naht.) 

STE,  sm.  (Arag.)  V.  Basto. 
ITKAR,  va.  To  BASTE,  to  stitch  loosely,  to 
nv  slightly. 
ITF.CER  Y  BASTESCER.   (Ant.)  V.  Mastecer. 
;TERO,  sm.  One  who  makes  or  retails  pack- 
ITIDA,  sf.  (Ant.)  An  ancient  warlike  engine 
for  covering  approaches. 

*BASTIDOR,  sm..  Frame  for  stretching  linen,  silk, 
&c.  which  is  to  be  painted,  embroidered,  or 
quilted.  Bastiddrcs,  (Naut.)  Frames  for  can- 
vas bulkheads,  provisional  cabins,  and  other 
temporary  compartments. 
BASTILLA,  sf.   Hem,  the  edge  of  cloth  doubled 
and  sewed  to  keep  the  threads  from  spread- 
ing or  ravelling. 
BASTIMENTAR,  va.  To  victual,  to  supply  with 


BASTIMENTO,  sm.  I.  Supply  of  provisions  for  a 
city  or  army.  2.  (Ant.)  Building,  structure. 

3.  Thread  with  which  a  mattress  is  quilted. 

4.  (Naut.)   Vessel.  Bastimentos,  First  fruits, 
in  the  order  of  Santiago  or  St.  James. 

BASTION,  sm.  Bastion. 

EX  STO,S?«.  1.  Pack-saddle  for  beasts  of  burthen. 

2.  Ace  of  clubs  in  several  games  of  cards. 
Bustos,  Clubs,  one  of  the  four  suits  at  cards. 

3.  Home-spun,  unmannerly  clown. 
BASTO,  TA,  a.  1.  Coarse,  rude,  unpolished.  2. 
-    (Ant.)  Supplied  with  provisions. 

BASTOS,  sm.  1 .  Cane  or  stick  with  a  hfcad  or  knob 
to  lean  upon.  2.  Truncheon,  a  staff  of  com- 
mand. 3.  (Met.)  Military  command.  4.  (A- 
mong  silk-weavers)  The  roller  of  a  silk  frame 
which  contains  the  stuff.  5.  Carrot  of  snuff, 
generally  weighing  about  three  pounds.  6. 
(Arq.)  Fluted  moulding.  Dar  baston,  To  stir 
the  must  with  a  stick  to  prevent  its  becom- 
ing ropy.  Bastones,  (Bias.)  Bars  in  a  shield. 

or  blow  given  with  a  stick  or  cane. 

BASTONeii,LO,sm.  1.  Small  cane  or  stick.  2.  Nar- 
row lace  which  serves  for  trimming  clothes. 

BASTONEAR,  r«.  To  stir  must  with  a  stick  to 
prevent  its  becoming  ropy. 

B  A  STONE RO,STO.  1.  Master  of  the  ceremonies  at  a 
ball,  steward  of  a  feast.  2.  Assistant  jail-keeper. 

BASIJRA,  sf.  1.  Sweepings,  filth  swept  away.  2. 

Dung,  the  excrements  of  animals  used  to 
manure  the  ground. 

BASURERO,  sm.  1.  He  who  carries  dung  to  the 
field.  2.  Dust-pan.  3.  Dung-yard,  dung-hill. 

BAT  A,  sf.  1.  Night-gown,  a  loose  gown,  used  by 
gentlemen  for  an  undress.  2.  Refuse  of  silk. 

BATACAZO,STO.  Violent  contusion  received  from 
a  sudden  or  unexpected  fall  on  the  ground. 

BATAHOI.A,  sf.  Hurly-burly,  bustle,  clamour. 

BATALLA,  s/".l.Battle,thecontest,conflict  or  en- 
gagement of  one  army  with  another.  2.  (Ant.) 
Centre  of  an  army  in  contradistinction  to  the 
van  and  rear.  3.  Fencing  with  foils.  4.  (Met.) 
Struggle  or  agitation  of  the  mind.  5.  (Pint.) 
Battle-piece,  a  painting  which  represents  a 
battle.  0.  Just,  tournament.  Campo  de  balailn  , 
Field  of  battle.  Cuerpo  de  batalla  de  una  cs- 
qntulra,  The  centre  division  of  a  fleet.  En 
Imtnlla,  (Mil.)  With  an  extended  front. 

BATALLADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  Combatant,  a  fighting 
person  ;  warrior.  2.  Fencer  with  foils. 

BATALLAR,  vn.  1.  To  fight,  to  be  engaged  in 
battle.  2.  To  fence  with  foils.  3.  (Met.)  To 
contend,  to  argue,  to  dispute. 

BATALLOLA,  sf.  V.  Batayolas. 

BATALLON,  sm.  Battalion,  a  division  of  infantry. 

BATALLOSO,  SA,  V.  Belicoso. 

BATAN,  sm.  Fulling-mill  where  cloth  is  fulled 
or  cleansed  from  oil  and  grease.  Batancs,  A 
boyish  play  of  striking  the  soles  of  the  feet, 
hands,  &c. 

BATANADO,  DA,  a.  Fulled,  milled. 

BATANAR,  va.  To  full  cloth.  [roughly. 

BATANEAR,  va.    To  bang  or  beat,    to  handle 

BATANERO,  sm.  Fuller,  a  clothier. 

BATATA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Spanish  potatoe,  or  sweet  po- 
tatoe  of  Malaga.  Convolvulus  batatas  L. 

BATATIN,  sm.  (Bot.)  Common  potatoe.  Solanum 
tuberosum  L. 

BATAYA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Batalla. 

BATAYOLAS,  (Naut.)  Rails.  Batayolas  dc 
los  empallctados,  (Naut.)  Quarter-netting 
rails.  Batayolas  de  las  cofas,  (Naut.)  Top- 
rails.  Batayolas  delpasamano,  (Naut.)  Gang- 
way rails. 

BATEA,^".  1.  Painted  tray  or  hamper  of  japan- 
ned wood  which  comes  from  the  East  Indies. 
2.  Trough  for  bathing  the  hands  or  feet.  3. 
Boat  made  in  the  form  of  a  trough. 

BATEAK,  V.  Bautizar. 

BATEGUELA,  sf.  A  small  hamper  or  tray. 

BATEL,  sm.  Small  vessel.  [boat. 

BATELEJO,  ico,  ILLO,  Y  ITO,  sm.  Yawl,  a  small 

BATEO,  sm.  Baptism. 

BATER,  (Ant.)  V.  Batir. 

,  sm.  1.  Battery,  a  number  of  pieces  of 
ordnance  arranged  to  play  upon  the  enemy  ; 
also  the  work  on  which  they  are  placed.  Ba- 
teria  a  barbeta,  A  barbet  battery.  Bateria  en 
terrada,  A  sunk  battery.  Bateria  a  rebate,  A 
ricochet  battery.  Bateria  cruzante,  Cross 
battery.  Bateria  dc  cocina,  Kitchen-furniture. 
2.  (Naut.)  Tier  or  range  of  guns  on  one  side 
of  a  ship.  Bateria  cntera  de  una  banda, 
(Naut.)  A  broad-side.  Nario  dc  bateriafore- 
aila,  (Naut.)  A  ship  which  carries  her  ports  at 
a  proper  height  out  of  the  water.  3.  (Met.) 
Repeated  importunities  that  a  person  may  do 
what  is  solicited.  4.  Batterv,  the  act  and  e&ect 
103  " 



of  battering.  5.  (Met.)  Any  thing  which 
makes  a  strong  impression  on  the  mind. 

BATERO,  RA,  s.  Mantua-maker,  one  whose  trade 
is  to  make  gowns. 

BATIDA,  sf.  1.  A  hunting  party  for  chasing  wild 
animals.  2.  Noise  made  by  huntsmen  to  cheer 
the  hounds  and  rouse  the  game. 

BATIDERA,  sf.  1.  Beater,  an  instrument  used  by 
plasterers  and  bricklayers  for  beating  and 
mixing  mortar.  2.  An  instrument  used  by 
glass-makers  for  stirring  the  sand  and  ashes 
in  melting  pots  in  glass-houses. 

BATIDERO,  sm.  1.  Collision,  the  clashing  of  one 
thing  against  another.  2.  Uneven  ground, 
which  renders  the  motion  of  carriages  un- 
pleasant. Guardar  Los  batideros,  To  drive 
carefully  in  broken  roads  :  (Met.)  To  guard 
against  "inconveniencies.  3.  (Naut.)  Wash- 
board. Batidero  de  una  vela,  Foot-tabling  of 
a  sail.  Batidero  de  proa,  Wash-board  of  the 
cut  water. 

BATIDO,  DA,  (i.  1.  Changeable  ;  applied  to  silks, 
the  warp  of  which  is  of  one  colour,  and  the 
woof  or  weft  of  another.  2.  Beaten,  as  roads. 

BATIDO,  sm.  Batter  of  flour  and  water  for  mak- 
ing the  host,  wafers,  or  biscuits.  l.Scout,  one  who  is  sent  to  explore 
the  position  of  the  enemy,  and  the  condition 
of  the  roads.  2.  Ranger,  one  who  rouses  the 
game  in  the  forest.  3.  One  of  the  Life-guards, 
who  rides  before  a  royal  coach.  Batidor  de 
canamo,  A  hemp-dresser.  Batidor  de  oro  6 
plata,  A  gold  or  silver  beater,  he  who  makes 
gold  or  silver  leaves. 

BATIENTE,  sm.  1.  Jamb  or  post  of  a  door.  2. 
Portcell.  3.  Baticnte  de,  la  bundera,  (Naut.) 
Fly  of  an  ensign.  4.  Baticnte  dc  un  digue, 
Apron  of  a  dock. 

BATIFI'T.LA,  (Ant.)  V.  Batihoja. 

BATJHOJA,  sm.  1.  Gold-beater.  2.  Artisan  who 
v/orks  iron  and  other  metal  into  sheets.  3. 
Warp  of  cloth  which  crosses  the  woof. 

BATIMIENTO,  sm.  (Ant.)  1.  The  act  and  effect 
of  beating.  2.  The  thing  beaten. 

B  ATI  PORTER,  ra.  (Naut.)  To  house  a  gun  on 
board  a  ship,  to  secure  it  by  tackles  and 

BATIPOKTES.  sm.  pi.  Port-cells.       [breechings. 

B  A-i f  R,ra..  1 .  To  beat,to  dash,to  strike  two  bodies 
tog-ether.  2.  To  demolish,  to  rase,  to  throw 
down.  3.  To  move  in  a  violent  manner.  4.  (In 
Paper-mills)  To  fit  and  adjust  the  reams  of 
paper  already  made  up.  5.  To  strike  or  fall  on 
without  injury,  spoken  of  the  sun  or  wind.  El 
ricrzo  bate  d  Madrid,The  north-wind  blows  on 
Madrid.  Batir  banderas,  To  salute  with  the 
colours  :  (Naut.)  To  strike  the  colours.  Batir 
el  campo.  (Mil.)  To  reconnoitre  the  enemy's 
camp.  Batir  moncda,  To  coin  money.  Batir 
fas  olas,  To  ply  the  seas.  Batir  hoja,  To  beat 
metals  into  leaves  or  plates. — vr.  1.  To  lose 

courage,  to  decline  in  health  or  strength.  V. 

Mftf.irse.  2.  (Met.)  Batirsc  el  cobre,  To  toil 

hard  for  useful  purposes. 
B\iisr\,  sf.  Batist,  cambric  or  lawn. 
BATOJAR,  va.  To  beat  down  the  fruit  of  a  tree. 
BATUCAR,  va.  To  beat  liquors  and  other  things 

in  a  violent  manner  to  and  fro,  to  mix  things 

by  long  and  frequent  agitation. 
BATIJQUKKIO.  sm.  Ao-itation.  disturbance 

BATURiLLO,sm.  1  Hotch-potch,  salmagundi,  a 
medley  altogether  suitable.  2.  (Met.)  Mix- 
ture of  unconnected  and  incongruous  ideas 
either  in  conversation  or  writing. 

BAUL,  sm.  1.  Trunk,  a  kind  of  chest  for  clothes. 

2.  Belly.  Llenar  el  baul,  (Vulg.)  To  fill  the 
BAULILLO,  sm.  A  small  trunk.  [paunch. 
BAUPRES,  sm.  (Naut.)  Bow-sprit.    Botalon  del 

bauprts,  The  bow-sprit  boom. 

BAUSAN,  NA  .  s.  1.  Effigy  or  human  figure  made  of 
straw,  or  other  matter.  2.  Fool,  idiot.  3. 
(Naut.)  Bow-sprit.  4.  Down,  downy  hair. 

BAUTISMAL,  a.  Baptismal, belonging  to  baptism. 

BAUTISMO  y  BAUT! zo,  sm.  Baptism. 

BAUTISTERIO,  sm.  Baptistery,  the  place  where 
the  sacrament  of  baptism  is  administered. 

BAUTIZAR,  va.  1.  To  baptize.  2.  (Naut.)  To 
duck  seamen  in  those  seas  where  they  have 
not  been  before.  Bautizar  un  baxel,  To  give 
a  name  to  a  ship.  Bautizar  el  vino,  To  mix 
water  with  wine. 

BAUZADOR,  RA,  s.  V.  Embaucador. 

BAXA,  sm.  Bashaw,  a  Turkish  governor. 

BAXA,  sf.  ] .  Diminution  of  price.  2.  A  dance  in- 
troduced into  Spain  by  the  natives  of  Lower 
Germany,  as  Alta  was  by  those  of  the  Upper. 

3.  Ticket  of  admission  in   an  hospital.    4. 
(Mil.)  Head  of  casualties  in  a  muster  roll. 
Dar  baxa,  (Mil.)  To  discharge  from  service. 
Dar  de  baxa,  (Mil.)  To  make  a  return  of  the 
casualties  which  have  happened  in  a  corps. 

BAXADA,  sf.  1.  Inclination  of  an  arch  with  re- 
gard to  the  horizon.  2.  Descent,  the  act  of 
descending,  and  the  road  or  path  by  which  a 
person  descends. 

BAXADO,  DA,  pp.  Descended.  Baxado  del  ciefo, 
Dropped  from  heaven,uncommonly  excellent . 

BAXAMAR,  sf.  Low  water. 

BAXAMEXTK,  ad.  Basely,  lowly,  meanly. 

BAXAR,  xn.  1.  To  descend,  to  go  down.  2.  To 
lessen,  to  diminish. — va.  1.  To  lower,  to  take 
from  a  higher  to  a  lower  place.  Baxar  la 
cuesta,  To  go  down  hill.  2.  To  bow,  to  bend 
downwards.  3.  To  lower  the  price,  to  abate 
the  price  in  selling.  4.  To  lessen  the  value  of  a 
thing1.  Baxar  depunto,  To  decay,  to  decline, 
5.  To  humble,  to  bring  down.  Le  baxare  los 
brios,  I  will  pull  down  his  courage.  Baxar  ios 
humos,  To  become  more  humane.  Baxar  los 

rs,  To  be  ashamed.  Baxar  la  cabeza,  To 
y  without  objection.  Baxarse  dc  la  quer el- 
la,  (For.)  To  give  up  a  law-suit,  to  relinquish 
a  claim.  Baxar  la  tierra,  (Naut.)  To  lay  the 
land.  Ba.xar  par  un  rio,  (Naut.)  To  drop 
down  a  river.  Baxar  las  velas,  (Naut.)  To 
lower  the  sails. 

BAXEL,  sm.  (Naut.)  Vessel ;  a  general  name 
for  all  ships,  barges,  hoys,  lighters,  boats,  &c. 
Baxcl  desaparejado,  A  ship  unrigged  or  laid 
up  in  ordinary.  Baxel  boyante,  A  light  ship. 
Baxel  de  baxo  bordo,  A  low-built  ship.  Baxel 
marincro,  A  good  sea-boat.  Baxel  vclero.  A 
swift  sailer. 

BAXELERO,  sm.  Owner  or  master  of  a  vessel. 

BAXERO,  RA,  a.  That  which  is  under  ;  as,  Sd- 
bana  baxera,  The  under  sheet. 

BAXETE,  sm.  1.  Person  of  a  low  stature.  2. 
Voice  between  a  tenor  and  a  base. 

BAXEZA,  sf.l.A  mean  act,  an  unworthy  action. 



2.  A  low,  deep  place.  Baxeza  de  animo,  Low- 
ness  of  spirits,  weakness  of  mind.  Baxeza  de 
naciiniento,  Meanness  of  birth. 

JAXILLO,  sm.  Wine-pipe  in  a  vintner's  shop. 

JAXIO,  XIA,  a.  (Ant.)  V.  Baxo. 
AXIO,  sm.  -1.  A  shoal,  sand-bank,  shallow,  or 
flat.  2.  (Met.)  Decline  of  fortune  or  favour. 

3.  Abatement. 

BAXO,  XA,  a.  1.  Low,  not  high.  2.  (Met.)  Hum- 
ble, despicable,  abject.  3.  Bent  downwards. 

4.  Dull,  faint,  not  bright ;  applied  to  colours, 

5.  Mean,   coarse,   vulgar ;    applied  to   lan- 
guage.   Baxa  de  ley.  Of  a  base  quality  ;  ap- 
plied to  metals.    Baxo  de  la  mar,  (Naut.) 
Shoal  or  sand-bank. 

BAXO,  ad.  1.  Under,  underneath,  below.  V. 
Abaxo  y  Debaxo.  2.  In  an  humble,  submissive 

[manner.  3.  For  lo  baxo,  Cautiously,  in  a  cau- 
tious, prudent  manner.  4.  Baxo  mano,  Un- 
derhand, privately,  secretly. 
Axo,  sm.  1.  Base,  a  voice  or  note  which  is  an 
eighth  lower  than  the  tenor.  2.  Player  on  the 
base-viol  or  bassoon.  3.  Low  situation  or 
place.  Baxo  relieve,  (Esc.)  Bas-relief,  fi- 
gures raised  above  the  field  or  ground.  4. 
Baxo  monte,  Coppice,  a  wood  which  contains 
only  shrubs  and  low  wood. '  5.  Quarto  baxo, 
Ground-floor.  Bdxos,  Hoofs  of  fore  and  hind 
feet  of  horses  ;  under  petticoats  of  women. 

BAXON,  sm.  1.  Bassoon,  a  wind  instrument  of 
musick.  2.  A  player  on  the  bassoon. 

BAXONCILLO,  sm.  Counter-base. 

BAXUELO,  LA,  a.  Somewhat  low.          [Baxeza. 

BAXURA.  sf.  (Ant.)  1.  A  hollow  place.    2.  V. 

BAYA,  sf.  I.  Berry,  the  fruit  of  various  vegeta- 
bles. 2.  Pole  used  as  a  partition  to  separate 
horses  in  a  stable.  3.  Scoff,  jest. 

BAYAL,  a.  Not  steeped  or  soaked  ;  applied  to 

BAYAL,  sm.  Lever  composed  of  two  pieces  of 
timber,  one  of  which  is  straight  and  the  other 
bent,  fastened  together  with  an  iron  ring, 
and  used  in  raising  mill-stones. 

BAYETA,  sf.  Baize  or  bays,  a  kind  of  cloth  of  an 
open  texture,  a  sort  of  flannel.  Bay  eta  de  al- 
r.onchcr,  Colchester  baize.  Bayeta  faxucla, 
Lancashire  baize.  Bayeta  miniquina,  Long 
baize.  Bayeta  del  sur  o  cien  hijos,  White  list 
baize,  drrastrar  bayetas,  To  claim  a  degree 
in  superior  colleges,the  claimants  whereof  are 
obliged  to  visit  the  college  in  wide  loose  gowns 
with  a  train  of  baize.  Jlrrastrar  bayetas,(Met.) 
To  enforce  a  claim  with  care  and  assiduity. — 
pi.  1.  Pall,  the  black  covering  thrown  over  the 
dead.  2.  (In  Paper-mills)  Felts  used  in  the 
manufacture  of  paper. 

BAYETO>-ES,S?«.P/.  Coatings.  Bayctonesmotca- 
dos,  Spotted  coatings.  Bayetones  de  nubes, 
Clouded  coatings.  Bayetonts  ray  ados,  Strip- 
ed coatings. 

BAYLA,  sf.  1.  (Ant.)  V.  Bayle.  2.  (let.)  Sea- 
trout.  Ser  dueno  6  amo  de  la  bayla,  (Ar.)  To 
be  the  principal  or  chief  of  any  business. 

BAYLADERO,  RA,  a.  (Ant.)  Applied  to  music  fit 
for  dancing. 

BAYLADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  Dancer.  2.  (Cant.)  Thief. 

BAYLADORcfLLo,  fLLA,  s.  A  little  dancer. 

BAYLAR,  vn.  1.  To  dance,  to  move  in  measure. 
2.  To  move  in  a  rapid,  lively  manner.  3.  To 


move  by  a  short  brisk  gallop  ;  applied  to 
horses.  Baylar  el  agita  dclante,  To  dance  at- 
tendance, to  wait  with  suppleness  and  obse- 
quiousness. Baylar  sin  son,  To  dance  with- 
out music  ;  to  be  too  eager  for  performing 
any  thing  to  require  a  stimulus. 

BAYLAR  IN,  NA,  s.  1.  Dancer,  caperer,  one  who 
dances  in  a  frolicsome  manner.  2.  A  fiery 
high-mettled  horse,  which  prances  and 
bounds  in  a  restless  manner. 

BX.YLE,sra.  1.  Dance,  a  motion  of  one  or  many 
in  concert.  2.  Ball,  rout.  3.  Farce,  a  Spanish 
interlude  between  the  second  and  third  act; 
4.  Bayle  de  baton  gordo,  A  rustic  dance  or 
hop  among  the  lower  classes  of  the  people. 
Bayle  de  cuenta,  Dance  with  a  fixed  number 
of  steps  and  figures.  5.  Bailiff,  a  judge  or 
justice.  Bayle  general,  Chief  justice  of  tho 

BAYLECITO,  sm.  A  little  dance  or  hop. 

BAYLETE,  sm.  Cavalcade,  a  procession  on  horse- 

BAYLIA  Y  BAYLI./CZGO,  s.  1.  District  of  the  ju- 
risdiction of  a  Bayle  or  Bailiff.  2.  District 
of  a  commandery  in  the  order  of  the  knights 
of  Malta. 

BAYLI^GE,  5m.  A  commandery  or  dignity  in 
the  order  of  Malta,  the  incumbent  whereof 
is  called  Baylio. 

,  sm.  Y  a.  1.  A  bay  horse.  2.  Brown  but- 
terfly used  in  angling  with  a  fishing-rod. 

BAYOCO,  sm.  1.  Copper  coin  current  in  Rome, 
Naples,  and  other  parts  of  Italy.  2.  (Mur.) 
Fig,  either  not  yet  ripe,  or  which  has  wither- 
ed and  fallen  before  it  was  ripe. 

BAYONA,  (Arda),  sf.  The  little  care  an  exhibi- 
tion or  festival  gives  to  those  whom  it  costs 
nothing,  compared  with  those  whom  it  costs 

BAYONETA,  sf.  Bayonet,  a  short  sword  fixed  at 
the  end  of  a  musket.  Bayoneta  calada,  A 
fixed  bayonet.  [net. 

BAYONETAzo,sm.  Thrust  or  stroke  with  a  bayo- 

BAYOQUE.  V.  Baydco. 

BAYUCA,  sm.  Tippling-house. 

BAYSARE,  sm.  Large  sea-fish,  resembling  a 

BAYVEL,  sm.  (In  Masonry  and  Joinery.)  BEVEL, 
a  kind  of  square,  one  leg  of  which  is  fre- 
quently crooked. 

BAZA,  sf.  Trick  at  cards,  a  number  of  cards  re- 
gularly laid  up  and  won  by  one  of  the  play- 
ers. JVb  dexar  m,eter  baza,  Not  to  suffer  ano- 
ther to  put  in  a  single  word.  Tener  bien  sen- 
tada  su  baza,  To  have  one's  character  well 

BA/AO,  sm.  Fine  sort  of  cotton  brought  from 

BXzo,  sm.  Spleen  or  milt,  one  of  the  viscera 
which  is  found  in  the  left  hypochondres. 

BA\ZO,  ZA,  a.  Brown  inclining  to  yellow.  Pan 
bazo,  Brown  bread. 

BAZOFIA,  sf.  1.  Offal,  waste  meat  which  is  not 
eaten  at  the  table.  2.  Refuse,  any  thing  of  no 

BAZUC^R,  va.  To  stir  liquids  by  shaking  the 
vessel  in  which  they  are  contained. 

BAZUQJJEO,  sm.  The  act  of  stirring  liquids  by 
shaking  the  vessel. 




BE,  The  cry  of  sheep  and  lambs  when  they 
bleat  j  name  of  the  second  letter,  B. 

BEATA,  sf.  1.  Woman  who  wears  a  religious  ha- 
bit, and  is  engaged  in  works  of  charity.  2.  Fe- 
male hypocrite,  affecting  piety  and  religion. 

BEATERIA,S/.  Act  of  affected  piety  and  religion 

by  the  Pope  declares  that  a  person  deceased  is 
in  heaven,  and  may  be  reverenced  as  blessed. 

BEATIFICAMENTE.  ad.  Beatific-ally. 

BKATIFICAR,  va.  1.  To  beatify,  or  declare  the 
blessed  state  of  a  person  deceased  ;  applied  to 
the  Pope.  2.  To  render  a  thing  respectable. 

BEATIFICO,  CA,  a.  (Teol.)  Beatific,  beatifical. 

BEArfLLA,  sf.  A  sort  of  fine  thin  linen. 

BEATISTMO  MA,  a.  sup.  Beatisimo  padre,  Most 
holy  father  ;  applied  to  the  Pope. 

BEATiTtJD,  sf.  1.  Beatitude,  blessedness,  the 
state  of  the  blessed  in  celestial  enjoyment.  2. 
Title  given  to  the  Pope. 

BKATO,  TA,  a.  1.  Happy,  blessed  ;  beatified.  2. 
Wearing  a  religious  habit  without  being  a 
member  of  a  religious  community. 

BEATO,TA,  s.  1.  A  pious  person  devoted  to  works 
of  charity  and  virtue,  and  abstaining  from 
public  diversions.  2.  One  who  lives  in  pious 
retirement,  and  wears  an  humble,  religious 

BEATONO,  NA,  v  BEATOK,  s.  Hypocrite,  pre- 
tended saint. 

BEBEDERO,  sm.  1.  Drinking  vessels  for  birds  and 
other  domestic  animals.  2.  Place  whither  fowls 
resort  to  drink.  Bcbcdcros,  Stripes  of  cloth 
used  by  tailors  for  lining  the  inside  of  clothes. 

BEBEDERO,  RA,  6  BEBEDIZO,  ZA,  a.  Potable, 
drinkable,  such  as  may  be  drunk. 

BEBEDIZO,  sm.  1.  Philter  or  love  potion  super- 
stitiously  administered  to  excite  love.  2. 
Physical  potion  for  brutes,  drench. 

BEBEDO,  DA,  a.  Drunk,  intoxicated. 

BEBKDOR,  RA,  s.  Tippler,  toper. 

BEBER,  va.  1 .  To  drink,  to  swallow  any  liquid.  2. 
To  pledge,  to  toast.  Bcbcr  a  la  salud  de  algu- 
no,  To  drink  to  another's  health.  Sin  comcrlo 
m  beberlo,  To  suffer  an  injury  without  hav- 
ing had  any  part  in  the  cause  or  motive  of  it. 
fiebcr  dc  codos,  To  drink  at  leisure  and  luxuri- 
ously. Beber  las  palabras,  los  accentos,  los 
semblantes  y  acetones  a,  otro,  To  listen  with 
the  greatest  care,  to  swallow  or  adopt  the 
speech,  accent,  features,  and  actions  of  ano- 
ther. Beber  los  pcnsamicntos  d  alguno,  To 
anticipate  one's  thoughts.  Beber  los  ricnios, 
To  solicit  with  much  eagerness.  Le  quisicra 
It  rlier  la  seajgre,!  would  drink  his  heart's  blood. 
fibber  como  una  cub  a,  To  drink  as  a  fish.  Be- 
bcr  el  caliz,  To  drink  the  cup  of  bitterness. 

BEBERES,sni./>Z.(Ant.)  Opportunities  for  drink- 
ing often,  as  at  feasts  or  invitations.  [ard. 

BEBERRON,  sm.  Tippler,  inaltworm,  low  drunk- 

BEBIDA,  sf.  1.  Drink,  beverage,  potion.  2.  The 
short  time   allowed   to   workmen  and  day- 
labourers  to  drink  and  refresh  themselves  in 
the  intervals  of  labour. 
BEB£DO,  DA,  .<?.  ].  An  intoxicated  person.  Bicn 
bebido,  Half  drunk.    2.  Drench  or  physical 
potion  for  brutes.  3.  (Ant..')  V.  Brlnda 

BEBISTRAJO,  sm.  An  irregular  and  extravagant 
mixture  of  drinks.  [draughts. 

BEBORROTEAR,  va.  To  sip,  to  drink  by  small 

BEBRAGE,  sm.  Beverage.  V.  Brebage. " 

EEC  A,  sf.  I.  Part  of  a  student's  dress  in  the 
shape  of  an  oar,  which  is  worn  over  the  gown. 
Bdcas,  Stripes  of  velvet,  satin,  &c.  with 
which  the  fore  part  of  cloaks  is  lined  by  way 
of  ornament.  2.  Tippet  worn  by  the  dignita- 
ries of  the  church.  3.  Foundation,  a  revenue 
settled  and  established  for  the  maintenance 
of  students.  [becabunga  L. 

BECAEUNGA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Brook-lime.  Veronica 

BECADA,  sf.  (Orn.)  Wood-cock. 

BECAFIGO,  sm.  (Orn.)  Fig-pecker,  epicurean 
warbler.  Motacilla  ficedula  L.  Becafigo  raro, 
(Orn.)  Great  red-pole,  or  red-headed  linnet. 
Fringilla  cannabina  L. 

BECARDON,  sm.  (Arag.)  Snipe. 

BECERRA,  sm.  1.  (Bot.)  Snap-dragon.  2.  Earth 
and  stones  swept  down  by  mountain  floods. 

BECERRfLLo,  LLA  ',  TO,  TA,  s.  (Dim.)  1.  Calf, the 
young  of  a  cow.  2.  Tanned  and  dressed  calf- 

BECERRO,  RA,  s.  1.  A  yearling  calf.  2.  Calf-skin 
tanned  and  dressed.  3.  Register  in  which  are 
entered  the  privileges  and  appurtenances  of 
cathedral  churches  and  convents.  4.  Manu- 
script bound  in  calf-skin,  and  found  in  the 
archives  of  Simancas,  containing  an  account 
of  the  origin  and  titles  of  the  Spanish  nobili- 
ty. Becerro  marino,  A  sea-calf. 

BEcoQ.ufN,  sm.  Cap  tied  under  the  chin. 

BEDEL,  sm.  1 .  Beadle,  an  officer  in  universities, 
whose  business  it  is  to  inspect  the  conduct  of 
the  students.  2.  Apparitor  of  a  court  of  justice. 

BEDELfA,  sf.  The  place  and  employment  of  a 

BEDELIO,  sm.  Bdellium,  an  aromatic  gum. 

BEDIJA,  sf.  Flock,  a  small  lock  of  wool. 

BEDIJERO,  RA,  s.  A  person  who  picks  up  and 
gathers  the  locks  of  wool  which  are  dropped 
on  the  ground  during  the  shearing. 
EDURO,  sm.  V.  Bequadrado. 

BEFA.S/.  1.  Irrision ;  the  act  of  deriding  ,scoffing, 
or  laughing.  2.  Garland,  a  wreath  of  flowers. 

BEFABEMI,  sm.  Musical  sign. 

BEFAR,  va.  1.  To  mock,  to  scoff,  to  ridicule.  2. 
To  move  the  lips,  and  endeavour  to  catch 
the  chain  of  the  bit ;  applied  to  horses. 

BEFEDAD,  sf.  (Ant.)  The  deformity  of  bandy- 

BEFEZ,  a.  (Ant.)  V.  Baxo.  [legged. 

BEFO,  sm.  1.  Lip  of  a  horse  or  other  animal.  2. 
Thick,  projecting  under  lip,  and  bandy  legs. 

BEGARDO,  DA,  s.  Heretic  of  the  13th  century 
who  pretended  to  be  impeccable. 
^ofN,  sm.  1.  Common  puff-ball,  fuzz-ball. 
Lycoperdon  bovista  L.  2.  (Met.)  Peevish, 
wayward  child,  which  puts  itself  out  of  hu- 
mour from  any  slight  motive. 

BEGUERIO,  sm.  The  district  and  jurisdiction 
of  a  Beguer  or  magistrate  in  Catalonia  and 

BEGLINO,  NA,  s.  Heretic  of  the  14th  century, 

pretending  to  be  without  sin. 
BEHETRIA  6  BIENFETRIA,S/.  1.  A  town  whose  in- 
habitants are  invested  with  the  right  of  elect- 
ing their  own  magistrates.    2.  Confusion, 




Lugar  de  behelria,  (Met.)  A  place  where  a 
perfect  equality  prevails  without  the  least 
distinction  of  rank. 

BEITO,  (Ant.)  V.  Benito. 

BEJUC!L,  sm.  A  place  where  reeds  grow  in 
considerable  quantities. 

BEJUCO,  sm.  1.  Thin  or  pliable  reed  or  cane 
growing  in  India.  2.  Filaments  growing  on 
some  trees  in  America. 

BEJUQU! LLO,  5m.  1.  A  small  gold  chain  brought 
from  India,  and  worn  by  women  about  the 
neck.  2.  Root  of  an  Indian  plant  called  ipe- 

BEL,  LA,  a.  V.  Bella. 

BELDAD,  sf.  Beauty  ;  at  present  only  applied 
to  exalt  the  beautifulness  of  women. 

BELEofN,  sf.  Sort  of  cotton  stuff  of  a  middling 

BELENO,  sm.  1.  (Bot.)  Hen-bane.  Hyoscyamus 
niger  L.  2.  Poison. 

LERICO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Myrobalan.  Hernandia 
sonora  L. 

ELFO,  FA,  a.  Blob-lipped  or  blubber-lipped, 
having  a  thick  under  lip.  Dientc  bclfo,  Snag 
tooth,  a  tooth  which  stands  beyond  the  rest. 

BELFO,  sm.  Thick  under  lip  of  a  horse. 

BELHEZ,  sf.  A  large  jar  in  which  oil  or  wine 
is  kept.  [ture. 

BELHEZO,  sm.  1.  A  large  jar.  2.  (Ant.)  Furni- 

BELICO,C A,  a.  Warlike,  military,  relating  to  war. 

BELICOSO,  SA,  a.  1.  Warlike,  martial.  2.  Quar- 
relsome, irascible,  easily  irritated. 

BELICOSIDAD,  sf.  Warlike  state. 

BELIGERO,  RA,  a.  (Poet.)  Warlike,  belligerous. 

BELIGERANTE,  a.  Belligerent. 

BELfxRE,  a.  (Vulg.)  Low,  mean,  vile,  of  vulgar 
sentiments  and  manners  ;  roguish. 

JBELLAC  ADA,  sf.  1.  A  nest  of  rogues,  a  set  of 
villains.  2.  (Bax.)  Knavery,  roguery. 

BELLACAMENTE,  ad.  Knavishly,  roguishly. 

BELLACO,  CA,  a.  1.  Artful,  sly.  2.  Cunning,  ro- 
guish, deceitful. 

BELLACO,  sm.  Rogue,  a  villain,  a  swindler. 

BELLACoNAZo,sm.Greatknave,an  arrant  rogue. 

BELLACUELO,  sm.  Artful,  cunning  little  fellow. 

BELLADAMA  6  BELLADONA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Deadly 
nightshade.  Atropa  belladona  L. 

BELLAMENTE,  ad.  Prettily,  gracefully. 

BELLAQUEAR,  va.  To  cheat,  to  swindle,  to  play 
knavish,  roguish  tricks. 

BELLAQJJERIA,  sf.  Knavery,  roguery,  the  act 
of  swindling  or  deceiving. 

BELLK?,A,  sf.  1.  Beauty,  an  assemblage  of  fine 
features  and  graces.  2.  Decoration  or  orna- 
ment, which  sets  off  the  front  of  buildings. 
Dccir  bcllezas,  To  say  fine  things. 

BELLO,  LLA,  a.  Beautiful,  handsome,  perfect. 
Bella  pedrcria,  Fine  jewels.  Bello  principio, 
An  excellent  beginning.  De  su  bella  gracia. 
Of  one's  own  accord.  Par  su  bella  cara  ne 
se  le  concederd,  It  will  not  be  granted  for 
his  pretty  face's  sake,  or  without  any  pecu- 
liar cause  or  motive. 

BF.LLORIO,  IA,  a.  Mouse  coloured;  applied  to 
the  coat  of  horses. 

BELLORITA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Common  daisy.  Bellis 
perennis  L. 

BF.LLOTA,  sf.  ].  Acorn,  the  fruit  of  an  oak,  but, 
particularly  of  the  ever-green  oak.  2.  Bal- 

sam or  perfume  box,  in  the  shape  of  an  acorn, 
to  carry  balsam  or  perfumes.  Bellota  marina, 
Centre-shell,  a  shell  in  the  shape  of  an  acorn. 

BEI.LOTE,  sm.  Large  round-headed  nail. 

BELLOTEAR,  vn.  To  be  fed  with  acorns  ;  appli- 
ed to  swine. 

BELLOTERA,  sf.  Season  for  gathering  acorns, 
and  feeding  swine  with  them.  [acorna. 

BELLOTERO,  RA,  s.  One  who  gathers  or  sells 

BELLOTERO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Any  tree  which  bears 

BELLOTICA,  ILLA,  ITA,  sf.  Small  acorn. 

BELORTAS,  sf.  pi.  The  iron  rings  or  screws 
with  which  the  bed  of  the  plough  is  fastened 
to  the  beam. 

BEMOL,  sm.  (Miis.)  B-flat. 

BEMOLADO,  a.  Having  B-flat. 

BEN,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Bien. 

BEN  6  BEHEN,  sf.  Fruit  of  the  size  of  a  filbert, 
which  yields  a  precious  oil  by  expression. 

BENALAQUE,  sm.  House  or  hut  in  a  vineyard. 

BENARRIZA,  sf.  A  very  savoury  bird  of  the  fa- 
mily of  Ortolans. 

BENDECIR,  va.  1.  To  devote  something  to  the 
service  of  the  church  ;  to  consecrate.  Btnde- 
cir  la  bandera,  To  consecrate  the  colours. 
2.  To  bless,  to  praise,  to  exalt.  Dios  tc  ben- 
diga,  God  bless  thee. 

BENDICION,  sf.  Benediction,  the  act  of  blessing. 
Ecliar  la  bendicion,  (Met.)  To  give  up  a  bu- 
siness, not  to  have  any  thing  more  to  do  witli 
it.  Es  una  bendicion  6  es  bendicion,  (Vulg.) 
It  does  one's  heart  good  to  see  what  a  plenty 
there  is.  Miente  que  es  una  bendicion.  (Iron!) 
It  is  a  blessing  to  hear  how  he  lies.  Hijo  y 
fruto  de  bendicion,  A  child  begotten  in  wed- 

BEND|CHO,  CHA,  pp.  irreg.  (Ant.)  of  Bendecir. 

BENDITO,  TA,  pp.  of  Bendecir. 

BENDITO,TA,  a.  1.  Sainted,  blessed.  2.  Simple, 
silly.  Us  un  bendito,  He  is  a  simpleton,  or 
silly  mortal.  El  bendito,  V.  Mabado. 

BENECIR  Y  BENEDICIR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Bendecir. 

BENEDICITE,  (Lat.)  Permission  solicited  by 
ecclesiastics  with  this  word. 

BENEDICTA,  5/.  Benedict,  an  electuary  made  up 
of  various  powders,  herbs,  purging  roots,  and 
stomachics,  mixed  with  honey. 

BENEFACTOR,  sm.  Benefactor.  V.  Bicnheckor. 

BENEFATORIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Behetriu. 

BENEFicENCiA,sf.  Beneficence,active  goodness. 

BENEFICACION,  sf.  Benefaction. 

BENEFICI^DO,  sm.  The  incumbent  of  a  bene- 
fice which  is  neither  a  curacy  nor  prebend, 
but  a  sinecure. 

BENEFICIADOR,  RA,  s.  Administrator  or  admi- 
nistratrix, who  improves  or  meliorates. 

BENEFICIAL,  ».-  Relating  to  benefices  or  eccle- 
siastical livings. 

BENEFICIAR,  va.  1.  To  do  good.  2.  To  cultivate 
and  meliorate  the  ground,  to  work  and  im- 
prove mines.  3.  (Ant.)  To  confer  an  ecclesi- 
astical benefice.  4.  To  purchase  a  place  or 
employ.  Beneficiar  una  compania  dc  cabal- 
Icria,  To  buy  the  commission  of  a  captain 
of  horse.  Beneficiar  los  efectos,  libranzas  t/ 
otros  crcditos,  To  resign  and  make  over  ef- 
fects, credits,  and  other  claims. 

BKNEFICJARIO,  sm,  Beneficiary,  he  that  is  in 



possession  of  a  benefice  which  he  holds  in 
subordination  to  another. 
BENEFICIO,  sm.  Benefit,  favour,  or  advantage, 
conferred  on  or  received  from  another.  2. 
(Ant.)  Paint.  3.  Right  belonging  to  one  ei- 
ther by  law  or  charter.  4.  Labour  and  cul- 
ture ;  applied  to  the  ground,  trees,  mines,  &c. 

5.  Utility,  profit ;  a  benefice.  Benejicio  cura- 
do,  Benefice  to  which  a  curacy  is  annexed. 

6.  Purchase  of  public   places,   employs,  or 
commissions  hi  the  army.    7.  Act  of  resign- 
ing and  making  over  credits  and  demands  for 
sums  not  equal  to  their  amount.  Bcnejicio  de 
inventario,    Benefit  of  inventory,  the  effect 
whereof  is,  that  the  heir  is  not  obliged  to  pay 
debts  to  a  larger  amount  than  that  of  the  in- 
heritance.   JYo  tener  qficio,  ni  bencficio,  To 
have  neither  profession  nor  property ;  applied 
to  vagabonds. 

BKNEFICIOSO,  SA,  a.  Beneficial,  advantageous, 


BENEFICO,  CA,  a.  Beneficent,  kind,  doing  good. 
BENEMERENCiAjS/".  (Rar.)  Meritorious  service. 
BEKEMERITO,  TA,  a.  Meritorious,  deserving  of 

BENEPLACITO,    sm.     Good-will,    approbation, 

BENEVOLENCIA,  sf.    Benevolence,    good-will, 


BENEVOLO,  LA,  a.  Benevolent,  kind. 
BENGALA,  sf.  (Ant.  Burgos.)  Muslin. 
BENIGNAMENTE,  ad.  Kindly,  favourably. 
BENIGNIDAD,  sf.    1.  Benignity,  graciousness, 

kindness,  piety.    2.   Mildness  of  the  air  or 

BENIGNO,  NA,  a.  1.  Benign,  gracious,  pious.  2. 

Mild,  temperate,  gentle. 
BENINO,  sm.  Pimple,  a  small  red  pustule  in  the 


BENITO,  TA,  s.  Benedictine  friar  or  nun. 
BENIVOLENCIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Bencvolencia. 
BENJUI,  5m.  Benzoin  or  Benjamin,  a  <mm-resin. 
BENQUERENCIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Bienquerencia. 
BEODEZ,  sf.  (Ant.)  Drunkenness,  intoxication. 
BEODO,  DA,  a.  Drunk,  drunken. 
BEQUADRADO,  sm.  (Mus.)  B  quadrate. 
BEQUE,  sm.  (Naut.)  1.  Head  of  the  ship.    2. 

Privies  for  the  sailors  made  in  the  head-gra- 

BEQUEBO,  sm.  (Orn.)  Wood  pecker.  Picus  L. 
BERAM,  sf.  Coarse  cotton  stuff"  which  is  brought 

from  the  East  Indies. 
BERBE.VA,  sf.  V.   Verlena. 
BERBERIS  6  BERBERO,  sm.  (Bot.)   Barberry, 

berberry,  piperedge-bush. 
BERBI,  sm.  A  sort  of  woollens.  [boring. 

BERBiquf,  sm.  A  carpenter's  breast-bit  for 
BERCEKIA,  sf.  Green-market,  where  cabbage 

and  other  vegetables  are  sold. 
BERCEHO,  RA,  s.  Green-grocer. 
BERENGENA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Egg-plant,  mad-apple 

Solanum  melongena  L. 
BERENGENAIJ6,  DA,  a.  Having  the  colour  of  a 

BERENGENAL,  sm.  A  mad-apple  plantation.  Me- 

terse  en  un  bcrengcnal,  To  involve  one's  self 

in  difficulties. 
EERENGENAZO,  sm.  Blow  given  with  a  mad 



BERGAMO'TA,  sf.  I.  Bergamot,  a  sort  of  pear.  2. 
Snuft'  scented  with  the  essence  of  bergamot. 

BERGAMOTE  6  BERGAMOTO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Berga- 

BERGANTE,  sm.  Brazen-faced  villain,  a  ruffian. 

BERGANTIN,  sm.  (Naut.)  Brig  or  brigantine,  a 
two-masted  vessel. 

BERGANTINEJO,  sm.  Small  brig. 

BERGANTON,  NA,  s.  (Aum.)  Brazen-faced,  im- 
pudent person. 

BERGANTONAZO,  sm.  Most  impudent  ruffian. 

BERILO  y  BERIL,  sm.  1.  Beryl,  a  precious  stone 
of  a  green  colour.  2.  Edge  of  some  shoal  or 

BERLINA,  sf.  Landau  or  Berlin,  an  open  car- 
riage, with  a  front  and  back  seat. 

BERLINGA,  sf.  1.  Pole  driven  perpendicularly 
into  the  ground,  at  the  top  of  which  is  fast- 
ened a  rope,  and  carried  to  another  pole, 
which  serves  to  hang  clothes  upon  to  be 
dried.  2.  (Naut.)  Round  timber  of  six  inches 
in  diameter. 

BERMA,  sf.  (Fort.)  Berm,  a  small  space  of 
ground  at  the  foot  of  the  rampart  towards  the 
moat,  to  prevent  the  earth  from  falling  into 
the  ditch. 

BERMEJEAK,  vn.  To  be  of  a  reddish  colour,  to 
incline  towards  red. 

BERMEJIZO,  ZA,  a.  Reddish. 

BERMEJO,  JA,  a.  Of  a  bright  reddish  colour. 

BERMEJON  6  BERMILLON,  (Ant.)  V.  Bcrwcllon. 

BERMEJUELA,S/.  (let.)  Rochet,  a  small  river  fish. 

BERMEJUELO,  LA,  a.  A  little  reddish. 

BERMEJURA,  sf.  Ruddy  colour. 

BERMELLON,  sm.  Vermilion,  or  cinnabar,  a  red 
and  ponderous  mineral,  being  an  oxide  of 

BERMUDIANA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Bermudian  lily-plant. 
Sisyrinphium  L. 

BERNASDINAS,  sf.  pi.  Fanfaronades,  false  boasts. 

BERNARDO,  DA,  s.  Bernardino  religious. 

BERNEGAL,  sm.  Bowl,  a  wide-mouthed  cup  or 
vessel  to  hold  liquids. 

BERNIA,  sf.  1.  Rug,  a  coarse  nappy  woollen 
cloth,  of  which  coverlets  are  made  for  mean 
beds.  2.  Cloak  made  of  rug. 

BERNIZ,  sm.  V.  Barniz.  [Hum  L. 

BERRA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Water  parsnep.  Sium  latifo- 

BERRAZA,  sf.  1.  V.  Berra.  2.  Common  water- 

BERREAR,  'in.  To  cry  like  a  calf,  to  low,  to 

BERREGUETAR,zm.(In  games  atCards)To  cheat, 
to  play  slight-of-hand  tricks  like  sharpers. 

BERRENCHE,S?«.  Courage  ;  great  petulancy. 

BERRENCHIN,  sm.  1.  Foaming,  grunting,  and 
blowing  of  a  wild  boar  at  the  rutting  time. 
2.  Cry  of  angry  wayward  children. 

BERRENDEARSE,  m.  \.  (And.)  To  grow  yellow  ; 
applied  to  wheat  nearly  ripe.  2.  To  be  stain- 
ed or  tinged  with  two  different  colours. 

BERRENDO,  DA,  a.  1.  Stained  or  tinged  with  two 
different  colours.  2.  (And.)  Ripe  wheat  which 
gets  a  yellow  colour.  3.  (Mur.)  Applied  to  a 
silk-worm  which  has  a  duskish  brown  colour. 

BERRERA  6  BERRIZAL,  sf.  V.  Berraza. 

BERRiDO,  sm.  The  cry  and  bellowing  of  a  calf, 
or  other  animal. 

J.  Child  or  person  in  a  violent  passion. 






_,.  (Bot.)  Water-cresses.  Sisymbrium 
nasturtium  L.  Andar  d  laflor  del  berro,  To 
stroll  and  wander  about 

BERROCA"!,,  sm.  Place  full  of  rocks. 

BERKOQIJEN  A,  a.  Piedraberroquciia,  Granite,  a 
hard  stone  composed  of  large  concretions, 
generally  of  an  ash  colour  with  black  spots, 
or  red  variegated  with  black  and  white. 

BERRUECO,  sm.  1.  Rock.  2.  Pin,  a  small  horny 
induration  of  the  membranes  of  the  eye. 

BsuRtJGA,  sf.  Wart,  a  horny  protuberance 
growing  on  the  fiesh. 

BERUUGAZA,  sf.  Large  wart. 

BERRUGOSO,  SA,  a.  Warty,  full  of  warts,    [ons. 

BERRUSA,  sf.  Sort  of  stuff  manufactured  at  Ly- 

BERZA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Cabbage.  Brassica  L.  Berza 
de  pcrro,  (Bot.)  Wild  mercury,  dog's  cab- 
bage. Theligonum  cynocrambe  L.  Berza  jlo- 
rida,  Cauliflower.  Berza  crespa,  Savoy-cab- 
bage. Estdr  en  berza,  To  be  in  the  blade, 
applied  to  grain. 

BERZAZA,  sf.  A  large  head  of  cabbage. 

BESADOR,  RA,  a.  Kissing  ;  kisser. 

SAMANOS,  sin.  1.  Levee  or  court-day,  when 
he  nobilityassemble  at  court,to  kiss  the  king's 
laud.  2.  Salute,  performed  with  the  hand. 

WES  ANA,  sf.  First  furrow  opened  in  the  ground 
with  a  plough. 

BE^AR,  va.  1.  To  kiss  any  thing  with  the  lips,  as 
a  mark  of  fondness  or  respect.  2.  To  touch 
one  another  closely  ;  applied  to  inanimate 
things.  A1  besar,  (Naut.)  Home,  or  block  on 
block.  Besar  d  azote,  (Met.)  To  kiss  the  rod, 
to  receive  a  chastisement  with  patience  and 
resignation.  Llegar  y  besar,  No  sooner  said 
than  done.  Besar  la  mono,  6  los  pies,  Ex- 
pressions of  courtesy  and  respect — vr.  To 
accidentally  strike  heads  or  faces  together. 

BESICO  Y  BESITO,  sm.  A  little  kiss.  Besicos  de 
monja,  (Bot.)  A  kind  of  convolvulus. 

BESO,STO.  1.  Kiss,  a  salute  given  with  the  lips. 
0.  Violent  knock  of  persons  or  things  against 
each  other.  3.  (Among  Bakers)  Kissing 
crust,  where  one  loaf  touches  another.  Beso 
de  monja,  A  delicious  kind  of  sweet-meat. 
Damn  beso  aljarro,  (Vulg.)  To  toss  about 
the  pot,  to  drink  freely. 

BESTF.ZUELA,  sf.  A  little  beast. 

BESTIA,  sf.  1.  Beast,  a  quadruped.  Bestia  de  al- 
barda ,  A  beast  of  burthen.  Bestia  de  silla,  A 
saddle  mule.  Gran  bestia,  An  elk,  a  large  and 
stately  animal  of  the  stag  kind.  2.  (Met.) 
Dunce,  idiot,  rude  ill-bred  fellow. 

BESTIAGE,STO.  An  assembly  of  beasts  of  bur- 

BESTIAL,  a. Bestial, brutal, belonging  to  abeast. 

BESTIALIDAD,  sf.  V.  Brutalidad. 

BESTIALMENTE,  ad.  In  a  brutal  manner. 

BjESTIEcfcA,  fLLA,  ITA,  V  BESTIEZUELA,   sf.    A 

little  beast. 

BESTION,  sm.  Large  beast. 

BESTOT.A,  sf.  Paddle,  or  paddlestaff,  for  clean- 
ing the  coulter  of  the  plough. 

BESTURIN,  sm.  Bistouri. 

BESUCADOR,  sm.  Kisser,  one  who  kisses. 

BESUCA.R,  ra.  To  give  many  kisses. 

BESUCON,  sm.  (Aum.)  Hearty  kiss. 

BE8UGADA,s/".  A  lunch  or  luncheon,  or  supper 
of  sea  breams. 

BESUGO,  sm.  (let.)  Sea  bream,  or  red  gilt  head, 
a  fish  frequent  in  the  Bay  of  Biscay.  Sparus 
pagrus  L.  Ojo  de  besuoro,  Squint-eyed.  Ya, 
tfi  veo  besiigo,  (Met.)  I  can  anticipate  your 
design.  [breams. 

BESUGUERA,  sf.  A  pan  for  dressing  besugos  or 

BESUGUERO,  sm.  1.  Fishmonger  who  sells 
breams.  2.  (Ast.)  Fishing-hook  and  tackle 
for  catching  breams. 

BESUGUETE,  sm.  (let.)  Red  sea  bream.  Sparus 
erythinus  L. 

BESUQUEO,  sm.  Embracing  kiss. 

BETA,  sf.  (Arag.)  Any  bit  or  line  of  thread.  Beta 
de  la  ma,dera,  The  grain  of  the  wood.  Betas, 
(Naut.)  Pieces  of  cordage  for  serving  all  sorts 
of  tackle. 

BETARRAGA  Y  BETARRATA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Beet- 
root. Beta  vulgaris  L. 

BETLEMITAS,  sm.  pi.  Bethlemites,  a  religious 
order  established  in  America. 

BETONICA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Betony.  Betonica  L. 

BETUM,  BETUME,  Y  BETUMEN,  sm.  (Ant.)  V. 

BETUN,  sm.  1.  Bitumen,  a  kind  of  fossil  pitch.  2. 
Cement,  made  chiefly  of  lime  and  oil.  3. 
(Naut.)  Stuff  with  which  the  masts  and  bot- 
toms of  ships  are  payed.  Betun  de  colmena, 
Coarse  wax,  found  at  the  entrance  of  the  hive. 

BETUNAR,  va.  To  pay  or  cover  any  tiling  with 
pitch,  tar,  resin,  &c. 

BEtJNA,  sf.  (Arag.)  A  gold  coloured  wine,  made 
of  a  grape  of  the  same  name. 

BEUT,  sm.  A  kind  of  sea-fish. 

BEXINA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Alpechin. 

BEXINERO,  sm.  (And.)  One  who  separates  the 
lees  or  watery  sediment  from  the  oil. 

BEYUP#RA,  sf.  A  large  kind  offish,  caught  off 
the  coast  of  Brasil. 

BEZAARTICO,  CA,  a.  V.  Bezodrdico. 

BEZANTE,  sm.  (Bias.)  Round  figure  like  apiece 
of  money  on  a  shield. 

BEZAR  Y  BEZAAR,  sf.  Bezoar,  a  stone,  formerly 
esteemed  as  an  antidote. 

BEZO,  sm.  I.  Blubber-lip,  a  thick  lip.  2.  (Ant.) 
A  lip  in  general.  3.  Proud  flesh  growing 
around  a  wound. 

BEZOAR,  sm.  V.  Bezdr.  [with  bezoar. 

BEZOARDICO,  CA,  a.  Bezoardic,  compounded 

BEZON,  sm.  Battering-ram. 

BEZOTE.  6m.  A  ring  which  the  Indians  wear  in 
their  under  lip  by  way  of  ornament. 

BEZ#DO,  DA,  a.  Blubber-lipped,  or  blop-lipped. 

BIAMBONAS,  A  stuff  made  in  China  of  the 
bark  or  rind  and  covering  of  plants. 

BIASA,  sf.  A  kind  of  coarse  silk,  which  the 
Dutch  bring  from  the  Levant. 

BIAZ  AS,  sf.  pi.  Saddlebags  made  of  leather. 

BIBARO,  sm.  Beaver,  castor.  Castor  fiber  L. 

BIBERO,  sm.  A  sort  of  linen,  which  comes  from 

BIBLIA,  sf.  Bible,  the  sacred  volumeln  which 
are  contained  the  revelations  of  God. 

BIBLICO,  CA,  a.  Biblical,  relating  to  the  bible. 
,  sm.  Book-lover,  book-worm. 

A,  sf.  Bibliography,  a  knowledge 
of  manuscripts  and  books. 

BiBn6cRAFO,  sm.  Bibliographer,  one  who  pos- 
sesses much  knowledge  of  manuscripts  and 



BIBLIOMANIA,  sf.  Book-madness,  au  extrava- 
gant passion  for  books.  [person. 

BIBLIOTAFO,  sf.  One  who  lends  his  books  to  no 

BIBLIOTECA,  sf.  LibraryT 

BIBLIOTECARIO,  sm.  Librarian. 

BICA,  sf.  (let.)  A  sea  fish,  resembling  a  bream. 

BICERRA,  sf.  A  kind  of  wild  or  mountain  goat. 
Capra  ibex  L. 

BICHERO,  sm.  (Naut.)  A  long  pole  with  a  hook 
fixed  at  the  end,  a  boat-hook.  Jlsta  de  bichero, 
The  shaft  of  a  boat-hook.  Gancho  de  bichero, 
The  hook  of  a  boat-hook. 

BICHO,  CHA,  s.  l.A  general  name  for  small 
grubs  or  insects.  2.  Bicho,  (Met.)  A  little 
fellow,  of  a  ridiculous  figure  and  appearance. 
Mai  bicho,  A  mischievous  urchin.  3.  Slut, 
BITCH  ;  a  term  of  reproach  to  women. 

BICOCA,  sf.  1.  Sentry  box.  2.  A  small  borough 
or  village.  3.  Thing  of  little  esteem  or  value. 

BICO^UETE,  sm.  A  bonnet  or  head  dress  for- 
merly worn. 

BICOQ.UIN,  sm.  Cap.  V.  Becoquin. 

BICORNE,  a.  (Poet.)  Bicornuous,  having  two 

J$icos,  Small  gold  points  or  lace,formerly 
put  on  velvet  bonnets  by  way  of  ornament. 

BIDENTE,  sm.  1.  Two-pronged  spade,  used  in 
breaking  up  the  ground.  2.  Sheep.  3.  (Bot.) 
A  sort  of  hemp,  called  water  hemp. 

BIELDA,  sf.  Pitch  fork  with  6  or  7  prongs  and  a 
rack  used  in  gathering  and  loading  straw. 

BIELDAR,  va.  To  winnow  corn,  to  separate  the 
grain  from  the  chaff  by  means  of  a  wooden 
fork  with  two  or  three  prongs. 

BIELDO  Y  BIELGO,  sm.  Winnowing  fork  with 
two  or  three  prongs. 

BIEN, sm.  1.  Supreme  goodness,  an  attribute  pe- 
culiar to  God  alone.  2.  Object  of  esteem  or 
love.  3.  Good,  utility,  benefit.  4.  (Ant.)  Pro- 
perty, estate.  El  bien  de  lapatria,  The  public 
welfare.  Bidnes,  Property,  fortune,  riches. 
Bienes  defortuna,  Worldly  treasures.  Decir 
mil  bienes,  To  praise,  to  commend. 

BIEN,  ad.  1.  Well,  right.  Ha  vivido  bien,  He 
has  lived  in  a  just  and  upright  manner.  2. 
Happily,  prosperously.  El  enfermo  va  bien, 
The  patient  is  in  a  fair  way  of  doing  well.  3. 
Willingly,  readily.  4.  Heartily.  Comid  lien, 
He  dined  heartily.  Camind  bien,  He  walked 
at  a  great  rate.  5.  Well,  well ;  it  is  all  well ; 
said  in  a  threatening  tone.  6.  As  well  as,  in 
the  same  manner  as.  7.  Bien  que,  Although. 
8.  Bien  si,  But  if.  9.  Mora  bien,  Now,  this 
being  so.  Bien  estd,  Very  well.  10.  Mas  bien, 
Rather.  Si  bien  me  acuerdo,  To  the  best  of 
my  recollection.  Hay  bien  de  eso,  There  is 
plenty  of  that.  Y  bien,  y  que  tencmos  con  eso, 
Well,  and  what  of  that.  Joined  to  adjectives 
or  adverbs  it  is  equivalent  to  very,  as  bien 
rico,  very  rich  ;  and  to  verbs,  much,  as,  El 
bebio  bien,  He  drank  much.  Ser  bien,  To  be 

food,  useful,  or  convenient.   De  bien,  d  bien 
por  bien,  Willingly,  amicably. 
BIENAL,  a.  Biennial,  of  the  continuance  of  two 


BIENANDANZA,  sf.  Felicity,  prosperity,  success. 
BIENAVENTURADAMENTE,  ad.  Fortunately,  hap- 


BIENAVENTURADO,  DA,  o.  1,  Blessed,  enjoying 


the  blessings  of  heaven.  2.  Fortunate,  success- 
ful. 3.  (Iron.)  Simple,  silly,  harmless. 

BIENAVENTURANZA,  sf.  1.  Beatitude,  enjoy- 
ment of  celestial  bliss.  2.  Prosperity,  human 
felicity.  Bienaventuranzas,  The  eight  beati- 
tudes of  heaven  mentioned  in  the  Scriptures. 

BIENESTAR,  sm.  Well-being,  possessing  and 
enjoying  all  the  comforts  of  life. 

BIENFECHOR,  RA,  (Ant.)  V.  Bienhechor. 

BIENESTANTE,  sm.  He  who  possesses  ease  and 
affluence ;  well-being. 

BIENFORTUNADO,  DA,  a.  Fortunate,  successful. 

BIENGRANADA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Curl-leaved  goose- 
foot.  Chenopodium  botrys  L. 

BIENHABLADO,  DA,  a.  Well  and  civilly  spoken. 

BIENHECHOR,  RA,  s.  Benefactor,  one  who  con- 
fers benefits  and  favours  upon  another. 

BIENIO,  sm.  Term  of  two  years. 

BIENQUERER,  vn.  To  wish  the  good  of  another, 
to  esteem. 

BIENQUERER,  sm.  Esteem,  attachment. 

BIENQUISTO,  TA,  a.  Generally  esteemed  and 

BIENVENIDA,  sf.  Welcome,  kind  reception  of  a 
new  comer. 

BIENVISTA,  sf.  (Ant.)  1.  Prudence,  sound  judg- 
ment. 2.  Good  appearance. 

BIENZA,  sf.  The  thin  film  which  sticks  to  the 
inside  of  the  shell  of  an  egg. 

BIERZO,  sm.  A  sort  of  linen,  manufactured  at 
Bierzo.  [forms. 

BIFORME,   a.   Biformed,  compounded  of  two 

BIFRONTE,  a.  Double-fronted  or  double-faced. 

BIGA,  sf.  The  traces  or  harness  of  two  horses. 

BIGAMIA,  sf.  1.  Bigamy,  the  crime  of  having 
two  wives  at  once.  2.  Second  marriage. 

BIGAMA,  sm.  1.  Bigamist,  one  who  has  two 
wives  living.  2.  He  who  has  married  a  widow. 
3.  A  widower,  who  has  married  again. 

BIGARDEAR,  vn.  To  be  a  bigamist ;  to  dissemble. 

BIGARDIA,  sf.  Jest,  fiction,  dissimulation. 

BIGARDO,  sm.  An  opprobrious  appellation  giv- 
en to  a  friar  of  loose  morals  and  irregular 

BJGARRO,  sm.  A  large  sea  snail. 

BIGARRADO,  DA,  o.  V.  Abigarrado. 

BIGATO,  TA,  a.  Ancient  coin  which  had  the 
impression  of  a  chaise  and  two  horses. 

BIGNONIA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Trumpet-flower. 

BIGORNETA,  sf.  A  small  anvil.  « 

BIGORNIA,  sf.  Anvil,  an  iron  block,  or  large  piece 
of  iron,  on  which  smiths  forge  their  metal. 

BIGOTA,  sf.  (Naut.)  Dead-eye.  V.  Vigota. 

BIGOTAZO,  sm.  Large  whiskers. 

BiG6TE,sm.  Whisker,  the  hair  growing  on  the 
upper  lip  and  cheeks  unshaven,  mustachio. 
Hombre  de  bigote,  (Met.)  A  man  of  spirit  and 
vigour.  Tencr  bigotes,  (Met.)  To  be  firm  and 
undaunted  ;  to  be  obstinate,  to  be  a  BIGOT. 

BIGOTERA,  sm.  I.  Leather  cover  for  whiskers  or 
mustachios.  2.  Ornament  of  ribbons,  worn  by 
women  on  the  breast.  3.  Folding-seat  put,  in 
the  front  of  a  chariot.  Pegaunabigotcra.  To 
play  one  a  trick.  Bigotiras,  Face,  mien. 
Tener  buenas  bigoteras,  To  have  a  pleasing 
face  or  graceful  mien  ;  applied  to  women. 

BIJA,  V.  Achiote. 

BILANDER,  sm.  (Naut.)  Bilander,  a  small  mer- 
chant vessel. 



,  NA,  a.  Native  of  Bilboa. 

BILBILITANO,  NA,  a.  Native  of  Calatayud. 

BILIAR,  a.  Biliary,  relating  to  the  vessels  which 
contain  bile. 

BILINGUE,  a.  Double-tongued,  deceitful. 

BiLi6so,  SA,  a.  Bilious,  abounding  in  bile. 

Bfus,  sf.  Bile,  a  thick  yellow  bitter  liquid. 

BILLAR,  sm.  Game  of  billiards,  or  billiard-table. 

BitL-iLDA  6  BILLARDA,  sf.  A  kind  of  children's 

BILLETE,  sm.  Billet,  small  paper  note.  Billete 
de  banco,  A  bank  note. 

BILLETICO,  sm.  A  small  billet,  a  love-letter. 

BILMADOR,  sm.  V.  Mgebrista. 

BILORTA,  sm.  l.Ring  made  of  a  twisted  yellow 
twig.  2.  Flying  report.  3.  (Na-ut.)  Burr,  a 
kind  of  iron  ring  used  for  various  purposes 
on  board  of  ships.  4.  A  sport  among  country 
people,  somewhat  resembling  cricket. 

BILOKTO,  sm.  Bat  having  a  crooked  head. 

BILTROTEAR,  vn.  To  ramble  about  the  streets. 

BILTROTERA,S/.  A  woman  who  makes  it  her  busi- 
ness to  ramble  about  the  streets  and  gossip. 

BIMAES,  sf.  A  kind  of  Brasil  wood. 

BIMESTRE,  a.  Of  two  months'  duration. — sm. 
Two  months'  leave  of  absence  or  furlough. 

BINADERA,  sf.  Instrument  with  teeth  used  by 
husbandmen  to  take  away  weeds  from  ground. 

to  windward.  Birar  de  bondo  en  rcdondo,  To 
put  the  ship  to  leeward.  Birar  por  las  aguas 
de  otro  baxel,  To  tack  in  the  wake  of  ano- 
ther ship.  Bira,  bira  !  Heave  cheerly. 

BiRA7,ONEs,sm./>Z.  Land  and  sea  breezes,  which 
blow  alternately. 

BiRisfs  v  BISBIS,  sm.  Biribi,  a  sort  of  game. 

BiRictr,  sm.  Sword-belt. 

BiRfLLA,  sf.  Ornament  of  gold  or  silver,  for* 
merly  worn  in  shoes. 

BIRLA,  V.  Bolo. 

,  sm.  One  who  knocks  down  at  a 
blow  :  used  in  the  game  of  nine-pins. 

BIRL^R,  va.  1.  At  the  game  of  nine-pins,  to 
throw  a  bowl  a  second  time  from  the  same 
place.  2.  To  knock  down  at  one  blow,  to  kill 
at  one  shot.  3.  To  snatch  away  an  employ- 
ment which  another  was  aiming  at.  4.  To 

BIRLI,  Por  arte  de  birli  birloque,  (loc.  fam.)  To 
have  done  any  thing  by  occult  and  extraor- 
dinary means. 

BIRLO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Bowl  for  play  ing. 

BIRLOCHA,  sf.  Paper  kite. 

BIRLOCHO,  sm.  High  open  carriage  with  four 
wheels  and  two  seats. 

BIRLON,  sm.  Large  middle  pin  in  the  game  of 

BINADOR,  sm.  Digger,  he"  who  digs  the  samejBiRLONGA,  sf.  Mode  of  playing  in  the  game  at 
ground  again.  !     cards  called  ombre.  A'  la  birtonga,  In  a  ncg- 

BINAR,  va.  To  dig  or  plough  a  piece  of  ground  j 

the  second  time. 
BINARIO,  sm.  1.  A  number  which  consists  of 

two  unities.  2.  Time,  consisting  of  two  equal 


of  ropes,  wooden  brackets  or  hooks,  used  to 

confine  ropes  and  tackles  to  their  places,  and 

to  prevent  them  from  being  fouled. 
BINAZON,  sm.  The  act  of  digging  or  ploughing 

a  niece  of  ground  a  second  time. 
BINOCULO,  LA,  a.  Binocular,  having  two  eyes, 

employing  both  eyes  at  once. 
BINZA,  sf.  Pellicle,  a.  thin  skin  on  the  inside  of 

the  shell  of  an  egg  ;  any  thin  membrane. 
BiocRAFfA,  sf.  Biography. 
BIOGRAFO,  sm.  Biographer,  a  writer  of  lives. 
BIOMBO,  sm.  Screen. 
BIPARTIDO,  DA,  a.  (Poet.)  Bipartite,  divided 

into  two  correspondent  pieces  or  parts. 
BIPEDAL,  a.  Bipedal,  two  feet  in  length  ;  hav- 

ing two  feet. 

BIPEDO,  sm.  Biped,  an  animal  with  two  feet. 
BIO.UITORTES,  (Naut.)  Quarter  gallery 


sm.  Borer,  an  instrument  used  by 
carpenters  and  cabinet-makers  to  make  holes. 

BIRA  DA,  sf.  Birada  de  borda,  (Naut.)  Tack, 
the  act  of  putting  the  ship  about. 

BIRADOR,  sm.  (Naut.)  Top  rope.  Birador  de 
mastcllero  sencilloddoble,  A  single  or  double 
top  rope.  Birador  de  cubierta,  Voyal. 

BIRA^R,  va.  (Naut.)  1.  To  wind,  to  twist.  2.  To 
tack,  to  put  or  go  about.  Birar  el  cabrestantc. 
To  heave  at  the  capstern.  Birar  para  proa, 
To  heave  a-head.  Birar  para  popa,  To  heave 
astern.  Birar  el  cable,  To  heave  taught.  Bi- 
rar de  bordo,  To  tack  or  go  about.  Birar  de 

ligent,  careless  manner. 

BIROLA,  sf.  1.  Brass  cap  or  ferrule  fixed  on  the 
end  of  canes  or  walking-sticks.  2.  Goad,  a 
pointed  instrument  with  which  oxen  are  dri- 
ven forward  by  the  drivers.  3.  Birola  de  cha- 
vetas,  (Naut.)  Forelock-ring.  4.  Birolas  dc 
pantales,  (Naut.)  Hoops  of  the  stanchions 
between  decks. 

BIRRETA,  sf.  Cardinal's  red  cap. 

BIRRETE,  sm.  Cap.  V.  Gorro  6  Boncte. 

BIRRETINA,  sf.  Grenadier's  cap. 

EISA,  sf.  (Bot.)  An  oriental  plant. 

BISABUELO,LA,S.  Great  grandfather  or  grand- 

BisAcRA,  sf.  1.  Hinge,  the  joint  upon  which  a 
door  or  gate  turns.  2.  Piece  of  box-wood, 
with  which  shoe-makers  polish  and  finish  the 
soles  of  shoes.  Bisagras  y  pernos,  Hooks 
and  hinges.  Bisagras  de  laporteria,  (Naut.) 
Port  hinges. 

BISAGUELO,  LA,  (Ant.)  V.  Bisabuelo. 

BISALTO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Pea.  Pisum  sativum  L. 
,  sf.  (Ant.)  Halberd. 

BISEL,  sm.  The  basil  edge  of  the  plate  of  a 
looking-glass,  or  of  the  crystal  door  of  a 
shrine  in  which  relics  are  kept. 

BISEXTIL,  a.  (Ant.)  V.  Bisiesto. 

BISIESTO,  a.  Belonging  to  a  leap  year,  which 
consists  of  366  days,  and  happens  every  four 
years.  Mudar  bisiesto  6  d,e  bisiesto,  To 
change  one's  ways  and  means,  to  alter  one's 

BISILABO,  BA,  a.  Consisting  of  two  syllables. 

BISLINSUA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Double  tongue,  or  nar- 
row-leaved butcher's  broom.  Ruscus  hypo- 
glossum  L. 

BISNIETO,  TA,  (Ant.)  V.  Biznitto. 

0-    -         —  - ,  BISOJO,  JA,  a.  Squint-eyed,  looking  obliquely, 

bordo  tomando  por  arantf,    To  put  the  shipl  BISONTE,  sm.  Bison,  a'large  quadruped  of  tho 



family  of  oxen,  having  a  bunch  on  its  back, 
and  chiefly  found  in  the  forests  of  Poland. 
Bos  bison  L. 

BISONADA  v  BisoNERf  A,  sf.  A  rash  and  incon- 
siderate speech  or  action,  done  without  the 
least  knowledge  or  experience. 

BISONO,  NA,  a.  f.  Raw,  undisciplined  ;  applied 
to  recruits  or  new  levied  soldiers.  2.  Novice, 
tyro.  3.  Unbacked  horse,  not  yet  broken  in 
or  tamed  for  use. 

BisrAL,  (Ant.)  V.  Episcopal. 

BISPO,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Obispo. 

BISPON,  sm.  Roll  of  oil  cloth,  a  yard  in  length, 
used  by  sword  cutlers. 

BISTOLA,  sf.  (Manch.)  V.  Arrejada. 

BISTORTA,  (Bot.)  Bistort  or  snake-weed.  Poly- 
gonum  bistorta  L. 

BISTRETA,  sf.  Payment  made  before  the  money 
becomes  due. 

biscuit  is  carried  on  board  a  ship.  2.  One 
who  makes  or  sells  biscuits. 

Bizcocnf  LI.O  y  BizcocHiTO,sm.  A  small  biscuit. 

BJZCOCHO,  sm.  1.  Biscuit,  or  sea-biscuit,  a  kind 
of  hard  dry  bread.  2.  Paste  made  of  fine 
flour,  eggs,  and  sugar.  3.  Whiting  made  of 
the  plaster  of  old  walls. 

BI/COCHUELO,  sm.  Small  biscuit. 

BIZCOTELA,  sf.  Biscuit  lighter  and  thinner 
than  the  common  sort. 

BIZMA,  sf.  Comforting  cataplasm  or  poultice. 

BIZMAR,  va.  To  apply  a  cataplasm  or  poultice. 

BIZNA,  sf.  Zest,  membrane  which  quarters  the 
kernel  of  a  walnut. 

BIZNA\GA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Mountain  parsley  or  Spa- 
nish carrot,  the  sprigs  whereof  are  used  as 
toothpicks.  Daucus  visnaga  L. 

BIZNIETO,  TA,  s.  Great  grandson, -great  grand- 

ucuuiiicD  uuu.  uaugixtci. 

BISUNTO,  TA,  a.  That  which  is  dirty  or  greasy.  BLA^GO,  (Ant.)  V.  Bordon. 

BISURCA' DO,  DA,  a.  Bifurcated,  forked.  \  BLA"  NCA,  sf.  1.  Copper  coin  of  the  value  of  half 

BITA'CORA,  sf.  (Naut.)  Binnacle  or  bittacle,  a       a  maravedi.    No  tener  blanca,  6  estar  sin 

box  in  the  steerage  of  a  ship,  wherein  the 
compass  is  placed.  Ldmpara  6  Idntias  de  la 
bitacora,  A  binnacle  lamp. 

BITADURA,  sf.  (Naut.)  Cable  bit,  a  turn  of  the 
cable  around  the  bits. 

BITAS,  sf.  pi.  (Naut.)  Bits,  large  pieces  of  tim- 
ber placed  abaft  the  manger,  to  belay  the  ca- 
ble, when  the  ship  rides  at  anchor.  Forro  de 
bltus,  Lining  of  the  bits.  Contrabitas,  Stand- 
ards of  the  bits.  Bita  de  molinete,  Knight- 
head  of  the  windlass. 

BITCHEMARE,  sm.  Fish  on  the  coast  of  China 
which  is  salted  and  cured  like  cod. 

BITONES,  sm.  pi.  (Naut.)  Pins  of  the  capstern. 

BITOQUE,  sm.  (And.)  Bung,  a  wooden  stopper 
for  the  bung-hole  of  a  cask.  Tener  ojos  de 
bltoque.  (Vulg.)  To  squint. 

BITOR,  sm.  (Orn.)  Rail,  a  bird  called  the  king 
of  the  quails. 

BITUMEN,  sm.  V.  Betun. 

BITUMINO&O,  SA,  a.  Bituminous,  containing 

BIVAR,  sm.  Gander. 

BIVERIO,  sm.  V.  Vivar. 

BIXA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Anotto,  a  sort  of  reddish  yel- 
low die. 

Bf/A,  if.  (let.)  Fish  belonging  to  the  family 
of  tunnies.  Scomber  pelamis  L. 

BIZARRAMENTE,  ad.  Courageously,  gallantly. 

BIZARREAR,  vn.  To  act  in  a  spirited  and  gal- 
lant manner. 

BI/ARRIA,  sf.  I.  Gallantry,  valour,  fortitude 
of  mind.  2.  Liberality,  generosity,  splen- 

BI/.AIIRO,  RRA,  a.  1.  Gallant,  brave,  high-spi- 
rited. 2.  Generous,  liberal,  high-minded. 

Er/.A.-/.  AS,  Saddle-bags  made  of  leather. 

BI/CACHA,  ff.  An  animal  with  a  long  tail  in 
the  kingdomjof  Peru,  the  flesh  of  which  re- 
sembles that*bf  a  rabbit. 

BI/CAR,  ra.  To  squint,  to  turn  the  eyes  ob- 
liquely. • 

Bizco,  CA,  a.  V.  Bisojo. 

BIZCOCHADA,  sf.  Soup  made  of  biscuit  boiled 
in  milk  with  sugar  and  cinnamon. 

BIZCOCHA'R,  ta.  To  make  or  bake  biscuit. 

1  Biscuit-cask,  a  cask  in  which 

blanca,  Not  to  have  a  doit  to  bless  one's  self 
with.  2.  (Orn.)  Magpie.  3.  Blanca  morfea, 
Alphps,  a  white  scurf,  tetter,  or  ring-worm. 

BLANCAZO,  (Vulg.)  V.  Blanquecino. 

BLANCHETE,sm.(Ant.)  1.  A  little  white  lap-dog, 
originally  from  Malta.  2.  White  selvage. 

BLANCO,  CA,    1.  White.    Hijo  de  la  gallina 

,  ( 

blanca,  (Bax.)  A  lucky  fellow.  2,  (Naut.) 

BLA"  Nco,sm.  1.  White  star,  or  any  other  remark- 
able white  spot  in  horses.  2.  First  white  sheet 
pulled  at  a  printing-press,  after  the  form  is 
got  ready.  3.  Mark  to  shoot  at  with  a  gun, 
bow,  or  cross-bow.  Dar  en  el  bianco,  To  hit 
the  mark.  4.  (Met.)  Object  of  our  desire,  a 
thing  we  wish  for  or  aim  at.  5.  Mixture  of 
whiting,  lime,  &c.  to  size  or  lay  the  first  coat 
for  painting.  Blanco  dc  estuco,  Stucco  whit- 
ing, made  of  lime  and  pounded  marble.  G. 
Blank  left  in  writing.  Cldula  6  patcnte  en 
bianco,  A  blank  paper  to  be  filled  up  by  the 
person  to  whom  it  is  sent.  Labor  blanca, 
Plain  work.  Tela  6  ropa  blanca,  Linen.  Jlr- 
mas  blancas,  Side-arms,  to  thrust  and  cut 
with.  De  punta  en  bianco,  Point  blank. 
Dexar  en  bianco  alguna  cost/,  To  pass  over 
a  thing  in  silence.  Hombre  bianco,  o  mugcr 
blanca,  An  honest  man,  or  an  honest  woman. 
El  bianco  del  ave,  The  breast  of  a  fowl.  Quc.- 
darse  en  bianco,  To  be  frustrated  in  one's 
expectations,  to  be  left  in  the  lurch. 

BLANCOR  Y  BLANC^RA,  5.  Whiteness,  freedom 
from  colour.  Blancura  del  ojo,  (Alb.)  A  white 
spot  or  film  on  the  eye. 

BLAND^LES,  sm.  pi.    (Naut.)    Backstays.    V. 


ad.    Softly,     mildly,    gently, 

BLANDEAD6R,  RA,  s.  One  who  softens,  or  ren- 
ders soft  and  rhild. 

BLANDEAR,  va.  l.To  soften,  to  render  mild.  2. 
To  make  one  change  his  opinion.  3.  To 
brandish,  to  flourish. — vn.  \ .  To  slacken,  to 
yield,  to  be  softened.  2.  To  tread  tenderly. 
3.  Blandear  con  otro,  To  fall  in  with  another's 
opinion. — vr.  To  be  unsteady,  to  move  from 
one  place  to  another. 



BI.ANDENGUE,  sm.  A  soldier  armed  with  a 
lance,  who  defends  the  limits  of  the  province 
of  Buenos  Ayres. 

BLANDEO,  sm.  The  good  or  bad  quality  of  the 
soil  of  forests  and  pasture  lands. 

BLANDEZA,  (Ant.)  V.  Delicadeza. 

BLANDIENTE,  a.  Having  a  tremulous  motion 
from  one  side  to  another. 

BLANDILLO,  LLA,  a.  Somewhat  soft. 

BLANDIMIENTO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Adulation,  flattery 

BLANDiR,»a.  1.  To  brandish  a  sword,pike, lance 
&c.  2.  (Ant.)  To  flatter.— vr.  To  quiver,  to 
move  with  a  tremulous  agitation  from  one 
side  to  another. 

BLANDO,  DA,  a.  1.  Soft,  pliant,  smooth  to  the 
touch.  2.  (Met.)  Mild,  gentle,  grateful,  pleas 
ing.  Blando  de  boca,  Tender-mouthed  ;  ap 
plied  to  a  horse  :  (Met.)  Indiscreet,  talkative 
Blando  de  carona,  (Met.)  Soft,  not  bearing 
fatigue  or  labour  :  (Met.)  Fond  of  women 
apt  to  fall  in  love  with  every  woman  one 
meets  with.  Blando  de  corazon,  Tender 
hearted.  Hombre  blando,  A  gentle,  mild  man 
Llevar  blanda  la  mano,  To  carry  a  gentle 
hand,  to  reprimand  with  mildness,  to  punish 
with  mercy.  Tiempo  blando,  Mild,  moderate 

BLANDON,  sm.  1.  Wax  taper  with  one  wick 
2.  A  large  church  candlestick  in  which  wax 
tapers  or  flambeaux  are  placed.  3.  Soft  side 
of  a  stone.  4.  Light  of  the  stars. 

BLANDONCILLO,  sm.  A  small  candlestick  for 
wax  tapers. 

BLANDUCHO,  CHA,  Y  BLANDUJO,   JA,   tt.    (BaX.) 

Flabby,  loose,  soft,  not  firm. 

BLANDURA,  sf.  1.  Softness,  the  qualit 

soft.  2.  Daintiness,  delicacy.  3.  (Met.)  Gen~- 
tleness  of  temper,  sweetness  of  address.  4 
Lenitive  or  emollient  application.  5.  Soft 
endearing  language.  6.  White  paint  used 
by  women.  7.  Mild  temperature  of  the  air. 

BLANDUKILLA,  sf.  A  sort  of  fine  soft  pomatum 

BLANQUEACION,  sf.  The  act  of  blanching  or 
whitening.  [whitens 

BLANQUEADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  blanches   or 

BLANO.UEADURA,  sf.  Whiteness,  the  state  of 
being  white ;  whitening. 

BLANQUEO  Y  BLANQUEANIENTO,  sm.  1.  The  act 
of  making  white  or  bleaching.  2.  Whitewash 
El  blanqueo  del  lienzo,  The  oleaching  of  linen 

BLANQUEA.R,  va.  1.  To  bleach,  to  whiten;  to 
white-wash.  2.  To  give  coarse  wax  to  bees 
in  winter.  Blanquear  cera,  To  bleach  wax. 
— vn.  To  show  whiteness. 

BLANQUECEDdR,  sm.  An  officer  employed  in  the 
mint,  to  blanch,  clean,  and  polish  the  coin. 

Bi.  \\QUKCEK,  va.  To  blanch  coin,  to  give  gold, 
silver,  and  other  metals,  their  due  colours. 

BLANQUKciNO,NA,ffl.  Whitish.inclining  to  white. 

BLANQUERIA,  sm.  Bleaching  place, bleach-field. 

BLANQUERO,  sm.  Tanner,  one  whose  trade  is  to 
tan  and  dress  leather. 

BLANQ.UETA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Coarse  blanket. 

!,  sm.  White  paint  used  by  women. 
LO,  (Ant.)  V.  Mbayalde. 

of  blanching  the  metal  before  it  is  coined. 
ILANQUILLA,  sf.  1.  Doit,  a  very  small  coin.    2. 
Sort  of  long  yellowish  plum.  3.  White  grape. 

BLAN$ufr,LO,i.LA.  a.  Whitish,  somewhat  white. 

BLAN^UIMIENTO,  sm.  The  act  of  blanching  coin 
or  wrought  metal,  by  boiling  it  with  water, 
and  salt  of  tartar.  [clay. 

BLANQUIZX.L,  5m.  (Agr.)  Whitish   clay,  pipe 

BLANQUIZCO,  CA,  a.  Inclining  to  white. 

BL.£O,  a.  ^Blas.)  Azure,  faint  blue. 

BI.ASFEMABLE,  a.  Blamable,  culpable,  faulty. 

BLASFEMADOR,  RA,  s.  Blasphemer.          [ously. 

Bi-ASFtMAMENTE,    ad.    Blasphemously,    impi- 

BLASFEMX.R,  vn.  1.  To  blaspheme.  2.  To  curse, 
to  make  use  of  imprecations. 

BLASFEMATORIO,RI A, a.  Containing  blasphemy. 

BLASFEMiA,5/.  1.  Blasphemy  ,the  use  of  impious 
and  irreverent  language  in  speaking  of  God. 
2.  Gross  verbal  insult  offered  to  a  person. 

BLASFEMO,  MA,  a.  Blasphemous.  [mous. 

BLASMA^R,  va.  (Ant.)    To  vilify,  to  make  infa- 

BLASON,  sm.  Heraldry,  blazon,  the  art  of  draw- 
ing or  explaining  coats  of  arms.  2.  Figures 
and  devices  which  compose  coats  of  arms  or 
armorial  ensigns.  3.  Honour,  glory.  Hacer 
Mason,  To  blazon. 

BLASONADOR,  RA,  s.  Boaster,  bragger. 

BLASONA^NTK,^.  Vain-glorious  ;  boaster. 

BLASON^R,  va.  1.  To  blazon,  to  draw  or  explain 
armorial  ensigns.  2.  To  make  a  pompous 
display  of  one's  own  merits.  Blasonar  del 
arnes,  To  crack  and  boast  of  achievements 
never  performed. 

Br,.4vo,  VA,  a.  (Ant.)  Yellowish  grey  and  red- 
dish colour. 

BLEDo,sm.Strawberryblite.  Blitum  virgatum  L. 

BLENNO,  sm.  (let.)  Hake,  blenny.  Blen- 
nius  L. 

BU!NNO,  sm.  A  kind  of  fish. 

BLINDAGE,  sm.  (Mil.)  Blind,  a  covering  made 
by  the  besiegers  of  a  strong  place,  to  protect 
themselves  from  the  enemy's  fire ;  it  con- 
sists of  branches  of  trees,  sand  bags,  wool- 
packs,  &c. 

BLONDA,  sf.  Broad  lace  made  of  silk.  Escofieta 
de  blonda,  Head  dress  made  of  silk  lace. 

BLONDINA,  sf.  Narrow  silk  lace. 

BLONDO,  DA,  a.  Having  a  fair  complexion  or 
flaxen  hair. 

BLOQUE.£R,  va.  (Mil.)  To  form  a  blockade.  Bio- 
quear  unpuerto,  (Naut.)  To  block  up  a  port. 

BLOQUEO,  sm.  Blockade.  [Boa  L. 

BOA,   sf.   Large   serpent,   found   in  Calabria. 

BOALA^GE,  sm.  (Ar.)  Pasturage  of  black  cattle. 

BOARRETE,  sm.  Storm  or  tempest  at  sea. 

BoXro,  sm.  1.  Ostentation,  pompous  show.  2. 
Shout  of  acclamation. 

BOBA"DA,  sf.  V  Boberia.  [dolt. 

BOBX.LIAS,  sm.  (Bax.)  A  very  stupid  fellow,  a 

BOBALICON  Y  BoBX/o,  5m.  Great  blockhead. 

BoBAMENTE,arf.  1 .  Without  trouble  or  care.  2. 
Foolishly,  stupidly.  Estd  comiendo  su  renta 
bobamente,  He  spends  his  income  in  a  foolish 

SOBATEL,  sm.  (Fam.)  V.  Bobo. 

SoBArico,  CA,  a.  Silly,  foolish,  stupid. 

JOKKA^R,  va.  1.  To  act  or  talk  in  a  foolish  and 
stupid  manner.  2.  To  waste  one's  time  in 
trifles,  to  loiter  about. 

JOBERIA,  sf.  Foolish  speec*'i  or  action  ;  foolery. 

JOBILIS,  ad.  De  bobilis  bdbilis,  (In  Cant  Lan- 
guage) Without  pain  or  merit. 




BOBILLO,  LLA;  TO,  TA,  s.  1.  A  little  dolt  or  fool. 
2.  Big-bellied  jug  with  one  handle.  3.  Frill  or 
lace  formerly  worn  by  women  around  the 

BOBINAS,  Bobbins,  a  large  sort  of  spools 
used  in  ribbon  looms. 

Bocfs/MAMENTE,  ad.  Most  foolishly. 

BOBO,  BA,S.  1.  Dunce,  idiot,  ass;  one  who  has 
little  capacity  or  understanding.  2.  Sort  of  ruff 
formerly  worn  by  women  around  the  neck.  3. 
(Ant.)  Stage  Buffoon.  4.  (Orn.)  Booby.  Pele- 
canus  sula  L.  El  bobo  si  cs  callado,por  scsudo 
cs  rcputado,  (Prov.)  A  fool  that  talks  little 
may  pass  for  a  wise  man.  A'  bobas,  Foolishly. 

BOBON,  NA,  s.  Big  dolt,  great  fool. 

BOBONCILLO,LLA,  s.  A  little  dolt. 

BOBOTE,  sm.  Great  idiot  or  simpleton. 

BOCA,  sf.  1.  Mouth,  the  aperture  in  the  face  at 
which  the  food  is  received.  2.  Entrance,  open- 
ing, hole.  3.  Pincers  with  which  cray-fish  hold 
something.  4.  Thin  or  cutting  part  of  edge- 
tools.  5.  Taste,  flavour,  relish;  one  who  eats. 
Instrumento  de  boca,  Wind-instrument.  6. 
(let.)  Shrimp.  Boca  de  escorpion,  Calumni- 
ator. Boca  del  estdmago,  Pit  of  the  stomach. 
Boca  defuego,  Piece  of  ordnance.  Boca  de 
lobo,  (Met.)  Dark  dungeon:  (Naut.)  Lub- 
bers' hole.  Boca  de  lobo  del  tamborete,  Cap 
hole  for  the  top-mast.  Boca  de  la  cscotitla, 
Hatchway  .Boca  de  m-a,Smilingcountenance. 
Boca  de  rio  6  de  pucrto,  Mouth  of  a  river  or 
of  a  harbour.  Andar  de  boca  en  boca,  To  be 
the  talk  of  the  town.  Cerrar  6  tapar  a  uno  la 
boca,  To  stop  one's  mouth.  Coserse  la  boca, 
To  shut  one's  mouth.  Boca  de  oro,  Melli- 
fluous tongue.  Boca  de  gacha,  Nickname  of 
a  person  who  mumbles  his  words,  sputtering, 
and  speaking  unintelligibly.  A1  bocadejarro, 
A  hearty  draught,  drinking  without  a  glass  or 
measure.  Decir  alguna  cosa  con  la  boca  chica. 
To  offer  a  thing  for  mere  ceremony's  sake. 
Jlndar  con  la  boca  abler  ta,  To  go  gaping  about. 
Guardar  la  boca,  Not  to  commit  any  excess 
in  eating  or  drinking  ;  to  be  silent.  Hablar 
par  boca  deganso,  To  exaggerate  maliciously 
other  people's  reports.  Irse  de  boca,  To 
speak  much  without  reflection.  La  boca  hace 
jurgo,  To  be  as  good  as  one's  word.  No  de- 
cir  esta  boca  es  mia,  To  keep  a  profound  si- 
lence. Ne  tener  boca  para  negar  6  decir  no, 
Not  to  dare  to  say  no.  Punto  en  boca,  Mum. 
mum,  not  a  word.  Tener  buena  6  mala  boca, 
To  talk  well  or  ill  of  others.  A1  boca  de  in- 
vicrno,  About  the.  beginning  of  winter.  A1 
boca  de  nochc,  At  the  fall  of  night. — Boca  a 
boca,  ad.  By  word  of  mouth.  Boca  con  boca, 
Face  to  face.  A'  boca  dc  costal,  Profusely, 
without  rule  or  measure.  A1  boca  llena,  Per- 
spicuously, openly.  A1 pedir  de  boca,  Accord- 
ing to  ong'*  desire.  De  manos  a  boca,  Un- 
expectedly. DC  boca,  Verbally,  not  really  ; 
used  of  boasting  or  threatening. 

BOCACALLE,*/".  Entry , end  or  opening  of  a  street. 

BOCAC.X.Z,  sm.  Opening  left  in  the  wear  or  dam 
of  a  river,  sluice,  or  flood-gate. 

BOCACI  Y  BOCACJN,  sm.  Fine  glazed  buckram, 
much  used  by  tailors. 

BOCA.DA,  sf.  (Ant.)  A  mouthful. 

BOCADEAR,  TO.  To  divide  into  bits  or  morsels. 

BocApfLLO,j?m.  1.  Scrap.  2.  Thin,  middling  sort 
of  linen.  3.  Narrow  ribbon  or  lace,  tape,  inkle. 
4.  Lunch  or  luncheon  given  to  labourers  in 
the  field  about  ten  in  the  morning. 

BOCAPITO,  sm.  Small  bit  or  morsel. 

BOCADO,  sm.  I.  Morsel,  a  mouthful  of  food.  2. 
Bite,  a  wound  made  with  the  teeth.  3.  Part  of 
a  thing  torn  off  with  the  teeth  or  pincers.  4. 
Poison  given  in  eatables.  5.  Mouth-piece  of  a 
bridle.  6.  Bocado  sin  hueso.  Profitable  em- 
ployment without  labour  ;  a  sinecure.  Con  el 
bocado  en  la  boca,  With  a  full  stomach.  Con- 
tarle  a  uno  los  bocadoSjTo  watch  how  another 
eats.  No  tener  para  un  bocado,  To  be  in  ex- 
treme distress. — pi.  1.  Slices  of  quinces,  ap- 
ples, pumpkins,  &c.  made  up  into  conserves. 
2.  (Naut.)  Wads  of  great  guns,  hause-plugs. 

BocAx,  sm.  1.  Pitcher,  an  earthen  vessel  with 
a  narrow  mouth.  2.  Mouth-piece  of  a  trum- 
pet or  other  wind  instrument.  3.  (Naut.)  The 
narrows  of  a  harbour. 

BOCAMANGA,  sf.  That  part  of  a  sleeve  which 
is  near  the  wrist. 

BOCAN.£DA,  sf.  A  mouthful  of  wine  or  other 
liquor.  Bocanada  de  gcnte,  Mob,  a  tumultu- 
ous rout.  Bocanada  dc  riento,  A  sudden  blast 
of  wind.  Echar  bocanadas,To  boast  of  one's 
valour,  noble  birth,  &c.  Echar  bocanadas  de 
sangre,  To  throw  up  mouthfuls  of  blood ; 
to  vaunt  of  noble  blood. 

BOCAR,I(.N,  5m.  Fine  sort  of  buckram. 

BOCAZA,  5/.  A  large  wide  mouth. 

BOCEJ$LR,  va.  V.  Bocezar. 

BOCEL,  sm.  I.  Brim,  lip,  or  upper  edge  of  a 
vessel.  2.  A  fluted  moulding.  3.  Fluting  plane, 
an  instrument  for  fluting  mouldings. 

BOCEL  AR,  va.  To  make  fluted  mouldings. 

BOCELETE,  5m.  Small  moulding  plane. 

BOCELON,  sm.  Large  moulding  plane. 
DCERA,S/.  Crumbs,  or  other  remains  of  eating 
or  drinking,  sticking  to  the  outside  of  the  lip. 

BOCEZA.R,  va.  To  move  the  lips  from  one  side 
to  another,  as  horses  and  other  animals  do 
when  they  eat. 

BdcHA,  sf.  1.  Bowl,  a  wooden  ball  for  playing 
at  bowls.  2.  Fold  or  double  in  clothes,  where 
they  do  not  fit  well,  but  purse  up.  Jucgo  de 
las  bochas,  The  game  at  bowls.  Pan  de  bo- 
chas, White  bread. 

BOCHAR,  va.  To  throw  a  ball  so  that  it  hits 
another,  in  the  game  at  bowls. 

BocHjCzo,  5m.  Stroke  of  one  bowl  against 

BOCHE,  sm.  Cherry-pit  or  chuck-hole.  V.  Bate. 

BOCHIN,  5m.  (Ant.)  Hangman. 

BOCHISTA,  5m.  A  goodbowler,or  player  at  bowla. 

BOCHORNO,  5m.  1.  Hot,  sultry  weather,  scorch- 
ing heat.  2.  Blush,  the  colour  of  the  cheeks 
raised  by  shame  or  passion. 

BocfN,  sm.  Round  piece  of  bass  mat  put  about 
the  nave  of  a  cart,  as  a  cap  of  defence. 

BOCINA,  5m.  1.  Sort  of  large  trumpet,  a  bugle- 
horn.  Bocina  de  cazador,  A  huntsman's  horn. 
2.  Speaking-trumpet.  V.  Vocina.  3.  A  kind 
of  shell.  4.  Constellation  called  ursa  minor, 
or  the  lesser  bear. 

BOCIN^R,  va.  (Ant.)  To  sound  the  trumpet, 
bugle-horn,  or  huntsman's  horn. 

BOCINEKO,  5m.  Trumpeter. 



BociNftLA,  sf.  Small  speaking  trumpet. 

BOCOLICA,  sf.  Exquisite  or  delicious  eating. 

BocoN,sm.  1.  A  wide-mouthed  person.  2.  Brag- 
gart, a  talkative  boaster. 

BOD  A,  sf.  Marriage,  the  feast  by  which  it  is 
solemnized,  a  wedding.  Boda  de  hongos,  A 
beggar's  wedding.  Perrito  de  todas  bodas, 
(Met.)  Parasite  who  runs  from  wedding  to 
wedding.  Aun  ahora  se  come  el  pan  de  la 
boda.  (Prov.)  The  honey-moon  is  not  yet 
over.  De  tales  bodas  tales  costrus  6  tortas, 
(Prov.)  A  bad  beginning  a  bad  end. 

B6oE,  sm.  A  he-goat. 

BODEGA,  sm.  1.  Wine  vault,  a  cellar.  2.  Abun- 
dant vintage  or  growth  of  wine.  3.  Store- 
room, warehouse,  magazine.  4.  (Naut.)  Hold, 
the  whole  space  in  a  ship  between  the  floor 
and  the  lower  deck,  where  goods  and  stores 
are  stowed.  Bodega  de  popa,  After-hold. 
Bodega  de  proa,  Fore-hold. 

BODEGON,  sm.  1.  Mean  chop-house  or  cook's 
shop.  2.  Sign  of  a  cook's  shop  or  eating-house. 
3.  Tippling-house,  a  low  inn.  Bodegon  de 
puntapie,  Stall  where  cow-heels  and  black 
puddings  are  sold.  Echar  el  bodegon  par  la 
vcntana,  To  put  one's  self  into  a  violent  pas- 
sion. En  que  bodegon  hemos  comido  juntos  ? 
Out  of  which  platter  did  we  eat  together  ? 
A  rebuke  for  too  much  familiarity. 

BODKGONCILLO,  sm.  Low  chop-house. 

BODEGONEAR,  va.  To  run  from  one  tippling- 
house  to  another,  to  frequent  mean  eating- 

BODEGOSERO,  RA,  s.  One  who  keeps  a  low 
chop-house  or  tippling -house.  [of  a  cellar. 

BODEGUERO,  RA.  s.  Butler,  one  who  has  the  care 

BODEGUILLA,  sf.  Small  cellar  or  vault. 

BODIAN,  sm.  Sea-fish  resembling  a  tench. 

BOD£  Go,sm.  A  small  loaf  made  of  the  finest  flour, 
and  presented  as  an  offering  in  the  church. 

BODIJO,  sm.  Unequal  match,  a  hedge-marriage 
performed  with  little  ceremony  or  solemnity. 

BODOCAL,  a.  Applied  to  a  kind  of  black  grapes. 

BODOCAZO,  sm.  Stroke  of  a  pellet  shot  from  a 

BODOLLO,  sm.  Prunincf-knife,  pruning-hook. 

BODO^UE,  sm.  1.  Pellet,  a  small  ball  of  clay  shot 
from  a  cross  bow.  2.  Dunce,  idiot.  3.  Extre- 
mities of  the  ribs  of  mutton.  Hacer  bodoqucs, 
To  be  reduced  to  dust,  to  be  dead. 

BODOQUERA,  sf.  1.  Mould  in  which  pellets  are 
formed.  2.  Cradle,  or  that  part  of  the  stock  of 
a  cross  bow  where  the  pellet  is  put.  3.  Strings 
with  which  the  cord  of  a  cross  bow  is  tied. 

Boi>OQuiLLo,sm.  Small  pellet  or  bullet  of  clay. 

BODORRIO,  sm.  (Vulg.)  V.  Bodijo. 

BODRIO,  sm.  1.  Soup,  broken  meat,  and  garden 
stuff,  given  to  the  poor  at  the  doors  of  con- 
vents. 2.  Any  hodge-podge  ill  dressed,  any 
medley  of  broken  meat. 

BOB,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Bucy. 

BOEMIO,  sm.  Sort  of  short  cloak  formerly  worn 
in  Spain. 

BOEZUELO,  sm.  Stalking  ox,  which  serves  to 
screen  fowlers  engaged  in  the  pursuit  of  birds. 

BOFADA,  sf.  Ragout  or  fricassee  made  of  the 
livers  and  lungs  of  animals. 

BOFES,  sm.  pi.  "Lungs.  Echar  los  bofes,  To 
strain  one's  lungs. 

BOFENA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Bofes. 

BOFETA  Y  BOFETAN,  s.  A  sort  ofthin  stiff  linen. 

BOFETADA,  sf.  Slap,  buffet,  box,  a  blow  on  the 
face  given  with  the  hand.  Dar  una  bofetada, 
(Met.)  To  treat  with  the  utmost  contempt. 

BOFETON,  sm.  1.  Violent  blow  upon  the  face. 
2.  Stage  decoration  representing  one  or  two 
folding  doors.  [face. 

BOFETONCILLO,  sm.  A  slight  box  or  slap  on  the 

BOFORDO,  sm.  (Ant.)  A  short  lance  or  spear. 

BOGA,  sf.  1.  (let.)  Ox-eyed  cackerel.  Sparus 
boops  L.  2.  Act  of  rowing.  3.  (Naut.)  Rower, 
one  who  rows:  in  this  sense  when  it  signi- 
fies a  man,  it  is  a  masculine  substantive.  4. 
(Extr.)  Small  two-edged  knife  in  the  shape  of 
a  poniard.  5.  White  branch  about  which 
silk-worms  work  their  cones. Boga  arrancada, 
(Naut.)  All  hands  rowing  together  with  all 
their  strength.  Boga  larga,  A  long  stroke, 
Dar  la  bog  a,  To  give  the  stroke.  Boga  avantc, 
Stroke's  man. 

BOGADA,  sf.  1.  Rowing  stroke.  2.  Bucking  of 
clothes  with  lye. 

BOGADOR,  sm.  Rower,  one  who  rows. 

BOGANTE,  pa.  (Poet.)  Rower  ;  rowing. 

BOGAR,  vn.  To  row.  Bogar  d  quartcles,  To  row 
by  divisions.  Bogar  d  barlovento,  To  row 
abroad.  Bogar  a  sotavento,  To  row  to  lee- 

BOGAVANTE.  sm.  1.  (Naut.)  Stroke's-man  of  a 
row  galley.  2.  Lobster  of  a  large  size. 

BOGETA,  sf.  (let.)  A  kind  of  herring. 

BOGIGANGA,  sf.  (Ant.)  A  company  of  strolling 

BOHKMIO,  sm.  1.  Short  cloak  formerly  worn  by 
the  guard  of  archers.  2.  V.  Gitano. 

BOHENA  6  BOHENA,  sf.  (Ant.)  1.  V.  Bofes.  2. 
Pork  sausages. 

BOHONERO,  sm.  V.  Buhonero. 

BOHORDAR,  va.  To  throw  wands,  called  bokor- 
dos,  in  tournaments. 

BOHORDO,  sm.  1.  Blade  of  flag,  a  water-plant. 
2.  Wands,  the  hollow  end  of  which  is  filled 
with  sand,  and  which  tilters  throw  at  one 
another  in  tournaments.  3.  Stalk  of  a  cab- 
bage run  into  seed.  4.  Prancing  of  a  horse. 

BOIL,  sm.  Ox-stall,  a  stand  for  oxen. 

BOITRINO,  sm.  A  kind  of  fishing  net. 

BOJA,  (Ant.)  V.  Buba. 

BOKAS,  sf.  Sort  of  cotton  stuff  brought  from 
the  East  Indies,  and  is  either  blue  or  white. 

BOL,  sm.  Armenian  bole,  a  sort  of  red  earth, 
chiefly  used  by  gilders.  Bolus  L. 

BOL  A,  sf.  1.  Ball,  a  round  body  of  any  matter. 
2.  Game  of  throwing  bullets  or  bowls.  3. 
Lie,  falsehood.  4.  (Naut.)  Truck,  acorn ;  a 
round  piece  of  wood  at  the  end  of  the  ensign 
staffs  and  vanes.  Escurrir  la  bola,  To  take 
French  leave,  to  run  away.  Rncde  la  bola, 
Take  things  easy.  Pie  con  bola,  Just  enough, 
as  much  as  is  wanted,  neither  too  much  nor 
too  little. 

BOLADA,  sf.  Throw  or  cast  of  a  ball  or  bowl. 

BOLADO,  sm.  Cake  of  clarified  sugar  used  in 
Spain  for  drinking  water. 

BOLANTIN,  sm.  Fine  sort  of  pack-thread. 

BOLARMENICO,  sm.  V.  Bol. 

BOLAZO,  sm.  Violent  blow  with  a  bowl. 

BoLcnAcA  6  BOLCHACO,  s.  Purse,  pocket. 



Bor^A,5/.  Swing-tree  bar  of  a  carriage,  to  which 
the  traces  are  made  fast. 

BOLEAR,  vn.  1.  To  play  at  billiards  for  mere 
amusement,  and  without  staking  money.  2. 
To  throw  wooden  or  iron  balls  for  a  wager.  3. 
(Mur.)  To  boast,  to  lie  extravagantly. — va. 
I.  To  dart,  to  launch.  2.  Bolear  el  sombrero, 
To  fix  the  hat  on  the  head. 

BOLEO,  sm.  The  road  or  place  where  balls  are 

BOLERO,  sm.  Child  eloping  from  its  parents  or 

BoLETA,sf.  1.  Ticket  giving  the  right  of  being 
admitted  into  a  place.  2.  Billet  or  ticket 
which  directs  soldiers  where  they  are  to 
lodge.  3.  Ticket  or  warrant  for  receiving 
money  or  other  things.  4.  Small  paper  with 
tobacco  sold  at  chandlers'  shops. 

BOLETAR,  va.  To  roll  up  tobacco  in  small  bits 
of  paper  for  the  purpose  of  selling  them. 

BOLETIN,  sm.  1.  Warrant  given  for  the  payment 
of  money.  2.  Ticket  for  the  quartering  of 
soldiers.  3.  Ticket  granting  free  admittance 
at  a  theatre  or  other  place  of  amusement. 

BOLICHE,  SM.  1.  Jack,  a  small  ball  which  serves 
as  a  mark  for  bowl-players.  2.  All  the  small 
fish  caught  at  once  in  a  drag  net  near  the 
shore.  Juego  de  boliche,  Pigeon-holes,  a 
game  played  on  a  convex  table  with  a  ball ; 
troll-madam.  Boliches,  (Naut.)  Fore-top  bow- 
lines, and  top-gallant  bowlines. 

BOLICHERO,  RA,  s.  One  who  keeps  a  pigeon- 
hole, or  troll-madam  table. 

BOLILLA,  sf.  A  small  ball. 

BOLILLO,  sm.  1.  Jack, a  small  ball  or  bowl.  2.  Bob- 
bin, a  small  pin  of  box  or  bone  used  in  mak- 
ing bone  lace.  3.  Mould  or  frame  on  which 
the  cuffs  of  linen  or  gauze,  worn  on  the  sleeves 
of  counsellors  of  state  and  inquisitors,  are 
starched  and  made  up. — pi.  1.  Paste  nuts,small 
balls  made  of  sweet  paste.  2.  Starched  cuffs 
worn  by  counsellors  of  state  and  inquisitors. 

BOLIN,  sm.  Jack,  a  small  ball.  V.  Boliche. 

BOLINA,  sf.  1.  (Vulg.)  Noise  and  clamour  of  a 
scuffle  or  dispute.  2.  (Na6t.)  Bowline,  a  rope 
fastened  to  the  leech  or  edge  of  a  square  sail, 
to  make  it  stand  close  to  the  wind.  Bolina  de 
barlovento,  Weather  bow-line.  Bolina  de  so- 
tavento  .6  de  revts,  Lee  bow-line.  Bolina  de 
tringuete,  Fore-bowline.  Dar  un  salto  a  la 
bolina,  To  ease  or  check  the  bowline.  Presen- 
tar  la  bolina,  To  snatch  the  bowline.  Nave- 
gar  de,  bolina,  To  sail  with  bowlines  hauled. 
Jr  a  la  bolina,  To  sail  with  a  side  wind.  JVa- 
TW  buen  bolinador,  A  good  plyer,  a  ship 
which  makes  great  progress  against  the  di- 
rection of  the  wind.  Echar  de  bolina,  (Met.) 
To  make  fanfaronades,  or  idle  boasts. 

BOLISEAR,  va.  To  haul  up  the  bowline  in  light 

Boi.iNETE,sm.  (Naut.)  A  moveable  capstern  on 
the  deck,  in  which  the  whipstafF  moves. 

BOLISA,  sf.  Embers,  hot  cinders. 

BOI.LA,  sf.  Duty  on  woollen  and  silks  retailed 
for  home  consumption,  levied  in  Catalonia. 

BGI.LADURA,  sf.  V.  Molladura. 

Boi.i.jCR,  va.  1.  To  put  a  leaden  seal  on  cloths 
to  indicate  their  fabric.  2.  To  imboss.  to 
raise  figures. 


Bor,LisRO,RA,s.Pastry-cook,seller  of  sweet  cakes. 

BOLLICO  Y  BoLLfro,  sm.  Small  loaf  made  of 
flour,  sugar,  milk,  and  eggs. 

BOLLIDO,  DA,  a.  Boiled.  V.  Cocido. 

BOLLIR,  (Ant.)  V.  BulUr. 

BOLLO,  sm.  1.  Small  loaf  or  cake  made  of  sugar, 
flour,  milk,  and  eggs.  2.  Bruise  made  in  me- 
tal or  any  similar  matter.  Bollo  maimon,  A 
sort  of  cake  filled  with  sweet-meats.  3.  Mor- 
bid swelling.  4.  Bdllos,  Ancient  head-dress 
of  women,  consisting  of  large  buckles.  5.  (In 
Peru,)  Bars  of  silver  extracted  from  the  ore 
by  means  of  fire  or  quicksilver.  Bollos  de  re- 
lieve, Embossed  or  raised  work. 

BOLLON,  sm.  I.  Brass-headed  nail  used  in  coach- 
es and  furniture.  2.  Button  which  shoots  from 
a  plant,  especially  from  a  vine-stock. 

BOLLONADO,  DA,  1.  Adorned  with  brass-headed 
nails.  2.  Furnished  with  shoots,  buds,  or 

BOLLUELO,  sm.  V.  Bollico.  [buttons. 

BOLO,  sm.  1.  One  of  the  nine  pins  or  pieces  of 
wood,  which  are  set  up  on  the  ground  to  be 
knocked  down  by  a  bowl.  2.  Round  or  ob- 
long cushion  on  which  women  make  lace.  3. 
Large  piece  of  timber,  in  which  the  shafts  and 
rests  of  a  winding  stair-case  are  fitted.  Dia- 
blos  son  bolos,  (Prov.)  Contingencies  cannot 
be  depended  upon.  Es  un  bolo,  He  is  an 
idiot,  an  ignorant,  stupid  fellow.  Juego  de 
bolos,  A  game  at  nine  pins. 

BOLONES,  (Naut.)  Square  bolts  or  mor- 
tar-bed pintles,  which  serve  to  fasten  the 
cheeks  to  the  bed.  [low. 

BOLONIO,  sm.  An  ignorant,  rattle-brained  fel- 

BOLSA,  sf.  1.  Purse.  2.  Purse-net  made  of 
silk  or  worsted,  with  running  strings  to  draw 
the  mouth  together.  3.  Pouch  or  net  used  by 
sportsmen  to  put  the  game  in.  4.  Bag  in 
which  public  papers  and  despatches  are  car- 
ried by  ministers  and  secretaries  of  state.  5. 
Bag  for  the  hair.  6.  Bag  lined  with  furs  or 
skins  to  keep  the  feet  warm.  7.  (In  a  Gold- 
mine) The  vein  which  contains  the  purest 
gold.  8.  (In  Surgery)  A  morbid  swelling.  9. 
Scrotum.  10.  Bolsa  de  pastor,  (Bot.)  Shep- 
herd's purse.  Thlaspi  bursa  pastoris  L.  Bolsa 
de  dios,  Alms,  charity.  Bolsa  real,  sf.  Royal 
exchange.  V.  Lonja.  Bolsa  rota,  Spendthrift. 
Castigar  en  la  bolsa,  To  fine.  Dar  6  echar  otro 
nudo  a,  la  bolsa,  To  become  extremely  fru- 
gal, to  lessen  one's  expense.  Page  de  bolsa, 
A  minister's  servant  who  carries  the  official 
papers.  Tener  como  en  la  bolsa  aJguna  cosa, 
To  be  as  sure  of  a  thing  as  if  it  were  in  one's 
pocket.  Tener  6  llevar  bien  herrada  la  bolsa, 
To  have  the  purse  well  lined;  to  have 

BOLSE^R,  vn.  (Arag.)  To  purse  up,  to  pucker  ; 
applied  to  clothes,hangings,  and  other  things. 

BoLSERfA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Manufactory  of  purses. 

BOLSERO,  sm.  Cashier,  treasurer. 

BOI,SICA  v  BOLSITA,  sf.  Small  purse. 

BOLSICO,  sm.  Poke,  pocket. 

BOLSILLO,  sm.  1.  Small  purse.  Bucn  bolsillo  6 
gran  bolsillo,  A  large  capital,  or  great  sum 
of  money.  Bolsillo  secreto,  The  king's  pri- 
vate purse.  2.  Pocket.  Hacer  bolsillo,  To 
make  money. 

BOLSO,  $m.  Purse  of  money,  a  money  bag. 


?,  sm.  Large  purse. — pi.  1.  Large  bars  of 
on  put  in  vaults  or  arches  to  secure  the 
lilding.    2.  (In  Oil-mills)  Large  planks  or 
boards  with  which  the  oil-reservoir  is  lined 
from  the  bottom  to  the  edge.   3.  Stones  on 
which  an  arch  or  vault  is  sprung. 
BOLULA,  */.  V.  Bululu. 

BOMBA,  sf.  1.  Pump,  an  engine  for  raising  wa- 
ter from  wells,  ships,  or  other  deep  places 
Bomba  de  guimbalete,  (Naut.)  Common 
pump.  Bomba  de  rosario  6  de  cadcna,  Chain- 
pump.  Bomba  de  proa,  Head-pump.  Bomba 
de  mano,  Hand-pump.  Bomba  de  carena, 
Bilge-pump.  Bomba  libre,  Pump  in  good 
trim.  Cargar  la  bomba,  To  fetch  the  pump. 
ir  Ala  bomba,  To  pump  ship.  La  bomba 
td  atascada,  The  pump  is  foul  or  choked 
i  bomba  llama,  The  pump  sucks.  La  bomba 
tA  aventada,  The  pump  blows.  Bomba  de 
ego  6  dc  baho,  Steam-engine.  Bomba  de 
>agar  incendios,  Fire-engine.  2.  Bomb,  a 
)llow  iron  ball  or  shell  filled  with  gunpow- 
sr,  and  furnished  with  a  vent  for  a  fusee  or 
•ooden  tube  full  of  combustible  matter,  to  be 
iro.wn  out  from  a  mortar.  Bomba  incendia- 
i,  Carcass,  an  iron  shell  with  holes,  filled 
nth  combustibles,  and  thrown  out  from 
lortars.  Estar  A  prueba  de  bomba,  To  be 
bomb-proof.  3.  Bomba  6  manga  marina,  A 

BOMBARDA,  sf.  1.  Ancient  thick  piece  of  ord- 
nance called  a  bombard.  2.  (Naut.)  Bomb- 
ketch  or  bomb- vessel,  a  ship  fitted  out  for 
throwing  bombs  and  shells. 
BOMBARDEAR  6  BOMBEAR,  va.  To  bombard, 
to  throw  bombs  into  a  place  ;  to  discharge 

BOMBARDEO,  sm.  Bombardment. 
BOMBARDERO,  sm.  Bombardier,  an  artilleryman 

charged  with  throwing  bombs. 
BOMBAST,  sm.  Bombazeen,  dimity. 
BOMBAZO,  5m.  Report  of  a  bomb  which  bursts. 
BOMBO,  5m.  1.  Humming  of  bees,  wasps,  and 

other  insects.  2.  Large  drum. 
BON,  NA,  (Ant.)  V.  Bueno  y  hacienda.        [son. 
BONACHON,  NA,  s.  Y  a.   Good-natured,  easy  per- 
BONANCIBLE,  a.  Moderate,  calm,  fair,  serene  ; 

applied  to  the  weather  at  sea. 
BONANZA,  sf.  1.  Fair  weather  at  sea.   Ir  en  bo- 
7ianza,(Naut.)  To  sail  with  fair  wind  and  wea- 
ther. 2.  Prosperity,  success.    Ir  en  bonanza, 
(Met.)  To  go  on  prosperously,  to  do  well. 
BONA/O,  ZA,  a.  (Fam.)  Good-natured,  kind. 
BoNDAD,5/.   1.  Goodness,  the  qualities  which 
render  a  thing  good.  2.  Suavity  or  mildness 
of  temper. 

BONDADOSO,  SA,  a.  Kind,  generous,  bountiful. 
BONDON,  577?.  Bung,  a  stopple  which  is  put  into 

the  bung-hole  of  a  barrel. 
BONETAS,  sf.  pi.  (Naut.)   Bonnets,  pieces  of 
canvas  laced  to  the  sails,  to  make  more  way 
in  light  winds. 
BONETADA,  sf.  Salute  or  salutation  made  by 

taking  off  the  hat  or  bonnet. 
BoNETE,sm.  1.  Cap,  bonnet.  2.  Secular  clergy- 
man who  wears  a  bonnet,  in  contradistinction 
to  ,a  monk  who  wears  a  hood  or  cowl.  3.  Bon- 
net, a  kind  of  out-works  of  a  fortress.  Tirarse 
los  bonetes,  To  pull  caps.  Bravo  6  gran  bo- 


nete,  (Iron.)  A  great  dunce.  4.  (Ant.)  Wide- 
mouthed  phial  tor  conserves. 

BoNETERfA,  sf.  1.  Shop  where  caps  and  boa- 
nets  are  made  or  sold.  2.  Trade  of  a  cap  or 
bonnet  maker. 

BONETERO,  RA,  s.  1.  Cap  and  bonnet  maker  or 
retailer.  2.  (Bot.)  Prickwood,  gatheridge,  or 
spindle-tree.  Euonymus  europaeus  L. 

BONETILLO,  sm.  1.  Small  cap  or  bonnet.  2.  Or- 
nament in  the  shape  of  a  bonnet,  which 
women  wear  over  their  head-dress. 

BONICAMENTE,  ad.  Prettily,  neatly. 

BONICO,  CA,  a.  Pretty  good,  passable.  Jlndar  A 
las  bonicas,  (Met.)  To  take  things  easily,  to 
do  them  at  ease,  not  to  burthen  one's  self 
with  business.  Jugar  A  las  bonicas,  To  play 
at  ball  by  dodging  it  from  one  hand  into  ano- 

BONIFICAR,  va.  1.  To  credit,  to  place  to  one's 
credit.  2.  To  meliorate,  to  improve. 

BoNiriCATfvo,  VA,  a.  (Ant.)  That  which  makes 
any  thing  good,  or  makes  up  for  it. 

BONILLO,  LLA,  a.  1.  Somewhat  handsome.  2 
(Ant.)  Somewhat  great,  large,  or  big. 

BONINA,  sf.  (Bot.)  A  kind  of  chamomile. 

BONITAMENTE,  ad.  (Fam.)  V.  Bonicamentc. 

BONITO  Y  BONITALO,  sm.  Sea-fish  resembling  a 
tunny.  Scomber  pelamis  L. 

BONITO,  TA,  a.  (Dim.  ofbueno.)  1.  Pretty  good, 
passable.  2.  Affecting  elegance  and  neatness. 
3.  Graceful,  beautiful.  4.  Soft,  effeminate. 

BONVARON,  sm.  (Bot.)  Common  groundsel.  Se- 
necio  vulgaris  L 

BONZO,  sm.  In  China  and  other  heathen  na- 
tions, one  who  professes  a  life  of  austerity 
and  seclusion  from  the  rest  of  the  world,  in 
convents  or  deserts. 

BONIGA,  sf.  Cow-dung. 

BONIGARES,  sm.  pi.  Round  white  figs. 

BOOPE,  sm.  A  kind  of  whale  found  off  the 
coast  of  Brasil. 

BOOTES,  sm.  Bootes,  a  northern  constellation. 

BOQUE,  sm.  He-goat. 

BOQUEADA,  sf.  Act  of  opening  the  mouth,  a 
gasp.  A1  la  primera  boqueada,  Immediately, 
without  delay.  La  ultima  boqueada,  The  last 

BOQUEAR,  vn.  1.  To  gape,  to  open  the  mouth 
wide.  2.  To  breathe  one's  last,  to  expire.  3. 
(Met.)  lo  end,  to  terminate. — va.  To  pro- 
nounce, to  utter  a  word  or  expression. 

BOQUERA,  sf.  1.  Opening  or  sluice  made  in  a 
canal  for  irrigating  lands.  2.  Opening  made 
in  inclosures  to  let  in  the  cattle.  3.  Eruption 
on  the  corners  of  the  lips,  which  hinders  the 
rnouth  from  being  freely  opened.  4.  Ulcer  in 
the  mouth  of  beasts. 

BOQUERON,  sm.  1.  Wide  opening,  a  large  hole. 
2.  (let.)  Anchovy.  Clupea  encrasicolus  L. 

BOQUETE,  sm.  Narrow  entrance  of  a  place. 

BOQ.UIABIERTO,  TA,  a.  Having  the  mouth  open ; 
walking  about  gaping. 

BOQJUIANCHO,  CHA,  a.  Wide-mouthed. 
uiANGt/sTO,  TA,  a.  Narrow-mouthed. 

BoquicoNEjUNO,  NA,  o.  A  rabbit-mouthed 
horse ;  hare-lipped. 

8oo,uiDi5Ro,  RA,  a.  Hard-mouthed. 

3oquiFREsco,  CA,  a.  Fresh-mouthed  ;    applied 
to  horses  which  have  a  soft  salivous  mouth. 


,  D.A,  a.  Having  the  mouth  con- 

BOQUIHENDIDO,  DA,  a.  Large-mouthed. 

BoQuiHUNDioo,  DA,  a.  Having  the  mouth  sunk 
in  from  age  or  want  of  teeth. 

BOQUILI.A,  sf.  1.  Little  mouth.  2.  Opening  of  a 
pair  of  breeches  at  the  knees.  3.  A  small 
opening  in  a  canal  for  irrigating  lands.  4. 
Chisel  for  mortising.  5.  Mouth-piece  of  a 
musical  instrument,  such  as  a  trumpet, 
French  horn,  &c. 

BOQUIMUELLE,  a.  1.  Tender-mouthed  ;  applied 
to  a  horse.  2.  Unwary,  easily  imposed  upon. 

BOQJJIN,  sm.  Coarse  sort  of  baize. 

BOO.UINATUR.AL,  a.  Well-mouthed,  neither  too 
tender  nor  too  hard  ;  applied  to  a  horse. 

BO^UINEGRO,  sm.  A  blackish  sort  of  snails. 

BOQ,UIRASGADO,  DA,  a.  Deep-mouthed  ;  spoken 
of  a  horse. 

BOQUIROTO,  TA,  a.  Loquacious,  garrulous. 

BoquiRtTBio,  BIA,  a.  Simple,  artless,  easily  im- 
posed upon. 

BOQUISECO,  CA,  a.  Dry-mouthed ;  applied  to  a 

BOO.UISUMIDO,  DA,  «.  V.  Boquihundido. 

Bo  QUIT  A,  sf.  Small  mouth. 

BOQUITUERTO    Y   BOQ.UITORCIDO,    DA,   «.    Wry- 

mouthed,  distorted  with  crying. 

BORBOLLAR   Y    BoRBOLLONEAR,  VII.  To  boil,  to 

rise  up  in  bubbles  by  ebullition. 

BORBOLLON  6  BORBOTON,  sm.  1.  Ebullition,  the 
act  of  boiling  up  with  heat.  2.  (Met.)  Flow 
of  language,  hastily  and  incorrectly  uttered. 
A1  borbolldnes,  In  bubbling  or  impetuous 
manner,  in  hurry  and  confusion. 

BORBOTAR,  vn.  To  boil  up  in  bubbles. 

BORCEGUI,  sm.  A  kind  of  half  boot  which 
comes  up  to  the  middle  of  the  leg. 

BORCEGUINERIA,  sf.  A  shop  where  buskins  or 
half  boots  are  made  or  sold. 

BORCEGUINERO,  RA,  s.  Maker  or  retailer  of  bus- 
kin or  half  boots. 

BORCEJ..LAR,  sm.  (Ant.)  Brim  of  a  vessel. 

BURDA,  sf,  1.  Hut.  cottage.  2.  (Na6t.)  Gunnel 
or  gun-wale,  the  upper  part  of  a  ship's  side 
from  the  half-deck  to  the  forecastle.  3.  (Ant.) 
Brim,  edge. 

Bo  RD  AD  A  ,  sf.  (Naut.)  Board,  tack.  Dar  una 
bordada,  To  tack,  to  make  a  tack.  [tafFety. 

BORDADILLO,  sm.  Double   flowered  taffeta  or 

BORDADO,  DA,  pp.  Embroidered. 

BORDADO,  sm.  Embroidery.  Bordado  de  pasa- 
do,  Plain  embroidery,  of  one  colour  only, 
without  light  or  shade. 

UORDADOR,  RA,  s  Embroiderer. 

BoRDADtjRA,  sf.  1.  Embroidery,  figures  raised 
upon  a  ground  with  a  needle  ;  variegated 
needle-work.  2.  (Bias.)  Border  which  sur- 
rounds the  inside  of  an  escutcheon. 

BORDAR,  va.l.  To  embroider,  to  raise  figures  on 
any  stuff  with  silk,  gold,  or  silver  thread.  2. 
To  perform  any  thing  according  to  art.  Bay  I  a 
que  lo  borda,  He  dances  charmingly.  Bordar 
a  tambor,  To  embroider  with  a  lace  point,  in 
a  small  circular  frame  or  in  a  regular  frame 
with  a  tambour  needle  ;  to  tambour. 

BORDE,  sm.  1.  Border,  the  outer  part  or  edge  of 
a  thing.  2.  Brim,  the  upper  edge  of  a  vessel. 
3.  Bastard,  child  begotten  out  of  matrimony. 

4.  Shoot  or  bud  of  a  vine.  A'  borde,  (Ant.) 
On  the  brink  ;  on  the  eve. 

BORDEAR,  vn.  (Nadt.)  To  ply  to  windward, 

BORDEL,  (Ant.)  V.  Burdel. 

BORDIONA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Ramera. 

BORDO,  sm.  1.  Border,  the  outer  part  or  edge  of 
a  thing.  2.  Ship  or  vessel.  Fue  d  bordo, 
(Naut.)  He  was  aboard  ship.  3.  Board,  the 
side  of  a  ship.  Bordo  con  bordo,  Board  and 
board,  side  by  side  ;  when  two  ships  are  close 
to  each  other.  Bordo  sobrc  bordo,  Hank  for 
hank,  when  two  ships  tack  together,  and  ply 
to  windward.  Bordo  d  la  tierra,  To  stand  in 
shore.  Bordo  dlamar,  To  stand  off.  4.  (Naut.) 
Board,  tack.  Bordo  corto,  A  short  board. 
Bordo  largo,  A  long  board.  Buen  bordo,  A 
good  board.  Dar  bordos,  (Naut.)  To  tack  : 
(Met.)  To  go  frequently  to  and  fro.  Correr 
sobre  el  mismo  bordo  con  el  enemigo,  (Naut.) 
To  run  on  the  same  tack  as  the  enemy. 

BORDON,  sm.  1.  Pilgrim's  staff.  2.  Base  of  a 
stringed  musical  instrument.  3.  Base  of  an 
organ.  4.  Vicious  repetition  of  certain  words 
in  a  discourse.  5.  Burthen  of  a  song.  6. 
(Met.)  Staff,  guide  or  support  of  another. 
Bordones,  (Naut.)  Shores,  outriggers. 

BORDONCICO  Y  BORDONCILLO,  sm.  A  small  staff. 

BORDONE A.R,vn.  1.  To  try  the  ground  with  a  staff 
or  stick.  2.  To  strike  with  a  staff  or  cudgel . 

3.  To  rove  or  wander  about  to  avoid  working. 

4.  To  play  well  on  the  thorough  bass. 
BORDONERIA,  sf.  Vicious  habit  of  wandering 

aliout  in  an  idle  manner,  on  a  pretence  of 


BORDONERO,  RA,  s.  Vagrant,  vagabond. 
BORDURA,  sf.  (Bias.)  V.  Bordadura. 
BOREAL,  a.  Boreal,  northern,  belonging  to  the 

north-wind  and  the  northern  region. 
BOREAS,  sm.  Boreas,  the  north-wind. 
BORGONA,  sf.  Burgundy  wine. 
BORGONOTA,  sf.  Sort  of  ancient  helmet.    A1  la 

Borgondta,  In  the  Burgundy  fashion. 
BORLA,  sf.  1.  Tassel,  bunch  of  silk,  gold,  or 

silver  lace.  2.  Doctor's  bonnet  in  universi- 
ties, decorated  with  a  tassel. 
BORLILLA  Y  BORLITA,  sf.  Small  tassel. 
BORLON,  sm.  1.  Large  tassel.    2.  Napped  stuff, 

made  of  thread  and  cotton  yarn. 
BORNE,  sm.  1.  The  end  of  a  lance.  2.  Tree  of 

the  oak  kind.  [chor. 

BORNEADERO,  sm.  (Na6t.)  Birth  of  a  ship  at  an- 
BORNEADIZO,  ZA,  a.  Pliant,  flexible. 
BORNEAR,  TU.  1.  To  bend,  turn,  or  twist.  2. 

(Arq.)  To  model  and  cut  the  pillars  all  round. 

Bornear  la  verdad,  To  comment,  to  explain 

or  expound  the  truth.  Bornear  las  pal abras, 

To  turn  words  into  different   senses. — rn. 

1.  To  edge,  to  sidle.   2.  To  warp,  to  turn. 

El  navio  bornea,  (Naut.)  The  ship  swings  or 

turns  round  her  anchor. 
BORNEO,  sm.  1.  Act  of  turning  or  winding  a 

thing.  2.  (Naut.)  Swinging  round  the  anchor. 
BORNERA,  sf.  A  blackish  sort  of  a  mill-stone. 
BORNERO,  RA,  Ground  by  a  black  mill-stone  ; 

applied  to  wheat. 
BORNI,  sm.  (Orn.)  Lanner,  a  kind  of  falcon. 

Falco  lanarius  L. 
BoRONA,sf.  A  sort  of  grain  resembling  maize 

or  Indian  corn. 



A,  sf.  Dish  made  of  apples,  pumpkins, 
and  green  pepper,  chopped  together. 

BORRA,  sf.  1.  Yearling  ewe.  2.  Goat's  hair,  with 
which  the  pannels  of  saddles,  cushions,  &c. 
are  stuffed.  3.  Nap  raised  on  cloth  by  shear- 
ers. 4.  Dregs  or  lees  of  oil,  the  refuse  of  any 
thing  ;  hairy  wool.  5.  Tax  or  duty  on  sheep. 
6.  (Met.)  Useless  words  or  expressions,  with- 
out any  sense  or  meaning.  Acaso  es  borra  ? 
Do  you  think  that  to  be  nothing  else  but 
chit-chat  and  idle  talk  ? 

BORRACHA,  sf.  Leather  bag  or  bottle  for  wine. 

BORKACHF.AR,  vn.  To  be  often  drunk. 


sf.  1.  Drunkenness  ;  act  of  drinking  to  ex- 
cess. 2.  Drunken  feast,  where  excesses  in 
eating  and  drinking  are  committed.  3.  In- 
dian tree,  the  seed  whereof,  mixed  with  wa- 
ter, and  drank,  intoxicates.  4.  (Met.)  Mad- 
ness, great  folly. 

BORRACHEZ,  .if.  1.  Intoxication.  2.  Perturba- 
tion of  the  judgment  or  reason. 

BORRACHO,  CHA,  a.  1.  Drunk,  intoxicated.  2. 
(Met.)  Inflamed  by  passion.  Al  borrachofino, 
ni  el  agua  basta,  ni  el  vino,  (Prov.)  A  complete 
drunkard  is  never  satisfied  either  with  wine 
or  water.  3.  Coloured,  applied  to  biscuit  ba- 
ked with  wine  ;  or  <o  fruits  and  flowers  of  a 
violet  or  purple  colour,  [drunkard,  a  tippler. 

BORRACHO.V    Y    BoRRACHONAzo.    sm.    Great 

BORRACHUELA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Bearded  darnel.  Lo- 
lium  temulentum  L.  Its  seeds,  mixed  with 
bread-corn,  intoxicate. 

BORRACHUELO,  sm.  Little  tippler. 

BORRADOR,  sm.  1.  Rough  draft  of  a  writing  in 
which  corrections  are  made.  2.  Waste-book 
in  which  merchants  or  tradesmen  make  their 
daily  entries. 

BORRAGEA^R,  vn.  To  scribble,  to  write  without 
care  on  any  certain  subject. 

BoRRvCjo,  sm.  (And.  y  Extr.)  V.  Rescoldo. 

BORRAR,  va.  1.  To  blot  or  efface  a  writing.  2. 
(Met.)  To  cloud,  to  darken,  to  obscure.  Bor- 
rur  la  plaza,  To  abolish  a  place  or  employ. 

BoRRASCA,sf.  l.Storm.tempest,violent  squall  of 
wind.  2.  (Met.)  Hazard,  danger,  obstruction. 

BORRASCOSO,  SA,  a.  Stormy,  boisterous. 

BORRAX,  sm.  V.  Mincar.  [lis  L. 

BORRAXA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Borage.    Borago  oflicina- 

BORREGADA,  sf.  Large  flock  of  sheep  or  lambs. 

BORREGO,  GA,S.  1.  Lamb  not  yet  a  year  old.  2. 
(Met.)  Simpleton,  a  soft,  ignorant  fellow. 
JVb  Jiay  tales  borregos,  There  is  no  evidence 
of  its  truth. 

BoRREGUERo,sm.Shephcrd,he  who  tends  lambs. 

BoRREGuftLo,  LLA,  s.  (Dim.)  Little  lamb. 

BORREN,  sm.  Pannel  of  a  saddle. 

BORRIBA,  sf.  Kind  of  engine  for  raising  water 
to  a  certain  height. 

BORRICADA,*/.  1.  Drove  of  asses.  2.  Cavalcade 
or  procession  en  asses  by  way  of  amusement. 
3.  (Met.)  Silly  or  foolish  word  or  action. 

BORRICO,  CA,  s.  1.  Ass.  2.  Fool.  Es  un  borrico, 
He  can  bear  great  labour  and  fatigue.  Puesto 
.en  el  borrico,  (Met.)  Determined  to  do  some 
business  or  other.  Poner  6,  alsuno  sobre  un 
borrico,  To  threaten  any  one  with  a  whip- 
ping.  f 

BORRICON  Y  BORRICOTE,  sin.  1.  Large  jack-ass. 

2.  (Met.)  Plodder,  dull,  heavy,  and  laborious 
man.  3.  (Among  Sawyers)  Horse,  a  three- 
legged  machine  on  which  sawyers  saw  their 

BoRRiQUERO,sm.  One  who  keeps  or  tends  asses. 

BORRIO.UETE  DE  PROA,  sm.(Naut.)Fore-topmast. 

BORRIQUILLO,  LLA  ;  Y  TO,  TA,  s.  A  little  ass. 

BORRIO.UILLOS,  pi.  Cross-bars  of  the  frame  of  a 

BORRO,  sm.  1.  Wether  not  yet  two  years  old.  2. 
Dolt  of  slow  understanding,  3.  Duty  laid  on 

BORRON,  sm.  1.  Blot  or  stain  of  ink  on  paper.  2. 
Rough  draft  of  a  writing.  3.  First  sketch  of 
a  painting.  4.  Blemish  which  tarnishes  or 
defaces.  5.  Unworthy  action  which  disgraces 
one's  character  and  reputation. 

BORRON  A  zo,  sm.  Great  blot  or  blur. 

BORRONCILLO,  sm.  Small  blot  or  stain. 

BORROSO,  SA,  a.  1.  Full  of  dregs  and  lees.  2. 
Done  in  a  bad  and  bungling  manner.  Letra 
borrosa,  Letter  badly  written,  and  full  of 
blots  and  corrections. 

BORROSO,  5m.  Bungler,  a  petty  tradesman. 

BORRUFALLA,  sf.  (Vulg.  Ar.)  Bombast,  a  pom- 
pous show  of  empty  sounds  or  words. 

BORRUMBADA,  sf.  V.  Barrumbadd. 

BORUJO.V,  sm.  Knob,  protuberance.  [tree. 

,  sf.  Withered  leaf  which  falls  off  the 
,  va.  1.  To  run  over,  to  overflow.  2.  To- 
vomit.  3.  (Met.)  To  utter  lofty  words. 

BOSCAGE,  sm.  1.  Tuft,  clump,  or  cluster  of  trees 
or  plants.  2.  (Pint.)  Boscage,  landscape  with 
trees,  thickets,  and  animals. 

BOSFORO,  sm.  Strait  or  channel  by  which  two 
seas  communicate  with  each  other. 

JBosquE,  sm.  Tract  of  land  planted  with  trees 
and  brushwood. 

BOSQUECILLO,  sm.  Small  wood,  a/coppice. 

BOSQ.UEJAR,  va.  1  .  To  make  a  sketch  of  a  paint- 
ing. 2.  To  design  or  project  a  work  without 
finishing  it.  3.  To  explain  a  thought  or  idea. 
rather  in  an  obscure  manner.  4.  To  make  a 
rough  model  of  a  figure  or  basso-relievo  in 
wax,  clay,  plaster  of  Paris,  or  any  other  soft 

BOSO.UEJO,  sm.  1.  Sketch  of  a  painting.  2.  Any 
kind  of  work  unfinished.  3.  Unfinished  wri- 
ting or  composition.  Estar  in  bosqurjo,  To- 
be  in  an  imperfect  or  unfinished  state. 

BosT^R,sm.  Ox-stall,  or  stand  for  oxen. 

BOSTEZADOR,STO.  Person  who  yawns  repeatedly. 

BOSTEZAR,  vn.  To  yawn,  to  have  the  mouth, 
opened  involuntarily. 

BOSTEZO,  sm.  Yawn,  oscitation. 

Box  A,  sf.  1.  Small  leather  bag  to  carry  wine.  2, 
Butt  or  pipe  with  hoops,  to  contain  wine  or 
other  liquids.  3.  Boot,  a  leather  covering  for 
the  feet  and  legs.  4.  (Ant.)  Marriage,  wed- 
ding. 5.  (Naut.)  Water-cask.  Botafuertc, 
Jack-boot,  a  wide  strong  boot.  Estar  con  las 
botas  puestas,  Ready  to  perform  any  thing 
that  may  be  required. 

BOTADOR,  sm.  1.  Driver,  one  who  drives  or  im- 
pels. 2.  Punch,  an  iron  instrument  for  driving 
out  nails.  3.  Crow's  bill  or  pelican,  an  iron 
instrument  used  by  dentists  to  draw  teeth.  4. 
(Naut.)  Starting  pole  used  to  shove  off  a 
boat  from  the  shore. 




EOT  AFC  EGO,  5m.  Linstock,  a  wooden  staff  with 
a  match  at  the  end  of  it,  used  by  gunners  in 
firing  cannon. 

BOTAGUENA,  sf.  (Cast.)  Sausage  made  of  the 
haslets  of  pigs. 

BOT  A  LOS,  sm.  (Naut.)  Boom,  a  long  pole  used  in 
setting  up  studding  or  stay-sails.  Botalon  del 
foaue,  Jib-boom.  Botalones,  Fire-booms. 

BOTAMEN,  sm.  (Naut.)  All  the  casks  on  board 
a  ship,  which  contain  wine  and  water. 

BOTANA,  sf.  1.  Plug  or  stopple  used  to  stop  up 
bung-holes.  2.  Cataplasm  or  plaster  put  on  a 
wound  to  heal  it.  3.  Scar  remaining  after  a 
wound  is  healed. 

BOTANICA,  sf.  Botany,  the  science  of  plants, 
or  natural  history  of  vegetables. 

BOTAXICO,  CA,  a.  Botanic  or  botanical. 

BOTANICO  6  BoxANfsTA,  sm.  Botanist,  one 
skilled  in  the  science  of  plants,  or  who  pro- 
fesses botany. 

BOTANOMANCIA,  sf.  Superstitious  divination 
by  herbs. 

BOTANTES,  (Naut.)  Shores,  out-riggers. 

BOTAR,  ra.  1.  To  cast,  to  throw,  to  fling,  to 
launch.  2.  To  vow,  to  make  vows.  Botar  a 
Dios,  To  vow  to  God.  Botar  al  agua  alguna 
embarcation,  (Naut.)  To  launch  a  ship.  Bo- 
tar en  vela,  To  fill  the  sails.  Botar  afuera 
los  botalones,  To  bear  off  the  booms. 

BOTAR  ATE,  5?»..  Thoughtless,blustering  person. 

BOTAREL,  sm.  (Arq.)  Buttress,  a  mass  of  stone 
which  supports  the  spring  of  arches  or  vaults. 

BOTARG  A,  sf.  1.  Sort  of  wide  breeches  formerly 
worn,  gaskins.  2.  Motley  dress  of  a  harle- 
quin. 3.  Harlequin,  buffoon.  4.  Kind  of  large 
sausages.  5.  (Ar.)  V.  Dominguillo. 

BOTASELA,  sf.  (Mil.)  Signal  given  with  a  trum- 
pet for  the  cavalry  to  saddle. 

BOTAVANTE,  fern.  (Naut.)  Pike  used  by  seamen 
to  defend  themselves  against  an  enemy  who 
attempts  to  board. 

BOT  AVAR  A,  sf.  (Naut.)  A  small  boom  or  pole 
which  crosses  the  sail  of  a  boat  in  a  diagonal 
direction.  Botarara  de  congreja,  Gaff-sail 

BOTE,  sm.  1.  Thrust  with  a  pike,  lance,  or 
spear.  2.  Rebound  of  a  ball  on  the  ground. 

3.  Gallipot,  a  small  glazed  earthen  vessel. 

4.  Toilet-box,  in  which  women  keep  paint, 
pomatum,  &c.  5.  Chuck-farthing,  a  play  in 
which  the  money  falls  with  a  chuck  into  the 
hole  beneath.   6.  Canister,  a  tin  vessel  for 
tea  or  coffee.  Bate  de  tabaco,  Snuff-canister. 
7.  (Naut.)   Boat,  an  open  vessel  commonly 
worked  by  oars.  Bate  de  lastre,  Ballast-light- 
er.   Bote  de  maestranza  6  tninueta,    Ship- 
wright's boat.    Bote  en  piczas  dc  armazon. 
Boat  in  frame.    Estar  de  bote  en  bate,  To  be 
full  of  people  ;  spoken  of  a  boat.    De  bate  y 
roleo,  Instantly. — pi.  1.  (In  places  where  the 
wool  is  washed)    Heaps  of  wool  piled  up  se- 
parately.   2.  Bounds  made  by  a  horse  with- 
out malice. 

BOTECARIO,  5m.  (Ant.)  A  certain  war-tax. 

BOTECICO  Y  BoTECiLLO,5m.  1.  Small  pot.  2. Skiff. 

BOTELLA,S/.  Bottle, a  glass  or  crystal  vessel  with 

a  narrow  neck  ;  also  the  quantity  of  wine  or 

other  liquor  contained  in  a  bottle.    Hemos , 

bebido  tres  bolcllas,  We  drank  three  bottles.  I 


BOTELLER,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Botillero. 

BOTEQUIN,  sm.  (Naut.)  Small  boat. 

BOTERI  A  ,  sf.  In  ships,  collection  of  leather  bags 
of  wine. 

BOTERO,  5m.  One  who  dresses  and  makes  lea- 
ther bags  and  leather  bottles  for  wine. 

BOTEZA,  sf.  V.  Embotamiento. 

BOTICA,  sf.  1.  Apothecary's  shop  where  medi- 
cines are  prepared  and  sold.  2.  Potion  or 
medicine  given  to  a  sick  person.  3.  Shop  in 
general.  4.  (Ant.)  Furnished  house  or  lodging. 

BOTICAGE,  5m.  Rent  paid  for  a  shop. 

BOTICARIO,  5m.  Apothecary,  one  who  makes 
up  or  sells  medicines. 

BOTIGA,  5/.  (Arag.)  Shop,  a  place  where  any 
thing  is  sold. 

BOTIGUERO,  sm.  Shop-keeper,  one  who  attends 
an  open  shop. 

BOTIGUILLA,  sf.  A  small  petty  shop. 

BoTf  JA,  5/.  Earthen  jar  with  a  short  and  nar- 
row-neck. Botija  para  aceyte,  An  oil-jar. 

BOTIJERO,  sm.  One  who  makes  or  sells  jars. 

BOTIJILLA  6  BOTIJUELA,  5/.  A  small  jar. 

BoTitLA,  5/.  1.  A  small  wine-bag.  2.  Woman's 
half  boot. 

BoTit,LERiA,5/.  Lice-house,  where  iced  creams, 
jellies,  sweetmeats,  and  liqueurs,  are  prepar- 
ed or  sold.  2.  (Naut.)  Steward's  room  and 
stores.  3.  (Ant.)  Ancient  war-tax. 

BOTILI.ERO,  5m.  One  who  prepares  or  sells 
iced  liquors  and  jellies. 

BOTILLO,  5m.  A  small  wine-bag,  a  leather  bottle. 

BOTIN,  5m.  1.  Buskin,  a  half-boot  formerly 
worn  by  players  on  the  stage.  2.  Spatterdash. 
3.  Booty  taken  by  soldiers  in  an  enemy's 
camp  or  country.  4.  (Naut.)  Lashing. 

BOTINERO,  sm.  A  soldier  who  takes  care  of  and 
sells  the  booty. 

BOTINICO,  Y  fLLo,  sm.  A  little  buskin  or  half- 

BOTIO.UERIA,  5/.  Perfumer's  shop,  where  per- 
fumes are  sold. 

BOTIQUIN,  sm.  Travelling  medicine-chest. 

BoTivoi,EO,5m.  Act  of  recovering  a  ball  which 
has  just  touched  the  ground. 

BOTO,  TA,  a.  1.  Blunt,  round  at  the  point.  2. 
(Met.)  Dull  of  understanding. 

BOTO,  sm.  Large  gnt  filled  with  butter,  and 
thus  preserved  and  carried  to  market. 

BOTON,  5m.  1.  Button,  bud,  or  gem,  put  forth 
by  vines  and  trees  in  the  spring.  2.  Bit  of 
wood  or  bone,  covered  with  silk,  thread, 
cloth,  or  other  stuff.  Boton  de  metal  dorado 
6  plateado,  A  gilt  or  plated  button.  3.  (Esgr.) 
Tip  of  a  foil  made  roundish,  and  covered 
with  leather.  4.  Button  or  knob  of  doors  and 
windows,  to  pull  them  after  one.  Boton  de 
cerradura,  The  button  of  a  lock.  5.  Annulet 
of  balusters,  and  also  of  keys,  serving  for  an 
ornament.  6.  (Mont.)  Piece  of  wood  which 
fastens  a  fowlin^-net.  Baton  defuego,  Cau- 
tery in  the  fomf  of  a  button,  wherewith  any 
thing  is  caut^r;zed.  Boton  de  oro,  (Bot.) 
Upright  crow-foot.  Ranunculus  acris  L. 
Contarle  los  botones  a  uno,  (Esgr.)  To  give 
one  as  many  thrusts  as  and  where  he  pleases. 
De  botones  adentro,  Internally. 

BOTON ADTJRA,  sf.  Set  of  buttons  for  a  suit  of 



BOTONAZO,  sro.  (Esg.)  Thrust  given  with  a  foil. 

BoroNcf  CO,M.O,  Y  TO,  sm.  (Dim.)  A  small  button. 
KO,  KA,  s.  Button-maker  ;  button-seller, 
ii  A,  sf.  Button-maker's  shop. 
OR,  sm.  (Ant.)  Venereal  tumour. 
TOSO,  SA,  a.  (Ant.)  V.  Boto. 

BOTRITES,  sin.  A  kind  of  burnt  cadmia  in  the 
form  of  a  bunch  of  grapes  which  adheres  to 
the  upper  part  of  the  furnace. 

.  sm.  Measure  of  liquids  in  Italy,  con- 
taining about  four  pounds. 

BOUMNGRIN,  sjn.  Bowling  green. 

BOVAGK  Y  BOVATICO,  sm.  Duty  formerly  paid 
on  horned  cattle  in  Catalonia. 

Bo  v  v.j)  A.,  sf.  1.  Arch  or  vault.  2.  Cave  or  cavern, 
a  subterraneous  habitation,  in  the  form  of  a 
vault  or  arch.  3.  A  subterraneous  vault  for  the 
dead  in  churches.  HabJar  enboveda,To  speak 
big,  to  brag.  Boveda  dc  jardin,  Bower. 
VEDAR,  va.  To  vault  or  cover  with  ashes. 
VEDILLA,^/".  A  small  vault  made  of  plaster, 
in  the  roof  of  a  house.  Bovedillus,  (Naut.) 
Counters,  arched    parts   of  a   ship's   poop. 
BoKedillus  costalcras,  Arches  two  feet  wide, 
more  or  less.  Subirse  a  las  bovcdillas,  (Met.) 
To  be  nettled,  to  be  in  a  passion. 
JVINO,  NA,  a.  Belonging  to  black  cattle. 

Box,  sm.  1.  (Bot.)  Box-tree.  Buxus  L.  2. 
Round  piece  of  box,  on  which  shoemakers 
close  their  work.  3.  (Naut.)  Act  of  doubling 
a  point  or  head-land. 

BOXA,S/.  (Mur.)  Southern- wood.  V.  Mrdtano. 

BOXAR.  va.  1.  To  sail  round  an  island,  and  mea- 
sure the  circumference  thereof.  2.  To  scrape 
off  the  rough  integuments,  stains,  and  mois- 
ture of  leather,  that  it  may  the  better  take 
the  colour. — vn.  To  measure  around,  to  con- 

BOXKAR,  va.  (Naut.)  V.  Boxar. 

BOXKDAI,,  sm.  Plantation  of  box-trees. 

BOXEO  Y  Boxo,  sm.  (Naut.)  Act  of  sailing 
round  an  island  or  head-land. 

BOY,  (Ant.)  V.  Buey. 

BOYA.  sf.  1.  (Naiit.)  Buoy,  a  barrel,  block,  or 
piece  of  cork,  fastened  to  an  anchor  to  serve  as 
a  signal  for  sailors.  2.  Piece  of  cork  fastened 
to  a  fishing-net  to  keep  it  from  sinking.  3. 
(Ant.)  Butcher.  4.  (Ant.)  Hangman,  public 
executioner.  Boya  dc  barril,  Nun-buoy.  Boya 
conicti,  Can-buoy.  Boya  depalo, Wooden-buoy. 
Boya  lie,  cable,  Cable-buoy.  Echar  afuera  la 
boya  a  la  mar,  To  stream  the  buoy.  La  boya 
nada  a  la  vista,  The  buoy  floats  in  sight. 

BOYADA,  sf.  Drove  of  oxen  or  bullocks. 

BOYAL,  a.  Relating  to  black  cattle. 

BoYAiNTE,  pa.  1. Buoyant,  light,  sailing  well ; 
applied  to  a  ship.  2.  (Met.)  Fortunate,  suc- 

Bo  YAK,  -en.  (Naut.)  To  be  a-float ;  applied  to  a 
ship  which  was  on  shore. 

BOYAR,  sm..  (Naut.)  Kind  of  Flemish  bilander. 

BOYA/.O,  sm.  Large  ox  or  bullock. 

BOYERA,  sf.  Ox-stall,  a  stand  for  oxen. 

BOYERO,  sm.  Ox-herd,  or  ox-driver, 

BOYKZUELO,  sm.  A  young  or  small  ox. 

BOYUNO,  NA,  a.  Belonging  to  black  cattle. 

BOZA,  sf.  (Naut.)  One  end  of  a  rope  made  fast 
in  a  bolt-ring,  till  the  other  brings  the  tackle 
to  its  place.  B6zas,  (Naut.)  Stoppers,  short] 

ends  of  cables  used  to  suspend  6r  keep  some- 
thing ii\its  place.  Bozas  dc.  launa  del  ancla, 
Shank  painter.  Bozas  dc  cable  6  cubiertas, 
Cable-stoppers.  Bozas  de  combate  6  de  las 
rcrgas,  The  stoppers  of  the  yards.  Bozas 
de  los  obenques,  The  stoppers  of  the  shrouds. 

BOZAL,  sm.  1.  Muzzle,  a  sort  of  bag  made  of 
bass- weed,  to  prevent  beasts  of  burthen 
.  from  browsing  on  the  road  or  injuring  corn- 
fields. 2.  Muzzle  with  bells,  worn  by  horses 
and  mules  when  travelling.  3.  Muzzle  for 
dogs,  to  prevent  their  biting  ;  for  calves,  to 
prevent  their  sucking. 

BOZAL,  a.  1.  Muzzled  ;  applied  to  negroes  lately 
imported,  and  also  to  inhabitants  of  the  less 

Slished  provinces  of  Spain,  newly  arrived  in 
adrid.  2.  Novice,  inexperienced  in  trade  or 
business.  3.  Wild,  not  broken  in  ;  applied  to 

BOZALEJO,  sm.  A  small  muzzle. 

Bozo,  sm.  I.Down,  which  precedes  the  beard. 
2.  Headstall,  a  part  of  the  halter  which  goes 
round  the  mouth  and  head  of  a  horse. 

BRABANTE,  sm.  Brabant  or  Flemish  linen. 

BRABERA,  sf.  Air-hole,  ventilator. 

BRABIO,  sm.  Prize  obtained  at  public  games. 

BRACEADA,  sf.  Violent  extension  of  the  arms. 

BRACEX.GE,S?M.  1.  Act  of  beating  the  metal  for 
coining  in  the  mint.  2.  (Naut.)  Act  of  tying 
any  thing  with  braces.  3.  Depth  of  water. 

BRACEAR,  vn.  To  move  or  swing  the  arms. — 
va.  (Naut.)  To  brace.  Bracear  las  vergas,  To 
brace  the  yards. 

BRACERO,  sm.  1.  Gentleman-usher,  one  who 
hands  a  lady  about.  2.  Labourer  who  hires 
himself  for  some  work  by  the  day.  3.  A 
strong-armed  man. 

BRACETE,  sm.  A  small  arm. 

BRACIL,  sm.  (Ant.)  Armour  of  the  arm  com- 
posed of  various  pieces. 

BRACILLO  v  BRACITO,  sm.  1.  The  fleshy  part  of 
the  arm  ;  a  little  arm.  2.  Branch  of  the 
mouth-bit  of  a  bridle  for  a  horse  or  mule. 

BRACO.  CA,  a.  (Ant.)  1.  Pointing  or  setting  ;  ap- 
plied to  a  pointer,  2.  Broken-nosed,  flat-nosed. 

BRAFONERA,sf.(Ant.)  l.Piece  of  ancient  armour 
which  covered  the  upper  part  of  the  arm.  2. 
In  clothes,  a  roller  which  girded  the  upper 
part  of  the  arms  ;  a  plaited  sleeve. 

BRA G A, sf  Child's  clout.  Bragas,  Gaskins,akind 
of  wide  breeches  ;  breeches  in  general.  Cal- 
zarse  las  bragas,  To  wear  the  breeches  ;  ap- 
plied to  an  imperious  wife,who  lords  it  over  her 
husband.  Viose  clpcrro  en  bragas  de  cerro  y 
no  conoci6su  companero.  (Prov.)  Set  abeggar 
on  horseback  and  he  will  ride  to  the  devil. 

BRAGADA,  sf.  I.  The  flat  of  the  thigh  in  beasts, 
from  the  flank  to  the  hough.  2.  Bragada  dc 
una  curva,  (Naut.)  The  throat  of  a  knee. 
Madera  de  bragada,  Compass-timber. 

BRAGADO,  DA,  a.  1.  Having  the  flanks  of  a  diffe- 
rent colour  from  the  rest  of  the  body.  2.  (Met.) 
Ill-disposed,  being  of  depraved  sentiments. 

BRAGADURA,S/.  l.Part  of  the  human  body  where 
it  begins  to  fork.  2.  Fork  of  a  pair  of  breeches, 
which  makes  them  wide  and  easy.  3.  Flat  of 
the  thigh  inbeasts,from  the  flank  to  the  hough. 

band  who  suffers  his  wife  to  wear  the  breeches. 


BRAGUERO,  5m.  1.  Truss,  a  bandage  for  keeping 
up  a  rupture  or  hernia.  2.  Bragucro  de  ca- 
non, (Naut.)  Breeching  of  a  gun,  the  rope 
with  which  it  is  lashed  to  the  ship's  side,  to 
prevent  its  recoiling  too  much.  Braguero 
de  una  vela,  Bunt  of  a  sail.  3.  Piece  put  into 
some  part  of  clothes  to  render  them  stronger. 

BRAGUETA,  sf.  1.  Opening  of  the  fore-part  of  a 
pair  of  breeches.  2.  (In  Architecture)  Kind  of 
quarter  or  projecting  mould.  Hidalgo  de  bra- 
gueta,  He  who  enjoys  the  privilege  of  a  hidal- 
go, or  gentleman,  for  having  got  seven  male 
children  without  one  intervening  female. 

BRAGUETERO,  sm.  (Vulg.)  Lecher,  one  given 
to  women. 

BRAGUETON,  sm.  Large  opening  in  the  fore- 
part of  the  breeches. 

BRAGUILLAS,  sf.  pi  1.  Little  breeches.  2.  A 
child  breeched  for  the  first  time.  3.  Ugly, 
dwarfish  person. 

BRAHONERA  Y  BRAHON,  (Ant.)  V.  Brafonera. 

BRAHMA,  sf.  Rut,  the  season  of  the  copulation 
of  deer  and  other  wild  beasts. 

BRAMADERA,  sf.  1.  Rattle.  2.  Call  or  horn,  used 
by  shepherds  to  rally  and  conduct  the  flock. 
3.  Horn,  used  by  the  keepers  or  guards  of 
vineyards  and  olive  plantations,  to  frighten 
away  the  cattle. 

BRAMADERO,  sm.  Rutting-place,  where  deer, 
and  other  wild  beasts,  meet  in  rutting  time. 

BRAMADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  Roarer,  bawler,  a  noisy 
person.  2.  (In  Poetry)  Inanimate  things, 
emitting  a  sound  like  roaring  or  groaning. 

BRAMANTE,  sm.  1.  Pack-thread,  a  strong  thread 
made  of  hemp.  2.  A  sort  of  linen. 

BRAMAR,  vn.  1.  To  roar,  to  groan.  2.  (Met.)  To 
roar,  to  storm,  to  be  boisterous  ;  applied  to  the 
wind  and  sea.  3.  (Met.)  To  fret,  to  be  in  a 
passion,  to  be  sorely  vexed. 

BRAMIDO,  sm.  1.  Cry  uttered  by  wild  beasts.  2. 
Clamour  of  persons  enraged,  and  in  a  passion. 
3.  Tempestuous  roaring  of  agitated  elements. 

BRA  MIL,  sm.  Painted  line  used  by  sawyers  and 
carpenters  to  mark  the  place  where  boards 
or  timbers  are  to  be  cut  or  sawed. 

BRAMONA,  sf.  Soltar  la  bramona,  To  break  out 
into  injurious  expressions,  to  use  foul  lan- 
guage ;  chiefly  applied  to  gamblers. 

BRAN  DE  INGLATERRA,  sm.  An  ancient  Spanish 

BRANCA,  sf.  1.  Gland  of  the  throat.  2.  (Ant.) 
Point.  Branca s,  Claws,  talons,  &c. 

BRANCA"  DA,  sf.  Drag-net  or  sweep-net,  used  at 
the  mouth  of  rivers,  or  in  the  arms  of  sea. 

BRANCAURsf.NA,.v/.  (Bot.)  Bear's  breech,  brank 
ursine.  Acanthus  spinosus  L. 

BRANCHAS,  sf.  pi.  Gills  of  a  fish. 

BRANCO,  CA,  a.  (Ant.)  V.  Blanco. 

BRANDALES,  sm.  pi.  (Naut.)  Back  stays,  strong 
ropes  which  serve  to  support  and  sustain  the 
top-masts  and  top-gallant  masts. 
del  mastelero  de  gar-ia,  The  main-top-back 
steys.Brandalcs  volant  cs, Shifting  back-stays. 

BRANDECER,  va.  To  soften.  V.  Mlandar. 

BRANDEMBT?RG,5?H.  Large  and  wide-riding  coat. 

BRANDIS,  SJH.  Great  coat.  Brandises,  Collars 
of  ladies' night  gowns  which  extend  to  the 

BRANI>O,STO.  Tune  adapted  to  a  dance. 


BRANZA,  sf.  Staple  or  ring  to  which  the  chains 
of  galley-slaves  are  fastened. 

BRAN  A,  sf.  (Gal.)  1.  Summer  pasture.  2.  Dung, 
withered  leaves,  and  other  remains  of  fodder, 
found  on  summer  pasture-grounds. 

BRAO.UILLO,  LLA,  s.  Small  pointer. 

BRAQUILOGIA,  sf.  Brachylogy,  laconism. 

BRASAS,  Cinders,  live  coals  almost  burnt 
to  ashes.  Ir,  correr.  6  pasar  como  gato  por 
brasas,  To  run  as  light  as  a  cat  on  burning 
coals.  Estar  hccho  unas  brasas,  To  be  all  in 
a  blaze  ;  red  faced.  Estar  en  brasas  6  como 
en  brasas,  (Met.)  To  be  uneasy  or  restless. 

BRASAR,  V.  Mrasar. 

BRASERICO,  LLO  Y  TO,  sm.  A  small  pan  to  hold 
coals ;  a  chafing-dish. 

BRASERO,  sm.  l.Brasier,  a  pan  to  hold  coals. 

2.  Place  where  criminals  are  burnt. 
BRASiL,sm.  1.  (Bot.)  Brasiletto.  Caesalpina  bra- 

siliensis  L.    2.  Brasil-wood,  used  by  dyers 

3.  Rouge,  a  red  paint  used  by  ladies. 
BRASILADO,  DA,  «.  1.  Of  a  red  or  Brasil-wood 

colour ;  ruddy. 

BRASILENO,  NA,  a.  Brasilian. 

BRASiLETE,sm.  An  inferior  sort  of  Brasil-wood, 
of  a  paler  red  than  the  fine  sorts. 

BRASMOLOGIA,  sf.  The  science  which  treats  of 
the  flux  and  reflux  of  the  sea,  and  investi- 
gates its  causes. 

BRAULIS,S/.  Cloth  or  stuff  with  white  and  blue 
stripes,  which  comes  from  the  coast  of  Bar- 

BRAVA,S/*.  (Naut.)  Heavy  swell  of  the  sea. 

BRAVAMENTE,  ad.  1.  Bravely,  gallantly.  2.  Cru- 
elly, inhumanly,  barbarously.  3.  Finely,  ex- 
tremely well.  Escribe  bravamrntc,  He  writes 
extremely  well.  4.  Plentifully,  copiously. 
Hem-os  comido  bravamentc,  "We  have  made 
a  hearty  dinner. 

BRAVATA,.*?/'.  Bravado.boast  or  brag,an  arrogant 
menace,  intended  to  frighten  and  intimidate. 

BRAVATO,  TA,  a.  (Ant.)  Boasting,  impudent. 

BRAVEADOR,  RA,  s.  Bully,  hector. 

BRAVEAR,  va.  To  bully,  to  hector,  to  menace 
in  an  arrogant  manner. 

BRAVERA,.^  Vent  or  chimney  of  certain  ovens. 

BRAVEZA,  sf.  1.  (Ant.)  Bravery,  valour.  2. 
(Ant.)  Vigour.  3.  Fury  of  the  elements. 

BRAVIAR,  (Ant.)  V.  Bramar. 

BRAVILLO,  LLA,  a.  Rather  wild,  not  yet  tamed. 

BRAVIO,  VIA,  a.  1.  Ferocious,  savage,  wild,  un- 
tamed. 2.  Wild,  propagated  by  nature,  not 
cultivated  ;  applied  to  plants.  3.  Coarse,  un- 
polished ;  applied  to  manners.  [beasts. 

BRAVIO,  sm.  Fierceness  or  savageness  of  wild 

BRAvo,  VA,  a.  1.  Brave,  valiant,  strenuous.  2. 
Bullying,  hectoring.  3.  Savage,  wild,  fierce  ; 
applied  to  beasts.  4.  (Met.)  Severe,  untrac- 
table.  5.  (Met.)  Rude,  unpolished,  uncivil- 
ized. 6.  Sumptuous,  expensive.  7.  Excellent, 
fine.  Bravacosa,  (Iron.)  Very  fine  indeed !  El 
ama  brava  es  Have  dc  su  casa,  (Prov.)  A 
severe  mistress  makes  the  servants  honest. 

BUAVOSIUAD,  sf.  V.  Gallardia. 

BRAVURA,  s/.  1.  Ferocity,  fierceness;  applied 
to  wild  beasts.  2.  Bravado,  boast,  brag. 

BRAZA,  sf.  1.  Fathom,  a  measure  of  length,  con- 
taining six  feet.  2.  (Naut.)  Brace  which  is  tied 
to  the  yards.  Brdzas,  (Naut.)  Braces,  the 



taccnto,  Lee-braces.  Brazas  de  la  cebadera 
Sprit-sail  braces.  Afirmar  las  brazas  de  bar- 
lovento,  To  secure  the  weather-braces.  Halar 
sobre  las  brazas,  To  haul  in  the  braces. 

BRAZA.DA,  sf.  Movement  of  the  arms  by  stretch- 
ing them  out,  or  lifting  them  up. 

BRAzAoo,  sin.  An  arm-full,  as  much  as  can  be 
taken  in  the  arms  at  once.  Un  brazado  de  le- 
na,  An  arm-full  of  fire-wood.  Un  brazado  de 
hcno,  A  truss  of  hay. 

BRAZX.GE,  sm.  Number  of  fathoms,  depth  of 
water.  V.  Braceagc. 

BRAZA.L,  sm,  1.  (Ant.)  Brachial  muscle.  2.  An- 
cient piece  of  armour  ,which  covered  the  arms. 
3.  Bracelet.  4.  Ditch  or  channel  for  convey- 
water  from  a  river  or  canal  to  irrigate 
As.  5  Bracer,  a  wooden  instrument  for 
playing  balloons.  6.  (Naut.)  Rail.  Brazales 
de  proa,  Head-rails.  Brazal  del  media  de 
proa,  The  middle  rail  of  the  head. 
KAZAI.ETE,  sm.  1.  Bracelet,  an  ornament  for 
the  arms.  2.  Ancient  iron  piece  of  armour. 
BrazaUtes,  (Naut.)  Brace  pendants. 

BRAZA.R,  va.  (Ant.)  To  embrace.  V.  Abrazar. 

BRAzAzo,sra.  Large  or  long  arm. 

BRA.ZO,S?W.  1.  Arm,  the  limb  which  reaches  from 
the  shoulder  to  the  hand.  2.  (Met.)  Bough  or 
branch  of  a  tree.  3.  (Met.)  Valour,  strength, 
power.  4.  Each  end  of  a  beam  or  balance. 
Brazo  de  arana,  Curved  branch  of  a  giran- 
dole or  lustre.  Brazo  dc  mar,  Arm  of  the 
sea.  Brazo  de  silla,  Arm  of  a  chair.  Brazo 
a  brazo,  Arm  to  arm,  with  equal  wea- 
pons. A1  brazo  partido,  With  the  arms  only, 
without  weapons;  with  main  force, arm  to  arm. 
Brazos  del  reyno,  States  of  the  realm ;  that  is, 
prelates,  nobility,  and  corporations.  A1 
zrza  de  brazos,  By-dint  of  merit  and  labour. 
Con  los  brazos  abler tos,  With  open  arms, 
cheerfully.  Cruzados  los  brazos,  With  the 
arms  folded,  idle.  Dar  los  brazos  d  uno,  To 
embrace  one.  Hecho  un  brazo  de  mar,  With 
great  show  or  pomp.  Ser  el  brazo  derecho  de 
alguno,  To  be  one's  right  hand,  or  confi- 

BRAZOLAS,  sf.  pi.  (Naut.)  Coamings  of  the 

BRAZUELO,  sm.  1.  Small  arm.  2.  Shoulder  or 
forethigh  of  beasts.  V.  Bracillo. 

BRE  A,  sf.  1.  Pitch;  artificial  bitumen  compos- 
ed of  pitch,  resin,  and  grease  mixed  together. 
2.  Coarse  canvas  for  wrapping  up  wares ; 

BRE.£R,  va.  1.  To  pitch.  2.  To  vex,  to  plague,  to 
thwart.  3.  (Met.)  To  cast  a  joke  upon  one. 

BREBX.GE,  sm.  1.  Beverage,  a  drink  made  up 
of  different  ingredients.  2.  (Naut.)  Grog. 

BRECA.  sf.  Bleak  or  blay,  a  river  fish  much 
like  the  Besugo. 

BRECHA,  sf.  L  Breach  made  in  the  ramparts 
of  a  fortress  by  the  fire  of  battering  ordnance. 
2.  Opening  or  aperture  made  in  a  wall  or 
building.  3.  (Met.)  Impression  made  upon 
the  mind  by  persuasion  or  self-conviction. 
Batir  en  brecha,  To  batter  a  breach  in  a.  for- 
ification.  (Met.)  To  persecute  one,  and  cause 
lie  destruction. 

.  Escaro. 

ropes  belonging  to  the  yards  of  a  ship.  Brazas  BRECHO,  sm.  V.  Esca 
debarlovento,  Weather-braces.  Brazas  de  so-  BREDO,  sm.  V.  Bledo 

BKKGA,  sf.  1.  Strife,  contest,  affray.  2.  (Met.) 
Pun,  jest,  or  trick  played  upon  one.  Dar 
Iti-t'tru,  To  play  a  trick. 

BKKJJADO,  DA,  a.  (Ant.)  Very  elaborate. 

BRKC  AR,rn.  1.  To  contend,  to  struggle.  2.(Met.) 
To  struggle  with  troubles,  difficulties,  and 
dangers.  —  va.  To  work  up  dough  on  a  board 
or  table  with  a  rolling-pin  or  roller.  Bregar 
el  area,  To  bend  a  bow. 

BREGUERO,-ST/I.  (Ant.)  A  wrangler. 

BREN,  sm.  Bran.  V.  Salvado. 

BRENCA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Maidenhair.  Adiantum  ca- 
pillus  Veneris  L.  V.  Culantrillo.  —  pi.  1.  Sluice 
posts,  the  posts  of  a  water  or  flood-gate.  2. 
Filaments,  the  three  cristated  capillaments 
of  saffron. 

sf.  Craggy,    broken   ground,  full  of 
brakes  and  brambles. 

6  BRENA.R,  sm.  Place  full  of  briers 
and  brambles.  [bles. 

BRENOSO,SA,«.  Craggy,  full  of  briers  and  bram- 

BREQUE,  sm.  Small  river  fish.  V.  Breca.  Ojos 
de  breque,  Weak  or  bloodshot  eyes. 

BRESCA,  sf.  (Arag.)  Honey-comb. 

BRESCADILLO,  sm.  A  small  tube  made  of  gold 
or  silver.  [birds 

BRETADOR,  sm.  Call,  whistle  or  pipe  to  call 

BRETON  A,  sf.  A  sort  of  fine  linen,  manufactur- 
ed in  Britanny. 

BRETE,sm.  1.  Fetters,shackles,irons  for  the  feet 

2.  Indigence,  perplexity.  Estar puesto  en  un 
brete,  To  be  hard  put  to.   3.  Kind  of  food  in 
India,  consisting  of  a  masticated  leaf  in  the 
shape  of  a  heart,  and  of  a  spicy  juice. 

BRETON,  sm.  Young  sprouts  of  cabbage. 

BREVA,  sf.  1.  Early  fig,  the  first  fruit  of  the  fig- 
tree.  2.  Early  large  acorn.  Mas  blando  quc 
una  breva,  More  pliant  than  a  glove ; 
brought  to  reason. 

BREVA.L,  sm.  (Ast.  Bot.)  Early  fig-tree.  Ficus  L. 

BREVE,  sm.  1.  Apostolic  brief,  granted  by  the 
pope  or  his  legates.  2.  (Ant.)  Card  of  invita- 
tion, ticket,  memorandum  in  a  pocket-book, 

3.  Brief,  in  music. 

BREVE,  a.  Brief,  short,  concise.  En  breve, 
Shortly,  in  a  little  time.  [concise 

BREVECICO,  ILLO,  ITO,  a.  Somewhat  short  or 

BREVEDX.U,  sf.  Brevity,  shortness,  conciseness 

BREVEMENTE,  ad.  Briefly,  concisely. 

BREVETE,  sm.  V.  Mcmbrete. 

BREVEZA,S/.  (Ant.)  V.  Brcvedad. 

BREVIARIO,  sm.  1.  Breviary,  which  contains 
the  daily  service  of  the  church  of  Rome.  2. 
Brevier,  a  small  letter  used  in  printing.  3. 
(Ant.)  Memorandum-book.  4.  (Ant.)  Abridg- 
ment, epitome. 

BREZAL,  sm.  Place  planted  with  heaths. 

BREZO,  sm.  1.  (Bot.)  Heath,  ling.  Erica  L.  2. 
(Ant.)  Bed  upon  thorns. 

BRIA.GA,  sf.  Rope  made  of  bass-weed,  tied  round 
the  shaft  or  beam  of  a  wine-press. 

BRIA.L,  sm.  Rich  silken  petticoat, worn  by  ladies. 

BRIBA,  sf.  Truantship,  idleness,  neglect  of  busi- 
ness or  duty.  A'  la  briba,  In  an  idle,  lazy, 
and  negligent  manner. 

BRIBER,  vn.  To  lead  a  vagabond  life,  to  rove 

and  loiter  about. 




,  sf.  1.  A  beggar's  tale,  to  move  com- 

rsion.  Echar  la  bribia,  To  go  a  begging. 
V.  Biblia. 

BRIBON  6  BRIBION,  NA.  s.y  a.  Vagrant,impostor. 

BRIBONADA,  sf.  Beggar's  trick,  mean  cunning. 

BRiBONAZo,S7/i.Great  cheat, impudent  impostor. 

BRIBONCILLO,  5m.  Little  gull,  young  impostor. 

BRIBONEAR,  vn.  V.  Bribar. 

BRIBONERIA,  sf.  Life  of  a  vagrant  or  vagabond, 
a  beggar's  trade. 

BRIBONZUELO,  sm.  V.  Briboncillo. 

BRICHO,  sm.  Spangle,  used  in  embroidery. 

BRIDA,  sf.  1.  Reins  of  a  bridle  ;  a  bridle  com- 
plete. 2.  Horsemanship,  the  art  of  managing 
a  horse  by  means  of  a  bridle.  3.  (Met.) 
Curb,  restraint,  check.  A1  la  brida,  Riding 
a  bur-saddle  with  long  stirrups. 

BRIDAR,  va.  1.  To  put  a  bridle  to  a  horse,  to 
bridle.  2.  To  curb,  to  check,  to  restrain. 

Bui  DON,  sm.  1.  Horseman  riding  a  bur-saddle 
with  long  stirrups.  2.  Horse  accoutred  with 
a  bur-saddle  and  long  stirrups.  3.  Small 
bridle  used  for  want  of  a  larger  one. 

BRIGA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Poblacion. 

BRIGADA,  sf.  Brigade,  a  certain  number  of  bat- 
talions and  squadrons,  under  the  orders  of  a 
brigadier  or  general  of  brigade. 

BRIGADIER,  sm.  1.  Brigadier  or  general  of  brig- 
ade ^.Brigadier  en  la  real  armada,  Officer  of 
the  navy,  who  commands  a  division  of  a  fleet. 

BRIGOLA,  sf.  Ram,  a  machine  used  in  ancient 
times  for  battering  walls. 

BRILLADOR,  RA,  a.  Brilliant,  sparkling,  radiant. 

BRILLADURA  Y  BRILLANTKZ,  sf.  Brilliancy.  V. 

BRILLANTE,  a.  V.  Brillador.  cut  in  triangular  faces. 

BRILLAR,  vn.  1.  To  shine,  to  emit  rays  of  light, 
to  sparkle.  2.  (Met.)  To  outshine  in  talents, 
abilities,  or  merits. 

BR|LLO,  sm.  Brilliancy,  lustre,  splendour. 

BRIN,  sm.  1.  Fragments  of  the  capillament  of 
saffron.  2.  Sail-cloth.  3.  Strong  sort  of 
linen  of  which  tents  are  made.  [hops. 

BRING  ADOR,  RA,  s.  One  who  leaps,  jumps,  or 

BRINCAR,CTI.  1.  To  leap,  to  jump.  2.  (Met.)  To 
step  over  others  in  point  of  promotion.  3. 
(Met.)  To  omit  something  on  purpose,  and 
pass  to  another.  4.  (Met.)  To  fret,  to  fly  into 
a  passion.  Estd  que  brinca,  He  is  in  a 
great  passion  ;  he  is  quite  mad  with  anger. 

BRINCHO,STH.  A  mode  of  playing  at  a  game 
of  cards,  called  Reversi. 

BruNciA,  sf.  Peel  or  outward  coat  of  an  onion. 

JBiuNco,  sm.  l.Leap,  jump.  2.  (Ant.)  Small  jewel 
formerly  worn  by  ladies  in  their  head-dress, 
which  moved  to  and  fro  with  quick  motion. 

BRINDAR,  vn.  l.To  drink  one's  health,  to  toast. 
2.  To  pledge,  or  invite  one  to  drink. 

BRIN-DELES  DE  CHAPINES,  pi.  Tapes  or  ribbons 
with  which  clogs  are  tied. 

.BIUNDIS,  sm.  Act  of  drinking  the  health  of 
another ;  a  toast.  [pump. 

BRINGABALA,  sf.  (Naut.)  Brake  or  handle  of  a 

BRINQUILLO  6  BRINQ.UINO,  sm.  1.  Gewgaw,  a 
email  trinket.  2.Sweetmeat  which  comes  from 
Portugal.  Estar  6  ir  hecho  un  brinquino,  To 
be  as  spruce  and  trim  as  a  game  cock. 

BRfo,  5m.  1.  Strength,  force,  vigour.  2.  (Met.) 

Spirit,  resolution,  courage,  valour.  Es  un 
hombre  de  brios,  He  is  a  man  of  mettle.  Jlaxar 
los  brios  a  afguno,  To  pull  down  one's  spirits, 
to  humble. 

BRIDLES,  (Naut.)-  Bunt-lines,  small-lines 
fastened  to  the  foot  of  square-sails  to  draw 
them  up  to  the  yard. 

BRioLiN,sm.  (Naut.)  Slab-line,  fastened  to  the 
foot  rope  of  the  main-sail  and  fore-sail,  which 
serves  to  draw  them  up  a  little,that  the  steers- 
man's view  may  not  be  obstructed  by  them. 

BRIONIA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Briony.  Bryonia  alba  L. 

BRIOSAMENTE,  ad.  In  a  spirited  manner,  cou- 

BRIOSO,  SA,  a.  Vigorous,  full  of  spirit,  high- 

BRISA,  sf.  1.  Breeze  from  the  north-east.  2. 
Brisa  carabinera,  A  violent  gale.  3.  Skin  or 
peel  of  pressed  grapes.  V.  Orujo. 

BRISCA,  sf.  A  game  at  cards. 

BRISCADO,  DA,  a.  Mixed  with,  silk;  applied  to 
gold  and  silver  twist. 

BRISCAR,  va.  To  embroider  with  gold  or  silver 
twist  mixed  with  silk. 

BRITAKICA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Water  dock.  Rumex 
aquaticus  L. 

BRIVISCO,  CA,  a.  (Ant.)  V.  Biblico. 

BR*ZA,  sf.  (Naut.)  V.  Brisa. 

BRIZAU,  va.  (Ant.)  To  rock  the  cradle. 

BRIZNA,  sf.  Fragment,  small  remain  ;  splinter. 

BRIZNOSO,  SA,  a.  Full  of  fragments  or  scraps. 

BRIZO,  sm.  1.  (Ant.)  Cradle  which  is  rocked.  2. 
A  species  of  sea-urchin.  Echinus  L. 

BROCA,  sf.  1.  Reel  on  which  embroiderers  wind 
their  twist,  silk,  or  thread.  2.  Drill,  an  instru- 
ment for  boring  holes  in  iron.  3.  Shoemakers' 
tack  or  round  nail  to  fasten  the  sole  to  the 
last.  4.  Button.  [stuff'. 

BROCADEL  6  BROC ATEL,  sm.  Brocade,  a  rich  silk 

BROCADILLO,  sm.  Brocade  with  gold  or  silver 

BROCADO,SW.  Gold  or  silver  brocade,  [flowers. 

BROCADO,  DA,  a.  Embroidered,  like  brocade. 

BROCADURA,  sf.  Bite  of  a  bear. 

BROCAL,  sm-.  1.  Stone  laid  round  the  brim  of  a 
well.  2.  Metal  rim  of  the  scabbard  of  a  sword. 
3.  Brocal  de  bota,  Mouth-piece  of  a  leathern 
bottle  for  wine. 

BROC  AMANTON,s?rt.  Crotchet  of  diamonds  worn 
by  ladies  on  their  breast. 

BROCARDICO,  sm.  Axiom  at  law. 

BROCATEL,sm.  1.  Ordinary  kind  of  stuffmade  of 
hemp  and  silk.  2.  Spanish  marble  of  a  yellow 
ground,  with  white  veins. 

BROCATO,  sm.  (Ar.)  V.  Brocado. 

BROCHA,  sf.  I.  Painter's  brush,  pencil.  2.  (Ant.) 
Jewel.  3.  (Ant.)  Button,  clasp.  4.  Cogged 
dice,  used  by  gamblers  and  sharpers,  [cade. 

BROCHADO,  DA,  a.  Relating  or  belonging  to  bro- 

BROCHADURA,  sf.  Set  of  clasps,  or  hooks  and 
eyes,  formerly  worn  in  coats  and  cloaks. 

BROC  HE,  sm.  Clasp,  hooks  and  eyes. 

BROCHICA  Y  BROCHUELA,  sf.  Small  clasp. 

BROCHON,  sm.  1.  Large  clasp.  2.  Washing-brusJi 
used  by  plasterers  to  white-wash  walls. 

BROCHURA,*/.  Act  of  putting  a  book  in  boards. 

BROCULA,  sf.  Drill  for  piercing  iron  or  other 

BROCULI,  sm.  Broccoli,  a  sort  of  cabbage. 
Brassica  oleracea  L 



BRODIO,  sm.  Hotch-potch,  a  pottage  of  bread 
and  meat  given  to  beggars  at  the  door. 

BROD£STA,  sm.  Poor  scholar  or  student  who 
comes  to  the  doors  of  convents,  and  other 
religious  communities,  for  his  portion  of 
brodio,  or  hotch-potch. 

BKOM  \.  sf.  1.  Rubbish  mixed  with  mortar  to  fill 
up  the  chinks  of  the  foundations  of  walls.  2. 
Water-gruel  made  of  oatmeal  boiled  in  water. 
3.  Any  thing  weighty.  4.  A  person  dull  and 
tiresome  in  conversation.  Es  una  broma,  He 
is  a  stupid,  unpleasant  fellow.  5.  (Naut.) 
Ship  worm  which  perforates  the  bottoms  of 
ships.  Teredo  navalis  L. 

BROMADO,  OA,  a.  Worm-eaten  ;  applied  to  the 
bottom  of  a  ship. 

BROMAR,  va.  To  gnaw,  like  the  ship-worm. 

BROMO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Wild-oats.  Avena  fatua  L 

BRONCE,  sm.  I.  Bronze,  a  yellow  metal,  chiefly 
composed  of  copper.  2.  Trumpet  made  of 
brass.  3.  Any  thing  strong  and  hard.  Scr  un 
bronce,  To  be  indefatigable.  Tener  uncommon 
de  bronce,  To  have  a  heart  as  hard  as  steel. 

BKONC •  KA.DO, sin.  The  act  and  effect  of  bronzing. 

BRONCEADURA,  sf.  V.  Bronccado. 

BRONCEAR,  va.  1.  To  give  a  bronze  or  brass 
colour.  2.  To  adorn  with  pieces  of  brass, 
latten,  or  gilt  copper.  [bronze. 

BRONCERIA,  sf.  Collection  of  things  made  of 

BRONCHA,  sf.  1.  Kind  of  poniard^  2.  (Ant.) 
Jewel.  3.  (Ant.)  Plasterer's  washing  brush. 

BRONCISTA,  sm.  A  worker  in  bronze. 

BRONCO.  CA,  a.  1.  Rough,  coarse,  unpolished.  2. 
(Met.)  Rude,  unmannerly ,clownish.  3.Harsh, 
rough  to  the  ear  ;  applied  to  musical  sounds. 

hu<»:i;rEr>AD,  sf.  I .  Harshness,  roughness  of 
sound.  2.  Rudeness  of  manners.  3.  Unmal- 
leability,  in  metals.  [quarrel. 

BRONQ.UINA,    */.    (Bax.)    Dispute,  contention, 

BRONIR,  va.  V.  Brunir. 

BROQ,UEL,JWI.  1.  Shield  or  buckler  of  wood,  iron, 
iVc.  2.  (Met.)  Support,  protection.  Raja  bro- 
queles,  Bully,  bragger,  boaster. 

BROQ,uELA>.o,s/.Stroke  with  a  shield  or  buckler. 

BROQUELEKO,  sm.  1.  One  who  makes  shields  or 
bucklers.  2.  He  that  wears  shields  or  buck- 
lers. 3.  Wrangler,  one  inclined  to  dispute. 

BROQUELETE,  sm.  A  small  buckler. 

BROQ.UEI,ILLO,  sm.  1.  Small  shield.  2.  Sort  of 
small  ear-rings  worn  by  women. 

BROSLAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  embroider.  V.  Bordar. 

BROS^UIL,  sm.  Sheep-fold  or  sheep-cot. 

BROTA,  sf.  Bud  or  germ  of  a  vine. 

BROTADO,  DA,  a.  Budded. 

BROTADURA,  sf.  Budding,  the  act  of  shootinw 
forth  buds  and  germs. 


BROTANTE,  sm.  (Arq.)  V.  Arlotantc. 

BROTAR,«re.  l.To  bud,  to  put  forth  young  shoots 
or  germs.  2.  To  break  out,  to  appear  ;  applied 
to  the  small-pox  and  other  eruptions. 

BROTE  y  BROTO,  sin.  1.  Germ  of  vines,  bud  of 
trees.  2.  Fragment,  crumb,  chip. 

BROTON,  sm.  I.  Large  clasp  for  a  kind  of  wide 
coat,  which  is  called  sayo.  2.  (Ant.)  Shoot, 
tender  twig.  3.  Sprout  of  cabbage. 

BROZA,  sf.  1.  Remains  of  leaves,  bark  of  trees 
and  other  rubbish.  2.  Thicket,  brush-wood,  on 
mountains.  3.  Useless  stuff  spoken  or  written. 

4.  Printer's  brush,  to  brush  off  the 
ink  from  the  types.   Gcntc  d<'   tin1  • 
People  without  trade  or  ernplov 
de  toda  broza,  To  do  all  sorts  of  work. 

BROZAR,  r«.  (Among  Printers)  To  brush  tii« 

BROZOSO,  SA,  a.  Full  of  rubbish.  [types. 

BRUCERO,  sm.  Brushmaker. 

BRUGES  6  BK&ZA.S,  The  upper  li| 

u  dar  de  bruces,  To  fall  headlong  to  the 
ground.  De  bruces,  6  d  bruces,  ad.  With  the 
face  to  the  ground. 

BRUETA,  sf.  Wheel-barrow. 

BRUGIIJOR,  sm.  Glaziers'  nippers  used  in  par- 
ing off  the  corners  or  edges  of  glass. 

BRUGIR,  va.  To  pare  off  the  corners  and  edges 
of  panes  of  glass  already  cut  with  the  diamond. 

BRUGO,  sm.  A  sort  of  grub. 

BRUJA,  V.  Arena. 

BRULOTE,  sm.  1.  (Naut.)  Fire-ship,  a  vessel 
loaded  with  combustible  matters,  or  artificial 
fire-works.  2.  Warlike  machine  of  the  an- 
cients for  throwing  darts  or  fire-arrows. 

BRUMA,S/'.  1.  V.  Broma.  2.  Winter-season.  3. 
Mist  arising  from  the  surface  of  the  sea. 

BRUMADOR,  RA,  s.  (Ant.)  V.  Mrumador. 

BRUMAL,  a.  Brumal,  belonging  to  the  winter 

BRUMAMIENTO,  sm.  Weariness,  lassitude,  the 
state  of  being  spent  with  labour  or  fatigue. 

BRUMAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Mrumar. 

BRUMAZON,  sm.  Thick  fog  or  mist  at  sea. 

BRUMO,  sm.  The  whitest  and  finest  wax,  which 
wax-chandlers  use  to  polish  or  varnish  tapers 
and  wax-candles.  [ris  L. 

BRUNELA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Self-heal.  Prunella  vulga- 

BRUNETA,  sf.  1.  Sort  of  black  cloth.  2.  (Ant.) 
Unwrought  silver. 

BRUNETE,  sm.  (Ant.)  Coarse  black  cloth. 

BRUNO,  NA,  a.  Of  a  brown  dark  colour. 

BRUNO,  sm.  (Ast.)  1.  A  little  black  plum.  2. 

BRUNIDO,  DA,  a.  Burnished. 

BRUSIIDOR,  RA,  s.  1.  Burnisher,  an  instrument 
used  in  burnishing.  2.  Tool  of  box-wood, 
used  in  finishing  the  seams  of  leather  breech- 
es. 3.  One  that  burnishes  or  polishes. 

BRUNIMIENTO,  sm.  Act  and  effect  of  polishing. 

BRUNIR,  va.  1.  To  burnish.  2.  To  put  on  rouge. 

BRUSCA,  sf.  1 .  (Naut.)  Bevel,  sweep,  or  round- 
ing of  masts,  yards,  &c.  on  board  a  ship.  2. 
Brush-wood,  small-wood. 

BRTJSC  sort  of  hash  made  of  milt,lamb's 
livers,  chopped  up  with  eggs,  and  stewed  in 
a  pan  with  almond-milk,  herbs,  and  spice. 

BRUsco,s?re.l.(Bot.)  Kneeholly, butcher's  broom 
or  prickly  pettigree.  Ruscus  aculeatus  L.  2. 
Trifling  remains  not  minded  on  account  of 
their  little  value  ;  as,  loose  grapes  dropping 
at  the  vintage  ;  fruit  blown  from  the  treo, 
&c.  3.  Refuse  of  wool  at  the  shearing  time. 

BRUSCO,  CA,  a.  Rude,  peevish,  forward.      / 

BRUSELA,  sf.  1.  (Bot.)  Lesser  periwinkle.  Vinca 
minor  L.  2.  Bruselas,  Sort  of  broad  pincers 
used  by  silversmiths. 

BRUSELES,  Pin  or  slice  used  by  apothe- 
caries to  mix  their  drugs. 

BRUTAL,  a.  Brutal,  brutish,  acting  like  brutes 

BRUTALIUAD,  sf.  1.  Brutality,  the  quality  of 
brutes.  2.  Brutal  action. 



BRUTALMENTE,  ad.  Brutally,,  in  a  brutal  or  bru- 
tish manner. 

BRUT£sco,cA,a.(Ant.)  Grotesque.  V.  Grutcsco 

BRUTEZ  y  BRUTEZA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Brutalidad 

.BRUTEZA,  sf.  Roughness,  want  of  polish ;  appli- 
ed to  stones. 

BRUTO,  sm.  1.  Brute,  a  creature  without  reason 
2.  (Met.)  An  ignorant,  rude,  and  immoral 

BRtJTO,TA.a.Coarse,unpolished,in  a  rough  state. 
En  bruto,  In  a  rough  state,  not  polished,  not 
wrought.  Diamante  en  bruto,  A  rough  dia- 
mond. Made/ra  en  i?-Mto,(Naut.)Rough  timber. 

BRIJXA,  sf.  (Vulg.)  Witch.  Es  una  bruxa,6pa- 
rece  una  bruxa,  She  looks  like  a  witch.  Parece 
que  la  han  chupado  bruzas,  She  looks  as  pale 
and  lean  as  if  she  had  been  sucked  by  witches. 

BRUXEAR,  vn.  1.  To  practise  witchcraft.  2.  To 
rove  about  in  the  night-time. 

BRUXERIA,  sf.  Witchcraft. 

BRUXO,  sm.  Sorcerer,  conjurer,  wizard. 

BRUXULA,  sf.  l.(Naut.)  Sea-compass.  2.  Small 
hole  which  serves  as  a  direction  to  point  a 
gun.  Mirar  par  bruxula,  (Met.)  To  pry  into 
other  people's  affairs  and  actions,  and  exa- 
mine them  closely. 

BRUXULEAR,  va.  1.  (At  Cards)  To  examine  one 
card  after  another,  for  the  purpose  of  knowing 
one's  hand.  2.  (Met.)  To  discover  by  conjec- 
tures the  nature  and  issue  of  an  event. 

BRUXULEO,  sm.  1.  Act  of  examining  the  cards, 
held  at  a  game,  one  after  another.  2.  Scruta- 
tion,  close  examination.  3.  Guess,  conjecture. 

BRUZA,  sf.  Round  brush  for  cleaning  horses 
and  mules.  Bruzas,  (In  Woollen  Manufac- 
tories) Brushes  with  which  the  bur  of  cloth 
is  laid  down  one  way  to  show  the  grain.  DC 
bruzas,  V.  De  bruces. 

Btr,  sm.  Word  used  by  nurses  to  frighten  chil- 
dren into  silence. 

BtJA,  sf.  Pustule,  a  pimple  with  matter  which 
breaks  out  on  the  skin,  Buas,  (Ant.)  V.  Biibas. 

BUAR,  va.  To  place  boundaries,  to  limit. 

BuXRDA,  sf.  Sky-light,  a  window  placed  hori- 
zontally in  the  ceiling  of  a  room. 

BUARO  vBuARfLi>o,  sm.  Buzzard,  a  bird  of  prey. 

BUBA,  sf.  (Ast.)  Pustule,  small  tumour.  Bubas, 

BIJBALO,  5m.  (Ant.)  V.  Bufalo. 

BUBATICO,  CA,  a.  Having  buboes  or  glandular 

BUBILLA,  sf.  Small  pustule,  a  pimple.         [ter. 

BUBON,  sm.  Large  morbid  tumour,  full  of  mat- 

BUBOSO,  SA.  «.  Afflicted  with  a  disease  in  the 

BucARAN,sra.  (Arag.)  Fine  glazed  buckram. 

BUCARITO,  sm.  Small  earthen  vessel  of  scented 
or  odoriferous  earth.  [earth. 

BUCARO,  sm.  Vessel  made  of  fine  odoriferous 

BUCEAR,  va.  To  dive,  to  go  under  water  in 
search  of  any  thing. 

EUCELARIO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Vassal  or  servant  who 
boarded  in  a  house. 

BUCEO,  sm.  Diving,  the  act  of  going  under  wa- 
ter in  search  of  any  thing. 

BUCERO,  a.  Black  nosed ;  applied  to  a  hound 
or  setting  dog. 

BtfcEs,  (De),  ad.  V.  De  Bruces. 

Bt''n.v,5/.  Large  chest  or  box.  V.  Hucha.  Bu- 

cha  pescadera,  (Naut.)  Buss,  a  vessel  em- 
ployed in  the  herring  fishery. 

BUCHAR,  va.  To  hide  or  conceal. 

BUCHE,  sm.  1.  Craw  or  crop,  the  first  stomach 
of  birds  and  fowls.  2.  Maw  or  stomach  of 
quadrupeds.  3.  Mouthful  of  water  or  any 
other  liquor.  4.  Young  sucking  ass.  5.  Purse, 
wrinkle,  or  pucker  in  clothes  which  do  not  fit 
well.  0.  Breast,  the  place  where  secrets  are 
pretended  to  be  kept.  7.  (Fam.)  Human 
stomach.  Ha  llenado  lit  n  rl  bnclte,  (Vulg.) 
He  has  stuffed  his  budget  well.  Hacer  el 
buche,  (In  Cant  Language)  To  eat.  Hacer  cl 
buche  a  otro,  To  make  one  dine  heartily. 
Buche  de  almizclc,  Musk  bag  of  the  musk 
deer  ;  also  a  little  bag  to  put  perfume  in. 

BUCHECILLO,  sm.  Little  craw. 

BUCHETE,  sm.  Cheek  puffed  with  wind. 

BUCINADOR,  sm.  Trumpeter. 

BUCINAR,  va.  To  publish  or  proclaim  any  thing 
at  the  sound  of  a  trumpet, 

BUCLE,  sm.  Buckle,  hair  crisped  and  curled. 

BtJco,  sm.  (Ant.)  1.  (Naiit.)  Ship,  vessel.  V. 
Buque.  2.  Buck,  a  male  goat.  3.  Opening, 

BUCOLICA,  sf.  1.  Pastoral  or  rural  poetry.  2. 
(Joe.)  Food. 

BUCOLICO,  CA,  a.  Bucolic,  relating  to  pastoral 

BUCOSIDAD,  sf.  (Naut.)  Tonnage,  burthen.  V. 

BUDIAL,  sm.  Marsh,  fen. 

BUDION,  sm.  (let.)  Peacock  fish.  Labrus  pavo  L. 

BUEGA,  sf.  (Arag.)  Landmark. 

BUEN,  a.  V.  Bueno.  Used  only  before  a  sub- 
stantive, as  Bucn  hombre,  A  good  man. 
Bucn  alma,  A  good  soul. 

BUESA,  sf.  Property,  fortune. 

BUENABOYA,  sm.  Seaman  who  engages  spon- 
taneously to  serve  on  board  a  galley. 

BuENAMENTE,«rf.  Freely  spontaneously,  conve- 
niently. De  buenamcntc,  Of  one's  own  accord. 

BUENASDANZA,  sf.  The  good  fortune  of  any 

BUENAVENTURA,  sf.  1.  Fortune,  good  luck.  V. 
l'<  titura.  2.  Prediction  of  fortune-tellers. 

BUENO,  NA,  a.  1.  Good  or  perfect  in  its  kind.  La 
butna  de  la  Catalina,  The  good  Catharine.  El 
bueno  del  euro,  The  good  curate.  2.  Simple, 
plain,  without  cunning  or  craft.  3.  Fit  or  pro- 
per for  something.  4.  Sociable,  agreeable, 
pleasant.  Tener  bucn  dia  en  buena  compania, 
To  spend  a  pleasant  dayin  agreeable  company. 
5.  Great,  strong,  violent.  Buena  calentura, 
A  strong  fever.  6.  Sound,  healthy.  7.  Useful, 
serviceable.  8.  (Iron.)  Strange,  wonderful, 
notable  ;  used  before  the  verb  scr,  as,  Lo  lue- 
no  es  que  quicra  ensenar  a  su  maestro.  The 
best  of  it  is,  that  he  wishes  to  teach  his  ma- 
ster.. Buenos  dias,  Good  day  ;  a  familiar  sa- 
lute. Buenasnochcs,  Goodnight.  Bucnas  tar- 
dcs,  Good  evening.  Monde  bueno?  DC  don 
de  bueno  ?  Where  are  you  going  ?  Where  do 
you  come  from  ?  Buenas  artes  y  lucnas  li- 
'tras,  The  fine  arts  and  belles  lettres.  De  but 
no  a  bueno,  6  dc  biicnas  a  luenas.  Freely',  will- 
ingly, gratefully.  A1  buenas,  Willingly. 

BUENO,  ad.  Enough,  sufficiently.  Bueno  6 
bueno  cstd,  Enough,  no  more. 



BcENTARECER,sm.  Good  council ;  pleasing  as- 

BUENPASAR,  sm.  Independent  situation,  com- 
fortable subsistence. 

BUENA,  sf.  Black  pudding. 

BUERAS,  sf.  pi.  (Mur.)  Pustules  or  pimples 
breaking  out  about  the  mouth. 

BUESO.  sm.  (Ant.)  One  ridiculously  dressed. 

BUEY,  5m.  l?Ox,  bullock.  2.  Bue.y  ma-rino,  Sea- 
calf.  3.  Buey  de,  caza,  Stalking  ox.  A1  paso 
de  bucij,  At  a  snail's  gallop.  Buey  de  agua, 
Great  body  of  water  issuing  from  a  conduit 
or  spring. 

BUEYAZO,  sm.  Large  or  big  ox. 

BUEYKCILLO,  sm.  Little  ox. 

BUEYEZUEI.O,  sm.  Stalking  ox. 

BUEYUNO,  NA,  a.  Belonging  to  black  cattle. 

Bth",  inter j.  Poh,  poll. 

BUFA,  sf.  1.  Breaking  wind  without  noise.  2. 
Jest,  joke. 

BUFADO,  DA,  a.  Bursting  with  a  noise  ;  appli- 
ed to  glass  drops  blown  extremely  thin. 

BtJFALA  Y  BUFALO,  5.  Buffalo,  a  kind  of  wild  ox. 

BUFAR,  Tn.  1.  To  puff  and  blow  with  anger.  2. 
To  snort,  to  blow  through  the  nose  as  a  high- 
mettled  horse. 

BUFETE,  sm.  Desk  or  writing  table. 

BUFETILLO,  sm.  Small  desk  or  writing  table. 

BUFI,  sm.  Kind  of  watered  camblet. 

BUFIDO,  sm.  1.  Blowing  of  an  animal,  snorting 
of  ahorse.  2.  Expression  of  anger  and  passion. 

BUFO,  sm.  Harlequin  or  buffoon  on  the  stage. 

BUFO,  FA,  a.  Opera  bufa,  Comic  opera. 

BUFON,  sm.  Merry-andrew,  jack-pudding. 

BUFON  AD  A,  sf.  1.  Buffonery,  a  low  jest.  2. 
Sarcastic  taunt,  ridicule. 

BUFONAZO,  sm.  Great  buffoon. 

BUFONCILLO,  sm.  Little  merry-andrew. 

BUFONEARSE,  vr.  To  jest,  to  turn  into  ridicule. 

BUFONERIA,  sf.  V.  Bufonada  y  Buhoneria. 

BtJFos,sm.7^.  Ancient  head-dress  of  women. 

BUGADA,  sf.  Buck,  the  lye  in  which  clothes 
are  washed. 

BUGACETA,  sf.  (Naut.)  A  small  vessel. 

BUGALLA,  sf.  Gall-nut  growing  on  oak  leaves. 

BtJGE,  sm.  Iron  ring  fixed  in  the  inside  of  each 
end  of  the  nave-hole,  which  keeps  it  from 
burning  and  wearing. 

BUGELLADA,  sf.  Kind  of  paint  for  ladies. 

BUGIA,  sf.  J.  Wax-taper,  a  slender  wax-candle. 
2.  Candlestick  in  which  a  wax-taper  is  put. 

BUGIER,  sm.  Gentleman  usher  of  the  king's 
household.  V.  Uxier. 

BUGIERIA,  sf.  Office  at  court  where  the  wax- 
candles  are  kept,  and  given  out  for  the  use 
of  the  palace. 

BUGI.OSA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Wild  bugloss.  Lycopsis 
arvensis  L. 

BUGULA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Alkanet,  a  species  of  bu- 

BUHARPA,  sf.  1.  Window  in  the  roof,  garret- 
window.  2.  Garret,  a  room  on  the  highest 
floor  of  the  house. 

BUHARDJLI.A,  sf.  Small  garret. 

BUHARKO,  sm.  (Orn.)  Eagle-owl.  Strixbubo  L. 

BUHEDAL,  sm.  Pool  of  stagnant  water. 

BUHKDO,  sm-.  Marl,  a  kind  of  calcareous  earth. 

BUHERA,  sf.  Embrasure,  loop-hold.  V.  Troncra. 

BDHERO,  sm.  Owl-keeper. 

BUHO,STW.  Owl.  Esun  bu/to,  He  is  an  unsocial 
man  ;  he  shuns  all  intercourse  with  others. 

BUHONEKIA,  sf.  Pedler's  box,  in  which  small 
wares  are  carried,  and  sold  about  the  streets. 

BUHONERO,  sm.  Pedler  or  hawker  who  goes 
about  selling  small  wares. 

BUIR,  va.  To  polish,  to  burnish. 

BUJALAZOR  Y  BUJARASOL,  sm.  Fig,  the  inside 
pulp  of  which  is  of  a  reddish  colour. 

BUJARRON,  sm.  V.  Sodomita. 

BULA,  sf.  1 .  Bull,  an  instrument  despatched  out 
of  the  papal  chancery,  and  sealed  with  lead. 
Ecltar  ias  Mas  (i  uno,  (Met.)  To  impose  a 
burthen  or  troublesome  duty.  Tc?ier  bula. 
para  todo,  To  take  the  liberty  of  acting  at 
pleasure,  according  to  one's  own  fancy.  2. 
(Ant.)  Bubble  on  water.  [iron. 

BULAR,  va.  To  mark  or  brand  with  a  red-hot 

BULARCAMAS,  sf.  pi.  (Naut.)  Breast-hooks, 
compass  timbers,  which  serve  to  strengthen 
the  stem  of  a  ship. 

BULARIO,  sm.  Collection  of  papal  bulls. 

BULBO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Bulb,  a  kind  of  onion  with 
several  coats.  Bulbo  casldno,  (Bot.)  Earth- 
nut,  pig-nut.  Bunium  bulbo-castanum  L. 

BULBOSO,  SA,  a.  Bulbous, containing  bulbs,  con- 
sisting of  many  layers. 

BULDA,  sf.  V.  Bula. 

BuLDEhiA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Injurious  expression. 

BULERO,  sm.  One  who  is  charged  with  distri- 
buting bulls  of  crusades,  and  collecting  the 
alms  of  charity  given  for  them. 

BULETO,  sm.  Brief  or  apostolic  letter  granted 
by  the  pope,  or  his  legate  and  nuncio. 

BULLA,  sf.  Shout  or  loud  cry  of  one  or  more 
persons.  2.  Crowd,  mob.  Meterlo  a  bullu,  To 
carry  off  the  matter  with  a  joke.  3.  V.  Bolla. 

BULLADOR,  sm.  Cheat,  swindler. 

BULLAGE,  sm.  Crowd,  a  multitude  confusedly 
pressed  together. 

BULLAR,  va.  (Naut.)  V.  Bollar. 

BuLLEBtfLLE,  sm.  Busy-body,  a  person  of  lively 
and  restless  disposition. 

BULLECER,  (Ant.)  V.  Bullir  y  Alborotar. 

BULI.ICIO,  sm.  1.  Noise  and  clamour  raised  by 
a  crowd.  2.  Tumult,  uproar,  sedition. 

BULLICIOSAMENTE,  ad.  In  a  noisy,  tumultuous 

BCJLLICIOSO,  SA,  s.  1.  Lively,  restless,  noisy, 
clamorouj.  2.  Seditious,  turbulent.  3.  (Poet.) 
Boisterous,  applied  to  the  sea. 

BuLLIDOR,  RA,   d.  V.  BullicWSO. 

BULL£R,  vn.  1 .  To  boil,  to  be  agitated  by  heat,  as 
water  and  other  liquids.  2.  (Met.)  To  be  lively 
or  restless.  3.  (Met.)  To  be  industrious  and 
active  in  business.  Bullirle  d  uno  alguna 
cosa,  To  be  earnestly  desirous  of  a  thing. — 
va.  To  move  a  thing  from  one  place  to  ano- 
ther ;  to  manage  a  business. 

BULLON,  sm.  1.  Kind  of  knife.  2.  Dye  bubbling 
up  in  a  boiler. 

BULTILLO,  sm.  Little  lump  or  tumour. 

BULTO,  sm.  1.  Bulk,  any  thing  which  appears 
bulky.  2.  Protuberance,  tumour,  swelling.  3 
Bust,  image  of  the  human  head  and  neck.  4. 
Pillow,  bolster.  Coger  6pcscarelbulto,(Met.) 
To  lay  hold  of  one,  to  seize  one.,  o 
imdgen  dr,  bulto,  Figure  or  image  in  sculpture 
Mcnear,  6  tocar  d  otro  d  bulto,  To  give  one  a 



nice  drubbing.  Ser  de  bulto,  To  be  bulky.  A1 
bulto,  By  the  bulk.  Comprar  las  cosas  d  bulto, 
To  buy  wholesale,  or  by  the  lump. 
BuLULu,sm.  (Ant.)   Strolling  comedian,  who 
alone  represented  in  old  times  a  comedy  or 
farce,  changing  his  voice  according  to  the 
different  characters. 
BUNETO,  sm.  Hedge-sparrow. 
BUNJO,  sm.  Sort  of  earth-nut  or  pig-nut. 
BUNOLERO,  RA,  s.  One  that  makes  or  sells  bunns. 

BUNUELO,  sm.  Bunn  or  fritter  made  of  a  paste 
of  flour  and  eggs,  and  fried  in  oil.  Es  buhu- 
do  ?  Is  it  nothing  ?  observed  to  those  incon- 
siderate persons,  who  would  have  things 
done  without  the  necessary  time. 

BUPKESTE,  sm.  Sort  of  Spanish  fly. 

BuquE,s?rc.  1.  (Naut.)  Bulk,  capacity, or  burthen 
of  a  ship.  2.  Hull  of  a  ship.  3.  Vessel,  ship. 

BUKATO,  sm.  1.  Sort  of  woollen  stuff  much 
worn  for  mourning,  and  clergymen's  dress. 
2.  Transparent  veil  of  a  light  silk  stuff,  worn 
by  women. 

BURBA,  sf.  African  coin  of  small  value. 

BURBALUR,  sm.  Whale  of  a  large  kind. 

BURBUJA,  sf.  Bubble,  a  small  bladder  of  water, 
filled  and  expanded  with  air. 

BURBUJEAR,  vn.  To  bubble,  to  rise  in  bubbles. 

BURBUJITA,  sf.  Small  bubble. 

BURCHO,  sm.  Naut.)  Sort  of  large  sloop  or  barge. 

BURDAS,  sf.  pi.  (Naut.)  Back-stays. 

BURDEGANO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Mule,  offspring  of  a 
horse  and  she-ass. 

BURDEL,  sm.  Brothel. — a.  (Ant.)  Libidinous. 

BURDELERO,  RA,  s.  V.  Mcahuett. 

BURDINALLA.S,  sf.  (Naut.)  Sprit-top-sail-stay . 

BURDO,  DA,  a.  Coarse,  common,  ordinary. 

BURBLES,  (Naut.)  Wooden  rollers  with 
a  point  for- different  uses.  Bureles  de  hierro 
para  engarzar  motones,  Splicing  fids.  V. 
Pasador.  Burel,  (Bias.)  Bar,  being  the  ninth 
part  of  a  shield. 

BURENGUE,  sm.  (Mur.)  Mulatto  slave. 

BUREO,SW.  1.  Court  of  justice,  in  which  matters 
are  tried  relative  to  persons  of  the  king's 
household.  3.  Entertainment,  amusement, 
diversion.  Entrar  en  buero}  To  meet  for  the 
purpose  of  inquiring  into  or  discussing  a 

BURGA,  sf.  Hot  spring  of  mineral  waters  used 
for  bathing. 

BURGALES,  sm.  1.  Ancient  coin  made  at  Bur- 
gos. 2.  Wind  blowing  from  Burgos. 

BURGES,  sm.  Native  or  inhabitant  of  a  village. 

BURGO,  sm.  Borough.  Burgo-maestre,  Burgo- 
master, the  chief  magistrate  of  the  cities  in 

BURIEL,&.  Reddish,  between  dark  red  and  black. 

BURIEL,  sm.  1.  Kersey,  a  coarse  cloth.  2.  Rope- 
walk,  manufactory  for  cordage. 

BURIL,  sm.  Burine,  graver,  a  tool  used  in  grav- 

ing.  Buril  de  punta,  Sharp-pointed  burine. 

Buril  chaple  redonda,  Curved  burine. 
BURIL^CDA,  s/.  1.  Line  or  stroke  of  a  burine.  2. 

Grains  of  silver  taken  out  by  an  assayer,  to 

try  whether  it  is  standard  silver. 
BURILADURA,  sf.  1.  Act  of  engraving  with  a 

graver.  2.  Print  or  picture  engraved. 
BLRILAR,  va.  Tov  engrave,  to  grave,  to  picture 

by  incisions  made  with  a  b  urine  or  graver. 


BURJACA,  sf.  Leather- bag  carried  by  pilgrims 
or  beggars. 

B€TRLA,S/.  1.  Sneer,  an  expression  cf  derision 
or  contempt.  2.  Trick,  a  slight  fraud  or  de- 
ceit. Burla  burlando  le  dixo  buenas  clarida- 
des,  Between  joke  and  earnest  he  told  him 
some  plain  truths.  Burlas,  Falsities  advanc- 
ed in  a  jocular  style.  Dexadas  las  burlas. 
Setting  jokes  aside.  Hablar  de  burlas,  To 
speak  in  jest.  Hombre  de  'burlas,  Empty 
jester.  JVb  es  hombre  dc  burlas,  He  is  a 
plain  honest  man.  Decir  algunas  cosas  en- 
Ire  burlas  y  veras,  TO  say  something  be- 
tween joke  and  earnest.  De  burlas,  In  jest. 

BURLADOR,  RA,  s.  1.  Wag,  jester,  scoffer.  2. 
Earthen  vessel,  so  contrived  that  the  liquor 
runs  out  through  hidden  holes  when  it  is  put 
to  the  lips.  3.  Hidden  or  concealed  squirt, 
which  throws  out  water  on  those  who  come 

BURLAR,  va.  1.  To  ridicule,  to  mock,  to  scoff. 
2.  To  play  tricks,  to  deceive.  3.  To  frustrate 
one's  views,  to  destroy  one's  hopes. 

BURLERIA,  sf.  1.  Fun,  pun,  artifice.  2.  Romantic 
tale.  3.  Deceit,  illusion.  4.  Derision,  reproach. 

BuRLESco,CA,  a.  Burlesque,  jocular,  ludicrous. 

BURLESCO,  sm.  (Rar.)  Wag,  jester,  scoffer. 

BURLETA,IT,LA,Y  iTA,  sf.  Little  trick  ,f un  ,or  joke. 

BURLON,  NA,  s.  Great  wag,  jester,  or  scoffer. 

BURRA,  sf.  A  she-ass.  Cacr  de  su  burra,  To 
fall  from  one's  hobby-horse,  to  become  sen- 
sible of  one's  errors. 

BURRADA,  sf.  1.  Drove  of  asses.  2.  Stupid  or 
foolish  action  or  saying. 

BURRAGEAR,  va.  V.  Borragcar. 

BURRAJO,  sm.  Dry  stable-dung  to  heat  ovens. 

BURRAZO,  ZA,  s.  Large  or  big  ass. 

BURRERO,  sm.  1.  Ass-keeper,  who  sells  asses' 
milk  for  medicine.  2.  Jack-ass-keeper. 

BURRILLO,  sm.  (Fam.)  V.  Analejo. 

BURRO,  sm.  1.  Ass.  2.  Stupid,  ignorant  being. 
Es  un  burro  cargado  de  letras,  He  is  an  un- 
mannerly clown  with  all  his  learning.  3. Horse 
on  which  sawyers  saw  boards  or  timber.  4. 
Wheel  which  puts  the  machine  in  motion  that, 
twists  and  reels  silk.  Es  un  burro  an  el  tra- 
bajo,  He  works  and  drudges  like  an  ass.  Bur- 
ros de  la  mesana,  (Naut.)  Mizen-bow-lines. 

BURRUCHO,  sm.  Young  or  little  ass. 

BURRUMBADA,  sf.  V.  Barrumbdtla. 

BURUJO.  sm.  1.  Skin  or  dregs  of  pressed  olives 
or  grapes.  2.  Lump  of  pressed  wood,  or  any 
other  matter. 

BURUJON  y  BURULLOK,  sm.  1 .  Large  knob  or 
lump.  2.  Protuberance  in  the  head  caused 
by  a  stroke. 

BURIJJONCILLO,  sm.  Little  knob  or  protuberance. 

BUSAKDAS,  sf.  pi.  (Naut.)  Breast-hooks,  com- 
pass-timbers, which  serve  to  strengthen  the 

BUSCA,  sf.  I.  The  act  of  searching  a  registry  or 
office  for  some  papers  or  writings.  2.  Terrier, 
or  other  dog,  which  starts,  rouses,  or  springs 
the  game.  3*.  Troop  of  huntsmen,  drivers,  and 
terriers,  that  overrun  a  forest  to  rouse  the 

BUSCADOR,  RA,  s.  Searcher,  investigator. 

BUSCAMIENTO,  sm.  Search,  research,  inquiry 

BUSCAFIES  sm.  1.  Squib  running  about  between 



people's  feet.  2.  (Met.)  Word  dropped  in  the 
course  of  conversation  to  come  at  the  bottom 
of  something. 

BUSCAK,  va.  To  seek,  to  search,  to  endeavour  to 
find  out.  Buscar  tres  pies  f/l  guto  y  el  ticne 
quatro,  To  pick  a  quarrel.  Quicn  busca  halla, 
He  that  seeks  will  find.  Buscar  el  vivo  A  una 
pieza,  6  caiion.  To  take  the  calibre  of  a  gun. 

Busc^.uufDos.A-m.  Restless,  quarrelsome  fellow. 

BUSCAVIUAS,  sm.  A  person  prying  into  the  ac- 
tions of  others. 

Btrsco,  sm.  (Ant.)  Track  of  an  animal. 

BUSCQN,  NA,  s.  1.  Searcher.  2.  Cheat,  pilferer, 
filcher,  petty  robber. 

BUSILIS,  sm.  (In  Cant  Language,)  The  point  in 

Question  where  the  difficulty  lies.  J)ar  en  el 
us  His,  To  hit  the  mark. 

Buso,  sm.  Hole.  V.  Agujero. 

Btisro,  sm.  1.  Bust,  a  figure  representing  the 
human  head  and  neck.  2.  Tomb. 

BUTIFARRA,  sf.  1.  Sort  of  sausage  made  in 
Catalonia.  2.  Gaskins,  long  wide  breeches 
like  trousers. 

BUTILLO,  LLA,  «.  Of  a  pale  yellowish  colour. 

BUTIOXDO,  DA,  a.  (Ant.)  V.  Hcdiondo. 

BUTIKO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Butter.  V.  Manteca. 

BUTORIO,  sm.  (Orn.)  Bittern.  Ardea  stellaris  L. 

BUTRI.VO,  sm.  Fowling-net  for  catching  birds. 

BUTRON,  sm.  Net  for  birds.  V.  Buytron. 

BUXEDA,  BUXEDAL,  6  BuxEDO,  s.  Plantation 
of  box-trees.  [lue. 

BUXKRIA,  sf.  Gewgaw,  bauble,  toy  of  little  va- 

BUXETA.  sf.  1.  Box  made  of  box-wood.  2.  Per- 

BUXETILLA,  sf.  Small  perfume-box. 

BUXETO,  sm.  Burnisher,  a  polishing  stick  used 
by  shoemakers  to  give  a  gloss  to  their  work. 

Bt;xo,  sm.  Wooden  frame  on  which  painters  fix 
their  canvass  to  paint  on. 

Buv,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Bu.ey. 

BUYO,  sm.  1.  Hut,  shepherd's  cottage.  2.  Buf- 
falo snake.  Boa  constrictor  L. 

BUYTRE,  sm.  (Orn.)  Vulture.  Vultur  L.  Mas 
va!e  pdxaro  en  mano  que  buytrc  volando, 
(Prov.)  A  bird  in  the  hand  is  worth  two  in 
the  bush. 

BUYTRERA,  sf.  Place  where  fowlers  feed  vul- 

BITYTRERO,SWI.  Vulture-fowler,  one  whose  busi- 
ness is  to  feed  and  chase  birds. 

BUYTROX,  sm.  1.  Basket  made  of  osiers  to  catch 
fish.  2.  Partridge-net.  3.  Furnace  where  sil- 
ver-ores are  smelted  to  extract  the  ore.  4. 
Snare  or  inclosure  into  which  game  is  driven. 

Buz,  sm.  Kiss,  given  out  of  respect  and  reve- 
rent regard.  Huccr  el  buz,  To  do  homage  or 
pay  respect  in  a  servile  manner. 

BtfzANo,  sm.  1.  (Ant.)  Diver.  2.  Kind  of  cul- 

Buzo,  sm.  1.  Diver,  one  that  goes  under  water 
in  search  of  things  dropped  into  the  sea  or 
rivers.  2.  An  ancient  kind  of  ship.  De  buzos, 
V.  De  bruccs. 

Bu/.os,  sm.  1.  Conduit,  canal.  2.  Hole  through 
which  letters  are  thrown  into  the  post-office. 

3.  Lid  or  cover  of  cisterns,  ponds,  jars,  &c. 

4.  (In   Foundries)    Hook,   to  take    off  the 
lids  of  melting-pots.  5.  Sluice  of  the  water- 
course at  a  mill.  6.  Ancient  kind  of  battering  - 


CIs  the  third  letter  of  the  alphabet,  and  be- 
fore e  and  i  has  generally  the  sound  of  the 
English  th  in  thick,  or  the  soft  z  in  zeal ;  be- 
fore a,  o,  u,  I,  and  r,  it  sounds  like  k.  It  is 
also  a  numeral,  as,  C.  100;  1^.  500,  and 
ClQ.  1000.  The  Spanish  Academicians  con- 
sider ch  as  a  distinct  letter,  double  in  figure 
but  simple  in  value,  and  therefore  place  it 
after  all  the  other  words  beginning  with  a  c. 
In  this  work  it  is  retained  in  the  place  usual  in 
English.  Ch  has  always  the  soft  sound  in  Spa- 
nish, the  same  as  in  the  English  word  church, 
except  in  words  derived  from  Greek  or  He- 
brew, as  Christo,  Melchisedech,  &c.  where  it 
is  pronounced  as  k  ;  but  in  such  words  the  h 
is  often  omitted,  or  the  orthography  changed, 
as  in  mccanica,  qucrubin,  quimira,  &c. 

CA,  part.  (Ant.)  Because,  for,  the  same  as. 

CAB  ADEI.AXTRE,  ad.  (Ant.)  In  future,  hence- 
forward, [pacity  in  different  provinces. 

CA.B  d  CABE,  sm.  Corn-measure  of  different  ca- 

CABACO,  sm.  1.  End  or  small  piece  of  wood.  2. 
(N ai,t.)  End  of  round  timber,  which  remains 
wlnn  masts  are  made. 

CAEAI.,  a.  1.  Just,  exact  ;  applied  to  weight  or 
m'-isure.  2.  Perfect,  complete.  M  cabal,  Per- 
fectly, justly.  3.  Falling  to  one's  share  or  di- 
vidend. For  su  cabal,  With  all  his  might, 
most  earnestly.  For  sus  cabales,  Exactly, 


perfectly,  to  the  very  point ;  according  to 
rule  and  order  ;  for  its  just  price,  according 
to  what  it  is  worth. 

CABALA,  sf.  1.  Cabala,  mystical  knowledge  of 
the  celestial  bodies.  2.  Secret  science  of  the 
Hebrew  rabbins.  3.  Cabal,  intrigue. 

CABALERO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Horseman,  a  soldier  on 

CABALGAD  v,  sf.  1 .  People  onhorseback  making 
an  incursion  into  a  country.  2.  Cavalcade,  a 
procession  on  horseback.  3.  Booty  or  spoils 
taken  by  an  incursion  into  an  enemy's  coun- 

CABALGADOR,  sm.  1.  Horseman  who  goes  in 
procession.  2.  (Ant.)  Mounting-block,  whence 
people  mount  on  horseback. 

CAB  A  I.GA  D#RA,  sf.  Sumpter,  a  beast  of  burthen. 

CABAI.GAR,  vn.  1.  To  parade  on  horseback,  to  go 
in  a  cavalcade.  2.  To  mount  on  horseback. — 
va.  1.  To  cover  a  mars  ;  applied  to  a  stone- 
horse.  2.  Cabal  gar  la  artilleria,  To  mount 
cannon  on  their  carriages. 

CABAI.GAR,  sm.  (Ant.)  Harness. 

CABALHUESTE,  sm.  Kind  of  saddle. 

CABALISTA,  sm.  Cabalist,  one  skilled  in  the  tra- 
ditions of  the  Hebrews. 

CABALISTICO,  CA,  «.  Cabalistic,  relating  to  the 
cabala.  [pos  L. 

CABALLA,  sf.  Horse-mackerel.  Sc3mber  hip- 



CABALLAPA,  sf.  Stud  of  horses  or  mares. 

CABALLAGE,  sm.  1.  Place  where  mares  and  she- 
asses  are  served  by  stone-horses,  or  jack- 
asses. 2.  Money  paid  for  that  service. 

CABALL A.n,sm .  Mackerel.  Scomber  scombrus  L. 

CABAi.i,AR,a.Belonging  to  or  resembling  horses. 

CABALLEJO,STO.  1.  Little  horse,  nag.  2.  Wooden 
frame  for  shoeing  unruly  horses. 

CABALLERATO,  sm.  Right  of  laymen  to  enjoy 
ecclesiastical  benefices  by  virtue  of  the  pope's 
dispensation.  2.  The  benefice  enjoyed  by  vir- 
tue of  the  said  dispensation.  3.  Privilege  of 
gentleman  or  esquire,  in  Catalonia,  granted 
by  the  Spanish  monarch,  and  giving  a  middle 
rank  between  the  nobility  and  citizens. 

CABALLEREAR,  mi.  To  set  up  for  a.  gentleman. 

CABAM.ERESCO,  CA,  a.  Belonging  to,  or  having 
the  appearance  of  a  gentleman.  [man. 

CABALLERETE  6  ITO,  sm.  Spruce  young  gentle- 

CABAT.LERIA,  sf,  1.  Saddle-horse,  saddle-mule. 
Caballeria  menor,  Jack-ass.  2.  Cavalry,  horse- 
troops.  3.  Art  of  managing  a  horse,  and 
mounting  on  horseback.  4.  Military  order,  as 
Calatrara,  &c.  5.  Assembly  of  knights  of 
military  orders.  (5.  Institution  and  profession 
of  knights.  7.  Body  of  the  nobility  of  a  pro- 
vince or  place.  8.  Service  rendered  by  knights 
and  nobles.  9.  Share  of  spoils  given  to  a 
knight,  according  to  his  rank  and  merit.  10. 
Lot  or  measure  of  land.  11.  Pre-eminence 
and  privileges  of  knights,  nobleness  of  mind 
Libros  de  caballeria,  Books  of  knight  erran- 
try. Caballeria  andante,  The  profession  of 
knight-errantry.  Jindarse  en  caballerias, 
(Met.)  To  make  a  fulsome  show  of  super- 
fluous compliments. 

CABAM-ERIZA,  sf.  1.  Stable,  a  house  for  beasts 

2.  Number  of  horses,  mules,  &c.  standing  in 
a  stable. 

CABALLERI zo,  sm.  Head  groom  of  a  stable.  Ca 
ballerizo  del  rey,  Equerry  to  the  king.  Ca- 
ballcrizo  mayor  del  rey,  Master  of  the  horse 
to  the  king. 

CABALLERO,  sm.  1.  Knight,  member  of  a  mili- 
tary order.  2.  Horseman,  soldier  on  horseback 

3.  Nobleman.  4.  Cavalier,  a  sort  of  fortifica- 
tion.  5.  Old  Spanish  dance.  6.  (Orn.)  Red- 
legged  horseman,  gambet.  Tringa  gambetta 
L,  7.  Caballero  andante,  Knight-errant  who 
wanders    about    in    quest    of   adventures 
poor  reduced  gentleman  strolling  from  place 
to  place.  8.  Ir  caballero,  To  go  on  horseback 
9.  Caballero  de  sierra  o  de  la  sierra,  Ranger 
of  a  forest  or  mountain.  A1  caballero.  Above 
in  a  superior  degree.  Jlrmar  a  caballero,  T< 
arm  one's  self  as  a  knight.    Mctersc  a  cabal 
I  era*  To  assume  or  affect  the  character  of  ? 
gentleman  or  a   knight.     Caballero  pardo 
(Ant.)  Upstart  knight ;  gentleman  by  creation 
not  family. 

CABALLERosAMKNTE,«-rf.  Generously,  nobly,  in 

a  gentlemanlike  manner. 
CABALLEROSO,  SA,  a.  1.  Noble,  generous,  gen 

teel.  2.  Gentlemanlike,  having  the  manner; 

and  deportment  of  a  gentleman.  [tleman 
CABALLEROTE,  sm.  Graceless,  unpolished  gen 
CAB  \LI.ETA, s/. Field-cricket.  Gryllus  campes 

Iris  L. 

CABAI.I.ETE,  sm.  1.  Ridge  of  a  house  formincr  an 

acute  angle.  2.  Horse,  an  instrument  of  tor- 
ture. 3.  Brake,  an  instrument  for  dressing 
hemp  and  flax.  4.  Ridge  between  two  furrows, 
raised  by  a  ploughshare.  5.  Cover  over  the 
funnel  of  a  chimney,  made  of  tiles  in  a  pyra- 
midical  form.  6.  Bridge  of  the  nose.  7.  Gal- 
lows of  a  printing-press.  Caballete  de  aserrar, 
Sawyer's  trestle  or  horse.  Caballete  de  colchar 
cabos,  (Naut.)  Rope-laying  trussel,  a  stake- 
head.  Caballete  de  pintor,  Painter's  easel. 
ABALL* co  Y  ITO,  5m.  1.  Little  horse,  pony.  2. 
Stick  or  cane  on  which  children  ride,  a 

^ABALLILLO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Small  ridge. 

^AEALLO,  sm.  1.  Horse,  a  quadruped  used  for 
riding,  draught,  and  carriage.  Caballo  padre, 
Stone-horse,  a  stallion.  Caballo  de  montar,  6 
silla,  Saddle-horse.  Caballo  de  albaro,  Pack- 
horse.  Caballo  castrado,  6  capado,  Gelding. 
Caballo  de  cache,  Coach-horse.  Caballo  fri- 
son,  Draught-horse,  Flanders-horse.  Caballo 
de  guerra.  Charger.  Caballo  de  aldaba  6  de 
regalo,  Sumpter  or  state  horse.  Caballo  de  ar- 
cabuz.  Horse  that  stands  the  fire.  Caballo  de 
caza,  Hunter.  Caballo  dc  brida  y  de  corredor, 
Racer,  a  race-horse.  Caballo  rabon,  Docked 
horse,  a  short-tailed  horse.  Caballo  desore- 
jado,  Cropped  horse.  Caballo  de  escuela, 
Horse  well  broken  in  at  the  manege.  Caballo 
dc  vara,  Shaft-horse.  Caballo  aguililla,  Peru- 
vian horse  very  swift.  Hacer  mal  d  un  ca- 
ballo,  To  break  in  a  horse,  to  make  him  an- 
swer to  spur  and  bridle.  Sacar  bien  sit  cabal- 
lo,  (Met.)  To  extricate  one's  self  decently  out 
of  a  difficulty.  Caballo  de  buena  boca,  (Met.)  A 
person  who  accommodates  himself  readily  to 
every  thing  whether  good  or  bad.  Caballo  de 
frisia,  (Mil.)  Chevaux-de-frise,  a  military  in- 
strument. Caballo  depalo,  (Joe.)  Any  vessel 
to  go  to  sea  in  ;  (Vulg.)  Rack  for  criminals. 
Caballo  marino,  River  horse.  Hippopotamus 
L. :  Pipe-fish,  sea-horse.  Syngnathus  hippo- 
campus L.  2.  Figure  on  horseback,  equivalent 
to  the  queen,  at  cards.  3.  Trostle,  bench  on 
which  planks  or  boards  are  laid  for  masons  and 
plasterers  to  work  on.  4.  Knight  in  the  game 
of  chess.  A1  caballo,  On  horseback.  Cabal- 
los,  Horse,  cavalry,  soldiers  mounted  on 
horseback.  5.  Bubo,  tumor  in  the  groin.  6. 
Thread  which  ravels  others.  Huir  d  una  dc 
caballo,  To  have  a  hair-breadth  escape  ;  to 
extricate  one's  self  from  any  difficulty  by 
prudence  and  energy. 

CABALLON,  sm.  1.  Large,  clumsy  horse.  2.  Ridge 
of  ploughed  land  between  two  furrows. 

CABALLONA,  sf.  Queen  in  the  game  of  chess. 

CABALLUELO,  sm.  (Dim.)  Little  horse. 

CABALLING,  NA,  a.  Belonging  to  a  horse,     [ly. 

CABALMENTE,  ad.  Exactly,  completely,  perfect- 

CABALtJSTE,  sm.  Kind  of  saddle. 

CAB  AN  A,  s/.l  .Shepherd's  hut,  cottage,  or  CABIN. 
2.  Flock  of  ewes  or  breeding  sheep.  3.  Drove 
of  asses  for  carrying  corn.  4.  (Extr.)  Weekly 
allowance  of  bread,  oil,  vinegar,  and  salt,  for 
shepherds.  5.  Line  drawn  on  a  billiard-table, 
within  which  the  players  must  play.  G.  Land- 
scape representing  a  shepherd's  hut  or  cot- 
tage, with  fowls,  and  other  domestic  animals. 
7.  Cabana  real,  A  meeting  of  the  owners  of 



i    \ 


travelling  flocks,  who  compose  the  council  of 


ABANAL,  sm.  Road  for  flocks  of  sheep  and 

droves  of  cattle. 

CABANERO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Shepherd  ;  drover. 

CABANERO,  RA,  a.  Belonging  to  the  drove  of 
mules  and  asses  which  go  with  a  flock  of 

CABANILO  CABAJJAL,  a.  V.  Cabanero. 

CABANIL,  sm.  Herd  or  keeper  of  mules  and 
asses,  which  are  kept  for  c?rrying  corn. 

CABANUELA,  sf.  Small  hut  or  cottage.  Caba- 
nudas,  Festival  of  the  Jews  of  Toledo. 

CABAZA,  sf.  Large  or  wide  cloak  with  hood  and 
sleeves,  worn  in  bad  weather. 

CABDAL,  V.  Caudal. 

CABDILLAR,  va.  V.  Acaudillar. 

CABE,  sm.  Stroke  given  by  balls,  in  the  game  of 
argolla,  whereby  the  player  gains  a  point. 
Dar  un  cabe  al  bolsillo,  d  la  hacienda,  8,-c. 
(Met.)  To  give  a  shake  to  one's  purse,  to 
hurt  one  in  his  business,  fortune,  &c.  Cabe 
de  pala  o  pal  eta,  Opportunity,  fortunate  mo- 
ment to  attain  any  object. 
ABE,  prep.  (Ant.)  V.  Cerca  6  Junto. 
ABECE  AR,  vn.  1.  To  nod  with  sleep,  to  hang  the 
head  on  one  side  or  another.  2.  To  shake  the 
head,  as  a  sign  of  disapprobation.  3.  To  raise 
or  lower  the  head  ;  applied  to  horses.  4.  To 
incline  to  one  side  ;  applied  to  a  load  which 
is  not  well  balanced.  5.  (Naut.)  To  pitch. — 
va.  1.  In  writing  to  give  some  letters  the  ne- 
cessary thick  stroke.  2.  (Among  Bookbinders) 
To  put  the  head-band  to  a  book.  3.  to  garnish 
cloth  with  edgings  of  tape  or  lace.  4.  To  cau- 
terise a  vein.  5.  To  head  wine,  by  adding 
some  old  to  give  it  strength.  [head. 

CABECEO,  sm.  Act  of  nodding  or  shaking  the 
BECEQ.UIA,  sm.  (Ar.)  Inspector  of  watering 
sluices,  guardian  of  water-courses. 
'ABECERA,  sf.  1.  Upper  end  of  a  hall  or  table.  2. 
Bolster  or  pillow  at  the  head  of  a  bed.  Estar 
6  asistir  d  la  cdbecera  del  cnfermo,  To  nurse 
or  attend  a  sick  person.  3.  Beginning  of  an 
instrument  or  other  writing.  4.  Executor, 
trustee.  5.  Office  of  an  executor  or  trustee. 
6.  Captain.  7.  Capital  of  a  kingdom,  or  of  a 
province.  8.  V.  Vineta. 

CABECERO,  sm.  1.  Lintel,  the  upper  part  of  a 
door-frame.  2.  Head  of  a  branch  01  a  noble 
family.  3.  Compress. 

CABECIANCHO,  CHA,  a.  Broad  or  flat  headed; 
applied  to  nails. 

CABEC{LLA  Y  ITA,  sf.  1.  Small  head.  2.  Wrong- 
headed  person,  full  of  levity,  indiscretion, 
and  whims.  . 

CABELLAZO,  sm.  Large  bush  of  hair. 

CABELLEJO,  sm.  Little  hair. 

CABELLERA,  sf.  1.  Long  hair  spread  over  tn*e 
shoulders.  2.  False  hair.  3.  Tail  of  a  comet. 

CABELLO,  sm.  Hair  of  the  head.  Llevar  d  uno  de 
un  cabello,  To  lead  one  by  the  nose.  No  f al- 
tar en  un  cabello.  Not  to  be  wanting  in  the 
least  thing.  JVo  monta  un  cabello,  It  is  not 
worth  a  rush.  Hender  un  cabello  en  el  ayre, 
To  split,  a  hair,  to  be  wonderfully  acute.  En 
cabello,  In  a  dishevelled  manner.  Asirse  de 
un  cabello,  To  catch  at  a  hair,  to  adopt  any 
pretext.— pi.  1.  Large  sinews  in  mutton, 


which,  by  much  boiling,  are  split  into  small  fi- 
bres. 2.  Fibres,  the  slender  filaments  of  plants. 
Cabellos  de  angel,  Conserve  of  fruit  cut  into 
small  threads.  Estar  colgado  de  los  cabellos, 
To  be  in  anxious  expectation  of  the  issue  of 
a  critical  affair.  Tomar  la  ocasion  por  los  ca- 
bellos, (Met.)  To  profit  by  the  occasion.  Traer 
alguna  cosa  por  los  cabellos,  (Met.)  To  ap- 
propriate a  thing  to  one's  self  in  a  violent 
manner.  Arrancarse  los  cabellos,  To  pull  or 
tear  one's  hair.  Arrastrar  d  uno  por  los  ca- 
bellos, To  drag  one  away  by  the  hair. 
CABELLTJDO,  DA,  a.  Having  long  and  thick  hair. 
ind  of  sea-fish. 

,  sm.  Kind 
CABELLUELO,  sm.  Thin  and  short  hair. 
CABER,  vn.  1.  To  be  able  or  capable  to  contain. 

2.  To  have  room,  place,  or  right  of  admission. 

3.  To  be  entitled  to  a  thing.  4.  To  fall  to  one's 
share.  Honra  yprovecho  no  caben  en  un  saco, 
(Prov.)  Honour  and  money  are  seldom  found 
together.  JVo  caber  de  gozo,  To  be  overjoyed. 
JVo  caber  dc  pies,  To  have  no  room  to  stand. 
No  caber  en  el  mundo,  To  be  elated  with  ex- 
cessive pride,  to  be  puffed  up  with  vanity. 
JYto  caber  en  si,  To  be  full  of  one's  own  me- 
rits.    Todo  cabe,  It  is  all  possible  ;  it  may 
well  be  so.     Todo  cabe  en  fulano,  He  is  ca- 
pable of  any  thing.    JVo  cabe  mas,  Nothing 
more  to  be  desired  ;  any  thing  that  has  ar- 
rived at  its  ultimate  point.  —  va.  To  contain, 
to  comprise,  to  include.  [tools. 

CABERO,  sm.  Maker  of  handles  for  working 

CABESTRAGE,  sm.  1.  Halter,  and  other  head- 
tackling  for  beasts.  2.  Money  paid  to  a  dri- 
ver for  conducting  cattle  to  market.  3.  Act 
of  tying  a  beast  with  a  halter  or  collar. 

CABESTRANTE,  sm.  V.  Cabrestante. 

CABESTRAR,  va.  To  halter,  to  bind  with  a  hal- 
ter. —  vn.  To  fowl  with  a  stalking-ox. 

CABESTREAR,  vn.  To  follow  one  willingly  who 
leads  by  a  halter  or  collar  ;  applied  to  beasts. 

CABESTRERIA,  sf.  Shop  where  halters  and  col- 
lars are  made  and  sold. 

CABESTRERO,  sm.  One  who  makes  or  retails 
halters  and  collars.  [by  a  halter. 

CABESTRERO,  RA,  a.  being  so  tame  as  to  bo  led 

CABESTRILLO,  sm.  1.  Sling  suspended  from  the 
neck,  in  which  a  sore  arm  or  hand  is  carried. 
2.  Kind  of  hoop,  which  keeps  the  cheeks  of  a 
saw  tignt.  3.  Gold  or  silver  chain,  formerly 
worn  by  women  about  their  necks.  Buey  dc 
cabestrillo,  Stalking-ox. 

CABESTRO,  sm.  1.  Halter,  put  on  the  head  of  an 
animal  to  lead  it  with.  2.  Bell-ox,  a  tame 
bullock  with  a  bell  round  his  neck,  to  lead 
the  rest  of  a  drove  of  black  cattle.  Traer  al- 
guno  de  cabcstro,  To  lead  one  by  the  nose.  3. 
(Ant.)  Chain.  V.  Cabestrillo.  4.  Pimp  to  his 
own  wife. 

CABEZA,  sf.  1.  Head,  that  part  of  the  body, 
which  contains  the  brain,  face,  &c.  2.  Part  of 
the  head  which  comprehends  the  cranium  and 
forehead.  3.  Precious  stone  of  an  irregular 
shape.  4.  A  person.  5.  Source  or  spring  of 
water.  6.  Chapter  of  a  book  or  treatise.  7. 
Judgment,  talents.  8.  Beginning  of  a  thing, 
e.  g.  of  a  book.  9.  End  or  extremity  of  a 
thing,  e.  g.  of  a  beam,  or  a  bridge.  10.  Head 
of  a  nail.  11.  Head  of  cattle.  Cabeza  mayor, 



Head  of  black  cattle.  Cabeza  menor,  Head  of 
sheep,  goats,  &c.  12.  Chief  governor  or  com- 
mander. Cabeza  de  la  iglesia.  A  title  of  the 
Pope.  13.  Title-page  of  a  book.  14.  Diameter 
of  a  column.  15.  Principal  town  of  a  pro- 
vince. 1C.  Head  of  a  process.  Cabeza  de 
aguas,  High  water.  Cabeza  de  un  muelle, 
Pier  or  mole  head.  Cabeza  de  ajos,  Head  of 
garlic.  Cabeza  de  monte,  Top  of  a  mountain. 
Cabeza  de  perro,  (Bot.)  Snap-dragon.  Cabe- 
zas,  Principal  parts  of  a  vessel ;  an  equestrian 
game.  Cabeza  torcida,  Wrong-headed  fellow. 
Cabeza  rcdonda,  (Met.)  Blockhead.  A1  un 
nolver  de  cabeza,  In  an  instant.  Dar  de  cabe- 
za, To  decline  in  one's  fortune,  power,  or  au- 
thorit}r.  Es  mala  cabeza,  He  is  a  man  of  bad 
principles.  Hablar  de  cabeza,  To  speak  with- 
out ground  or  foundation.  Hacer  cabeza, 
(Ant.)  To  face  the  enemy.  Llevar  en  la  ca- 
beza, To  be  frustrated  in  one's  views  and  ex- 
pectations. Meter  la  cabeza  en  el  puchcro,  To 
follow  another's  dictates,  whether  right  or 
wrong.  No  tencr  6  no  llevar  pics  ni  cabeza 
alguna  cosa,  To  have  neither  head  nor  tail. 
Otorgar  de  cabeza,  (Ant.)  To  give  a  nod  of 
approbation.  Perder  la  cabeza,  To  lose  one's 
senses,  to  be  at  a  loss  how  to  act.  Poner  las 
cosas  pies  con  cabczas.  To  jumble  things  to- 
gether in  a  confused  manner.  Sacar  de  su  ca- 
beza alguna  cosa,  To  strike  out  a  thing.  Te- 
ner  una  cabeza  de  hierro,  6  de  bronce,  To  be 
indefatigable  in  business.  Mala  cabeza,  6  tc- 
ner  mala  cabeza,  (Met.)  Without  judgment 
or  reflection  ;  weak-minded.  De  cabeza, 
From  memory. 

CASE/ A i)  A,  sf.  1.  Stroke  or  butt  given  with  the 
head.  2.  Halter,  collar.  3.  Headstall  of  a  bri- 
dle. 4.  Pitching  of  a  ship.  5.  (Among  Book- 
binders,) Head-band  of  a  book.  6.  Instep  of  a 
boot.  Da r  cabezadas,  To  nod,  to  fall  asleep. 
Darse  de  cabezadas,  To  screw  one's  wits  in 
the  investigation  of  a  thing  without  success. 

CABEZAGE,  sm.  (Ant.)  Poll-tax.  A1  cabezage, 
Per  head,  so  much  a  head. 

CABE/AI^S™.  1 .  Head-piece  in  a  powder-mill.  2. 
Small  square  pillow.  3.  Compress,  a  bolster  of 
folded  linen  laid  on  a  wound.  4.  Long  round 
bolster  which  crosses  a  bed.  5.  Post  of  a  door. 
Cabezdlcs  de  cochc,  Standards  of  the  fore  and 
hind  parts  of  a  coach,  to  which  the  braces  are 
fastened.  G.Mattressor  piece  of  cloth  onwhich 
peasants  sleep  on  benches  or  stones  at  the  fire. 

CAIT./ALEJO,  ico,  II.LO,  Y  ixo,  sm.  1.  Little 
pillow  or  bolster.  2.  Small  compress. 

CABEZALERO,  RA,  s.  (Ant.)  V.  Mbacea. 

CABKZO,  sm.  1.  Summit  of  a  hill.  2.  Shirt  collar. 

CABEZON,  sm.  1.  Register  of  the  different  taxes 
paid  to  government,  and  of  the  names  of  the 
contributors.  2.  Collar  of  a  shirt.  3.  Opening 
of  a  garment  for  the  head  to  pass  through.  4. 
Cavesson  or  noseband,  used  in  taming  or 
breaking  in  a  horse.  Llevar por  los  cabezones, 
To  drag  along  by  the  collar.  Enlra  por  la 
manga,  ysale  por  el  cabezon,  (Prov.)  Applied 
to  those  favourites  who  assume  authority  and 
dominion,  and  originating  in  the  ancient  ce- 
remony of  adoption,  by  passing  the  person 
through  a  wide  sleeve  of  a  shift. 

CABEZORRO,  sm.  Large,  disnroportioned  head. 

CABEZT^DO,  sm.  (let.)  Chub.  Cypr'-aus  cepha- 
lus  L.  [head.  2.  Headstrong,  obstinate. 

DA,  a.  1.  Large-headed,  having  a  big 

CABEZUELA,  sf.  1.  Small  head.  2.  Blockhead, 
dolt,  simpleton.  3.  Coarse  flour.  4.  Rose-bud, 
from  which  rose  water  is  distilled.  5.  Little 
glass-tube  in  a  velvet-loom.  6.  (Bot.)  Eryn- 
go.  Eryngium  tricuspidatum  L. 

C  ABEZt'ELo,  sm.  Little  head  or  top  of  any  thing. 

CABIAL,  sm.  Caviare,  the  salted  eggs  of  a  stur- 

CABIDA,  sf.  Space  or  capacity  of  any  tiling. 
Tener  cabida  con  una  persona,  To  be  in  high 
favour,  to  have  a  strong  influence  over  one. 

CABIDO,  sm.  Knight  of  the  order  of  Malta,  who 
has  the  right  to  claim  a  commandery. 

CABIDO,  a.  (Ant.)  Esteemed,  well  received. 

CABILDAUA,^/".  (Bax.)  Hasty,  ill-grounded  re- 
solution or  proceeding  of  a  chapter  or  other 
ecclesiastic  body.  [ter. 

CABILDANT,  sm.  He  who  has  a  vote  in  a  chap- 

CABILDEAR,  tn.  To  hold  a  chapter. 

CABILDKRO,  a.  Belonging  to  a  chapter. 

CABILDO,  sm.  1.  Chapter  of  a  cathedral  or  col- 
legiate church.  2.  Session  of  a  court  of  jus- 
tice. 3.  Meeting  of  a  chapter,  and  the  place 
where  the  meeting  is  held. 

CABILI.A,  sf.  (Naut.)  Wooden  pin  with  which 
the  outside  planks  of  vessels  are  fastened. 

CABII.LO,  sm.  Small  end  of  a  rope. 

CABIMJENTO,SW.  l.Right  of  claiming  a  comman- 
dery in  the  order  of  Malta.  2.  V.  Cabida. 

CABIO,  sm.  Lintel  of  a  door. 

CABITO,  sm.  V.  Cabillo.  Cabitos,  Small  lines. 

CABIZBAXO,XA,«.  1.  Down  in  the  mouth,  crest- 
fallen. 2.  Thoughtful,  pensive,  melancholy. 

CABIZCAIDO,  DA,  «.  Applied  to  persons  who 
hang  their  head  on  their  breast. 

CABIZTUERTO,  TA.  5.  Wry  -headed;  hypocritical. 

CABLE,  sm.  Cable,  a  strong  rope  fastened  to  the 
principal  anchor  of  a  ship.  Cable  de  esperan- 
za,  Sheet-cable,  the  largest  on  board  a  ship. 

CABO,  sm.  1.  End  or  extremity  of  any  thing.  2. 
Cape,  headland,  or  promontory.  3.  Place,  seat. 
4.  Requisite.  S.Lowest  card  in  the  game  called 
reversi.  6.  Paragraph,  article,  head.  7.  Chief, 
head,  commander.  8.  Haft,  handle.  9.  Cord- 
age. Cabodearmeria.(N&v.)'The  original  man- 
sion of  a  noble  family.  Cabo  de  ano,  The  reli- 
gious offices  performed  on  the  anniversary  of 
a  person's  death.  Cabo  de  barro,  Chisellsd  dol- 
lar of  Mexico  ;.  last  payment  or  balance  of  an 
account.  Cabo  dcf  or  zados,  Keeper  or  overseer 
of  galley  slaves.  Cabo  de  esquadra,  Corporal. 
Cabo  de  ronda  de  alcabalas,  Tide-waiter, 
custom-house  officer.  Coger  todos  los  cabos, 
(Met.)  To  weigh  all  the  circumstances  of  a 
case.  Cabos  negros  en  las  mugeres,J$\a,ck  hair, 
eyes,and  eye-brows  of  awoman.  Cabos  blancos, 
(Naut.)  Untarred  cordage.  Dar  cabo,  (Naut.) 
To  throw  out  a  rope  for  another  to  take  hold 
of.  Al  cabo,  At  last.  Dar  cabo  d  alguna  cosa, 
To  perfect  or  complete  a  thing  ;  to  destroy  a 
thing.  De  cabo,  Again,  once  more,  encore.  De 
cabo  d  rabo,  From  head  to  tail.  Estar  al  cabo 
de  algnn  negocio,  To  be  thoroughly  acquaint- 
ed with  the  nature  of  an'  affair.  Estar  alguno 
al  cabo  6  muij  al  cabo,  To  be  at  death's  door. 
JYb  tcncr  cabo  ni  cuenta  una  cosa,  To  have 



ither  head  nor  tail ;  applied  to  a  perplexed 
iness.  POT  cabo  6 por  il  cabo,  Lastly.  For 
ni  HIT  tin  cabo,  By  no  means.  Voice  r  a  cogcr  el 
rub'u.  To  resume  the  thread  of  a  discourse. 

CABORAI.,  sm.  (Ant.)  Captain. 

CABOTAGE,  sm.  (Naut.)  1.  Coasting-trade,  2. 

CABRA  ,  sf- 1  •  Goat.  Capra  L.  2.  Engine  formerly 
used  to  throw  stones.  3.  Cabra  monies,  "Wild 
goat.  Capra  ibex  L.  La  cabra  siempre  tira  al 
monte,  What  is  bred  in  the  bone  will  not  come 
out  of  the  flesh  ;  or  Cat  after  kind. — pi.  l.Red 
marks  on  the  legs  caused  by  fire.  2.  Small 
white  clouds  floating  in  the  air.  Echar  cobras 
6  las  cabras,  To  play  for  who  will  pay  the 
ckoning.  Ecluir  las  cabras  d  o£ro,To  throw 
ie  blame  upon  another. 
BRAHIGADURA,  sf.  Caprification. 

CABRAHIGAL  6  CA^RAIUGAR,  sm.  Grove  or 
plantation  of  wild  fig-trees. 

CABRAHIGAR,  va.  To  improve  or  meliorate  a 
fig-tree  ;  that  is,  to  string  up  some  male  figs, 
and  hang  them  on  the  branches  of  the  female 
fig-tree,  to  make  it  produce  better  fruit. 

CABRUIIGO,  sm.  The  male  wild  fig-tree,  or  its 
fruit  which  does  not  ripen. 

CABRE,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Cable. 

CABRF.i  A,  sf.  (Ant.)  Wooden  machine  for  throw- 
ing stones. 

CABREO,  sm.  Register,  especially  of  the  privi- 
leges and  charters  of  cathedral  churches. 

CABRERIA,  sf.  Herd  of  goats. 

CABRERO,  sm.  Goat-herd,  a  keeper  of  goats. 

CABRESTANTK,  sm.  1.  (Naut.)  Capstan,  a  large 
windlass  for  heaving  up  the  anchor.  2.  Ma- 
chine for  moving  and  raising  weighty  things, 
such  as  stones  for  building. 

CABRIA,  sf.  1.  Axle-tree.  2.  (Naut.)  Sheers,  a 
machine  used  for  setting  up  and  taking  out 
masts  for  want  of  hulks.  3.  Crane. 

CABRIAL,  5m.  Beam.  V.  Viga. 

CABRILLA,  sf.  1.  Little  goat.  2.  (let.)  Prawn. 
Cancer  squilla  L. — pi.  1.  (Astr.)  Pleiades,  a 
northern  constellation.  2.  Stones  thrown  ob- 
liquely on  the  water,  called  duck  and  drake. 
3.  Marks  on  the  legs  occasioned  by  fire. 

CABRILLEAR,  vn.  To  throw  stones  along  the 
surface  of  water. 

CABRJO,  sm.  Rafter,  beam,  or  other  timber, 
used  in  building. 

CABRIO,  a.  Resembling  goats. 

CABRIOLA,  sf.  1.  Caper  made  in  dancing,  by 
moving  the  feet  several  times  across  each 
other  before  they  reach  the  ground.  2.  Nim- 
ble leap,  hop,  or  jump.  [jump. 

CABRIOLAR  6  CABRIOLEAR,  vn.  To  caper,  to 

CABRIOLE,  sm.  1.  Kind  of  cloak  used  by  ladies. 
2.  Narrow  riding  coat  without  sleeves. 

CABRITA.  sf.  1.  Little  she-kid.  2.  (Ant.)  Kid- 
skin  dressed.  3.  (Ant.)  Ancient  engine  to  cast 

CABRITERO,  sm.  1.  Dealer  in  kids.  2.  One  who 
dresses  or  sells  kid-skins. 

CABRITILLA,  sf.  A  dressed  or  tanned  lamb  or 
kid-skin.  [a  goat. 

CABRITII.LO  v  CABRITO,  sm.  Kid,  the  young  of 

CABRITUNO,  NA,  a.  (Ant.)  Of  the  goat  kind. 

CABRON.  sm.  1.  Buck,  he-goat.  2.  One  who  con- 
sents to  the  adultery  of  his  wife. 


CABRONADA,  sf.  (Bax.)  Infamous  action  which 
a  man  permits  against  his  own  honour. 

CABRONAZO,  sm.  (Avun.)  One  who  prostitutes 
his  own  wife. 

CABRONCILLO,  CITO,  v  ZUELO,  57/1.  1.  Easy  hus- 
band. 2.  Fetid  herb  resembling  the  Celtic 

C  A  BRUNO,  NA,  a.  Resembling  a  goat. 

CABSA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Causa. 

CABU,  sm.  Barren  ground. 

CABUJADA,  sm.  Hunting-saddle. 

CABU  JON,  sm.  Rough,  unpolished  ruby. 

CABU YA,  sf.  1.  Sort  of  sedge  or  grass,  of  which 
cords  are  made  in  America.  2.  (Ant.)  Cord 
or  rope  made  of  the  aloes-plant. 

CAC  A,  */.  1.  Excrements  of  a  child.  2.  Word 
used  by  children  who  wish  to  go  to  stool. 

CACAIIUAL  v  CACAOTAL,  sm.  Plantation  of 
chocolate  trees. 

CACAHUATE,  sm.  (Bot.)  American  earth-nut. 

CACAO,  sm.  1.  (Bot.)  Chocolate-tree.  Theobro- 
ma  cacao  L.  2.  Cocoa,  the  fruit  of  the  cho- 

CACAREADOR.  RA,  s.  1.  Cock  that  crows,  alien 
that  cackles,  2.  Boaster,  braggart. 

CACAREAR,  xn.  1  .To  crow,to  cackle.  2.  To  exag- 
gerate one's  own  actions,  to  brag,  to  boast. 

CACAREO,  sm.  1.  Crowing  of  a  cock,  cackling 
of  a  hen.  2.  Boast,  brag.  [pan. 

CACEAR,  va.  To  toss  or  shake  something  in  a 

CACERA,  sf.  1.  Canal,  channel,  or  conduit  of 
water.  2.  Sort  of  pig-nuts. 

CACERIA,  sf.  1.  Hunting  or  fowling  party.  2. 
(Pint.)  Landscape  representing  field  sports. 

CACERILLA,  sf.  Small  drain  or  canal. 
CACERINA,  sf.  ( 

ouch  in  which 

Cartridge  box  or  pouch  i 
carabineers  carry  powder  and  ball. 

CACEROLA,  sf.  Stewing  pan. 

CACETA,  sf.  Small  pan  used  by  apothecaries. 

CACHA,  sf.  Handle  of  a  knife.  Hasta  las  cachas, 
full  to  the  brim. 

CACHED  A,  sf.  Stroke  of  one  top  against  another, 
when  boys  play  at  tops. 

CACHARADO,  sm.  kind  of  linen. 

CACHAR,  va.  (Ant.  Cast.)  To  break  in  pieces. 

CACHARRO,  sm.  1.  Coarse  earthen  pot;  also  a 
piece  of  it.  2.  (Met.)  Any  useless,  worthless 
thing.  [(dias)  Rum. 

CACHAZA,  sf.  1.  Inactivity,  tardiness.  2.  (In- 

CAGHERA,  sf.  Coarse  shagged  cloth  or  baize. 

CACHETAS,  sf.  pi.  Teeth  or  wards  in  a  lock. 

CACHETE,  sm.  1.  Cheek,  the  side  of  the  face  be- 
low the  eye.  2.  Fist,  a  blow  given  with  the 
hand  clenched.  Cachctcs  de  un  naxio, 
(Naut.)  Bow  of  a  ship. 

CACHETERO,  sm.  Short  and  broad  knife  with  a 
sharp  point,  used  by  assassins. 

CACHETUDO,  DA,  a.  Plump  cheeked,  full  of  flesh. 

CACHICAN,  sm.  Overseer  of  a  farm.         [horn. 

CACHICUERNO,NA,  a.  Having  a  handle  or  haft  of 

CACHIDIABLO,  sm.  1.  Hobgoblin.  2.  Disguised 
in  a  devil's  mask.  3.  Having  an  odd  and  ex- 
travagant appearance.  [cheeks. 

CACHIFOIXAR,  ra.  To  puff  or  blow  with  the 

CACHIGORDETE,  TA  ;  Y  ITO,  TA,  a.  Squat,  thick 
and  plump. 

CACHILLAD  A,  sf.(Bax.)Litter,  number  of  young 
brought  forth  by  an  animal  at  once,  [rivers 

CACHir6LLA,s/.White  butterfly  on  the  banksof 



CACHIPORRA,  sf.  1.  Stick  with  a  big  knob  usec 
by  country  people.  2.  Vulgar  exclamation. 

CACHIPORRO,  sm.  (Joe.)  Chub-face. 

CACHIVACHE,  sm.  1.  Broken  crockery  ware,  or 
other  old  trumpery,  laid  up  in  a  corner.  2 
(Met.)  A  despicable,  useless,  worthless  fellow 

CACHO,  sm.  1.  Slice,  piece  ;  applied  to  lemons 
oranges,or  melons. 2.Game  of  chance  at  cards 
3.  (let.)  Red  surmullet.  Mullus  barbatus  L. 

CACHO,  CHA,  a.  Bent,  crooked,  inflected.  V 

CACHOLAS,  sf.  pi.  (Naut.)  Cheeks  of  the  masts 

CACHONES,  sm.  pi.  Breakers,  waves  broken  by 
the  shore,  or  by  the  rocks  and  sand-banks. 

CACHONDA,«.Perra  cachonda,  A  bitch  which  i& 
hot  or  proud.  Cachondas,  (Ant.)  Slashed 
trowsers  formerly  worn. 

CACHONDEZ,  sf.  (Ant.)  Lust,  carnal  desire. 

CACHOPO,  sm.  1.  Gulph  of  the  sea  between  rocks 
2.  Trunk  or  stump  of  a  tree  which  is  dry. 

CACHORRENAS,  sf.  pi.  (And.)  Sort  of  soap,  made 
of  oil,  orange,  bread,  arid  salt. 

CACHORRILLO  Yrro,sm.  1.  A  little  cub  or  whelp 
2.  A  young  man  ;  in  contempt.  3.  A  little 

CACHORRO,  RA,  s.  1.  Grown  whelp  or  puppy 
young  of  animals.  2.  Pocket  pistol. 

CACHUCHO,  sm.  1.  Oil-measure  containing  the 
sixth  part  of  a  pound.  2.  Cartridge.  3.  (Ant.) 
Clumsy  earthen-pot.  4.  Place  for  each  arrow 
in  a  quiver. 

CACHUELA,  sf.  Fricassee  made  of  the  livers  and 
lights  of  rabbits. 

CACHUELO,  sm.  (let.)  Small  river  fish  resem- 
bling an  anchovy. 

CACHTJLERA,  sf.  (Mur.)  Cavern  or  place  where 
any  one  hides. 

CACHUMBO,  sm.  Kind  of  hard  cocoa  wood,  of 
which  rosaries,  &c.  are  made. 

CACHUNPE,  sf.  Paste  made  of  musk,  and  other 
aromatics,  which  the  Chinese  carry  in  their 
mouth  to  strengthen  the  stomach. 

CACHUPIN,  sm.  A  Spaniard  who  goes  and  set- 
tles in  the  Indies. 

CACICAZGO,  sm.  Dignity  and  territory  of  a  Ca- 
cicfue  or  Indian  prince. 

CACILLO  Y  CACITO,  sm.  Small  saucepan. 

CACIQUE,  sm.  Prince  or  nobleman  among  the 

CACO,  sm.  1.  Pick-pocket.  2.  A  coward. 

CACOFONIA,  sf.  Cacophony,  a  harsh  or  unhar- 
monious  sound. 

CACOQUIMIA,  sf.  Cacochymy,  depraved  state  of 
the  humours  of  the  human  body. 

CACOQUIMICO,  CA,  a.  Cacochymical. 

CACOQUIMIO,  sm.  He  who  suffers  melancholy, 
which  makes  him  pale  and  sorrowful. 

CADA,  part.  Every,  every  one.  Cadauno,  Each 
one.  Cada  vez,  Every  time.  Cada  dia,  Every 
day.  A1  cada  palabra,  At  evc%ry  word.  Dar  a 
cada  uno,  To  give  to  every  one.  Cada  qual, 
Every  one.Cadavez  queEvery  time  that.  Ca- 
da y  quando,  Whenever,  as  soon  as. 

CADAHALSO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Wooden  shade  pro- 
jecting from  a  wall. 

CADALECHO,  sm.  Bed  made  of  branches  of  trees, 
and  much  used  in  the  huts  of  Andalusia. 

CADALSO,  sm.l. Scaffold  raised  for  the  execution 
of  malefactors.  2.  Temporary  gallery  or  stage, 

erected  for  shows  or  spectators.  3.  (Ant.) 
Fortification  or  bulwark  made  of  wood. 

CADAI?AL  Y  CADANEGO,  GA,  a.  Yearly,  annual. 

CADANERO,  RA,  a.  Annual,  which  lasts  a  year. 
Muger  cadanera,  A  woman  who  bears  every 

CADARZO,  sm.  Coarse,  entangled  silk,  which 
cannot  be  spun  with  a  wheel. 
\DASctJNo,  NA,  a.  (Ant.)  V.  Cada  uno. 

CADAVER,  sm.  Corpse,  a  dead  body. 

CADAVERA,  sf.  1.  Corpse  or  dead  body.  2.  Skull, 
the  bones  of  the  head  freed  from  the  flesh. 

CADAVERICO,  CA,  a.  Cadaverous,  of  a  pallid 

CADEJO,  sm.  I.  Entangled  skein  of  thread.  2. 
Entangled  hair.  3.  Many  threads  put  toge- 
ther to  make  tassels. 

CADENA,  sf.  1.  Chain,  a  series  of  links  fastened 
one  to  another.  2.  (Met.)  Tie  caused  by  pas- 
sion or  obligation.  3.  Mortice,  a  hole  cut  into 
wood  that  another  piece  may  be  put  into  it. 
4.  (Met.)  Series  of  events.  5.  Number  of  ma- 
lefactors chained  together  to  be  conducted  to 
the  galleys.  6.  Bar  of  iron,  with  which  a  wall 
is  strengthened.  7.  Frame  of  wood  put  round 
the  hearth  of  a  kitchen.  8.  Treadle  of  a  rib- 
bon-weaver's loom.  9.  Turning  handle  which 
moves  a  wheel.  Cadena  de  rocas,  Ledge  or 
ridge  of  rocks.  Cadena  depuerto,  Boom  of  a 
harbour.  Estar  en  la  cadena,  To  be  in  prison. 
Balas  de  cadena,  Chain-shot.  Renunciar  la 
cadena,  To  give  up  all  one's  effects  to  get 
out  of  prison. 

CADENADO,  sm.  Padlock.  V.  Candado. 

CADENCI  A,  sf.  1.  Cadence,  fall  of  the  voice,  flow 
of  verses  or  periods.  2.  (In  Dancing)  Corre- 
spondence of  the  motion  of  the  body  with  the 
music.  Hablar  en  cadencia,  To  affect  the 
harmonious  flow  of  rhyme  when  speaking  in 

JADENCIADO,  DA,  v  oso,  SA,  a.  Belonging  to  a 

JADENETA,  sf.  Lace  or  needle-work  wrought 
in  form  of  a  chain. 

Y  frA,  sf.  Small  chain.  Cadenilla 
y  media  cadenilla,  Pearls  distinguished  by 
their  size. 

ADENTE,  a.  1.  Decaying,  declining,  going  to 
ruin  and  destruction.   2.  Having  a  correct 
modulation  in  delivering  prose  or  verse. 
ER,  vn.  (Ant.)  V.  Caer. 

ADERA,  sf.  Hip,  the  joint  of  the  thigh. 

ADERILLAS,  sf.  pi.  Hoops  worn  by  ladies  in 

full  dress. 

ADETE,  sm.  Cadet,  a  volunteer  in  the  army. 

ADILLAR,  sm.  Place  abounding  with  burdock. 

ADI  LLO  ,sm.  (Bot.)Common  burdock.  Arctiurn 

lappa  L.  Cadillos,  First  threads  or  fag  end  of 

a  web,  or  the  loose  threads  of  the  end  of  a 


ADIZ,  sm.  Kind  of  coarse  stuff. 

,  sf.  Calamine.  V.  Calamina. 
,  sm.  Ferret  hole.  V.,. 
I/ADOCE,  sm.  (let.)  Gudgeon.  Cyprinus  gobio  L. 
ADOSO  6  CADOZO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Hole  or  deep 
place  in  a  river. 

ADCCAMENTE,  ad.  In  a  weak,  doting  manner. 
ADUCAR,  vn.  1.  To  dote,  to  have  the  intellect 
impaired  by  old  age.  2.  To  be  worn  out  by 



service  and  use.  Caducar  el  legado  6  eJfidei- 
comiso,  To  become  extinct ;  applied  to  a  le- 
gacy or  fiduciary  estate. 

CADUCEADOR,  sm.  King  at  arms,  who  proclaims 
war  and  peace. 

CADUCEO,  sm.  Herald's  staff;  caducous. 

CADUCIDAD,  sf.  (For.)  State  or  quality  of 
being  worn  out  with  labour,  or  debilitated  by 

CADtJco,  CA.a.  1.  Worn  out  with  fatigue,  senile, 
enfeebled  by  age.  decrepit.  2.  Perishable,  of 
short  duration.  Mai  cttduco,  Epilepsy. 

CADUQOEZ,  */.  Weakness,  last  stage  of  life,  se- 

CAEDIZO,  ZA,  a.  Ready  to  fall,  being  of  short  du- 
ion,  or  little  consistence.     Hacer  caediza 
cosa,  To  let  a  thing  fall  designedly.    Pc- 
caedizas,  Pears  dropping  from  the  tree. 

C\EDVR\,sf.  (Among  Weavers)  Loose  threads 
dropping  from  the  weaver's  loom  when  weav- 

CAER,  «•«.  1.  To  fall  to  the  ground,  to  tumble 
down.  Caer  6  plomo,  To  fall  flat.  2.  To  lose 
one's  situation,  fortune,  or  influence.  3.  To 
fall  into  an  error  or  danger.  4.  (Met.)  To  de- 
viate from  the  right  road,  or  to  take  the  wrong 
one.  5.  (Met.)  To  fall  or  become  due  ;  a.s.  in- 
stalments or  payments  of  debts.  6.  To  fall  to 
one's  lot.  7.  To  befall,  to  happen  to,  to  come 
to  pass.  8.  To  die.  Caer  a  esta  parte,  To  be 
situated  on  this  side.  Caer  a  la  mar,  (Naiit.) 
To  fall  overboard.  Caer  6  sotavento,  To  drive 
to  leeward.  Caer  en  la  cuenta,  To  bethink 
one's  self.  JVo  cacr  en  las  cosas,  Not  to  com- 
prehend a  thing.  Caer  de  sueno.  To  fall  asleep. 
Caer  bicn  a  caballo.  To  sit  well  on  horseback. 
Est e  color  cac  lien  con  este  otro,  This  colour  is 
well  matched  with  the  other.  Caer  de  la  gra- 
tia de  alguno,  To  lose  one's  favour.  Caer  en 
cama,  6  en  la  cama,  To  become  sick.  Cacr 
en  alguna  cosa.  To  obtain  knowledge  of  a 
thing.  Caer  cnfalta,  To  fail  in  the  perform- 
ance of  one's  engagements.  Caer  en  gratia, 
6  en  gusto,  To  please,  to  be  agreeable.  Caer 
la  balanza,  To  be  partial.  Caerse  a  pcdazoSjTo 
be  very  fatigued,  or  very  foolish.  Caerse  de 
dnimo,To  be  dejected.  Caerse  de  risa,To  burst 
out  into  laughter.  Caerse  en  flor,  To  die  in 
the  bloom  of  age.  Al  cacr  de  la,  hoja,  At  the 
fall  of  the  leaf,  about  the  end  of  autumn. 
Dexarsccaer  alguna  cosa  en  la  conversation, 
To  drop  something  in  the  course  of  conver- 
sation. Caer  el  color,  To  fade.  Caer  en  nota, 
To  be  disgraced  or  scandalized.  Caer  en  cHo, 
To  understand  or  comprehend  a  thing.  Estar 
id  cacr.  About  falling.'  ready  to  fall.  Caerselc 
a  vno  alguna  cosa  de  la  boca,  To  use  frequent- 
ly, to  repeat.  Caersele  a  uno  la  car  a  de  vcr- 
gucnza,  To  blush  deeply  with  shame. — va. 
To  throw  down,  to  cause  one  to  fall. 

CAFA,  sf.  Cotton  stuff  of  various  colours  and 

CAFAIU>,  sm.  Kind  of  cloth  made  at  Damascus. 

CAFAREO,  5m.  Abyss. 

CAFE.  sm.  1.  Coffee,  berry  of  the  coffee-tree. 
Coffea  L.  2.  Coffee,  decoction  of  roasted 
coffee-berries.  3.  Coffee-house, 

v  6  CAFTAN,  sm.  Embroidered  garment 
worn  by  the  chief  Turkish  officers. 

CAFETKRA,  sf.  1.  Coffee-pot  in  which  coffee  is 
made.  2.  Coffee-service. 

CAFETERO,  sm.  One  who  makes  or  sells  toffee, 
a  coffee-man. 

CAFILA,  sm.  1.  Multitude  of  people,  animals,  or 
other  things.  2.  Caravan,  a  troop  of  merchants 
or  pilgrims  travelling  together  in  Arabia  and 

CAFRE,  a.  1.  Savage,  inhuman  ;  belonging  or 
relating  to  the  Cafrees.  2.  (Mur.)  Clownish, 
rude,  uncivil. 

CAGA-ACEYTE,  sm.  A  little  bird  whose  excre- 
ments are  of  an  oily  substance. 

CAGACHIN,,SW.  Kind  of  gnat  orfly.  which  stains 
the  clothes  of  its  captor  with  its  dung  as  soon 
as  it  is  taken. 

CAGADA,  sf.  1.  Excrement.  2.  Ridiculous  ac- 
tion, or  unfortunate  issue.  Place  where  people  resort  tofor 
the  purpose  of  exonerating  the  belly. 

CAGADILLO,  sm.  A  sorry  little  fellow. 

CAGADO,  sm.  A  mean-spirited,  chicken-hearted 

CAGAFIERRO,  sm.  Scoria,  dross  of  iron. 

CAGAJON,  sm.  Dung  of  mules,  horses,  or  asses. 

CAGALAOLLA,  sf.  One  who  goes  dressed  in 
trowsers  and  a  mask  dancing  in  processions. 

CAGALAR,  sm.  Tripe. 

CAGALERA.S/.  Looseness  of  the  body,  diarrhoea. 

CAGAMEI.OS,  sm.  Kind  of  mushroom. 

CAGAR,  va.  1.  To  exonerate  the  belly.  2.  (Met.) 
To  soil,  stain,  or  defile  a  thing. 

CAGAROPA,  sm.  V.  Cagachin. 

CAGARRACHE,  sm.  1.  One  who  washes  the 
olives  in  an  oil-mill.  2.  Bird  of  the  family  of 
starlings,  with  long  legs,  and  of  a  dark  grey 
and  white  colour. 

CAGARRIA,  sf.  Kind  of  mushroom,  called  St. 
George's  agaric.  Agaricus  georgii  L. 

CAGARRUTA,  sf.  Dung  of  sheep  and  goats. 

CAGATORIO,  sm.  V.  Cagadero. 

CAGON,  NA,  s.  1.  Person  afflicted  with  a  diarrhoea, 
or  looseness.  2.  Cowardly,  timorous  person. 

CAGUE,  sm.  (Nadt.)  Kaag,  a  Dutch  vessel  with 
one  mast,  a  kind  of  bilander. 

CAHIZ,  sm..  1.  Nominal  measure  sometimes  of 
twelve  fanegas,  or  about  12  English  bushels. 
2.  V.  Cakizada. 

C  A  in  7.  AD  A.  sf.  Tract  of  land  which  requires 
about  one  cahiz  of  grain  to  be  properly  sown. 

CAIDA,  sf.  1.  Fall,  the  act  of  falling.  2.  Decli- 
vity, descent.  3.  Any  thing  which  hangs  down 
as  hangings,  curtains,  &c.  Caida  de  la  proa, 
(Naut.)  Casting  or  falling  off.  Caida  de  una 
vela,  Depth  or  drop  of  a  sail.  Ir  6  andar  de 
capa  caida,  (Met.)  To  decline  in  fortune  and 
credit.  A1  la  caida  de  la  tarde,  At  the  close 
of  the  evening.  A1  la  caida  del  sol,  At  sun- 
set.— pi.  1.  That  part  of  a  head-dress  which 
hangs  down  loose.  2.  Coarse  wool  cut  off  the 
skirts  of  a  fleece. 

CAfoos,  sm.  pi.  1.  Rents  or  annual  payments 
become  due,  and  not  paid.  2.  Arrears  of 

CAi>fAN,  sm.  Alligator,  an  American  crocodile. 

CAIMIENTO,  sm.  I.  Lowness  of  spirits,  want  of 
bodily  strength.  2.  Fall,  the  act  of  falling. 

CAI'QUK,  .«7ra.(Naut.)  Kind  of  skiff  or  small  boat. 

CAL,  sf.  Burnt  lime-stone,  of  which  mortar  is 



made.  Cal  viva,  Quick  or  unslaked  lime.  Ser 
de  cal  y  canto,  (Met.)  To  be  as  strong  as  if 
built  with  lime  and  stone. 

CAI.A,  ff.  L  (Na6t.)  Small  bay.  2.  Small  piece 
cut  out  of  a  melon,  or  other  fruit,  to  try  its 
flavour.  3.  Hole  made  in  a  wall  to  try  the 
thickness  of  it.  4.  Probe,  an  instrument  with 
which  surgeons  search  a  wound.  5.  Injection, 
made  of  soap,  oil,  and  salt,  to  open  the  bow- 
els. Hacer  cala  y  catu.  To  examine  a  thing  for 
the  purpose  of  ascertaining  its  quantity  and 

CALABACERA,  sf.  Pumpkin.  V.  Calabaza. 

CAi.ABACERO,.sm.Retailer  of  pompions  or  pump- 

CAI.ABACICA,  fi.i.A  v  ITA,  sf.  Small  pompion. 

CALABACILLA,  sf.  1 .  Piece  of  wood  turned  in  the 
shape  of  a  gourd,  around  which  a  tassel  of 
silk  or  worsted  is  formed.  2.  Ear-ring  in  the 
shape  of  a  pear. 

CALABACIN,STO.  A  small,young.tender  pumpkin. 

CALABACINATE,  sm.  Fried  pumpkins. 

CALABACINO,SW.  Dry  gourd  or  pumpkin  scoop- 
ed out,  in  which  wine  is  carried  ;  a  calabash. 

CALABA/A,  ff.  1.  (Bot.)  Pompion,  pumpkin  or 
gourd.  Cucurbita  L.  2.  Calabash.  Calabaza 
viridtcra,  Bottle  gourd,  which,  when  dry,  is 
used  for  carrying  wine  or  drink.  3.  Small  but- 
ton joining  the  ring  of  a  key.  Dar  calabazas, 
To  reprove,  to  censure  ;  to  give  a  denial ;  ap- 
plied to  a  woman  who  rejects  a  proposal  of 
marriage.  Tener  cciscos  de  cahibaza,  To  be  sil- 
ly .ignorant,or  stupid.  Nadar  sin  calabazas,To 
swim  without  pumpkins ;  not  to  need  the  sup- 
port of  others,  to  stand  on  one's  own  bottom. 

(  'A  i.  A  i:  A  /.A  D  \,sf.  1 .  Knock  with  the  head  against 
something.  Darse  calubazadas,  (Met.)  To  la- 
bour in  vain  for  the  purpose  of  ascertaining 
something.  2.  Liquor  drunk  out  of  a  calabash. 

CAI.AKA/AK,  sm.  Piece  of  ground  sown  or 
planted  with  pompions. 

CAI.ABAZATE,  sm.  Preserved  pumpkin  candied 
with  sugar.  2.  Piece  of  a  pumpkin  steeped  in 
honey  or  treacle.  3.  Knock  of  the  head  against 
a  wall.  f 

CALABA/.ONA,  sf.  Large  winter  pumpkin. 

CALABOBOS,  sm.  Small,  gentle,  continued  rain. 

CALABO/.AGE,  sm.  Fee  paid  by  prisoners  to  the 

CALABO/.O,  sm.  1.  Dungeon,  a  close  subterrane- 
ous prison.  2.  Pruning-hookor  pruning -knife. 

CALABRIADA,;?/.  (Ant.)  LA  mixture  of  different 
things.  2.  A  mixture  of  white  and  red  wine. 

CALABROTK,  sm.  (Naut.)  Stream-cable. 

CALACANTO,  sm,.  (Bot.)  Flea-bane. 

CA  LADA.  sf.  1.  Rapid  flight  of  birds  of  prey.  2.  In- 
troduction. 3.  (Ant.)  Narrow,  crajrgy  road.  4. 
Reprimand.  nun  ca'adfi.  To  reprimand. 

CALADU,  sm.  Open  work  in  metal,  wood,  or 
linen.  CaU'idos,  Lace  with  which  women's 
jackets  were  adorned.  Calado  de  ugua, 
(Naiit.)  Draught  of  water. 

CALADOH,  sm.  1 .  One  who  pierces  or  perforates. 
2.  (Nai'.t.)  Caulking-iron,  an  iron  chisel  used 
by  '"Milkers  in  working  oakum  into  the  seams 
or  shakes  of  ships.  3.  Probe,  a  surgeon's  in- 

CAI.ADRK,  sf.  A  bird  belonging  to  the  family  of 


CALAFATE  Y  CALAFATF.ADOR,  5m.  Caulker,  a 
workman  employed  in  caulking  ships. . 

CAL  AF  ATE  A  DURA.  sf.  Caulking. 

CALAFATERIA.  sf.  The  act  of  caulking. 

CAT.AFATEAR  Y  CALAFF.TEAR,  ra.  (Naut.)  To 
fill  up  the  seams  or  shakes  of  a  ship  with 
oakum,  pitch.  <fec.  to  caulk  or  calk. 

CALAFETIN,  sm.  Calker's  boy  or  mate. 

CALAFRAGA,S/".  (Bot.)  Saxifrage.  Saxifraga  L. 

CAL  AGE,  sm.  (Arag.)  Chest,  trunk,  or  coffer. 

CAL AGO/O,  sm.  Bill  or  hedging  hook.         [ing. 

CALAGRANA,  sf.  Kind  of  grape  only  fit  for  eat- 

CALAGUALA,  sf,  A  thick  red  root  common  in 
Peru.  [of  Calahorra. 

CALAGURRITANO,  NA,  a.  Belonging  to  the  city 

CALAHORRA,  sf.  A  public  office  where  bread  is 
distributed  in  times  of  scarcity.  [scl. 

CALALUZ,  sm.  (Naiit.)  Kind  of  East  Indian  ves- 

CALAMACO,sm.  Calimanco,  woollen  stuff,  with  a 
glossy  surface.  Cala  macosflorcc'idos, Flowered 
calimancoes.  Calamacos  lisas,  Plain  caliman- 
coes.  Calamacos  ray  ados,  Striped  caliman- 

CALAMAR,STW.  (let.)  Sea-sleeve,  calamary,  afish 
which,  when  pursued,  emits  a  black  liquor, 
and  thus  effects  its  escape.  Sepia  loligo  L. 

CALAMBRE,  sm.  Spasm,  cramp,  an  involuntary 
contraction  of  the  fibres  and  muscles. 

CALAMBUCO.  sm.  (Bot.)  Calambac  wood,  the 
aromatic  aloes. 

CALAMENTO  6  CALAMINTA,  s.  (Bot.)  Mountain- 
balm  or  calamint.  Melissa  officinalis  L. 

CALAMIDAD,  sf.  Misfortune,  calamity. 

CALAMINA  6  PIEDRA  CALAMINAR,  sf.  Calamino, 
zinc  ore,  or  lapis  calaminaris,  a  mineral  which, 
when  mixed  with  copper,  forms  brass. 

CALAMITA,  sf.  L  Loadstone.     2.  V.  Catamite. 

CAJ. \ni.TE, sm.  Kind  of  small  green  frog,  which 
resides  among  reeds,  and  does  not  croak. 

CALAMITOSAMENTE,  ad.  unfortunately,  disas- 
trously, [wretched. 

CALAMITOSO,  SA,  a.  Calamitous,  unfortunate, 

CALAMO, sm.  1.  Reed.  Culumo aromdtico,  Sweet 
cane,  sweet  flag.  Acorus  calamus  L.  2.  Pen. 
Cc'.lamo  cur  rente.  (Vox.  Lat.)  Off  hand,  in 
haste.  3.  Sort  of  flute. 

CALAMOCAMO.  a.  Estar  6  ir  calainocano,  To  be 
somewhat  fuddled  :  it  is  also  applied  to  old 
men  who  begin  to  droop.  [of  a  house. 

CALAMOCO.  sm.  Icicle  hanging  from  the  eaves 

CALAMON,  sm.  L  (Orn.)  Purple  water-hen,  or 
gallinule.  Fulica  porphyrio  L.  2.  Round- 
headed  nail.  3.  Stay  which  supports  the  beam 
of  an  oil-mill. 

CALAMORRA,  sf.  (Bax.)  The  head. 

CAI.AMOURADA,  sf.  Butt,  a  stroke  with  th.3  head 
of  horned  cattle.  [horned  animals. 

CALAMORRAR,  ra.  To  strike  with  the  head,  as 

CALANDRAJO.  sm.  1.  Rag  hanging  down  from  a 
garment.  2.  Ragamuffin ;  a  mean,  paltry 

CALANDRIA,  sf.  L  (Orn.)  Buntin.  calendar  lark. 
Alauda  calendra  L.  2.  Calender,  a  press  in 
which  clothiers  smooth  their  cloth. 

CAT.ANIS,  sm.  (Bot.)  V.  Ccilamo  aromritico. 

CALAJJA,  s/.  1.  Pattern,  sample.  2.  Character, 
quality.    Es  hombre  dc  lucna  6  ma1.',' 
He  is  a  good  or  ill-natured  man.  Es  una  cosa 
de  mala  calana,  It  is  a  bad  thing. 



CALAHATILLO,  sin.  Maggot  or  worm  prejudicial 
to  corn  and  fruit. 

CALA!R,  va.  1.  To  penetrate,  to  pierce.  2.  (Met.) 
To  discover  a  design,  to  comprehend  the 
meaning  or  cause  ot  a  thing.  3.  To  put,  to 
place.  4.  To  imitate  net  or  laca  work  in  linen 
or  cotton.  Calar  el  timon,  (Naut.)  To  hang 
the  rudder.  Calar  el  palo  tie  un,  (Naiit.) 
To  step  a  mast.  Calar  el  can  de  un  anna  dc 
fue<ro,  To  cock  a  gun.  Calar  el  melon,  6  la 
siinthiij  To  cut,  a  piece  of  a  melon  to  try  its 
flavour.  Calar  elpuente,  To  let  down  a  draw- 
bridge. Calar  la  bayone.ta,  (Mil.)  To  fix  the 
bayonet.  Calar  la  cuerda,  (Mil.)  To  apply  the 
match  to  a  cannon.  Calar  las  cubas,  To  gage 
barrel  or  cask.  Calar  el  sombrero  en  la  ca- 
za  hasta  las  ccjas,  To  press  the  hat  down 
the  eyebrows. — vn.  To  sink  into  the  wa- 
ter. Calar  tantos  pies,  (Naut.)  To  draw  so 
many  feet  water. — vr.  I.  To  enter,  to  intro- 
duce one's  self.  2.  To  stoop,  to  dart  down  on 
prey.  Calarse,  el  falcon  sobre  Ins  aves,  To 
dart  or  pounce  on  the  game  ;  spoken  of  a 

CALAR,a.Calcareous,abounding  with  limestone. 

CALAVERA,  sf.  I.  Skull,  the  bones  of  the  head. 
2.  (Met.)  Blockhead,  stupid  fellow,  dolt. 

CALAVERAUA,  sf.  Ridiculous,  foolish,  or  ill- 
judged  action. 

CALAVKREAR,  vn.  To  act  in  a  foolish  manner, 
to  proceed  without  judgment. 

CAI.AVERII.LA  v  CALAVERITA,S/.I.  Little  skull. 

2.  (Met.)  Little  crazy  fellow,     [or  chesnuts. 
CALBOTE,  s?n.  (Extrem.)  Bread  made  of  acorns 
CALCAMAR..STO.  Sea-fowl  on  the  coast  of  Brasil. 
CALCANA"L  6  CALCANAR,  sin.  Heel-bone,  the 

hindermost  part  and  basis  of  the  foot.  Tencr 

el  scso  en  los  calcanarcs,  To  have  one's  brains 

in  the  heels  ;  to  be  stupid. 
CALCANEO,  sm.  The  heel. 
CALCANUELO,  sm.  A  disease  of  bees. 
CALCE,  sm.   1.  One  of  the  iron  plates  nailed 

round  the  felloes  of  wheels.  2.  (Naut.)  Top. 

3.  (Ant.)  Cup,  a  chalice.  4.  (Ant.)  Small  ca- 
nal to  convey  water  for  irrigation. 

CALCEDOMA,  sf.  Chalcedony,  a  precious  stone 

CALCES,  sm.  (Naut.)  Mast-head. 

CALCETA,  sf.  I.  Under  stocking,  generally  made 

of  thread.  2.  (Met.)  Fetters  or  shackles  worn 

by  criminals. 
CALCETERIA,  sf.  1.  Hosier's  shop  where  thread 

stockings  are  sold.  2.  Trade  of  a  hosier. 
CALCETERO,  RA,  5.  One  who  makes,  mends,  or 

sells  thread  stockings. 

CALCETON,sm.  Large  stocking  worn  under  boots 
CALCIDE  6  CALCIDES,  sf.  Kind  of  pilchards. 
CALCILLA,  sf.  Small  stocking.  [sand 

CALCI.VA,  sf.  Mortar,  a  mixture  of  lime  and 
CAXCINACION,  sf.  Calcination,  pulverizing  by 

fire.  [ble  by  means  of  fire 

CA'LciN*AR,r<7.  To  calcine,  to  render  bodies  fria- 
CALCOGRAFIA,  sf.  Chalcography,  art  of  en- 
CALCOGRAFO,  sm.  Engraver.  [graving 

CALCULABLE,  a.  Calculable. 
CALcuLACiox.s/.Calculation,  the  act  of  reckon- 

ing,  the  result  of  arithmetical  operations. 
CALCULATOR,  sm.  Calculator,  accomptant. 
CALCULAR,  va.  To  calculate,  to  reckon,  to  com 

pute,  to  cast  up. 


CAI.CULO,  sm.  1.  Calcule,  computation,  the  re- 
sult of  an  arithmetical  operation.  2.  (Med.) 
Calculus,  a  stone  in  the  bladder.  3.  Small 
stone  used  by  the  ancients  in  forming  arith- 
metical operations. 

CALDA,  sf.  1.  Warmth,  heat.  2.  Act  of  warming 
or  heating.  Cdldas,  Hot  baths. 

CALDARIA.,  Ley  Caldaria,  Water  ordeal,  by 
which  the  innocence  of  a  person  accused  was 
considered  as  being  fully  proved,  by  his  draw- 
ing his  arm  unscalded  out  of  a  caldron  of 
boiling  water. 

CALDEAR,  xa.  J.  To  weld  iron,  and  render  it 
fit  to  be  forged.  2.  To  warm,  to  heat. 

CALDEO,  sm.  The  language  of  Chaldea. 

CALUKRA,  sf.  Caldron,  a  pot,  kettle,  or  boiler. 
Caldera  de  xalon,  Soap  boiler  ;  place  where 
soap  is  made  and  sold.  Caldera  de  pcro  bo- 
tero,  (Vulg.)  Davy's  locker,  hell. 

CALUERADA,  sf.  A  caldron  full,  a  copper  full. 
ALUERERfA,  sf.  1.  Brazier's  shop,  where  cal- 
drons and  coppers  are  made  and  sold.  2.  Trade 
of  a  brazier. 

CALDERERO,  sm.  1 .  Brazier,  one  who  makes  and 
sells  copper  and  brass  ware.  2.  Tinker,  who 
goes  about  mending  or  brazing  vessels.  3. 
(Among  Wool-washers)  One  that  is  charged 
with  keeping  the  fire  constantly  burning  un- 
der the  copper  or  boiler. 

CALDERETA,  sf.l.  Small  caldron,  a  kettle,  a  pot, 
Caldercta  de  agua  bendila,  Holy-water  pot. 
2.  Kettle  full.  Caldercta  de  pescado  gtiisado, 
Kettle  full  of  slewed  fish. 

CALDERico  v  CAi.DERfLLA,  5.  (Dim.)  A  small 

CALUERfLLA,  sf.  (Dim.)  1.  Holy-water  pot.  2. 
Copper  coin,,  worth  2,  4,  and  8  maravedis.  3. 
The  lowermost  part  of  a  well  where  the  wa- 
ter is  collected,  and  which  has  the  shape  of 
a  caldron. 

C  ALDERO,  sm.'l.  A  caldron  or  boiler  in  the  form 
of  a  bucket,  a  copper.  2.  Caldero  hornillo, 
Pan,  stove.  Caldero  de  brca,  (Naut.)  Pitch 
kettle.  Caldero  del  equipage,  (Naut.)  Mess 

CALUEROIT,  sm.  1.  Large  caldron  or  kettle.  2. 
Mark  of  a  thousand  9.  3.  (Imprent.)  Para- 
graph TF.  4.  (Mus.)  Sign  denoting  a  suspen- 
sion of  the  instruments. 

CALDERUELA,  sf.  1.  Small  kettle.  2.  Small  pot 
or  dark  lanthorn,  used  by  sportsmen  to  drive 
partridges  into  the  net. 

CALDILLO  Y  CALDITO,  sm.  Sauce  of  a  ragout 
or  fricassee,  light  broth. 

CALDO,  sm.  Water  in  which  meat  has  been 
boiled,  broth.  Caldos,  Wine,  oil,  and  all  spi- 
rituous liquors  exported  by  sea.  Caldos  sul- 
cidos.  Pressed  juice  of  herbs.  Revolver  caldos, 
(Met.)  To  excite  disturbances,  to  stir  up  com- 
motions. Caldo  alteradoj  Alterative  broth, 
generally  made  of  veal,  partridges,  frogs, 
vipers,  and  various  herbs. 

CALDOSO,  SA,  a.  Having  plenty  of  broth. 

CALDUCHO,  sm.  (Bax.)  Plenty  of  broth  ill-sea- 
soned and  without  substance,  hog-wash. 

CALECER,  xa.  V.  Calcninr. 

CALECICO,  sm.  Small  chalice. 

CALEFACCION,  sf.  Calefaction,  the  act  of  wann- 
ino-  one's  self;  the  state  of  being  warmed. 



CALEFACTORIO,  57/1.  Stove  or  place  in  convents, 
designed  for  people  to  warm  themselves. 

CALKMBtfo,  sm.  Kind  of  Indian  tree. 

CAI.ENCAS,  sf.  Kind  of  East  India  calico. 

CATENDA,  sf.  Martyrology ,  a  book  which  treats 
of  the  acts  of  the  saints  of  the  day.  Calendas, 
Calends,  first  day  of  every  month. 

CALENDAR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  date. 

CAF.KNDARIO,  sm.  \.  Almanac,  calendar.  2. 
Date.  Haccr  calendar  ios,  (Met.)  To  make  al- 
manacs ;  to  muse,  to  be  thoughtful,  [term. 

CAI.KNDATA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Date.  An  Arragon  law 

CAI,ENDULA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Wild  marygold.  Calen- 
dula arvensis  L.  Calendula  afpina,  (Bot.) 
Leopard's  bane.  Arnica  montana  L. 

CAI.KXTADOK,  sin.  1.  One  who  warms  or  heats. 

2.  Warming-pan.  3.  Watch  of  too  large  a  size. 
CAI.KNTAMIENTO.SW.  1.  Calefaction,  the  act  of 

warming  or  heating.  2.  Disease  incidental  to 
horses,  and  occasioned  by  hard  working. 
CALFNTAR,  va..  \ .  To  warm,  to  heat.  2.  To  roll 
and  heat  a  ball  in  one's  hand  before  it  is  played. 

3.  (Met.)  To  urge,  to  press  forward,  to  de- 
spatch speedily.  Calcntar  d  alguno  lasorejas, 
To  chide  or  reprove  one  severely.  Calcntar  d 
alguno  ci  asicnto  n  la  silla,  To  become  tire- 
some by  making  too  long  a  visit.   Calcntar  d 
homo,  (In  Cant  Language)  To  overheat  one's 
noddle,  to  drink  too  much  spirituous  liquor. — 
Tr.  1.  To  be  hot  or  proud  ;  applied  to  beasts. 
2.  To  dispute  warmly,  to  bo  hurried  along  by 
the  ardour  of  debate.    Calentarscle  d.  uno  la 
boca,  To  speak  incoherently  from  excessive 
ardour.  [take  a  bit  of  a  warning. 

CAI.KNTON,  sm.  Darsc  im  calcnton,  (Fain.)  To 

CAT-KNTUKA,  sf.  1.  A  fever.  2.  Warmth,  gentle 
heat.  Calcnhira  dc  poll  a  por  comer  gullina,  A 
pretended  sickness,  to  be  well  treated  and  ex- 
cused from  work.  El.  nrgocionolc  dafrio  ni 
catrntura,  He  takes  the  business  extremely 
coolly,  or  with  great  indifference. 

CAI.KNTURIENTO,  TA,  a.  Feverish  or  feverous; 
tending  to  produce  a  fever. 

CAI.ENTURII.I.A,  sf.  Slight  fever. 

CAI.RNTURON,  sm.  Violent  fever.  [ry. 

CAI.KPINO,  sm.  (Vulg.)   Vocabulary,   dictiona- 

CAI.KR,  v.  impcrs.  (Ant.)  To  behove. 

CAI.ERA,  sf.  Lime-kiln. 

CAI.KRIA,  sf.  House,  place,  or  street,  where 
lime  is  burnt  and  sold.  [of  lime. 

CAI.KKO,  RA,  a.  Calcareous,  having  the  nature 

CAI.ERO,  sm.  One  who  breaks  and  burns  lime- 
stone, [wheels,  and  drawn  by  two  mules. 

CAI.ESA,  sf.  Calash,  a  Spanish  chaise  with  two 

CAI.KSERO,  sm.  Driver  of  a  calash. 

CAI.KSIN,  sm.  Single  horse  chaise. 

CALKSINERO,  sm.  Owner  or  driver  of  a  single 
horse  chaise. 

C  A  LET  A,  sf.  (Naut.)  Cove,  creek,  a  small  bay. 

CALETRK,S/«.  1.  Understanding,  judgment,  dis- 
cernment. 2.  (In  abusive  Language)  The 

CAM,  sm.  (Qnim.)  V.  Jt'lcali. 

CAMBiTA/s/rt.  Inhabitant  of  a  hut. 

CAMBRAR,  xa.  To  examine  the  caliber  of  a  ball 
or  fire-arm. 

CAI.IBRK,  sm.  1.  Dimensions  and  diameter  of  a 
ball.  2.  Caliber  or  dimensions  of  the  bore  of  a 
cannon  or  other  fire-arm.  3.  Diameter  of  a 

column.  Scr  de  liven  6  mal  calibre^  To  be  of 
a  good  or  bad  quality. 

CAI.ICK,  (Ant.)  V.  Caliz. 

CAI.ICHK,  sm.  Pebble  or  small  piece  of  lime- 
stone accidentally  introduced  into  a  brick  or 
tile  at  the  time  of  its  being  burnt.  [India. 

CAMCUD  6  CAi.icuT,s/.Silk  stuff  imported  from 

CAM  DA  n,  sf.  1 .  Quality,  the  nature  or  property 
of  a  thing  relatively  considered.  2.  Impor- 
tance or  consequence  of  a  thing.  3.  Condi- 
tions or  terms  of  an  agreement.  4.  (Ant.) 
Heat,  warmth.  Dincros  son  calidad,  (Met.) 
Money  is  superior  to  nobility.  Calidadcs, 
Conditions  in  playing  a  game. 

CAI.IUE/,  sf.  Heat. 

CAMDO,  DA,  a.  1.  Hot,  piquant.  Es  cfilida  la 
pimicnta,  The  pepper  is  hot.  2.  Crafty,  artful. 

CAMF.NTAR,  V.  Calcntar. 

CAMENTK,  a.  Warm,  hot,  scalding.  Hierro  ca- 
licntc,  Red  hot  iron.  Tcner  la  sangre  calicn- 
f.c,  (Met.)  To  face  dangers  with  great  spirit. 
En  calicntc,  Piping  hot,  on  the  spot,  imme- 
diately, instantaneously. 

CAI.IETA,  sf.  Kind  of  mushroom  growing  at  the 
foot  of  the  juniper  tree. 

CAI.IKA,  sm.  Calif  or  caliph,  successor  ;  a  title 
assumed  by  the  princes  successors  of  Moham- 

CAMFATO,  sm.  The  dignity  of  caliph.       [med. 

CAMKICACION,  sf.  1.  Qualification.  2.  Judg- 
ment, censure.  3.  Proof. 

CAMKICADO,  o\,  a.  Qualified,  authorised. 

CAMKICADOR,  SM.  l.One  who  is  qualified  to  say 
and  do  something.  2.  Calijicador  del  sunto 
flficio. .Officer  of  the  Inquisition,  appointed  to 
examine  books  and  writings. 

CAI.IKICAR,  va.  1.  To  qualify,  to  render  a  thing 
fit  for  the  purpose  to  which  it  is  intended.  2. 
Te  authori/c,  to  empower.  3.  To  certify,  to 
attest.  4.  To  illustrate,  to  ennoble. — vr.  To 
prove  one's  noble  birth  atid  descent  according 
to  law.  [the  Roman  soldiers. 

CAM'GA,S/.  A  kind  of  leather  half  boots  worn  by 

CAI.IGIMDAD,  V.  Obscuridad. 

CAMGINOSO,  SA,  a.  J.  Dark,  cloudy.  2.  Intricate, 
difficult  to  be  understood.,  sf.  A  slight  injection,  made  of  soap, 
oil,  and  salt,  to  relieve  the  bowels. 

CAMMACO,  sm.  V.  C'alamaco.    [sembling  lead. 

CAI.IN,  sm.  Kind  of  metallic  composition  re- 

CALINA,  sf.  Thick  vapour,  resembling  a  mist  or 
fog.  [Indies. 

CAI.II'EDK'S,  sm.  A  tardigrade  animal  of  the 

CAi.i/,57rt.  1.  Chalice, a  cup  used  in  acts  of  wor- 
ship. 2.  Bitter  cup  of  grief  and  affliction.  3. 
Calix,  the  outwardfccover  of  the  petals  of 

CAI.I/.O,  /A,  a.  Calcareous,  limy.  [ly. 

CAM.A  CAI.I.ANDO,  ad.  Privately,  secretly ,tacit- 

CAI.I.ADA,  sf.  Dish  of  tripe,     [noise,  privately. 

DK  CAM.ADA,  6  A  I.AS  CAI.T.ADAS,  ad.  Without 

CAIJ.ADAMENTK.  ad.  Silently,  tacitly,  secretly, 
privately,  in  a  reserved  manner. 

CAI.I.ADARIO,  sf.  Red  or  black  cotton  stuff, 
which  comes  from  Bengal. 

CAM.A  no,  DA,  «.  1.  Silent,  reserved.  2.  Discreet. 

CAI.I.AMIKNTO,  sm.  Act  of  imposing  or  keeping 
silence.  [low  voice. 

CAM.AMHCO,  CA,  Y  CAI.T.ANDITO,  TA,  «.  In  a 

CAM,AK,  vn.  1.  To  keep  silence,  to  be  silent,not 



to  utter  a  syllable.  2.  To  omit  speaking  of  a 
thing,  to  pass  it  over  in  silence  ;  to  cease  sing- 
ing, spoken  of  birds.  3.  To  dissemble,  to  pre- 
tend not  to  have  heard  what  was  said.  4. 
(Poet.)  To  abate,  to  become  moderate,  to  grow 
calm  ;  applied  to  the  wind  or  sea.  Collar  su 
pico,  To  hold  one's  tongue,  to  pretend  not  to 
nave  heard  or  seen  any  thing  or  the  matter  in 
question.  Buen  callar  se  pierde,  Check  thy 
own  vices  and  proclaim  not  those  of  others. 
Matalas  callando,  By  crafty  silence  he  obtains 
his  ends.  La  muger  y  la  pera.  la  qiie  calla  es 
buena.  (Prov.)  A  silent  woman  and  a  silent 

Elum  are  best.  Qtiien  calla  otorga,  (Prov.)  Si- 
)nce  implies  consent.  Calle  cl  que  did  y  hable 
el  que  tomd,  (Prov.)  Let  the  giver  be  silent, 
and  the  receiver  loud  with  gratitude.  Corta- 
picos  y  callares,  Be  silent ;  an  advice  to  chil- 
dren not  to  be  talkers,  or  to  ask  improper 
questions. — vr.  (Ant.)  To  be  silent. 

CA.LLE,  */.  1.  Street,  paved  way  between  two 
rows  of  houses.  2.  Pretext  or  pretence.  3. 
(Joe.)  Gullet.  Calle  de  drbolcs,  Alley  or  walk 
in  a  garden.  Boca  de  callc,  Entrance  of  a 
street.  Calle  de  hombrcs,  Street  crowded 
with  people.  Calle  mayor,  Main  or  leading 
street.  Calle  pasagcra,  Thoroughfare.  Calle 
sin  salida,  Blind  alley  without  a  thoroughfare. 
Calle  traricsa,  Cross-street.  Mborotar  la 
calle,  To  cause  an  uproar  in  the  street,  to 
disturb  the  public  tranquillity.  Azotar  la  cal- 
le, To  walk  the  streets,  to  loiter  about.  Cal- 
le hita,  To  go  from  house  to  house.  Dexar  a 
uno  en  la  calle,  To  strip  one  of  his  all.  Echar 
algun  secreto  en  la  calle,  To  proclaim  a  secret 
in  the  streets.  Hacer  callc,  To  make  way,  to 
clear  the  passage  ;  (Met.)  To  overcome  diffi- 
culties. Llcvarsede  callesalguna  cosa,  (Met.) 
To  carry  every  thing  before  one.  Qucdar  en  la 
calle,  To  be  in  the  utmost  distress.  Scr  buena 
una  cosa  solo  para  cchada  a  la  calle,  Not  to  be 
worth  keeping.  Calles  piiblicas,  The  public 

CALLE  AR,  va.  To  clear  the  walks  in  the  vineyard 
of  the  loose  branches  which  run  across  them. 

CALLEJA,  sf.  V.  Callejutta. 

CALLEJEAR,  va.  To  walk  the  streets,  to  loiter 
about,  the  streets. 

CALLE  JERO,RA,  s.  Street  walker,  one  who  loiters 
about  the  streets. 

C^LLEJO  y  CALLEYO,  sm.  (Burg.)  Pit  made  by 
sportsmen,  into  which  the  game  falls  when 

CALLEJON,  sm.  1.  Narrow  lane  between  two 
walls.  2.  Narrow  pass  between  mountains. 
Callcjon  dc  c0ra&a*e,(Naut.)  Orlop-gang-way. 

CALLEJONCILLO,  sm.  A  little  narrow  passage. 

CALLEJUELA,  sf.  1.  Lane  or  narrow  passage, 
with  houses  on  each  side,  which  runs  across 
the  main  streets.  2.  (Met.)  Shift,  subterfuge, 
evasion.  Dar  pan  y  callejuela,  To  help  one 
in  his  flight.  Todo  sc  sabc,  hasta  lo  de  la  cal- 
lejuela, In  time  every  thing  comes  to  light. 

CALLEMANDRA,  sf.  Kind  of  woollen  stuff  with  a 
glossy  surface,  like  calamanco. 

CALLIAXTO,  TA,  a.  Having  swelling  welts  or 
borders,  applied  to  horse  shoes. 

CALL^ZO,  sm.  V.  Callejon  y  Callejuela. 

CXi.Lo,  sm.  1.  Hard  or  callous  substance  raised 

on  the  hands  or  feet,  a  corn,  a  wen.  2.  Ex- 
tremity of  a  horse's  shoe.  Cdllo,  Tripes,  the 
intestines  of  black  cattle,  calves,  and  sheep. 
Hacer  d  tcner  callos,  (Met.)  To  harden  the 
hands  by  labour. 

GALLON,  sm.  \.  Big  corn  or  wen.  2.  (Among 
Shoemakers)  Rubber,a  whetstone  for  smooth- 
ing the  blades  of  awls. 

CALLOSIDA^D,  sf.  Callosity,  callousness. 

CALLOSO,  SA,  a.  Callous,  having  a  hard  thick 
skin.  [cocoa  trees. 

CALLotr,  sm.  Wine  extracted  from  palms  and 

CALM  A,  sf.  1.  (Naut.)  A  calm  ;  settled  still  wea- 
ther. 2.  (Met.)  Suspension  of  business,  cessa- 
tion of  pain.  Ticrras  cdlmas,  Flat,  bleak 
country,  without  trees.  En  calma,  (Naut.) 
Smooth  sea.  [dyne. 

CALMJ(.NTE,  p.  y  s.  Mitigating;  narcotic,  ano- 

CALM^R,  vn.  1.  To  fall  calm,  to  be  becalmed. 
2.  (Met.)  To  be  pacified  or  appeased. 

CALMOSO,  SA,  a.  1.  Calm.  2.  (Met.)  Tranquil. 

CALOCA.R,  sm.  Kind  of  white  earth  or  clay. 

CALOCHA,  sf.  Clog,  or  wooden  shoe. 

CALOFRI!DO,  DA,  a.  Chilly,  shiverinjr  with  cold. 

CALOFRI.X.RSE  vCALOSFRi.4RSE,rr.  To  be  chilly, 
to  shudder  or  shiver  with  cold,  to  be  feverish. 

CALOFRIO  v  CALOSFRIO,  sm.  Indisposition,  at- 
tended with  shivering  and  an  unnatural  heat. 

CALOMA,  sf.  (Naut.)  Singing  out  of  sailors  when 
they  haul  a  rope. 

CALONGIA,  sf.  House  of  canons.  V.  Canongia. 

CALONIAR,  va.  To  fine,  to  impose  a  pecuniary 

CALONA,  sf.  1.  V.  Calumnia.  2.  Fine  or  pecu- 
niary punishment  for  calumniating. 

CALOR,  sm.  1.  Heat,  a  sensation  excited  by  fire 
2.  (Met.)  Warmth,  ardour,  fervour  ;  applied 
to  sentiments  and  actions.  3.  Brunt  of  an  ac- 
tion or  engagement,  where  the  conflict  is  most 
violent  or  severe.  Dar  color  d  la  cmpresa, 
To  encourage  an  undertaking.  Dar  color, 
(Among  Tanners)  To  raise  the  colour  of  a, 
hide  by  heating  it  over  the  fire.  Gastdr  el  ca- 
lor  natural  en  alguna  cosa,  (Met.)  To  pay 
more  attention  to  a  business  or  affair  than  it 
is  worth. 

CALOROSO,  SA,  a.  V.  Caluroso. 

CALOSTRO,  sm.  Colostrum,  the  first  milk  given 
by  the  fomale  after  bringing  forth  her  young. 

CALOTO,  sm.  A  metal,  brought  from  Pompayan, 
in  America,  to  which  the  vulgar  attribute  pe- 
culiar virtues,  and  therefore  frequently  mix 
it  with  the  tongue  of  bells. 

CALpiz^uE,  sm.  Rent-gatherer,  a  steward. 

CALSECO,  CA,  a.  (Ant.)  Cured  with  lime. 

CALUMBRECERSE,  vr.  (Ant.)  To  grow  mouldy. 

CAL^MXIA  Y  CALIJNIA,  sf.  Calumny,  false 
charge,  slander.  Jjfianzar  dc  calumnia,  (For.) 
To  oblige  the  accuser  to  prove  his  allegations 
under  the  legal  penalties. 

CALUMNIADOR,  RA,  s.  Calumniator,  a  slanderer. 

CALUMNI^R,  ra.  To  calumniate,  to  slander,  to 
accuse  falsely.  [slanderous  manner. 

CALUMNIOSAMENTE,   ad.  In  a  calumnious   or 

CALUMNIOSO,  SA,  a.  Calumnious,  slanderous. 

CALUROSAMENTE,  ad.  Warmly,  ardently. 

CALUROSO,  SA,  a.  1.  Warm,  hot.  2.  Heating, 
communicating  or  exciting  heat. 

CALVA,  sf.  1.  Bald  crown  of  the  head,  bald  pate 



2.  Game  among  country  people,  in  which 
they  knock  one  stone  against  another.  Cal- 
va  de  almete,  Crest  of  a  helmet. 

CALVAR,  va.  I.  To  hit  a  stone  in  the  game  of 
Calva.  2.  (Ant.)  To  impose  upon  one,  to  de- 

CALVARIO,  sm.  1.  (Met.  y  Fam.)  Debts,  tally, 
score.  2.  Place  where  the  bones  of  the  dead 
are  deposited,  a  charnel-house.  3.  Calvary. 
hill  or  elevation  on  which  are  crosses  repre- 
senting the  stations  at  MounJ  Calvary. 

CALVATRUENO,  sm.  1.  Baldness,  extending  over 
the  whole  head.  2.  (Met.)  Blockhead. 

CALVA\ZA,  sf.  Large  bald  pate. 

CALVERO,  CALVIJAR,  Y  CALVITAR,  sm.  Piece  of 
barren  ground  situated  among  fruitful  lands. 

CALVETE,  sm.  Little  bald  pate,  when  a  small 
part  of  the  head  only  is  bald. 

CALVEZ,  sf.  Baldness,  want  of  hair  on  the  head. 

CALVILLA,  sf.  Little  baldness*. 

CALVINISTA,  sm.  Calvinist,  a  follower  of  Calvin. 

CALVO,  VA,  a.  1.  Bald,  without  hair  on  the  head. 
2.  Barren,  uncultivated  ;  applied  to  ground 
situated  among  fruitful  lands.  Ticrra  calra, 
Barren  soil,  without  any  trees  or  other  plants. 

CALYS,  sf.  (Bot.)  Alkauet  or  orchanet. 

CALZAS,  1 .  Long  loose  breeches,  trousers. 
2.  HosejStockings.  Calzas  acuch/lladas,  Slash- 
ed trousers.  Colzas  bermejas,  Red  stockings, 
formerly  worn  by  noblemen.  Colza  de  arena, 
Bag  filled  with  sand,  with  which  malefactors 
were  formerly  chastised.  Medias  colzas,  Short 
stockings,  which  were  formerly  worn,  and 
reached  only  up  to  the  knees.  En  calzas  y 
julon,  (Met.)  In  an  odd  or  imperfect  state 
'Erharlc  unit  calza  a  alguno,  To  point  out  a 
person,  to  be  guarded  against-  Meter  en  una 
ralza,  (Met.)  To  screw  up  a  person,  to  put 
him  on-his  mettle.  Tomur  las  calzas  tic,  villa- 
die  go,  To  make  a  precipitate  flight  or  escape 
Hombre  dc  calzas  atacadas,  (Met.)  A  rigic 
observer  of  old  customs. 

CALZADA,  sf.  Causey  or  Causeway,  a  paved 
high- way. 

CAI.ZADERA,  sf.  Hempen  cord  for  fastening  the 
abarcas,  a  coarse  kind  of  shoes. 

CALZADILLO  6  CALZADITO,  sm.  Small  shoe. 

CALZADO,  sm.  1.  All  sorts  of  shoes,  sandals,  or 
other  coverings  of  the  feet.  2.  Horse  which 
has  got  four  white  feet.  Calzados~,  All  articles 
serving  to  cover  the  legs  and  feet.  Trdemc 
los  calzados,  Bring  me  my  stockings,  garters, 

CALZADOR,  sm.  1.  Leather  or  horn  used  to  draw 
up  the  hind  quarters  of  tight  shoes.  2.  En- 
trar  con  cahador,  (Met.)  To  find  great  dif- 
ficulties in  entering  a  place. 
CALZADURA,  sf.  \.  Act  of  putting  on  the  shoes. 
2.  Felloe  of  a  cart  wheel.  3.  Drink  money, 

enemy  with  the  utmost  vigour.  Calzar  los 
guantes,  To  put  on  gloves.  Calzar  las  mesas, 
To  secure  tables  by  putting  bits  of  thin  boards 
under  them  to  make  them  stand  fast.  Calzar 
el  ancla,  (Naut.)  To  shoe  the  anchor.  Calzar 
los  drboles,  To  cover  the  roots  of  trees  with 
fresh  earth.  Calzar  anclia,  (Met.)  Not  to  be 
very  nice  and  scrupulous.  Calzdrse  d  alguno, 
(Met.)  To  govern  or  manage  a  person.  Cal- 
zarse  los  cstfibos,  To  thrust  the  feet  too  far 
into  the  stirrups.  El  que  primer  o  llega,  esc 
la  calza,  (Prov.)  First  come  first  served. 
CALZATREFAS,  sf.  (Ant.)  Snare,  trap. 
CAL/O,  sm.  V.  Calce.  Cdlzos,  (Naut.)  Boat- 
scantlings,  skids. 

CALZON,  sm.  Ombre,  a  game  at  cards. — pi.  1. 
Breeches,  small  clothes.  Calzones  mariner  ds, 
Trowsers,  long  breeches  worn  by  sailors.  2. 
(Naut.)  Goose-wings  :  to  make  goose-wings 
of  the  main  and  fore-sail,  is  to  haul  and  furl 
them  in  such  a  manner,  that  while  the  bunt 
is  reefed  to  the  yard,  the  foot  and  wings  may 
still  catch  the  wind. 
CAT.ZONAZO,  sm.  Big  pair  of  breeches.  Es  un 

calzonazo,  (Met.)  He  is  a  weak  soft  fellow. 
CALZONCILLOS,  sm.  pi.  1.  Linen  drawers  . 
under  breeches.  2.  Ombre,  a  game  at  en 
CAMA,  sf.  1.  Bed,  couch,  a  place  of  repose. 
Cama  con  ruedas,  A  truck-bed.  2.  Bed-hang- 
ings and  furniture.  3.  Seat  or  couch  of  wild' 
beasts,  c.  g.  the  form  of  a  hare,  the  burrows 
of  rabbits,' &c.  4.  Chest  or  body  of  a  cart.  f>. 
Cama  del  arado,  The  piece  of  wood  in  a 
plough  which  connects  the  plough-share  with 
the  beam,  the  sheath.  G.  Cama  del  w;lon, 
The  part,  of  a  melon  which  touches  the  ground . 
7.  Piece  of  wood  which  strengthens  the  posts 
of  a  wine  press.  8.  (Ant.)  The  grave.  9.  Slice 
of  meat  put  upon  another  to  be  both  dressed 
together.  10.  Every  lay  of  tallow  or  wax  put 
on  candles  when  making.  11.  Branch  of  a 
bridle  to  which  the  reins  are  fastened.  I'J. 
Piece  of  cloth  cut  slopewise,  to  be  joined  to 
another,  to  make  a  round  cloak.  13.  (Amovfg 
Gardeners)  Layer  of  dung  and  earth  for  rais- 
ing plants.  14.  (In  Mints)  Box  or  case  wood 
which  contains  the  dye.  15.  (In  Conchology) 
Stratum  or  layer  of  small  shells.  Ilaccr 
cama,  To  keep  one's  bed,  to  be  confined  to 
one's  bed  on  account  of  sickness,  tfticcr  la 
cama,  To  make  up  the  bed.  Hacerle  la  cama 
d  alguno  6  d  alguna  cosa,  (Met.)  To  pave 
the  way  for  a  person  or  thing. 
CAMADA,  sf.  Brood  of  young  animals,  a  litter. 
Camada  de  ladrones,  Den  of  thieves,  a  nest 
of  rogues. 

CAMAFEO,  sm.  Cameo,  a  gem  on  which  figures 
are  engraved  in  basso-relievo. 

given  to  shoemakers   for   fitting    on  new 

CALZ  AR,  va .1.  To  put  on  shoes. 2.  To  strengthen 
with  iron  or  wood.  3.  To  scoat  or  scotch,  to 
stop  a  wheel  by  putting  a  stone  or  piece  of 
wood  under  it  before.  4.  To  carry  a  ball  of  a 
determined  size ;  applied  to  fire  arms.  Calzar 

CAMAL,  sm.  1.  Hempen  halter.  2.  Chain  for 

CAMALEON,  sm.  Chameleon.  Lacerta  Chame- 
leon L.  Camaleon  bianco,  (Bot.)  White  car- 
line  thistle.  Carlina  acaulis  L.  Camaleon 
negro,  (Bot.)  Black  carlinc  thistle.  Calina 
corymbosa  L. 

CAMALKOPARDO,   sm.    Cameleopard,   an   ani- 

las  herramicntas,  To  put  a  steel  edge  to  iron      mal  taller  than  a  camel,  and  spotted  like  a 
tools.    Calzar  las  espuelns,  To  put  on  spurs.;     leopard. 

Calzar  cspuclas  al  encmi"ot  To  pursue  the|CAMABiiLA.s/.(Bot.)CUamomile.  V.Manzanilla. 



M-LA,  sf.  Chaplet  or  rosary  of  one  or 
three  decades.  Tener  muchas  camdndulas, 
(Iron.)  To  make  uso  of  many  tricks  and  ar- 
tifices, to  shuffle. 

T  VMAMIULENSE.  «.  Belonging  to  the  religious 
order  of  Camandula,  or  reformed  Benedictine. 
:>I:LERO,  RA,  a.  Y  s.  Full  of  tricks  and 
artifices,  dissembling,  hypocritical. 

CAMANO.NCA,  sf.  Kind  of  stuff  formerly  used  for 

CAM  AKA,  sf.  1 .  Hall  or  principal  apartment  of  a 
house.  2.  Alcove,  part  of  a  chamber  separated 
by  an  estrade.  3.  Granary,  a  storehouse  of 
threshed  corn.  4.  Stool,  evacuation  by  stool. 
5.  (Naut.)  Cabin  of  a  ship.  6.  Cdmara  alta. 
(Nadt.)  Roundhouse  of  a  ship.  7.  Chamber 
in  a  mine.  8.  Chamber  of  great  guns  and 
other  fire-arms.  9.  Residence  of  the  king  and 
.court.  Cdmara,  del  rcif,  The  room  in  which 
the  king  holds  a  levee  for  the  gentlemen  of 
the  bed-chamber  ;  exchequer  ;  or  royal  aca- 
demy. Cdmara  alta  6  de  los  pares,  The  house 
of  lords.  Cdmara  laxa  6  de  los  comunes,  The 
house  of  commons.  Cdmara  de  ciudad,  rill  a, 
u  l/i±rur,  (Ant.)  V.  Concejo  d  Jlyujitamienlo . 
Cdmara  dc  CastiUa,  Supreme  council,  which 
consists  of  the  president  or  governor  of  that 
of  Castile  and  other  ministers.  Philip  II.  in 
1588,  erected  it  into  a  council.  Moza  de  cd- 
mara,  Chamber-maid. 

CAM  AKADA,  sf.l.  Comrade, partner,  companion. 

2.  Society  or  company  of  people  united  ;  as- 
sembly.   3.  (Ant.)   Battery.    Camaradas  dc 
rancho,  Messmates.     Camaradas  de  navio, 

CAMAKAGE,  sm.  Granary  rent,  hire  for  a  gra- 
CAMARANCHON,S/M.  Garret,the  uppermost  room 

in  a  house,  where  lumber  is  kept. 
CAM A.R  ERA,  */.  1.  Head  waiting-maid  in  great 

houses.  2.  Keeper  of  the  queen's  wardrobe. 
CAMARERIA,  sf.  Place  and  employment  of  a 

valet  de  chambre. 
CAMARERO,  sm.  1.  Valet  de  chambre,  the  first 

man-servant  in  great  houses. '  2.  Steward  or 

keo-per  of  stores.  3.  Lord  chamberlain. 

KTA,  .<?/".  Small  bed-chamber. 
CAMARIENTO,  TA,  a.  Troubled  with  a  diarrhoea. 

or  looseness  of  body. 
CAMARILLA,  sf.  1.  Small  room.    2.  (In  public 

Schools)  The  room  where  boys  are  flogged. 
COIAIUN,  .>•///.    i.  Place  behind  an  altar  where, 

the  images  are  dressed,  and  the  ornaments! 

destined  for  that  purpose  are  kept.  2.  Closet. 

3.  A  lady's  dressing-room.  4.(Ant.)  Conclave. 

CAMARINA,  .<</'.  Copse,  short  wood,  a  low  shrub. 

CAM  ARISTA,  sm.  I.  Minister  of  state,  and  mem- 
ber of  the  privy  council  of  Castile  and  the 

.  Indies.    2.  (Ant.)  Guest  who  has  a  room  to 
himself,  without  having  any  intercourse  with 
the  rest  of  the  family.  3.  Maid  of  honour  to 
the  queen  and  the  infantas  of  Spain. 
(JAMA RITA,  sf.  Small  chamber  or  room.      [ber. 
CAMARLENGO.  5771.  (Ar.)  Lord  of  the  bed-cham- 
CAM  ARON.5/71.  (let.)  Shrimp.  Cancer  crangon  L. 
•  N-ERO.   sm.  One  who  catches  or  sells 


a  birth. 

sm.  (Naut.)  Room  on  board  a  shin 

,  s~n.  Nickname  jocularly  applied 
to  any  person. 

CAMASTRO,  sm.  Poor  miserable  bed. 

CAMASTRON,  sm.  Sly  artful  fellow. 

CAMASTRONAy.o,sm.  Great  impostor,  hypocrite, 
or  dissembler. 

CAMATONES,  (Naut.)  Iron  fastenings  by 
which  the  shrouds  are  attached  to  a  ship's 

CAMBALACHE,  sm.  Traffic  by  exchange,  barter. 

CHAR,  va.  To  barter,  to  exchange  one  thing 
for  another. 

CAMBALEO,  sm.  An  ancient  company  of  come- 
dians consisting  of  five  men  and  a  woman. 

CAMBAS,  Pieces  put  into  a  cloak,  or  other 
round  garment,  to  make  it  hang  round. 

CAMBAYAS,  sf.  pi.  Kind  of  cotton  stuff  which 
comes  from  Bengal. 

CAMBIABLE,  a.  Fit  to  be  bartered  or  exchanged. 

CAMBIADOR,  sm.  1.  One  who  barters  or  tramcs 
by  exchanging  one  thing  for  another.  2.  Tra- 
der in  money,  a  banker  ;  money-changer. 

CAMBIAMIENTO,  sm.  Change,  alteration. 

CAMBIANTE,  a.  Bartering,  exchanging. 

CAMBIANTE,  577?.  Variety  of  hues  exhibited  by 
cloth  of  various  colours,  according  to  the 
manner  in  which  the  light  is  reflected.  Cam- 
'biante  de  letras,  A  banker. 

CAMBIAR,#«.  1.  To  barter ,to  exchange  one  thing 
for  another.  2.  To  change,  to  alter.  Cambiar 
de  mano,  To  change  from  the  one  side  to  the 
other  ;  applied  to  horses.  3.  To  give  or  take 
money  on  bills,  to  negotiate  bills  and  exchange 
them  for  money.  4.  To  transfer,  to  make  over, 
to  remove.  Cambiar  las  velas,  (Naut.)  To 
shift  the  sails.  Cambiar  la  comida,  (Better 
vomitar  la  comida)  To  bring  up  the  victuals. 
Cambiar  el  seso,  (Ant.)  To  lose  one's  senses. 
5.  To  carry  on  the  business  of  a  banker. — 
vr.  To  be  translated  or  transferred. 

CAMBIJA,  sf.  1.  Reservoir,  basin  of  water.  2. 
Perpendicular  line  intersecting  another.  3. 
Square,  an  instrument  made  to  measure  and 
describe  right  angles. 

CAMBIL,  sm.  (Ant.)  An  old  kind  of  medicine. 

CAMBio,sm.  1.  Barter,  exchange  of  one  thing  for 
another.  2.  Giving  or  taking  of  bills  of  ex- 
change. 3.  Rise  and  fall  of  the  course  of  ex- 
change. 4  Public  or  private  bank.  5.  Compen- 
sation. 6.  Certain  humour  contained  in  the 
small  veins  of  an  animal.  7.  Return  of  a  favour, 
recompense.  Cambio scco, Usurious  contract; 
accommodation  bill.  Dar  6  tomar  d  cambio, 
To  lend  or  borrow  money  on  interest.  Cam- 
bio  por  letras,  Trade  in  bills  of  exchange. 

CAMBISTA,  sm.  Banker,  trader  in  money. 

CAMBIUNTE,  sm.  A  kind  of  camblet. 

CAMERA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Cdmara  6  Quarto. 

CAMBRA>,  sm.  Cambric,  kind  of  fine  linen,  first 
manufactured  at  Cambray. 

CAMBRAYAdo,  DA,  «.  Resembling  cambric. 

CAMBRAYON,  sm.  Coarse  cambric. 

CAMERON,  sm.  (Bot.)  Buckthorn.  Rhamnus  ca- 
tharticus  L. 

CAMBRONAL,  sm.  Thicket  of  briers,  brambles, 
and  thorns. 

CAMBRONERA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Thorn, brambles.  Cam- 
brontra  Jtfricana,  (Bot.)  African  buckthorn 



i,  sm.  (Bot.)  American  myrtle  tree. 
CAMBUX,  sm.   1.  Child's  cap  tied  close  to  its 

head  to  keep  it  straight.  2.  Mask,  veil. 
CAMEDAFNE,S/.  (Bot.)  Mezereon,  spurge-olive, 

or  dwarf-bay.  Daphne  mezereum  L. 
CAMEDRIO     o  CAMEDROS,  sm.  (Bot.)  Speed- 

well, or  mountain  germander.  Veronica  cho- 

maedrys  L. 
CAME0Ris,sm.  (Bot.)  Germander.  Camidrisde 

agua,  Water  germander.     Teucrium  scor- 

dium  L. 

CAMELEA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Widow  wail,  a  shrub. 
CAMELETE,  sm.  Kind  of  great  gun.    [farfara  L. 
CAMELEUCA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Colt's-foot.  Tussilago 
CAMELINA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Purging  flax. 
CAMELLA,  sf.  1.  She-camel.  2.  Ridge  in  plough- 

ed land.  3.  Pail  into  which  camels,  cows,  and 

other  animals,  are  milked  ;  a  milK-pail.    4. 

Yoke,  fastened  to  the  head  of  an  ox. 
CAMELLEJO,  sm.  I.  Small  camel.  2.  Small  piece 

of  ordnance,  used  in  former  times. 
CAMELLERIA,  sf.  1.  Stable  or  stand  for  camels. 

2.  Employment  of  a  camel-driver. 
CAMELLERO,  sm.  Keeper  or  driver  of  camels. 
CAMELLO,  sm.  1.  Camel,  a  large  quadruped  and 

beast,  of  burthen,  having  a  lump  on  its  back. 

2.  Ancient  short  cannon  of  16  pounds  caliber. 

3.  Engine  for  setting  ships  a-float,  in  plaqes 
where  there  is  but  little  water. 

CAMELLO-P  \RDAL,  sm.  V.  Carnal  leopardo. 

CAMELLON  ,sm,  1.  Ridge  turned  up  by  the  plough 
or  spade.  2.  Long  wooden  trough,  out  of 
which  cattle  drink.  3.  Carpenter's  horse.  4. 
Bed  of  flowers  in  a  garden.  5.  Camblet.  Ca- 
mellones  listados,  Cambleteens. 

CAMELOTE,  sm.  Camblet. 

CAMEMORO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Cloud-berry. 

CAMEPITIOS,  sm.  (Bot.)  Common  ground-pine. 

CAMERHODODENDROS,  sm.  (Bot.)  Dwarf  rose- 

CAMERO,  sm.  1.  Upholsterer,  one  who  makes 
beds  and  other  furniture.  2.  One  who  lets 
out  beds  on  hire. 

CAMERO,  a.  Belonging  to  a  bed  or  mattress. 

CAMIAR,  V.  Cambidr  y  Vomitar. 

CAMILLA,  sf.  1.  Small  bed.  2.  Bed  on  which  wo- 
men repose  after  child-birth,  and  on  which 
they  receive  compliments.  3.  Horse,  on  which 
linen  is  aired  and  dried  at  the  fire.  Camilla 
baza.  Low  frame,  on  which  cloth  shearers 
put  their  work. 

CAMIN^DA,  (Ant.)  V.  Jornada. 

CAMINADOR,  sm.  Good  walker. 

CAMINANTE,  sm.  Traveller,  walker. 

CAMINAR,  rn.  1.  To  travel,  to  walk.  2.  To  move 
along  ;  applied  to  rivers  and  other  inanimate 
things.  Caminar  con  pies  de  plomo,  (Met.) 
To  act  with  prudence.  Caminar  derecho, 
(Met.)  To  act  with  uprightness  and  integrity. 

CAMINATA.  sf.  1.  Long  walk  for  the  sake  of 
exercise.  2.  Excursion  into  the  country. 

CAM!  NO,  sm.  1.  Beaten  road  for  travellers,  high 
road.  2.  Journey  from  one  place  to  another 
3.  Turn  of  a  boat,  or  cart,  for  removing  goods 
from  one  place  to  another.  4.  (Met.)  Profes- 
sion, station,  calling.  5.  (Met.)  Manner,  mode, 
or  method  of  doing  a  thing.  C.  High  road.  Ca- 
mino  cubierto.  (Fort.)  Covert-way.  Camino 
deherradura.  Path,  a  narrow  road,  fit  only  for 

people  on  foot  or  horseback.  Camino  carrt- 
£ero,Road  for  carriages  and  wagons.  Camino 
de  Santiago,  (Astr.)  Galaxy,  the  milky-way. 
Camino  real,  High  road  :  (Met.)  The  readiest 
and  surest  way  of  obtaining  one's  end.  DC  un 
camino  6  dc  una  via  dos  mandados,  (Prov.) 
To  kill  two  birds  with  one  stone.  Irfucra  de 
camino,  (Met.)  To  be  out  of  one's  latitude,  to 
act  contrary  to  reason.  Ir  su  camino,  To  pur- 
sue one's  course,  to  persist  or  persevere  in 
one's  views.  Jfo  llevar  alguna  cosa  camino, 
To  be  without  foundation  and  reason.  Pro- 
curar  el  camino,  To  clear  the  way.  Salir  al 
camino,  To  go  to  meet  a  person  ;  (Met.)  To 
go  on  the  high-way  to  rob.  DC  camino,  In 
one's  way,  going  along.  Fid  a  Madrid  y  de 
camino  nice  una  visita,  I  went  to  Madrid, 
and  in  my  way  thither  I  paid  a  visit. 

CAMIO,  sm.  (Ant.)  V.  Gambia. 

CAMISA,  sf.  1.  Shirt,  shift  ;  the  under  linen  gar- 
ment of  men  and  women.  2.  Alb  or  surplice, 
worn  bv  priests  and  deacons.  3.  Thin  skin  of 
almond's  and  other  fruit.  4.  Slough  of  a  ser- 
pent. 5.  Side  of  a  rampart  towards  the  field. 

6.  Stock  of  counters  used  at  a  game  at  cards. 

7.  (Ant.)  Catamenia.   8.  Rough-casting  or 
plastering  of  a  wall  before  it  is  white-  washed. 
Camisa  alquitranada,  embreada,  6  defuego, 
(Naut.)  Fire-chemise,  a  piece  of  canvas  thick- 
ened by  means  of  a  melted  composition  of 
pitch,  sulphur,  rosin,  tallow,  and  tar,  and  co- 
vered with  saw-dust,  used  in  branders  and 
fire-ships.    Camisa  de  una  vela,  (Naut.)  The 
body  of  a  sail.    Tomar  la  muger  en  camisa, 
To  marry  a  woman  without  money.    Est6s 
en  tu  camisa  ?  Are  you  in  your  senses  ?  Ju- 
gar  hasta  la  camisa,  To  play  the  shirt  off 
one's  back     Metersc  en  camisa  de  once  va- 
ras,   To  interfere  in  other  people's  affairs. 
Vender  hasta  la  camisa,  To  sell  all  to  the  last 
shirt.  Saltar  de  su  camisa,  (Met.)  To  jump 
out  of  one's  skin. 

CAMISETA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Short  shirt  or  shift  with 

wide  sleeves. 

CAMISILLA,  sf.  Small  shirt. 
CAMISOLA,  sf.  1.  Ruffled  shirt.    2.  Frock  worn 

by  the  rowers  in  a  galley. 
CAMISON,  sm.  1.  Long  and  wide  shirt.  2.  Frock 

worn  by  labourers  and  workmen. 
CAMISOTF.,  sm.  Armour  for  the  body  worn  in 

ancient  times. 
CAMITA,  sf.  Small  bed. 
CAMOMILA,  V.  Manzanilla. 
CAMON.  sm.   1.  Large  bed.  2.  Frame  of  laths, 

which  serves  to  form  an  arch.  Camoit  de  vi- 

drios,  Partition  in  a  large  apartment  made 

by  a  glass  frame.—  pi.    1.  Felloes  of  cart 

wheels,  shod  with  ever-green  oak  instead  of 

iron.   2.  Incurvated  pieces  of  timber  in  the 

wheels  of  corn  mills. 
CAMONCILLO,  sm.  State   stool  in  a  drawing- 

room  ;  a  cricket  richly  garnished. 
CAMORRA,  sf.  (Vulg.)  Quarrel,  dispute,     [son. 
CAMORR!  STA,  .*.,  (Bax.)  Noisy  quarrelsome  ner- 
CAMOTE,  sm.  (Bot.)  Spanish  potato.  Convolvu- 

lus batatas  L. 
CAMPAL.  a.  Belonging  to  the  field,  and  en- 

campments. Batalla  campal,  Pitched  battle 

fought  between  two  armies. 



CAMPAMENTO,  sm.  Encampment. 

CAMP  ANA,  sf.  1.  Bell,  a  hollow  body  of  mixet 
metal,  formed  to  sound.  2.  (Met.)  Parish 
church,  parish.  Esta  tierra  cstd  debaxo  la 
campana  de  talparte,  That  land  is  situated  in 
the  parish  of,  &c.  3.  Any  thing  which  has 
the  shape  of  a  bell.  4.  Bottom  of  a  well  made 
in  the  form  of  a  bell.  5.  Chimney,  the  funne 
of  which  is  bell-shaped.  G.  (In  Woollen  Ma 
nufactories)Iron  hoop,  corded  crosswise,  serv- 
ing to  keep  up  the  yarn  from  the  bottom  of 
the  copper  when  put  into  the  dye.  7.  Glass 
vessel,  wider  at  the  top  than  at  the  bottom 
like  an  inverted  bell.  Campana  dc  vidrio,  A 
bell-shaped  glass  vessel,  with  which  gardeners 
cover  delicate  plants.  Campana  dc  buzo,  Div- 
ing bell.  Campana  de  rebato,  Alarm-bell.  A1 
campana  herida  6  a,  campana  tanida,  At  the 
sound  of  the  bell.  Otr  campanas  y  no  saber 
donde,  To  have  heard  of  a  fact,  but  not  to  be 
well  informed  of  its  true  nature  and  com- 
plexion. No  habcr  oido  campanas,  Not  to  be 
informed  of  the  most  common  things. 

CAMPANA".DA,  sf.  Sound  produced  by  the  clapper 
striking  against  the  bell.  Dar  campanada, 
(Met.)  To  cause  scandal,  to  make  a  noise. 

CAMPANA".Rio,.sm.  1.  Belfry,  the  place  where  the 
bells  are  rung.  2.  (Joe.)  Noddle,  head.  3. 
Rack  in  velvet-looms. 

CAMPANE.A.K,  va.  1.  To  ring  the  bell  frequently. 

2.  To  divulge,  to  noise  about.  Mid  se  las  cam- 
panecn,  (Met.)  Not  to  be  willing  to  interfere 
in  affairs  foreign  to  one's  self. 

CAMPANULA,  sf.  Sudden  circular  motion  with 

the  feet  in  dancing. 
CAMVANEO,SWI.  1.  Bell-ringing,  chime.  2.  Can- 

CAMPANERO,  sm.  1.  Bell-founder,  a  person  who 

casts  bells.  2.  Bellman,  he  who  rings  bells. 
CAMPANETA,  sf.  Small  bell. 
CAMPA".NIL,  a.  Metal  campanil,  Bell-metal. 
CAMPANULA,  sf.  I.  Small  bell.  2.  Small  bubble. 

3.  (Anat.)  Epiglottis.  4.  Little  tassel  serving 
as  an  ornament  for  ladies'  gowns.  5.  (Naut.) 
Cabin-bell.  G.   (Bot.)  Bell-flower.  Narcissus 
bulbocodium   L.     7.  Campanulas  de  otono, 
(Bot.)  Snowflake,  garden  daffodil.  Leucojum 
autumnale  L.    Tener  muchas  campanillas, 
(Met.)  To  be  loaded  with  honours  and  titles. 

CAMPANILLAZO,  sm.  1.  Strong,  violent  ringing 
of  bells.  2.  Signal  given  with  the  bell. 

CAMPANILLEAR,  na.  To  ring  a  small  bell  often. 

CAMPANILLERO,  sm.  Bellman,  one  who  claims 
the  attention  of  the  public  by  ringing  his  bell. 

CAMPANINO,  sm.  Kind  of  marble. 

CAMPASTE,^«.  Excelling,  surpassing. 

CAMPANUDO,  DA,  a.  1.  Wide,  puffed  up,  bell- 
shaped  ;  applied  to  clothes.  2.  Campaniform  ; 
spoken  of  flowers  which  have  the  shape  of 
bells.  3.  Pompous,  lofty,  high-sounding  ;  ap- 
plied to  the  style. 

CAMPANULA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Bell-flower.  Narcissus 
bulbocodium  L. 

CAMPANA,  sf.  1.  Flat,  level  country.  2.  Cam- 
paign, that  space  of  time  during  which  an 
army  keeps  the  field,  without  going  into  quar- 
ters. Campana  naval,  (Naut.)  Cruize.  Viueres 
de  campana,  (Naut.)  Sea  provisions,  stores. 
Batir  6  correr  la  campana,  To  reconnoitre 

the  enemy's  camp  or  motions.    Estar  6  hal- 
larse  en  campana,  To  make  a  campaign. 

CAMPER,  vn.  1.  To  encamp,  to  be  encamped. 
2.  To  excel  in  abilities,  arts,  and  sciences. 
Campar  con  su  estrella,  To  be  fortunate  or 

CAM  PEA  DOR,  sm.  (Ant.)  Warrior  who  excelled 
in  the  field  ;  thus  the  celebrated  Cid,  Ruy 
Diaz  de  Vivar,  was  called  Cid  campeador. 

CAMPEAR,  vn.  1.  To  be  in  the  field.  2.  To  frisk 
about  in  the  fields  or  lawns ;  applied  to  brutes. 
Campear  de  sol  d  sombra,  To  be  at  work 
from  morning  to  night.  3.  To  be  eminent,  to 

CAMPEJAR,  vn.  (Ant.)  V.  Campear. 

CAMP-ON,  sm.  1.  Champion,  one  eminent  for 
warlike  exploits.  2.  Second,  he  who  accom- 
panies another  in  a  duel. 

CAMPERO,  RA,  a.  Exposed  to  wind  and  weather 
in  the  open  field. 

CAMPERO,  sm.  1.  Friar  who  superintends  the 
management  of  a  farm.  2.  One  who  inspects 
and  overlooks  another's  lands  and  fields.  3 
Pig  brought  up  and  fed  in  the  fields. 

CAMPES,  (Ant.)  V.  Campestre. 

CAMPESICO,  sm.  Small  field. 

CAMPESINO,  NA,  Y  CAMPESTRE,  a.  Rural,  cam- 
pestrial,  belonging  to  the  country,  resem- 
bling the  country. 

CAMPILLO  Y  CAMPIELLO,  sm.  Small  field. 

CAMPINA.  sf.  Flat  tract  of  arable  land. 

CAJUPO,  sm.  1.  Tract  of  flat  and  even  country. 
2.  Field,  space,  range  of  material  or  immate- 
rial things.  3.  Crops,  trees,  plantations.  4. 
Ground  of  silks  and  other  stuffs  ;  field.  5. 
Camp.  G.  Ground  on  which  an  army  is  drawn 
up.  7.  Ground  of  a  piece  of  painting.  Estan 
perdidos  los  campos,  The  crops  have  failed. 
Campo  uno  y  abierto,  Plain  and  open  country. 
Campo  volante,  A  flying  camp.  Campo  dv 
batalla,  Field  of  battle.  Descubrir  campo  6 
el  campo,  To  reconnoitre  the  enemy's  camp  ; 
(Met.)  To  inquire  how  the  matter  stands. 
Haccr  campo,  To  clear  the  way  ;  (Ant.)  To 
engage  in  close  combat.  Hacerse  al  campo, 
To  retreat,  to  flee  from  danger.  Dexar  el  cam- 
po abierto,  libre,  fyc.  To  decline  any  preten- 
sion or  undertaking  where  there  are  compe- 
titors. Hombre  de  campo  6  del  campo,  One 
who  cultivates  the  ground,  and  leads  a  coun- 
try life.  Ir  a,  campo  travieso,  To  cross  the 
field,  to  make  a  short  cut.  Partir  el  campo  y 
el  sol,  To  mark  the  ground  of  the  combatants. 
Dar  campo  d  la  fantasia,  To  give  a  free 
range  to  one's  fancy.  Quedar  en  el.  campo, 
To  come  off  victorious  in  an  engagement  or 
dispute.  Salir  al  campo,  To  go  out  to  fight  a 
duel.  Campo  d  campo,  (Mil.)  Force  to  force. 
AMUESA,  sf.  Pippin,  an  apple  of  an  excellent 
flavour.  Camuusa  blanca,  White  pippin. 

CAMUESO,  sm.  \.  (Bot.)  Pippin-tree.  2.  Simple- 
ton, fool. 

AMUNAS,  sf.  pi.  All  seeds,  except  wheat,  bar- 
ley, and  rye. 

AMUZA,  sf.  Chamois,  goat.  V.  Gamuza. 
AMUZON,  sm.  Large  chamois  skin. 
AN,  sm.   1.  (Ant.)  Field.  2.  (Ant.)  Dog.  3, 
(Poet.)  Dog-star.  V.  Canicula.  4.  (Ant.)  Ace 
in  dice.  5.  (Ant.)  Trigger  of  guns  and  other 



fire-arms.  C.  Ancient  piece  of  ordnance.  Can 
rostro,  (Ant.)  Pointer  or  setting  dog.  Can  de 
levantar,  Dog  which  starts  the  game.  Can  de 
lusca,  Terrier.  Can  que  mata  al  lolo,  Wolf- 
dog.  De  komlre  que  no  habla  y  de  can  que  no 
ladra,  guardate  .mucko,  porque  de  ordinario 
son  Iraidorcs ;  (Prov.)  Beware  of  the  man 
who  does  not  talk,  and  of  the  dog  which  does 
not  bark,  for  commonly  they  are  both  trai- 
tors. Canes,  (In  Architecture)  Modillons. 
brackets,  corbels. 

CANA,  sf.  Long  measure,  containing  about  two 
ells.  Cdnas,  Grey  hairs.  Peynar  canas,  To 
.  grow  old.  JYo  pcynar  muchas  canas,  To  die 
young.  Tencr  canas,  To  be  old  ;  it  is  also  ap- 
plied to  things. 

CANABALLA.  sf.  (Naut.)  Kind  of  fishing-boat. 

CANAL,  sm.  1.  Channel  through  which  water 
passes.  2.  (In  Woollen  Manufactories)  Pole 
which  runs  across  the  copper.  3.  Trough  for 
cattle  to  drink  out.  4.  Gutter  which  conveys 
tho  rain  from  the  roof  of  a  house  to  the 
ground.  5.  (Among  Weavers)  Comb  of  the 
loom.  6.  Any  passage  of  the  body.  7.  Hemp 
after  it  has'  been  once  hackled.  8.  (Naut.) 
Channel.  Canal  de  la  mancha,  (Naut.)  British 
Channel.  9.  Bar  of  a  hot-press.  Canal  de  toci- 
no,  A  hog  killed,  cleaned,  and  gutted.  Canal 
de  im  brulote,  (Naut.)  Train-though  of  afire- 
ship.  Jlbrir  en  canal,  (Met.)  To  reproach  bit- 
terly, to  reprimand  severely. 

CANAL.£DO.  DA,  a.  V.  Jlcanalado. 

CANALEJA,  sf.  1.  Small  trough  for  cattle  to 
drink  out.  2.  (In  Corn-mills)  Small  channel 
through  which  the  grain  is  conveyed  from 
the  hopper  to  the  mill-stones. 

CANALERA,  sf.  (Arag.)  Gutter. 

CANALETE,  sm.  Paddle,  a  small  ore  for  canoes. 

CANALITA,  sf.  Small  channel  or  canal. 

CANALIZO,  sm.  Narrow  channel  between  two 
islands  or  sand-banks. 

CANA^LLA,  sf.  1.  Mob,  rabble,  multitude,  popu- 
lace. 2  (Ant.)  Pack  of  hounds. 

CANALLUZA,  sf.  Roguery,  vagrancy. 

CANALON,  sm.  Large  gutter  or  spout. 

CANAPE,  sm.  Couch  or  long  seat,  furnished  with 
a  mattress  to  sit  or  lie  on  with  ease. 

CAN^RIO,  RIA,  s.  1.  Canary-bird.  2.  Kind  of 
quick  dance,  set  to  music,  introduced  into 
Spain  by  natives  of  the  Canaries.  3.  (Naut.) 
Kind  of  barge  used  in  the  Canary  Islands. 

CANASTA,  sf.  1.  Basket,  hamper.  2.  Olive-mea- 
sure, used  in  Seville,  which  contains  half  a 

CANASTILLA,  sf.  ].  Small  basket.  2.  Present 
made  to  ladies  of  honour,  and  also  to  coun- 
sellors, on  bull-feast  days.  3.  Swaddling- 

CAN  AST£LLO,  sm.  1.  Small  tray,  made  of  twigs  of 
osier,  to  carry  sweetmeats.  2.  Small  basket. 

CANA^STO  y  CANA^STRO,  sm.  Large  basket. 

CANCABTJZ,  sm.  Veil  for  covering  the  face. 

CX.NCAMOS,  (Naut.)  Bolt-rings,  to  which 
the  breeches  and  tackle  of  the  guns  are  fixed. 
Cdncamos  de  argolla,  Ring-boKs.  Cdnr,a- 
mos  dc  ganclio,  Hook-bolts.  Cdncamos  dc 
ojo,  Eye-bolts. 

CANCAMTJRRIA,  sf.  (Bax.)  Sadness,  melancholy. 

CANCAMUSA,  sf.  Trick  or  fraud  made  use  of  to 

deceive  one.   Ya  le  entiendo  la  cancamtisa,  I 
am  aware  of  the  device. 

CA\NCANA,  sf.  Form  or  stool  on  which  boys  are 
chastised  in  public  schools. 

CANCAN!CLLA,  sf.  1.  Play -thing  to  play  a  trick 
with.  2.  (Ant.)  Deception,  fraud. 

CANCANO,  sm.  (Vulg.)  Louse. 

CANCEL,  sm.  1.  Wooden  screen  at  the  doors  of 
churches  and  halls  to  obstruct  the  cold,  wind, 
or  idle  curiosity.  2.  Glass-case  in  a  chapel 
behind  which  the  king  stands  without  per- 
forming the  genuflexions  during  the  celebra- 
tion of  r'.ass  ;  (Ant.)  CHANCEL.  3.  Limits  or 
extent  of  a  thing. 

tion, the  act  of  expunging  or  annulling  a 

CANCELAR.  va.  To  cancel,  to  expunge,  or  an- 
nul a  writing.  Cancelarde  Jamemoria.(Met.) 
To  efface  from  the  memory. 

CANCELAR!  A  y  CANCELERIA,S/.  Papal  chancery, 
the  court  or  board  at  Rome,  whence  all  apos- 
tolic grants  and  licenses  are  expedited. 

CANCEL^RIO,  sm.  Chancellor  in  universities, 
who  grants  all  the  degrees  which  are  solicited 
and  approved  of  by  the  academical  college. 

CANCELLER,  sm.  (Ant.)  1.  Lord  Chancellor.  2. 
Ancient  name  of  schoolmasters  in  collegiate 
NCEi.LERfA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Chancery. 

CANCER,  sm.  1.  Cancer,  virulent  incurable  ulcer. 
2.  One  of  the  twelve  signs  of  the  zodiac. 

CANCERARSE,  m.  1.  To  be  afflicted  with  a  can- 
cer. 2.  To  turn  to  a  cancer,  as  wounds,  which 
are  of  a  malignant  nature. 

CANCEROSO,  SA,  a.  Cancerous. 

CANCHELAGUA  6  CANCHALAGUA,  sf.  A  medici- 
nal herb,  a  species  of  gentian  of  Peru. 

CANCILLA,  sf.  Wicker-door  or  wicker-gate. 

CANCILLER,  sm.  Chancellor.  Gran  conciUcr  de, 
las  Indias,  High  chancellor  of  the  Indies. 

CANCILLERESCO,  CA,  a.  Belonging  to  the  writ- 
ing characters  used  in  chancery  business. 

CANCILLERIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  ChanciUeric;. 

CANCION,  sf.  1.  Song,  a  composition  of  verses 
set  to  music.  2.  Poem  of  one  or  more  equal 
stanzas.  Volter  d  la  misma  cancion.  To  re- 
turn to  the  old  tune,  to  repeat  the  old  story 
over  again. 
ANcioNcfL-LA,  s/.  Canzonet,  a  little  song. 

CANCIONERO,  sm.  Song-book,  a  collection  of 

CANCIONISTA,  sm.  Author  or  singer  of  songs. 

CANCRO,  V.  Cancer.  [loclc. 

CANDACILLO  Y  CANDADfro,  sm.  Small  pad- 

CANDADO,  sm.  1.  Padlock,  a  lock  hung  before, 
a  door,  trunk,  &c.  2.  Pendant,  ear-ring.  Echdr 
6  poner  candado  d  los  labios,  (Met.)  To  keep 
a  secret,  to  be  silent.  Candados,  Cavities 
around  the  frog  of  horses'  feet. 

C-A'.ND'UWO,  sm.  Ancient  rustic  dance. 

CANDOR,  va.  (Ant.)  To  lock. 

CANDARA,  sf.  Frame  of  laths  for  siftirg  sand, 

CANDE,  a.  V.  Azucar.  [earth,  and  gravel. 

CANDEAL,  a.  Siliginose,  made  of  fine  wheat. 

CANDEDA,  sf.  Flower  or  blossom  of  the  walnut- 

CANDELA.  s/.  1.  Candle.  2.  Flower  or  blossom  of 
the  chesnut-tree.  3.  Candlestick.  3.  Ir.cima- 



tion  of  the  balance-needle  to  the  thing  weigh- 
ed. 5.  Light,  fire.  Jlrrimazsc  a  la  candda,  To 
draw  near  the  fire,  dcabarsc  la  candda,  (Met.) 
To  be  near  one's  end.  Jhabarsc  la  candda  6 
canddilla  en  aJmonedas  y  subhastas,  To  sell 
by  inch  of  candle ,  to  knock  down  a  thing-  to  the 

*  highest  bidder  at  public  auctions,  the  candle 
being  burnt.  Estar  con  la  candda  en  la  mano, 
To  be  dying  ;  it  being  customary  in  Spain,  in 
similar  cases,  to  put  a  blessed  candle  in  the 
hand  of  a  dying  person.  La  mn^cr  y  la  tdano 
la  catcs  (i  la  nindela,  (Prov.)  Neither  a  wife 
nor  cloth  should  be  examined  by  candlelight. 

CANDEI.AUKO,  sin.  Candlestick.  V.  Camlt  !i n>. 

CANDKI.ADA,  sf.  Sudden  bla/e  from  straw  or 
brushwood.  | 

CAXDKI.ARIA.  sf.  1.  Candlemas,  or  the  feast  of 
th  Blessed  Virgin,  which  in  Roman  Catho- 
lic countries  is  celebrated  with  many  lights 
in  churches.  2.  (Dot.)  Mullein.  Verbascum 
lychnitis  L.  V.  Gordolobo. 

CAXDEI.KRA/O,  sm.  1.  Large  Candlestick.  2. 
Stroke  or  blow  given  with  a  candlestick. 

CANDELERIA,  sf.  Tallow  and  wax-chandler's 
shop.  1. Candlestick.  Candclcro  con 
mltchos  brazas,  Chandelier,  a  candlestick  with 
many  branches.  2.  (Ant.)  Wax  or  tallow 
chandler.  3.  Lamp,  a  light  made  with  oil  and  a 
wick.  4.  Fishing-torch,  commonly  made  of 
pine,  or  of  the  bark  of  a  birch-tree.  Poncr  6 
estar  en  d  canddcro,  (Met.)  To  be  high  in 
office,  to  hold  an  exalted  station.  Candelero 
dc  ojo,  (Naut.)  Eye-stafichion,  or  iron  stay 
with  a  ring.  Candclcro  ctrgo,  Blind  stanchion 
or  iron  stay  without  a  ring.  Cttttdelcros, 
(Naut.)  Stanchions  or  crotches,  pieces  of 
timber  which  support  the  waist-trees.  Can- 
ddcros  dd  toldo,  Awning-stanchions.  Can- 
ddcros  de  los  portal-ones,  Entering-rope  stan- 
chions. Canddcros  de  trinehefasy  parapetos, 
Quarter-netting  stanchions. 

CANDELETON,  sm.  Large  stanchion. 

CAXPELICA  Y  CANDELILLA,  sf.  Small  candle. 

CANDELILLA,^/".  1. (In  Surgery)  Bougie  put  into 
the  urinary  passage  to  keep  it  open.  2.  Blos- 
som of  white  poplars,  asps  and  other  trees,  /fa- 
cer la  candeliau,  To  stand  on  the  hands  and 
head,  with  the  feet  straight  upwards,  as  boys 
do  in  play.  Le  hue  en  los  ojos  canddillas  con 
el  vapor  del  vino,  His  eyes  sparkle  with  the 
fumes  of  wine.  Mar  has  canddillas  haccn  un 
cirio  jinsquiil.  <>  nnichos pocos haccn  unmucho. 
(Prov.)  Light  gains  make  a  heavy  purse. 

CAXPKM'/.AS,  (Naut.)  Brails,  small  ropes 
reeved  through  a  block,  arid  made  use  of  in  fur- 
ling the  two  courses  and  the  mizen.  Canddi- 
zas  dc  btrrlorcnto.  Weather-braces.  Candcli- 
z(tftdfsot(ivcnt.o,lucc.-bT?Lces.  Curgar  !as  may- 
orcs  sobre  las  canddizas,  To  brail  up  the 
courses.  [any  body. 

CANDE  ,<.IA,  .*•/.  Incandescence,  white  heat  in 

CANDKSTK.  n.  Incandescent,  tending  to  a  white 
he,at,  like  heated  iron. 

CANUIAL,«.  Making  fine  flour;  applied  to  wheat. 

CANUIOAMKM  tv.,ati.  In  ;i  sincere, candid  manner. 

CANIMDATO.  >•///.  Candidate,  one  who  solicits  a 
^  place. 

.  Whiteness,  white  colour.  2.Can- 

dour,  sincerity,  purity  of  mind.  3.  Simplicity. 
AXDIDO,  DA,  a.  \ .  White,  snowy,  grey,  pale.  2. 
Candid,  without  cunning  or  malice.  3.Simple. 

r1  AMI  i KI  ,S7H.  Beverage  used  in  Andalusia,  made 
of  white  wine.yolk  of  eggs,sugar,and  nutmeg. 
Axuir.,  sm.  1.  A  kitchen  or  stable  lamp  com- 
posed of  two  egg-shaped  iron  cups,  placed 
over  each  other,  the  upper  is  moveable  and 
contains  the  oil.  the  under,  the  droppings,  and 
is  attached  to  a  hooked  iron  rod.  2.  Lamp, 
with  oil  and  a  wick  to  give  light.  3.  Cock  of 
a  hat.  4.  Long  irregular  fold  in  women's  pet- 
ticoats. 5.  Fishing-torch.  V.  Candclcro.  Pucde 
arder  en  nn  cnndil.  It  would  burn  in  a  lamp  ; 
applied  to  generous  wine,  and  also  to  persons 
of  brilliant  parts.  0.  Top  ot  a  stag's  horn. 
Escoger  una  cosa  ('/  moco  de  candi',  To  exa- 
mine closely,  to  choose  after  a  close  exami- 
nation. Bayle  de  candiljA.  low  hop  by  the 
light  of  a  poor  lamp. 

CAMHKADA,  sf.  1.  (Ant.)  Small  lamp  full  of  oil. 
2.  Oil  spilt  from  a  lamp.  3.  Spot  of  lamp-oil. 

CAXDILA/.O,  sm.  Blow  or  stroke  given  with  a 

CANDII.EJA,  sf.  1.  Inner  part  of  a  lamp  which 
contains  the  oil.  2.  (Bot.)  Deadly  carrot. 
Thapsia  villosa  L. 

CAXDIF.EJO,  sm.  Small  lamp,  [cum  lychnitis  L. 

CANIHLERA,S/H.  (Bot.)  Bastard  mullein.  Verbas- 

CANDII.OX,  sm.  Large  open  lamp.  Estar  ron  d 
candUon  en  los  ftosjnlale$,'To  attend  a  dying 
person.  In  the  hospitals  of  Spain,  it  is  cus- 
tomary to  stand  near  the  bed  of  the  dying 
person,  with  the  cross  in  one  hand  and  a 
lar<je  lamp  in  the  other. 

T  A,  sf.  1 .  Barrel  or  keg  for  carrying  wine 
to  and  fro  in  vintage  time.  2.  Large  earthen 
jar,  the  inside  of  which  is  pitched,  and  where- 
in wine  is  fermented  and  preserved. 

CANDIOTERO,  sm.  One  whose  trade  it  is  to 
make  barrels,  called  candiotas. 

CAXDOXG A, sf.  1 . Mean,  servile  civility, intended 
to  deceive  one  under  the  appearance  of  kind- 
ness and-friendship.  2.  Merry,  playful  trick. 
Dttr  fandono-a  o  chasco,  To  play  a  carnival 
trick.  3.  Old  mule  no  longer  fit  for  service. 

CAXDOXGO,  sm.  Wag  who  turns  the  actions  of 
others  into  ridicule.  Seda  de  candongo  6  de 
candongos,  (Mur.)  The  finest  silk  reeled  up 
into  three  small  skeins.  [into  ridicule. 

CANDONGUEAR,  va.  To  jeer,  to  sneer,  t6  turn 

CAND  NGUERO,  5m.  Wag,  one  that  is  ludicrous- 
ly mischievous  ;  satirist. 

CAXDOR,  sm.  1.  Supreme  whiteness.  2.  (Met.) 
Candour,  purity  of  mind,  ingenuousness. 

CANECER,  vn.  V.  Encanecer. 

CANKCIKLO,  sm,.  (Arq.)  Corbel,  modillon. 

CAXKI.A.S/.  (Bot.)  Cinnamon,  the  second  bark  of 
an  aromatic  tree  in  Ceylon.  Laurus  cinnamo- 
mum  L.  *3tfua  de  canda,  Cinnamon-water. 

CANKI.ADO,  DA,  a.  V.  rfcandado. 

CAXELO,  sm.  Cinnamon  tree. 

CANEi,6\,5m.  1.  Gutter.  V.  Canalon.  2.  Sweet- 
meat, in  the  centre  whereof  is  a  slice  of  cinna- 
mon or  lemon.  3.  Icicle,  a  shoot  of  ice  hang- 
ing down.  Cane!  ones.  End  of  a  cat  of  nine- 
tails,  which  is  thicker  and  more  twisted  than 
;  the  rest.  [age. 

.CANE/,  sf.  Hair  hoary  or  gray  with  age  ;  old 



CANFOR  y  CANFORA.  V.  Mcanfor. 

CANGE,  sm.  Exchange  of  prisoners  of  war. 

CANGEAR,  va.  To  exchange  prisoners  of  war. 

CANGILON,SW.  1.  Earthen  jar  or  pitcher  to  carry 
wine  or  water.  2.  Oblong  earthen  jar  fastened 
to  the  rope  of  a  draw-well,  or  to  a  wheel  for 
lifting  water,  and  put  in  motion  by  means  of 
a  horse  or  mule.  3.  Metal  tankard  for  carry- 
ing wine  or  water. 

CANGREJA,  a.  Vela  cangreja,  (Natit.)  Boom-sail, 
brig-sail,  or  gaff-sail.  '  [Truckle  cart. 

CANGREJO,  sm.  1.    (let.)  Craw-fish,  crab.    2. 

CANGREJUELO,  sm.  Small  craw-fish. 

CANGRENA,  sf.  Gangrene,  a  mortification. 

CANGRENARSE,  rr.  To  be  afflicted  with  a  gan- 
grene or  mortification. 

CANGRENOSO,  SA,  a.  Gangrenous,  mortified. 

CANGROSO,  SA,  a.  (Ant.)  Cancerous. 

CANiA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Nettle.  V.  Ortiga. 

CANICULA,  sf.  (Astr.)  Dog-star.  Canicula  ma- 
rina,, (let.)  Lesser  spotted  dog-fish.  Squalus 
catulus  L. 

CANICULARKS,  Dog-days.  [Indies. 

CANIDO,  sm.  Kind  of  parrot  found  in  the  West 

CANf jo,  JA,  a.  y  s.  Weak,  infirm,  sickly.  Fulano 
cs  un  canijo,  He  is  a  weak,  puny  being.  \l.o. 

CAN! L,  sw.  Coarse  bread,  dog's  bread.  V.  Colmil- 

CANILLA,  sf.  1.  (Anat.)  Canilla  depicrna,  Shin 
bone.  Canilla  dc  Irazn,  Arm-bone.  2.  Any  of 
the  principal  bones  of  the  wing  of  a  fowl.  3. 
Small  wooden  pipe  forced  into  a  cask  or  barrel 
to  draw  off  liquor.  4.  Quill,  put  into  a  shuttle, 
on  which  the  woof  is  wound.  5.  Unevenness 
or  inequality  of  the  woof  in  point  of  thickness 
or  colour.  Irse  como  iina  canilla  6  de  canilla, 
To  labour  under  a  violent  diarrhoea  ;  (Met.) 
To  let  the  tongue  run  like  the  clapper  of  a  mill. 

CANILLADO,  DA,  a.  V.  Jlcanillado. 

CANILLERA,  sf.  1 .  Ancient  armour  for  the  shin- 
bone.  2.  Woman  who  distributes  skeins  of 
thread  to  be  wound  on  spools. 

CANILLERO,  sm.  1.  Hole  made  in  a  cask  or  vat 
to  draw  off  the  liquid  it  contains.  2.  Weaver's 

CANINA,  sf.  Excrement  of  dogs.  [manner 

< '\MNAMENTE,  ad.   Jn  a  passionate,  snarling 

CANINERO,  SOT.  One  who  gathers  the  excre 
ments  of  dogs  for  the  use  of  tan-yards,  [ing 

CAN  i  s /:/,.<?/.  Inordinate  appetite  or  desire  ofcat 

CAMNO,  N  A  ,  a.  Cam' no,  relating  to  or  resembling 
dogs.  Hambrc  ca.nina,  Canine  appetite  ;  vio- 
lent, inordinate  hunger.  Diodes  caninos, 
Dog-teeth,  the  teeth  between  the  incisors 
and  grinders.  Miisculo  ran/no,  Canine  muscle 
of  the  upper  lip,  which  serves  to  draw  it  up 

CASIQ.UI,  sf.  J.  Fiiu:  muslin  which  is  brought 
from  the  East  Indies.  2.  Kind  of  glass  phial 

CA.vo,  NA.  «.  Hoary,  gray -headed  with  age^  2 
(Met.)  Deliberate,  prudent,  judicious. 

CANOA,  sf.  Canoe,  a  boat  used  by  the  Indians 
and  made  by  hollowing  out  the  trunk  of  a  tree 

CANOERO,  sm.  One  who  conducts  or  steers  a 
canoe.  [they  go  on  a  fishing  party 

C.VNOI,  sm.  Basket  used  by  the  Indians  when 

CANofxA,  sm.  Small  canoe. 

CANON,  sm,.  1.  Canon,  the  decision  of  an  cede 
siastical  council  relative  to  the  doctrines  or 
discipline  of  the  church.  2.Whole  of  the  books 
which  compose  th<?  Holy  Scriptures.  3.  Fee  | 

paid  as  a  mark  of  acknowledgment  of  superi- 
ority in  a  higher  lord.  4.  Catalogue,  list.  Cd- 
noncs,  Canons  or  canonical  law. 

JANONESA,  sf.  Canoness,  a  woman  who  lives  in 
a  religious  house,  and  observes  its  rules,  with- 
out having  taken  the  vows  of  a  monastic  life. 

'ANONGE,  (Ant.)  V.  Candnigo. 

'ANONcfA,  sf.  Prebend  or  benefice  of  a  canon. 

!ANONGIBLE,  a.  Relating  to  canons  and  canoni- 
cal prebends. 

JANONIA,  (Ant.)  Y  CANONICATO.  V.  Canongia. 

^ANONICAMENTE,  ad.  Canonically,  conformably 
to  the  laws  of  the  church. 

/ANONICO,  CA,  a.  Canonical,  conformable  to  the 
canons  or  ecclesiastical  laws.  Iglesia  6  casa 
candnica,  House  or  monastery  of  regular 
canons.  2.  V.  Candnicamcnte. 

"ANONIGO,  sm.  Canon  or  prebendary.  Candnigo 
reglar,  A  canon  of  Pamplona  and  of  the  Pre- 
monstratensian  or  Norbertinian  order  of  re- 
ligious, [of  the  canon  law. 
^ANONISTA,  sm.  Canonist,  a  professor  or  student 

/ANONIZABLE,  (i.  Worthy  of  canonization. 

/ANONI/ACION,  sf.  Canonization,  the  act  of  de- 
claring a  saint. 

/ANONIZAR,  va.  1.  To  canonize,  to  declare  one  a 
saint.  2.  (Met.)  To  applaud  or  praise  a  thing. 

3.  (Met.)  To  prove  any  thing  good  or  bad. 
CANOPO,  sm.  Miner,  one  who  digs  for  metals. 
CANORO,  RA,  a.  1.  Canorous,  musical,  tuneful. 

2.  Shrill,  loud. 

CANOSO,  SA,  a.  Hoary,  gray-headed  with  age. 

CANQ.UE,  sm.  Kind  of  cotton  stuff  brought  from 
China.  [some,  tiresome  manner. 

CANSADAMENTE,  ad.  Importunely,  in  a  trouble- 

CANSADo,DA,/>/>.Wearied,  exhausted,  impaired. 
Una  pelota  cansada,  A  spent  ball.  Una,  vista, 
cansada,  An  impaired  eye-sight.  Una  lamina 
cansada,  A  worn-out  copper-plate. — a.  1. 
Tiresome,  troublesome.  2.  Performed  with 
much  pain  or  fatigue. 

CANSADO,  sm.  Troublesome  person  who  tires 
and  fatigues  others. 

situde, state  of  being  exhausted  with  fatigue. 

CANSAR,  va.  1.  To  weary,  to  tire,  to  fatigue,  to 
molest,  to  harass.  2.  To  exhaust  land. — rr. 
To  tire  one's  self,  to  be  fatigued. 

CANSERA,  sf.  Fatigue,  weariness.  Fulano  cs  un 
ra,  He  is  a  pestering  fellow. 

CANSO  Y  CANSOSO,  (Ant.)  V.  Canjado. 

CAST  ABLE,  a. I.  Tunable,  harmonious,  musical. 
2.  Pathetic,  affecting. 

CANTADA,  ?f.  Cantata,  a  musical  composition, 
consisting  of  recitations,  and  songs,  sung-  by 

CANTAPOR, ,stn.  V.  Cantor.  [one. 

CANTALETA.  sf.  Pun,  jest,  joke.  Dar  cantalrta, 
To  deride',  to  laugh  at,  to  turn  to  ridicule. 

CANTAR,  sm.  Song  set  to  music  to  be  sung. 
Cantares,  Canticles  or  Song  of  Solomon. 
C'antares  de  gesta,  Old  metrical  romances, 
detailing  the  actions  of  heroes. 

CANTAR,  va.  I.  To  sing  or  utter  harmonious  mo- 
dulations of  the  voice.  2.  To  recite  and  relate 
in  a  poetical  manner.  3.  (Met.)  To  creak,  to 
make  a  harsh,  grinding  noise ;  applied  to  carts. 

4.  To  divulge  a  secret.  5.  (At  Cards)  To  an- 
nounce the  frump.  Cantor  el  gobierno  del  ti- 
mon,  (Naut.)  To  cond  or  con,  to  order  the 





steersman  how  to  steer  the  ship.  Catar  d  li- 
bro  abierto,  To  sing  off-hand.  Cantar  de  pia- 
no, To  make  a  plain  and  full  confession.  Can- 
tar  la  victoria,  (Met.)  To  triumph.  Cantarle 
d  una  lapolra,  (Met.)  To  have  a  foretoken  of 
a  change  of  weather  by  pains  in  a  diseased 
part  of  the  body.  Cantar  misa,  To  say  mass. 
£{••!'.  c.a  otro  cautnr,  That  is  another  kind  of 
speech.  Cantar  en  tinaja,  (Met.)  To  be  fond 
of  one's  own  praise. 

CANTAKA^/.  1.  Largo  narrow-mouthed  pitcher. 
V.  Cantar o.  2.  Wine  measure  which  contains 
one  arfi-ba  of  eight  azumbrcs,  about  32  pints. 

CANTAHAI.,  sin.  Kind  of  press  or  cupboard  with 
many  draw 

CANTAUCICU  6  CANTARCI'LLO,  sm.  Little  song. 

CA.NT.YIIK;:A,  .'f.  Shelf  to  put  jars,  pitchers,  and 
other  water  veiisels  on. 

ANTAKIOA,  sj'.  J.  Cautharides,  Spanish  flies. 
Mela;  vesicalorius  L.  2.  Blistering-plaster.  3. 
Blister,  a  collection  of  water  under  the  skin. 
IANTAKILLO,  M,A,  s.  1.  Small  jar  or  pitcher,  2. 
(Bot.)  Oval-leaved  androsace.  Androsace 
maxima  L.  [constantly  singing. 

CANTAKIN,  sin.  Continual  singer,  one  who  is 

CANTAKJ.NA,  sf.  A  woman  who  sings  on  the 

CAST  A  no,  s/n.l .  Large  narrow-mouthed  pitcher. 
2.  Wine  measure  of  different  sizes  in  the 
kingdom  of  Aragon.  3.  Vessel  into  which  the 
votes  are  put  at  an  election.  Entrar  u  estar  en 
cdntaro,  To  stand  a  chance  of  obtaining  a 
place.  Estar  en  cuntaro,  To  be  proposed  for 
an  office;.  Llover  d  cantaros.  To  rain  heavily, 
to  pour.  Moza  de  cantaro,  Water-girl,  who 
carries  water  for  the  use  of  the  house  ;  fat, 
bulky  woman.  Volvn-  Ictsnuecesal  cdntaro, 
To  renew  a  contest. 

CANTATRIZ,  .s/.  V.  Caniariiia.  [at  one. 

CANTAZO,  sm.  Wound  given  by  flinging  a  stone 

CANTELES,  sm.  pi.  Ends  of  old  ropes  put  under 
casks  on  board  a  ship,  to  make  them  lie  fast. 

CANTEUA,  sf.  {.  Quarry,  a  place  where  stones 
are  dug.  2.  (Met.)  Talents  or  genius  evirtced 
by  a  person.  Lcvantur  una  cantera,  To  cause 
disturbances,  to  raise  commotions. 

CA.NTF.REAU.  vn.  To  hang  up  flitches  of  bacon, 
that  the  brine  may  run  oft' them. 

CANTKRIA,  sf.  1.  Art  of  hewing  stone,  the  trade 
of  a  stone-cutter.  2.  (Ant.)  Quarry.  3.  (Ant.) 
Parcel  of  hewn  stone. 

CANTEIJO,  s-m.  1.  Stone-cutter,  one  whose  busi- 
ness is  to  hew  stones.  2.  Part  of  a  hard  sub- 
stance which  can  be  easily  separated  from  the 
rest ;  c.  g.  cantcro  de  pan,  Crust  of  bread.  dc  kcredad,  (Arag.)- Piece  of  ground. 

CANTKRON,  sm.  Large  tract  of  land. 

CANTIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  tyiantia. 

CANTICA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V.  Cantar. 

CANTICAR,  va.  (Ant.)  V.  Cantar. 

CANTICIO,  sm.  Constant  or  frequent  singing. 

CANTICO,  sm.  Canticle,  the  Song  of  Solomon. 

CANTIDAO,  sf.  1.  Quantity,  that  property  of  a 
thing  which  may  be  counted,  weighed,  or 
measured.  2.  Length  of  time  used  in  pro- 
nouncing a  syllable.  Cantidad  continua, 
(Filos.)  Continued  quantity.  Cantidad  dis- 
(treta,  (Filos.)  Distinct  or  separate  quantity, 
as  of  numbers,  grains,  &c. 

,  sf.  V.  Cantar. 

CANTIL,  sm.  Steep  rock. 

CANTILENA,  sf.  .V.  Cantinela. 

CANT|LLO,  sin.  Small  rock,  little  stone. 

CANTIMARONES,*™.  pi.  (Naut.)  Kind  of  boats. 

CANTIMPLORA,  sf.  1.  Syphon,  a  crooked  tube  or 
pipe  for  drawing  off  water  or  other  liquor.  2. 
Vessel  for  cooling  liquors. 

CANTINA,  sf.  1.  Cellar  where  wine  or  water  is 
kept  for  use.  2.  Case,  containing  one  or  two 
flasks,  which  are  used  to  cool  wine  on  a 
journey  or  march.  Cantinas,  CANTEENS,  small 
tin  chests  set  in  cork  wood,  and  covered  with 
leather,  for  carrying  wine  and  other  liquors 
on  a  march  or  journey. 

CANTINJCLA,  sf.  1.  Ballad,  a  short  song.  2.  Irk- 
some repetition  of  a  subject.  $J)kora  se  vienc 
c6n  esa  cantinela  ?  Does  he  come  again  with 
that  old  story  ?  [liquors  and  plate. 

CANTINEKO,  sm.  Butler,  servant  intrusted  with 

CANTINA,  sf.  A  vulgar  song  in  Galicia. 

CANTI/AL,  sm.  Stony  ground,  full  of 

CANTO,  sm.  I.  Stone.  2.  Game  of  throwing  the 
stone.  3.  Act  of  singing.  4*  End,  edge,  or 
bordeP  of  a  thing.  Canto  de  mesa,  Extremity 
of  a  table.  De  canto,  On  the  edge  or  end.  EL 
lailr'dlo  estd  de  canto,  y  no  de  piano,  The 
brick  is  put  on  its  edge,  and  not  on  the  flat 
part.  5.  (Ant.)  Canticle.  V.  Cantico.  6.  Art 
of  music.  7.  Canto,  a  part  of  an  epic  poem. 
8.  (Extr.  y  And.)  Hard  crust  of  a  loaf.  {). 
Thickness  of  a  thing.  A1  6  al  canto,  Immi- 
nent, very  near.  Con  un  canto  d  los  peclios, 
With  the  utmost  pleasure,  with  the  greatest 

CANTON,  sm.  1.  Corner,  exterior  angle  formed 
by  two  lines.  2.  (Bias.)  Part  of  an  escutcheon. 

CANTONADA,  sf.  (Arag.)  Corner.  Dar  canto- 
nada,To  laugh  at  a  person  on  turning  a  corner. 

CANTONAR,  va.  V.  Acantonar. 

CANTONEARSE,  vr*  V.  Contonearse. 

CANTONEO,  V.  Conloneo. 

CANTONERA,  sf.  1.  Square  plate  nailed  to  the 
outside  corner  of  a"  chest,  trunk,  or  box,  to 
strengthen  it.  2.  Woman  of  the  town. 

CANTONERO,  RA,  a.  Standing  idle  at  the  corner 
of  a  street. 

CANTOR,  RA,  s.  1.  Singer,  one  whose  profession 
is  to  sing.  2.  One  who  composes  hymns  or 
psalms.  3.  Small  kind  of  singing  bird. 

CANTORCILLO,  sm.  Petty,  worthless  singer. 

CANTORIA,  sf.  (Ant.)  Musical  canto  ;  singing. 

CANTORRAL,  sm.  Piece  of  stony  ground,  place 
full  of  stones,  [poorer  classes  of  the  people. 

CANTUDAS,  sf.  pi.  Large  coarse  knives  for  the 

CANTUESO,  sm.  (Bot.)  French  lavender.  Lavan- 
dula  stoschas  L. 

CANTURfA,  sf.l.  Vocal  music.  2.  Musical  com- 
position. 3.  Method  of  performing  musical 
compositions.  Esta  composicion  tiene  buena 
6  mala  canturia,  That  piece  of  music  is  well 
or  ill  performed. 

CANTUSAR,  va.  To  enchant.  V.  Encantiisar. 

CANUDO,  DA,  a.  Hoary,  gray  ;  ancient. 

CANA,  sf.  1.  Cane,  reed.  Arundo  L.  2.  Stem, 
stalk.  La  cana  del  trigo,  Stem  of  corn.  3. 
(Bot.)  Indian  reed  used  for  walking-sticks 
Canna  indica  L.  4.  (Anat.)  Bone  of  the  arm 



or  leg.  5.  Subterraneous  passage  or  commu- 
nication in  mines.  6.  Shaft  of  a  column  or 
pillar.  7.  Marrow,  the  oleaginous  substance 
found  in  bones.  8.  Tournament.  Caiia  dci 
pulmrm,  (Anat.)  Windpipe,  the  passage  of  the 
breath.  Cana  de  la  media,  Leg  of  a  stocking. 
Caiia  deltimon,  (Naiit.)  Tiller,  a  strong  piece 
of  wood  fastened  to  a  ship's  rudder,  which 
serves  to  steer  her.  Cana  de  pcscar,  Fishing- 
rod.  Cana  dc  -caca,  Shinbone  of  beef.  Cana 
dulce  6  de  azacar,  (Bot.)  Sugar-cane.  Saccha- 
rum  officinamm  L.  Cana  de  un  canon,  Chase 
of  a  gun.  Canas  de  cebadcra,  (Naut.)  Sprit- 
sail  sheet-blocks.  Hubo  toros  y  canas,  (Met.) 
There  was  the  devil  to  pay.  Pescador  de  cana, 
mas  come  que  gana  :  (Prov.)  An  angler  eats 
more  than  he  gets.  Canas;  Equestrian  exer- 
cises of  throwing  canes. 

CANADA,  sf.  1.  Glen  or  dale  between  two 
mountains.  2.  Canada  real,  Sheep-walk  for 
the  travelling  flocks  which  pass  from  the 
mountainous  and  colder  parts  of  Spain  to  the 
flat  and  warmer  parts  of  that  country.  3. 
(Astur.)  Measure  of  wine. 

CANADICAS  6  CANAoixAS,  Small  mea- 
sures for  wine.,  [cassia-tree. 

CANAFISTOLA,  sf.  Cassia  fistula,  the  fruit  of  the 

CANAFISTOLO,  sm.  (Bot.)  Purging  cassia-tree. 
Cassia  fistula  L. 

CANAHEJA  v  CANAIIERLA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Fennel- 
giant,  or  gigantic  fennel.  Ferula  communis  L. 

CANAL,  sm.  \.  Wear  or  wier  for  fishing,  made 
of  caries  or  reeds.  *2.  (Ant.)  Plantation  of 
canes  or  reeds.  3.  Small  sluice,  or  channel. 
for  catching  fish.  4.  Conduit  of  water. 

CANALIEGA..S/".  (Arit.)  Wear  or  wier  for  fishing. 

CANAMA,  sf.  Assessment  of  taxes,  paid  by  a 
village  or  other  place.  Cusa  caiiama,  House 
exempt  from  taxes.  Cogedor  de  caiiama, 

CANAMAR,  sm.  Field  sown  with  hemp-seed. 

CANAMA/.O,  sm.   1.  Tow  of  hemp.  2.  Coarse 
canvas  made  of  the  tow  of  hemp.  3.  Painted 
or  checkered  stuff  for  table  carpets,  made  of 
•CANAMENO,  NA,  a.  Hempen,  made  of  hemp. 

CAN  AMiKL,6'w.(Bot.)Sugar-carie.V.  Cana  dulce 

CANAMIZ,  sm.  Kind  of  Indian  vessel. 

CANAMIZA,  sf.  Stalk  of  hemp.  V.  Jlgramiza. 

CANAMO,  sm.  1.  (Bot.)  Hemp.  Cannabis  L 
Cdnamo  silvcstre,Basfard  hemp,  which  grows 
wild  in  the  fields.  2.  Cloth  made  of  hemp.  3 
(Poet.)  Slings,  nets,  rigging,  and  other 
things,  made  of  hemp. 

CARAMON,  sm.  Hemp-seed. 

CANAR,  sm.  1.  Plantation  of  canes  or  reeds.  2 
Wear  for  catching  fish. 

CANAREJA,  sf.  V.  Canakeja. 

CANARIEGO,  OA,  a.  Pcllejos  fanariegos,  Skins 
of  sheep  which  die  on  the  road  when  travel- 
ling. [Parietaria  officinalis  L 

CANARRdvA,  sf.  (Bot.)  PelHtory,  wall-wort 
CANAYERA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Common  reed-grass 

Arundo  donax  L. 

CANAVERAL,  sm.  Plantation  of  canes  or  reeds 
CANAVKRKR  6  CANAVERAR,  V.  Acanavcrear. 
CAN  AYR  KI  A,  sf.  Place  where  reed-grass  or 

reeds  grow. 

CA.NAVEREUO,  Sm,  Retailer  of  canes  or  reeds. 

CANAVETE,  sm.  1.  Penknife.  2.  Small  locust,  a 

ANAZO,  sm.  Hostile  blow  given  with  a  cane. 
Dar  canazo,  (Met.)  To  shock  by  a  scandalous 

UANEKIA,  sf.  Conduit  of  water,  a  water  pipe. 

~ANERO,  sm.  1.  Conduit-maker,  director  ofwa- 
ter-works.  2.  Angler,  one  who  fishes  with  a 
rod,  hook,  and  line. 

ANILAVADO,  DA,  a.  Small  limbed  ;  applied  to 
horses  and  mules. 

ANILI.A  6  CANITA,  sf.  Small  cane  or  reed. 
ANIVETE,  .sm.  Small  knife,  or  penknife. 

^ANIZA,  sf.  Kind  of  coarse  linen. 

^ANIZAL,  sm.  V.  Canaveral. 
AN  i/o,  sm.  1.  Hurdle,  a  frame  made  of  canes 
or  reeds,  for  rearing  silk-worms.    2.  Hurdle, 
used  by  hatters  for  shearing  hats. 
ANO,  sm.  1.  Tube,  pipe,  or  cylinder,  made  of 
wood,  glass,  or  metal.  2.  Common  sewer.  3. 
Spring ;  spout  through  which  spring  water 
runs.  4.  Cellar  or  other  place  for  cooling  wa- 
ter. 5.  (Ant.)  Mine.  6.  (Ant.)  Subterraneous 
passage.    7.   (Ant.)  Warren  or  burrow.  V. 
Vivar.  Canos  6  can6ncs  del  organo,  Tubes 
or  pipes  of  an  organ. 
IANOCAZO,  sm.  (Ant.)  Coarse  flax. 

CANON,  sm.  1.  Tube  or  pipe,  hollow  and  cylin- 
drical. 2.  (In  Glass-houses)  Tube  or  pipe 
for  blowing  glass.  3.  Quill,  the  hard  strong 
feather  of  the  wings  of  fowls,  of  which  pens 
are  made.  4.  Down,  or  soft  feathers  of  fowls. 
5.  Hollow  folds  in  clothes.  6.  Strongest  part 
of  the  beard,  next  to  the  root.  7.  Cannon, 
great  gun.  A'  boca  de  canon,  At  the  mouth 
of  a  cannon.  Canon  dc  latir.  Battering  piece 
of  ordnance.  Canon  de  campana,  Field-piece. 

dalero,  Tube  of  a  candlestick.  9.  Canon  de 
chimenea,  Funnel,  the  shaft  of  a  chimney,  the 
passage  for  the  smoke.  10.  Canon  de  csculera, 
Well  of  a  staircase  ;  that  is,  the  cavity  in 
which  it  stands  frorii  the  top  to  the  bottom. 
11.  One  of  the  four  spindles  of  the  bar  of  avel- 
vet  loom.  Canones,  Bits  of  a  horse's  bridle. 

CANONAZO,  sm.  1.  Large  piece  of  ordnance.  2. 

CANONCICO,  ILLO,  Y  ITO,  sm.  Small  cannon. 

CANONEAR,  va.  To  cannonade. — vr.  To  can- 
nonade each  other. 

CANONEO,  sm.  Cannonade. 

CANONERA,  sf.  1.  Embrasure  through  which  a 
cannon  is  pointed.  2.  Large  tent.  [organ. 

CANONERIA,  sf.  The  whole  of  the  pipes  of  an 

CANOTA  SUAVE,  .*/.  (Bot.)  Yellow-seeded  soft 
grass.  Holcus  saccharatus  L. 

CANUCEI.A  6  CANUELA,  sf.  Small  cane  or  reed. 
Canuefa  dcsc.ollada,  {Bot.)  Large  fescue- 
grass.  Festuca  clatior  L. 

CANUTAZO,  sm.  (Bax.)  Information,  private  ac- 
cusation, suggestion,  whisper,  tale.  Fuc  con 
su  canutazo,  He  went  to  carry  his  tale. 

CANUTER|A,  sf.  V.  Canoncriti. 

CANUTii.i.o,s??i.  1.  Small  tube  or  pipe.  2.  Bugle, 
small  glass  tubes  of  different  colours,  stitched 
to  the  tassels  and  flounces  of  women's  gowns, 
to  make  them  appear  more  brilliant.  Canutillo 



de  kilo  de  oro  6  de  plata  para  bordar,  Quill 
of  gold  or  silver  twist  for  embroidery. 

C  \  s  i'  TO ,  sm.  I .  Part  of  a  cane  from  knot  to  knot. 
2.  Pipe  made  of  wood  or  metal.  3.  Pin-case. 
4.  Blast,  gust.  V.  Soplo.  5.  Informer,  tale- 
bearer. V.  Soplon.  [Swietenia  mahogani  L. 

CAOIJ.V  6  CAOBANA,  sf.  (Bot.)  Mahogany  tree. 

CAOS,  sm.  1.  Chaos,  the  confused  mass  of  the 
universe  before  the  creation.  2.  Confusion. 

CAOSTKA,  sf.  (Ant.)  V. 

CAOUPjsm.Caoup,  an  American  tree  with  leaves 
like  an  apple-tree,  and  fruit  like  an  orange. 

CAPA,  sf.  I.  Cloak,  a  large  outer  garment  with- 
out sleeves,  worn  by  gentlemen  over  the  rest 
of  their  clothes.  2.